DM Twilight |

Hello everyone thanks for checking out my recruitment thread. This will be for the Reign of Winter AP, for which I already have two players and am looking to fill out a starting group. We currently have a gnome ranger (Fizzlewhisk Ettinfell) and a half-orc scarred witch doctor(Snjórinn Verkirsson). The scarred witch doctor was designed to fill the slot of a healer, so we’ve got that covered. What we need is a standard arcane caster type and a tank.
20 pt buy in
1st level
Average starting wealth
2 traits, preferably one from the RoW campaign setting
Submissions lacking a background and character description will not be considered. It would be very difficult for me to consider someone’s background to be too long or too detailed, but oh so easy for me to consider it to be too short and lacking substance.
I will, naturally, be taking the opinions of the two players I already mentioned into consideration while choosing new characters. Please answer any questions that they might pose to you during recruitment to help us get a feel for your character.

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This character was created for RoW campaign that foundered halfway through the first book.
Hassan is a Qadirian inquisitor of Sarenrae sent to Heldren to investigate the strange weather phenomenon. He is a very conservative Sarenrite, distrustful of witchcraft (he has the witch hunter archetype) which his sect sees as an abomination of the Dawnflower's true faith. With one or two witches in the party, sparks might fly...
As a Qadiran, he is also going to be very distrustful towards any Taldan folks or players. The long cold war between those nations should lead to some interesting by play as well.
By way of full disclosure, I have GM'ed most of this AP for a RL table (they are finishing Book 4) but I have the ability to keep IC/OOC knowledge separate.
Let me know what more I can provide.

Korak The Boisterous |

Then I resubmit a slightly altered Erril who's no longer focused towards healing.
That itself wasn't unusual as Erril had often brought home small animals.
Her playtimes in the forest started to become longer and longer. And Erril and her mother began to argue, this stress would drive Erril back to the forest. Eventually she would come to spend one night in the forest, then two, then three.
The reason for this was The white fox had led her deep into the forest through winding paths until the two stood in front of a hut. There was where Erril met her teacher. They weren't together for long, just about a year total before her teacher vanished and Erril went back to wandering the forest. As each return to the village became more and more stressful Erril sought for a way out and felt a calling to the North. Finally after a fight with her mother she gathered her few belongings from her home and left.
Her own strangeness and unsociable tendencies caused few of the villagers to care about her disappearance though they still helped to comb the woods for her when she hadn't been seen for weeks. She let the searchers see her before turning her back to them and running deeper into the woods and beginning her journey in earnest. She hasn't been back since.
She was sixteen when leaving and will be 17 at the start of the campaign.
Erril is quiet, not being comfortable talking to people she doesn't know, but has a deep abiding love of animals and is likely to share more with people that have Animal Companions, Familiars, and Pets. She can't stand to see an animal abused but knows some animals are dangerous and need to be put down or driven away. Her tactics until recently when in a confrontation was to blast single enemies with Ray of Enfeeblement or a group with burning hands and then run.

Mervyn Tumblelock |

Mervyn steps out from the shadows and looks around at the group of adventures standing around the help wanted sign that had been pegged onto the board at the inn just a little while ago. Well they don't look like much he thinks as he looks up at the other adventurers. Reaching up with his tiny hand he pulls the parchment loose from its nail and reads the latest offering.
"Hmmm" he says as he takes out his pipe from its tobacco pouch and loads up a fresh round. Lighting the pipe while he walks, he makes his way over to the table where a lone human sits. Using his strong legs to hop up into the human sized chair, Mervyn exhales a large cloud of smoke that forms two rings. Nodding with approval the small halfling turns to the human and sits the parchment down between them.
"Dis is me first time visitin' taldor, oi 'ope ter be av service anyway oi can. 'ere are me credentials." he says with a strong accent, obviously showing he wasn't from around here. Mervyn then takes another long draw from his pipe and pulls his thieves' tools from his bandolier and sets them on the table between him and his new friend.
"Whata u' sae?"

DM Twilight |
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Hassan al'Akbar - Your background could definitely use some beefing up and personalization. I realize that the nature of a witch hunter is that they will want to take down the witches they come across, and inter-character issues are always a possibility. That being said, what is the likelihood that he would be able to tolerate working with a witch at all. Would he even try?
Ember Fanning - With Ember still suffering from cryophobia, how will she deal with entering the snow laden forest and beyond in this campaign? Tell me more about the struggle her parents must have faced choosing between the abused daughter who came home to be rescued, and the one they left behind to the same (and quite likely worse) abuse?
Korak the Boisterous - I think I already covered everything with you in the previous recruitment unless you have anything else to add. Fyi, I'm debating the use of background skills still.
Mervyn Tumbleock - I'm loving the in character post! Excellent work with your background. I dig the character, I might need you to help convince me a halfling rogue with an 11 strength is the right choice when I'm suppose to be looking for a tank and a spell-caster! (Seriously, help convince me, that wasn't sarcasm.)

