Beyond Fort Horizon (Inactive)

Game Master Terquem

New Notes are in the Campaign Tab

An Edit was done to the end of K'vin's story

Jeannine's Story is added

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Day 5, Mystic Valley, Mooney Street (approximate time of day 6:00 pm(turn 109)

Portia’s choice of words hit the dwarven man hard, he even pouts a bit and seems to deflate. He turns and mumbles, Alright, this way, and leads her round the building they are beside to a narrow street that runs parallel to the main street of town. They are moving back toward the west now, and ahead, on the left, after a row of shacks that resemble small dwellings, Portia sees a building with a low, slanted roof. The side facing this narrow street is about thirty feet wide. The roof is ten feet high at the near end, toward Portia, but the far end looks to be only five or six feet high. The front has an opening, ten feet wide, near the tall end that faces the street, and two other dwarves are standing, well leaning against the doorframe here, smoking short pipes.

When the wagon is right at the opening, Henderson shouts at the dwarves,

get this wagon in the warehouse, and then unhitch the animals and take them out back and put them in the yard. And make sure the gate is latched this time!

Just as he finishes shouting, a door opens across the street (which is twenty five feet wide here) and Brenda and Unbolath step out of a building.

NPC: F Human

Brenda sees the Wagon, and Mr. Henderson, and calls out in a pleasant sing song voice

Mister Henderson, Mister Henderson, may we have a word with you for a moment

Henderson shoves the reigns of the bull into a dwarf’s hands and then slaps the bull. He jumps out of the way as the Bull lurches into the warehouse. And then he grabs Portia’s arm and hisses quietly

Well, looks like your friend may have put us on a tighter schedule. Kill her now. I’ll take care of the wagon


Henderson stands still, waiting to see what Portia will do

Thikka and Minerva, heard Brenda’s voice coming from around a corner. I am going to place them in an alleyway between the two streets, closer to the office, and farther away from the street where Henderson originally took Portia in order to get to the street behind the building. Ritmush, Calliope, and Droka will be on pause for a moment, to see how this works out, and if something loud happens, it may get the attention of those in the saloon. I’ve failed at making a good map, so you will all have to settle for a shoddy one made in map Tools.

Female Human Ranger (Falconer)...HP: 14/14 | AC: 17 FF:15 TCH: 12 | F/R/W: +1/+4/+2 | Init: +4, Intuition:+4, Perception: +3...xp:1900

Portia looks at Mr. Henderson, then a smirk creeps on her face. She looks at him and in an equally hushed voice, I cannot do it out in the open, I am NOT stupid. I need her and him into a secluded area. Let's go inside the gate; she's not gonna make it out alive anyways. I am not a stupid mercenary, how do you think I made it so far in life?

To be perfectly clear, I am not suggesting she goes inside the warehouse, just inside the gated area. This way she cannot escape as well

Portia looks to Henderson, to see if she can read him. To know whether or not he believes her or if a trap is being laid. sense: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20

Portia lets her words sink in the dwarf's skull. She than takes a few steps forward, and waves at the auditor lady and Unbolath.


Henderson smiles, chuckles, and follow Portia into the warehouse, waving behind him for Brenda to join him

Female Human Ranger (Falconer)...HP: 14/14 | AC: 17 FF:15 TCH: 12 | F/R/W: +1/+4/+2 | Init: +4, Intuition:+4, Perception: +3...xp:1900

I edited my post above to include a sense on my part, just wanted to let you know :)

Portia, gives Henderson a nod, then allows the auditor lady and Unbolath to follow suit. She gives Unbolath a nod.

She gives a quick whistle, and Issabelle starts to circle overhead her. I hope the others get the message of my feathery friend?!

Male? Human (Kobold raised) Sorcerer 2 HP:14 Init:+4 AC: 12/12/10 Saves Fort+3 Ref+3 Will+2 Percep:+6 Intuit:+5

don't suppose the bar we are at has windows that might give us a chance to see this clever signal?


