CSI: Golarion

Game Master ThePuppyTurtle


Austrailan Diver

(3,242 posts)
Lord Almir
Axton Lorgenberger

LN Human Wizard (Diviner) 1
(20 posts)


Grand Duches Trietta Ricia
Flos Arriel

Female Human (Taldan) Sorcerer (Imperious Bloodline) 1 | HP 6/6 | AC 10 T 10 FF 10 CMD 10 | F +0 R +0 W +4 | Init +0 | Perc +7 | Status: Normal
(18 posts)


Vorrea Talminari
Rana Kastilios

Fem Human Shaman 1.AC 16, touch 12, ff 14. hp 10. Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +5. Init + 2. Perception + 10
(13 posts)

Deaths Adorable Apprentice

Conri Warin

Male Half-Orc Seer Oracle lvl 2 | Darkvision 60ft, scent, | Spd 30ft HP: 15/15 |AC-14 T-10 FF-14 | F+3 R+1 W+7 |CMB+3 CMD13 | Init+0 | Perc +4 | -2 penalty on att and skill if 10ft from unconscious ally | Active Conditions none Uncanny Dodge (no actions in suprise rnd except flash of insight. if no suprise rnd then staggered 1 rnd) Staggered is only move or standard | retrieve a stored item needs standard acation, dropped item lands 10ft away |
(105 posts)

Fiendish Zen

Velriana Hypaxes
Farasha Aeval

F Dhampir Inquisitor 4, hp 24, AC 14|T 14|FF 10, F +4|R +5|W +6, Init +6, Perception +9, low-light vision, darkvision 60 ft
bluff +8, diplomacy +6, disable device +11, know (local) +8, know (religion) +8, perception +9, ride +8, sense motive +11, stealth +8, survival +9, know (history) +8, linguistics +5

(311 posts)


Ratfolk Troubleshooter

F Ratfolk Archivist Bard 1 | 8/8 HP | AC 18 Touch 14 FF 15 | F+0 R+5 W+2 | +3 Init. +6 Percep. | 60' Darkvision | Status:Normal
(11 posts)