Mervyn Tumblelock |

Mervyn listens to the humans words about needing a brute and a magician, he slowly and methodically draws a small pinch of some grain from his smoking pouch and sprinkles it into his pipe. Taking a big draw off of it he then exhales a strong apple scented plum of vapor toward the human sitting scross from him. He then begins to speak, this time trying to clear his speech up as much as possible "Thee say what yew are in need ov a brute awer a magician, I say what they bof are over rated." he says with a smirk.
"Lawd above! Thee be needin' a brute ter knock down a door awer trample a monster?, indeed." he says as he puffs again on his pipe.
"and do yew be needin' a magician ter pop flaaahers aaaht ov 'hat, awer ter sleep a witch?" he says as he jesters over to the others that are crowded around the signboard not even realizing that the sign is missing.
"but I say what yew need is a scout, a good old trap checker, that'll keep yaaahr brute on 'is feet an' keep yaaahr squishy wizard from trippin' over 'is own wand." he says with a smile as his checks become flush when he realizes that he is still holding the last draw of smoke in his lungs.
Mervyn exhales hard but doesn't cough as he confirms "Gawdon Bennet! What yew be needin' is someone ov me statue what can get in an' aaaht ov places ter let yew know where da witch be at. Otherwise its gonna be da 'hex fer all ov you. OK? "
"I don't do magic, an' I don't swin' a sword very well, but I go unnoticed a lot, I blend in. I 'i' hit'em where i' 'urts. What yew an' yaaahr boys gonna do when yew can't pick what lock, awer disarm what trap? That gonna 'ear yew comin' a mile away if yew go crashin' fruff every door yew see!, " he says excitedly.
Realising his emotions has got the best of him Mervyn pauses a moment recollect your thoughts, or you ain't gonna be having no job. Think Mervyn, think.
The wee halflings eyes light up as he stuffs out his pipe and places it back into his pouch, he now bows his chest out and looks the human straight in the eye.
"Blimey! The fact is wivaaaht me, yew should just go ahead an' qui' now. Because yew know 'em witches an' their 'hex magic be placin' wards an' glyphs on everythin' in sight. Things be explodin' 'ere an' there. In fact da very chair yew are sittin' in could go boom when yew get up. Thee never know. Nuff said, yeah?"
With that the halflings tone shifts and all his accent seems to vanish away. "И я говорю на их языке , а также."
"I do speak their language as well. The choice is up to you"
I really, really hope he speaks Skald, if not I just made completely no sense. Risk, rislk, Mervyn you are always taking risk. Why not just come out and say you speak skald. Oh well to late now.
Mervyn looks at you and smiles and holds out a small hand. "Do 'ee hav a 'deal?"

Fizzlewhisk Ettinfell |

The young gnome walks back to the table, overladen with frothy mugs. Carefully he sets them up on the tall table. "Well at least there's one that don'a speak all funny, 'cept that grumbly lan'guage. What kin' of traps you knowin' of? Bear traps? Fox traps? Those are the tricksy ones, ya see. Foxes be clever, always a figurin' out where you lay the snare. That's why their pelts fetch more silver."

Mervyn Tumblelock |

Mervyn grabs one of the mugs rather quickly and downs half in a single gulp. "Now that be 'ittin the 'spot" after listening to the young gnome, Mervyn laughs loudly. He be looking like the hunting type too. All rangery and stuuf.
"That be the bloody Ham and Cheesy ones, them there animal traps ya clock. they for animals, wot I be 'untin' is the chuffin' ones that 're designed for us walkin' and talkin' folks."
With that Mervyn simply raises his glass in acceptance of the new arrival to the table. "Me name is mervyn, mervyn tumblelock at your service."

DM Twilight |

The human touches the cropped hair at the base of their skull self-consciously before shrugging off the furs draped around their shoulders to reveal a chest that leaves no doubt to any mind that she is indeed a she and not a he. "Oh go on now, put your hand away. I'm not making any deals with anyone just yet. I have to consider all of my options carefully, and I don't even know what they all are yet! It might take a few days before I'm ready to head out, but I'll be letting you know before then."
She looks over her shoulder and motions to a tattooed, scarred up, masked man whose pale green skin screams half-orc even if his physique isn't quite what one would expect and a blue haired gnome indicating for them to take seats at the table with her and the eager halfling fellow. "Well, I reckon he can get in to most small places that you can, and he can be pretty quiet, too. Though, I suspect you might be better suited for figuring out traps before they kill the lot of you. These are the two fellows who already signed on, heck this whole expedition was the gnome's idea. We reckoned we'd only be looking to take on two more people, you aren't what we had in mind but you sing a good song so we'll consider ya."

Ember Fanning |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

DM, thank you for your questions!
The initial entrance into the wintry forest would probably be the toughest hump to get over, but I imagine that could be handled easily enough by something like having a sick parent and needing the money for a Cure Disease potion or something. From then on, I think (from a vague understanding of the plot) the AP sort of forces you onward and doesn't give a lot of opportunities to just "go back home", so she would be stuck with her situation and would just have to deal with it. I also imagine that she would see ending up back in Irrisen as a sort of a "destiny calling" thing, like things are drawing toward a confrontation with her past and she can't escape it. Also, I think as the AP goes on, and she's continuously exposed to her fears, she would start to gradually get over them, so I would like the ultimate end result (like maybe somewhere around book 4-5?) be the elimination of her cryophobia.
The question about the parents' struggle is a great and complex one. There are so many angles that could be played with here. Maybe Ember's parents were lied to that, "The old instructor has been removed from her position. From now on we are treating our students much better." Yeah right. Maybe the younger sister was always a snow child who adored cold weather, and that's why the parents figured she'd take to the training better. At the same time, maybe the younger sister, despite loving cold, felt abandoned, and hates her family for having left her alone. The parents could have been essentially forced to "choose which daughter you love more". Ember might not even realize the psychological ramifications of what her parents were put through. It would be lovely to get to meet the younger sister somewhere in the AP, and try to work through all the abandonment issues, the "they loved you more than me" moments, and perhaps have to decide between killing/saving the sister you played with fifteen years ago. Is the sister irredeemably corrupted by her harbored hate, or could she be salvaged? I'm drifting away from the parents a bit, but I suppose that makes sense since the parents are left behind in Taldor but the sister could play a part in the AP to come.
It could be interesting if Ember could develop a custom spell that allowed her to "telephone" her parents back in Taldor, and over the AP maybe learn more about the circumstances where she was chosen over her sister.
So I rambled a bit, but maybe some of the above answers at least some of your questions.

Mervyn Tumblelock |

So, Mervyn dips his bread in the stew that is sitting on the table, I hope no one minds taking a bit and chewing it as he pushes out his next few words "cannae 'elp bu thin imma regret askin' this, ba what got you lot inter all this? Tha witch 'unting I mean. Seems roight awful dangerous werk for people ta do as gleefully as ye lot seem to do it."
With that he sees the others busy talking among themselves. He was content for now, at least he got free ale and stew if nothing else. He would bide his time until he was addressed further.

