Captain collateral damage |

Adventurers Wanted
Rescue of Councilor Khonnir Baine- 4,000 gp reward
Revival of the Torch- 4,000 gp reward
Inquire at the town hall for details.
While Torch's town hall is quite grand, the actual room of the town council is rather small. A five-chaired desk is the center piece of the room, yet only one of those chair is currently occupied by a frustrated-looking old dwarf woman who appears to be looking over some papers. "Can I help you?"
there on a dare. One of them grew a lot stronger for a few minutes after drinking the stuff, but the other one nearly died after the fluids burnt a hole in his gut!"

Vezron Deelt |

Vezron steps into the room and surveys the people inside. "Ah Lelet I see you got here before me." He says stepping up to the desk. He nods towards Darian then turns to the dwarf. "I am also here so that I can help locate Khonnir. I am...worried about him." He turns to Lelet with a questioning look on his face on whether he used the right word.

Rosa_Luminass |

Rosa had been working in the town hall all week fixing the lights. A few cables burned out, a new back up battery installed. Not really hard just time consuming and this would be her last day. So it was just by chance that she was up a ladder in the room where a party was being formed to find a lost council man.
Taking a chance she got down and put the ladder away. Then moved over to look like she was with the group.

Lelet Blaan |

"Uhh... yeah. 'Course I did. Strike while the iron's hot! That's how the cookie crumbles!"
She pats the Ranger on the head, putting her foot in a chair to get the leverage to do it without going on tiptoe. Tall android people, seriously, it was too much for the sorcerer--herself short and animated enough that she'd occasionally joke about being a half-gnome.
"Ya' got it. We're worried." then, a turn back towards the dwarf. "So we're going to save him! Period. Pe-ri-od!"

Azmerai |

To say that the half orc entering the hall is uncivilized would be a major understatement. It is not that he is smelly, he is, but not in a bad way. Well too bad. But his items have a very crude manner and seem to be stitched together from various gopher hides. Even his boots are made from the hides of those beasts. One has to wonder how many little gophers had to die to dress such a massive bulk.
Still he has an undeniable presence, of violence tamed and loss. It takes a moment to notice that he is quite young.
"I look for Conair. Only one left I know here. If he is missing, I can help find him. Have nothing better to do anyway."

Rosa_Luminass |

Rosa was well known in town, the tall and thing construct who spent her time fixing things for others. All work done for a price, be it coin or items. She ware her odd clothing, unlike anything made local. There was odd symbols or writing on it. Her skin held the fine tattoo that at times lit up when she was working. They showed not sign of being anything other than tattoos. As she moved her higher mass showed with floorboards creaking. Around her wast was her Tool belt, holding a number of odd liking items and tools. She spoke in her even plat tone.
Her common using ideas and forms a little off.
"Rosa Concur's, Organic Khonnir Baine designation Councilor, needs to be retrieved, reinsertion to body politic imperative for optimum civic performance."
Then her face moved, it made a smile but the smile was more a shape her face went into, then a smile with any form of feeling behind it. As fact is it came her face fell back into a neutral form. Impassive and unreadable.

Captain collateral damage |

"Excellent! As you may know, Khonnir found some tracks leading down to the pond by black hill shortly after the torch went out, which apparently has a system of caves underneath it. We sent some teams to investigate, but none came back, so Khonnir assembled a team to investigate himself. He came back with a strange broken robot, and said he found a wall of skymetal with a door, which he planned to go through on his second expedition. He never came back from that, though. Joram Kyte has a spell to make you breathe underwater so you can reach the caves."

Jolkum Torn Heart |

Whistling a jaunty, off key tune, Jolkum walks towards the council hall in high spirits. Made an interesting friend in town, heard rumours that others were finding out the true nature of technology and all its ills, and now he was going to finally have proof that the technic league was trying to destroy its surrounding neighbors. How much validation can one man have in any given day.
Walking in as the conversation is under way, he wisely allows it to continue without interruption, a slight smirk playing acrossed his face.

