Hannibull Rektor wrote: Definitely interested! If you need any help regarding Ireland, I can help you out with the lore. And yes, we do more than drink whiskey. I mean that's the most common thing we do, but still. :P Thanks for you offer. I'm pretty good with history, geography, etc, even bought a book of Irish legends for my original game! But I'm completely clueless with things like popular culture. For example, I have no idea what kind of music a trendy club in Dublin or Belfast might be playing. That kind of thing. Storyteller Shadow wrote:
As I have things written right now, I would be very favorably inclined toward Fianna applicants, and moderately favorably inclined toward Get of Fenris, Glass Walkers, Children of Gaia, and Bone Gnawers. Other tribes would be foreigners and would need a very good background to be considered. The same would be true for Lupus breed Garou, as wolves are essentially extinct on the island. The Lion Cleric wrote:
Every WoD I have played in has been much more story focused than a typical d20 game I have played in, but as they say "your mileage may vary." I do like to run WoD story heavy myself! I am fine with players new to the setting. I feel like the system (roll d10s, all of the d10s!) is much less complicated than a d20 system and easy to pick up. So I'm fine there too. Samnell wrote: Color me potentially interested, but I don't have W20. Is 2eRevised close enough? I've only ever played W20, so unfortunately I can't comment. My experience with Vampire, which is my main WoD game, has been that different editions can be harmonized with minimal effort. --- I think I have enough interest based on the responses here, but I might leave this up one additional day for more questions before I actually create the game.
Hello everyone! I run a pathfinder adventure path at my LGS; a while ago we got a little bored and took a break to play a session or two of Werewolf. I ended up writing a lot of material for it that never got used, so I was thinking of reviving it here on the message boards where I could run it at a leisurely pace. I don't want to get into too much detail, as this is only an interest check, but the game would take place in modern day Ireland (full disclosure: I'm from the New York metro area, so some liberties may be taken with accuracy regarding Ireland). I would like to take 4-5 players, and I would likely set up multiple plot threads which the players could choose to pursue or not, many based on character backgrounds. World of Darkness is, well, a little dark, so the game would probably not be suitable for children or people with sensitive personalities. I say this believing myself to be someone who runs World of Darkness a little lighter than implied by the books. Would anyone be interested in this type of game?
James Jacobs wrote:
I can't really speak for anyone else, of course, but I literally never get tired of more monsters. When I get a new AP installment, I flip immediately to the bestiary; the adventure can wait! So please keep making Bestiaries.
Hello, I would like to submit Laurent Jhaltero for consideration. In the stat block below he has a regular background, and below that I will put in your specific requests. If you would like me to change or clarify anything, just let me know. Laurent Jhaltero:
Laurent Jhaltero
Male human (Chelaxian) unchained rogue 1 (Phantom Theif) LG Medium humanoid (human) Init +6; Senses Perception +5 -------------------- Defense -------------------- AC 15, touch 12, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +2 Dex) hp 8 (1d8) Fort +0, Ref +4, Will +1 -------------------- Offense -------------------- Speed 30 ft. Melee short sword +2 (1d6/19-20) Ranged shortbow +2 (1d6/×3) -------------------- Statistics -------------------- Str 10, Dex 14, Con 11, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 18 Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 12 Feats Improved Initiative, Noble Scion Of Jhaltero, Weapon Finesse Traits affable, child of kintargo (free noble outfit, signet ring, and non-magical item of 200 gp or less- Laurent has received masterwork thieves' tools) Skills Acrobatics +5, Bluff +8, Diplomacy +8 (+10 to gather information.), Disable Device +7, Escape Artist +5, Knowledge (local) +6, Knowledge (nobility) +9, Perception +5, Perform (string instruments) +8, Sense Motive +5, Stealth +5, Use Magic Device +8 Languages Common, Elven, Infernal Combat Gear oil (3); Other Gear studded leather, arrows (20), short sword, shortbow, backpack, flint and steel, hooded lantern, masterwork thieves' tools, noble's outfit, signet ring, 63 gp, 7 sp -------------------- Special Abilities -------------------- Broad Education, Refined Education (Diplomacy) Please see here Noble Scion of Jhaltero +2 on Knowledge (nobility) plus gain a nobility-related boon. -------------------- A lifelong resident of Kintargo, Laurent is the young nephew of Canton Jhaltero, local silver magnate, information broker, and honest-to-goodness Baron of Cheliax. Laurent is uncompromisingly a wide-eyed dreamer, but thankfully his aristocratic upbringing allowed him to pursue the genteel activities for which he was inclined. Even at a young age, Laurent is an accomplished conversationalist, lute player, and is even a budding man of letters. Though his chance of taking control of the Jhaltero information network is slim (dear uncle Canton has many of his own children), he was still shown the basic ropes of the spying trade. Laurent has an intense interest in chivalric romance, and he consumes novels in that genre like a mouse consumes cheese. Consequently, he is a casual devotee of Shelyn, eagerly awaiting the day his parents make a match for him and he can live out a romantic tale of his own imagining. He loves reading the grand stories of Chelaxian noblemen of ages past, such as the great Aspex Even-Tongue, Haliad III, and even the tragic King Gospodar. When he compares them to the modern Thrunes, he sees much to be desired in the current Chelaxian monarchs. Though devoid of this kind of ambition for himself, a great dream of his is to see a worthy man, blessed by the heavens, ascend to become the true monarch of Cheliax. Though is idealism is nearly impenetrable, the appointment of Barzillai Thrune to the office of mayor of the city has revealed the inadequacies of the Hell-backed Thrunes even more, as the man makes a mockery of chivalry, the law, and all that is good and beautiful with his petty dictates. Without permission from his parents, Laurent has begun to step out from the salons and music halls of the nobility in order to affect some kind of change. If not in all of Cheliax, at least in Kintargo. As he sees it, the current crop of rebels are far too much like the rabblerousers and lowborn of Androan and Galt. A young man, such as himself, that shares their taste in the arts and passion for Kintargo as a center for the creation of beauty, might be able to reign in any rebellion and steer it toward selecting a more suitable noble ruler once Barzillai is (inevitabley, as in the romances evil always loses) deposed. Laurent is in Aria Park to protest the government. 5 Character Points:
1) Despite being trained in diplomacy, Laurent has a tendency to be on the naive side of things, and looks for reasons to put a good spin on people's actions. 2) Though he loves to play his lute privately for himself and friends, Laurent considers actual performace of music or acting for money to be a decidedly middle-class, and even somewhat unsavory, activity. 3) Laurent is a monarchist and generally opposes democratic governments. 4) He loves tales of chivalry and romance. 5) Laurent considers giving alms a great activity and will often give his money away to beggars. Goals:
