Lirana Caldori |

Working on a late submission now. She is a Neutral, Human Cleric.
Here are my answers to your questions:
1. Why is your character fleeing Galt? Are they from a neighboring nation? What attracts them to this expedition? Be specific!
Lirana's mentor in both the clerical and alchemical arts found himself under the executioners axe for a role he played in a noble house losing the head of it's household and getting a new one.
Fearing that she could be seen as a lose end, Lirana is rather anxious to get out of the city and get as far away from the executioner's axe as possible. This is the first expedition out of the city that she has heard of and is rather desperate to become part of it.
2. In character, write your pitch to the noble as to why your character should be taken along. The rendezvous point is a secret, so you must convince the noble that your character is trustworthy.
"Excuse me sir. If I may have a moment of your time, I'd like to express my sincere interest is joining your expedition. I have some ability as a healer and a cook. Both are things that would be valued on any long journey. You never know when someone could get injured venturing into the unknown and dealing with wild animals. I would be very useful."
3. Long term, what role does your character hope to play in the fledgling community? Start a business? Range outside the town to scout for threats? Serve in or lead the militia? Found a temple to their deity? Establish a thieves' guild? Dream as big as you like!
Lirana would eventually run a two-tiered business. The top tier and public face of the business will be a alchemist's shop that will focus on such things as healing potions and other helpful items.
The second tier and secret part of the business will be a darker alchemist shop for those interested in more illegal dealings and it will also be home to a shrine to Blackfingers (Her patron deity and a facet of Norborger).

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oh! to add to mia, her background-
Mia was an orphan since she can remember. Her only parent being a hermit of sorts on the outskirts of the city. She was taught most of her knowlege about plants, potions, and nature in general by this man, who goes by the name of Daniel. He was a ranger by trade, often keeping out wilder beasts and other threats when possible, but had gotten old and so adopted Mia when he found her in a swaddle on the edge of the woods. She took to his lessons on nature and the wilds well, but never liked when he attempted to show her how to properly wield weapons so he just stopped doing so after awhile. She never interacted a lot with others until she was already a teenager. This lead to her being exceptionally shy and soft-spoken most of the time. While it she has gotten better about this, she still often prefers the quiet solitude of nature to that of a large city. She traveled around after turning 18 a bit, before returning back to the city of her... finding.. and hearing about the expedition from her step-father Daniel.

Peet |

Hi, everyone. Just a heads up that if you are planning to have custom crafted gear in your inventory, or to create it in the future, we'll be using the Pathfinder Unchained rules for crafting. That means if you want to start with something that your PC made on his/her own (at a lower price), you'll need to:
A) Have a high enough skill bonus (in the relevant skill) to create it by Taking 10.
B) Roll the relevant skill here in the recruitment thread enough times to create the item.
** spoiler omitted **...
Hi, GM Cyrioul.
So this means we can get discounts on items we start with based on crafting them?
I also notice that the Unchained rules change the DC to make an exotic weapon from 18 (CRB) to 20. Is this correct? I could take 10 for an 18 but not a 20. Are we allowed to hire trained laborers for this process?
Sir Bleeparolo plans to make a Falcata and a Nine-Section Whip. The Falcata will take 5 successes and the Whip will take 2.
Craft metalwork (Falcata) DC 20: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23 Success
Craft metalwork (Falcata) DC 20: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10 Fail & lose 4 gp
Craft metalwork (Falcata) DC 20: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17 Fail
Craft metalwork (Falcata) DC 20: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18 Fail
Craft metalwork (Falcata) DC 20: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17 Fail
Craft metalwork (Falcata) DC 20: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15 Fail & lose 4 gp
Craft metalwork (Falcata) DC 20: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (6) + 8 = 14 Fail & lose 4 gp
Craft metalwork (Falcata) DC 20: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20 Success
Craft metalwork (Falcata) DC 20: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20 Success
Craft metalwork (Falcata) DC 20: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28 Success x 2!
Done. The Falcata cost me 6 gp in materials and then 12 gp in materials lost, so 18 gp.
Craft metalwork (Whip) DC 20: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19 Fail
Craft metalwork (Whip) DC 20: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9 Fail & lose 2 2/3 gp
Craft metalwork (Whip) DC 20: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11 Fail & lose 2 2/3 gp
Craft metalwork (Whip) DC 20: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22 Success
Craft metalwork (Whip) DC 20: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25 Success x 2!
You can't lose more than your base materials (which are 2 2/3 gp) so with 2 failures my total costs are the same as the base price of the item (again!).