There are no windows, on the first floor, but the door is only a half door. The chance that anyone in the saloon sees this signal, is impossible, however, there is a very slim chance you heard the loud whistle. I'm setting the DC at 20. This is a Perception Skill Check. Then, a follow up Intuition Skill Check, DC 12, to understand what that whistle meant.

Male? Human (Kobold raised) Sorcerer 2 HP:14 Init:+4 AC: 12/12/10 Saves Fort+3 Ref+3 Will+2 Percep:+6 Intuit:+5

perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15
Nope, will just have to hope for a convenient explosion. Like say a plasma rifle being used.

Female Ratfolk HP (7)
AC/Touch/Flat 15 or 19/14/12 or 15 | Fort/Ref/Will +1/+3/+3 | Init +4
Acrobatics 8, Craft(Alchemy) 7, Heal 5, Perception +4, Spellcraft 8, Kn (Arcana/History) 9
Witch 1

Perception: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (4) + 12 = 16


Female Tiefling Rogue 2

perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (15) + 9 = 24

intuition: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8

Female Tiefling Rogue 2

Minerva glances up at the whistle, even as she follows Thikka along the alley.
"Did you hear that whistle Thikka? It sounded odd, but I cannot place the intent..

Pursing her lips, Minerva attempts to copy the sound.
perform: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12

Though perhaps not trying so hard as she could.

Female Ratfolk HP (7)
AC/Touch/Flat 15 or 19/14/12 or 15 | Fort/Ref/Will +1/+3/+3 | Init +4
Acrobatics 8, Craft(Alchemy) 7, Heal 5, Perception +4, Spellcraft 8, Kn (Arcana/History) 9
Witch 1

"No, I didn't. Shouldn't you not make loud noises when we're going to break into someone's office?" She asks testily.

She already failed her perception, so she has no idea what the whistle would mean unless the GM says otherwise.

HP: 9/19 Active Spells: None
Male Aasimar Wizard 1/Ranger 1 HP 19/19 AC 12 T:12 FF:10 For:3 Ref:4 Wil:3 | Init: +2 Per: +9 Int: +1 CMD: 17

Unbolath follows Portia, Henderson and Brenda into the warehouse. He places himself between Henderson and Brenda and keeps an eye on the other dwarves' whereabouts. He scans the area noting entrances, exits, hiding spots and other oddities.

perception check: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (12) + 9 = 21

Unbolath will also activate his Iron Skin ability. It is supernatural and doesn't require any verbal activation. His skin probably just takes on a metallic sheen.


Day 5, Mystic Valley, Mooney Street (approximate time of day 6:00 pm(turn 109)

The two other dwarves quickly unhitch the bull and cow, and begin leading them out of the warehouse through a similar door at the south end of the building.

Portia, not sure I understand what you mean. The warehouse does not have “Doors” exactly, just openings on the north and south walls that you can walk through, and once inside you can see that there are openings in the higher of the two walls, the east wall, to let light in. I’m going to assume you follow Henderson into the warehouse but if that is not correct I’ll change it.

You get a strong feeling that Henderson is pompous, overconfident in his abilities, and not nearly as smart as he thinks he is. Either he is convinced he judged you correctly, and he now believes you are some kind of super hard outback lifestyle criminal, or he is playing you for a fool, but for that to be true, you would think he wouldn’t have already divulge so much to a stranger. No, you are pretty sure he is an idiot, sure an idiot with power, but still an idiot.

Portia follows Henderson into the warehouse and soon Brenda and Unboloth join them right at the opening. Unboloth stands slightly between Henderson and Brenda, while Portia keeps a safe distance from all of them.

It is awkwardly quiet. Brenda seems to be thinking of what she is going to say, while Mister Henderson smiles like an idiot, occasionally glancing toward Portia, and nodding his head.