1) As a personal goal, Laurent would like to find (or have arranged) a wife or fiancé of sufficiently noble status. 2) Laurent would love to see Barzillai replaced with a Jhaltero lord mayor- as the campaign progresses he would like to see the independent Ravounel ruled by a Jhaltero monarch (though not necessarily himself). Secrets:
1) Laurent, at about 12 years old, rose during the night to use the privy while in the family's country estate. He heard a noise from his father's study and, going to investigate, discovered his father passionately kissing a woman who was not his mother. He didn't get a good look at the woman as a retreated in horror from the scene. Laurent has told no one of this incident, and has no idea what to do with the information. 2) Many other members of the Jhaltero family consider Laurent an idiot due to his cheery disposition and propensity to believe the best of people. He is occasionally fed false information by the family's spy network with the expectation that he will reveal it to enemies in order to establish friendly relations with them. He is kept at arms length from real, sensitive information. He is generally unaware of all of this. Contacts:
1) Canton Jhaltero, the current head of the family and a Chelaxian Baron. Canton, Laurent's uncle, is one of the Jalteros mentioned above who considers Laurent a fool and is quite happy that Laurent has little interest in the family's information network. Otherwise he is fond of his nephew, especially his lute playing. 2) Fenélon Jhaltero is Laurent's father and Canton's younger brother. Fenélon does not spend a lot of time in Kintargo and, much like his son, has no particular talent for intrigue. His friendly nature has made him good at negotiating business contracts, so he is nominally in charge of the family's silver mining business (the actual work of managing the mines is left to hired foremen or occasionally enslaved overseers). Though they are a lot alike, and there is a bond of familial love between them, Laurent is a little embarrassed that his father has been relegated to engaging in commerce, which he considers beneath their noble status. As noted above, Laurent does not know how to broach the subject of his father's affair with anyone, as both keeping silent about it and talking to someone could bother be considered breaches of honor. Fenélon has been married to Gormatrudis Jhaltero (née Sarini), Laurent's mother, for many years. Gormatrudis is the one who introduced Laurent to chivralic romances as a literary genre. 3) Mousillon Jhaltero is Canton's youngest son, about the same age as Laurent. The practical and unromantic Mousillon is already marked, despite his young age, as a rising star in the family thanks to his amazing talent related to all things underhanded. Mousillon and Laurent are like oil and water and can barely stand each other; Laurent's belief that everyone should be extended some basic courtesy means that he is often required to suffer his cousin's behavior unbecoming of a noble of Cheliax without comment. In private, he has been known to attempt to put the ignoble Mousillon in his place, which led to a number of brawls when they were younger. 4) Beppe Puddinfoot, a young halfling man, has been Laurent's valet and friend for many years. The Puddinfoots have worked for the Jhalteros as mine managers for many generations; the young Beppe was taken into Fenélon's household as a child and raised with Laurent to be his playmate, and then his valet and manservant. Laurent considers Beppe to be his closest confidant and does not go far without him. 5) Despite, at the moment, considering himself a follower of Shelyn, Laurent is not very fond of Zachrin Vast, the current high priest of Shelyn in the city. He finds the man's deliberate attempts to be androgynous to be off-putting and forced, and does not consider him a worthy representative of Shelyn. Laurent does not often attend services when he knows Zachrin will be presiding. As they move in the same social circles, he is sometimes forced to endure his presence at parties or other gatherings. Laurent always tries to be courteous in these situations but tries to extricate himself from speaking with Zachrin as quickly and politely as possible. Memories:
1) Laurent remembers the first time he received a tale of chivalry from his mother, a classic work by Taldan author Mikos Bembo, entitled The Fastness in the Wilds. 2) Often having sat-in on or overheard meetings between his father and Andoren mercantile agents looking to purchase raw silver, Laurent was very unimpressed with their poor manners. He remembers the many times such agents were insubordinate, and even disrespectful, to his father, an hereditary noble of Cheliax. 3) Laurent remembers as a child, going into Kintargo with his father and Beppe for a business trip. While playing in the Jhaltero family gardens, a beggar approached the gate asking for alms. Though they did not have anything themselves, Beppe and Laurent searched the garden for over an hour, and scrounged up every dropped piece of copper. They gave this money to the man who languished by the entrance. Though it was probably less than a silver piece, Laurent will never forget how grateful the man was. Fear: Laurent is terrified of losing face in public, and is committed to the ideal of a chivalrous gentleman. Unlike many, however, he is equally concerned about maintaining that persona in private. Public failures of courtesy on his part are likely to leave him deeply ashamed, while private ones are likely to gnaw at him and his self-image.
I would like to sneak in here with a last minute submission. Mona Two-Toes: Mona Two-Toes
Female half-orc shaman (animist) 1 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide 35, 110) N Medium humanoid (human, orc) Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +4 -------------------- Defense -------------------- AC 14, touch 10, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor) hp 10 (1d8+2) Fort +2, Ref +0, Will +6 -------------------- Offense -------------------- Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor) Melee club +0 (1d6) Ranged sling +0 (1d4) Shaman (Animist) Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +5) . . 1st—bless, cure light wounds; speak with animals[S] . . 0 (at will)—detect magic, guidance, virtue . . S spirit magic spell; Spirit Nature Wandering Spirit -------------------- Statistics -------------------- Str 10, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 18, Cha 14 Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 10 Feats Endurance, Improved Initiative Traits iron control, stargazer Skills Acrobatics -3 (-7 to jump), Diplomacy +6, Handle Animal +6, Heal +10, Knowledge (geography) +5 (+7 to identify alien monsters' abilities and weaknesses), Knowledge (nature) +4 (+6 to identify alien monsters' abilities and weaknesses), Knowledge (religion) +4 (+6 to identify alien monsters' abilities and weaknesses), Spellcraft +4, Survival +8 Languages Common, Orc SQ orc blood, spirit animal (weasel named Les), storm burst Combat Gear healer's kit; Other Gear hide armor, club, sling, sling bullets (10), backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, flint and steel, hemp rope (50 ft.), spell component pouch, trail rations (5), waterskin, wooden holy symbol of Animist, 26 gp, 1 sp, 1 cp -------------------- Special Abilities -------------------- Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only). Empathic Link with Familiar (Su) You have an empathic link with your Arcane Familiar. Endurance +4 to a variety of fort saves, skill and ability checks. Sleep in L/M armor with no fatigue (due to Shaman's Apprentice alternate racial feature) Familiar Bonus: +2 to Reflex saves You gain the Alertness feat while your familiar is within arm's reach. Orc Blood Half-orcs count as both humans and orcs for any effect related to race. Share Spells with Familiar Can cast spells with a target of "You" on the familiar