Carrion Crown Blues: Broken Moon

Game Master Kartari

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The good constraint is the only strong one I have. I think the other players are looking for interesting characters, so I don't see much trouble with a Sylph.

You know, a Sylph is fine, if the deeper concerns of mine and of the group are observed (strong RP, strong sense of morality). But expect her to be treated worse than an orc would, because people in Ustalav are (ignorantly) xenophobic.

My guideline is that applicants should just pick the character they would have the most fun playing :) (Only if their concept of fun is related to roleplaying. If it is related to dealing massive damage, then no :D)

Besides, this is a game for us to have fun with and roleplay an exciting horror story. I don't want these rules to be a contract, and I don't want people to constrain roleplay because of mechanics. As I said, what I don't want is massive damage.

(About epicness, I can tune the challenge of the campaign, so it is not a matter of stats, but a matter of valor.)

I am sorry for the excess of amendments to the recruitment guidelines.

My character should be posted by tomorow, sorry for the wait, working on characters always takes me time!

Me again. Click here to see Ioann's info.

If anything feels wrong in the crunch, just tell me, I can change that part... the story, not really since it is the character that I want to play (I mean major changes, minor stuff should be okay).

Didn't look at new game ads earlier this week. If you don't want to consider my submission, well, adding him to the thread doesn't cost any of us anything significant, so hopefully I'm not annoying anyone.

Punza, Varisian Dirge bard


Growing up in a Varisian Cravan, Punka found himself surrounded by superstition and evidence of the validity of such superstition. A major part of that evidence was the power of The Harrow, and the women who wielded it.

Punza spent most of his life inside Ustalav, not that the borders meant anything significant to the caravan. This stacked superstition upon superstition in his mind. As he reached puberty, and would normally have begun deeper training in his role within the caravan, he began expressing The Gift.

He was expelled from the caravan in Ardis, as a violation of the natural order. Men are not supposed to have The Gift. The locals refused to trust Punza or have much to do with him. A boy just entering puberty and thrown out into the world with no support is either going to turn to crime, find unexpected help, or have an extremely difficult time.

Punza found unexpected help. Professor Lorrimor discovered the poor lad and took him in long enough to set him up more comfortably. He helped Punza get set up with the local militia, where the boy worked as a servant, but had food, shelter, and time to learn and expand his horizons. Punza focused on learning more about The Harrow, The Gift and the world around him. As he got older, he continued practicing the entertainment skills he had learned earlier in his life, and worked to expand his skills into the realm of the fortune tellers who use The Harrow.

In the last few months, he began patrolling with the militia, and learned more about cooperative tactical combat than he knew there was to learn. He was trying to decide whether to follow his heart and Gift, and try to work as a MALE Varisian Fortune Teller, or to follow convenience and security and formally become part of the Ardis militia. While struggling with this decision, he received notification of Professor Lorrimor's death, and the request for him to attend the reading of the will.

Thus, young Punza finds himself on the road to Ravengro, uncertain who he should be, without a place where he truly belongs, wielding gifts that mark him as strange and not to be trusted.

Init +1
Move 20'
Neutral Good

BAB+0 Melee+0 Ranged+1 CMB+0 (Str+0, Dex+1)
Whip +0 for 1d3-1 @ x2, S, nonlethal, reach, trip, disarm

Perform Aid Another for attack to provide +3 to hit

AC13 T11 F12 CMD11 (Leather+2, Dex+1, BAB+0, Str+0)

HP 9 (+1 Con)

Fort +1 (+1 Con)
Ref +3 (+1 Dex)
Will +3 (+1 Wis)

+1 Will vs Enchantments
+1 Trait vs Fear

* @ DC14 Cantrips: Detect magic, Light, Prestidigitation, Spark
2 @ DC15 Level 1: Chord of Shards; Cure Light Wounds

