Beyond Fort Horizon (Inactive)

Game Master Terquem

New Notes are in the Campaign Tab

An Edit was done to the end of K'vin's story

Jeannine's Story is added

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Female Tiefling Rogue 2

Minerva winces as Thikka unleashes her gout of flame towards the thugs, and grimaces when she hisses in Carl's ear "I'd prefer not killing you handsome..." She meant this sincerely, murder was generally bad for keeping a low profile and dwarves, especially sweaty, muscular, stout ones, were quite high on her desirables list.

"but if your friends try to rush Thikka and I, the issue might be forced. As she spoke Minerva slid her short blade from it's place by Carl's groin, instead digging the point into a soft spot on the man's back and aiming for non-vital organs. She tried to further her hold on him with her dagger, but instead had to settle for keeping the blade pressed to his throat

[ooc]Readying an action with my last bit of move this turn. If The other Dwarves attempt to grapple, charge or attack Thikka or Minerva, she will ram her short sword through Carl's abdomen. It's nice and theatrical, and even with her sneak attack damage, shouldn't be enough to kill (barring an unlucky crit).


Day 5, Mystic Valley, Mooney Street (approximate time of day 6:00 pm(turn 109)

Initiative Order:
Thikka – 23
Minerva – 6
Portia – 14
Unbolath – 3
Dwarves – 2
Round 1…

Thikka releases a swath of flames that sweep across the two dwarves in front of her

Reflex Save, DC 16: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
Reflex Save, DC 16: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12

The two dwarves, wearing soiled garments, and not the fastest on their feet, scream as they drop their tools, fall to the ground and begin rolling back and forth as they are engulfed in flames

You’d almost think that these dwarves have been on fire before!

The dwarf being held by Minerva gasps, Holy Farhu!. Lady, look I ain’t gonna give you any, *gulp*

He feels the sword shift and press into his back, and he starts hollering, I don’t wanna die, I don’t wanna die, I’ll go, I swear, I swear!

meanwhile, in the warehouse…

Portia reaches for Henderson’s leg, attempting to get a grip on the apparently unconscious dwarf, when to her and Unbolath’s surprise, Henderson with an agility you would not have guessed he has, rolls away from her reaching hand, spins on the ground and attempts to sweep Portia off her feet with his legs

Okay, if I screw this up, just straighten me out, but I think, a Grapple, would count as a “Melee Attack” for the purpose of attacking a prone enemy, thus Portia gets a -4 modifier to her CMB, while Henderson gets a -4 modifier to his CMD, because he is prone. Does that sound right? He is Flat Footed, so does not get his Dodge Bonus, or his Dexterity Bonus to AC or CMD. His CMD is 19 (20 with dodge) and he loses four of those modifiers, bringing him down to 16, I hope that’s correct, because in this event it is critical!

Henderson - Standard, Trip: Move, Stand up from prone

Combat maneuver, vs CMD 16: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19

Henderson’s attack knocks Portia off her feet, and she falls Prone, on her back*

There is a small probability that Unbolath can act, do something, that will stop Henderson's attack on Portia

Laughing hysterically, Henderson rolls again, and leaps to his feet in the space where he had fallen down

When Unbolath has gone, the other dwarves in the warehouse will move forward, cautiously

Brawler 3/Aristocrat 2 | AC 14 (+3 dex, +1 Doge, Combat Expertise) t, 14, ff 10 | HP 31 |BAB +5, CMB +5, (+8 trip) CMD 18 | f +5, r +6, W +3 | Dodge, Combat Expertise, Improved Trip | Martial Flexibility - | maneuver training, Trip +1

Damage Tracker:
Dwarf – takes 7 damage (prone, on fire)
Dwarf – takes – 7 damage (prone, on fire)

GM Notes:
Dwarf Ruffians, AC 10, hp 14 (2d10+4), Melee +3, d6+5 | f +4, r +2, w -1


Day 5, Mystic Valley, Mooney Street (approximate time of day 6:00 pm(turn 109)

Ignore the post above, please!

Initiative Order:
Thikka – 23
Minerva – 6
Portia – 14
Unbolath – 3
Dwarves – 2
Round 1…

Thikka releases a swath of flames that sweep across the two dwarves in front of her

Reflex Save, DC 16: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 2 = 18
Reflex Save, DC 16: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16

The two dwarves, wearing soiled garments and not the fastest on their feet, scream as they drop their tools, fall to the ground, and begin rolling back and forth

You’d almost think that these dwarves have been on fire before!

