Council of Thieves

Game Master Mug

"We did not fail Aroden—he failed us, though we Wiscrani held the faith! We embraced that adversity and replaced his betrayal with strength and order." —Alcini Vitaron of Alcini’s Apothecary

**Combat Map**
*Map of Westcrown*

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Female Dwarf Rogue/4; Cavalier/1
Max hp 43 | Init +3 Per +7 (+9 stone; Darkvision 60ft) | AC 20/ T 13/FF 18 (+2 vs Aberrations) | F +5/R + 6/ W +1 (+2 vs poison, spells, spell-like) | CMB +8 CMD 20 (24 stability)

"I was planning on just running interference," Ava says. "But I'll lend a swinging arm proper if that's what we need."

What Corneleous knows about Bearded Devils Strengths and Weaknesses:

Weakness against good or silver based attacks

Immune to fire and poison
Resistant to acid and cold
Highly resistant to magical spells

Very strong and dangerous with their claws or glaives, also it's rumored they can cause substantial damage with their long beards, beards which are said to have a mind of their own when it comes to battle.

Dark Archive

M Human (Chelaxian) Wizard 5 (conjurer)
Init +5 Per +4 | AC 15 (w mage armor) otherwise 11/11 | HP 35/35 | F +2/R +2/ W +5| CMB +3 CMD 15

The devil has a myriad of defenses. Fire and poison are ineffective, cold and acid will barely harm it. Other spells can be shrugged off. My spells and my low summons may be only annoyances. The only damage I can give is this wand of magic missiles. It's not too late to admit defeat.


"Are you volunteering to be one of the ones left behind, Viscount? Because a pair of us will be stranded here if we don't take that devil's glaive."

Monk of the Upper Reach 4 | Separatist Cleric of Iomedae 1
Init +4 Per +11 | AC 22/22/15 | HP 32/32 | F +6/R + 8/ W +9/+11 enchant| CMB +4/+7 trip CMD 25/27 trip | Redir 4/4

"Unless there is another exit."

"Nevertheless, I think we can...remove that devil from this plane of existence...readily enough."

Enko doesn't know your spell list, I don't think, but Web and Invisibility and Grease come to mind. Web the devil before we enter, make Ava invisible, and grease its glaive. No SR to worry about. And Enko plans to trip the #@$#@$ out of that devil. Not all attacks are attacks! That sounded very monkish. Not all attacks are attacks.

Dark Archive

M Human (Chelaxian) Wizard 5 (conjurer)
Init +5 Per +4 | AC 15 (w mage armor) otherwise 11/11 | HP 35/35 | F +2/R +2/ W +5| CMB +3 CMD 15

You know I value mine own hide. I am just bemoaning my current state of exhaustion. Well rested and prepared with the correct assortment of spells, I could perhaps do some damage.

He's got summon I and II left, but neither can hurt the demon- all they can do is distract and soak up some blows. He could use his staff to recast web, although the spell may be far too big for the cell itself. He should have a second grease spell handy (he used one on the tiefling's crossbow). Ava can definitely take the invisible for maximum advantage.

What was the floor of the prison made of? Could an earth elemental burrow through it? If so: summon both summons- to at least get a flanking bonus. If the earth elemental can burrow up and grapple, that could help. Grease the weapon on the first round, and fire magic missiles (hoping they don't get resisted) from a distance while the party slugs it out, toe to toe, with the demon.


Could you grease the weapon, have an elemental burrow in, steal it, then burrow back out with the weapon in hand?

The floor is made of planar stone, aka: stone. :) An earth elemental could burrow through it.

Dark Archive

M Human (Chelaxian) Wizard 5 (conjurer)
Init +5 Per +4 | AC 15 (w mage armor) otherwise 11/11 | HP 35/35 | F +2/R +2/ W +5| CMB +3 CMD 15

@GMMUG: In that case, can an earth elemental carry the glaive with them when it burrows?

Also, remembering back to the circle trapping the devil: Crossing the line will break the circle, thus freeing the devil to come at us- but what about the cell door itself? Is it strong enough to withstand the brute force of the devil? And, is there an opening to shoot through?

Grease + Burrow + distract/blind = steal glaive without combat sounds like a much safer plan!

Not much in the prd about earth elementals carrying stuff with them, but the idea intrigues me, and with the lack of clear information I'll say Yes, they can carry stuff. There is no circle trapping the devil, instead the room itself has been imbued with magic to keep it in. Opening the door is the only way for the devil to escape, and while there is an eye hole on all the other doors in the cell block, the bearded devils door does not have an eye hole. Probably to maintain the integrity of the binding on the room.

