
Timothy Woppet's page

4 posts. Alias of Terquem.


There’s little chance of them two coming into town, they have a farm to take care and a new baby to boot, but if I do see them I’ll mention that some stranger was asking about them.
Then he takes a step into the street and looks at the wagon
You folks seem a bit confused. I’m wondering if the sun hasn’t affected your brain. Why don’t you folks sit down and take a drink of water and I’ll tell Mister Henderson you’re here

When Ritmush starts “Talking” and walking into town, Timothy leans over Thikka and says

Perception DC 18+, or Thikka:
That fellow’s been here a time or two before, harmless sort, but people are a bit nervous around him. He might have spent a bit too long in the sun, you know.

He leans back away from Thikka and says, tilting his head to the side, You know, you’re the second one of your kind to come to Mystic Valley this year. The other said she was an explorer, looking for curiosities and said she heard about a network of caves and an old ruin to the northwest. I told her that that old ruin had been taken over by the Weac. Don’t know what they are using that place for, never been there myself, but Mister Henderson doesn’t like to talk about, always says its company business, private stuff and all. Whatever they got going on out there doesn’t have an effect on us here, it’s too far away, but that lady, like you, she called herself a Moderian, never heard of them folks before, but she was a good sort, had a lot of money, spent a lot of it here in town, stayed for a few months gathering information about the surroundings, but haven’t seen her around for a while. She had a small house to the south of here. I think it’s still there, closed up tight. People here respect another’s privacy, and I don’t think anyone’s been by her place since she left.

Timothy smiles when Thikka complains about the people of Mystic Valley,

Oh, well yes, I suppose we do tend to get caught up in the quiet, day to day monotony of our little village, not that it isn’t unusual for folks to come walking into this part of town, with a wagon and all that, but you should understand that most people here aren’t outwardly curious. You could say we are even a bit guarded. It’s not an easy place to live, not all the time anyway, and most of the people I know here are either too busy to worry about strangers, or too cautious. Anyway,

He approaches closer to Thikka and holds out his hand to greet her, saying, Again, welcome to Mystic Valley. Our town doesn’t have a mayor, or a sheriff, but there is a company man here, one of the Weac people and his name is Henderson, he’s a dwarf, and he has an office at the end of the street. You might need to see him at first. Oh, a letter, for Elinara Nicholson, um, Elinara, the sister of that woman at Fort Horizon, what’s her name again, oh right, Milana Ke’uma’a. Sure She and her husband, Roger Nicholson have a homestead just northeast of the end of the street, about a quarter mile out. He’s found a hillside there with plenty of water, a stream flows right past his property, and he’s making a good show of growing corn there, but I don’t know if he’s got a long enough season to bring it all the way up, now if you ask me…

Welcome, travelers, to Mystic Valley. Is there someone you are looking for, someplace you need to find. I’d be happy to help you. My name is Timothy Woppet, and I am a cobbler, a shoe maker, and I do dabble in other leather goods. What brings you folks to our town?