Captain Collateral Damage's Iron Gods (Inactive)

Game Master Captain collateral damage

Party Treasure

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Male Half-Orc Bloodrager (Primalist) 1
hp 15/22(+4) AC 16|T 12 |FF 14, F +8|R +4|W +3, Init +2, Per +6

Dragging the corpses Azmerai moves to the priest. "You holy man? We brought deads so that kin can say funeral rites! If need we can give testemony to their bravery!"

Male Human

You can spot both Val and the priest. A pair of people wearing holy symbols of Pharasma step in to carry away the bodies. "They will be given a proper burial."

Female looking Android [Advanced CR1] Iron Priest [L4] | AC 21, T 17, FF 16 | F +9*/R+7/W+9* | HP 35/35 | CMB +8, CMD 22 | Init +4 | Perception +10 | Condition: None

Dries her self and walks to the town.

Male Human

Does anyone have something they want to do in town or should I move the game along?

Male Half-Orc Bloodrager (Primalist) 1
hp 15/22(+4) AC 16|T 12 |FF 14, F +8|R +4|W +3, Init +2, Per +6

Azmerai would like to sell some of the loot, well his share and buy a new weapon!

Female looking Android [Advanced CR1] Iron Priest [L4] | AC 21, T 17, FF 16 | F +9*/R+7/W+9* | HP 35/35 | CMB +8, CMD 22 | Init +4 | Perception +10 | Condition: None

Helps Azmerai sell the loot, she wants somethings as well

Male Human

The treasure sheet is up at the top, you can sell items for 1/2 price as normal, descriptions and prices of the tech items are on the PRD.
Torch's base value is 2,400 gp.

Male Half-Orc Bloodrager (Primalist) 1
hp 15/22(+4) AC 16|T 12 |FF 14, F +8|R +4|W +3, Init +2, Per +6

Azmerai would like to get 100gp from the loot to go shopping. Any surplus he would give back.

Male Human

Torch's base value is 100 gp, so you can buy most things that cause less than 100 gp.

Male Half-Orc Bloodrager (Primalist) 1
hp 15/22(+4) AC 16|T 12 |FF 14, F +8|R +4|W +3, Init +2, Per +6

Azemrai walks to the nearest smith and tests a few weapons, not before getting a few melons to test them.
Trying this and that he tries to find the weapon with an awakened spirit!
Holding a Bardiche he swings it once cleanly cutting the first melon, an earthbreaker and the melon is just mush, holding a greatsword he manages to cut the top of nicely.Moving to a greataxe the melon´s halves just land left and right, to a happy half-orcish smile, a halberd is also tested for the swing and thrust With a smile the half-orc sees how deep the weapon penetrated. Then he sees a bastard sword and the swing is also interesting making a clean cut. Finally he takes down a strangly curved balde and it cut´s through the melon like butter.
In the end he asks his spirits for guidance.


Bardiche 1, earthbreaker 2, greatsword 3, greataxe 4,halberd 5 bastard sword 6 nodachi 7
What weapon´s spirit talk to him: 1d7 ⇒ 7

The strange weapon from afar talks to him and proudly the half orc returns to the smith and pays.


I've no requirements, though if we have a couple hours to kill and use of Khonnir's lab space, I could spend 25 gp to make a potion of cure light wounds.

Male Human

You do have use of Khonnir's space. Anyone else have things they want to buy?

Male Human

Going to assume no one else wants anything right now.
Val has closed down the tavern and allowed you use of the rooms.
As you sit in the tavern, a somewhat nervous-looking courier knocks on the door and delivers a message written in fine, precise handwriting.
Greetings and congratulations, heroes of Torch! I wish to invite you to come and visit Torch's illustrious tavern and card hall, Silverdisk hall, at your leisure. I have included certificates for each of you, worth 100 gold pieces for use in gambling and entertainment at my establishment, redeemable any time within the next week.
-Garmen Ulreth

Know. Local DC 10:
Garmen Ulreth is one of the more influential people in Torch— an impressive quality, given the fact that he’s neither a councilor nor a legitimate merchant. Indeed, Garmen’s considerable pull in town stems from the fact that a number of Torch’s citizens owe him money in either small or large amounts.

Know Local DC 20:
Garmen is associated with what passes for Torch’s thieves’ guild—a gang of thugs and roughs called the Ropefists— he may even be the gang’s leader. He certainly employs enough of the Ropefists as bouncers and guards at his gaming hall.