Ember Fanning |
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Here's an in-character post from me to get an idea.
Ember paces back and forth on the edge of the wheat field. Forehead furrowed, she watches the frost that has killed much of the crop despite it being the height of summer. Knowing a little of magic, Ember had been asked by Farmer Jacks to examine if she could determine the reason for such a fell occurrence. I can think of many reasons, and none of them good, she thinks to herself, leaning onto the wooden fence that separates her from the slain crop on the other side. As if shocked by a little static jolt, she jerks back her hand when it brushes against an exposed nail in the fence. Still cold. She leans down a little to look at the nail closer, summoning a Detect Magic cantrip to the fore of her mind. There's an arcane swirl trapped in it, keeping it cold longer than natural. There's definitely been accursed winter magic at play here. For a moment, her face twists in minute pain. I don't want to move again. Because that's the natural reaction to an unnatural occurrence -- run away. At least for someone who wants nothing to do with winter magic ever again.
Returning to Farmer Jacks, Ember picks at her fingers, not realizing that she's peeling off little pieces of skin around her nails. "It's most definitely magic, and that means someone in Helgren or the vicinity is practicing the cold arts. And it's entirely possible that this event is an intentional targeting of your livelihood. I would *strongly* recommend informing the constabulary and request them to start an investigation." Her eyes stray away from the farmer, as if afraid of him. Me, I'm going to stay as far away from these events as I can.
So she thinks.

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I'm a little new to PBP, though I've played plenty of Pathfinder, but any etiquette of this is something that I have little knowledge of.
I'm interested in joining your little entourage. I would like to play a Human Unchained Master Summoner. Before I go further I would like to say that I would be fine limiting the number of instances of the Summon Monster Ability to 2 (or whatever you feel is reasonable) when Toten is not out, although I might ask that if things go to dire straights to perhaps be allowed to have more. I figure since it's PBP the normal issues of summons slowing down table time should be less of an issue, no?
Anyways, moving on!
Tarbul Gnosis, Master Summoner
Toten, The Cranky Eidolon of Tarbul
Tarbul originally left Heldren as he had little interest in continuing on as a farmer like his father, but had eyes all towards becoming a "mighty wizard". Unfortunately while he had the basic aptitude to become one, he was unable to pass the entrance exams due to his farming background. Out on his luck he was considering what to do when one of the judges of his entrance exam suggested that he might be able to convince a retired Wizard, by the name of Whiskles Ginn, to take him in as an apprentice in Conjuration magic. Whiskles initially laughed at the boy, until he realized that while he might lack the skill for traditional wizardry, he did seem to have the capability to draw magic with a little teaching. So the elderly Wizard decided to apprentice Tarbul and help nurture his talents.
Things were rough for Tarbul for the first few years, as it was difficult to learn how to draw on the necessary magic, but over time Tarbul started to get the hang of it. learning to use powerful summoning magic to a degree that most apprentice wizards could never hope to match. During the later years of his study, Whiskles had shown him reports of others who specialized in Conjuration magic who often used their natural prowess to form a powerful bond with an Outsider, called an Eidolon, would grow in power with them, and become a faithful companion. Whiskles warned Tarbul that it was an advanced practice and one he should only take part in once he was certain that he was ready. And that he should also be considerate as it would bound the Outsider to him as much as it would Tarbul to the Outsider.
Unfortunately, Tarbul had become arrogant in his practice and decided to perform the ritual before he was truly ready too. During the attempt of the binding, Tarbul lost control of the spells being used momentarily and it caused the would be Eidolon to appear, disappear, and reappear many times before, with the help of Whiskles, Tarbul managed to create a stable binding circle. The Eidolon, who was an Agathion named Toten was most displeased at his current situation and made the rest of the ritual very difficult to complete. Eventually it was fully finished but the result had been a weakened link between Tarbul and Toten that what ought to have happened.
With nothing else but to continue on Tarbul and Toten tried to make things work out between them. But their was a great deal of resentment between the two as Tarbul, accidentally, added insult to injury by comparing Toten (an Agathion) to a beast of the Material Plane, something that Toten did not appreciate (to put it lightly). Somewhat dismayed at the weak link that he managed to form with his partner, and Tarbul looked to other methods in order to increase his power, instead focusing more on Conjuration: Summoning magic and increasing his proficiency in drawing on the aid of other beings.
His relationship with Toten has improved over the years, initially it really was a disaster, with the Eidolon completely unwilling to even help Tarbul with simple tasks. The Eidolon (rightfully) saw Tarbul as self-serving (he was closer to neutral than Neutral Good, as he is now) and would berate Tarbul constantly for his failings as a Summoner and his lack of Moral consideration. But, over the last couple of years, the two have strengthened their bond (socially at least), due to the constant nagging of Toten about the nature of good and evil, along with constant lectures on morality, Tarbul has grown into a person who is better compatible with his Eidolon's ideologies which has done a lot of good to appease Toten's ill-will towards his Summoner.
Even though he and his Eidolon lack the full power bond that most Summoners have, Tarbul has made up with this by becoming an accomplished practitioner of Conjuration-Summoning magic, and has enough control to maintain other summons even while Toten is present. He is also an adapt at conjuration magic at large.
Tarbul has returned home to help try and solve what is causing the problems with the weather and is ready and willing to be of service.
Tarbul also used to be a much quieter boy, but his constant arguing with Toten, mixed with the life of the big city has broken Tarbul out his shell some. Now he comes with a poised demeanor, not shying from conversation, but neither readily engaging in the ravings of what some might call a madman.
He takes great pride in his proficiency at summoning magic, and (even if he won't admit) has a deep sense of commitment to Toten.
Alas, Toten has little to say on the matter as he has become the bound companion of this miserable student of a summoner (as he later learned) who couldn't even perform the ritual correctly. The two have journeyed together for some time now. Though Toten take every opportunity to scold Tarbul and goes to great effort to steer Tarbul on the right path of the goodly. Though the Agathion will (mostly) due what Tarbul bids, as he has developed a certain respect for the would be failed summoner due to his newly dedication towards helping those in need and his accomplishments at summoning magic.
When he isn't summoned, Toten enjoys exploring the lush forested woods of Nirvana. Toten takes the appearance of something that looks similar to blue lion, though it is obvious he is not of this plane.
Well that is that. Wow, seems I've missed a lot of posts. Maybe I shall get in on the fun tomorrow (it is much too late now).

