Beyond Fort Horizon (Inactive)

Game Master Terquem

New Notes are in the Campaign Tab

An Edit was done to the end of K'vin's story

Jeannine's Story is added

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Female Tiefling Rogue 2

Minerva smiles in an odd way, and takes the elbow hesitantly, flinching a little as the man's side brushes the back of her glove, but relaxes after a few moments and smiles gingerly as they begin to walk, keeping herself at as much distance as she can without being too 'cold.
"I'll admit, Mr Tramsen, that this is the closest I've allowed anyone to me in..." she catches the next word on the tip of her tongue and rolls it around in her mouth before letting out the "...quite a long while. Sad as that might sound."
She still can't stop herself twitching with dark memories every time his hip might bump her hidden tail.

Male? Human (Kobold raised) Sorcerer 2 HP:14 Init:+4 AC: 12/12/10 Saves Fort+3 Ref+3 Will+2 Percep:+6 Intuit:+5

Ritmush leans back on his heels and looks in the direction of the wizards near the back of the cart. "Hey, so why are ya all fired up bout some box over thar? Somethin'interestin there? OH I bet its where they are hidin' the bacon. Is it bacon?" the young man asks in rapid succession.

Male Tiefling Slayer 2 | HP 0/24 | AC 18, touch 14, FF 14; CMD 20 | Fort +7, Ref +8, Will +2 | Init +5, Perception +6 (darkvision 60 ft.)

Derrick walks slowly, keeping pace with the woman, and he gives her a small, questioning look. "If it's not too bold, Lady Minerva, I'd say that's quite a shame. You seem fine company--if a little closed off. Why hide who you are?" He pauses as she flinches and shifts his elbow. "I'm sorry, if you'd rather I didn't--"

Female Tiefling Rogue 2

Minerva tightens her grip just a little on his hand "I'd rather that you did, Mr Tramsen." The Tiefling hesitated, and walked a step or two more before continuing "To know there are those that don't hesitate to side with me, despite my appearance, is a comfort. As is your company."

She looked behind her, and let her eyes fall on the cleric for a second before turning back, shivering "Not all are so quick to trust. Or forget their suspicions.."

She flinches as the back of her hand touched Derrick again, and Finishes with a morbid smile "I have suffered a few, shall we say, Indignities... Reinforced in my mind by no small amount of pain; by giving my trust too freely Mr. Tramsen."

Male Tiefling Slayer 2 | HP 0/24 | AC 18, touch 14, FF 14; CMD 20 | Fort +7, Ref +8, Will +2 | Init +5, Perception +6 (darkvision 60 ft.)

The samurai frowns and shakes his head. "I'm sorry to hear that. People can often be cruel and spiteful, and it's sad that you seem to have had more than your share of that."

He gingerly touches her hand and offers her a smile. "But it's more the shame for them. They've missed the opportunity to know a charming young woman."

HP: 9/19 Active Spells: None
Male Aasimar Wizard 1/Ranger 1 HP 19/19 AC 12 T:12 FF:10 For:3 Ref:4 Wil:3 | Init: +2 Per: +9 Int: +1 CMD: 17

Standing at the edge of the conversation, but still scrutinizing the objects in the wagon, Unbolath speaks again. "Perhaps we can be of assistance with the items themselves. It may help to familiarize ourselves with them if they are related to some sort of worldly threat." Unbolath moves closer still, and begins a better look at the items, although unsure whether he should touch anything yet. He starts committing their appearance to memory. "Perhaps our resident artist could recreate their appearance and workings on paper for analysis." He nods in the direction of Minerva who may or may not have heard him.

Female Tiefling Rogue 2

Minerva smiled as genuinely as she could manage with Derrick, flinching her hand away when his fingers grazed the back of it, before he could feel anything beneath her glove-leather. She couldn't help but look a little embarressed, and blushed all the firecer at the compliment "You flatter me, Mr. Tramsen, and I must apologise.." She gently retakes his hand I have an old wound on the back of my hand, and it's still sensitive."

