Jolkum Torn Heart |

"Magic was good enough for my father, and his father before him. Magic is given by the gods, this stuff is not of the gods. This stuff goes on a rampage and tribes burn, at least with magic you can kill the person that set your house on fire well with hell prayers, robots can just decide to keep going till some brave warrior lays down his life taking it out."
Well... I just became a Luddite it seems.

Vezron Deelt |

Vezron would know Lelet as another pupil under Khonnir and also be the person he goes to when he has questions about emotions and feelings. Vezron also frequents the junkyard looking for new components to tinker with and to set up training dummies made of junk to practice his sword play on. So he'd be pretty familiar with anyone else that spends time there. I feel Rosa would have a conniption anytime Vezron is around since he is constantly breaking and tinkering with tech to figure out how it works. Vezron is of the mind that it does not matter if something functions or is broken so long as he can figure out how it works. As far as people from outside Torch it is possible that Vezron might have run into them on some of his trips to nearby ruins. He goes to translate any writing he finds in them.

Captain collateral damage |

New character list for my own convenience:
Characters Submitted So far:
Lelet Blaan, human sorcerer
Rosa Luminass, android cleric (iron preist)
Goyarg, dwarf unchained barbarian
Vors Falchen, human fighter
Azmerai, half-orc bloodrager (primalist)
Fera, human fighter (warlord)
Vezron Deelt, android ranger (galvanic saboteur)
K0-1L, android investigator (empiricist)
Darian Six, android alchemist (chirugon, inspired chemist)
Jolkum Torn Heart, human rogue (knife master, scout)
Rikkivar Greenfur, ratfolk alchemist (toxicant)
XJ18, android ninja (nanoshade)
Eddwick, gnome alchemist (alchemical sapper)

Captain collateral damage |

Thank you everyone so much for your time, effort, and great charaacters (who I may or may not steal for different games), this was a very tough decision. I had a lot of submissions, and this AP is actually quite tough, so I decided to take 6 characters.
Lelet Blaan
Rosa Luminass
Vezron Deelt
Darian Six
Jolkum Torn Heart
Thanks again for your time.
Gameplay and discussion threads will be up in a bit.