Nathan Monson |

Introducing Morena Yagevna
[Spoiler=Appearance]Morena is a tall, slender Jadwiga woman with Blue-Black Hair, pale white skin, and Icy blue eyes who appears to be around 20; she generally likes to wear lose-fitting garments of light fabrics and colors. Morena’s attitude is proud and haughty, she believes that she is better than everyone else and is not afraid to say so, however, she is also aware that she is dependent on the goodwill of the people around her for her survival, so she is just rally sarcastic about everyone; She does not like surprises.
HP:8 AC:11 Touch:11 Flat-footed:10 Init:+2 Base Speed:30 ft
Fort:1 Ref:2 Will:3 BAB:+0 CMB:+0 CMD:11
Languages: Common, Skald, Hallit, Aklo, Sylvan, Elven, Draconic
Acrobatics:1(+2 Dex)
Appraise:7(+4 Int Mod +3 familiar)
Craft Alchemy: 8(1 rank +4 Int mod +3 Class)
Disable Device:2(+2 Dex, Untrained)
Escape Artist:2(+2 Dex)
Fly:2(+2 Dex)
Handle Animal:0
Heal:1(+1 Wis Mod)
Knowledge Arcana:9(1 point,+4 Int Mod, +3 Class Skill +1 Trait)
Knowledge Dungeoneering:4(+4 Int Mod, Untrained)
Knowledge Engineering:4(+4 Int Mod, Untrained)
Knowledge Geography:4(+4 Int Mod, Untrained)
Knowledge History:4(+4 Int Mod,+3 Class Skill, Untrained)
Knowledge Local:4(+4 Int Mod, Untrained)
Knowledge Nature:4(+4 Int Mod, Untrained)
Knowledge Nobility:5(1 Point +4 Int Mod)
Knowledge Planes:8(1 Point +4 Int Mod, +3 Class Skill)
Knowledge Religion:4(+4 Int Mod, Untrained)
Linguistics:4(+4 Int Mod, Untrained)
Perception:2(1 Point +1 Wis Mod)
Profession:1(+1 Wis Mod, Untrained)
Ride:1(+1 Dex)
Sense Motive:1(+1 Wis Mod)
Slight of Hand:1(+2 Dex, Untrained)
Spellcraft:8(1 Point, +4 Int Mod, +3 Class Skill)
Stealth:1(+2 Dex)
Survival:1(+1 Wis Mod)
Use Magic Device:8(1 Rank +4 Int mod(Clever Wordplay) +3 Class Skill)
Special Abilities
Race: Dual Talent (+2 to 2 Ability Scores)
Ice Magic (Whenever I cast a Spell with the cold descriptor, the Save DC increases by +1, I can't learn or cast spells with the fire descriptor.)
Cold Flesh (I gain permanent Endure elements against cold only. At 4th Level I gain Resist Cold 5, At 9th Level it becomes Resist Cold 10, and at 14th Level it becomes Immunity to Cold. This Ability replaces my 4th level Hex.)
Hex: Frostfoot (Su) This ability works like the spider climb spell, but the surfaces I climbs must be icy. I can move across icy surfaces without penalty and do not need to make Acrobatics checks to run or charge on ice. I can move across regular snow without penalty, and heavy snow only costs me 2 squares of movement instead of 4.
Feats:Eschew Materials. Traits: Clever Wordplay(U M D), Failed Winter Witch Apprentice
Spells Known
0 level: Arcane Mark, Bleed, Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Guidance, Light, Mending, Message, Putrefy Food and Drink, Read Magic, Resistance, Stabilize, Touch of Fatigue.
1st Level: Snowball, Frostbite, Obscuring Mists, Cure Light Wounds, Inflict Light Wounds, Mage Armor, Charm Person
possessions: 105 GP
Init+2, Perception+6
AC:15, Touch:14, Flat-footed:13
Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +4
Speed: 10 ft., fly: 40 ft.(average)
Melee bite +4 (1d3–4)
Space 2-1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Str 2, Dex 15, Con 8, Int 6, Wis 15, Cha 7
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 6
Feats Skill Focus (Perception), Weapon Finesse
Skills Fly +6, Perception +6
Special Abilities
The master of a raven familiar gains a +3 bonus on Appraise checks.
Alertness: While a familiar is within arm's reach, the master gains the Alertness feat.
Improved Evasion: When subjected to an attack that normally allows a Reflex saving throw for half damage, a familiar takes no damage if it makes a successful saving throw and half damage even if the saving throw fails.
Share Spells: The witch may cast a spell with a target of “You” on her familiar (as a touch spell) instead of on herself. A witch may cast spells on her familiar even if the spells do not normally affect creatures of the familiar's type (magical beast).
Empathic Link (Su): The master has an empathic link with her familiar to a 1 mile distance. The master can communicate empathically with the familiar, but cannot see through its eyes. Because of the link's limited nature, only general emotions can be shared. The master has the same connection to an item or place that her familiar does.
Language: Skald
After her exile, Morena took ship to Korvosa and enrolled at the Acadamae; however her sharp tongue and pride earned her few friends among the young Chellish aristocrats who comprised the most influential members of the student body. One such member in particular, Lucian Jeggare II, son of wealthy Chellish aristocrats, and one of the top students at the Acadamae; made it his personal mission to make Morena's life miserable. That might have been the end of it, if it hadn't been for Tisiphone, one day when Morena was out in the city looking for spell casting supplies, she heard a commotion it the market, upon following it to its source she discovered a man being tormented by wasps. Sensing magic, Morena tracked the spell to the far side of the market where she found the caster, An red haired elven woman with vivid green eyes and a malicious smile sat perched on a crate, chanting quietly, The Elf Introduced herself as Tisiphone and invited Morena for a drink, Feeling alone in a strange city, Morena agreed, over the Next few week the two of them became friends, Tisiphone told her about her life in the faith of Calistria, and Morena shared her exile and her unhappiness with the current situation at the Acadamae. She was not enjoying herself, she explained to her friend, but if she left, then Lucian would win, and she couldn’t allow that; Tisiphone suggested that they should hurt him, publicly, in such a way that no one could doubt who had done it, and everyone would know that she was not running. By the end of the week, Lucien was frozen, naked, to the main gates, and the two women were on a ship bound for Absolom. Unfortunately, a great storm blew them off course and wreaked the ship on the Taldan coast; The few survivors made their way inland to the village of Heldren where they discovered that there would be no caravans traveling through the town for another year; Unhappy, but having no other options, Morena settled down in the village, using the skills she had learned at the Acadamae to make potions which she sold to the townsfolk with ill grace to pay for a room at the Silver Stoat.
I will be making an alias if Selected.
The tall pale skinned woman, wearing what could normally be considered summer clothes walks in through the door, a gust of cold air swirling in her wake as she approaches the table "Nice weather you're having here" she says, by way of greeting as she sits down with the others, "A refreshing change from that oppressive heat, it almost feels like home." she pauses and indulges herself in a small smile Unfortunately, while I might enjoy it, this cold is unnatural, someone is using magic to enforce this new winter; My name is Morena, you may have heard of me, I've been staying at the Silver stoat; But my talents are more then just making potions, I attended the academe in Korvosa, and I have some personal experience with Winter Witchcraft.