with a range of touch. Skilled Gain 1 extra skill point per level (due to Human Raised alternate racial feature). Spirit Animal (spirit animal (weasel named Les)) If spirit animal is slain, cannot use spirit magic or prepare new spells. Storm Burst (5/day) (Su) As a standard action, foe in 30 ft treats all others as concealed for 1 rd. -------------------- Mona Two-Toes was born to the shamaness of the nomadic Kellid Thousand Feet tribe. The Thousand Feet travel around Numeria, never settling in one place, and are considered primitive by even other Kellid. Mona never knew her father, who was abundantly not a human Kellid, and her mother nor the rest of her tribe ever spoke of him. Mona certainly inherited her looks from her father, including greenish skin, a stocky build, and slightly enlarged lower canines. A lazy left eye and only two toes on her left foot -the origin of her sobriquet- may also have been legacies of her missing father. Mona had seen the Thousand Feet kill newborns with less severe deformities, and guesses she only survived thanks to her mother's protection- she has never asked her mother. The firece shamaness Rhona Many Hats is Mona's mother, and raised the girl with a harsh hand. Mona feared her mother greatly, as even slight deviations from her mother's commands were punished harshly, but Rhona also protected Mona from the other Thousand Feet who would surely have killed her or driven her out of the tribe. Living nearly alone in her mother's tent, usually erected some distance away from the main Thousand Feet encampment because of her mother's sanctity, Mona was taught the secrets of the Thousand Feet tribe's animistic religion by her mother. When she was about ten years old, her mother's weasel familiar had a litter, and her mother tasked Mona with raising one of the male kits to be her spirit animal. Naming the weasel Les, the animal became her only true friend. Mona continued to learn at the foot for her mother over the next eight years. Everything was taught to her, including the basics of spellcasting, herbal medicine, reading the portents of the stars, and simply surviving in the machine-haunted wasteland that is Numeria. Just recently, Rhona has shown Mona the secret ritual to awaken Les's spirit, and a new stage in their relationship has begun. Just two days ago, the Thousan Feet tribe arrived outside of the city of Torch. This rare visit to the civilized world was precipitated by a windfall of animal pelts, charcoal, and even some tech salvage recently acquired by the Thousand Feet. The tribal elders, including her mother, agreed to stop at the nearest town to trade away these goods in return for much needed metal weapons and armor. Mona is normally forbidden from leaving her mother's tent, let alone going into a city, when the Thousand Feet deign to approach civilization. However, her mother has failed to return to the tent from Torch during the tribe's stop at the city. Growing worried, Mona has borrowed one of her mother's clubs and an ill-fitting suit of hide armor, and left with Les to head into Torch. She is willing to risk her mother's wrath in order to ensure the safety of one of the only people who has ever tolerated her. -------------------- Les
I would like to make one small change to Laurent; I'm going to move his skill point from Use Magic Device to Perception, giving him UMD N/A and Perception +4. Also I just realized that I get my noble's outfit and signet ring for free with Child of Kintargo. I'll just keep the gold for those for the time being.
I'm interested in submitting a character. Here are my dice rolls for stats: 4d6 ⇒ (6, 2, 3, 3) = 14 (12)
And my one re-roll 4d6 ⇒ (2, 2, 3, 2) = 9 (7) Ahh, well, get greedy and get bitten I suppose. I'll be defaulting to 20 point buy. Ok, here is my submission. Laurent Jhaltero:
Laurent Jhaltero
Male human (Chelaxian) unchained rogue (phantom thief) 1 (Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Intrigue 46, Pathfinder Unchained 20) LG Medium humanoid (human) Init +2; Senses Perception +0 -------------------- Defense -------------------- AC 14, touch 12, flat-footed 12 (+2 armor, +2 Dex) hp 8 (1d8) Fort +0, Ref +4, Will +0 -------------------- Offense -------------------- Speed 30 ft. Melee short sword +2 (1d6/19-20) Ranged shortbow +2 (1d6/×3) -------------------- Statistics -------------------- Str 10, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 18 Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 12 Feats Noble Scion Of Jhaltero, Skill Focus (Knowledge [local]), Weapon Finesse Traits affable, child of kintargo Skills Acrobatics +6, Bluff +8, Diplomacy +8 (+10 to gather information.), Disable Device +8, Disguise +8, Knowledge (history) +6, Knowledge (local) +9, Knowledge (nobility) +9, Perform (string instruments) +8, Sense Motive +4, Stealth +6, Use Magic Device +8 Languages Common, Elven, Infernal Combat Gear oil (3); Other Gear leather armor, arrows (30), short sword, shortbow, flint and steel, hooded lantern, Lute, masterwork thieves' tools, noble's outfit, signet ring, 5 gp, 2 sp -------------------- Special Abilities -------------------- Noble Scion of Jhaltero +2 on Knowledge (nobility) plus gain a nobility-related boon. -------------------- A lifelong resident of Kintargo, Laurent is the young nephew of Canton Jhaltero, local silver magnate, information broker, and honest-to-goodness Baron of Cheliax. Laurent is uncompromisingly a wide-eyed dreamer, but thankfully his aristocratic upbringing allowed him to pursue the genteel activities for which he was inclined. Even at the tender age of 16, Laurent is an accomplished conversationalist, lute player, and is even a budding man of letters. Though his chance of taking control of the Jhaltero information network is slim (dear uncle Canton has many of his own children), he was still shown the basic ropes of the spying trade. Laurent has an intense interest in chivalric romance, and he consumes novels in that genre like a mouse consumes cheese. Consequently, he is a casual devotee of Shelyn, eagerly awaiting the day his parents make a match for him and he can live out a romantic tale of his own imagining. He loves reading the grand stories of Chelaxian noblemen of ages past, such as the great Aspex Even-Tongue, Haliad III, and even the tragic King Gospodar. When he compares them to the modern Thrunes, he sees much to be desired in the current Chelaxian monarchs. Though devoid of this kind of ambition for himself, a great dream of his is to see a worthy man, blessed by the heavens, ascend to become the true monarch of Cheliax. Though is idealism is nearly impenetrable, the appointment of Barzillai Thrune to the office of mayor of the city has revealed the inadequacies of the Hell-backed Thrunes even more, as the man makes a mockery of chivalry, the law, and all that is good and beautiful with his petty dictates. Without permission from his parents, Laurent has begun to step out from the salons and music halls of the nobility in order to affect some kind of change. If not in all of Cheliax, at least in Kintargo. As he sees it, the current crop of rebels are far too much like the rabblerousers and lowborn of Androan and Galt. A young man, such as himself, that shares their taste in the arts and passion for Kintargo as a center for the creation of beauty, might be able to reign in any rebellion and steer it toward selecting a more suitable noble ruler once Barzillai is (inevitabley, as in the romances evil always loses) deposed. Misc: This character is interested in protesting against the government. Laurent's free item from Child of Kintargo is his set of masterwork thieves' tools. I hope his background provides sufficient justification for why someone of lawful alignment might want to join with the rebels. I understand the character is not super-optimized, though I hope you consider him anyway.