The dwarf being held by Minerva gasps, Holy Farhu!. Lady, look I ain’t gonna give you any, *gulp*
He feels the sword shift and press into his back, and he starts hollering, I don’t wanna die, I don’t wanna die, I’ll go, I swear, I swear!

meanwhile, in the warehouse…

Portia reaches for Henderson’s leg, attempting to get a grip on the apparently unconscious dwarf, He tries to roll away from her, but she is too quick and gets both hands on Henderson, who soon claps his own hands over hers

Portia and Henderson are now engaged in a Grapple, after Unbolath posts, if he can Henderson will attempt to escape

The other dwarves in the warehouse move toward Unbolath and Portia, cautiously

Brawler 3/Aristocrat 2 | AC 14 (+3 Dex, +1 Dodge) | HP 31 |BAB +5, CMB +5, (+8 trip) CMD 19 (20 with dodge) | f +5, r +6, W +3 | Dodge, Combat Expertise, Improved Trip | Martial Flexibility - | maneuver training, Trip +1

Damage Tracker:
Dwarf – takes 7 damage (prone, on fire)
Dwarf – takes – 7 damage (prone, on fire)

GM Notes:
Dwarf Ruffians, AC 10, hp 14 (2d10+4), Melee +3, d6+5 | f +4, r +2, w -1

HP: 9/19 Active Spells: None
Male Aasimar Wizard 1/Ranger 1 HP 19/19 AC 12 T:12 FF:10 For:3 Ref:4 Wil:3 | Init: +2 Per: +9 Int: +1 CMD: 17

Unbolath will attack Henderson again.

Attack Roll: 1d20 + 4 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 + 4 = 15

Assuming it hits easily as he is also grappled. Damage is lethal this time.

Damage: 2d6 + 9 ⇒ (4, 1) + 9 = 14

"Mr Henderson, you are advised to surrender."

Male? Human (Kobold raised) Sorcerer 2 HP:14 Init:+4 AC: 12/12/10 Saves Fort+3 Ref+3 Will+2 Percep:+6 Intuit:+5

Prodding Droka again. With the way it's going over there I doubt there is much point to have use get involved. Liberal violence seems to have it well in hand.

Ritmush sits in the bar looking sadly at his now empty drink.
"Yanno I think that really is your name, sure are silent for a bard-ly type. Least I think that's what yer' donin on acounta tha dancing gear cantillope is wearin'. Though I could be wrong an' you'll dance as well. Could help if ya like, the kids in town always seem ta like tha stories I make up ah' least." Ritmush states one hand in the side of his face as he examines the pair in front of him.
"I keep gettin' this feelin' like I'm missin' somethin' important right now. Well other than a fancy new lantern which i'm definitely gonna win off that rat person thing. Kinda itchy in the back of my brain type thought."

Male Fetchling Bard 1/Summoner (shadow caller) 1 | AC 16, t 13, ff 13 | HP: 19/19 | F 2, R 5, W3 | Init +3, Per +6 | CMD 13

"I'm new on this plane. I have yet to understand the social norms here, so I tend to keep my mouth shut: it's the only sure way to keep my foot out. Yes, I am a bard of sorts. Nobody wants to see me try to dance, though I might add some "special effects" to Calliope's."

Male? Human (Kobold raised) Sorcerer 2 HP:14 Init:+4 AC: 12/12/10 Saves Fort+3 Ref+3 Will+2 Percep:+6 Intuit:+5

Ritmush laughs bright and clear " Ha! Silent bob, yed have to be one reel bad dancer tah' get those legs ah yers all tha way up there. Though I gotta wonder why keepin yer mouth shut would keep yah from puttin yer foot in there any less."
The human states as he tilts his head to the left
"Seems kinda counterimitative or whatevah ta decide ta not talk in hopes ah learnin' how ta talk bettah. Kinda like learnin' bout fiyah, ain't doin'it righ if ya still got botha yer eyebrows. S'long as yah can get back up an try again yer one step ahead ah tha person standin' behind an laughin at ya fer tryin somethin'new." The human makes a clicking nosie with his tongue and eyes the now declared 'silent bob'.
"dunno what'cha mean bout special fects but til tha' rat person I'm waitin' fer shows up I could help if yah like."


