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Hello everyone, with 4 responses to the interest check in just 6 hours, I'm definitely going ahead with my CSI Pathfinder campaign.
Premise: You are a member of the city guard. Each adventure, you will be tasked with performing guardly duties as a unit. Most of the time, this will consist of solving a crime, the gimmick being that you will be using your character's skills to obtain the clues, but, as much as you can, you will be expected to figure out the truth with your real-life brain. (Don't worry. If I do my job right, it will be easier than it sounds.)
There will be light combat, (about 2 fights per mystery), but the bulk of this campaign will be investigation, interviewing witnesses and suspects, and the like. There will generally be many ways of approaching any given mystery, and I'll try to indulge anything creative that you come up with.
Now, with that said, on to character creation:
Starting Level: 1
Ability Scores: 20 Point Buy
Starting Wealth: You begin with the average wealth for your class. However, because you are a member of the city guard, you are outfitted with standard issue gear. This consists of a single masterwork weapon (simple or martial weapons only, racial weapons do not count as martial for the purpose of this restriction), and a single masterwork set of armor. Neither of these items may cost more than 500 GP, including the cost of the masterwork property. If you choose a class which is hostile to armor, we can talk about something else instead.
HP: Max at first level. Roll after first level. (If you would ever roll two 1s in a row, re-roll until you do not.)
Skills: Each level, you will receive a bonus skill rank in Profession (Guardsperson). This is in addition to all other skill ranks you receive. You will not be allowed to use this skill to earn money, (as that is what you will be doing during play).
Classes: You may take any Paizo published class. Especially appropriate classes include the paladin, investigator and inquisitor. You will want to take the urban versions of nature classes.
Races: I'm flexible. If it doesn't have racial hit dice and isn't ridiculous, I'll allow it. However, people will not like having a hostile race, such as a goblin, in their guard, and this will actually matter at least a little bit. (Races like Ifrits or Ratfolk which are merely unusual will not have this negative reaction.)
Alignment: As a member of the city guard, you are expected to be a morally and socially upstanding member of society. In other words, you may be neither chaotic nor evil. This means that Lawful Good, Neutral Good, Lawful Neutral and True Neutral are your choices for alignments.
Deity: You may not worship an evil deity. If you are a divine spellcaster with an aura, you may not worship a chaotic deity, as this would cause you to detect as chaotic, which would be bad for you in the city guard.
Flavor: I'm trying to make this campaign relatively immersive and flavorful, so I'd prefer it if you went into a decent amount of material on who your character is and why they have chosen to join the city guard. I'm not asking for a novel, but shoot for 5 paragraphs. If it is possible for me to incorporate your backstory into the campaign, I will almost certainly do this, even if just for one mystery.
Also, given that you are asked to make deductions, I advise you to make a character who is able to put information together. If you don't want them to be classically intelligent, consider giving them a flavor of quirkiness or spontaneity which would allow them to randomly jump to correct conclusions, just so you figuring out the answer never feels out of place.
Lastly, as should be obvious, your character may not be any sort of criminal. This requirement applies to all identities and personalities your character might possess, whether or not the guard knows about them. (This does not prevent you from being a vigilante, as putting on a costume is not illegal.)
Standards: As a guardsperson, you are expected to be an upstanding individual.
You are expected not to kill a person except to prevent them from killing someone else, unless they have been sentenced to death. (Undead, Evil Outsiders, and other almost-always-evil monsters have a standing death sentence and do not count.)
You are expected not to harm a person without good reason. (Mind controlling someone is harming them.)
You are expected not to invade someone's privacy unless you have a legitimate reason to believe it will assist you in an investigation. (Mind-reading someone is invading their privacy.)
You are expected not to take someone else's property without their permission. Looting bodies violates this rule. (You will be given a salary to ensure you have the wealth you need.)
These rules are not as harsh as they seem. I will be generous regarding what counts as probable cause, and obviously reasonable exceptions will be made when they are, well, reasonable. They exist to help re-enforce the idea that you are working inside the law, and are expected to abide by it. Those adventurers can get away with extra-judicial killing or breaking and entering, and of course, they get to keep anything they find, but you are not an adventurer. You are a guardsperson. You are a protector and servant of the people.
Now, if I haven't managed to scare you away yet, I look forward to seeing your characters. I think this is going to be a fun campaign. :D

Nutcase Entertainment |

Deaths Adorable Apprentice |

This sounds like a lot of fun! I love the concept. I have always wanted to play a city guard because I am weird like that. And the rules you mentioned to not seem unreasonable.
I will work on building a castellan Cavalier. That archetype works in castles and cities. It seems like a really good option for a guard.
If I go with human would you be ok with the
I have a few questions before I get to building my character. Sorry if there is a lot but I am a questions kind of person. Which should be a good thing for this game I think.
Does it bother you if there is romance that pops up in the game? I have seem games that seem to center around it and others where it does not matter at all. Or people shame those doing it.
Do you play to the stereotype? You mentioned for the really weird races that it could happen but I am curious. This is something I enjoy but not everyone does. Be it racial, species, religion or gender.
What are some of the law we will be upholding? You mentioned some guidelines but are there any weird laws? Religions or schools of magic that are banned.
What are the common religions in the area?
Is it a really dangerous city? Or are there parts of it that are really rough? Is there nobility in the city?
How big is the city?
What kind of posting rate are you looking for?
How are you doing the combat?
How are the typical adventurer viewed in this place?
I think that is all.. for now.

Alice in Blunderland |

That's a dot.
Just in the interests of not cheating, I will stay away from a divinations, or at least the hard divinations. Now to decide what I want to play.
How do you feel about an Aasimar from Tian Xia? Too far in the left field? Okay for the campaign? Just want to make sure that the race is compatible. If not, I'll probably go Half-Elf.

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That's a dot.
Just in the interests of not cheating, I will stay away from a divinations, or at least the hard divinations. Now to decide what I want to play.
How do you feel about an Aasimar from Tian Xia? Too far in the left field? Okay for the campaign? Just want to make sure that the race is compatible. If not, I'll probably go Half-Elf.
Aasimar is fine. Tian is fine.