Concentration: 1d20+Caster Level+4

8 Rds Bard Song (+Lingering Song)

1 Harrow Deck draw/Day for +2 to D20 roll based on suit any time later in day

6+2 Int+1 Skilled+1 Favored Class
Total Skill Attribute+Ranks+Class+Specified+(Conditional)
+1-Acrobatics 1+0+0 (-3 Load)
+2 Appraise 2+0+0
+8 Bluff 4+1+3
+0-Climb 0+0+0 (-3 Load)
+2 Craft 2+0+0
+8 Diplomacy 4+1+3
+4 Disguise 4+0+0
+1-Escape Artist 1+0+0 (-3 Load)
+1-Fly 1+0+0 (-3 Load)
+1+Heal 1+0+0(+2 to stabilize)
+4 Intimidate 4+0+0
+7 Knowledge (History) 2+1+3+1 Bardic Knowledge
+7 Knowledge (Religion) 2+1+3+1 Bardic Knowledge
+3 Knowledge (All Others) 2+0+0+1 Bardic Knowledge
+1 Perception 1+0+0
+8 Perform (Dance) 4+1+3
+8 Perform (Percussion) 4+1+3
+8 Perform (Sing) 4+1+3
+5 Profession (Fortune-Teller) 1+1+3
+1-Ride 1+0+0 (-3 Load)
+1 Sense Motive 1+0+0
+6 Spellcraft 2+1+3
+1 Stealth 1+0+0
+1 Survival 1+0+0
+0-Swim 0+0+0 (-3 Load)
+8 Use Magic Device 4+1+3

Feats & Traits:
Harrowed +1 Will vs Enchantments, 1 harrow draw/day +2 d20 roll by suit
Lingering Performance +2 Rds duration after cease Bardic Performance

Battlefield Disciple (Combat) +2 Heal to Stabilize, Performing Aid Another for Attack bonus grants +3
Making Good on Promises (Campaign) +1 vs Fear

180GP Budget
010.0.0 Leather 15# +2/+6/0/10%/30' (Worn)
001.0.0 Whip 2# 1d3/x2/S/Disarm, nonlethal, reach, trip (Worn)
100.0.0 Harrow Deck (Belt Pouch)
005.0.0 Dancing Drum 3# (Worn)
002.0.0 Backpack 2# (Worn)
000.1.0 Bedroll 5# (Pack)
001.0.0 Belt Pouch .5# (Worn)
008.0.0 Ink (Pack)
000.1.0 Inkpen (Pack)
000.8.0 Iron Pot 4# (Pack)
010.0.0 Journal 1# (Pack)
000.2.0 Mess Kit 1# (Pack)
010.0.0 Mirror .5# (Belt Pouch)
000.0.1 Soap .5# (Pack)
000.1.0 Torches (10) 10# (Pack)
002.5.0 Trail Rations (5) 5# (Pack)
001.0.0 Waterskin 4# (Pack)
FREE0.0 Entertainer's Outfit 4# (Worn)
146.8.1 coin spent, 33 Gold, 1 Silver & 9 Copper on hand
57.5# total carried - 27# without Pack
33# Light (+~/-9/30'/x4)
66# Medium (+3/-3/20'/x4)
100# Heavy (+1/-6/20'/x3)

Harrow Deck:
Suit (d6)
Hammer (Str) 1
Key (Dex) 2
Shield (Con) 3
Book (Int) 4
Star (Wis) 5
Crown (Cha) 6
Card (d9)
LG 1
NG 2
CG 3
LN 4
N 5
CN 6
LE 7
NE 8
CE 9

Character Generation:
Human, Varisian
+2 Charisma
Normal Speed
Bonus Feat
Languages Common (Taldane), Varisian, Hallit, Skald