Day 5, Mystic Valley, Mooney Street (approximate time of day 6:00 pm (turn 109)

Initiative Order:

Thikka – 23
Minerva – 6
Portia – 14
Unbolath – 3
Dwarves – 2

Round1, wrap up

Writhing on the ground like a thing possessed and screaming out all manner of cries, Help, murderers, assassins, deamons, help Henderson struggles against Portia’s grip. Unbolath brings down his great sword on the poor dwarf’s head, which quiets his mouth for a moment, but the reluctant villain will simply not give in
Henderson, bucks and kicks, trying to break free of Portia’s hold

Grapple attempt to break free, vs CMD 16: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 1 = 15

When the other two dwarves see Unbolath clock the grappled Henderson, they look at each other, and then they turn, drop their weapons on the ground, and run for the exit of the warehouse.

It is now the top of round two


Brawler 3/Aristocrat 2 | AC 14 (+3 Dex, +1 Dodge) | HP 31 |BAB +5, CMB +5, (+8 trip) CMD 19 (20 with dodge) | f +5, r +6, W +3 | Dodge, Combat Expertise, Improved Trip | Martial Flexibility - | maneuver training, Trip +1

Damage Tracker:

Dwarf – takes 7 damage (prone, on fire)
Dwarf – takes – 7 damage (prone, on fire)

GM Notes:

Dwarf Ruffians, AC 10, hp 14 (2d10+4), Melee +3, d6+5 | f +4, r +2, w -1

Female Human Ranger (Falconer)...HP: 14/14 | AC: 17 FF:15 TCH: 12 | F/R/W: +1/+4/+2 | Init: +4, Intuition:+4, Perception: +3...xp:1900

Just give up already!

Portia, barely manages to keep her grip on the wriggling and squirming man. She readjusts herself, and tries to stop him further by pinning him to the ground. She grips the man by his arms, forcing them downwards. She than flips the man over onto his belly, making him eat the dirt.

Like we said, surrendering is your only option unless you want to feel more pain!

standard action to pin: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (18) + 9 = 27

Female Ratfolk HP (7)
AC/Touch/Flat 15 or 19/14/12 or 15 | Fort/Ref/Will +1/+3/+3 | Init +4
Acrobatics 8, Craft(Alchemy) 7, Heal 5, Perception +4, Spellcraft 8, Kn (Arcana/History) 9
Witch 1

Thikka looks at the two dwarves writhing on fire. "You can surrender now, and I'll heal you. But if you continue to resist, I'll burn you again. Now, which is it? Sounds like someone inside is screaming for help... And since I know who is inside that warehouse, and I don't recognize the voice making noise, I can tell you that person isn't going to get any help. Now, surrender or roast?" She asks, whiskers wriggling.

Intimidate: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15

HP: 9/19 Active Spells: None
Male Aasimar Wizard 1/Ranger 1 HP 19/19 AC 12 T:12 FF:10 For:3 Ref:4 Wil:3 | Init: +2 Per: +9 Int: +1 CMD: 17

"Very Well."

Attack Roll: 1d20 + 4 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 + 4 = 16

Damage: 2d6 + 9 ⇒ (2, 4) + 9 = 15

Female Tiefling Rogue 2

Minerva grows weary of this hostage crisis, but maintains her stance for a moment, before releasing the dwarf and shoving him forward. She makes sure to kick the fallen pickaxe away before speaking "better get running if you don't want to join your friends 'Carl'" her blades hold an easy guard infront of her.

going to release minerva's grapple and kick his tool away. Going defensive incase the dwarves get stupid.


Day 5, Mystic Valley, Mooney Street (approximate time of day 6:00 pm (turn 109)

Initiative Order:

Thikka – 23
Portia – 14
Minerva – 6
Unbolath – 3
Dwarves – 2

Round 2…

When the Thikka explains the situation to the two dwarves on the ground they put their arms out in obvious signs of surrender. Although, they continue to roll on the floor trying to put themselves out

Reflex Save: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19
Reflex Save: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20

Portia suddenly gets a restraining hold on Henderson

Minerva releases the dwarf from her grip, and the fellow takes off at a run as fast as his legs can carry him, southward.

With Henderson restrained completely, Unbolath strikes him on the head, hard, and the dwarf suddenly goes limp in Portia’s grasp

Outside the rolling dwarves manage to extinguish themselves, and lie on the ground with their hands in the air, looking pathetic.

End of round 2, and end of battle, unless someone want’s to chase the fleeing dwarves.