Dark Archive

M Human (Chelaxian) Wizard 5 (conjurer)
Init +5 Per +4 | AC 15 (w mage armor) otherwise 11/11 | HP 35/35 | F +2/R +2/ W +5| CMB +3 CMD 15

Then I'd summon the elemental (extended with my staff's metamagic) and cast invisible on him, then distract the demon (do we know if he's holding the glaive??).

The bearded demon is holding his glaive, and communicates with it like it's his annoying little brother.


Great. We're going to turn this insane bearded devil into our own horrible version of Gollum. =\

Caladius looks at the Viscount, the rotund man obviously deep in throught weighing the options and abilities of his spells. The burly tiefling, for his part, draws his sword in case a fight breaks out depsite all their precautions.

Dark Archive

M Human (Chelaxian) Wizard 5 (conjurer)
Init +5 Per +4 | AC 15 (w mage armor) otherwise 11/11 | HP 35/35 | F +2/R +2/ W +5| CMB +3 CMD 15

In that case, lets make him angry and distract him so that the elemental can rise up (invisible) and snatch the glaive. I would say he's got a fairly good chance (16 str).

Female Dwarf Rogue/4; Cavalier/1
Max hp 43 | Init +3 Per +7 (+9 stone; Darkvision 60ft) | AC 20/ T 13/FF 18 (+2 vs Aberrations) | F +5/R + 6/ W +1 (+2 vs poison, spells, spell-like) | CMB +8 CMD 20 (24 stability)

Ava rests her hammer on her shoulder. "We ready?"

Viscount Corneleous Ornelos wrote:

Gird your loins! We're doing this the viscount whisper shouts.

Summon earth elemental, extended.
Invisible him.

Grease at the Glaive.
The elemental will burrow and snatch the polearm and sink into the floor.

The invisible elemental sinks into the floor and (presumably) moves near the crazed devil dancing around in it's cell. The Viscount readies his grease spell, but needs a line of effect to the glaive as the one way 'window' at the back of the cell will not allow the grease spell to pass through.

Male Human Witch/5
(HP 22/22; Init +5; Perception +9; AC with mage armor: 19/14/16; AC without mage armor: 14/14/11; F+1, R+4, W+4; CMB +1, CMD: 15

Can Sabinus put the devil to sleep through the glass, or is the same line of effect problem?

Dark Archive

M Human (Chelaxian) Wizard 5 (conjurer)
Init +5 Per +4 | AC 15 (w mage armor) otherwise 11/11 | HP 35/35 | F +2/R +2/ W +5| CMB +3 CMD 15

(Apologies, I blame my tablet.)

In that case, adjust the invisibility spell to Available so she can sneak around and backstabbing.

Alright, lets go with a few readied actions to get you guys moving.

After a little preparation you make a plan to try and steal the glaive. With a sudden movement, Caladius throws open the door. Corneleous casts the grease spell on the completely surprised devil -he just stares at you all by the open door with total shock- and the glaive he wields is quickly coated by the spell. Ava, seeing the spell take effect, slams the door shut with a bang. The glaive slips from its fingers to the floor and the devil rushes at the door even as Ava throws the bolt into place. Unseen, the earth elemental grabs the weapon and it slides eerily into the stone floor like a boat sinking into a still lake. By the time the devil realizes something is amiss, the sword is gone, and it takes up wailing and throwing itself at the walls, screaming about how you've stolen it's only friend!

Similarities to any characters from lotr is purely coincidental. :)

As bidden, the invisible elemental flows upward out of the rock, the glaive held out for someone to retrieve.


Caladius snatches the glaive with a grunt, frowning at the cell as he watches the devil heave himself against the door.
"There, we have the glaive. I still don't feel right leaving it in there like that though. I think it'd be kinder to end his suffering rather than leave him to go crazier."

A voice seems to penetrate your mind as your hand closes on the weapon, dark and invasive. .... What's this? You've managed to rescue me from that lunatic! Together, we will rule the world in the name of our Dark Master! Will save DC10 or start to sing a song of praise to Asmodeous


Will Save: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14

Caladius looks confusedly at the weapon as his hands grasp it, his forehead wrinkling in a mix of confusion and anger.

"What kind of twisted magic is this? Rescued? What?"

Seeing the strange looks blooming on the faces around him, he tries to explain, "Uhhh, I think the glaive is... alive? Is that possible?"

Of course it's possible, you idiot! Have I been rescued by a moron then? *sigh* Just my luck. I, Anvengen’s Edge, greatest blade of the Dark One, in the hands of yet another bumbling buffoon! You can sense much of the malice from the sword centers on it's inability to bend you to it's will a moment before.


"Just your luck? How about just my luck!" The tiefling sighs deeply, then looks to the others, "It's bossy, rude, and arrogant. On second thought, maybe we should give it back to the crazy devil and just look for another glaive."