Bard (Dirge bard) 1
Bardic Knowledge
Bardic Performance 8 Rds/Day
Countersong (Percussion or Sing)
Distraction (Dance)
Fascinate (Save, not skil roll)
Inspire Courage +1 (Specify when used. no skill roll)
1 1st level spell per day (+1 Attribute)
4 Cantrips Known: Detect magic, Light, Prestidigitiation, Spark
2 1st Level spells known: Chord of Shards; Cure Light WOunds
Simple weapons, longsword, rapier, sap, short sword, shortbow, whip
Light Armor & Shields

Points Race
.0 10 S 10 +0
.3 13 D 13 +1
.2 12 C 12 +1
.5 14 I 14 +2
.2 12 W 12 +1
13 17 H 19 +4

hustonj wrote:
Didn't look at new game ads earlier this week. If you don't want to consider my submission, well, adding him to the thread doesn't cost any of us anything significant, so hopefully I'm not annoying anyone.

I think you just want to be in every game I am in. :P ;)

Ulrik of Belkzen wrote:
I think the other players are looking for interesting characters, so I don't see much trouble with a Sylph.

I agree. Interesting trumps hard requirements.

I'll be back to provide feedback to those who requested it tomorrow at some point... really wanted to tonight, but I'm just about ready for bed after a long day.

Trying to get Viktoria's crunch posted. I had to work today, and my wife and I are looking at houses, so it was a busy one.

I'll try and get this done tonight, but I have a charity walk in the morning.

Aliseya Belododia wrote:
hustonj wrote:
Didn't look at new game ads earlier this week. If you don't want to consider my submission, well, adding him to the thread doesn't cost any of us anything significant, so hopefully I'm not annoying anyone.
I think you just want to be in every game I am in. :P ;)

Yes, of course, my actions are all about you, Reijo . . ..

Considering the discussion about alignment that's been going on, I'm going to switch Briar to Lawful Neutral. She's still 'good-hearted,' but good vs. evil isn't really the primary lens through which she sees the world.

Viktoria is completed. Crunch is posted to profile.

Aliseya Belododia wrote:
We've got a barbarian, a rogue, a magus, and an oracle so far, James.

And according to my quick scan this morning, 3 paladins, 2 alchemists, 2 clerics, 2 wizards, 1 barbarian, 1 bard, 1 inquisitor and 1 ranger submitted. Kind of an interesting class "spread" I think.

We'll find out which characters the existing party like the most soon enough, I guess.

The wait! Unbearable!

Please bear with me, I will have to read through a few applications during commuting. I don't even know about the others :)

I also have good news: I tried recruiting 2 GMs to try to get most of the players here into a game, and The Fabricator was kind enough to step forward, so we may have a sub-recruitment following shortly after ours.

Didn't mean to push, just showing my enthusiasm. :)

Geez Celtic...So pushy!

[posted light-heartedly]

Viktoria walks purposefully into the waiting room where the others are already seated.

"The tension in this room is...palpable. It would seem that some of us are 'headed' for the guillotine this evening. I wonder which of us will 'make the cut', and be spared." she says, smirking darkly.

Funny, but Ioann does not think so and stays gloomy in his corner. HE is not a pushy one ;)

Sorry, but that was a pretty bad groaner.

Indeed it was! Unfortunately, that is not really in character for Viktoria. She doesn't have near that type of a sense of humor.

I know this could hurt my chances, but, not providing this notice would be rude (at best).

As posted to my existing games:


Well, this "weekend" (10, 11 & 12 Apr) is the 2nd weekend of my 2 weekend Boy Scout training course known as Wood Badge. This course is being offered on an LDS friendly schedule, so I report to the campground at 0700 on Thursday and get home during Saturday evening.

In keeping with the rules given to the boys for their campouts, I will not be allowed to use any fancy electronics during the 3 days of the course. So I will be out of touch for those 3 days.

If you need to bot me, do.

My wife is talking about spending a week camping to celebrate our 30th wedding anniversary. These plans are not finalized (or even really scheduled) yet. But I know she won't be able to go a week without her electronic tether, so I expect to be in contact during that period anyway.