Brawler 3/Aristocrat 2 | AC 14 (+3 Dex, +1 Dodge) | HP 31 |BAB +5, CMB +5, (+8 trip) CMD 19 (20 with dodge) | f +5, r +6, W +3 | Dodge, Combat Expertise, Improved Trip | Martial Flexibility - | maneuver training, Trip +1

Damage Tracker:
Henderson takes – 14 nl damage, and 29 damage
Dwarf – takes 7 damage (prone, on fire)
Dwarf – takes – 7 damage (prone, on fire)

GM Notes:

Dwarf Ruffians, AC 10, hp 14 (2d10+4), Melee +3, d6+5 | f +4, r +2, w -1

Female Ratfolk HP (7)
AC/Touch/Flat 15 or 19/14/12 or 15 | Fort/Ref/Will +1/+3/+3 | Init +4
Acrobatics 8, Craft(Alchemy) 7, Heal 5, Perception +4, Spellcraft 8, Kn (Arcana/History) 9
Witch 1

Thikka nods, hearing the sounds of combat quiet down inside the warehouse. "Excellent." She reaches out with her tail to touch each of the two dwarves, healing them.

Healing Hex: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8
Healing Hex: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5

"Alright now, you look like hired help. Run off after your friend, and make sure you straighten your lives out. No more digging graves for criminals to hide bodies in. If I catch you doing it again, I won't stop flaming next time." She tells the dwarves, eyeing Minerva to make sure the tiefling doesn't mind letting them go. If she doesn't object, Thikka waves them off.

HP: 9/19 Active Spells: None
Male Aasimar Wizard 1/Ranger 1 HP 19/19 AC 12 T:12 FF:10 For:3 Ref:4 Wil:3 | Init: +2 Per: +9 Int: +1 CMD: 17

"Ms. Carvol, you may continue your review of the wagon and inventory. Mr Henderson has quieted down for the moment. Ms. Portia, I believe we should bind and gag Mr Henderson so he is less troublesome when he awakes."

Unbolath will bind and gag Henderson if Portia agrees.

Female Human Ranger (Falconer)...HP: 14/14 | AC: 17 FF:15 TCH: 12 | F/R/W: +1/+4/+2 | Init: +4, Intuition:+4, Perception: +3...xp:1900

Sounds good to me. He was a tough little s*%! to subdue. Thank you friend she hold Mr Henderson to assist Unbolath in tying, gagging and blindfolding the man.

tie assist: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5

Male? Human (Kobold raised) Sorcerer 2 HP:14 Init:+4 AC: 12/12/10 Saves Fort+3 Ref+3 Will+2 Percep:+6 Intuit:+5

Ritmush looks at the unfortunately empty mug in his hands then returns his gaze to the newly named 'Silent bob'. "Alrigh 'M boared now. See yah later bob,cantaloupe. If ya see another rat person coul' yah let'er know I'm lookin' fer her?" Ritmush states giving what equates to a goodbye for him as he takes two backward steps before spinning himself around marching out the front door with a backwards wave.
"Man, fer a bard he sure don'say much. Mebe the plain he's from doesn't have as much air as this'n? Bet I'd have trouble singin' fer mah supper if I kept nestin' like lovey dovey squirrels in mah throat." the small human says, mostly to himself as the doors of the bar swing back. Not that ritmush cares enough about talking to himself quietly as not to be heard.
"Huh, sure looks nice outside t'day. Bet its gonna be nice enough to sleep high enough to get a nice view." The scruffy runt adds, mostly for his own benefit as he begins ambling.


Day 5, Mystic Valley, Ellie’s Saloon (approximate time of day 6:10 pm (turn 110)

meanwhile in Ellie’s Saloon…

Calliope moves behind a three panel “dressing screen” and listens to Droka and Ritmush, well, she listens to Ritmush, mostly. Ritmush stands at the door to the small room that Droka and Calliope are trying to use to prepare for the evening. Droka (who is unable to close the door, as Ritmush continues to talk Droka’s ear off and blocks the door with his position) notices as a group of rough looking men and women, about twelve of them, come into the saloon. They are a dwarves, halflings and humans, in equal proportions, and four of them Droka can see, looking over Ritmush’s shoulder, are obviously women, but to be honest with himself, he isn’t really that sure about any of them, except the two human men with long beards seem to be certainly men.