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* Werewolf? hey, a living "chem scanner" isn't anywhere near as broken as a Diviner Wizard...
1: I would have mentioned them, so no. This of all games is one where they would not be appropriate.
2: You may not start as one. I may choose to turn you into one later, but this may not be a good thing for you.

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This sounds like a lot of fun! I love the concept. I have always wanted to play a city guard because I am weird like that. And the rules you mentioned to not seem unreasonable.
I will work on building a castellan Cavalier. That archetype works in castles and cities. It seems like a really good option for a guard.
If I go with human would you be ok with the ** spoiler omitted ** racial trait?
I have a few questions before I get to building my character. Sorry if there is a lot but I am a questions kind of person. Which should be a good thing for this game I think.
Does it bother you if there is romance that pops up in the game? I have seem games that seem to center around it and others where it does not matter at all. Or people shame those doing it.
Do you play to the stereotype? You mentioned for the really weird races that it could happen...
1: Trait away, dear child of the fey.
2: Romance is fine with me. There will be a few recurring characters.
3: Not really sure what you mean. If you play a Goblin, I will want you to either act like a Goblin or explain why you do not in your backstory. As for gender stereotypes, no.
4: There are hundreds, of course, but some of the ones you may not assume are: Magical assault (mental or physical) is illegal. Mind control is illegal. MInd reading is illegal. Summoning an evil outsider is illegal. Casting an evil spell is illegal. Pesh is illegal. Using divination to invade privacy is illegal. Casting "undetectable alignment" is illegal.
5: Ababar, Iomedae, Desna, Cayden Cailean, Shelyn, Asmodeus.
6: It is a diverse city. There are dangerous slums and safe suburbs.
7: There are nobility.
8: Big. Metropolis grade.
9: Daily until the semester. Three times a week during it.
10: Theatre of the mind.
11: They are good for getting rid of monsters, but they tend to steal s*!! and break the law, like they think they're above it.

Nutcase Entertainment |
Nutcase Entertainment wrote:1) Background skills?1) I would have mentioned them, so no. This of all games is one where they would not be appropriate.
1) reduce to one per level? Profession (Guardsperson) kinda being the second one. Or an extra skill point at first level (might help with the characters backgrounds)?
2) Does the city have a port?
3) How much wilderness around the city?
4) Is the UA Expert bad?
5) Ability Score Adjustment for age categories, how will they work? Core, PFS or something else?

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1: You get no background skills. You recieve the normal ranks per level, and a single rank in profession guardsperson. You recieve no ranks other than these.
2: There is a port.
3: There is a fair amount.
4: He is not a paizo class. I said Paizo classes in the op.
5: As a person newly joining the city guard, you are not going to be anything but a normal adult. NPCs will have the adjustments in the core book.

Deaths Adorable Apprentice |

Do we get traits? Because I would want this one. blade of mercy. I could be but not sure if I want to. Being able to do none lethal damage seems like it would be a good thing.
Oh and what country is this taking place in?

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Do we get traits? Because I would want this one. blade of mercy. I could be but not sure if I want to. Being able to do none lethal damage seems like it would be a good thing.
Oh and what country is this taking place in?
1: Yes. 2.
2: Still agonizing over that. You'd be surprised how difficult it is to find a nation which can host a chaotic-good aligned city, which would be on a coastline, would have nobility and whose laws I'd be free to make up.

Deaths Adorable Apprentice |

Jalmeray is a CN island with minimal info on it. Kind of an Indian or Arabic feel to it.
While Varisia is N and has independent city-states. There is a lot more information on this country with all of the adventure paths that start there. With the city state thing there could be nobles in that city easily.
Taldor has lots of traditions. They are primarily human and a little racist. The city of Cassomir was written up in a book, The cities of Golarian. So less work building I suppose. But it is N but that could be changed.
Those are my attempts to help.

Loup Blanc |

Still agonizing over that. You'd be surprised how difficult it is to find a nation which can host a chaotic-good aligned city, which would be on a coastline, would have nobility and whose laws I'd be free to make up.
Hmm... I'd suggest making up a city in Varisia. Cheliax or Taldor could work if it's a particularly independent city. Alternatively the Lands of the Linnorm Kings could work reasonably well with a different feel.
Use of traits is nice, thanks for that. Right now my primary thought is an inquisitor of Abadar, playing the bad cop, but that could change. Wish Asmodeus was available, that would have worked beautifully.