A towering orc with a bloody spear and an ill-fitting half-plate also walks into the waiting room, sits by Brother Kye and starts:

"Brother, just killed a man, put a spear against his head
Pushed my weapon, now he's dead
Brother, life had just begun
But now I've gone and thrown it all away!"

I know, I know, "Ulrik, go back to reading!"

Viktoria picks up on the Orc's version of the familiar Varisian folk song and joins in:
"Ulrik, ooh-ooh-oo-ooooh,
Didn't mean to make you cry,
If I'm not back again this time tomorrow,
Carry on, carry on! As if nothing really matters..."
and trails off wistfully.

It's funny posting these things with Viktoria. She's quite a bit more somber in my head, so the juxtapositioin of her normally melancholy behavior with this bit of semi-slapstick humor is making me chuckle.

Too late, your time has come,
Sends shivers down your spine,
Body's aching all the time.
Goodbye, young Ulrik, you've got to go,
Gotta leave us all behind and face the truth...

Mutters Ioann, more to himself than to the Orc who just entered...

...oooohh the suspense!...

Again I apologize for the delay, because real life is slowing me down. I will try to read at least two applications a day, and I am almost done.

@Ulrik: First off: I want to say thanks for allowing me to submit Morbury to this game. To you and the players.

And with that said, I'm gonna go ahead and respectfully bow out of this one. Thanks.

No worries, Javell! I hope all is well, and that you have found a nice game :)

We have discussed (in the discussion thread), and we are inviting three characters into the game: Andras, Mirelinza and Briar.

Thank you very much for your submissions, I think they will fit particularly well with the campaign, if not in the first adventure, then in the second or third. So besides the quality of the characters there is incentive for GMs to have you join their parties :)

I don't like getting rejected or rejecting :( So, as I said, I made a thread recruiting GMs. We currently have two GMs who volunteered, and one party formed surprisingly quick.

Narah organized a spreadsheet containing character information for applicants to a few Carrion Crown campaigns, including this one.

The Fabricator has stepped in as a GM, and hopefully he will form the other campaign soon.

Hopefully, all is well with Yog and he will be able to pick his game up at a later date.

Have fun with the game people!

Congratulations to those that were chosen. Good luck and high rolls to all.

Try to have fun! That's why we play this silly little game, after all!

I thought I'd check back and see how it was going. You only ended up with one out of the three recruits you chose? Seems like that happens a lot around here.

Crazy... and sad, even more so with all the time that usually gets put in recruitment.

Guys, I will try to get you two into games. Many others who were trying here (Viktoria, Echo, Ulam, Maia and Narah) got into games (this and this) shortly after our recruitment, and they are actually ahead of us already... I was surprised that you guys had not applied.

Well, truth is I was not particularly looking for a Carrion Crown campaign but more for an interesting group. This is why I applied here (no offense to the others) I just enjoy RP more than the battles (I can concentrate on those with my RL group). So don't worry about it (although it is nice to see how devoted you are to this!).

Sovereign Court

Kudos to you Ulrik.
It's nice to see players attempting to find more GMs to get other players into games.

“I, Petros Lorrimor, being of sound mind, do hereby commit to this parchment my last will and testament. Let it be known that, with the exception of the specific details below, I leave my home and personal belongings entirely to my daughter Kendra. Use them or sell them as you see fit, my child."

“To my old friends, I hate to impose upon you all, but there are few others who are capable of appreciating the true significance of what it is I have to ask. As some of you know, I have devoted many of my studies to all manner of evil, that I might know the enemy and inform those better positioned to stand against it. For knowledge of one’s enemy is the surest path to victory over its plans."