Chakon Dryfoot |

Hi! I know the submission is a little late in the game but here it is! Full disclosure, this would be my first time playing PbP, though I've been playing tabletop games for six or seven years now, and Pathfinder for five years or so. I spent most of yesterday looking into PbP, so I'm excited to give it my first shot - indeed, this is my first post on the site period. In any case, here's Chakon Dryfoot, a Tengu Swashbuckler.
I've included the answers to the three questions at the end of the Background section.

Peet |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Hi, GM Cyrioul.
So this means we can get discounts on items we start with based on crafting them?
I also notice that the Unchained rules change the DC to make an exotic weapon from 18 (CRB) to 20. Is this correct? I could take 10 for an 18 but not a 20. Are we allowed to hire trained laborers for this process?
** spoiler omitted **...
Okay, never mind the rolls here.
Sir Bleeparolo has the Gnome obsessive trait that grants +2 to a craft or profession. So he can take 10 to make a 20 and make masterwork arms and armor.

Sir Bleeparolo the Deft |

Okay, here is Sir Bleeparolo the Deft (he is called that because of his comically low DEX score).
Sir Bleeparolo is an oracle of the nature mystery. He has a wolf bonded mount and he fights mounted, preferring to charge with a lance. He is a healer but also has a few spells for versatility and self-buffing. His damage output is not that great but the fact that his wolf also fights should balance that out.
I've rejiggered his background in the spoiler below (the profile still shows the old background, so ignore that for now).
* Bleeparolo was raised on stories of the Knights of the Black Bough, an ancient order of Gnomish Knights who rode wolves in battle. His father told him many stories of these knights but they may have been complete fiction; no one else Bleeparolo ever met had ever heard of them. Nevertheless Bleeparolo believes in them wholeheartedly.
* When Bleeparolo's mother died when he was a young adult, he became obsessed with the Knights of the Black Bough and decided he had to become one. He began crafting armor and weapons and and spent much of his time in meditation, seeking the "harmony with nature" that would allow him to tame a wild animal like a wolf as a mount.
* Eventually Bleeparolo's meditations bore fruit as he met Varkha Gzegdoug, Bleeparolo's wolf "Spirit Guide." Bleeparolo freed Varkha from a leg-hold trap placed by kobolds living in the Boarwood.
* With his new-found spiritual gifts and a loyal mount, Bleeparolo started calling himself "Sir" and began a crusade against the kobolds of the Treebiter tribe. Eventually the Treebiters, never a large tribe, decided to move on and find a new home.
* Ironically, the lack of kobold traps in that area of the Boarwood made it possible for human bandit groups to move into that part of the Boarwood. These bandits plagued the area around Edme, which was already struggling. Bandits began to harass the gnomes of the Boarwood, demanding "protection money."
* Sir Bleeparolo visited Edme and tried to get the "authorities" there to do something about the bandits. It turned out that the citizens of Edme were also fed up with the bandits, and a large group of citizens decided to head to the Boarwood to "root out the bandits."
* Sadly, these citizens, mostly ordinary farmers and laborers, did not have the woodscraft to actually catch many legitimate bandits, but they did manage to round up a number of the ordinary residents of the Boarwood, including Bleeparolo's father and a number of other gnomes.
* These prisoners were declared to be "Bandits" and "Traitors to the Republic," and were imprisoned in the Torvin Academy, a local university that had been converted to a political prison. They were scheduled to be beheaded by the Final Blade standing in the university quadrangle.
* With the help of a few other gnomes from the Boarwood, Sir Bleeparolo staged a jailbreak and freed his father from the Academy, along with a number of other innocent gnomes and other Boarwood natives.
* Now, fearing recapture, Sir Bleeparolo and his father are seeking a new place to make a living.
1. Why is your character fleeing Galt? Are they from a neighboring nation? What attracts them to this expedition? Be specific!
The citizens of Edme decided to root out bandits living in the Boarwood, but just rounded up everyone they could find there and branded them bandits - most were innocent civilians. Sir Bleeparolo's father was once such "bandit" and Sir Bleeparolo was forced to break his father out of jail. Now they are on the move, fleeing the "citizen's justice" that put many innocent people in prison.
(see background for more details)
2. In character, write your pitch to the noble as to why your character should be taken along. The rendezvous point is a secret, so you must convince the noble that your character is trustworthy.
"My Lord Viscount! A moment, if you will."
"It has come to my attention that you intend to mount an expedition into the interior, possibly with the aim of founding a settlement. I would like to volunteer my service to you!"
"Your pardon, sir. I am Sir Bleeparolo, a Knight of the Black Bough. No, I suppose I am not surprised you haven't heard of them... we are mostly gnomes. I know gnomes are not often the most martial of folk, but those who are are quite dedicated, I assure you. I can tell you that the Knights of the Black Bough never break a promise."
"Yes, I'm aware my equipment seems... well, it is of good quality no matter what it looks like. I come from a metalworking family, and though the metal has been scavenged the tools are effective, if you get my meaning. They have been tried in real battle."
"I've heard it said that no commander ever has enough cavalry, and while I'm not sure what arrangements you've made for it's defense, surely another mounted man could not go amiss, eh?"
"In the meantime though, it's worth pointing out that we Knights of the Black Bough enjoy a mystical connection with our mounts, and this connection gives us a number of additional powers. Most notably that of healing magic. Much like a cleric, but we are not dedicated to a specific deity."
"My father is also looking to join the expedition, and he is a master metalworker. I am sure you will also need skilled tradesmen in your new settlement."
"My Lord Viscount, you will not regret your decision to include me in this expedition, should you choose to do so. That I swear on my honor as a Knight of the Black Bough. I look forward to your decision."
3. Long term, what role does your character hope to play in the fledgling community? Start a business? Range outside the town to scout for threats? Serve in or lead the militia? Found a temple to their deity? Establish a thieves' guild? Dream as big as you like!
Sir Bleeparolo's primary goal is to reestablish the Order of the Knights of the Black Bough. As such, he would need a stronghold of some kind and would have to do a lot of recruiting.
However, he and his father are both skilled metalworkers and would be useful in the new town as craftsmen.