I would like to submit my medium, Rabano Ferencz, for consideration: In the following stat block he's not channeling a spirit, if you'd like to see him with various spirits channeled just ask. Rabano Ferencz:
Rabano Ferencz
Male human (Varisian) medium 1 (Pathfinder RPG Occult Adventures 30) NG Medium humanoid (human) Init +5; Senses Perception +6 -------------------- Defense -------------------- AC 14, touch 11, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +1 Dex) hp 9 (1d8+1) Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +3 -------------------- Offense -------------------- Speed 30 ft. Melee heavy mace +2 (1d8+2) Ranged light crossbow +1 (1d8/19-20) Special Attacks spirit Medium Spells Known (CL 1st; concentration +3) . . 0 (at will)—detect magic, guidance -------------------- Statistics -------------------- Str 14, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 15 Base Atk +0; CMB +2; CMD 13 Feats Improved Initiative, Spirit Sense[OA] Traits sensitive mind (appraise), unintentional linguist Skills Appraise +3, Diplomacy +6, Heal +7, Knowledge (planes) +6, Knowledge (religion) +6, Linguistics +7, Perception +6, Sense Motive +6, Spellcraft +6 Languages Aklo, Celestial, Common, Daemonic, Elven, Varisian SQ manifestation points, ability scores, spirit bonus (+1), spirit surge +1d6 Combat Gear healer's kit; Other Gear studded leather, crossbow bolts (30), heavy mace, light crossbow, backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, candle (10), flint and steel, hemp rope (50 ft.), holy text (Eritrice)[UE], mess kit[UE], soap, spell component pouch, torch (10), trail rations (5), waterskin, wooden holy symbol of Eritrice, 9 gp, 10 sp -------------------- Special Abilities -------------------- Manifestation Points, Ability Scores ([none], 14/psychic duel) Every combatant begins a psychic duel with a pool of MP equal to the combatant’s HD + the average of her Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores. As a free action, a combatant can draw from this pool to generate MP. A combatant who draws any numb Spirit (Su) A medium serves as a vessel to channel spirits—astral echoes of powerful souls from ages past that live on in myth and legend. Each day, a medium can channel a spirit through a ritual known as a seance. Seances take 1 hour to perform and require th Spirit Bonus +1 (Su) Gain a bonus based on the type of spirit you host. Spirit Sense +5 bon on chks to notice haunts. When tar inc crea with cor spl or eff, have 75% of aff targ. Spirit Surge +1d6 (1/round) (Su) Add a die to a failed check modified by spirit bonus, which can change it to success. -------------------- A descendant of a family of prominent lawyers of remote Varisian extraction in Karcau, Rabano has spent most of his young life in and out of mental institutions. Always a sensitive child, as a grammar school student, a day trip to see the angel-draped facade of the Cloisoi Theater and the attendant heroic statues of Blaispear Plaza left Rabano a gibbering wreck. Speaking in tongues as frequently as not, the next ten years of Rabano's life were a series of visits to mad houses, Pharasmin healing wards, and doctors of various stripes. Nothing seemed to work, and Rabano's mother finally resulted to consulting with an old Varisian fortune teller and witch in a desperate attempt to cure her son. Unfortunately for Rabano, his first meeting with Mother Nemov is the last thing that he seems to remember with any clarity, and that happened nearly ten years ago. The rest are little snippets of Mother Nemov teaching him to conrol, and heed without fear, the angelic voices in he head. Then travel, maybe far from Ustalav? A return and an argument with a slightly older man who may be a brother or cousin. Then nothing before waking in a familiar location- Briarstone Asylum, a place where he spent many weeks as young teen in an attempt to cure what was thought of as the time as schizophrenia. Rabano experiences his spirit patrons as celestial champions of various Agathion Empyreal Lords. Unfortunately, his recent memory loss has left him without the ability to recall excatly who they are, though he does remember how to conduct a seance to call on them. In his possession is a plain holy symbol of Eritrice, agathion Empyreal Lord of Truth, which gives some evidence as to whom his Hierophant spirit is. This is a very tentative endgame build for Rabano: End Game Rabano: Rabano Ferencz HL
Male human (Varisian) medium 17 (Pathfinder RPG Occult Adventures 30) NG Medium humanoid (human) Init +5; Senses Perception +26 -------------------- Defense -------------------- AC 14, touch 11, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +1 Dex) hp 122 (17d8+34) Fort +9, Ref +8, Will +13 Weaknesses taboo -------------------- Offense -------------------- Speed 30 ft. Melee heavy mace +16/+11/+6 (1d8+3) Ranged light crossbow +13 (1d8/19-20) Special Attacks haunt channeler (8d6), shared seance, spirit, trance of three (17 rounds) Medium Spells Known (CL 17th; concentration +20) . . 4th (1/day)—legend lore, prognostication, telepathy[OA], teleport . . 3rd (3/day)—detect scrying, divination, dreadscape (DC 16), fly, greater invisibility . . 2nd (4/day)—analyze aura[OA], bestow insight[ARG], blur, cast out[APG] (DC 15), knock, spider climb . . 1st (5/day)—calm spirit[OA] (DC 14), identify, mindlink[OA], object reading[OA], oneiric horror[OA] (DC 14), true skill . . 0 (at will)—detect magic, guidance, light, mage hand, message, read magic -------------------- Statistics -------------------- Str 16, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 16 Base Atk +12; CMB +15; CMD 26 Feats Absorb Spirit, Alertness, Combat Casting, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Spirit Sense[OA], Spirit Speaker, Weapon Focus (heavy mace) Traits sensitive mind (appraise), unintentional linguist Skills Appraise +3, Diplomacy +23 (+27 to improve attitude of absorbed spirits), Heal +23, Knowledge (planes) +22, Knowledge (religion) +22, Linguistics +23, Perception +26, Sense Motive +26, Spellcraft +22 Languages Abyssal, Aklo, Aquan, Azlanti, Celestial, Common, Daemonic, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Goblin, Halfling, Ignan, Infernal, Orc, Osiriani, Protean, Shoanti, Sylvan, Thassilonian, Varisian SQ ask the spirits, astral journey, connection channel, location channel (17 rounds), manifestation points, ability scores, propitiation, spirit bonus (+5), spirit surge +1d8 Combat Gear healer's kit; Other Gear studded leather, crossbow bolts (30), heavy mace, light crossbow, backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, candle (10), flint and steel, hemp rope (50 ft.), holy text (Eritrice)[UE], mess kit[UE], soap, spell component pouch, torch (10), trail rations (5), waterskin, wooden holy symbol of Eritrice, 9 gp, 10 sp -------------------- Special Abilities -------------------- Absorb Spirit Temporarily absorb an incorporeal undead or haunt to prevent rejuvenation. Ask the Spirits (At will) (Sp) Use contact other plane to contact the Astral Plane for advice, never taking Int/Cha dam. Astral Journey (At will) (Sp) Enter coma to use astral projection on self. Can't enter other planes and gear is nonmagic. Combat Casting +4 to Concentration checks to cast while on the defensive. Connection Channel (Sp) Use location channel anywhere with connection. Treat familiarity as highest of any at seance. Haunt Channeler (8d6, DC 28) (Su) Haunts never surprise. Touch harms and allows 1 question. Host haunt to take effects and spare allies, but lose control of body until succeed at 1/minute will save. Location Channel (DC 28) (Sp) Allies ask question of dead, as call spirit using your body. Can end early with 1/rd will save. Manifestation Points, Ability Scores ([none], 31/psychic duel) Every combatant begins a psychic duel with a pool of MP equal to the combatant’s HD + the average of her Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores. As a free action, a combatant can draw from this pool to generate MP. A combatant who draws any numb Propitiation (1/day) (Su) 10 min ritual, reduces influence from hosted spirit by 1. Shared Seance (Su) Can share the Seance bonus with others. Spirit (Su) A medium serves as a vessel to channel spirits—astral echoes of powerful souls from ages past that live on in myth and legend. Each day, a medium can channel a spirit through a ritual known as a seance. Seances take 1 hour to perform and require th Spirit Bonus +5 (Su) Gain a bonus based on the type of spirit you host. Spirit Sense +5 bon on chks to notice haunts. When tar inc crea with cor spl or eff, have 75% of aff targ. Spirit Speaker Talk to spirits you’ve absorbed. Spirit Surge +1d8 (1/round) (Su) Add a die to a failed check modified by spirit bonus, which can change it to success. Taboo (Ex) Accept taboo for extra surge, if broken spirit gains influence and -2 to all rolls for 1 hr. Trance of Three (17 rounds) (Su) As a swift action, can access intermediate power of diff spirit for 1 influence.