“And so, over the course of my lifetime, I have seen fit to acquire a significant collection of valuable but dangerous tomes, any one of which in the wrong circumstances could have led to an awkward legal situation. While the majority of these tomes remain safe under lock and key at the Lepidstadt University, I fear that a few I have borrowed remain in a trunk in my Ravengro home. While invaluable for my work in life, in death, I would prefer not to burden my daughter with the darker side of my profession, or worse still, the danger of possessing these tomes herself. As such, I am entrusting my chest of tomes to you, posthumously. I ask that you please deliver the collection to my colleagues at the University of Lepidstadt, who will put them to good use for the betterment of the cause."

The Esoteric Order of the Palantine Eye is recruiting two intrepid adventurers to travel to the small town of Ravengro to assist the estate of Professor Petros Lorrimor in transporting occult tomes of great importance to Lepidstadt. We have reason to believe that the tomes have fallen into the hands of a nefarious death cult. If you accept this contract, you will face existential threats that will challenge both your life and your sanity. If you are successful, we offer you, and your associates, membership in this erudite and influential order, to include access to the order's significant material and academic resources. May Pharasma guide your soul.

We seek two additional players to supplement our four current players. Our group has completed two thirds of chapter one: The Haunting of Harrowstone. The current players consist of a changeling oracle/medium, a human rogue, a changeling barbarian/ID rager and a halfling spiritualist. You will start at second level. Classes from Occult Adventures are encouraged and will be given preference. We seek players who can post at least once a day. Recruitment will close 7 May.

Character Creation Guidelines:

Races: Any core, plus changelings, dhampirs, and orcs.

Alignments: Good.

Classes: Any core, APG, Ult. Combat and Ult. Magic archetypes acceptable. No Ninja or Samurai because that's not the flavor of the AP.

Point Buy: 25 points; you're heroes, you're supposed to be epic.

Starting Gold: Max for class.

Starting HP: Max for 1st level, (half-max + 1) on level-ups.

Traits: Two normal. Since you likely did not know Professor Lorrimor, campaign traits are probably not appropriate.

Backgrounds: A nice, fully-done background will go a long way towards getting you into our game. We don't need pages, but we need vividness. Make me feel your character. They should feel like, if not Ustalav natives, that they have a very, very good reason to be there.

Oaken Spirit, Рsychopomp wrote:
Starting Gold: Max for class.

So, level two, but with max lvl 1 gold? Or should we start with 1k?

Presenting Govannon Gittins. He's not out of the Occult Adventures, and I understand he might not be selected for that reason, but I'll take a chance you'll like him anyway. :)

His background and crunch can be seen in his alias. Let me know if you'd like me to explain anything, change anything, whatever. :) I feel gaming is a group experience and so I’m happy to alter to fit the team. Govannon is just level one at this time, but it’s easy to bring him up to snuff and I’ll do so today.

I’ve DMed and Played on these boards for a few years now, and I’ve always been an active and supportive poster in every campaign. Please feel free to peruse my aliases and campaigns.

If selected, I can also help with treasure tracking if you like. I have a useful spreadsheet that I use in campaigns I'm in to help track that sort of thing so you don’t have to. You should be able to see a version of it here (link).

I see that your party just leveled to three. Are the new players going to be a level behind the entire adventure? Or is it a temporary thing?

Grunyn the Mossless wrote:
Oaken Spirit, Рsychopomp wrote:
Starting Gold: Max for class.
So, level two, but with max lvl 1 gold? Or should we start with 1k?

Max class gold should be sufficient. You will resource up quickly.

Govannon Gittins wrote:

Presenting Govannon Gittins. He's not out of the Occult Adventures, and I understand he might not be selected for that reason, but I'll take a chance you'll like him anyway. :)

His background and crunch can be seen in his alias. Let me know if you'd like me to explain anything, change anything, whatever. :) I feel gaming is a group experience and so I’m happy to alter to fit the team. Govannon is just level one at this time, but it’s easy to bring him up to snuff and I’ll do so today.

I’ve DMed and Played on these boards for a few years now, and I’ve always been an active and supportive poster in every campaign. Please feel free to peruse my aliases and campaigns.