Mister Henderson is behaving very strangely, and the way he is looking at Portia sort of informs you that either he has threatened Portia, or that he thinks Portia is up to no good. You notice that the dwarves taking the animals away keep looking over their shoulders back at you. You also take stock of the warehouse, it is mostly empty, but there are a few crates, barrels, and boxes on the ground to the west of the wagon.

Reminder, Minerva and Thikka HEARD a woman’s voice calling out the “Mister Henderson.” They know from what direction that sound came from, they know that Mister Henderson was the person Unbolath and Portia were going to see. They also would have heard the whistle, the DC would have been 15 for them, as they were not in a building at the time. Thikka may make an Intuition check to see if she understands Portia’s signal.

Female Human Ranger (Falconer)...HP: 14/14 | AC: 17 FF:15 TCH: 12 | F/R/W: +1/+4/+2 | Init: +4, Intuition:+4, Perception: +3...xp:1900

With my sense motive from before, am I able to tell if the dwarven workers are "with" Herderson? Essentially, do I feel it is going to be Henderon + others versus me and Unbolath?

I will wait on the opposing intuition check before I post my next actions :) Sorry if I am holding up the game. I am also trying to properly formalize my plans

How many men are there, I mean that are "with" Henderson. A quick count I think was around 3-4? IS that accurate?

So, Brenda is it Portia says with a smile, How long have you been in town? Any way I can help?


Oh, I'm sorry I didn't get that. But, yes, you can sense well enough that these "men" are probably under Henderson, and will do whatever he tells them to do.

Female Ratfolk HP (7)
AC/Touch/Flat 15 or 19/14/12 or 15 | Fort/Ref/Will +1/+3/+3 | Init +4
Acrobatics 8, Craft(Alchemy) 7, Heal 5, Perception +4, Spellcraft 8, Kn (Arcana/History) 9
Witch 1

Yes, Thikka and Minerva were wanting them to leave the building so they could break in and look around. As to Portia's signal, we didn't know the DC was 15.

Perception/Intuition: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (20) + 12 = 32 I'm going to assume that that succeeds at realizing that Portia is in trouble.

Thikka pauses, and sighs. "I think we will need to postpone you teaching me how to break into other people's homes for glory and good. If that whistle means what I think it does, it means Portia's going to need us to pull her butt out of the fire."

Female Tiefling Rogue 2

Minerva gives a slightly acid smile with a touch of tooth, nodding and putting one hand on her sword.

We are lucky then that the ranger has such a petite derriere, though were it not for the fire I'd give pause before calling it hot."

Female Ratfolk HP (7)
AC/Touch/Flat 15 or 19/14/12 or 15 | Fort/Ref/Will +1/+3/+3 | Init +4
Acrobatics 8, Craft(Alchemy) 7, Heal 5, Perception +4, Spellcraft 8, Kn (Arcana/History) 9
Witch 1

Thikka nods. "Didn't know you were into her. You should tell her. I think she's depressed since the halfling priest left. I think she had a thing for it." Thikka says absently, while they walk toward the whistle.

HP: 9/19 Active Spells: None
Male Aasimar Wizard 1/Ranger 1 HP 19/19 AC 12 T:12 FF:10 For:3 Ref:4 Wil:3 | Init: +2 Per: +9 Int: +1 CMD: 17

"Mr Henderson is everything ok with the wagon and its contents? You seem .. unsettled." Unbolath stares down at the dwarf with his black pupilless eyes unwavering.

Female Human Ranger (Falconer)...HP: 14/14 | AC: 17 FF:15 TCH: 12 | F/R/W: +1/+4/+2 | Init: +4, Intuition:+4, Perception: +3...xp:1900

How close are Brenda and Henderson standing to one another? Essentially a 5' square?

My idea is to have Issabelle fly down and use her distract trick to well, distract Henderson to give me an opportunity to attempt to subdue him?