Quick Stats:
LN F Ifrit Sorcerer 20 | 160 HP | 15 AC | 15 Touch | 12 FF | DR 10/Adamantine | 20% Miss Chance | 25 CMD | Fort 12 | Ref 14 | Will 17 | Init 5 | Perception 0 | Spells Remaining AW/10/10/9/9/9/9/8/8/7 Mital smiles and snaps her fingers. "Your wish is my command, Master Albright." There is no other visual effect, but Albright can feel his mental defenses stiffening up. Crunch: Standard: Use 1/day ability to cast any Sorc/Wiz spell to place Mind Blank on Albright.
Hello, I'd like to submit Valero Nermal de Eamon-Germonique, a Lepidstadt Investigator, for consideration. Background:
The de Eamon-Germonique family got off lightly, as far as nobles during the Andoran People’s Revolt went. The family of provincial barons ruled two hamlets outside of Sauerton, Eamon & Germanique, well and quietly, so when the revolution came they were simply removed from power. They were permitted by the new republic to keep their extensive vineyards (after being heavily “taxed”), which produced a higher quality version of the normally cheap and tasteless Sauerton Red. Never feeling comfortable in the new republic, which had thrown away not only their own feudal rights, but disregarded their years of benevolent rulership, the de Eamon-Germoniques nevertheless eschewed the underhanded scheming of other nobles trying to restore their power. Combined with their rural location, the family withdrew from all but local politics. They remained a significant employer near their old holdings of Eamon & Germonique hamlets, but otherwise kept to themselves. The first de Eamon-Germonique born under Common Rule, Stellazzio chafed under the stories of his family’s former greatness, denied to them now for ideological reasons. Though he was to be the inheritor of the family estate and vineyard, in his youth he left home against his parent’s wishes for Absalom. He eventually joined the Pathfinder Society, and after a few successful expeditions he returned home with a fortune to significantly add to the de Eamon-Germonique’s modest country noble finances. He also brought back a mysterious wife, Zoza-Madelina Fieri, who claimed to be an exiled Galtan noblewoman. Though his parents were initially furious, checks with genealogical societies in Gralton confirmed Zoza’s story, though she had no other living relatives. Her command of plant life, which greatly helped with grape production, also helped endear her to the older generation of de Eamon-Germoniques. Stellazzio and Zoza, both only children, were delighted when they produced identical triplets on their first try. Stellazzio the Younger, the oldest by five minutes, inherited his mother’s sorcerous magic, his father’s name, and eventually will inherit the de Eamon-Germonique vineyard and country house. Unlike his parents and younger siblings, Stellazzio the Younger was a homebody and was actively interested in running the vineyard, which the de Eamon-Germoniques tended to leave to a hired expert vinter. Zoza was actively involved in attempting to find the now 22-year-old a wife, with a strong preference for a sorceress like herself. The next two boys were born less than 30 seconds apart. Valero (named after a quasi-legendary de Eamon-Germonique forerunner who was said to have been a bannerman for Aspex Eventongue) and Mantuo (named after a deceased Pathfinder companion of his parents) inherited their father’s desire to live a grand life like that of the nobles of old. Valero, a voracious reader, devoured every genealogy book he could find, especially with information about his own family. As a teenager he also became acquainted with the genre of the mystery novel, and he was immediately entranced with the character archetype of the gentleman detective. Mantuo possessed a more martial character, frequently getting into fights as a child over small matters of honor- though only very rarely his own. He would frequently leap to the defense of others at even the slightest hint of an insult. Mantuo was fascinated with members of the de Eamon-Germoniques who had joined knightly orders, and as a young teen expressed a desire to join the Knights of Ozem in Lastwall. Finally, no discussion of the de Eamon-Germonique family would be complete without mentioning their master vinter and sommelier, Hogs Puddinfoot. Hogs is just about considered a full member of the family, and all three of the de Eamon-Germonique children regard him as a step-grandfather. He is especially close with Stellazzio the Younger. Thanks to Hogs’s expert guidance, the family vineyards turn a healthy profit every year. When Valero and Mantuo were of age, their father spent a portion of the fortune he had gained in his adventuring days to set his younger sons of their respective paths. For Valero, he purchased tuition to the legendary University of Lepidstadt, whose investigators the middle son held in high esteem. For Mantuo, a commission as a squire to a Knight of Ozem in Lastwall was acquired. The two travelled together in a caravan into Druma, and then by ship on Lake Encarthan until Mantuo was dropped off in Lastwall. Continuing alone on the water to Caliphas, and then again by land to Lepidstadt, Valero was initially excited to be entering a realm of nobility. He was sorely disappointed when he arrived in Vieland to discover that the county was essentially a more corrupt and darker version of his homeland: a republic dominated by mercantile interests. Still, the four years Valero attended the University were the greatest of his life. Valero became fast friends with his freshman roommate, an chemistry student from a similar background. Karsic von Pommorzen was from a family of Vieland country squires that had been dispossessed by the Palatinate revolution. They survived by moving to Caliphas, where they kept the favor Prince Aduard and thus were continually awarded salaried positions at court. Conversely, Valero and Karsic had constant friction with a dueling society, the Cards Wild Club, populated by scions of nouveau riche merchants. Led by notorious loudmouth and braggart, the son of diamond merchant from Caliphas, Boris "Rip" Dunden, the Card Wild Club openly supported a Palatinate-like government for all of Ustalav. The club made trouble for scions of the nobility where the could, and more than a few Lepidstadt scars were earned. Thankfully both Valero and Karsic managed to avoid outright violence, but there were some cruel practical jokes between all parties involved. Studying to become a detective utilizing the famous Lepidstadt method, Valero also formalized his love for heraldry, graduating recently as both an accredited investigator and herald. Within a month of sending out letters seeking employment with various organizations around Avistan, Valero received an intriguing offer back. Unfortunately, getting the letter is just about the last thing that Valero remembers. When he tries to recalls the details, he just gets a sharp pain in his head. He evidently accepted, because he has now woken up in an insane asylum in southern Ustalav, with no memory of the past several weeks. Personality:
Valero’s desire is to become like the characters in the novels he has enjoyed throughout his life- a gentleman detective. Unfortunately, while he is by no means unpleasant, he lacks the natural grace and charisma that his older and younger brother both seem to have acquired from their parents. He does try, however, and hard work has to some degree made up for his natural mediocrity in wordplay. Unfailingly polite, Valero has trouble reconciling the natural imperium a nobleman should possess with the egalitarian background of having lived in Andoran for his early life. Certainly, his time spent with the sons of the Ustalavic aristocracy at the University of Lepidstadt has helped him in this regard, but he does draw the occasional titter from his noble peers for extending excessive courtesy to the lower classes. The de Eamon-Germoniques traditionally patronize Erastil's church, but thanks to his time at University in Ustalav and his brother's admittance to the Knights of Ozem, Valero frequently also offers prayers to Pharasma, Abadar, and Iomedae. Character Sheet: Valero Nermal de Eamon-Germonique
@DM Grey: I was just looking over Rabano's background and I realized that my addition of him having previously been a patient at Briarstone might come across as me attempting to cheese the game. I just wanted to say it is an attempt to tie him to the game setting, and his recollections will of course at best be vague thanks to the amnesia.