If selected, I can also help with treasure tracking if you like. I have a useful spreadsheet that I use in campaigns I'm in to help track that sort of thing so you don’t have to. You should be able to see a version of it here (link).

I see that your party just leveled to three. Are the new players going to be a level behind the entire adventure? Or is it a temporary thing?

Thank you for the submission Govannon. The 3k difference in experience between 2nd and 3rd level is relatively small - you will quickly hit 3rd level and should level up to 4th about the same time as the rest of the party.

Oaken Spirit, Рsychopomp wrote:
Thank you for the submission Govannon. The 3k difference in experience between 2nd and 3rd level is relatively small - you will quickly hit 3rd level and should level up to 4th about the same time as the rest of the party.

OK, cool. Just wanted to make sure everyone was going to be on an even playing field - no 'A' team and 'B' team. :)


I'll submit Windle Thetra, with the caveat that this profile has been used before in a couple of games--I'd have to update him. Initial very partial crunch: human psychic, discipline: Religion, devout follower of Pharasma, but NG. S 9 D 14 C 14 I 19 W 14 C 8 Yes, it's a bit min/max-y; I'll change it if you prefer, but it's fit into his background.

Windle is the youngest son of a moderately well-to-do Caliphas family of vintners. His interest in the Pharasmin faith developed early--as a child, he served as an acolyte in one of the great temples there, and would run errands for the morticians after his lessons. He would have surely become a priest but for one flaw: he stuttered. Badly. Although he excelled beyond his years at written scholarship, the first time he tried to give a speech he could only manage a few words before the other children laughed him from the room. This did not bode well for young Windle's ability to deliver a homily, nor did it make him perhaps the best candidate for a life of wizardry despite his considerable intellectual gifts. Unfortunately for his ego, his older siblings had all inherited their parents' volubility and skill with words. He had resigned himself to a life of near-mute scholarship when his parents were approached by a merchant of their acquaintance, an importer and exporter of goods between Ustalav and far distant lands. Unknown to his parents, the merchant was also a member of the Esoteric Order of the Palatine Eye. In her travels, she had encountered psychic magic, and believed that Windle would be capable of mastering it...with the right teachers. She convinced Windle's parents to allow her to take him as an apprentice--"to keep the books in shape, and to listen." She then took the boy on a long, long Jalmeray, Kingdom of the Impossible.

There Windle learned the Vudran language and the rudiments of psychic magic before continuing east into Vudra. With an introduction from his Jalmeray teachers in hand, he was able to gain entry into a lesser academy (due mainly to his ethnicity). However, he took to the study of psychic magic with shocking ease, and quickly moved on to a more prestigious guild. His lack of exposure to the style of magic kept him from being among their best students, but he was far from their worst.

After several years of study, the merchant returned for him and explained what would be required of him to repay her for taking him there. He gratefully accepted the offer of membership in the Order, taking their purpose as his own, and took his leave of his Vudrani teachers. After a short stop in Osirion to assist the Voices of the Spire, he was on his way back to Ustalav when word came that he would be needed to assist with disposition of part of Professor Lorrimor's estate. He had time only to visit with his family for less than a day before being whisked away over the Hungry Mountains to Ravengro.

In appearance he's tall, slender, and clean-shaven, typically wearing black trimmed with silver and carrying a worn wooden spiral of Pharasma to show his devotion.

Windle draws on that devotion to power his psychic magic. He's much more benevolent than most, though--the Goddess' justice after death is unbending, but in this life there's room for mercy. Although he no longer stutters, he still doesn't talk much; his taciturnity would easily be mistaken for surliness but for his habitual smile. For in his discipline and membership in the Order he's found purpose that was lacking before, and a way to serve the nation he loves and the Goddess he follows. In this he is content.

I'd like to put here Lahrehn, my submission to the game. :)

Profile is mostly updated.