Oh please Tiefling. I know your kind couldn't pass up the opportunity for a weapon such as I, and the power I represent, so let us not be coy. Plus, you'll never know the secrets of this place if you leave me be. Your kind is soooo predictable. You are in the presence of GREATNESS boy!

Male Human Witch/5
(HP 22/22; Init +5; Perception +9; AC with mage armor: 19/14/16; AC without mage armor: 14/14/11; F+1, R+4, W+4; CMB +1, CMD: 15

Sabinus laughs with nervous relief seeing the earth elemental emerge with the glaive. "That was a brilliant plan. I'm quite impressed." He then stares confusedly in response to Caladius' comments. "Alive? You mean someone got turned into a glaive? And it is speaking to you telepathically? Has it identified itself? What is it telling you to do?"


Caladius look to Sabinus, "Yeah, telepathically. It wants me to worship Asmodeus and use it to- well, conquer. But it's being very rude about it. And if the thing doesn't mind its tone I'm going to leave it buried in that filth we found the holy symbol in." This last sentence is directed more at the glaive than Sabinus. "I think it said it's name is Anvengen Edge." He glares at the glaive, "What'd you say your name was again? And don't call me 'boy' if you know what's good for you, glaive."

Male Human Witch/5
(HP 22/22; Init +5; Perception +9; AC with mage armor: 19/14/16; AC without mage armor: 14/14/11; F+1, R+4, W+4; CMB +1, CMD: 15

"I think it's best you hold onto it, since you and the glaive seem to have such a natural rapport. But please let us know if you feel it trying to exert itself over your will by means other than haughty commands."

Oh, did I offend your feminine sensibilities? ...I suppose that explains why you prefer to be called 'girl' and not 'boy' as I erroneously assumed you were. With such large pectoral muscles... you understand the confusion. So you have found the holy symbol? Surely you are powerful indeed to defeat the monster defending it! You may call me **Master** for now girl, until you are deemed worthy. Girl, tell that pale thing to Shut Up and slap him in the face!

Will Save DC10 to avoid telling Sabinus to Shut Up and slapping him in the face.

You frequent conversation with Avengen's Edge gives you the insight that it (usually) only has opportunities to exert it's will over yours when engaging it in frequent conversation.


Will Save: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4 LOL

Caladius suddenly reaches out and slaps Sabinus across the cheek, "Shut up!"
His eyes go wide immediately after, "What? Sorry! I didn't-" then his attention shifts to the glaive. Glowering angrily at it, he utters a curse in Abyssal which he feels confident the spirit within will understand. "I don't like this glaive!" His declaration is loud and has a tone of absolute finality to it.

Touchy! About that time of the month again, eh Girl? Excellent slap by the way, quite masterful. You may make a good pet after all.


In an equally loud voice, Caladius continues to argue with the glaive, "Arrrrgh! Fine! Call me what you want! I'm going to use you to... to... to save orphans! And... and to kill devils! And I'm going to use you to deface every Asmodean altar we come across! The rest of the time you can just rust!"

Ah so you do have some spirit. Excellent! A devotee of Asmodeus should have nothing less. But this talk of saving orphans, I feel a little embarrassed for you. And you're adorable when you're angry. Will Save DC8 or let loose some loud flatulence.

Male Human Witch/5
(HP 22/22; Init +5; Perception +9; AC with mage armor: 19/14/16; AC without mage armor: 14/14/11; F+1, R+4, W+4; CMB +1, CMD: 15

"Hey! What was that for!? ... Caladius, are you sure you can control yourself around this sword?"

Magnificent bull-rushing train of justice and smack-downs | Init +1 Per +2 | AC 25/12/23 or AC 21/12/19| HP 45/45 | F +6/R + 2/ W +3| +3 bravery, +1 trait bonus vs. devils CMB +8 CMD 19 | Conditions: None
pick one-handed power attack w/shield +8 (1d6+9) | pick two-handed power attack +10 (1d6+13/x4) | pick one handed w/shield +10 (1d6+5/x4) or two handed +12 (1d6+7/x4) | bardiche +10 (1d10+13/19-20; reach, brace) |

"I... Maybe you should ask it about this place? About... the shadowbeasts?" Lucon asks, staring at his feet. "Just... just a thought."

Monk of the Upper Reach 4 | Separatist Cleric of Iomedae 1
Init +4 Per +11 | AC 22/22/15 | HP 32/32 | F +6/R + 8/ W +9/+11 enchant| CMB +4/+7 trip CMD 25/27 trip | Redir 4/4

"Maybe..we should use it as a door opener before it drives Caladius insane. Or stow it in something," says Enko.

Dark Archive

M Human (Chelaxian) Wizard 5 (conjurer)
Init +5 Per +4 | AC 15 (w mage armor) otherwise 11/11 | HP 35/35 | F +2/R +2/ W +5| CMB +3 CMD 15

Intelligence, and devil worship? My what a weapon. Mr. Rend, if that blade proves too powerful for you, we can always have my mindless unseen servant carry it.