Then the Wizard spoke behind them, and though she couldn't help but shiver, she hadn't heard most of what he said, but she got that it was about her and that he nodded towards her. Minerva couldn't help herself but tighten the cloak around her shoulders, hiding from scrutiny.


Day 5, Northeastern Gulley, The Wagon

Agent Hughes takes the goggles in one hand and hands them directly to Agent Danvers, who proceeds to kneel down on one knee and begins opening his shoulder bag, while carefully balancing the goggles on his knee. The elven woman then takes the gold coins and examines them carefully. When she hears the others make incorrect assumptions about her nature, she tries to clarify while still examining the coins

NPC: F Axorrian Scout, Second Class

We are not from another dimension or plane as you would call it. You see, on this world, your world, you would refer to this plane as the material plane, and then, as I understand it, your access to magic allows you to make contact, sometimes even visit, other planes. We call those other planes dimensions, and they lie outside of the material universe in ways even out best minds cannot fully comprehend. But, keeping the discussion to only this plane, the material plane, there are many things you probably don’t know. The first, most important fact is that this world is only one of many, countless hundreds of similar worlds, all existing on the material plane. When you look up at the stars at night, each of those stars is a sun, and some of those suns, very far away, have planets, that are similar to this one that obit around them, similar to this one as well.

As she talks, Agent Danvers takes a slim flat picture frame like device out of his bag, and a small tool bag, followed by what appear to be thin multi-colored strings, he goes to work connecting the strings to the goggles and to the picture frame, and says quietly, so as to not interrupt Agent Hughes

Diana, system scan, data recovery, model, format, and repair

The picture frame shows an image of an attractive girl, who appears to look like a gnome

The face in the picture frame speaks

Data corrupted, modeled, repair in progress. Estimated time to repair data, ninety three hours, standard. System capable of operating at limited capacity. Will accept Diana version nine point one or earlier only

Secure and store, begin reconstruction, load Diana six point oh. Danvers says quietly

NPC: F Axorrian Scout, Second Class

Agent Hughes goes on

Now, what complicates the matter, severely, is that several years ago it was finally proven that there are many material planes, possibly even an infinite number of them. So, and maybe this is difficult for you to understand, but, you see this world, my home world, and Agent Danvers’ home world are all part of this plane, this reality. We come from worlds that are reached not by magic, but using advanced technology. We travel in ships built to move between the stars. We work for an organization dedicated to helping people anywhere where there is a need, and sometimes that work involves making sure technology that is common on some worlds, but dangerous on other worlds, doesn’t get placed in the wrong hands.

She finishes examining the coins, and says flatly, I can’t identify these coins. They appear to come from an ancient civilization, probably of this continent, but I can’t be sure. If you will allow me to keep one of them, I can run a few tests on the materials to try and find the world of origin, the place where the metals originated.

Agent Danvers stands and hands the goggles back to Agent Hughes, who hardly misses a beat, and simply passes them back to the boy, while saying, There, try them now, and if you want to know what they can do, just ask them, and address them as Diana

She turns toward Unbolath, nods and says, Yes, that is my plan exactly. We believed we were able to convince the Captain of Fort Horizon of our sincerity, and our disguise. I don’t believe he suspected us, but this ambush does raise questions.

Then she addresses Droka, We did not move from pone plane to another, but we did travel from our world to this one, by means of a plane we call the Aetherspace, you know it as the Ethereal Plane.

As Derrick and Minerva walk a few paces away from the group, Unbolath mentions the need to understand the objects and Agent Hughes goes on, We can examine the items as we move on toward Mystic Valley, if there is anything here useful, and within my permission as a team leader, I might be able to allow its use, but that box is strange. I’ve haven’t seen or heard of anything like it so far in the reports, maybe we should open it up and see what’s inside.


Just then Minerva hears a reference to her artistic skills and turns back toward the others.

