Halrian Wrung |
HP 28, AC 14, Fort 5, Ref. 1, Will 6; Perception 3, Diplomacy 8, Knowledge Religion 5, Knowledge Nobility 5, Sense Motive 9, Spellcraft 5 Human

Checking in. Thanks for hosting a Lovecraft game! Excited to be a part of it. I do not know this system, but have plenty of 3.5/pathfinder experience.
I plan to set up the character sheet tomorrow. But I need to know if you were going to let me use the re-rolled 4.
Str 13 Dex 11 Con 18 Int 11 Wis 17 Cha 4
Str 13 Dex 17 Con 18 Int 11 Wis 17 Cha 11

Halrian Wrung |
HP 28, AC 14, Fort 5, Ref. 1, Will 6; Perception 3, Diplomacy 8, Knowledge Religion 5, Knowledge Nobility 5, Sense Motive 9, Spellcraft 5 Human

Still here
Also had a very busy week; appreciated the unfortunate pause to start.
-Posted with Wayfinder

Halrian Wrung |
HP 28, AC 14, Fort 5, Ref. 1, Will 6; Perception 3, Diplomacy 8, Knowledge Religion 5, Knowledge Nobility 5, Sense Motive 9, Spellcraft 5 Human

Also here.
-Posted with Wayfinder