Rana Kastilios |

DBH here. Since Raltus has an Urban ranger ready to go I thought I'd try a class I've never played before. Something new and a little weird, but I think she will work with the campaign.
Rana Kastilios, Shaman of Bones. "The dead need justice too."
Female Human (Varisian) shaman 1. NG medium humanoid (human)
Init +2; Senses Low-Light Vision, Perception +10,
Languages Common, Osiriani, Thassilonian, Varisian
AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14. hp 10 (1HD). Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +5
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares)
Ranged light crossbow +2 (1d8/19-20)
Melee masterwork mace, light +1 (1d6)
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 12
Special Actions Touch of the Grave.
Abilities Str 11, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 12
Special Qualities Bones (Spirit), Bonus Feat, Familiar's Alertness ability active, Low-Light Vision,
Orisons, Skilled, Spirit, Spirit Animal, Spirit Magic, Weapon and Armor Proficiency,
Feats Alertness, Combat Casting, Fast Learner
Skills Acrobatics +1, Appraise +5, Artistry +2, Bluff +1, Climb -1, Craft (Untrained) +2, Diplomacy +5, Disguise +1, Escape Artist +1, Fly +1, Heal +7, Intimidate +1, Knowledge (Nature) +6, Knowledge (Planes) +6, Knowledge (Religion) +6, Perception +10, Perform (Untrained) +1, Profession (Guardsman) +7, Ride +1, Sense Motive +5, Spellcraft +6, Stealth +1, Survival +7, Swim -1,
Possessions outfit (traveler's); masterwork chain shirt; Light Crossbow ;
Blood of Dragons Long ago, your ancestors' blood mixed with that of dragons. Choose one of the following: gain a +1 trait bonus on Perception checks, gain low-light vision, or gain a +2 trait bonus on saving throws against effects that cause sleep or paralysis.
Bones (Spirit) Spirit Magic Spells: cause fear (1st), false life (2nd), animate dead (3rd), fear (4th), slay living (5th), circle of death (6th), control undead (7th), horrid wilting (8th), wail of the banshee (9th)
Low-Light Vision (Ex) You can see x2 as far as humans in low illumination. Characters with low-light vision have eyes that are so sensitive to light that they can see twice as far as normal in dim light.
Orisons Shamans can prepare a number of orisons, or 0-level spells, each day. These spells are cast like any other spell, but they are not expended when cast and may be used again.
Seeker You are always on the lookout for reward and danger. You gain a +1 trait bonus on
Perception checks, and Perception is always a class skill for you.
Spirit (Su) A shaman forms a mystical bond with the spirits of the world. She forms a lasting bond with a single spirit, which grants a number of abilities and defines many of her other class features. If the shaman takes levels in another class that grants a mystery (such as the oracle), the spirit and mystery must match, even if that means one of them must change. Subject to GM discretion, the shaman can change her former mystery or spirit to make them conform.
Spirit Animal (Ex) A shaman forms a close bond with a spirit animal tied to her chosen spirit. This animal is her conduit to the spirit world, guiding her along the path to enlightenment. The animal also aids a shaman by granting her a special ability. A shaman must commune with her spirit animal each day to prepare her spells. While the spirit animal does not store the spells like a witch's familiar does, the spirit animal serves as her conduit to divine power. If a shaman's spirit animal is slain, she cannot prepare new spells or use her spirit magic class feature until the spirit animal is replaced.
Spirit Magic A shaman can spontaneously cast a limited number of spells per day beyond those she prepared ahead of time. She has one spell slot per day of each shaman spell level she can cast, not including orisons. She can choose these spells from the list of spells granted by her spirits (see the spirit class feature and the wandering spirit class feature) at the time she casts them. She can enhance these spells using any metamagic feat that she knows, using up a higher-level spell slot as required by the feat and increasing the time to cast the spell.
Touch of the Grave (Su) As a standard action, the shaman can make a melee touch attack infused with negative energy that deals 1d4 + 0 points of damage. She can instead touch an undead creature to heal it of the same amount of damage. A shaman can use this ability 4/day.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency A shaman is proficient with all simple weapons, and with light and medium armor.
Male Familiar Raven animal 1
None tiny animal/magical beast (familiar, augmented magical beast, familiarbase)
Init +2; Senses Low-Light Vision, Perception +6,
Languages Common, Empathic Link,
AC 15, touch 14, flat-footed 13. hp 5 (1HD). Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +4
Speed 10 ft. (2 squares) Fly 40 ft. (Average)
Melee bite +4 (1d3-4)
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 6
Abilities Str 2, Dex 15, Con 8, Int 6, Wis 15, Cha 7
Special Qualities Alertness, Empathic Link, Improved Evasion, Low-Light Vision, Share Spells,
Speak One Language, Spirit Animal,
Feats Weapon Finesse
Skills Acrobatics +2, Acrobatics (Jump) -6, Appraise -2, Artistry -2, Bluff -2, Climb +8, Craft (Untrained) -2, Diplomacy -1, Disguise -2, Escape Artist +2, Fly +10, Heal +3, Intimidate -2, Knowledge (Nature) -1, Knowledge (Planes) -1, Knowledge (Religion) -1, Perception +6, Perform (Untrained) -2, Ride +2, Sense Motive +2, Spellcraft -1, Stealth +10, Survival +3, Swim +2,
Alertness (Ex) While a familiar is within arm's reach, the master gains the Alertness feat.
Empathic Link (Su) The master has an empathic link with his familiar to a 1 mile distance. The master can communicate emphatically with the familiar, but cannot see through its eyes. Because of the link's limited nature, only general emotions can be shared. The master has the same connection to an item or place that his familiar does.
Improved Evasion (Ex) When subjected to an attack that normally allows a Reflex saving throw for half damage, an animal companion takes no damage if it makes a successful saving throw and only half damage if the saving throw fails.
Low-Light Vision (Ex) You can see x2 as far as humans in low illumination. Characters with low-light vision have eyes that are so sensitive to light that they can see twice as far as normal in dim light. Low-Light Vision is color vision. A spellcaster with low-light vision can read a scroll as long as even the tiniest candle flame is next to her as a source of light. Characters with low-light vision can see outdoors on a moonlit night as well as they can during the day.
Share Spells (Ex) The master may cast a spell with a target of "You" on her animal companion (as a spell with a range of touch) instead of on herself. A master may cast spells on her animal companion even if the spells normally do not affect creatures of the companion's type (animal). Spells cast in this way must come from a class that grants an animal companion. This ability does not allow the animal to share abilities that are not spells, even if they function like spells.
Speak One Language (Su) The familiar can speak one language of its master's choice as a supernatural ability.
Spirit Animal (Su) The spirit animal gives off a ghostly glow and seems nearly transparent. The animal is under the constant effects of blur, with caster level equal to the shaman's level.
For girl who has the spirits of the dead constantly whispering in her ear Rana is surprisingly cheerful and positive.
This is mainly due to her serving in the guard, bringing justice to the living, and the dead. Rana feels that every murder she prevents, every crime she solves gives rest to another spirit.
She is always very interested in solving long standing cases, and serves the guard both in patrols, as a healer and in forensics. Outside of work Rana lives a pretty normal life. She's happy to go out drinking with her fellow officers, loves trying new and exotic foods, and has a fondness for books she can curl up with and read when it's quiet.
Rana is seen as a bit weird, many see her as some kind on necromancer, her habit of holding long conversations with spirits only she sees just adds to this image. Along with her spirit Raven familiar Craw craw, often found perched on her shoulder whispering to her.
She hopes to work her way up the ranks to be a detective, charged with solving murders, especially the long unsolved cases. Either that or to be the officer charged with dealing with cases that involve undead. As a devout worshiper of Pharasma Rana wants any such abominations sent to their proper end.
Rana is an attractive young woman, with long black hair and golden skin, her eyes are violet, showing her Varisian heritage. She also likes gold jewellery and long silk scarfs for decoration.
I just need to buy her a bit more gear to finish up. Any questions or corrections justlet me know.