Ritmush notices, through the screen, which is made from a thin, not altogether very discreet cotton gauze, that Calliope is transforming her garments into a full billowing gown, which must be the kind of thing a girl wears when she dances (as Ritmush’s experience with this sort of couture, is somewhat limited). When he announces that he is bored, Calliope comes out from behind the screen and tells Droka

NPC: F Doppelganger Rogue/1 | AC (18), T (14), FF (15) |HP: 9/9 | F(+0), R(+5), W(-1) | Init(+3), P(+5/+6), I(-1) |CMD (x)

Well, what do you think? the girl notices Ritmush leaving and calls after him, Say, Kobold Boy, it would really help us out a lot, if you could throw a few coins on the stage as soon as we start, that’ll encourage the others, I hope. Don’t be a stranger.

Calliope is dresses in a full dance hall girl get up, complete with tight lace bodice, full hope skirt, in green and blue, a white lace shirt, and long black lace gloves. Even her boots are magnificent, tall, over the knee, black leather affairs with high spiked heels.

Say, Droka, I’m not the best dancer in the world. Do you thing my figure is ample enough to keep their attention, even if I don’t dance well, cause if you think I need to adjust, just tell me what needs to be larger and what needs to be smaller. I sort already know what the human men like, met plenty of them in places I’ve lived before.


meanwhile back in the warehouse…

Brenda Carvol walks slowly past Unbolath and Portia as the restrain the unconscious Henderson.

She is moving, a bit cautiously toward the wagon. When she reaches it, she turns back, looking for some support from one of the two, but seeing that they are making sure Henderson is tied, hand and foot, she turns back and slowly lifts the canvas cover.

NPC: F Human

Great Horn of Derol, Brenda gasps. What in the world is going on here?


Behind her, as Portia rolls Henderson back onto his back, after securing his hands there while Unbolath ties the dwarf’s feet tightly, she notices a gash on Henderson’s shoulder that is still bleeding, not gushing, but his shirt is thoroughly soaked now.

And out by the privy station…

After Thikka is through with the dwarven men, they slowly get to their feet, and turn their backs on her. They support each other, arm in arm, and limp away to the south, following the trail of Carl as best they can.

Female Human Ranger (Falconer)...HP: 14/14 | AC: 17 FF:15 TCH: 12 | F/R/W: +1/+4/+2 | Init: +4, Intuition:+4, Perception: +3...xp:1900

Unbolath, try not to sever the man's shoulder next time. Not saying he didn't deserve it, but it will be easier to bandage.

Portia will rip some clothes from the man and tie of the wound to stop the bleeding.

heal, take 10=16

Female Tiefling Rogue 2

Minerva will simply stand behind Thikka as she heals the dwarven thugs.

Male? Human (Kobold raised) Sorcerer 2 HP:14 Init:+4 AC: 12/12/10 Saves Fort+3 Ref+3 Will+2 Percep:+6 Intuit:+5

Ritmush wanders back toward the two performers looking at calliopes new form"Buh why'd I wanna give you money fer dancin'? Ain't like jiggling things works, though lotta tha'men round here can'get that way when someah that women go walkin' down tha street." Ritmush ponders out loud as he looks at the two.
"Tho I guess yah make money by people enjoying things, and humans along with other fleshy races are pretty dumb when it comes to knowin'good things. So throwing coins up there would maybe get others to do the same."
With a slowly dawning grin Ritmush looks up at the female of the two.
"Soh ya' wants to trick the miners intah giving more money than normal? I can do that." Ritmush nods as he looks at the crowd of miners.
"Lor oh Lor taught meh tha trick ta makin' fake things tha' look real. I could probly use it tah fancy up tha show yer givin'. S'long as they stay in their seats an'ya don't step on what I make it'll probly hold. But if I do I want yer' help winning me a lantern tonight. got's places tah go an'things ta see. Easier with onea them an' norhmal rats are cleverer than fleshy types most days. Noh sure how clever a man sized rat gonna be buh I figure better safe an'havin'me a lantern than not."

Ritmush would be sprucing up the stage with Silent image, Mechanically this would rely on the fact that unless the miners are given sufficient reason to call out the additions as fakes they'd just roll with stuff appearing as the foreigners being spell casters of some variety. Shadow puppets and interesting background stuff to make people more interested in listening to Droka and watch Calliope.
I suppose Ritmush could also do stuff like adding extra people in the bar near any empty tables and having them throw gold onto the stage. Using Ghost sound to add voices to those could do more for it. Unfortunately that would likely add more rolls to this and I don't much want to confuse things like I did with the ambush.