A Bit More Background:
Windle started out convinced that Ustalav was the greatest place to live in the world. At the start his travels did little to disabuse him of that notion. However, Jalmeray was the first nail in the coffin for his chauvinism (as it were). Vudra largely did it in, and the shreds that were left did not survive his tenure in Osirion. He's still proud of his heritage, but now he sees all of the ways in which his country could be so much more than it is. He's trying to learn from his earlier misplaced faith in the superiority of Ustalav and not act superior to the people of Ravengro, whom he would have thought were uneducated yokels when he still lived in Caliphas.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

A gorgeous young varisian woman walks into the room. She's dressed as one might expect of one of the wandering gypsies of the western country. The tan woman oozes energetic sweetness as her silver bracelets and jewels of red carnelian jingle lightly from her lithe body's graceful movements. With a smile she disarms the men standing before her and, in her slight and sexy accent, she says...


Welcome. :) I'm one of the players in this fine campaign.

Since we (the players) will collectively decide on the two new players in conjunction with our GM, I just wanted to mention a few relevant factors about our game and what I'm personally looking for in the new recruits. Our play style to date has always been focused on roleplaying. On engaging in immersive storytelling devoid of metagaming commentary. Sometimes, it is necessary to discuss things OOC, of course. But I personally like keeping metagaming discussions to a minimum, and only ever in the Discussion thread. I cannot speak for my fellow players, though I expect they tend to agree. Also, a compelling back story, an interesting personality, and decent writing skills will be the primary pluses for getting my vote.

Good luck! If you get in, I cannot make many promises. But I can promise that, sooner or later, you will have a fantastic bellydancing performance to look forward to. ;)

An interested dot - I'm pondering a Ghost Rider of the Eastern Star at the moment. :)

Aliseya Belododia wrote:

Good luck! If you get in, I cannot make many promises. But I can promise that, sooner or later, you will have a fantastic bellydancing performance to look forward to. ;)

*momentarily tonguetied in the presence of the lovely young dancer; a good thing, as he was about to tactlessly ask why she's offering to dance that Qadiran stuff instead of a good homegrown Csárdás*

More seriously, I'm going to bow out. Thanks for considering me.

Aliseya Belododia wrote:
A gorgeous young varisian woman walks into the room. She's dressed as one might expect of one of the wandering gypsies of the western country. The tan woman oozes energetic sweetness as her silver bracelets and jewels of red carnelian jingle lightly from her lithe body's graceful movements. With a smile she disarms the men standing before her and, in her slight and sexy accent, she says...

”Ma’am” Govannon says nervously feeling something must be said. He enjoys watching the woman just move and imagines what her voice must be like. Sultry no doubt. he thinks to himself.

He fumbles for his tobacco and paper, spilling some of the expensive leaf as he poorly wraps a smoke. He stuffs it in his mouth, but doesn’t light it, content to roll it around a little as some sort of nervous tick.

Regarding being behind…:
Well, I’m not keen on being a level behind and below Wealth By Level, but I want to play in Carrion Crown and so will abide by the DMs ruling. Also, I feel Role Play is more important than Roll Play so the loss of overall power isn’t that big of a deal to me as a player.

That said, at this level, it’s not an insignificant thing. I’m a front liner, and I’ll have 25%-30% fewer hit points than the AP expects so the risk of death is higher. My close range Arcana doesn’t kick in yet, so I’ll have one fewer attack per round (in most cases) as well. Also, I’ll be without my power attack feat - but that might just help me at this level. :)

As for the wealth, I have plans to buy a heightened continual light ioun stone (if one is available) and which I could normally afford by now, so I’ll be without the means to deal with darkness. Also, I’d buy some healing so I have some in a pinch - and pitch in on a party wand of Cure Light Wounds (if you don’t have one already) for between combat healing.

Though it hurts my entry, you might also get more applicants if everyone is on an even playing field.

Like I said though, I’m OK with the ruling, and continue to place poor Govannon at your service!

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