Snjórinn Verkirsson |

The rather gruff half-orc who has maintained his silence up until this point, finally speaks.
"Whilst having someone who can deal with traps is useful, what we really need is someone who can pull their weight in combat, and someone who can help to control the battlefield with spells that cover wide areas. I can minister to our bone-setting and flesh-stitching needs, and Fizzlewhisk is a good outdoorsman, but we need someone who can hold the line, and reliably deal with foes in melee."
I agree, Mervyn's posts have been good, but 1d3 damage from our primary melee fighter isn't going to cut it... I know sneak attack can boost that, but as a player of several rogues, I am painfully aware that that can't always be counted on...

Ember Fanning |

Walking back to Heldren from the Jacks farmstead, Ember is plagued the whole trip by some nagging feeling, like her hairs are standing on edge -- like the air is charged with static electricity. A few times, she checks it with a divination cantrip, but finding no magic anywhere nearby, she resolves that it must just be her. Perhaps she had slept worse than she had thought. She's just gotten to the point of convincing herself that nothing is really going on, when she starts to reach the center of Heldren. What's that? There wasn't any sign there last time I walked past here. She moves closer to the help wanted sign, and as she reads through it, her eyes narrow and her forehead furrows. Instead of static electricity putting her nerves on edge, now she is feeling a confluence of pitch-black clouds starting to gather over her soul. Something is going on.
Now fully on guard, Ember makes her way to where the rest of the people are, and fortunately enters only after Morena has introduced herself, for 'personal experience with winter witchcraft' is the sort of phrase that might get her to...do unfortunate things. As it is, her breathing quickens. Is that a jadwiga? She swallows deep, and makes certain not to approach any closer. Instead, she makes her way to the farthest corner that has an empty table and sits down, to observe the situation.

Vilgeirr Isleifson |

Stalking into town out of the flurries of unseasonable snow, a tall broad shouldered Ulfen approaches the group. Patting the halfling on the head as he passes he says with a smile, "It is alright little one, I am arrived, trouble yourself no more." Approaching the half-orc, he speaks, "Ég er Vilgeirr Isleifson að Ulfen Vörður . Sverð mitt er öxi mitt og skjöldur armur minn er sterk eins og eik það ber . Ég er þriðji maður."
Ég er Vilgeirr Isleifson að Ulfen Vörður . Sverð mitt er öxi mitt og skjöldur armur minn er sterk eins og eik það ber . Ég er þriðji maður. = I am Vilgeirr Isleifson of the Ulfen Guard. My sword is my axe and my shield arm is strong as the oak it carries. I am the third man."

Thorgrim Sigurdson |

I've corrected the bulk of the backstory. Initially designed this character for a campaign that aimed at being a planar travel Mythic campaign, so the scope of things probably seems a little grander than a beginner. Handwaving most of that away as some measure of atrophy. I really enjoyed the character, short-lived as the game may have been.
I still need to go back over the crunch and rework. Need to down a 25-pt buy to 20-pt buy. I believe he has an extra story feat that was free to the previous game. The concept had both Nemesis and Object of Legend as Story Feats at creation. I'll have to drop one of those (probably Object) initially, but I would aim to acquire it as well if the scope of the game could accommodate it. If not, I could just resign the thought to a bit of background flavoring.
All told, Thorgrim is built to be a damage sponge that hits hard. Would pick up the superstitious rage power at earliest convenience so his Will saves will (eventually) be stout, including the incremental alternate racial bonus available to humans.
If you need any further indicator of what Thorgim in action looks like, feel free to glance at previous posts on this alias.
Some creation questions:

DM Twilight |

Yep, still accepting submissions. You want to bring over your character from the other recruitment, go ahead! You want to make a new one, go ahead!
I'm still dumping caffeine into my system and trying like hell to convince my eyes to stay open. As soon as I can manage that I'll catch up on the posts. So far, all I've been able to do is skim.