Deaths Adorable Apprentice |

Ok so I have a back story for him. I still need to do a few things on the crunchy bits and I will probably add a few scenes in the backstory
Conri spent much of his youth with his mother and his personal bodyguard, Senka, a large wolf. His father was never fully able to give up the call of adventure. While he was never gone for more than six months, something Nadim found perfectly acceptable, this had a profound effect on Conri. In his early youth he felt he lived for the stories his mother told and the songs of battle and honor his father sang of. But as he grew older he saw how lonely his mother was when Conall was gone for months and a profound hatred of so called adventures grew in him. Yes they could do great things but the flip side of it is that adventurers were capable of great atrocities as well. Many of them are selfish creatures. He never begrudged his mother since she did the right thing, in his mind, when she began a family. Any trips to made to visit her grove she either brought Conri with or made sure he would be with his father.
Many of his personal views were formed by his mother. He has a deep respect for nature and all life forms. Throughout his youth he devoted much of his time to try and emulate the abilities his mother had. But wielding all but the barest the powers of nature alluded him. A love and respect of animals was fostered in Conri from infancy. His youth was full of bird with broken wings, friendly rabbits, and stay cats. Conri has always desired a connection like his mother and Senka have.
His desire to become a guard of the city comes from various sources. Partially fueled by his hate of adventurers and the want to anger his father. Another part is wanting that belonging with a group that has clear and good goals. The guards of the city stop thieves and would be murders. They protect the people of his home. Conri never developed that wanderlust both of his parents had but their desire to do more was deep in his bones. This was his city and he knew it like his mother knew the wilds.

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Male half-elf ranger (urban ranger) 1 ( Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide 129)
LN Medium humanoid (elf, human)
Init +1; Senses low-light vision; Perception +7
AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +1 Dex)
hp 13 (1d10+3)
Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +1; +2 vs. enchantments
Immune sleep
Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor)
Melee dagger +4 (1d4+3/19-20) or
dagger +4 (1d4+3/19-20) or
handaxe +4 (1d6+3/×3) or
mwk battleaxe +5 (1d8+3/×3) or
sap +4 (1d6+3 nonlethal)
Special Attacks favored enemy (humans +2)
Str 17, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 12
Base Atk +1; CMB +4; CMD 15
Feats Black Market Sleuth, Skill Focus (Knowledge [local])
Traits honey-tongued, urban sleuth (Professor Mangvhune; Knowledge [Local, Planes])
Skills Acrobatics +0 (-4 to jump), Bluff +1 (+2 when dealing with agents of the law), Climb +6, Diplomacy
+5 (+6 when dealing with agents of the law), Knowledge (local) +9, Perception +7, Profession
(Guardperson) +5, Sense Motive +5, Spellcraft +5, Survival +5 (+6 to navigate in the wilderness in
Kintargo); Racial Modifiers +2 Perception
Languages Common, Elven, Varisian
SQ elf blood, track +1, wild empathy
Combat Gear caltrops; Other Gear mwk armored coat APG, dagger, dagger, handaxe, mwk battleaxe, sap,
area map UE, belt pouch, hip flask UE, ink, inkpen, journal UE, magnet APG, manacles, marbles APG, string or
twineAPG, 100 gp, 7 sp, 9 cp
Special Abilities
Black Market Sleuth Roll 2x (take high) to access black market/contacts. Use diplomacy to find targets
hiding in city.
Elf Blood Half-elves count as both elves and humans for any effect related to race.
Elven Immunities - Sleep You are immune to magic sleep effects.
Favored Enemy (Humans +2) (Ex) +2 to rolls vs. Favored Enemy (Humans) foes.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in dim light, distinguishing color and detail.
Track +1 Add the listed bonus to survival checks made to track.
Wild Empathy +2 (Ex) Improve the attitude of an animal, as if using Diplomacy.