Knowledge (local) untrained: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22

Darian spends about two hours puttering around in Khonnir's lab, and produces a small vial of a deep red fluid. He examines it critically and then tells the team, "I have manufactured a tincture that can heal small injuries. If anyone wishes to keep it on hand, please feel free to take it."

When the letter arrives, Darian frowns and says, "This man, Garmen, is an influence-peddler and gatherer of information. I would not be surprised if he sold information to the Technic League. We should see what he wants, but not give him any information about what we've found."

Male Half-Orc Bloodrager (Primalist) 1
hp 15/22(+4) AC 16|T 12 |FF 14, F +8|R +4|W +3, Init +2, Per +6

Azmerai smiles and nods. "Gambling sounds like fun. Is there food and drink?"

Male Human (Kellid) Rogue (Knife Master/ Scout) Lvl 2 Ac 17 hp 11/16 fort +2 ref +7 will +1 per +5 Init +10

"Little games and drinks before we head out again in the morning? Sounds good to me.

Male Human

Sorry for not updating.Seasonal allergies and colds are not fun together. :/
Those entering Silverdisk Hall are greeted by Garmen Ulreth.
"Welcome to Silverdisk Hall! I apoligize, but I have some urgent business I need to take care of; but I wish you luck, both here and in the caves below Black Hill."
Anyone gambling can make wisdom or bluff checks.


Darian looks a bit out of place. He moves from game to game, simply watching how they are played, but not participating. Eventually he winds up back near Jolkum and bluntly says, "Is our host keeping us waiting in hopes that we will lose money at his games?"

Male Half-Orc Bloodrager (Primalist) 1
hp 15/22(+4) AC 16|T 12 |FF 14, F +8|R +4|W +3, Init +2, Per +6

Azmerai tries his luck. 5gp entry.
Wis: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 2 = 18
Wis: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15
Wis: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8
Wis: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22
Wis: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5

Male Human (Kellid) Rogue (Knife Master/ Scout) Lvl 2 Ac 17 hp 11/16 fort +2 ref +7 will +1 per +5 Init +10

"Probably trying to figure us out, see how much of an issue we are going to be. Five gets you ten he is some kind of local crime lord or something."

Jolkum will bet all the free money on a single hand.

bluff: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17

Male Android HP (16/23)
AC/Touch/Flat 17/12/15 Fort/Ref/Will 6/5/0 Init +2
Disable Device +7, Perception +7, Know (Eng) +8, know (arc) +7, stealth +7, survival +5
1 Galvanic Saboteur (Ranger)

Vezron will leave the others to their gambling choosing to head back to Khonnir's house. He unlocks the workshop for Darian to use, then goes inside and begins to write notes down on the coding from the damaged robot from the cave. He spends the night trying to decipher it so he can be more prepared for the next robot they meet.

Male Human

As Darian looks around at the games, a man walks up and introduces himself. "Hello there! I'm Sanvil Trett, a traveling merchantwho specializes in technology. I understand you're exploring some kind of technological dungeon below Torch. If you need help identifying items or other things, you can come to me."


"Ah, hello, Sanvil. I am called Darian. It's true, I have been in an unusual cave system below the hillside on the north of the town. I appreciate the offer. Thus far we've encountered some hostile life forms and some broken devices spewing lightning, but not too much else," says Darian in reply.

"Unfortunately it seems that the kinds of high-value devices that explorers often crave are in short supply and not commonly found in this particular cave system."

Male Half-Orc Bloodrager (Primalist) 1
hp 15/22(+4) AC 16|T 12 |FF 14, F +8|R +4|W +3, Init +2, Per +6

How does Azmerai fare in gambling?

Male Human

Azmerai and Jolkum do quite well, winning 300 gp in total.
Sanvill talks to Darian. "How unfortunate. Well, Perhaps you will find some interesting items deeper in the system. Good luck."
Anyone have anything they want to do before going back to the dungeon?

Male Half-Orc Bloodrager (Primalist) 1
hp 15/22(+4) AC 16|T 12 |FF 14, F +8|R +4|W +3, Init +2, Per +6

With his gambling spoils Azmerai looks if the priest can enchant his weapon to be of masterwork quality.

Male Android HP (16/23)
AC/Touch/Flat 17/12/15 Fort/Ref/Will 6/5/0 Init +2
Disable Device +7, Perception +7, Know (Eng) +8, know (arc) +7, stealth +7, survival +5
1 Galvanic Saboteur (Ranger)

Vezron readily finishes analyzing the code from the robot. Before entering his rest cycle he sets his final research on undercommon to compile with the rest of his data that by the time he wakes up he'll be able to speak the language. By morning he rested and ready to re-enter the cave.

