Enko Laberan |

"Where there is a holy symbol, or perhaps unholy symbol, there is or was a priest around."
Enko peers at the muck. any humanoid skeletons in there?

GM Mug |

There are pieces of bone in the muck, but it's hard as everything is goey and disgusting.

Enko Laberan |

"Inheritor's Blade. Let's get out of here," says Enko, not sounding much like a monk. He keeps an eye on the muck and begins to back out of the room.

Lucon |

Let us go west, young Chelaxians!

Ava Wavesdotter |

Ava steels herself, her bow drawn and ready for whatever foul surprise awaits them.

Sabinus |

"Agreed, although the meaning of the labeling of the doors eludes me. What does that book remind me of? Ava, this might be an appropriate moment to search for traps."

Enko Laberan |

Enko steps up to the door with the carving of the book, to see if the book fits the carving like a puzzle piece.
"I'd rather not have to retrieve that glaive..."

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But if they are keys of some sort? Do we dare try one door without all three keys?
The Viscount takes some time to sketch a rough outline of the map, and the images shown on the doors, in his little log book for future contemplation.
Is there a theme that unites these three items? Historicalicity? religioulousness? Literaturation?

GM Mug |

When you near the door to give it a closer examination, your mind is suddenly filled with the certainty, almost the instinct, that if you opened the door with the book in your possession, you'd be able to instantly transport yourself to wherever you consider home.
I'm guessing it'd be the hideout, but it's not a choice so much as a place 'where your heart most considers home'.

Enko Laberan |

Enko pulls the book back, his eyes thoughtful. "...Possession. In the case of Jabe's book, it's somewhat literal, but it's the holding of the items that takes one back...home. To the place your heart desires most to go."
He turns to the group. "For myself and most of us, that would be the headquarters of the Torchbringers. Once we find what we're looking for, we have a way out."
Enko extends his hand. "Someone stand with linked arms with me. We have only two items, and I don't know if the symbol does the same thing...and I don't know if the portal works only once. Let us see if two people will experience the same sensation."

GM Mug |

Assuming someone does link arms/establish some form of physical contact with Enko.
Conducting a couple experiments you both notice a similar sensation, but it doesn't extend to three people, only one or two. Also you seem to understand that the wielder of the artifact will drive the destination location, rather than each of you being drawn to different locations.

GM Mug |

There is no reaction from the door, other than what Enko felt already, a sudden... revelation of the power of entering the appropriate door with the corresponding item. The holder and one other will be able to step through to the place they consider home in their heart, as it is not a conscious choice of location.

Ava Wavesdotter |

"That's our ticket out, then..." Ava says. "But we still haven't found what we came for."
She'll do a search around the room as the others experiment. Taking 20 for 27 (29 with stone)
"My gut says we need all the pieces of this puzzle before we can really solve it. Unfortunately that means we might need to backtrack..."

Sabinus |

"I suppose it looks that way, but how do we get the glaive from that devil? Isn't he beyond our ability to fight? Is the idea he would trade the glaive for his freedom? Can he be trusted to keep his side of the bargain? Is he not too insane?"

Caladius Rend |

"You saw and heard how he reacted to Cornelous, that devil is as crazy as crazy gets. And yeah, I doubt he'd want to have a warm and fuzzy chat, so my money's on there being violence." Caladius shrugs. "It'd be kinder to kill him here than leave him jailed and crazy for eternity. Doesn't seem like we'll have much choice in the end if all of us want to get out of here though."

Sabinus |

"I don't know much about devils. What kind of devil he is? Do we know how powerful he is? I wouldn't want to have had to fight the one that took away the tiefling..."

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He was a soldier in Hell's army. His mind is warped around killing. It will be violent, and it will not be pretty when he's released. Devils can bargain- but he's not the type willing to parlay. Perhaps for his freedom- but even then he wouldn't be trustworthy and we have no way of controlling him.