GM Cyrioul |

Peet wrote:Hi, GM Cyrioul.
So this means we can get discounts on items we start with based on crafting them?
I also notice that the Unchained rules change the DC to make an exotic weapon from 18 (CRB) to 20. Is this correct? I could take 10 for an 18 but not a 20. Are we allowed to hire trained laborers for this process?
** spoiler omitted **...
Okay, never mind the rolls here.
Sir Bleeparolo has the Gnome obsessive trait that grants +2 to a craft or profession. So he can take 10 to make a 20 and make masterwork arms and armor.
Sorry for my delay in responding. Please note that in the Pathfinder Unchained rules for crafting, making a masterwork item adds +5 to the DC of the craft check, so if you can take 10 for a total of 20, that would not be sufficient to make a masterwork Exotic weapon (that would be DC 25) without a chance of failure. Hope that helps with decision making, but yes, investing points in craft will give your PC a 'discount' on starting gear that corresponds to applicable craft skills.
We've had a lot of fun reading the submissions so far! Keep 'em coming!

Hammerstone |

Gilthanis with my submission.
1. He wants to be able to craft without fear of government retaliation.
2. I’m loyal, and I can help tend to the sick and injured along the way. Torag has blessed me with the ways of the hammer and anvil
3. Maybe set of a church to Torag. 100% set of a forge/teach others how to craft. Try to smuggle his clan out of Galt.

DM Vayelan |

Thank you all for your submissions. Here are our contenders:
Sir Dorick Granstead - Human Cavalier (Order of the Lion)
Maskini - Human (Mwangi) Unchained Monk
Mortimer Mathias Argentum - Dwarf Gunslinger (Musket Master)
Fendir Tang - Hobgoblin Geokineticist
Lena Kensley - Human Bard (Archivist)
Marcian Grallm - Tiefling Alchemist (Mindchemist)
Francoix Delacouis - Human Rogue (Burglar/Cutpurse)
Ariso Chivala - Human Ranger
Professor Yeoffray Potter - Aasimar Bard (Archivist)
Kalig the Tireless - Half-Orc Druid (Urban Druid)
Mia Ravenlock - Human Druid
Valmont Lafayette - Half-Orc Vigilante (Gunmaster)
Sir Bleeparolo the Deft - Gnome Oracle (Nature)
Noax Coldborn - Skinwalker Shifter
Valentina Silverstone - Human Rogue (Phantom Thief)
Gnixgnox Arrig - Gnome Cavalier (Beast rider)
Soraya Blacktip - Human Witch
Lirana Caldori - Human Cleric
Chakon Dryfoot - Tengu Swashbuckler
Hammerstone - Dwarf Cleric
GM Cyrioul and I will now begin our deliberations.

DM Vayelan |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Thank you all for your patience.
After deliberating, GM Cyrioul and I decided that we couldn't restrict this to just 6 characters - so we have selected 8 characters!
Without further ado, here is our cast:
Lena Kensley
Sir Dorick Granstead
Fendir Tang
Francoix Delacouis
Kalig the Tireless
Mia Ravenlock
Valentina Silverstone
Soraya Blacktip
Please pop over to the Discussion thread to make your introductions.
In the meantime, I am going to finalize some details before I open the Gameplay thread.
Thank you to everyone who contributed a character, and I wish you luck in your future adventures.