Deaths Adorable Apprentice |

Ok so I have not spent any money other than a longbow I am not sure I am keeping and I have not picked the teamwork feat I get to share. Any opinions on it is welcome.
AC 17, touch 11, flat-footed 16 (+6 armor, 1+ Dex)
hp 12(d10+2)
Fort +1class +2 mod =3 , Ref +0class +2mod = 2, Will +0class -1 mod +2 feat =1
Speed 30ft, 20ft in armor
Melee +5 attack with one handed long sword (1d8+3)
+5 with two hands long sword (1d8+4 19-20x2)
Ranged +2 with longbow (1d8)
Special Attacks Challenge = swift action +level to damage, +2 to AC
Tactician = grant teamwork feat to allies in 30ft
Spell-Like Abilities (CL th; concentration +)
1st— Speak with Animals
0 Detect Magic, Mending, Stabilize,
Str 16, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 15, Wis9 , Cha 14
Base Atk +1; CMB +4; CMD 15
Feats Iron Will. Skill Focus (Sense Motive), still need the team work feat
Traits Crowd Dodger You spent much of your youth on crowded streets, dodging quickly around and under others
Benefit(s): You gain a +2 trait bonus on Acrobatics checks to move through another creature's space and to avoid attacks of opportunity for leaving a threatened square
Law Enforcer
If you follow this code, you are always alert to those who transgress against the laws of civilization.
Benefits: You receive a +2 bonus on Sense Motive checks to gain a hunch from social situations, and begin play with a pair of masterwork manacles.
Skills 4 class, +1 level +2 Int = 7per level +1 to profession
Acrobatics(Dex) +1 rank, +1 mod, +3 class, +2 trait =7
Bluff (Cha)
Climb (Str) +1 rank, +3 mod, +3 class =7
Craft (Int)
Diplomacy (Cha) +1 rank, +2 mod, +3 class = 6
Handle Animal (Cha) +1 rank, +2 mod, +3 class =5
Knowledge (local) +1 rank, +2 mod, +3 class =5
Intimidate (Cha)
Linguistics (Int)
Perception(Wis) +1 rank, -1 mod, +3 class =3
Profession (Wis) (guard) +1 rank, -1 mod, +3 class = 3
Ride (Dex)
Sense Motive (Wis) +1 rank, -1 mod, +3 class, +3 skill focus =6 (+1/2 level vs bluffing and identifying enchantment behavior)
Swim (Str).
Languages Common, Dwarven, Halfling
Combat Gear mwk scimitar (1d8 19-20x2), mwk breastplate (+6, dex +3, -3 penalty,), explorers outfitThis set of clothes is for someone who never knows what to expect. It includes sturdy boots, leather breeches or a skirt, a belt, a shirt (perhaps with a vest or jacket), gloves, and a cloak. Rather than a leather skirt, a leather overtunic may be worn over a cloth skirt. The clothes have plenty of pockets (especially the cloak). The outfit also includes any extra accessories you might need, such as a scarf or a wide-brimmed hat. mwk manacles (DC28 str to brake, DC35 escape artist)
Other Gear 175gp
A castellan is a cavalier who dedicates himself to the defense of a castle or walled city. Though not as celebrated as the cavaliers who ride forth to take on distant foes, the castellan is no less brave or important, for the castellan and his allies are the last line of defense for those who depend on the fortification for protection.
Castle DefenderAt 1st level, a castellan gains a +1 bonus to Armor Class and an additional +1 bonus on attack rolls when he is on higher ground. He also gains an additional +1 bonus to Armor Class and on Reflex saves when he has cover other than soft cover from other creatures. At 6th level, a castellan gains evasion (as a rogue) when he has cover (but not soft cover) against the source of the attack.
At 11th level, these bonuses increase by 1. At 16th level, he gainsimproved evasion instead of evasion. Both the evasion and improved evasion abilities work even when the castellan wears medium or heavy armor.
This ability replaces mount
Challenge Once per day, a cavalier can challenge a foe to combat. As a swift action, the cavalier chooses one target within sight to challenge. The cavalier's melee attacks deal extra damage whenever the attacks are made against the target of his challenge. This extra damage is equal to the cavalier's level. The cavalier can use this ability once per day at 1st level, plus one additional time per day for every three levels beyond 1st, to a maximum of seven times per day at 19th level.
Challenging a foe requires much of the cavalier's concentration. The cavalier takes a –2 penalty to hisArmor Class, except against attacks made by the target of his challenge.
The challenge remains in effect until the target is dead or unconscious or until the combat ends. Each cavalier's challenge also includes another effect which is listed in the section describing the cavalier's order.
Tactician At 1st level, a cavalier receives a teamwork feat as a bonus feat. He must meet the prerequisites for this feat. As a standard action, the cavalier can grant this feat to all allies within 30 feet who can see and hear him. Allies retain the use of this bonus feat for 3 rounds plus 1 round for every two levels the cavalier possesses. Allies do not need to meet the prerequisites of these bonus feats. The cavalier can use this ability once per day at 1st level, plus one additional time per day at 5th level and for every 5 levels thereafter
Castle Lore At 3rd level, the castellan gains a +2 bonus on initiative checks andKnowledge (engineering), Knowledge (local), Knowledge (nobility),Perception, and Stealth checks when he is in urban terrain, including fortifications. A castellan in an urban environment can always act in asurprise round, though he remains flat-footed until he acts. At 8th level and every 5 levels thereafter, the castellan's bonuses on skill andinitiative checks increase by 2.
This ability replaces cavalier's charge
Guard CompanionAt 4th level, the castellan forms a bond with an animal companion that serves as a guard.
While most castellans select birds or canines, the castellan can choose any animal companions available to rangers.
This ability functions like the druid nature bond ability, except that the castellan's effective druid level is equal to his cavalier level – 3 and hisanimal companion doesn't gain the share spells special ability.
This ability replaces expert trainer
Banner At 5th level, a cavalier's banner becomes a symbol of inspiration to his allies and companions. As long as the cavalier's banner is clearly visible, all allies within 60 feet receive a +2 morale bonus on saving throws against fear and a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls made as part of a charge. At 10th level, and every five levels thereafter, these bonuses increase by +1. The banner must be at least Small or larger and must be carried or displayed by the cavalier or his mount to function.
Bonus Feat At 6th level, and at every six levels thereafter, a cavalier gains a bonus feat in addition to those gained from normal advancement. These bonus feats must be selected from those listed as combat feats. The cavalier must meet the prerequisites of these bonus feats.
Greater Tactician At 9th level, the cavalier receives an additional teamwork feat as a bonus feat. He must meet the prerequisites for this feat. The cavalier can grant this feat to his allies using the tactician ability. Using the tactician ability is a swift action.
Mighty DefenseAt 11th level, when the castellan readies an action to make a melee attack against a creature that is not yet adjacent to him, he doubles the threat range of any melee weapons wielded during the attack. This increase doesn't stack with other effects that increase the threat range of his weapons. In addition, the cavalier can attempt a free dirty trick,disarm, sunder, or trip combat maneuver if his readied attack is successful This free combat maneuver doesn't provoke an attack of opportunity.
This ability replaces mighty charge
Defending ChallengeAt 12th level, the castellan takes no penalty to Armor Class when using his challenge ability.
This ability replaces demanding challenge
Greater Banner At 14th level, the cavalier's banner becomes a rallying call to his allies. All allies within 60 feet receive a +2 morale bonus on saving throws againstcharm and compulsion spells and effects. In addition, while his banner is displayed, the cavalier can spend a standard action to wave the banner through the air, granting all allies within 60 feet an additional saving throw against any one spell or effect that is targeting them. This save is made at the original DC. Spells and effects that do not allow saving throws are unaffected by this ability. An ally cannot benefit from this ability more than once per day.
Master Tactician At 17th level, the cavalier receives an additional teamwork feat as a bonus feat. He must meet the prerequisites for this feat. The cavalier can grant this feat to his allies using the tactician ability. Whenever the cavalier uses the tactician ability, he grants any two teamwork feats that he knows. He can select from any of his teamwork feats, not just his bonus feats.
Supreme DefenseAt 20th level, whenever the castellan readies an action to make a melee attack against a creature that is not yet adjacent to him, hisreadied attack deals double the normal amount of damage (or triple the damage if using a brace weapon against a charge). In addition, if the cavalier confirms a critical hit on the readied attack, the target isstunned for 1d4 rounds. A successful Will save (DC = 10 + thecavalier's class level + the cavalier's Strength modifier) reduces this to being staggered for 1d4 rounds.
This ability replaces supreme charge
Order of the Scales
Members of this cavalier order serve the cause of legal integrity. Many order of the scales cavaliers track down and apprehend fleeing lawbreakers so that these vagrants may answer for their crimes and make good on their debts. They often serve as judges or stakeholders, and work to ensure that wherever a bargain is made—whether it is monetary, a life debt, or an oath to be upheld—both ends make good on their promises.
Edicts: The cavalier must fulfill all binding agreements he makes with others. If a bargain becomes impossible to fulfill, he must satisfactorily compensate all aggrieved or adversely affected parties involved in the bargain. When serving as a judge or arbiter, the cavalier must make fair, impartial judgments, and if unable to do so, must recuse himself at the earliest possibility. If authorized to enforce an agreement, the cavaliermust wholeheartedly strive to accomplish this, remaining unswayed by threats, bribery, and other deterrents.
Challenge: Whenever an order of the scales cavalier issues a challenge, he receives a +1 morale bonus on combat maneuvers and attacks of opportunity made against the target of his challenge. This bonus increases by 1 for every 4 levels the cavalier possesses.
Skills: An order of the scales cavalier adds Knowledge (local) (Int) and Linguistics (Int) to his list of class skills.
He gains a bonus equal to half his level (minimum +1) on Sense Motive checks to determine whether someone is bluffing and to determine whether a creature's behavior is being influenced by an enchantment.
Order Abilities A cavalier belonging to the order of the scales gains the following abilities as he increases in level.
Mobile Wall At 2nd level, the cavalier receives Step Up as a bonus feat. He can use this feat while mounted by succeeding at a DC 15 Ride check, directing his mount to move rather than himself. The cavalier gains a +1 bonus to his CMD against attempts to tumble through squares he threatens. At 6th level, and every 4 levels thereafter, this bonus increases by an additional +1
Seek RetributionAt 8th level, once per day after receiving a request for aid from a legal authority or an aggrieved party regarding the breaking of an oath, whenever the cavalier encounters the oath-breaking creature, he can choose to vehemently exact retribution. As a swift action, thecavalier can grant himself a competence bonus equal to hisCharisma modifier on all attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, and opposed checks against the oathbreaking creature. These bonuses last for 1 round per level
Sworn Oathkeeper At 15th level, the cavalier can formally witness an oath or agreement between two creatures. If either creature breaks or reneges on the agreement and the cavalier becomes aware of this, he gains the bonuses from his seek retribution ability against that creature at all times. This ability ends when the creature fulfills the conditions of the oath or receives just punishment for breaking the oath. The maximum number of witnessed oaths cavalier can have active at a time is equal to his Charisma modifier (minimum 1).
Standard Racial Traits
• Ability Score Racial Traits: Human characters gain a +2 racial bonus to one ability score of their choice at creation to represent their varied nature.
• Size: Humans are Medium creatures and thus receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
• Base Speed: Humans have a base speed of 30 feet.
• Languages: Humans begin play speaking Common. Humans with high Intelligence scores can choose any languages they want (except secret languages, such as Druidic). See the Linguistics skill page for more information about these languages.
Feat and Skill Racial Traits
• Focused Study: All humans are skillful, but some, rather than being generalists, tend to specialize in a handful of skills. At 1st, 8th, and 16th level, such humans gain Skill Focus in a skill of their choice as a bonus feat. This racial trait replaces the bonus feat trait.
• Fey Magic (2 RP): The character has a mystic connection to one terrain type, selected from the ranger's favored terrain list. The character selects three 0-level druid spells and one 1st-level druid spell. If the character has a Charisma score of 11 or higher, when in the selected terrain, she gains these spells as spell-like abilities that can be cast once per day. The caster level for these effects is equal to the user's character level. The DC for the spell-like abilities is equal to 10 + the spell's level + the user's Charisma modifier. These spells are treated as being from a fey source for the purposes of the druid's resist nature's lure class feature and similar abilities. In addition, select two of the following skills: Acrobatics,Bluff, Climb, Diplomacy, Disguise, Escape Artist, Fly, Knowledge (nature), Perception, Perform, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, Swim, orUse Magic Device. The selected skills are always class skills for the character. Lastly, the human also gains low-light vision. This trait replaces skilled. Source: HotW