HP: 9/19 Active Spells: None
Male Aasimar Wizard 1/Ranger 1 HP 19/19 AC 12 T:12 FF:10 For:3 Ref:4 Wil:3 | Init: +2 Per: +9 Int: +1 CMD: 17

Can we update the map with our new positions? The map has us in the street, but latest description has us entering the warehouse, or at least the opening? I am fine with being outside yet, but just want to be clear for positioning.


Portia and Unbolath – can we say that Brenda stops in G,9 and Unbolath steps to H,10? That puts 5 feet between Brenda and Mister Henderson. If you want to be somewhere else, just tell me and I'll update the map tonight. Once you think you have a cunning plan, you can tell me that you are putting it in motion, and then I will make an Intuition Skill Check for Henderson, setting the DC based upon how cunning your plan is, and see if you can achieve surprise on him

Female Ratfolk HP (7)
AC/Touch/Flat 15 or 19/14/12 or 15 | Fort/Ref/Will +1/+3/+3 | Init +4
Acrobatics 8, Craft(Alchemy) 7, Heal 5, Perception +4, Spellcraft 8, Kn (Arcana/History) 9
Witch 1

Don't forget Thikka and Minerva are walking over that way as well.


Thank you Thikka! So, would you like to sneak up on the situation, or walk up casually?

Female Tiefling Rogue 2

I should think sneaky is the order of the day
Stealth: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (11) + 9 = 20

"Perhaps when we're done pulling her from the flames" Minerva whispers, walking slowly, noiselessly as she can manage in the sparse shadows.
As she does, a slim dagger slides from it's wrist sheath and is held hidden behind her arm.
"Though I might hesitate Thikka, given most human's reaction to my other 'appendage'" the tiefling adds, her tail-hand sliding out of hiding for a moment to pull the short-sword from it's scabbard.

going to move towards portia, hugging the wall and drawing a dagger from her off-hand wrist sheath. Then going to use her prehensile tail to draw her short-sword into her main hand.



As Minerva and Thikka move south out of the alley and toward the sound of Portia's whistle, and the unidentified woman's call to Mister Henderson, they come in sight of what look like out-houses or privies standing in a row along a large building, and at the south end of the row of small shacks are three Dwarves, two with shovels and one with a pick, working on a hole in the ground...

Perception Check: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7

Female Human Ranger (Falconer)...HP: 14/14 | AC: 17 FF:15 TCH: 12 | F/R/W: +1/+4/+2 | Init: +4, Intuition:+4, Perception: +3...xp:1900

I will be in (i11) when I go for my dagger/whistle

Portia, waits for a few moments 2 rounds, she then bends over and fixes her boot, grabbing her bird whistle and boot dagger as she does so.

sleight if needed: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9

She than holds her whistle to her mouth, and blows it in three quick successions, telling her feathery friend to dive and and distract Henderson. She hopes he will be distracted long enough to get the drop on him.

Distract: The animal companion flutters wildly around any enemy it would normally attack with the attack trick. It makes an attack roll against that enemy. On a hit, the enemy is shaken. This ability replaces wild empathy.


issabelle distract: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18

Hopefully seeing Hr Henderson flailing about, Portia turn to Unbolath and says, Help me subdue

portia attack vs flat foot?: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 61d4 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6

HP: 9/19 Active Spells: None
Male Aasimar Wizard 1/Ranger 1 HP 19/19 AC 12 T:12 FF:10 For:3 Ref:4 Wil:3 | Init: +2 Per: +9 Int: +1 CMD: 17

Unbolath, having seen Henderson acting strangely/threatingly, and the dwarves acting nervously is on guard immediately. Receiving a nod from Portia, and after her whistle, he will step into the warehouse first, keeping himself as much between Brenda and Henderson as possible. Noting that Brenda in G9 and Unbolath in H10 isn't optimal but fixable.