Lelet Blaan |

Who's Joram Kyte?
"Oh, right, he did come back the first time... I should make sure Val's doing okay, shouldn't I?"
Tapping a finger on her chin, Lelet turns and points to the door. "Alright! We're on the case! Let's head over to his place to ask Val if he told her anything else first!" A pause. Then, she turns around and points at the dwarf lady. "Actually, hold it! Is there any way we could get part of the reward now so we can gear as well as possible for the adventure?"

Captain collateral damage |

Joram Kyte is an old priest of Brigh, and one of the councilors.
"I can give you a writ for a 20% discount on any gear you purchase."

Lelet Blaan |

Lelet looks at her coinpurse.
"...It'll have to do. Thanks, Dolga." And thus, she turns around and faces the others. "Okay everyone, let's save us a guy! After shopping, of course. And seeing if he told his daughter anything important. And maybe figuring out a place to use as a meeting place. And then we'll break for lunch and talk to Joram about the water-breathing spell."
Perception: 1d20 ⇒ 13
And it's here that she points to the snickering guy in the back. "How about you, good sir? Are you in or out?"

Jolkum Torn Heart |

"Who, little old me?" A selfish smile beaming from his face, the Kellid looks every bit the wild hunter. "Oh I'm just here to find put what happened to the torch... but, if my good buddy Az is going, well I might as well tag along." The from seems to take on an even more predatory look as the next lines slither their way from his lips. "Maybe our two purposes will dovetail together nicely, and we could find ourselves fulfilling things to our mutual.. satisfaction" A sly wink finishes off the suggestion.
As if I would... something doesn't smell right bout the girl, something in the way she talks.

Lelet Blaan |

Yeah she is not catching what's being put down.
"A buy one get one free offer for you and..." she looks at the others in the room who had said they wanted in. She came with Vezron, Rosa gave her name, and it's not the guy she's addressing (or herself), leaving the other android (she figured--judging by how he talks) or the big half-orc. Snap decision, if she HAS to choose she wants the half orc. She extends her palm in his direction.
"Az here on top of it? Oh, we've dovetailed already. We've dovetailed hard, and I'm super satisfied with all of your choices right now, so uh." Thumbs up. "Good deal."
The thumb goes back down and she steps forward, pointing at the door.
"Alright! Let's save an old guy! And by that I mean talk to a cleric! And by that I mean talk to the old man's daughter for info! And by that I mean definitely not use this as an excuse to check out the really cool robot he brought back that I wanted to see but haven't had a chance to yet!"
She pauses, mentally counting 'one, two--'
"Ah, right. You can call me Lelet. It's great to be working with you all!" Lelet Blaan, Torch's own miniature hurricane, is doing what she does best: whatever she things is a good idea at the time.

Rosa_Luminass |

Looks back and forth from Jolkum to Lelet, then says.
"Will you two be procreating while we are a collective? You seem able to. I know that crafting new biologic forms is in your genomic hard coding. It would be interesting to observe the possess."
She says, and again the disquieting inhuman smile passes over her face.
As yet she has not blinked.

Lelet Blaan |

Her moment of PURE HYPE has just been derailed expertly by an android.
"Huh?!" her pointer finger droops, and she turns her head to give Rosa a confused look. "No, we're going to look at a robot-by-which-I-mean-save-Khonnir. That'd be a waste of energy."

Rosa_Luminass |

Rosa nodes understanding.
"I see... Lelet, we should go and see this Mecha then."
with that she walks to the door and opens it for the others to exit by.

Azmerai |

After all the talk Azmerai looks quite utterly confused at Jolkum. "What do we do now? And do you want to rutt with Lelet. Now? Here?" What could be understood as offensive by someone else is diffused by his confused stare and honest tone.