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Please find my submission for this game attached. Barnibus is an Urban Ranger with a checkered pass who has come to see his folly and wish to atone for his misdeeds.
Barnibus Eko
Male human (Mwangi) ranger (urban ranger) 1 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide 129)
NG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +3; Senses Perception +6
AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +3 Dex)
hp 12 (1d10+2)
Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +2
Speed 30 ft.
Melee dagger +4 (1d4+1/19-20) or
. . dagger +4 (1d4+1/19-20) or
. . sap +4 (1d6+1 nonlethal)
Special Attacks favored enemy (humans +2)
Str 12, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 15, Cha 12
Base Atk +1; CMB +2; CMD 15
Feats Urban Forager, Weapon Finesse
Traits suspicious, world traveler
Skills Diplomacy +6, Disable Device +8, Intimidate +5, Knowledge (local) +5, Perception +6, Profession (Guardsperson) +6, Sense Motive +7, Stealth +6, Survival +6
Languages Common, Polyglot, Varisian
SQ track +1, wild empathy +2
Other Gear studded leather, dagger, dagger, sap, artisan's outfit, belt pouch, manacles, masterwork thieves' tools, tabard[UE], 4 gp
Special Abilities
Favored Enemy (Humans +2) (Ex) +2 to rolls vs. Favored Enemy (Humans) foes.
Track +1 Add the listed bonus to survival checks made to track.
Urban Forager You may use the Survival skill to forage and track in urban locations using the table below.
Wild Empathy +2 (Ex) Improve the attitude of an animal, as if using Diplomacy.
Born in far-off Mwangi, Barnibus is a child of two cultures.
His family moved to the city when he was in his early teens. Before this they lived in a small rural town outside the capital. Content with his life at the time, young Barnibus was rebellious and angry at his parents for moving. Once in the city, he acted out against both his family and the locals. He started to run with a gang, and before too long was butting heads with the local guard. With skills honed in the jungles of his homeland, Barnibus was able to confound the guard by knowing where they would be and bypass their patrols. His fellow gang members started to call him The Panther, due to his stealthy ways and the colour of his skin.
Barnibus's life of crime came to a crashing halt when, upon breaking into a shop, the owner surprised the group. Reacting without thought, one of the gang members stabbed the man. While the others made a dash to escape, Barnibus could not leave the poor fellow to die, and so stayed behind. A neighbour, hearing the commotion, called for the guard and Barnibus the Panther, was finally captured. To his credit he took the blame for the botched break-in and never gave up the others, but the magistrate knew it was not Barnibus who had stabbed the man, so his sentence was lighter than it could have been.
For 3 years Barnibus was put to hard labor in the prison. He worked hard and kept mostly to himself. The guards began to appreciate this quiet, model prisoner, and he was give liberties that made him the envy of several of the other prisoners. It was late one night when they acted, attacking the boy as he returned from cleaning the guard's kitchen. Surrounded, he fought back, but the others were too many, and too strong. Soon he was on the ground, a puncture wound in his stomach from a make-shift blade. He was sure he was going to die, and just wished he had be a better person and had never been tangled in a criminal life. As he waited for the final blow to come, he reflected on how he should have been helping the people of the city, not victimizing them. His last thoughts were of his family and friends who he had abandoned in his anger and selfishness.
When he awoke, he was in a soft bed with clean sheets. A tight bandage was wrapped around his middle and the wound in his gut was just a dull throbbing. A guardsperson was standing at the door to the small room he was in, and it finally dawned on him that he was alive and in the prison infirmary. He was later told how two off duty officers heard the commotion and rushed in to help him. They were able to hold off the prisoners until more guards arrived, but one of them was stabbed with the same make-shift weapon that has wounded Barnibus, and died.
After healing and being released from the infirmary, Barnibus redoubled his efforts to become a good, law abiding citizen. He assisted wherever he could and became a real help to the guards…so much so that after a review of his case, the magistrate released the boy with 1 year still on his sentence. Free from the jail, Barnibus swore that he would never again be on the wrong side of the law.
After visiting his family, Barnibus made the trip to see the parents of the guard who was killed saving him. The guard’s father was the only family he had left. The old, nearly blind man greeted him warmly and told Barnibus stories of his son and his love for the city and protecting its citizens. He too was a guard, back in his younger days, and understood the dangers of the profession. He told the teary-eyed Barnibus that if he truly wished to make a difference and atone for his crimes, then he should join the guard and help protect others from crime. The old man even went so far as to write a letter of introduction to the commandant of the guards.
Taking the letter, Barnibus went to the Grand Barracks and presented himself and the letter to the captain of the watch. Intrigued with his story, the captain passed his application on for review, and within a month Barnibus was recruited into the city guard.
It was not easy for the ex-felon during the following 2 years, but he showed, time and time again that he was dedicated to the cause. While some of his methods might have been a little unorthodox, his knowledge of the seedier side of the city became an invaluable tool. While he did not become a zealot in the cause of the guard, he always worked in their best interest.
Now, after a year as a rookie, he was ready to be assigned to a regular patrol and is excited to meet his new squad mates.