DM Twilight |

Ember – Thank you for the responses, I think that those are really good answers and help to assuage any worries that might have come up as far as the cryophobia. Your RP posts look to be of good quality as well, so again, thank you!
Tarbul – I am hesitant to work with the Unchained stuff. I’ve never played any of it, and I’ve never even seen it in play yet! Also, one of the players who is already signed on has issues with Unchained and Mythic things, he feels like it detracts from the game. He can explain more if he wants. Anyway, I’m not ruling it out but I am hesitant and it definitely wouldn’t work in your favor for selection. I do like your backstory though, and I think it would be a lot of fun to see the relationship between Tarbul and Toten playout.
Morena – Interesting background, it gave me a good chuckle to see that the women left him frozen naked to the gates. I’d like to see more about the relationship between Morena and Tisiphone. How did Morena come about her familiar, Ikol?
I've got some errands to run so Vilgeirr and Thorgrim I will get to you two later on this evening. To answer the quick questions posed by Thorgrim:
Yes, it is OK that you took a drawback in order to gain a third trait and everyone else may do the same if they wish.
Yes, you may purchase gear at full crafting cost if you have the relevant skill. That's one of the perks of crafting skills.

Webb |

I give you Jorn Winterbourne. I hope I'm not too late.
Thinking 2 levels of barbarian and then warpriest. Not sure yet.
Male Aasimar Barbarian 1
NG medium Outsider ( native )
Initiative +1; Perception +9
AC 17, Touch 11, Flat-Footed 16
HP 15
Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +2
Speed 40 ft.
Axe, throwing +2 1d6 20 *2
Greataxe +3 1d12+3 20 *3
Str 14, Dex 12, Con 15, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 14
Base +1; CMB +3; CMD 14
Power Attack
Acrobatics 1+4=5, Appraise 0+1=1, Bluff 0+2=2, Climb 0+2=2, Craft Armor 1+4=5, Diplomacy 0+4=4, Disguise 0+2=2, Escape Artist 0+1=1, Heal 0+2=2, Intimidate 0+2=2, Knowledge Nature 1+4=5, Perception 1+8=9, Perform 0+2=2, Ride 0+1=1, Sense Motive 0+2=2, Stealth 0+1=1, Survival 1+7=8, Swim 0+2=2
Celestial, Common
Axe, throwing 3*, Backpack, Bedroll, Blanket, winter, Chainmail, Greataxe, Pouch, belt, Rations, trail 5 days, Waterskin ( water )
Acid Resistance 5, Cold Resistance 5, Darkvision, Daylight 1/day, Electricity Resistance 5
Fast Movement, Rage 6 rounds/day
A man is warming up by the fireplace. Not that he needed to, he never got cold. It just felt safe. The inn was crowded today, all kind of folks around. A gnome, halfling and some locals. Don’t think his skills would be needed today.
He had taken the job as bouncer just a month ago. It didn’t pay well but he heard all the rumors, stories and he had a place to sleep and 2 meals a day. Melindra, the innkeeper’s daughter had been keeping him company the last couple of nights.
He missed his parents. The image of his dead mother on the floor of the cabin brought a tear to his eyes. He had been away with his father to gather some furs to sell in the nearby village. He had found her, huddled up, seemingly trying to keep warm. She was already dead. There was a serenity about her which until his day I don’t understand. In her hands she held a small golden locket.
The cabin had been ransacked, someone had been searching for something, probably the locket. She had kept it safe. His father, tears running from his eyes didn’t say a word. He took the locket and we buried her in the woods near the cabin.
The next morning he gathered our belongings. Before we left he set fire to our cabin. No traces can be found, we have to disappear, he said, become one with the land. We traveled for months, fleeing for an unknown enemy. All the time he didn’t want to answer my questions about my mother’s death and why we were running. I learned not to ask anymore after a while as they memories gave him too much pain.
About 2 years later, at my 16 birthday, I have a strange dream.
An angelic creature is holding a baby in his arms. He is sobbing, a tear runs over his cheek. Snow is falling all around them. He kisses and hugs the baby. A small house, smoke coming out of the chimney, comes into sight. A knock on the door, the baby is left on the doorstep and the angel vanishes. The darkness fades when the door opens and a middle aged couple appears. Surprised the woman picks the child up and holds him close. Again tears but this time accompanied with a bright smile.
Suddenly I wake up, confused, why is my mother holding this baby? Who is this baby? I tell my father when we are having breakfast. A sigh of relief, a faint smile appears. My son, it’s time to tell you a story, a story about a beautiful baby boy left at our doorstep.
I am that boy. My name is Jorn Winterbourne. I have given myself this name. I have no family left. I am part angel, part human. I’m to fulfill my destiny. My natural mother is the daughter of the current queen of Irrisen. My father an angel who got seduced by beauty and magic.
I am a proud warrior, I use the hatred in me for those damned witches to fuel my rage.
The locket you ask? The locket is my fathers, it was giving to my parents to give to me when I came of age. It will protect me when the time comes. What I think? I don’t believe it but it’s the only thing I have of my birth father.
Hearing the little halfling speak of witch hunting triggered his interest. He grabbed his axe and walked towards the small halflings table.
A young man, about 17 years old, standing 6 feet, 8 inches tall. Strong lean build. Short blond hair and eyes radiating a golden hue. Wearing a chainmail and resting an large axe on his shoulder.