Quick Stats:
LN F Ifrit Sorcerer 20 | 160 HP | 15 AC | 15 Touch | 12 FF | DR 10/Adamantine | 10% Miss Chance | 25 CMD | Fort 12 | Ref 14 | Will 17 | Init 5 | Perception 0 | Spells Remaining AW/10/10/9/9/9/9/8/8/7 Mital decides to not waste words on her foe. Whether he will create a better world or not could not be less important. Fate has seen to it to set this man has her foe, and the time has come for her and her friends to fulfill their destinies. With an elegant motion of her hand and a nonsense word, Mital's robes begin to shimmer like the heat of the desert, obscuring her form. Her defenses in place, she moves over to be nearer to Thomas. Once she is properly situated, she grasps her brass, Ignan-inscribed rod tightly. The magic words tumble out of her mouth at supernatural speed as she "summons" an enormous fire elemental on the far side of their semi-divine opponent, ready to assist her real allies in the fight. Crunch: Standard: Activate robe of Scintillating Colors. Don't look at it! Move: Move to maximum distance of Thomas to be affected by his aura. Swift: Greater Quickened Metamagic Rod to cast Shades, summoning an illusionary Elder Fire Elemental (Will DC 35 to disbelieve) on the far side of Nicodemus, getting ready to flank.)
Thomas Vinland wrote: Honestly I can't think of any buffs I have to have, you may just want to buff yourself for whatever s!*& is coming. Would me wishing for your safety help? Never been in a party with a wishcrafter before. I'm afraid not, unless the wish can be duplicated with a spell that affects an area. Mital can't be a target of her own wishes.
Hey everyone. Before I make my first post, I wanted to mention that Mital (my character) is a Wishcrafter, which means that her spells can be slightly more powerful if she grants them as a wish to someone. She can only grant someone a wish every 24 hours. Furthermore, the following spells are available to her to only grant as wishes: Mending, Protection from Evil, Arcane Lock, Protection from Energy, Remove Curse, Teleport, Mass Bear's endurance, Limited Wish, Protection from Spells. Finally, once a day she can cast any wizard/sorc spell as long as someone wishes for it. With that said, with one round of prep time, would anyone like to wish for a defensive spell, or perhaps a polymorph?
Well, I'd like to get the ball rolling and offer my submission, Rabano Ferencz. Stat Block:
This is Rabano with no spirit channeled. Rabano Ferencz
Character Background:
A descendant of a family of prominent lawyers of remote Varisian extraction in Karcau, Rabano has spent most of his young life in and out of mental institutions. Always a sensitive child, as a grammar school student, a day trip to see the angel-draped facade of the Cloisoi Theater and the attendant heroic statues of Blaispear Plaza left Rabano a gibbering wreck.
Speaking in tongues as frequently as not, the next ten years of Rabano's life were a series of visits to mad houses, Pharasmin healing wards, and doctors of various stripes. Nothing seemed to work, and Rabano's mother finally resorted to consulting with an old Varisian fortune teller and witch in a desperate attempt to cure her son. Unfortunately for Rabano, his first meeting with Mother Nemov is the last things that he seems to remember with any clarity, and that happened nearly ten years ago. The rest are little snippets of Mother Nemov teaching him to conrol, and heed without fear, the angelic voices in his head. Then travel, maybe far from Ustalav? A return and an argument with a slightly older man who may be a brother or cousin. Then nothing before waking in a familiar location- Briarstone Asylum, a place where he spent many weeks as young teen in an attempt to cure what was thought of as the time as schizophrenia. Rabano experiences his spirit patrons as celestial champions of various Empyreal Lords. Unfortunately, his recent memory loss has left him without the ability to recall excatly who they are, though he does remember how to conduct a seance to call on them. In his possession is a plain holy symbol of Eritrice, agathion Empyreal Lord of Truth, which gives some evidence as to whom his Hierophant spirit is. If Rabano is accepted, I'll create a persona for him with which to post.