Female Ratfolk HP (7)
AC/Touch/Flat 15 or 19/14/12 or 15 | Fort/Ref/Will +1/+3/+3 | Init +4
Acrobatics 8, Craft(Alchemy) 7, Heal 5, Perception +4, Spellcraft 8, Kn (Arcana/History) 9
Witch 1

Once the dwarves run off, Thikka will give Minerva a 'shh, I'm hunting wabbits' motion, and begin moving into the warehouse quietly. Once she see's that the other two are alright, she relaxes.

"Meh, it appears that you lot are fine. We caught a few dwarves out back who were digging graves... under the new latrines. I'm assuming those were meant for you lot."

HP: 9/19 Active Spells: None
Male Aasimar Wizard 1/Ranger 1 HP 19/19 AC 12 T:12 FF:10 For:3 Ref:4 Wil:3 | Init: +2 Per: +9 Int: +1 CMD: 17

"Indeed, we have convinced Mr. Henderson to rest a moment, while Ms. Carvol inspects the wagon contents for any inconsistencies."

Female Human Ranger (Falconer)...HP: 14/14 | AC: 17 FF:15 TCH: 12 | F/R/W: +1/+4/+2 | Init: +4, Intuition:+4, Perception: +3...xp:1900

Possibly for us...or others. I don't want to think about such things.

Portia turns to Ms. Carvol and slowly approaches her.

Miss, are you okay?

Male Fetchling Bard 1/Summoner (shadow caller) 1 | AC 16, t 13, ff 13 | HP: 19/19 | F 2, R 5, W3 | Init +3, Per +6 | CMD 13

Droka makes a close inspection of Calliope's appearance. "You look splendid!". He turns to Ritmush, "Those additions were sort of what I meant by 'special effects.' I'm not sure how we can help you with your lantern, but if you come up with a plan, I'll back you up."


I just reread Calliope's post, urggggg, stupid stitches and auto correct. I hate it, hate it, hate it. That was supposed to be a hoop skirt, not a hope skirt, among other typos

Male Fetchling Bard 1/Summoner (shadow caller) 1 | AC 16, t 13, ff 13 | HP: 19/19 | F 2, R 5, W3 | Init +3, Per +6 | CMD 13

That makes a little more sense, but Droka's answer would have been the same regardless. He hasn't spent much time on the Material Plane, but he's smart enough to realize that when a woman asks you if she looks OK, the correct answer is yes :)

Male? Human (Kobold raised) Sorcerer 2 HP:14 Init:+4 AC: 12/12/10 Saves Fort+3 Ref+3 Will+2 Percep:+6 Intuit:+5

"Ya think ya can do that and tell yer stories or whatevah yas plannin on doin' all ah once? Dunno bouh you buh I tried jugglin, an joke tellin' once an neither ah them ended well when doin' both." with that recollection rambled ritmush shrugs. " Up tah you tho."

Male Fetchling Bard 1/Summoner (shadow caller) 1 | AC 16, t 13, ff 13 | HP: 19/19 | F 2, R 5, W3 | Init +3, Per +6 | CMD 13

"Not while I'm singing, no, but there will be interludes where I'm not singing and Calliope's still dancing. Oh, wait! I almost forgot the drummer!" Suddenly, a glowing rune appears on Droka's forehead. After about a minute, a shadowy, dog-like quadraped sporting an identical rune appears next to Droka.
Droka scratches the figure's head as he says, "Missed ya, G'Boi! Ready to go onstage?" G'Boi nods, and Droka rummages through his backpack, pulling out a hide drum.
He sets his pack down, turns to Calliope, and says: "Ready to go? I think our audience just arrived. After you, milady."


Day 5, Mystic Valley, the Warehouse (approximate time of day 6:10 pm (turn 110)

Brenda turns to Portia and says,

NPC: F Human

I’ve read reports about these kinds of things being found out this way, but I’d never actually seen any of them. I have no idea what these things are, why they are in this wagon, or what is going on. Mister Henderson has a lot of explaining to do.

She steps away from the wagon, dropping the cover back into place and comes close to Unbolath, The manifest you should me, Unbolath, makes no mention of those items, and is clearly just a list of standard supplies one would expect to see shipped from one of our forts to a settlement such as this.