Machaera Selanna |

If I might, I'd like to submit Machaera for your consideration. She's not quite either a standard arcane caster or a tank, but somewhere in between, as befits a magus.
I was thinking of taking one level as a primalist wizard, for story purposes, and it would get the itch for primal magic out of my system until Machaera can get her hands on a rod of wonder, but other than that, she would take all her other levels as a magus. I was also thinking of spending the feats to be able to use firearms with some efficacy: the plan would be to unleash an opening volley of either lead, spell, or hex, and then close as required.
She won't be able to pull off hugely flashy magic to reshape the battlefield, but she should be able to use a few fog spells and, at later levels, walls to cut off sight lines and charge lanes.
I hope that suits the game's requirements and piques your interests as a character. On that note, to clarify where I might like to take a character with Machaera's background, I have a vague notion of something like Dr. Livingstone as a witchy elven heiress. Being lost too long in dangerous wildernesses has left her quite fey, but I think that might be something of an advantage given where the party's headed, and maybe for once she'll have turned up in the right place just at the right time to give some folks help who need it. Everyone needs someone who likes dealing with faeries, right? And icy witches? :)
Also, lastly, before I get too hopeful, what pace were you folks planning for the game? If you would like more than one post per day consistently, that would be tricky for me after next month when my classes start again, and in which case, please just skip me over.

![]() |

RE: Tarbul
I would be okay switching to the normal APG Summoner if that would make my case stronger, I just know that most people don't like the original incarnation of the Summoner because the Eidolon was too easy to customize and the spell list had a but load of early access spells.
The Unchained Summoner mostly addressed both of these issues (ie: it's weaker than the APG version), the Eidolon is a lot less custom-made with Evolutions being rebalanced. They removed some spells from their Spell-List and put a lot of spells back in the traditional slots (ie: Regular Summoner gets Haste as a 2nd level spell and the Unchained Summoner gets it as a 3rd level spell).
Anyways, that's why I applied with the Unchained Version.

DM Twilight |

Vilgeirr – I love it when people put thought into their background, weaving together what’s on their sheet with their experiences. Good work with that. No questions for you at the moment.
Thorgrim – Excellent background, very in depth and colorful. You make it clear that his father’s sword was destroyed, and although you intend to have it reforged, it is still just a bladeless hilt. Yet you have it listed as a weapon under your melee section. Explain? Also, it’s not specifically important, but you mention being forced to protect the twins for three years, but only a year has passed for your next entry when you mention going your own way.
Jorn – What happened to his father – the man who raised him. Did Jorn stop seeing him as his father when he learned the truth, or did he also die? You didn’t specify but said only that he has no family left, it made me curious. It’s a touching story. No pertinent questions really. As a side note, if he is meant to be 17, you might want to see if you can find a profile picture that is more age representative if possible.
Machaera – The background is interesting but it seems to mostly be a list of geographical locations that she’s visited, and descriptions of her mannerisms which you also have outlined in a separate area. The admittance of having seen some bad things/done some bad things doesn’t really tell us much about her, although it certainly is enough to trigger curiosity. Even if she would not willingly talk about some of these things, I think it would really help a lot for you to narrate a couple of examples.
Tarbul – It would help your case, definitely, but it wouldn’t of course assure you one of the slots so it’s really your choice on whether you want to make such changes to your character.

Nathan Monson |

Ember – Thank you for the responses, I think that those are really good answers and help to assuage any worries that might have come up as far as the cryophobia. Your RP posts look to be of good quality as well, so again, thank you!
Morena – Interesting background, it gave me a good chuckle to see that the women left him frozen naked to the gates. I’d like to see more about the relationship between Morena and Tisiphone. How did Morena come about her familiar, Ikol?
Do you just want answers to these questions? or would you like me to add to explain them in he background? I was going to say that Ikol was given to her by her family when she began her arcane training; but if you want me to come up with something more interesting I will oblige.
I have more stuff for Tisiphone, but I didn't want to put too much in now, since from what I hear this AP involves a lot of traveling, and I didn't want to make you feel like I wanted you to make the story about me.
DM Twilight |

Do you just want answers to these questions? or would you like me to add to explain them in he background? I was going to say that Ikol was given to her by her family when she began her arcane training; but if you want me to come up with something more interesting I will oblige.
I have more stuff for Tisiphone, but I didn't want to put too much in now, since from what I hear this AP involves a lot of traveling, and I didn't want to make you feel like I wanted you to make the story about me.
It would be preferential to see it added to your background for later referencing.

Machaera Selanna |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Machaera – The background is interesting but it seems to mostly be a list of geographical locations that she’s visited, and descriptions of her mannerisms which you also have outlined in a separate area. The admittance of having seen some bad things/done some bad things doesn’t really tell us much about her, although it certainly is enough to trigger curiosity. Even if she would not willingly talk about some of these things, I think it would really help a lot for you to narrate a couple of examples.
Fair enough; I'll add some details later this afternoon or tonight, possibly in a separate section so you don't have to go through hunting through paragraphs of purple prose. Maybe I'll even manage to add a bit in character!

Webb |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Jorn – What happened to his father – the man who raised him. Did Jorn stop seeing him as his father when he learned the truth, or did he also die? You didn’t specify but said only that he has no family left, it made me curious. It’s a touching story. No pertinent questions really. As a side note, if he is meant to be 17, you might want to see if you can find a profile picture that is more age representative if possible.
He lost his father about 2 months later. Seeing his son becoming a man gave his father much joy but also was the beginning of the end. He had done his job and the hectic years on the run caught up with him. Spending more time alone, reminiscing about the past, missing his wife. He died in his sleep with the same serenity as his wife. Jorn mourned his father’s death differently than he had done his mother. He was older, wiser, a man. In honor of his father he took his name as his own.
Jorn Winterbourne, proud son of Jorn Magnusson and Liane Magnusson.
He had lost both his parents at a young age but they lived on in his memories. He would honor them by opposing the witches and their foul magic.

Machaera Selanna |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I've added a bit more to Machaera's background in a separate section, a fragment of a letter written in-character. I think it should clarify how she acquired the skills she has (for example, I tried to gesture towards her discovery of how to tap into her arcane pool, and other people's recognition of her as a budding magus and hexcrafter, specifically), and some of what she's gone through. Basically, having to choose between throwing her own life away for a slim chance of rescuing another's, and dealing with the guilt of not at least trying, confronting the calculated expediencies of battle, and having to negotiate her own passage through hostile territory at a disadvantage, have led to huge anxieties regarding autonomy and responsibility, even before factoring in a rather harrowing first exposure to violence in a situation far removed from any of Machaera's usual social supports.
She is trying to be a good person, though, and tries to restrain her most ruthlessly pragmatic impulses. She's been trained despite herself to look for every tactical advantage, but that doesn't mean she'll always go for the kill. Honest!

