Council of Thieves

Game Master Mug

"We did not fail Aroden—he failed us, though we Wiscrani held the faith! We embraced that adversity and replaced his betrayal with strength and order." —Alcini Vitaron of Alcini’s Apothecary

**Combat Map**
*Map of Westcrown*

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Monk of the Upper Reach 4 | Separatist Cleric of Iomedae 1
Init +4 Per +11 | AC 22/22/15 | HP 32/32 | F +6/R + 8/ W +9/+11 enchant| CMB +4/+7 trip CMD 25/27 trip | Redir 4/4

To clarify, yes, I entered the room.

As you enter and explore, finding some interesting items around the room, a hidden figure, wrapped in rags and taking lurching movements, suddenly steps out and attacks!

1d3 ⇒ 3

Caladius happens to be the closest at that point, and the mummy steps out, crooked arms raised high to slam into the tall Ranger. The stench of rotting flesh wafts off the creature in disgusting waves, and it brings it's arms down with terrific force. 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (10) + 14 = 241d8 + 10 ⇒ (8) + 10 = 18

The flat-footed Ranger is caught completely by surprise and is unable to form any sort of defense against the devastating blow descending upon him. However, just before the strike lands, the creature freezes completely, red eyes locked on Caladius's person. It then stands up, aggression completely gone, and stares at the Ranger.

Perception DC17:
The mummy is actually staring at Anvengen’s Edge, carried by it's intended victim, Caladius.


so did I take that damage? also, am I allowed to draw my sword or does this glaive force me to use it instead?

Perception (favored enemy): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (2) + 9 = 11
"What the-? Why'd it stop?" Despite the mummy's checked swing, Caladius prepares to end it.

If I can draw my sword, quickdraw sword + cast magic weapon!
If I can't draw my sword, 5ft step back and magic weapon on Ava's weapon!

Dark Archive

M Human (Chelaxian) Wizard 5 (conjurer)
Init +5 Per +4 | AC 15 (w mage armor) otherwise 11/11 | HP 35/35 | F +2/R +2/ W +5| CMB +3 CMD 15

Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8

It froze! Should we dispatch it back to the afterlife?

The strike didn't land, the rolls were merely for dramatic affect. You do not have to use the glaive.

The mummy continues to watch Caladius impassively as the group responds to this sudden, and odd, threat.


If no one intercedes...

Caladius looks to the Viscount, his sword limned in purple energy, "Do you even have to ask?" Then, with a dark scowl, the tiefling brings his blade crashing down on the terrible undead creature.

Coup de grace! (power attack, magic weapon, favored enemy): 4d6 + 24 ⇒ (5, 2, 2, 1) + 24 = 34

Male Human Witch/5
(HP 22/22; Init +5; Perception +9; AC with mage armor: 19/14/16; AC without mage armor: 14/14/11; F+1, R+4, W+4; CMB +1, CMD: 15

Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9

When Caladius strikes, Sabinus will use his healing hex to harm the mummy.
Healing hex: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7

Dark Archive

M Human (Chelaxian) Wizard 5 (conjurer)
Init +5 Per +4 | AC 15 (w mage armor) otherwise 11/11 | HP 35/35 | F +2/R +2/ W +5| CMB +3 CMD 15

Acid dart, ranged touch 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10

dmg 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6

Monk of the Upper Reach 4 | Separatist Cleric of Iomedae 1
Init +4 Per +11 | AC 22/22/15 | HP 32/32 | F +6/R + 8/ W +9/+11 enchant| CMB +4/+7 trip CMD 25/27 trip | Redir 4/4

Perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (11) + 10 = 21

"It's staring at the glaive..." Enko does not join in on the fight immediately.