Jolkum Torn Heart |

Jolkum' s smile doesn't seem to miss a beat as he look over the group. "No my friend, plenty of time for such niceties later. Besides, I don't seem to be her type..." in a lower tone, just barely noticeable, "I'm thinking that is a blessing."

Captain collateral damage |

Khonnir's abode is in fact three buildings: the actual residence, his tavern, and his foundry. As you approach, you hear a crashing sound followed by a child's scream. Then a strange metal thing crashes through the wall of Khonnir's residence.
The strange machine is vaugley humanoid, but has three spidery legs and moves with a strange, jerking gait. In the center of its head is what appears to be large blazing "eye". It says something in a strange langugage.
Initiatives: Jolkum, Azmerai, Rosa, Darian, Vezron, Robot: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (13) + 10 = 231d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 121d20 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 91d20 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 101d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 41d20 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 51d20 ⇒ 3
Everyone can go. In the future, we will have maps, but this combat is really easy and designed to give you a taste of what lurks below, so I don't really think we'll need one.

Rosa_Luminass |

kn engineering with technologist DC 12 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19
Stops, looks at it a moment then says to it.
"nǐ xiū lǐ fēng , sì hū shì bèi yán zhòng pò huài 。 qǐng luó shā quán lì kě néng huì yǐng xiǎng dào nǐ xiū lǐ"
"You are a repair drone, and seem to be severely damaged one. Please power down to that Rosa may effect repairs to you."
She talks in a odd language and starts to unhook some tools from her belt.
"Please don't damage this Drone, I can reaper it"
She says to the others... when...

Azmerai |

There it is!The enemy. It is evil and utterless without mercy!
With a cry of rage Azmerai grabs his flail and charges his enemy. After a few steps big red veins appear on his arms and bloody froth is on his lips.
charge,PowerAttack trait: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (2) + 9 = 111d10 + 12 ⇒ (9) + 12 = 21
Rage+Charge+Trait Ac 13 Hp 15/15

Jolkum Torn Heart |

Jolkum, having accessed the situation and come up with a master plan to take on the beast... trashes his plans as he remembers that there are a lot of other people who can just bash this thing to scrap. Instead he pulls a dagger and attempts to look extremely threatening so that the others don't notice he isn't attacking.

Lelet Blaan |

Knowledge (engineering): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25
She knows that yell, and it spurs her straight into acting. She starts spinning up a spell to put the robot to sleep, albeit one that'll take time to complete.
1 round casting time. See you guys next round.

Darian Six |

"This must be one of Khonnir's experiments," says Darian. "I will attempt to check on his ward."
I'd like to move wide of the combat and try to get into the house to look for the person who screamed, please. Gotta see if that was a "oh no that is a monster" scream, or an "aagh I just got stabbed and now I am bleeding to death" scream!"

Vezron Deelt |

Vezron leads the way to Khonnir's house but is stopped short by the sound of Val's scream. Before he can process what is going on the robot Khonnir brought from his last trip bursts through the wall saying repair over and over. Seeing Darian move too check on Val, he decides to take the robot down first. Then the idea that this robot might have hurt Val causes a burning sensation to grip his chest and blur his vision. He screams out in Androffan "Try and repair THIS!", and strikes the robot with a powerful overhead swing of his sword.
attack: 1d20 + 5 - 1 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 5 - 1 + 2 = 26 power attack and favored enemy
crit confirm?: 1d20 + 5 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 5 + 2 = 25
damage: 2d6 + 12 ⇒ (5, 3) + 12 = 20
crit damage: 2d6 + 12 ⇒ (1, 1) + 12 = 14

Captain collateral damage |

The robot pays no heed to Rosa's speaking to it, while Azmerai's poorly timed stroke bounces off its plating. Vezron, however, somehow cuts cleanly through the machine, and the two halves fall to the ground as it ceases moving.
Combat over
Darian spots Val, Khonnir's adopted daughter, emerge from under a table, a little dusty but unharmed.
"Thank you so much!"