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Cranan grew up in the city, his parents were never rich they could only give him a few things in life. His father was a mason in the city, providing enough that his mother could train with a group of hunters. Cranan learned a lot in his later years from his mother, she taught him how to track and how to survive. Despite her best efforts Cranan never took on her love of the nature, he loved the city and the life energy that surrounded it.
As Cranan grew up he learned more and more about the city, working with his father on buildings and with his mother on tracking. He applied to join the city guard at the age of 12 and promptly rejected due to his age. He continued to apply each year on the date of his birth, each year he trained harder and harder, being rejected but feeling closer each time. As time went on his parents taught him more of their trades and he felt more confident with each application.
His parents aged and eventually his father could no longer lay bricks, his mother ranged father and father out each year. Cranan knew that he had to take up his fathers place and provide for his family. On his first day of being a mason Cranan's crew was ambushed by a group of local toughs. A call when up to alert the city guard, as Cranan watched members of his crew be tortured and beat Cranan managed to get himself free. He slew 2 of the toughs before being knocked out.
As far as Cranan understood the city guard showed up in force and killed the gang of toughs. Cranan was taken to a local doctor, his Father took him home soon after his injuries had healed. A captain of the guard came to him a week later offering him a job with the guard protecting work crews around the city, Cranan took the job posting knowing that he would be protecting those like his father who worked hard and couldn't always look out for themselves.
Cranan has been a member of the city guard for 4 years now, always learning and listening to help those who need it most.

Cam James |

As i was reading this i thought that these 2 might be useful abilities to have :)
Improvisational Equipment a trait that lets you use your equipment for other uses!
Well Prepared a feat where you just "happen" to have the right piece of gear you need (1/day, and you pay for it).
That and this might be a very good place for some kind of scryer wizard.
Anyways, i have played a "city guard turned adventurer" before. He was a fun tower shield specialist/fighter so i think i might try and do something similar here.
Im thinking either a hunan fighter or a monk.
The fighter would still have 2 feats to use to help him with investigative stuff, and besides, the fighter is iconic for a town guard :)
Or a monk, and he would be more focused on being able to catch and capture a target, pinning and handcuffing someone if needed. He would also be more wisdom focused then int focused, and more aptly being able to put things together then raw knowledge. He would also wield a "blunt spear" (quarterstaff) as his weapon, and would you allow me to have a set of Mwk Manacles with a good lock in place of my Mwk Armor?
Another thing i was thinking of was to take the Keen Scent feat (Via racial heritage) as a way of tracking people.
I think that i will go with the monk idea, now i have to figure out what the rest of his build looks like :)

Garran Oakthorn |

This looks like it could be fun. I think I'll throw this occultist into the mix.
He's complete, with stat-block, appearance and background.
So, yeah, thunderbeard, someone was thinking of using an occult class. :) Occultist has such a nice array of class skills. I'm not sure how it pans out at higher levels though. Guess that's why I want to play one.

derpdidruid |

Hmm! It'll be hard to figure out how to do this without Signature Skill. Thinking either Inquisitor or Psychic—if nobody else proposes an occult class, I think I might have to.
I'm thinking of trying my hand with at a geo-kineticist. Probably an oread or dwarf with some deep family ties to the guard. It could also be helpful for repairing any major damages done the the city later on.
"My Fathers, Fathers, Father was a guard for this city an I intend to keep with our tradition" sorta thing. Maybe have a little plot hook where his adopted brother is in with a bad crowd.

thunderbeard |

So, yeah, thunderbeard, someone was thinking of using an occult class. :) Occultist has such a nice array of class skills. I'm not sure how it pans out at higher levels though. Guess that's why I want to play one.
You going to focus on Object Reading? Because that could be really useful in a campaign like this. (A psychic could also get detect thoughts at level 1, which isn't so bad, though there are alternatives)
@derpdid: Kineticist doesn't get occult skill unlocks, which means it doesn't fill the same role in a crime campaign.