I'd like to submit Mital Purmar, an Ifrit Wishcrafter, for consideration. Stat Block: Mital Purmar Female ifrit sorcerer (wishcrafter) 20 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Race Guide 128, Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 160) LN Medium outsider (native) Init +5; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +0 -------------------- Defense -------------------- AC 15, touch 15, flat-footed 12 (+3 Dex, +2 insight) hp 160 (20d6+40); sacrificial boon Fort +12, Ref +14, Will +17; +2 vs. mind-affecting spells, spell-like abilites, and supernatural abilities DR 10/adamantine; Resist fire 5 -------------------- Offense -------------------- Speed 30 ft. Spell-Like Abilities (CL 20th; concentration +36) . . 1/day—efreeti magic[ARG] Sorcerer (Wishcrafter) Spells Known (CL 20th; concentration +36) . . 9th (8/day)—shades, transmute blood to acid[UM] (DC 35), weird (DC 35) . . 8th (8/day)—polymorph any object (DC 34), scintillating pattern, greater shadow evocation (DC 34) . . 7th (8/day)—grasping hand, greater polymorph, greater shadow conjuration . . 6th (9/day)—flesh to stone (DC 32), forceful hand, programmed image (DC 32) . . 5th (9/day)—baleful polymorph (DC 33), interposing hand, polymorph, shadow evocation (DC 31) . . 4th (9/day)—phantasmal killer (DC 30), rainbow pattern (DC 30), resilient sphere (DC 28), shadow conjuration . . 3rd (9/day)—dispel magic, displacement, fly, major image (DC 29) . . 2nd (10/day)—blur, cushioning bands[UM] (DC 26), fleshcurdle (DC 28), mirror image, umbral weapon . . 1st (10/day)—color spray (DC 27), enlarge person (DC 27), expeditious retreat, magic missile, shadow weapon[UM] (DC 27) . . 0 (at will)—breeze[UM], dancing lights, detect magic, flare (DC 24), ghost sound (DC 26), mage hand, message, read magic, resistance . . Bloodline Martyred -------------------- Statistics -------------------- Str 10, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 11, Cha 39 Base Atk +10; CMB +10; CMD 25 Feats Eschew Materials, Extend Spell, Greater Spell Focus (illusion), Greater Spell Focus (transmutation), Persistent Spell[APG], Reach Spell[APG], Spell Focus (illusion), Spell Focus (transmutation), Spell Penetration, Spell Perfection[APG], Toughness Traits focused mind, reactionary Skills Artistry (literature) +15, Bluff +37, Diplomacy +34, Knowledge (planes) +22, Linguistics +12, Perform (dance) +34, Spellcraft +25, Stealth +23 Languages Abyssal, Aquan, Auran, Celestial, Common, Draconic, Elven, Gnoll, Ignan, Infernal, Orc, Protean, Sylvan, Terran SQ eternal martyr, expanded wishcraft, expanded wishcraft, expanded wishcraft, expanded wishcraft, expanded wishcraft, expanded wishcraft, expanded wishcraft, expanded wishcraft, expanded wishcraft, gift of blood, heart's desire, perfect wishcraft, rallying cry, sacrificial exchange, twisted wish, wishbound arcana Combat Gear boots of teleportation, mind sentinel medallion[UE], potion of cure serious wounds, quicken metamagic rod (greater), wand of dispel magic (CL 7th, 50 charges), wand of fireball (cl 10), wand of hold monster (CL 20th, 50 charges), wand of stoneskin (CL 15th, 50 charges); Other Gear armband of the golden serpent, belt of stoneskin[ARG], cloak of resistance +5, drinking horn of the panacea[ACG], falcon crown, headband of alluring charisma +6, ring of freedom of movement, ring of spell turning, robe of scintillating colors, spell lattice (disintigrate) (6th)[ACG], star of vision, tome of leadership and influence +5- already read and factored into abilities, backpack, 247 gp, 9 sp -------------------- Special Abilities -------------------- Damage Reduction (10/adamantine) You have Damage Reduction against all except Adamantine attacks. (From belt of stoneskin) Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only). Efreeti Magic (1/day) (Sp) Cast enlarge person or reduce person 1/day. Energy Resistance, Fire (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Fire attacks. Eschew Materials Cast spells without materials, if component cost is 1 gp or less. Eternal Martyr (Su) Material components to bring you back to life cost half as much as normal and you can't be turned into an undead. Expanded Wishcraft (Arcane Lock) Add selected spell to your spell list, but it can only be cast with wishbound arcana. Expanded Wishcraft (Bear's Endurance, Mass) Add selected spell to your spell list, but it can only be cast with wishbound arcana. Expanded Wishcraft (Limited Wish) Add selected spell to your spell list, but it can only be cast with wishbound arcana. Expanded Wishcraft (Mending) Add selected spell to your spell list, but it can only be cast with wishbound arcana. Expanded Wishcraft (Protection from Energy) Add selected spell to your spell list, but it can only be cast with wishbound arcana. Expanded Wishcraft (Protection from Evil) Add selected spell to your spell list, but it can only be cast with wishbound arcana. Expanded Wishcraft (Protection from Spells) Add selected spell to your spell list, but it can only be cast with wishbound arcana. Expanded Wishcraft (Remove Curse) Add selected spell to your spell list, but it can only be cast with wishbound arcana. Expanded Wishcraft (Teleport) Add selected spell to your spell list, but it can only be cast with wishbound arcana. Extend Spell Spell duration lasts twice as normal. +1 Level. Gift of Blood (2/day) (Su) At 9th level, as a standard action, you can choose to sacrifice some of your hit points to grant an ally double that number in temporary hit points. You can sacrifice up to your character level in hit points when using this ability. These temporary h Greater Spell Focus (Illusion) +1 to the Save DC of spells from one school. Greater Spell Focus (Transmutation) +1 to the Save DC of spells from one school. Heart's Desire (14/day, DC 34) (Su) Target must state a desire out loud, allowing you to use wishbound arcana to grant it. Martyred Whenever you take damage in battle, your effective caster level increases by 1 during your next turn. This effect does not apply more than once per round. Perfect Wishcraft (1/day) (Su) You may cast any sorcerer/wizard spell 1/day, subject to wishbound arcana limits. Persistent Spell Foes must succeed at 2 saves or suffer the spell's full effects. Rallying Cry +5 (1/day) (Su) Allies within 100' gain +5 to hit, skills, and saves for 10 round(s). Reach Spell You can cast a spell with a range of touch, close, or medium as one range category higher. Sacrificial Boon (17/day) (Su) Sacrifice 1 HP for +1 sacred bonus on the next damage roll, saving throw, or skill check you make. Sacrificial Exchange (2/day) (Su) At 15th level, as a swift action once per day, you can take 2 points of temporary ability damage to one of your ability scores and add a temporary +2 inherent bonus to any other ability score. This bonus lasts for a maximum of 1 hour per sorcerer lev Spell Focus (Illusion) Spells from one school of magic have +1 to their save DC. Spell Focus (Transmutation) Spells from one school of magic have +1 to their save DC. Spell Perfection (Baleful Polymorph) The selected spell can have 1 metamagic feat applied for free, as long as the modified level stays at or below 9. Double the effects of feats like spell focus, weapon focus [ray], etc. on this spell. Twisted Wish (Su) Spells cast using target's wish gives -4 to save, and +5 to DC when dispelling that spell. Wishbound Arcana (Su) Use expressed wishes of nearby creatures as verbal components of your spell.
Alice, I am thinking of putting up a submission, but I'm curious as to how optimized you want the characters to be. I can make competent characters, but rarely do I make fully optimal ones. I don't have a lot a patience for combing through forums to find heavily min/maxed builds. So, would you accept an "average" character?
Deaths Adorable Apprentice wrote: The Cavalier is able to share their teamwork feats so if we are playing together you would temporarily get to use them. I get teamwork feats as I level up and get to share so not everyone has to take them to benefit from them. Oh, neat! I had forgotten that about the cavalier.
Deaths Adorable Apprentice wrote:
I don't have room for it at the moment, but if we end up playing together I have no problem taking either of those feats at level three.
Alice in Blunderland wrote:
Well, if you do decide to run, you have one person who is interested. I'll keep an eye out for the recruitment post :D .