Looking through the goggles now has a decidedly peculiar effect. The images you can see are sharp, in detail, but still muted, and a litany of small incoherent messages scroll across the top and bottom of your field of vision, occasionally an arrow will appear, when you focus on an object in the field of vision, and then it will blink

Female Ratfolk HP (7)
AC/Touch/Flat 15 or 19/14/12 or 15 | Fort/Ref/Will +1/+3/+3 | Init +4
Acrobatics 8, Craft(Alchemy) 7, Heal 5, Perception +4, Spellcraft 8, Kn (Arcana/History) 9
Witch 1

Thikka snorts. "So you didn't travel from one plane to another, you just traveled from one world to another via another plane." She shakes her head. "I think your travel has rattled your brains."

Male Fetchling Bard 1/Summoner (shadow caller) 1 | AC 16, t 13, ff 13 | HP: 19/19 | F 2, R 5, W3 | Init +3, Per +6 | CMD 13

"Move from one place to another by taking a vessel through the Ethereal Plane? Sounds like material for an epic!"

Grand Lodge

Male Oread Monk/2; 20/20 HP | AC 14, T 14, FF 12 | F +4, R +4, W +5 | Init 7, P 5, I 6 | CMD 17

"I personally don't care where you're from or how you got here as long as you get these unnatural 'creatures' out of here."

HP: 9/19 Active Spells: None
Male Aasimar Wizard 1/Ranger 1 HP 19/19 AC 12 T:12 FF:10 For:3 Ref:4 Wil:3 | Init: +2 Per: +9 Int: +1 CMD: 17

"Creatures you say, interesting." Unbolath peers and scrutinizes the strange objects. "For the box. Sure, lets just open it. What is the worst that can happen, open a gate to the bottom later of the Abyss releasing an army of Balors upon us?"

Unbolath was never skilled at comedy.

Female Tiefling Rogue 2

Minerva Can't help but feel a Little interested, and turns to watch the opening of the box, even pulling her hood a teeny inch back to see better.

male Elf ranger 7, AC 21,T 16, FF 16, HP 174, F +7R +10, W +5, In +7, Per+15, lowlight

Rolandor shouts. No!! Do not open that! It will kill us have no idea what it is. It is almost certain death!

Rolandor looks a little nervous.

HP: 9/19 Active Spells: None
Male Aasimar Wizard 1/Ranger 1 HP 19/19 AC 12 T:12 FF:10 For:3 Ref:4 Wil:3 | Init: +2 Per: +9 Int: +1 CMD: 17

Unbolath turns towards Rolandor. "Do you have an inkling what it is?"

male Elf ranger 7, AC 21,T 16, FF 16, HP 174, F +7R +10, W +5, In +7, Per+15, lowlight frightening as it sounds. If I am right, we should not open it....for fear of unleashing a powerful item capable of destroying anything in its path. If I am wrong....well, let's just say better safe than sorry. I fear it is a sphere of annihilation. A great item of power. We should not touch it, for we cannot control it. We should also safeguard it from anyone wanting it. Tdoes not bode well.....

NPC: F Axorrian Scout, Second Class

Agent Hughes turns toward Agent Danvers and asks

Does that sound familiar to you? Look it up, see if we have any data on something called a Sphere of Annihilation

Female Ratfolk HP (7)
AC/Touch/Flat 15 or 19/14/12 or 15 | Fort/Ref/Will +1/+3/+3 | Init +4
Acrobatics 8, Craft(Alchemy) 7, Heal 5, Perception +4, Spellcraft 8, Kn (Arcana/History) 9
Witch 1

Thikka snorts. "Last time I checked, a rat is not immune to a sphere of Annihilation." Thikka holds up her rat Bhen, who has been through the box twice now. "You do remember him going in the box and coming back yes? However, while in the box, he was no longer on this material plane. Perhaps he was on the plane these used to come here." She nods at Hughes. "It is likely an object of planar travel."

Diana, do you have a library entry on Sphere of Annihilation? Danvers speaks into the small picture frame in his hand.

Checking public library data files, entry listed as security clearance required for access. Downloading security code now, file not for public dissemination, file is read only, do you wish to continue?

Yes, show file at IRS access code now. Danvers appears to be reading, then his expression changes to a wide eyed fear, and he hands the picture frame to Hughes.


Agent Hughes reads the picture frame and begins slowly stepping back away from the wagon. Agent Danvers also backs away slowly.