When Portia pauses (the 2 rounds) Unbolath will utilize his bonded object to cast true strike and when she requests he help her subdue him, he will step into H9 and attempt to wallop Henderson.

Nonlethal/Power attack to subdue: 1d20 + 4 + 20 - 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 + 20 - 4 = 24
Nonlethal Damage: 2d6 + 9 ⇒ (4, 1) + 9 = 14

Female Tiefling Rogue 2

intimidate: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11

Female Tiefling Rogue 2

^intimidate was for what I'm about to post. :-)
Stepping forward like liquid shadow in the sparse shade of buildings,
Minerva will come up silently behind the rear-most Dwarf and slip her off-arm tightly around the man's bearded neck, dagger against the top of his throat in a classic 'barbers choke-hold.
At the same time her short-sword will take a more intimate position, it's razor edge pressed nice and hard against the dwarf's groin.
grapple: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22

She will press the dagger hard enough to draw blood if the man struggles , makes sounds, or resists.

Once her hold is secure, Minerva will call out to the other dwarves.
"I've heard that it takes serious 'balls' to scare a dwarf." As soon as the others see where her sword is, Minerva will add "So if either of you makes a fuss, I'll be borrowing your friend's."

Do I get a bonus to intimidate for threatening to cut his meat & two veg off?

Female Ratfolk HP (7)
AC/Touch/Flat 15 or 19/14/12 or 15 | Fort/Ref/Will +1/+3/+3 | Init +4
Acrobatics 8, Craft(Alchemy) 7, Heal 5, Perception +4, Spellcraft 8, Kn (Arcana/History) 9
Witch 1

Thikka shakes her head, following along after Minerva, not being nearly as stealthy as she is.

Stealth: 1d20 + 2 - 2 ⇒ (15) + 2 - 2 = 15

When Minerva attacks the dwarves, she seems a bit surprised. She eyes the hole and the privies, and tries to discern if they are digging graves or a new privy pit.

Perception: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (20) + 12 = 32

Privy Pit Workers:

"Now now, Minerva, they're not digging graves, they're digging a new privy pit. You two run off, and maybe grab a guard. There's foul things afoot with foul people performing foul deeds. My young friend thought you were with the criminals in the warehouse." She shoo's them off with a wave of her walking stick.


"You two can run now, and keep your bits attached. If you stay, I'll heal them up after she cuts them so she can cut them again."

Intimidate: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7 Pshaw, didn't get the aid another


Seriously, the two of you and your intimidate checks, am I watching Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCarthy in The Heat?

Female Tiefling Rogue 2

Pretty much. Minerva calls dibs on being Melissa McCarthy. She's the sexiest one.


whew, I hope I do this to everyone’s satisfaction

Day 5, Mystic Valley, Mooney Street (approximate time of day 6:00 pm(turn 109)

It begins as a casually awkward moment.

There are sounds, from far off. The repetitive, thump, thump, thump of a pick striking the ground carries over the even more distant sounds of laughter and merriment coming from the small groups of townsfolk as they congregate near the saloon.

Mister Henderson stands as still as stone, and grins like a fool while Brenda folds her arms across her chest and taps her foot impatiently.

The dwarven woman seems to finally have had enough of this awkward silence and is about to say something. She unfolds her arms and her mouth opens slightly when suddenly things begin to happen.

There is a sense that time has slowed down as events begin to unfold all around, the absolute chaos of a myriad different plans all being put into motion at one time,

Portia is moving, drawing a dagger and a whistle in one swift motion, a call of the whistle sounds, and immediately a large and quite dangerous bird swoops into the warehouse, frightening Henderson so badly that he begins to spin in the place where he is standing. Brenda leaps to the side, and shrieks, Unbolath is then a blur as his sword comes out and before Henderson knows what is happening he is struck on the back of the head, and is sent to the ground with his arms flying out in front of him.

