Brimleydower's Giantslayer (Inactive)

Game Master Kagehiro

Giantslayer Roll20

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Is ready for submission. Due to the shortened timeline I ended up having to bullet point form some of his Trunau history but it should still provide enough information as why he is there and hint at some of the connections he has made there. I also have to provide some more specific details regarding his history such as the city name he is from and the names of family. I can flesh these out after initial review.

It would seem that I've bitten off a bit more than I can chew, so I unfortunately won't be able to finish fleshing the character out.

Good luck to the actual participants, and have a great game :)

I am going to pull out on this one. The dice gods did not favor me and I can't put together something that feels like it would be useful to the group.

Good luck to the rest!

Brimleydower wrote:
  • I'm totally fine with submissions not including exhaustive background details. It's more about the presentation. A full-on character history will likely have me prodding for more details. Davok above is a good example of an alternative: conveying character through story snippets. I would be perfectly willing to entertain other styles of applications. Ballads about the character, poetry, second-hand accounts, or even a Tarantinoesque out-of-order jumble of events that eventually contribute to a collective whole.
  • Having said that, and while Qytheerah's background snippet is well written and evocative, I would welcome another that expands on the character a little more, perhaps a glimpse of her adulthood in Trunau.
  • Crunch looks good, except her melee damage should be +4 instead of +3 from a two-handed weapon.

I've followed your suggestion and indeed it should look better now! I apologize in advance it it looks a bit rushed, I was planning to do it during the weekend when I saw the new deadline. I'll probably fix it a bit tomorrow; other than that, I'm always available should more questions arise.

By the way, the devotion she was talking in the last lines about is

Falayna's Obedience Don a jeweled ring on each finger and strike a practice dummy barehanded until the impression of the rings is left in your skin. Gain a +4 sacred bonus on grapple checks and to CMD.

It's unlocked through a feat which can only be taken after 3rd level, though, so for time being it's just for RP-flavor...


Backstory is updated with more specifics on the hated orc tribe: Broken Spines.


Okay, pencils down!. Recruitment is closed.

Brimleydower wrote:
Okay, pencils down!. Recruitment is closed.

A punctual man indeed.

I'm looking forward to hearing our selection. Best of luck everybody!

I have made my selections for this game. It was not a particularly easy prospect. Resisting the urge to open the game to a seventh or even eighth player was also difficult, but those numbers tend to bog down what is already going to be a slower game to begin with. All told, I actually went back on an earlier claim and only ended up drawing on two familiar faces in the final tally. That in particular was probably the hardest decision to make, but there were some pretty stellar submissions for this recruitment phase. So, for those involved in this process that were passed over, please don't take it personally—especially those I have played with in the past. There were tons of great submissions all around. There were simply some I felt stood out among the others.

Apologies might be in order for ending the recruitment earlier as well. If I might plead my case, however, I had already narrowed the applications down to a pile of probable candidates. I didn't want to continue eliciting character revisions with a foregone conclusion glaring at me the entire week. And finally, the recruitment had a 21 day run, which is plenty of time to have begun working on a submission in earnest <-- (aimed at those who were waiting until crunch time to get started).

And now, my selections. I will allow a brief explanation of why I chose these six in particular, to help alleviate any who are curious.


  • Arctorus: Thron and I have been best friends and gamer-pals irl for a long time. On top of that, he's just an all around excellent gamer and one of the most reliable/dependable PbPers you'll find.
  • Grafelda Moroe: Jelani is the second familiar-face-pick. I would have taken Grafelda even if that were not the case, however. It's a well written character, and the backstory was one of the most thematically fitting offerings in this process (considering the tone of game I'm aiming for).
  • Morgder Kragmantle: I had pretty much green-lighted Morgder as soon as I read through his backstory. And to be clear, though greatly appreciated, the submission-tracking had no bearing on this decision.
  • Tharok Cragsoul: I really liked the idea of linking a character in via way of Halgra's myriad offspring. Tharok's background tied him to Trunau and served as a great character to have along on this AP.
  • Qytheerah Reflects-the-Stars: I had a hard time settling between this submission and Davok, but ultimately I felt Qytheerah's potential plot hooks tipped the scale slightly in her favor.
  • Skrioth: As mentioned in the review, the writing was very strong. I was skeptical about a merfolk at first, but was able to smooth out misgivings through further conversation. I think Skrioth more than qualifies as an exotic addition to the lineup, in addition to bringing what would have otherwise been a drooping level of spellpower.

Special mention to Davok Ironborn. It was excruciatingly hard not to bring in this character. The submission was exemplary, truly. You were virtually dead-locked with another character (as Thron can attest to) but it ultimately boiled down to a tempting plot hook in the other's submission.


To those who were selected, please report over to the Discussion Thread and we'll set to getting the game kicked off.
To those who were not selected, I know it sucks getting passed over for games, and I'm sorry to put you all in that position. Unfortunately, that's the nature of PbP Recruitments. There were only six slots and so there could only be six selections. Best of luck to all of you in the future.

Wow... It's hard to say such a thing without sounding falsely modest, but do believe me when I say I entered this recruitment more for the chance to refine my character-building skills than because I thought I had a chance against such a strong competition... which makes this news all the more pleasant. I still feel I have to thank Brimleydower's auditing for that, though. His scenarios and reviewing system are what ultimately helped Qytheerah come to life as a character.

To everyone who posted here, hope to cross paths with you again sooner or later. Terrific quality coming from a lot of you.

In particular, I have to say I feel your pain, Brimley. Davok submitted his application roughly the same time as I did mine, and while reading it out of curiosity, I thought well, here goes one spot.

Davok will not cry (in front of everyone).

congrats to all - this promises to be an amazing game and I will certainly be lurking.......


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