Lucon |

"B... But can we fell a devil? Just we six?" he says, struggling to recall his journey through this labyrinthine place. He looks to the Viscount expectantly. "Milord?"
How much can we glean about Bearded Devils from a knowledge check?

GM Mug |

Corneleous learned/recalled (and shared I assume) about Beared Devils;
Elite warriors in Hell's legions, bearded devils—or barbazus—fight savagely in the name of their infernal lords and command mindless hordes of the damned into battle. They collect and train with their infernally forged glaives among the vaults of Hell's third layer, Erebus, but inevitably return to the first layer, Avernus, to serve at the side of the dread lord Barbatos.
Barbazus are fond of making charge attacks with their glaives, and try to maintain a 10-foot gap between themselves and their foes so they can use their signature polearms to great effect. Against a foe that has greater reach (or one able to otherwise avoid the devil's favored tactic), they drop their glaives and resort to their claws and hideous spiked beards.
At attention, bearded devils stand over 6 feet tall (though their squatting battle stances often make them appear shorter) and weigh upward of 200 pounds.
Sabinus learned/recalled about runecurses;
Sabinus does not know what type of devil is attached to the runecurse in his possession. Only that the devil is a named one, and agreed to be a part of the curse in an agreement with the curse's creator. But typically they are of stronger ilk than a bearded devil.

Sabinus |

Thankfully, you mean the runecurse that USED to be in Sabinus' possession! But it is good to know the devil that took the tiefling was of tougher stuff than the (tough enough) bearded devil.

Enko Laberan |

Enko thinks for a moment while the Viscount relates the information regarding bearded devils.
"To my understanding, if one kills a devil, here on Golarion, their shade returns to Hell, does it not? Eventually? Perhaps that death will even cure the devil's madness."
The monk opens his hands. "It seems beneficial, then. We kill it and take its glaive, and our gift to it is a release from this world and insanity. A fair exchange."

Sabinus |

"I'm pretty strongly in favor of personal freedom, Caladius, but I think I'd draw the line at a homicidal devil. I think he and lots of other violent maniacs probably do deserve to be locked up like that, although I probably agree with the suggestion that death is the kinder punishment. In any event, although I share Lucon's hesitation, I'm willing to go with the group consensus. Hopefully the beast is not immune to my hexes."

Ava Wavesdotter |

"We smugglers always carry silver in case we run afoul of a binder. They say it's the devil's bane." Ava says. "It certainly cut through those lesser ones we fought earlier. Perhaps it'll work as well against this one as well."

Lucon |

"The devil's bane... Ermolos certainly knows what he's doing, I'll give him that." he says, spinning his silver hammer in his hands and admiring the craftsmanship once more. "Let's hope it's not just superstition, eh Ava?"

Ava Wavesdotter |

"We could be in trouble, then." she says wryly. "Caladius, if you're feeling up to it you can use my hammer - I'm still weakened from those spectres' touch."
She retrieves her hammer and offers it to Caladius. "They say that dwarven craftsmanship is the best. But then, they say a lot of things."
Ava's sitting at 13 str right now, so she probably won't be a huge help in melee outside of flanking and aid anothers.

GM Mug |

Moving you closer as it seems folks are in favor of returning.
The group moves cautiously back through the Asmodean heart, carefully moving back up the slick tunnel with some luck and rope work (not looking forward to the way back) and past the pool where the drowned creatures fought you, back into the cell block, your path taking you right past the transparent rear wall of the bearded devils cell.
Corneleous, what was your Knowledge roll? I'll check after lunch for what you know about defenses of the foe

Enko Laberan |

"Ava, I have silver coating for my sling bullets, and even weakened you are stronger than I. Or perhaps you could shoot a bow. Friends, let us discuss a plan before we rush in."

Sabinus |

"I will pursue my usual course of action -- try to plague him with misfortune and then try to put him to sleep. If that fails, continue to plague him with bad luck, so as to turn the tide of battle to our favor. I will also heal as necessary, and folks should call out for assistance if they need healing."