When she hears Thikka’s comment, she makes a face that indicates she is thinking hard and then says, Now that is even more troubling. Why would Henderson be planning to do away with whomever it was that delivered this wagon? He is obviously deeply disturbed, but then again, maybe he wasn’t planning any such thing at all, but only following someone elses instructions. We need to find those dwarves who ran away, because I have a feeling we aren’t going to have a whole lot of luck getting the truth out of Henderson here, assuming he recovers at all. Once we have a few stories to compare we may be able to piece this together. One thing I’m certain of, is that Henderson wasn’t expecting you people at all.


meanwhile, at the Saloon…

Ritmush finds a table that is unoccupied near the stage. In fact, there are still about four tables left that are unoccupied at this time.

Calliope takes the stage, and immediately there are cat calls, and hoots and hollers of approval from the miners, while a few other folks here now, who are probably just local farmers, applaud more politely.

Suddenly another humanoid, very much resembling Thikka, enters the saloon. She has a longer snout than Thikka, and even though she is close to the same size, seems to stand a bit straighter and taller. Her figure is female, and on the top of her head (which is covered in short golden brown fur that is coarse in nature) she has hair much like any human would have. She has thick bangs, and a long braid. This hair on her head is dark black and stands out in contrast to the hair all over her body. Her eyes are big and bright, and even though she is somewhat animal looking, she appears to be smiling. She wears an expensive suit of explorers garments, including thick pants, a heavy cotton vest, wide leather belt, and high leather boots. Her belt has a short curved saber in a scabbard, and a easy to open container with a leather flap hangs from a strap that she has over her head and across her ample chest.

Female Ratfolk HP (7)
AC/Touch/Flat 15 or 19/14/12 or 15 | Fort/Ref/Will +1/+3/+3 | Init +4
Acrobatics 8, Craft(Alchemy) 7, Heal 5, Perception +4, Spellcraft 8, Kn (Arcana/History) 9
Witch 1

Thikka snorts. "He wasn't planning on doing away with us. That was a sort of last minute thing. He never expected us to be here, more than likely. We were ambushed by bandits... Prisoners really, who knew what was in the wagon. They were taken from the prison and told to attack us, wearing fake lizard outfits. We still have a few of the outfits." She shows the woman the lizard skins. "He was, I'm betting, surprised to see the wagon?"

Male? Human (Kobold raised) Sorcerer 2 HP:14 Init:+4 AC: 12/12/10 Saves Fort+3 Ref+3 Will+2 Percep:+6 Intuit:+5

Ritmush turns and grins toward the newly arrived creature before gaining a perplexed look on his face. "Wait if thas a rat person then does tha mean the other one isn't a midget tha goh bitten by a were-weasel?" the young human queries, only half aware of it being audible. thinking for a few moments and pondering before shrugging. "Mah, jus' gots ta wait til Cantaloupe an'Bob get done then I's can try an win's meh a lantern." The human states with eager excitement An then I's can go find woever thought it was a bright idea to wear kobolds as costumes and make them regret it for a long while. he thinks as his hands grip the mug in his hands hard enough to make the wood groan.

Male Fetchling Bard 1/Summoner (shadow caller) 1 | AC 16, t 13, ff 13 | HP: 19/19 | F 2, R 5, W3 | Init +3, Per +6 | CMD 13

Droka walks out onto the stage with G'Boi in tow. He walks over to the side of the stage, out of the way of Calliope's dancing, and sets the hide drum down. G'Boi walks around behind it, sits back on his haunches, and puts his front paws on the drum. Droka clears his throat loudly to get the audience's attention and says, "Greetings, denizens of Fort Horizon! I am Droka, and this is my faithful companion G'Boi. We will be providing the musical portion of the entertainment tonight. However, we are not the main attraction; without further ado, may I present Mistress Calliope, dancer extraordinaire!"
Droka then makes a snapping motion with his hands in time with the tempo of the opener he and Calliope had selected: "And-a one-uh, and-a two-uh, and a three-uh, and-a four-uh, Thelo echein psalthrion!" As he completes the arcane words, a lute appears in his hands, G'Boi begins keeping the beat with the hide drum, and Droka begins the opening song.


Ahem, technically, you are in Mystic Valley, a few miles to the east, northeast, of Fort Horizon, but other than that, excellent.

Male Fetchling Bard 1/Summoner (shadow caller) 1 | AC 16, t 13, ff 13 | HP: 19/19 | F 2, R 5, W3 | Init +3, Per +6 | CMD 13

Fair enough. I didn't do it on purpose, but that's exactly the kind of mistake Droka would make--his grasp of Material Plane geography is less than stellar.