Outside of the warehouse, Minerva sneaks up behind a dwarven laborer, while he leaning on a shovel, his friends, standing nearby, work the ground with their own tools and never see the girl as she draws a knife across the dwarf’s neck, places another blade against his groin, and expertly subdues him before he can make a sound. Thikka steps out of the shadows and casually inform the other dwarves that their game is up and that if they have any sense at all they should flee, while they can, but just then…

From inside the warehouse, the other two dwarves watch as Portia and Unbolath go into action. For just an instant they are stunned, but quickly they realize that their boss is in trouble.

The two dwarves abandon the animals, one of them slaps the bull hard on the rump and the big bovine leads into the air and bolts out of the warehouse with the cow instinctively following. The other dwarf runs to the wall and grabs a long handled hatchet and a length of chain, then quickly returns to his friend’s side while shouting

Carl, Jordon, Merle, get in here we need you, now!

Surprise round ends! Mister Henderson is prone, a Perception Check can be made to determine if he is out of action, or merely down, the DC is 20. The dwarves within the warehouse are now armed with an axe, and a chain. Outside, the dwarves hear the call, and seem frozen with indecision. Minerva is in a predicament. She has a solid grapple on the dwarf, he does not struggle to get free.

Combat begins now, Unbolath and Portia have initiative, and they can roll their Initiative Rolls, I will set the dwarves’ initiative one number below them, but Thikka and Minerva will have to see if they roll higher or lower than this. Round 1…

Female Tiefling Rogue 2

Init: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6

HP: 9/19 Active Spells: None
Male Aasimar Wizard 1/Ranger 1 HP 19/19 AC 12 T:12 FF:10 For:3 Ref:4 Wil:3 | Init: +2 Per: +9 Int: +1 CMD: 17

Initiative: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3

Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (2) + 9 = 11

Unbolath moves cautiously and peers at Henderson briefly.

"Ms Carvol please retreat to the safety of the street as Henderson and his associates mean us bodily harm."

Addressing Henderson and his men, "Dwarves, surrender immediately or I will remove your heads."

Unbolath will cast Shield spell upon himself and protect Brenda.

Female Ratfolk HP (7)
AC/Touch/Flat 15 or 19/14/12 or 15 | Fort/Ref/Will +1/+3/+3 | Init +4
Acrobatics 8, Craft(Alchemy) 7, Heal 5, Perception +4, Spellcraft 8, Kn (Arcana/History) 9
Witch 1

Initiative: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23 Feast or Famine on the rolls lately although it appears the dwarves are all on 2 and 1, so bottom of the initiative thanks to Unbolath's low roll.

Thikka readies an action to cast Burning Hands on the two dwarves if they do anything other than drop their shovels and run away (includes running toward the warehouse). Any sense motive on their part should see some steely determination to murder them.


Day 5, Mystic Valley, Mooney Street (approximate time of day 6:00 pm(turn 109)

Alright – we haven’t heard from Portia, but we have initiative from Unbolath, Minerva and Thikka. So I think the combat that is about to start will look something like this

Initiative Order:
Thikka – 23
Minerva – 6
Unbolath and Portia – 3
Dwarves – 2

Round 1…

Portia comes up with her dagger, ready to attack, but finds that Unbolath, in his haste has already knocked Henderson to the ground

To your eyes, and ears, Henderson is down and out

Upon his warning, Brenda moves back out of the warehouse, away Unbolath, all the while she keeps her eyes on Henderson, until she is standing on the street side of the warehouse wall, peering around the framing like an excited child.