Garran Oakthorn |

Garran Oakthorn wrote:So, yeah, thunderbeard, someone was thinking of using an occult class. :) Occultist has such a nice array of class skills. I'm not sure how it pans out at higher levels though. Guess that's why I want to play one.You going to focus on Object Reading? Because that could be really useful in a campaign like this. (A psychic could also get detect thoughts at level 1, which isn't so bad, though there are alternatives)
@derpdid: Kineticist doesn't get occult skill unlocks, which means it doesn't fill the same role in a crime campaign.
I don't know that I would focus on object reading, but the usefulness of the power is not lost on me. Once it's gained at 2nd level. Probably would take a divination implement at that point as well. Assuming I make the cut, of course.
The occultist does seem like a natural choice for this sort of campaign though. I've never really played any of the occult classes so it would be interesting to see how it plays out.

Cam James |

So reading up on the races i have realized that the half-orcs have had some significant expansions to its racial ability options since i last looked at them.
So i might use one? Not sure yet, but i wanted to ask.
Are there any racial prejudices against half-orcs or orcs in general? Can I build a relitively free half-orc like I could for a human?
Oh, another thought (about the campaign as a whole)
When we go through with our investigations, do we just have to figure out the crimes and arrest someone, or do we have to gather evidence for them getting prosecuted later?
Is finding the bad guy and taking him down good enough or do we have to produce evidence as well.(I imagine divinations are pretty useless and unreplicatable pieces of evidence for example)

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So reading up on the races i have realized that the half-orcs have had some significant expansions to its racial ability options since i last looked at them.
So i might use one? Not sure yet, but i wanted to ask.
Are there any racial prejudices against half-orcs or orcs in general? Can I build a relitively free half-orc like I could for a human?Oh, another thought (about the campaign as a whole)
When we go through with our investigations, do we just have to figure out the crimes and arrest someone, or do we have to gather evidence for them getting prosecuted later?
Is finding the bad guy and taking him down good enough or do we have to produce evidence as well.(I imagine divinations are pretty useless and unreplicatable pieces of evidence for example)
Yes, there will be prejudice against half-orcs. They will not be so severe that you get locked up, and you can be in the guard, but some people may not like you.
Precisely what you need to do will vary based on the needs of pacing. In general, the point at which you can arrest someone is also the point at which they can be prosecuted. You can't arrest someone on a hunch, after all. That said, things may vary.

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@ThePuppyTurtle Hello, I am interested in applying, but I have a small question. What city will this game take place in? It will be helpful to know for developing a background.
I'm still thinking about that. As it is now, it will be in a made up city, either in Taldor, or in a Post-HR Ravounel. (I like the latter idea better, but making this a sequel to a specific adventure path has some heavy down sides.)
The culture of the place has a chaotic good leaning, supported by regularly visiting adventurers, interested in it for its proximity to an especially "safe" and easy entrance to the darklands. (There is a large buffer between the surface and anything nasty which is controlled by a friendly population of ratfolk.) This may also be contributed to by either proximity to Andoran, (and the desire of a Taldan city near Andoran to eschew its nobility), or else its history with Cheliax.
In any case, the result of this is an ambivalence toward more irritating or non-essential laws, as well as a deep hatred for the worshipers of Asmodeus, who are a tiny, persecuted minority.
The legal system is relatively progressive. Both due process and the presumption of innocence are generally respected. The guard are not just allowed to do whatever, as in some places, but are restricted in their actions by laws which require them to respect the rights of citizens.
At the same time, the place is zealous in its hatred of evil. Persons who detect evil can expect poor treatment. Possessing any magical means of concealing ones alignment is generally illegal, as is summoning an evil outsider, even if it is just a fiendish animal from a summon spell. Worshiping an evil god is the same way for the most part. (Asmodeus stands as an exception, because he's good at worming his way into being an exception.)
As mentioned above, the place is a mecca for adventurers, and their industries and the troubles they make are both commonplace. Any given tavern is usually full of them.
The regulation of enchantment is also relatively strong. You generally cannot use any kind of mind control or mind reading on a non-consenting person.
I hope that helps. Like I said, I've been keeping it deliberately vague in order to leave story options open for future me.

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Just a thought, have you considered Korvosa?
Especially after COTCT, it's a large well documented city, have it with a new ruler who wants to clean up it's older, meaner areas.
It even comes with it's own mysterious vigilante.
An interesting thought. The reason I didn't use Kintargo is because I didn't want to be locked into a single city's anatomy and features. (I also am not familiar with COTCT in the slightest, in contrast to having read Hell's Rebels.)
Also, on an unrelated note while I'm at my computer, I'll note that there will be verbal duels in this campaign, though perhaps not very many of them.

Rana Kastilios |

Rana Kastilios wrote:Just a thought, have you considered Korvosa?
Especially after COTCT, it's a large well documented city, have it with a new ruler who wants to clean up it's older, meaner areas.
It even comes with it's own mysterious vigilante.
An interesting thought. The reason I didn't use Kintargo is because I didn't want to be locked into a single city's anatomy and features. (I also am not familiar with COTCT in the slightest, in contrast to having read Hell's Rebels.)
Also, on an unrelated note while I'm at my computer, I'll note that there will be verbal duels in this campaign, though perhaps not very many of them.
Yeah, it would work best after CotCT.
An usurper to the throne defeated, chaos and riots in the street, a plague that ran through the city, religious and civil unrest. All solved by a plucky band of heroes of course. :)
With a new ruler, probably one of the heroes, a new regime would be looking to make the city safe and law abiding again.
Even if you don't use any of CotCT there is still the guidebook for Korvosa that can be used.
From memory Korvosa has all that's needed of a good CSI story, old seedy, crime ridden districts, crowded old buildings, a mix of races for tension. Politics and plots.