Female Tiefling Rogue 2

Minerva doesn't speak now, for fear of drawing attention. Instead she cleans the edges of her blades on her cloak, and sheathes them both. Her hood is tightened on her head as her cloak swirls round to cover her body again.

Even while she watches, Minerva is taking careful mental notes to the scene for her painting.

noting the details(perception): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (16) + 9 = 25


Day 5, Mystic Valley, the Warehouse (approximate time of day 6:10 pm (turn 110)

Brenda listens to Thikka, and then suddenly she tilts her head to the side and asks

NPC: F Human

And who are you, exactly? I’m going to assume you are with Portia and Unbolath, but we haven’t formally met. My name is Brenda Carvol and I am an auditor with the WEAC. So, if I understand what you are telling me, and going by the manifest for this shipment. Someone was trying to deliver undocumented artifacts to Mystic valley, and unknown to this individual, possibly one of the parties involved, was trying to double-cross the others and set up an ambush in an attempt to intercept the goods. That would explain why Henderson was so unnerved by the arrival of the wagon. So he wasn’t expecting it, but you say that his employees were digging graves outside. This seems to imply that he had something else going on. After all why would he be ordering graves to be dug, before he knew you would arrive? We have a lot to get to, I suggest we start by delivering Henderson to the local sheriff, unless you suspect that she is part of the greater conspiracy here. I’ve got to admit, I’ve only met her once and though she seems honest, I really don’t know her, or anyone in this town for that matter. What should we do next?


Meanwhile at the saloon…

The miners begin to hoot and holler even louder when the music starts, and this is followed by whistles and claps when Calliope begins to dance. Drinks are served and Miss Ellie gives Droka a smile.

Female Ratfolk HP (7)
AC/Touch/Flat 15 or 19/14/12 or 15 | Fort/Ref/Will +1/+3/+3 | Init +4
Acrobatics 8, Craft(Alchemy) 7, Heal 5, Perception +4, Spellcraft 8, Kn (Arcana/History) 9
Witch 1

Thikka snorts. "You do realize you were probably the one the grave was for right? He probably told them to dig the grave bigger when we showed up." The ratfolk shrugs. "I dunno the local sheriff either, girl. I been here less time than you. I say we assume she's straight, and if she isn't, we burn her at the stake." The rat looks up at the tiefling. "Fire usually solves a lot of problems." She gives the tiefling a wink where Carvol can't see.

HP: 9/19 Active Spells: None
Male Aasimar Wizard 1/Ranger 1 HP 19/19 AC 12 T:12 FF:10 For:3 Ref:4 Wil:3 | Init: +2 Per: +9 Int: +1 CMD: 17

"This would seem to be a reasonable path to follow."

Female Human Ranger (Falconer)...HP: 14/14 | AC: 17 FF:15 TCH: 12 | F/R/W: +1/+4/+2 | Init: +4, Intuition:+4, Perception: +3...xp:1900

I am new here as well Thikka, I am unsure who to trust outside of our little gathering. I would like to think the sheriff is on our side, but your guess is as good as mine. I agree with Unbolath, only one way to find out.

Portia whistles to Issabelle, she comes down and perches herself on her shoulder.

Female Ratfolk HP (7)
AC/Touch/Flat 15 or 19/14/12 or 15 | Fort/Ref/Will +1/+3/+3 | Init +4
Acrobatics 8, Craft(Alchemy) 7, Heal 5, Perception +4, Spellcraft 8, Kn (Arcana/History) 9
Witch 1

Thikka looks at Portia. "Oh, right, I'm Thikka." She says to Carvol, sounding distracted. She continues looking around the warehouse. Anything unusual?

Perception: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (19) + 12 = 31

She also studies Carvol.

Perception: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (8) + 12 = 20

HP: 9/19 Active Spells: None
Male Aasimar Wizard 1/Ranger 1 HP 19/19 AC 12 T:12 FF:10 For:3 Ref:4 Wil:3 | Init: +2 Per: +9 Int: +1 CMD: 17

"I will retrieve the sheriff if you think you will be ok Ms Carvol. You have hired me to protect you, but I feel immediate danger has passed."

Unbolath makes a motion as if to leave unless Brenda wishes him to stay.

If not, Unbolath will make his way to the Sheriff, asking directions as needed.

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