Female Dwarf Rogue/4; Cavalier/1
Max hp 43 | Init +3 Per +7 (+9 stone; Darkvision 60ft) | AC 20/ T 13/FF 18 (+2 vs Aberrations) | F +5/R + 6/ W +1 (+2 vs poison, spells, spell-like) | CMB +8 CMD 20 (24 stability)

Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27

"Hold your sword!" Ava's hand shoots out to stop Caladius before he delivers his blow. "Don't you see the opportunity here? Enko's right - It's responding to the blade. Maybe it recognizes it as a relic of its former master."

"If that's true, then maybe it can be of use..." She takes a deep breath, analyzing the creature as she tentatively circles around it. "Caladius, try giving it a command."


Caladius looks incredulously at Ava, "It's a mummy, Ava. But yeah, ok. A command." He takes a breath, steadies his gaze then orders, "Die," as he brings his sword down in a gleaming overhead arc.

Still sticking with the coup de gras! Sorry =P

Caladius's powerful strike cuts an immense gash down the front of the undead creature, and some of it unravels and spills onto the floor in a shower of dust. It does not react otherwise, just continues to watch the glaive, and stand docile. Sabinus's healing hex causes the undead to quake slightly, a bit more dust rustling to the floor.

I don't know how to make an undead die. Press 2 for Spanish. ;)


Caladius chops until the undead is no more, anger fueling his every strike. "This!" chop "Is!" slash "For!" hack "Amburian!"

Male Human Witch/5
(HP 22/22; Init +5; Perception +9; AC with mage armor: 19/14/16; AC without mage armor: 14/14/11; F+1, R+4, W+4; CMB +1, CMD: 15

Sabinus watches with a neutral expression as Caladius hacks the mummy to pieces. He then begins to carefully and systematically search the room Taking 20 for perception of 28..

The mummy succumbs to the Rangers fury, slowly, quietly hacked to bits. Sabinus finds nothing more than Enko discovered earlier.

Monk of the Upper Reach 4 | Separatist Cleric of Iomedae 1
Init +4 Per +11 | AC 22/22/15 | HP 32/32 | F +6/R + 8/ W +9/+11 enchant| CMB +4/+7 trip CMD 25/27 trip | Redir 4/4

"Well...perhaps this can be used to our advantage? We'll see if the glaive's effect extends to other undead beings, if we meet them. If we have a chance," says Enko mildly, looking askance at the mummy crumbs.


"You won't. If you want to consort with devils or demons or gods know what kind of planar creatures like that hungry, blobby thing Cornelous like to summon, you're welcome to. I draw the line at talking to, negotiating, or controlling undead. No question. If it's undead, it dies. Again. I hope that's understood." With that, Caladius storms past the rest of the group and back into the hall beyond, his shoulders bunched with frustration. If there's anything within the room that's of use, he leaves them to find it. He waits with his arms crossed for them to finish their thorough search.

Female Dwarf Rogue/4; Cavalier/1
Max hp 43 | Init +3 Per +7 (+9 stone; Darkvision 60ft) | AC 20/ T 13/FF 18 (+2 vs Aberrations) | F +5/R + 6/ W +1 (+2 vs poison, spells, spell-like) | CMB +8 CMD 20 (24 stability)

"Ah, what a waste." Ava says, crouching by the remains of the mummy. She gently pokes through the dust with a dagger, covering her mouth with a hand. "I'm sure there's a twisted arcanist somewhere that'd would've paid handsomely for a mummy. Maybe this dust is worth something... You never know with these wizard types."

Ava continues looking around, picking through the rubbish, but doesn't find anything else of value. She adjusts her pack, bags of gold clinking softly.

"Room in that pack for the armour?" she asks, looking over at Sabinus.

Male Human Witch/5
(HP 22/22; Init +5; Perception +9; AC with mage armor: 19/14/16; AC without mage armor: 14/14/11; F+1, R+4, W+4; CMB +1, CMD: 15

Sabinus searches in silence and doesn't comment either way on Caladius' decision to destroy the compliant undead, but he does respond to Ava's query: "Yes, amazingly enough, it should not be any problem for me to carry the plate metal armor."