Male Human

The priest can cast the masterwork transformation spell and use his extend rod so it lasts 2 hours, or you could just buy a mwk weapon if you want.


??? Masterwork transmutation is duration instantaneous, which means it makes an item permanently masterwork.

Male Human

Wow, I derped. I somehow confused casting time with duration.

Male Human

Lelet stays behind this time, working on something. The rest of the party heads back to the caves. The desert area seems to have shifted to midday, a pair of red suns hot overhead. The remaining door looks to be locked with a technological lock. There is a space for an access card, but the port is black, unlike the brown cards you have acquired.


"It seems we must go another direction."

Male Human (Kellid) Rogue (Knife Master/ Scout) Lvl 2 Ac 17 hp 11/16 fort +2 ref +7 will +1 per +5 Init +10

Through the next door we go then...

Male Human

Sorry, if I explained this poorly, but the locked door is the only one you haven't explored yet.

Male Human (Kellid) Rogue (Knife Master/ Scout) Lvl 2 Ac 17 hp 11/16 fort +2 ref +7 will +1 per +5 Init +10

Oh, oops. I forgot it was locked. Anyone got a key?

Male Half-Orc Bloodrager (Primalist) 1
hp 15/22(+4) AC 16|T 12 |FF 14, F +8|R +4|W +3, Init +2, Per +6

Azmerai goes to the room where the four armed enemy was and throughoutly searches it.
"Was strong enemy. Maybe hid something!"
Perc: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7

Male Android HP (16/23)
AC/Touch/Flat 17/12/15 Fort/Ref/Will 6/5/0 Init +2
Disable Device +7, Perception +7, Know (Eng) +8, know (arc) +7, stealth +7, survival +5
1 Galvanic Saboteur (Ranger)

Vezron pull out the e-pick they found that day before and attempts to open the locked door. He attaches it to the lock and adeptly pushes in sequences of code through the device into the door trying not to break the lock or the e-pick.
disable device: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23

Male Human

The door slides open, revealing a long curved corridor. It eventually leads to another, unlocked door marked "Science Deck" in Androffan.
That door opens to a large room lit by panels on the ceiling. A metal desk, covered in blinking lights and panels, is atop a raised platform. A circular table is to the side of the desk. Two sets of double doors are to the north and east, the north one is marred by dried blood. Patches of rust-red mold dot the south wall.
New map is up.


Darian pauses and then says, "Have we seen mold of this sort before in the caves?"

Male Human (Kellid) Rogue (Knife Master/ Scout) Lvl 2 Ac 17 hp 11/16 fort +2 ref +7 will +1 per +5 Init +10

We still in this. I didn't notice the thread updating.

Jolkum waits for everyone to file in.


Our DM's still posting on his Ruins of Azlant game, so not sure what's holding us up here.

Male Human (Kellid) Rogue (Knife Master/ Scout) Lvl 2 Ac 17 hp 11/16 fort +2 ref +7 will +1 per +5 Init +10

Probably the lack of posts from others.

Male Human

There's not really much I can do to move us forward right now. :/


Darian says, "There's nothing for it, we must press on." He studiously avoids the mold and moves to the blood-marred doors. "Someone must've left this blood, and it is likely recent, or else it would have faded long ago. Let's try these doors."

Male Android HP (16/23)
AC/Touch/Flat 17/12/15 Fort/Ref/Will 6/5/0 Init +2
Disable Device +7, Perception +7, Know (Eng) +8, know (arc) +7, stealth +7, survival +5
1 Galvanic Saboteur (Ranger)

perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23

Seeing the blood Vezron first checks the door for traps before trying to open it.

Male Human

The door opens to a hallway, which looks to have been the site of a battle. The floor is covered in blood, and several piles of metal debris lie on the floor. several scorch marks mar the walls.

Male Human (Kellid) Rogue (Knife Master/ Scout) Lvl 2 Ac 17 hp 11/16 fort +2 ref +7 will +1 per +5 Init +10

"Might as well see if anyone is still alive."


"I agree." After Vezron checks the doorway, Darian moves cautiously inside.

Male Android HP (16/23)
AC/Touch/Flat 17/12/15 Fort/Ref/Will 6/5/0 Init +2
Disable Device +7, Perception +7, Know (Eng) +8, know (arc) +7, stealth +7, survival +5
1 Galvanic Saboteur (Ranger)

Vezron is cautious and keeps a close eye out for any signs of a trap as the party moves deeper into the room.

perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (19) + 8 = 27

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