I'd like to submit Valero Nermal de Eamon-Germonique for consideration. Stat Block:
Valero Nermal de Eamon-Germonique
Male human investigator (lepidstadt inspector) 1 (Pathfinder Player Companion: Advanced Class Origins 15, Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide 30) LN Medium humanoid (human) Init +3; Senses Perception +7 -------------------- Defense -------------------- AC 15, touch 13, flat-footed 12 (+2 armor, +3 Dex) hp 8 (1d8) Fort +0, Ref +5, Will +3 -------------------- Offense -------------------- Speed 30 ft. Melee light mace +0 (1d6) or . . sap +0 (1d6 nonlethal) Ranged hand crossbow +1 (1d4/19-20) or . . mwk hand crossbow +2 (1d4/19-20) Investigator (Lepidstadt Inspector) Extracts Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +4) . . 1st—identify, keen senses[APG] (DC 14) Investigator (Lepidstadt Inspector) Extracts Known
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Regarding my traits, Noble-in-Exile is typically reserved for people from Gralton, but I hope you will make an exception based on my background. Character Background: Background
The de Eamon-Germonique family got off lightly, as far as nobles during the Andoran People’s Revolt went. The family of provincial barons ruled two hamlets outside of Sauerton, Eamon & Germanique, well and quietly, so when the revolution came they were simply removed from power. They were permitted by the new republic to keep their extensive vineyards (after being heavily “taxed”), which produced a higher quality version of the normally cheap and tasteless Sauerton Red. Never feeling comfortable in the new republic, which had thrown away not only their own feudal rights, but disregarded their years of benevolent rulership, the de Eamon-Germoniques nevertheless eschewed the underhanded scheming of other nobles trying to restore their power. Combined with their rural location, the family withdrew from all but local politics. They remained a significant employer near their old holdings of Eamon & Germonique hamlets, but otherwise kept to themselves. The first de Eamon-Germonique born under Common Rule, Stellazzio (LN male human rogue 4/fighter 3/Noble Scion 1) chafed under the stories of his family’s former greatness, denied to them now for ideological reasons. Though he was to be the inheritor of the family estate and vineyard, in his youth he left home against his parent’s wishes for Absalom. He eventually joined the Pathfinder Society, and after a few successful expeditions he returned home with a fortune to significantly add to the de Eamon-Germonique’s modest country noble finances. He also brought back a mysterious wife, Zoza-Madelina Fieri (NG female human sorcerer [Verdant Bloodline] 7), who claimed to be an exiled Galtan noblewoman. Though his parents were initially furious, checks with genealogical societies in Gralton confirmed Zoza’s story, though she had no other living relatives. Her command of plant life, which greatly helped with grape production, also helped endear her to the older generation of de Eamon-Germoniques. Stellazzio and Zoza, both only children, were delighted when they produced identical triplets on their first try. Stellazzio the Younger (NG human male sorcerer [Verdant Bloodline] 2), the oldest by five minutes, inherited his mother’s magic, his father’s name, and eventually will inherit the de Eamon-Germonique vineyard and country house. Unlike his parents and younger siblings, Stellazzio the Younger was a homebody and was actively interested in running the vineyard, which the de Eamon-Germoniques tended to leave to a hired expert vinter. Zoza was actively involved in attempting to find the now 22-year-old a wife, with a strong preference for a sorceress like herself. The next two boys were born less than 30 seconds apart. Valero (named after a quasi-legendary de Eamon-Germonique forerunner who was said to have been a bannerman for Aspex Eventongue) and Mantuo (named after a deceased Pathfinder companion of his parents) (LG human male Paladin of Iomedae 1) inherited their father’s desire to live a grand life like that of the nobles of old. Valero, a voracious reader, devoured every genealogy book he could find, especially with information about his own family. As a teenager he also became acquainted with the genre of the mystery novel, and he was immediately entranced with the character archetype of the gentleman detective. Mantuo possessed a more martial character, frequently getting into fights as a child over small matters of honor- though only very rarely his own. He would frequently leap to the defense of others at even the slightest hint of an insult. Mantuo was fascinated with members of the de Eamon-Germoniques who had joined knightly orders, and as a young teen expressed a desire to join the Knights of Ozem in Lastwall. Finally, no discussion of the de Eamon-Germonique family would be complete without mentioning their master vinter and sommelier, Hogs Puddinfoot (NG old male halfling expert 10). Hogs is just about considered a full member of the family, and all three of the de Eamon-Germonique children regard him as a step-grandfather. He is especially close with Stellazzio the Younger. Thanks to Hogs’s expert guidance, the family vineyards turn a healthy profit every year. When Valero and Mantuo were of age, their father spent a portion of the fortune he had gained in his adventuring days to set his younger sons of their respective paths. For Valero, he purchased tuition to the legendary University of Lepidstadt, whose investigators the middle son held in high esteem. For Mantuo, a commission as a squire to a Knight of Ozem in Lastwall was acquired. The two travelled together in a caravan into Druma, and then by ship on Lake Encarthan until Mantuo was dropped off in Lastwall. Continuing alone on the water to Caliphas, and then again by land to Lepidstadt, Valero was initially excited to be entering a realm of nobility. He was sorely disappointed when he arrived in Vieland to discover that the county was essentially a more corrupt and darker version of his homeland: a republic dominated by mercantile interests. Still, the four years Valero attended the University were the greatest of his life. Valero became fast friends with his freshman roommate, an chemistry student from a similar background. Karsic von Pommorzen (LN male human alchemist 1) was from a family of Vieland country squires that had been dispossessed by the Palatinate revolution. They survived by moving to Caliphas, where they kept the favor Prince Aduard and thus were continually awarded salaried positions at court. Conversely, Valero and Karsic had constant friction with a dueling society, the Cards Wild Club, populated by scions of nouveau riche merchants. Led by notorious loudmouth and braggart, the son of diamond merchant from Caliphas, Boris "Rip" Dunden (CN male human Swashbuckler [Noble Fencer] 3), the Card Wild Club openly supported a Palatinate-like government for all of Ustalav. The club made trouble for scions of the nobility where the could, and more than a few Lepidstadt scars were earned. Thankfully both Valero and Karsic managed to avoid outright violence, but there were some cruel practical jokes between all parties involved. Studying to become a detective utilizing the famous Lepidstadt method, Valero also formalized his love for heraldry, graduating recently as both an accredited investigator and herald. With the ink still drying on his diplomas, Valero has submitted his name to numerous city guards and detective agencies in the Inner Sea region, hoping that the sterling reputation of Lepidstadt Inspectors will earn him swift employment. Personality Valero’s desire is to become like the characters in the novels he has enjoyed throughout his life- a gentleman detective. Unfortunately, while he is by no means unpleasant, he lacks the natural grace and charisma that his older and younger brother both seem to have acquired from their parents. He does try, however, and hard work has to some degree made up for his natural mediocrity in wordplay. Unfailingly polite, Valero has trouble reconciling the natural imperium a nobleman should possess with the egalitarian background of having lived in Andoran for his early life. Certainly, his time spent with the sons of the Ustalavic aristocracy at the University of Lepidstadt has helped him in this regard, but he does draw the occasional titter from his noble peers for extending excessive courtesy to the lower classes. The de Eamon-Germoniques traditionally patronize Erastil's church, but thanks to his time at University in Ustalav and his brother's admittance to the Knights of Ozem, Valero frequently also offers prayers to Pharasma, Abadar, and Iomedae.
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