Male Tiefling Slayer 2 | HP 0/24 | AC 18, touch 14, FF 14; CMD 20 | Fort +7, Ref +8, Will +2 | Init +5, Perception +6 (darkvision 60 ft.)

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize--" Derrick jerks his hand back and gives Minerva an apologetic look. He then turns to regard the others as she does and raises an eyebrow. "What's going on down there...?" He fully turns as he hears Rolandor's panicked shout and frowns. "I haven't a clue of what those... elves?... are doing, but I don't like it."

Female Tiefling Rogue 2

Minerva mhmms in thought "I mislike it too, Mr. Tramsen, but the others seem willing to trust them."

Perception check on the not-elves: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (3) + 9 = 12

Male? Human (Kobold raised) Sorcerer 2 HP:14 Init:+4 AC: 12/12/10 Saves Fort+3 Ref+3 Will+2 Percep:+6 Intuit:+5

Ritmush watches as various things occur, one of the obvious liars pulls out a screen the information they give out they way they act. The obvious impossibility of it all. The young man sighs and then laughs.
"I don'much know wha'you two are bu' either you two jus'pulled the most complex trick I've seen in mah life or yer tellin' tha' truth." The young man pauses looking at the two with his tilted to the side

"Thou I spose' it don' matter whether or not yer' tellin' tha truth cuz' if ya' arent then yer wizards. So I ain't gonna ask questions like yer lyin 'bout what ya are, Wizards dun'like that. Gets ya' turned into a frog, an'I ain't gettin' turned into a frog toaday, not me. Not gonna end up like Ol' Tol'tratch'chani when he met the lake spirit."
The scruffy human finally realizing he is rambling.

"Dunno how it worked buh' if what yer sayin' is right you jus' shoved somthin' into mah'goggles tha'made 'em all blinky like this.
Diana... she alright in there?"
he states gesturing to the window with the image of a gnome in it.
"Oh an' ya' can have a coin if ya want."
The human says as he gestures to the obscure coinage he had produced.

"Hey, so why are ya backin' away from the cart anyway. It ain't gonna explode is it?" Ritmush looks at the described box and the two travelers backing away from it, considering for a second the youth moves away from the cart as well.
Better safe then exploded The old Kobold saying flashing through his head as he paces back.

a very faint, female voice speaks above Ritmush's left ear

I am operating at nearly one hundred percent of functionality. Memory storage is damaged. However, I can save as much as fourteen giga bites of data if required. How can I help you? Would you like to tell me your name?

Female Ratfolk HP (7)
AC/Touch/Flat 15 or 19/14/12 or 15 | Fort/Ref/Will +1/+3/+3 | Init +4
Acrobatics 8, Craft(Alchemy) 7, Heal 5, Perception +4, Spellcraft 8, Kn (Arcana/History) 9
Witch 1

With Ritmush distracted, Thikka takes advantage to tap him on the back of the head with her staff, a hollow sound being made. "His name be 'Bruised One' if he or his call me a hairy halfling again! Tell ye're loud mouthed friend I said that was fer him too. If'n he don't like me hittin' ya on the head, he can git his lazy tail down here and tell me his'self. If not, I'll assume he don't mind you takin' his lumps for him." She tells Ritmush.


Day 5, Gulley, The Wagon

You do not perceive anything out of the ordinary about these two, however, the more you look at them, now that they have declared that they are not actually Elves of this world, the more you notice very small things that stand out about their appearance, the shape of their ears, the color of their eyes, and the freckles of their skin, that make you think they are telling the truth about that at least.

The agents, take a few more steps back, and then both act as if they are reading the picture frame more intently

Does anybody have any ideas for doing something? I’m hoping one of you will take the lead here and either decide that the box should be opened, or get the wagon moving again

Female Human Ranger (Falconer)...HP: 14/14 | AC: 17 FF:15 TCH: 12 | F/R/W: +1/+4/+2 | Init: +4, Intuition:+4, Perception: +3...xp:1900

Portia, stands there. Her forehead hurts as she tries to understand and comprehend everything going on.