Outside the dwarf in Minerva’s hold gulps hard, but doesn’t speak, while the other two dwarves see Thikka raise her hands in a strange gesture

Sense Motive, Intuition: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (17) - 1 = 16

The two see Thikka's particular hand positions, and then they drop their tolls, one of them says

You gonna let carl go? We're not getting paid to throw our lives away out here in this dump. You let go of Carl and we'll be saying our good byes out of our asses

Thikka and Minerva can make Sense Motive or Perception Checks to see if there is any reason this dwarf might not be being honest

GM Notes:
Dwarf Ruffians, AC 10, hp 14 (2d10+4), Melee +3, d6+5

Female Ratfolk HP (7)
AC/Touch/Flat 15 or 19/14/12 or 15 | Fort/Ref/Will +1/+3/+3 | Init +4
Acrobatics 8, Craft(Alchemy) 7, Heal 5, Perception +4, Spellcraft 8, Kn (Arcana/History) 9
Witch 1

Perception: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (12) + 12 = 24

Female Tiefling Rogue 2

perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (18) + 9 = 27

Minerva will hold 'Carl' hostage for now
"Your friend's staying right here until I know you won't try anything the second I let go...


Day 5, Mystic Valley, Mooney Street (approximate time of day 6:00 pm(turn 109)

Alright – we haven’t heard from Portia, but we have initiative from Unbolath, Minerva and Thikka. So I think the combat that is about to start will look something like this

Initiative Order:
Thikka – 23
Minerva – 6
Unbolath and Portia – 3
Dwarves – 2

The dwarf you are staring down, seems nervous, his eyes dart to the left, repeatedly, and he is perspiring heavily, beads of sweat are forming on his forehead, even though it is not all that warm right now. He is obviously lying.

Both of the dwarves are looking at Thikka, not at you, and their grips on their shovels tighten, their muscles seem taunt. The Dwarf who spoke is obviously lying.

Dwarf whispers to his buddy standing next to him, DC 20 perception:
She’s bluffing Merle, they ain’t killers, let’s rush em, you take the ratling, I’ll get Carl

Round one can be spent in a stalemate for Thikka and Minerva, depending on what they want to do

GM Notes:
Dwarf Ruffians, AC 10, hp 14 (2d10+4), Melee +3, d6+5

Female Ratfolk HP (7)
AC/Touch/Flat 15 or 19/14/12 or 15 | Fort/Ref/Will +1/+3/+3 | Init +4
Acrobatics 8, Craft(Alchemy) 7, Heal 5, Perception +4, Spellcraft 8, Kn (Arcana/History) 9
Witch 1

Perception: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (7) + 12 = 19 Oh well, if whatever they whispered would have saved their lives, the dice gods have decree'd that they should have not lied in the first place

Thikka shrugs. "You are lying, dwarf. I have no time to deal with you now..." She completes the spell, having no reason not to at this point.

Damage: 2d4 ⇒ (4, 3) = 7 Reflex DC 16 for half, Flammable's burst into flames.

Female Tiefling Rogue 2

grapple check to pin: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6
I need to make a second combat maneuver check to pin him for sneak attack damage (being grappled gives him a penalty to dex, it doesn't deny him the bonus). Or do I get that anyway, cause he can't see me?


Well I want to say that technically, he is still Flat Footed, that is he knows someone is threatening him, but he hasn't given any real thought to what he is going to do, so precision damage is applied...

Female Human Ranger (Falconer)...HP: 14/14 | AC: 17 FF:15 TCH: 12 | F/R/W: +1/+4/+2 | Init: +4, Intuition:+4, Perception: +3...xp:1900

init: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14

Sorry, been a busy couple days of work. I am back now :)

Portia, in her fluster she looks down, and see that Henderson is on the ground. She cannot tell if he is really down and out, or simply faking it.

perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12

Unbolath, help me subdue Henderson, perhaps the others under his command will surrender without any more violence.

Portia, will move up, and try to grapple Henderson to be able to tie him up.

grapple, and flat foot doesn't provoke AOO?: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15

HP: 9/19 Active Spells: None
Male Aasimar Wizard 1/Ranger 1 HP 19/19 AC 12 T:12 FF:10 For:3 Ref:4 Wil:3 | Init: +2 Per: +9 Int: +1 CMD: 17

Don't forget he is also prone.

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