Rosa_Luminass |

Seeing Vezron smash the drone, she is not angry or upset, that would take feelings. The drone was no responding, his actions where logical. She took a moment to look at the house. To check it would not fall down from the damage done.
Perception 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11
Knowledge (engineering) take 10+6=16
Happy the house was sound she walked over to the two haves to the repair drone. Then while the others deal with the Girl, Rosa bent down and looks at the drone. Seeing if she can fix it, such a drone would have a use on there, trip, if only to carry things. As she worked a small cloud of nanite come from her and start to fix parts of it and let her check it's control systems. She places her hand on it's form so she could hack it simple AI. She also wanted to see if it had record its interactions from when it was found, if it had anything in its data banks about Khonnir, that would be a boon.
She will see if she can get the drone fixed and up and running again. Would be a great help for them.
Using mend at will, just to fix small parts.
Lore Keeper (Sp): [DC18]
You can touch a creature to learn about its abilities and weaknesses. With a successful touch attack, you gain information as if you made the appropriate Knowledge skill check with a result equal to 15 + your cleric level + your Wisdom modifier.
^Knowledge (Engineering)(Int) take 10+6=16
GM can she fix it, she has magic/Super-Science to repair it

Jolkum Torn Heart |

At the sight of the young lady, Jolkum drops his guard and responds in Hallit
All the normal sinister innuendo and crudeness seems to drop from the young man.
diplomacy: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26 Attempting to make a good first impression.... man he is on his best behavior all of a sudden.
Edit: Edited comment for clarity and character.

Lelet Blaan |

Vezron's strike is Lelet's cue to stop chanting and run for Val instead. Darian only just gets her up before she's taking Val's hands and looking her over up and down.
"Are you okay? That glitchy robot better not have hurt you. If it did, I'll tear its wires out and hang it by them! And then figure out how to fix it and force it to give you flowers for your birthday."

Vezron Deelt |

Verzron shakes his head at the odd sensation that ran through him and decides to ask Lelet about it later. He then steps inside to see Darian pulling Val from under the table. "Val are you unharmed?" After checking she is all right he steps outside to see Rosa working on the bot. He then studies the repair bot for knowledge and to figure out what Rosa is doing to it. knowledge (eng): 1d20 + 7 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 7 + 2 = 25 He asks Rosa a question.

Rosa_Luminass |

Looks up as Venzron.
"Yes, if you are able to help, please do so. This Drone has been badly damaged, I could have turned it off, see there is an OFF switch just here."
She points
"What I want to do is see if it has any records of its being found and taken to here. It may help us work out where the missing human is. Also If I can get it working again it may aid us going back where it was found."
She seems far better at communicating in Androffan than common.

Captain collateral damage |

Rosa-The house is fine.
Repair Drones have a number of unique abilities (they are basically Clockwork Servants with the robot subtype. The damage is likely irreparable after Vezron's strike, and it doesn't appear to have anything in terms of memory that you could access. Strangely, it has no power source and empty power cells, making it unclear how it powered on in the first place.
"I'm fine, just a little rattled. I don't know much about his expedition. He said he found a wall of glaucite, an alloy of adamantine and iron, with two strange doors, one open and the other locked. He planned to explore beyond the wall further when he went back. He also found some monsters in the caves, including giant insects, gremlins, and people who can change their skin for camoflauge."

Lelet Blaan |

"So things we can deal with."
Lelet is smiling.
"Don't you worry, okay Val? If it takes us a thousand minutes, we're going to find your dad! You know you can depend on me, right?" She points to herself, placing a finger on each cheek.
"We've got some reliable guys, and they also brought friends. Don't worry."