Dark Archive

M Human (Chelaxian) Wizard 5 (conjurer)
Init +5 Per +4 | AC 15 (w mage armor) otherwise 11/11 | HP 35/35 | F +2/R +2/ W +5| CMB +3 CMD 15

spellcraft1d20 + 11 ⇒ (10) + 11 = 21

The Viscount inventories his mental list of ingredients useful- wondering if mummy dust has value to spellcrafters.

Detect magic (of course) and search:
Search1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7

The undead are fowl. Perhaps even more fowl than some of the devils I have encountered- most devils have chosen to give up their souls when bargaining with the lower powers. Undead are ripped from their graves forcefully. While we may pity both- the devilkind almost always have made a choice regarding their destiny.


"If you guys are done talking about undead chickens, can we move on now? I'd like to find that crux or whatever it is and get out of here already. This place is weird and I don't like it."

Monk of the Upper Reach 4 | Separatist Cleric of Iomedae 1
Init +4 Per +11 | AC 22/22/15 | HP 32/32 | F +6/R + 8/ W +9/+11 enchant| CMB +4/+7 trip CMD 25/27 trip | Redir 4/4

Enko eyes Caladius' second set of horns and wisely says nothing. "Do we recall anything that suggests where it might be in the Knot?"

Male Human Witch/5
(HP 22/22; Init +5; Perception +9; AC with mage armor: 19/14/16; AC without mage armor: 14/14/11; F+1, R+4, W+4; CMB +1, CMD: 15

"I don't recall anything off the top of my head, but I don't think we've finished exploring all the passages, so the unexplored areas are the obvious place to start."

Corneleous collects some of the valuable mummy dust, recalling a man interested in such material who'll pay handsomely for the substance.

There's one remaining room to the north which you move to investigate, using all appropriate caution. This strangely shaped chamber is empty of furnishings. A large, circular side chamber nearby contains what appears to be a weirdly flickering spiral staircase leading up into the shadowy
shaft above. Looking up, you can see the staircase suddenly cuts off, it's form flickering and shifting slightly, as if not fully formed. There truly doesn't appear to be much of interest here, and no where to go except up the unfinished stairs.

There now a door to the south, and several on the east side of the Heart of the Knot (the many rooms with the suddenly-forming stone doors).

Magnificent bull-rushing train of justice and smack-downs | Init +1 Per +2 | AC 25/12/23 or AC 21/12/19| HP 45/45 | F +6/R + 2/ W +3| +3 bravery, +1 trait bonus vs. devils CMB +8 CMD 19 | Conditions: None
pick one-handed power attack w/shield +8 (1d6+9) | pick two-handed power attack +10 (1d6+13/x4) | pick one handed w/shield +10 (1d6+5/x4) or two handed +12 (1d6+7/x4) | bardiche +10 (1d10+13/19-20; reach, brace) |

"I'll go first." Lucon says, swallowing. Cautiously, he tip-toes his way up the flickering stair case, swallowing hard as he peers into the abyss below.

Monk of the Upper Reach 4 | Separatist Cleric of Iomedae 1
Init +4 Per +11 | AC 22/22/15 | HP 32/32 | F +6/R + 8/ W +9/+11 enchant| CMB +4/+7 trip CMD 25/27 trip | Redir 4/4

Enko follows Lucon, ready to rescue (?) the bulky fighter. "Lucon, tread lightly..." he whispers.

The ascension up the stairs proved uneventful, the stairs becoming noticably soft and squishy beneath Lucons boots. They end about 30' up, the tower continuing on into darkness high above your heads. It seems to be a dead end.

South door or Southeast door?

Male Human Witch/5
(HP 22/22; Init +5; Perception +9; AC with mage armor: 19/14/16; AC without mage armor: 14/14/11; F+1, R+4, W+4; CMB +1, CMD: 15

Sabinus will search the top of the stairs with and without detect magic. Does it look like these are probably the stairs the tiefling took to attack us from above? What are the stairs made of?

Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17

Sabinus will let the others choose how to proceed afterwards.

The stairs are made of stone, and no magic is detected. It's almost as if the builder of this planar place ran out of time or initiative to finish this particular area of the Knot. In your inexpert opinion it doesn't look like anything has ever ascended or descended from these partial stairs.

Monk of the Upper Reach 4 | Separatist Cleric of Iomedae 1
Init +4 Per +11 | AC 22/22/15 | HP 32/32 | F +6/R + 8/ W +9/+11 enchant| CMB +4/+7 trip CMD 25/27 trip | Redir 4/4

"Southeast may lead us into the Knot further...I would choose that way."


"Agreed." Caladius takes point, occasionally shooting a scowl at the halberd over his shoulder.

Female Dwarf Rogue/4; Cavalier/1
Max hp 43 | Init +3 Per +7 (+9 stone; Darkvision 60ft) | AC 20/ T 13/FF 18 (+2 vs Aberrations) | F +5/R + 6/ W +1 (+2 vs poison, spells, spell-like) | CMB +8 CMD 20 (24 stability)

Ava follows silently at the rear, holding her shortbow ready as her eyes scan the shadows.

Darkvision is nice. Caladius and I should grab some scrolls of darkness or something to use when things go awry.

A junction in the hallway presents multiple methods to progress. A rough, cave-like tunnel winds away to the side (west). Opposite the door you just entered, three stairways proceed—two leading down to the left and right and one leading up in the center. Wooden signs with writing on them hang above the entrance to each flight of stairs.

Signs are written in Infernal:
The sign above the stairs leading to the right reads “Arachnophobia,” while the sign above the stairs to the left reads “Ophidiophobia.” The central sign reads “Observation.”


Caladius points out the signs and translates for the group. (y'all can peek under the spoiler)"Maybe the middle stairs? I don't think the others sound as... nice."

@Ava, and with my level of sorcerer, I could use a wand of darkness now! =)

Male Human Witch/5
(HP 22/22; Init +5; Perception +9; AC with mage armor: 19/14/16; AC without mage armor: 14/14/11; F+1, R+4, W+4; CMB +1, CMD: 15

"Uh, yeah, I agree."

Moving up the central stairway you first notice the wooden walls of this room are painted a somewhat nauseating yellow color. In the west wall, an oak door with a large lock on the handle stands, a message burnt into the front. Likewise, hanging wooden signs bear messages as well, six in all, each hanging over a stairway leading out of the room. Ruined heaps of what may have once been chairs and a table lie scattered over the floor. A shrill small voice calls out, "You poor things! Suffering so from such baseless fears! Please, step into the therapy chambers and face these terrors. When you’re cured, bring me your prizes and I’ll pronounce you cured. You want to be cured, don’t you?"

Signs in Infernal:
The one on the door reads, “Abandon All Hope.” The signs over the stairways each bear a single word written in Infernal—“Exit” (north and south), “Arachnophobia” (ne), “Ophidiophobia” (nw), “Hematophobia” (se), and “Pyrophobia” (sw).


Caladius rolls his eyes at the signs, translating once more. Then, with a deepening scowl, he takes the halberd in hand and clears his throat. "Hey. Anvengen's Edge. What's the deal with this room? What's down those stairs?"

Male Human Witch/5
(HP 22/22; Init +5; Perception +9; AC with mage armor: 19/14/16; AC without mage armor: 14/14/11; F+1, R+4, W+4; CMB +1, CMD: 15

Can we tell where the voice is coming from?
Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18

What do I look like you ball of belly lint!? A Butler?? Figure it out yourself.

Sabinus looks around carefully but is unable to locate the source of the little voice. It does however respond to Caladius' question "You've got Anvengen's Edge from the ugly bearded fellow!? Well done! You must really be insane and in desperate need of healing after facing that one!"


"Yes... and yes. I have no problem leaving you under a pile of junk in that room we just left." Caladius lets the threat hang in the air, casting an uncertain look around the room as the voice responds to his having the halberd.