Metagaming question: would the Viscount know the ancient runelords carried such weapons?

Female Dwarf Rogue/4; Cavalier/1
Max hp 43 | Init +3 Per +7 (+9 stone; Darkvision 60ft) | AC 20/ T 13/FF 18 (+2 vs Aberrations) | F +5/R + 6/ W +1 (+2 vs poison, spells, spell-like) | CMB +8 CMD 20 (24 stability)

"Hah! Well, at least we know it's probably the right one then." Ava grins, clearly amused by the antics. "I wouldn't mind carrying it either - it sounds like a real riot."


Will Save: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7

A peal of thunder sounds from Caladius' backside and his shoulders slump as he glares wordlessly at the weapon. He looks at Ava, "It's not. It's not at all. Let's just hurry up. The sooner we're out of here the sooner I can leave this thing in a pool of holy water."

Female Dwarf Rogue/4; Cavalier/1
Max hp 43 | Init +3 Per +7 (+9 stone; Darkvision 60ft) | AC 20/ T 13/FF 18 (+2 vs Aberrations) | F +5/R + 6/ W +1 (+2 vs poison, spells, spell-like) | CMB +8 CMD 20 (24 stability)

"Yes, let's keep moving." the dwarf says. "That execution was very clean, by the way. Well done."

We shall head back down!

Dark Archive

M Human (Chelaxian) Wizard 5 (conjurer)
Init +5 Per +4 | AC 15 (w mage armor) otherwise 11/11 | HP 35/35 | F +2/R +2/ W +5| CMB +3 CMD 15

Do the three 'keys' open the doors differently together, or each door only lets out a limited number of pcs?

Each key/door combination allows two people out so whatever place the 'holder' considers home. So each door only lets out a limited number. Does that answer your question?

You make your way back down to the heart of the Knot, and realize you have three main area's left to explore. Northwest of the heart is a hallway with a couple unexplored rooms. To the southeast of the heart is an larger unexplored area. Finally the area southwest of the heart, behind a closed door just south of the three artifact/door combo room.


Northwestward, ho!

Moving northward up the curving hallway, you come to a short hallway leading west. Inside you can make out something like a storeroom. This chamber is filled with clutter and junk. Crates, old weapons, partially assembled suits of armor, statuettes, poorly preserved monstrous trophies, torture instruments, coils of chains, and more are piled ten feet high along the walls, oars and spears and flagpoles and ships’ masts pressing at angles across the room to support one wall with the other. The cluttered floor looks difficult to traverse, to say the least.

Nothing!: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (16) + 11 = 27

Monk of the Upper Reach 4 | Separatist Cleric of Iomedae 1
Init +4 Per +11 | AC 22/22/15 | HP 32/32 | F +6/R + 8/ W +9/+11 enchant| CMB +4/+7 trip CMD 25/27 trip | Redir 4/4

Enko looks around, squinting at the debris.

Perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (8) + 10 = 18

From your vantage point at the door, nothing appears out of place or of interest. Granted it's such a mess than for a decent search, you'd have to enter and look around.

Enter and search of the Room - Perception DC15:

While the vast majority of the junk here is worthless or mundane, after spending some time looking through the clutter you find a spyglass, a functional suit of masterwork full plate armor, a heavy repeating crossbow, and a mithral scimitar.

Perception DC27:
A mummy stands motionless amid the clutter stacked high along the southern wall, partially hidden by a draped sheet and several chains. It's red-tinged eyes watch you with the patience and malice of the dead.

Monk of the Upper Reach 4 | Separatist Cleric of Iomedae 1
Init +4 Per +11 | AC 22/22/15 | HP 32/32 | F +6/R + 8/ W +9/+11 enchant| CMB +4/+7 trip CMD 25/27 trip | Redir 4/4

"A spyglass. A masterwork set of plate armor. A repeating crossbow--a large one...and this scimitar, I believe, is made of mithral." Enko points out each item without touching them. "If someone could help me search a little more intensely-"

Enko, you have to enter and search to find those items. Your first perception I assumed you were looking from the door. Does this mean you were going in?

Female Dwarf Rogue/4; Cavalier/1
Max hp 43 | Init +3 Per +7 (+9 stone; Darkvision 60ft) | AC 20/ T 13/FF 18 (+2 vs Aberrations) | F +5/R + 6/ W +1 (+2 vs poison, spells, spell-like) | CMB +8 CMD 20 (24 stability)

Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22

Ava follows in after Enko, clearly enticed by the prospect of treasure.

"A mithril blade?" she says. "A luxurious thing indeed."


Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20

If there is room in the room, Caladius presses into the chamber as well, poking and proding at the cluttered piles with rapidly waning interest.

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