Rosa_Luminass |

After rooting around inside with her arm she pulls it back out, she is holding a round cylinder.
"This is most most odd, the power-cell in here is depleted, in fact has been for a very long time. Also the AI, is missing, I can see no control system at all. It's just... cogs and gears, that seem to power themselves. I suspect this is not a true Androffan device at all bit a copy made made to look like one. I suspect its powered by what they call Magic this world. Such a strange place."
She shouts over to the house.
"Quiry the female child about why she or her farther crafted this fraudulent repair Drone"
She hands the cylinder to Vezron so he can have a look at it.
"It's scrape, little more then plating and raw metals."

Vezron Deelt |

During the conversation with Rosa, Vezron realizes how terrible his spoken Androffan is as he had learned it mostly from reading and studying in ruins. Hearing Azmerai, he turns and nods. "It is a specialty of mine." He continues to work on the robot with Rosa.
Vezron takes the cylinder and inspects it, shaking his head.
He stands up, picking up the two halves of the robot, and moves it over to the foundry. He then returns to the residence and steps back inside. "Val if you are okay then it is time for us to continue our search for your father." He steps forward and pats her on the head, copying what Lelet did to him earlier. "Do not worry we will be back with Khonnir soon enough."
He then steps over to Lelet. "If I may ask another question of you Lelet? The thought that that robot might have harmed Val caused a burning sensation to grip my chest and my vision to blur. Instead of trying to use my skills to reprogram it I instead lashed out and destroyed it. Do you know if that might have been an emotion or did i just have a strange malfuntion of some kind."

Captain collateral damage |

You head off to see Joram Kyte, who casts a water breathing spell for you.
"It should last you about four hours."
You head down to the pond by black hill that connects to the caves. The water is placid, but foul.
You can make any preparations you like, don't worry about your stuff getting wet I'm not that mean of a GM. Also, as you go in I'll need Fort saves because the water is icky; andriods get a +4.

Vezron Deelt |

Vezron dives in first and swims into the caves.
Fort: 1d20 + 5 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 5 + 4 = 28 I think i save
swim: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16

Lelet Blaan |

"It was a feeling. Anger. Don't get consumed by it, but otherwise it's perfectly normal!"
Or so she says while patting him on the back.
At the lake, Lelet casts a Mage Armor on herself before jumping in after the others. New AC: 16
A still lake this early in? I'll take 10. 10 total.
Fort: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 2 = 18

Rosa_Luminass |

To Vezrons comment she says
"Keep it, if we find a charger, it may hold a charge, if I had a full workshop I would have it all fixed in now time. But here, just don't have the tools and equipment."
As the moved what was left of the robot back, she processed the new information about it. If it was not crafted or altered and the had been dead for some time, then what was powering the thing, magic?.
KN (Arcana) 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12
Once they have it dumped in the building she has a fast look around.
Seeing of anyone had tinkered with it while it had been there.
She looks at the girl child to see if she has the tools.
She follows the others to get air.
Once they get to the pool she has a good look at it.
perception 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13
At Lelet comment about anger she says
"Anger... normal... Normal for Org-a but not for Mech-a, feeling are illogical to most Mech-a Vezron. I was imprinted with a Org-a study file. Org-er cognitive wetware has a part called the Amygdala, which generates the responses Org-a know as emotions. Mech-a have encoded objectification centers and simulated emotions codes. Vezron your experiencing simulated emotions nothing more nothing less. That dose not mean to say you do not feel as they understand such things. I myself have found them of limited use but I have meet others who used them extensively. I myself have use simulate them when dealing with Org-a. I have perfected a smile, that seems to work and set them at ease."
Then as the others go in she follows.
swim, 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (12) + 0 = 12 well that may not be good
Her mass was such that its hard to swim, but she had made same small air pockets in her clothing to add her, and to stop her sinking like a stone into the water, her sinking was slowed and controlled to a point.
As the fowl water enveloped her internal systems warned her of danger an started to take action to protect her. Endure Elements for 24 hours + Fort save 1d20 + 2 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 2 + 4 = 24
She really needed a bio and rad censer but such things where hard to find or make on this world.