Monk of the Upper Reach 4 | Separatist Cleric of Iomedae 1
Init +4 Per +11 | AC 22/22/15 | HP 32/32 | F +6/R + 8/ W +9/+11 enchant| CMB +4/+7 trip CMD 25/27 trip | Redir 4/4

"This is like the play all over again," says Enko. "It appears we'll have to face each fear and then parley with our invisible friend. Shall we? This is a game. Of course, as it will be an unfair one, any opportunities to cheat are fair as well."

Enko draws his rope dart, looking decidedly non-menacing.

Dark Archive

M Human (Chelaxian) Wizard 5 (conjurer)
Init +5 Per +4 | AC 15 (w mage armor) otherwise 11/11 | HP 35/35 | F +2/R +2/ W +5| CMB +3 CMD 15

Snakes, blood, spiders, or fire? I think they're all delish! The wizard translates from infernal- and shows a rare level of moxie that can only be earned growing up in a family of evil conjurers.

Do we all need to face them, or just one of us?

Female Dwarf Rogue/4; Cavalier/1
Max hp 43 | Init +3 Per +7 (+9 stone; Darkvision 60ft) | AC 20/ T 13/FF 18 (+2 vs Aberrations) | F +5/R + 6/ W +1 (+2 vs poison, spells, spell-like) | CMB +8 CMD 20 (24 stability)

"Sounded like it was meant for all of us." Ava says, responding to the Viscount. "I like the enthusiasm. Let's get through this quickly."

She points towards the NW sign. "Will we work our way around?"

Moving NW!

You walk up a flight of stairs to reach this cylindrical, thirty-foot high room. The walls of this room are studded with narrow holes and hundreds of short wooden pegs. You stand at the end, still on the stairs, and survey the room.

Female Dwarf Rogue/4; Cavalier/1
Max hp 43 | Init +3 Per +7 (+9 stone; Darkvision 60ft) | AC 20/ T 13/FF 18 (+2 vs Aberrations) | F +5/R + 6/ W +1 (+2 vs poison, spells, spell-like) | CMB +8 CMD 20 (24 stability)

"No prizes for guessing what those holes are for." Ava says, looking around.

Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26 +2 stone

Monk of the Upper Reach 4 | Separatist Cleric of Iomedae 1
Init +4 Per +11 | AC 22/22/15 | HP 32/32 | F +6/R + 8/ W +9/+11 enchant| CMB +4/+7 trip CMD 25/27 trip | Redir 4/4

"Snake holes, if this is what's in the room. Does anyone have torches, or thunderstones, or anything else to deal with many wriggling things?" Enko pulls out his flash powder.

Male Human Witch/5
(HP 22/22; Init +5; Perception +9; AC with mage armor: 19/14/16; AC without mage armor: 14/14/11; F+1, R+4, W+4; CMB +1, CMD: 15

"Uh. I don't really have anything to help here, aside from putting the snakes to sleep one by one." Sabinus remains on the stairs, towards the back of the group. He takes out and loads his crossbow.

Dark Archive

M Human (Chelaxian) Wizard 5 (conjurer)
Init +5 Per +4 | AC 15 (w mage armor) otherwise 11/11 | HP 35/35 | F +2/R +2/ W +5| CMB +3 CMD 15

I could web the snakes, then we could light them on fire. Oh wait, that sounds much worse than just snakes. How about spilling some oil?


Caladius looks at the wooden pegs, shifting his weight from one leg to the other. "Hmpf. This place is wierd."

As Ava inspects the room, eight small hissing vipers suddenly boil out of various holes around the room, slithering over the pegs to descend upon you!

Lucon 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
Enko 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7
Corneleous 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22
Ava 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7
Caladius 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 2 = 18 +2 if outside Westcrown/+4 inside Westcrown
Sabinus 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9

Vipers 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8

The party is up! Please post for Round 1.

  • Party

  • Vipers x8

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