Not from here..protecting strange artifacts from bad people. What ever happened to simple times with nature and the natural world? This is all so confusing..

She lets out a brief sigh, at the current events. She turns to everyone, Look, we have a job to do. Either open the damned box or let's get going to Mystic Valley. There is only so much daylight. Besides, if things aren't on even ground with others, then I don't wanna be sleeping when all hell breaks loose

Male Halfling Cleric/2 | AC 16, T 12, FF 15 |HP: 15/8 | F +4, R +1, W +5 | Init 1, P 2, I 1 | CMD 10

"Three planets a star. Millions of stars. Thousands of Material planes... It's..." Valind struggles to express a number so large - the language simply lacks the words to do so. Only in mathematics can such a concept even be expressed. "a lot of people"

Female Ratfolk HP (7)
AC/Touch/Flat 15 or 19/14/12 or 15 | Fort/Ref/Will +1/+3/+3 | Init +4
Acrobatics 8, Craft(Alchemy) 7, Heal 5, Perception +4, Spellcraft 8, Kn (Arcana/History) 9
Witch 1

Thikka snorts at Valind. "Yes yes, it's a big number. Go count the grains of sand on the beaches, and you might have the idea." She waves him off and then goes over to the box.

This is the box that Bhen went in and out of yes? If so, this occurs, if not, it doesn't

Thikka raps the box with her stick. "Open ye damn box." Opens it with her stick

Male Tiefling Slayer 2 | HP 0/24 | AC 18, touch 14, FF 14; CMD 20 | Fort +7, Ref +8, Will +2 | Init +5, Perception +6 (darkvision 60 ft.)

"I'm not so sure," Derrick mutters, watching the proceedings. "Seems they're all very hesitant... I fear we'll have to continue our chat another time, and I look forward to it, lady. Excuse me." With a small, apologetic smiles, the samurai steps from Minerva back toward the wagon.

"I agree with Portia. It seems there's more to this mission than we were led to believe in the fort, but it doesn't change our duty. We'd best be moving soon, if we're to make it to Mystic Valley on schedule." His voice has returned to a businesslike tone, and he rests a hand on the grip of his katana, eying the others and speaking as a warrior.


Day 5, Gulley, The Wagon

Tempers flare as the mysterious explanations of the two strangers sinks in with the realization that everything is not as it was believed to be

Derrick takes a calming breath and tries to bring the situation back into focus just as Thikka strikes the edge of the wooden box with her staff knocking the side open

All of the sides of the wooden box fall away, and now it can be seen that there were concealed latches on the connecting edges of the box, requiring only a slight touch to force the springs to release the mechanisms and drop the sides. Not all of the sides fall away cleanly, two of the sides fall against other supplies, but everyone can now see what was in the box.

It is a metal device resembling a sophisticated cage, with individual rings that are about one inch die and a quarter of an inch thick. The rings have various diameters and circle something that looks like a solid globe of black material with a slightly shiny surface. The cage around the sphere emits tiny blue sparks at random intervals that are silent and disappear when they touch the sphere. At the top of the metal rings is a small cap, and on this cap is a raised protrusion that looks like it is made to receive a small cup.

NPC: F Axorrian Scout, Second Class

Agent Hughes sighs in relief, then says quietly to Agent Danvers

So the containment is still intact, that’s a relief.

She then approaches the wagon, looking around at everyone else nearby and seems to be looking for any sign that someone objects to her approach, when she is certain no one does, she slowly reaches out a hand toward the top of the strange object.

Female Tiefling Rogue 2

Minerva pauses where she is, having gone to stow her sketches and supplies on her mule, and watches the opening of the box.

For a moment, she forgets to hold her cloak and hood so tightly around herself, and simply watches the scene with rapt attention.

Stepping to put the Mule between herself and the strange, arcane device is a mere precaution...

male Elf ranger 7, AC 21,T 16, FF 16, HP 174, F +7R +10, W +5, In +7, Per+15, lowlight

I think we should be careful going forward....and we need to get moving too....daylight is burning. We should press on. And be careful with that device....

Female Ratfolk HP (7)
AC/Touch/Flat 15 or 19/14/12 or 15 | Fort/Ref/Will +1/+3/+3 | Init +4
Acrobatics 8, Craft(Alchemy) 7, Heal 5, Perception +4, Spellcraft 8, Kn (Arcana/History) 9
Witch 1

Thikka snorts. "Yes, now that the ratfolk has assured everyone the world isn't going to explode, let's be careful with the device and continue on. I suggest we find a portable hole, put this thing in it, and then throw a haversack in after it." She takes a few steps on, and then stops. "From forty or fifty feet away..." Then she continues on, using her staff as a walking stick.

HP: 9/19 Active Spells: None
Male Aasimar Wizard 1/Ranger 1 HP 19/19 AC 12 T:12 FF:10 For:3 Ref:4 Wil:3 | Init: +2 Per: +9 Int: +1 CMD: 17

Unbolath stands, watching the situation unfold. He remembers his duty and still keeps watch on the prisoners, and the surrounding countryside, his bow still drawn and sword ready.

He keeps an eye on the wagon and its contents, fascinated with the strange devices, interested to learn about these other worlds and their advances in machina.

Male Fetchling Bard 1/Summoner (shadow caller) 1 | AC 16, t 13, ff 13 | HP: 19/19 | F 2, R 5, W3 | Init +3, Per +6 | CMD 13

Droka walks up behind Agent Hughes. "What are you doing, and what are you thinking? This is likely going to be a key scene in my epic, so be honest--for posterity's sake."

NPC: F Axorrian Scout, Second Class

Happy, it seems, that at least one of these heroes has believed her story, Agent Hughes smiles at Droka and says, The connection on the top of this unit, if intact, should accept a universal type J interface.

She gently touches the top of the device with two fingers, then glances past Droka and nods at Agent Danvers, who quickly retrieves a long cord from his bag, connects it to the picture frame, and then hands the other end to agent Hughes.

Agent Hughes holds the end of the cord over the top of the device, and slowly lowers it into place and a “click” is heard.

Agent Danvers touches the picture frame a few times, and suddenly the circular frame of the devices begins to glow with red symbols, symbols that were not apparent until now. These symbols cover the rings, in swirls, and geometric patterns that seem oddly familiar.

If you are interested, please have your character make a Perception Check, the DC is 20, or an Intuition Check, the DC is 14


Perception Skill Check Success:
The patterns on the rings are identical to similar patterns on Minerva’s exposed skin. You only see her tattoos for a moment, but it is uncanny and unmistakable

Intuition Skill Check Success:
You cannot place it, exactly, but you have a strange feeling that you have seen these symbols before, recently, but you can’t remember where

Male Fetchling Bard 1/Summoner (shadow caller) 1 | AC 16, t 13, ff 13 | HP: 19/19 | F 2, R 5, W3 | Init +3, Per +6 | CMD 13

Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26

"Fascinating. Minerva, those symbols match your tattoos!"

Female Ratfolk HP (7)
AC/Touch/Flat 15 or 19/14/12 or 15 | Fort/Ref/Will +1/+3/+3 | Init +4
Acrobatics 8, Craft(Alchemy) 7, Heal 5, Perception +4, Spellcraft 8, Kn (Arcana/History) 9
Witch 1

Perception: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (4) + 12 = 16

Thikka looks at Minerva when Droka says something. "Really? I wouldn't assume she knows anything about it, or had anything to do with it. A lot of ancient runes get recycled and used for other languages. Dwarven and Draconic for instance. Minerva? Do the symbols mean anything to you?"

Female Tiefling Rogue 2

Minerva said nothing for a good half minute, eyes transfixed in the glow of those symbols... She didn't know what they meant, or even said, but she could see the connection. At Droka's question the Tiefling flinched, taking a tiny step back and letting her hood obscure her face further as the mule between them covered her body.

Those symbols harked back to the destruction of her people's home-land, and the heritage of her species.

But in the end old habits won out

"I-I don't know anything about them.. it must be a coincidence." she lied, tightening her cloak to cover the exposed skin between her leather plates.

LIES, ALL LIES.(Bluff check): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (9) + 9 = 18

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