Nathan Monson |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I am re Posting the whole character, because in addition to expanding the backstory, I made a few minor changes to the character. since you allowed drawbacks I decided to take one, and an extra trait to go with it.
HP:8 AC:11 Touch:11 Flat-footed:10 Init:+2 Base Speed:30 ft
Fort:1 Ref:2 Will:3 BAB:+0 CMB:+0 CMD:11
Languages: Common, Skald, Hallit, Aklo, Sylvan, Elven, Draconic
Acrobatics:1(+2 Dex)
Appraise:7(+4 Int Mod +3 familiar)
Craft Alchemy: 8(1 rank +4 Int mod +3 Class)
Disable Device:2(+2 Dex, Untrained)
Escape Artist:2(+2 Dex)
Fly:2(+2 Dex)
Handle Animal:0
Heal:1(+1 Wis Mod)
Intimidate:8(1 Point +4 int mod(Bruising Intellect0 +3 Class Skill)
Knowledge Arcana:9(1 point,+4 Int Mod, +3 Class Skill +1 Trait)
Knowledge Dungeoneering:4(+4 Int Mod, Untrained)
Knowledge Engineering:4(+4 Int Mod, Untrained)
Knowledge Geography:4(+4 Int Mod, Untrained)
Knowledge History:8(1 Point +4 Int Mod, +3 Class Skill)
Knowledge Local:4(+4 Int Mod, Untrained)
Knowledge Nature:4(+4 Int Mod, Untrained)
Knowledge Nobility:5(1 Point +4 Int Mod)
Knowledge Planes:8(1 Point +4 Int Mod, +3 Class Skill)
Knowledge Religion:5(1 Point +4 Int Mod)
Linguistics:4(+4 Int Mod, Untrained)
Perception:2(1 Point +1 Wis Mod)
Profession:1(+1 Wis Mod, Untrained)
Ride:1(+1 Dex)
Sense Motive:1(+1 Wis Mod)
Slight of Hand:1(+2 Dex, Untrained)
Spellcraft:8(1 Point, +4 Int Mod, +3 Class Skill)
Stealth:1(+2 Dex)
Survival:1(+1 Wis Mod)
Use Magic Device:8(1 Rank +4 Int mod(Pragmatic Activator) +3 Class Skill)
Special Abilities
Race: Dual Talent (+2 to 2 Ability Scores)
Ice Magic (Whenever I cast a Spell with the cold descriptor, the Save DC increases by +1, I can't learn or cast spells with the fire descriptor.)
Cold Flesh (I gain permanent Endure elements against cold only. At 4th Level I gain Resist Cold 5, At 9th Level it becomes Resist Cold 10, and at 14th Level it becomes Immunity to Cold. This Ability replaces my 4th level Hex.)
Hex: Hex: Frostfoot (Su) This ability works like the spider climb spell, but the surfaces I climbs must be icy. I can move across icy surfaces without penalty and do not need to make Acrobatics checks to run or charge on ice. I can move across regular snow without penalty, and heavy snow only costs me 2 squares of movement instead of 4.
Feats:Eschew Materials. Traits: Pragmatic Activator, Failed Winter Witch Apprentice, Bruising Intellect. Drawbacks: Pride
Spells Known
0 level: Arcane Mark, Bleed, Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Guidance, Light, Mending, Message, Putrefy Food and Drink, Read Magic, Resistance, Stabilize, Touch of Fatigue.
1st Level: Snowball, Frostbite, Obscuring Mists, Cure Light Wounds, Inflict Light Wounds, Mage Armor, Charm Person
possessions: 105 GP
Init+2, Perception+6
AC:15, Touch:14, Flat-footed:13
Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +4
Speed: 10 ft., fly: 40 ft.(average)
Melee bite +4 (1d3–4)
Space 2-1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Str 2, Dex 15, Con 8, Int 6, Wis 15, Cha 7
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 6
Feats Skill Focus (Perception), Weapon Finesse
Skills Fly +6, Perception +6
Special Abilities
The master of a raven familiar gains a +3 bonus on Appraise checks.
Alertness: While a familiar is within arm's reach, the master gains the Alertness feat.
Improved Evasion: When subjected to an attack that normally allows a Reflex saving throw for half damage, a familiar takes no damage if it makes a successful saving throw and half damage even if the saving throw fails.
Share Spells: The witch may cast a spell with a target of “You” on her familiar (as a touch spell) instead of on herself. A witch may cast spells on her familiar even if the spells do not normally affect creatures of the familiar's type (magical beast).
Empathic Link (Su): The master has an empathic link with her familiar to a 1 mile distance. The master can communicate empathically with the familiar, but cannot see through its eyes. Because of the link's limited nature, only general emotions can be shared. The master has the same connection to an item or place that her familiar does.
Language: Skald
After her exile, Morena took ship to Korvosa and enrolled at the Acadamae; however her sharp tongue and pride earned her few friends among the young Chellish aristocrats who comprised the most influential members of the student body. One such member in particular, Lucian Jeggare II, son of wealthy Chellish aristocrats, and one of the top students at the Acadamae; made it his personal mission to make Morena's life miserable. That might have been the end of it, if it hadn't been for Tisiphone, one day when Morena was out in the city looking for spell casting supplies, she heard a commotion it the market, upon following it to its source she discovered a man being tormented by wasps. Sensing magic, Morena tracked the spell to the far side of the market where she found the caster, An red haired elven woman with vivid green eyes and a malicious smile sat perched on a crate, chanting quietly, The Elf Introduced herself as Tisiphone and invited Morena for a drink, Feeling alone in a strange city, Morena agreed, over the next few weeks the two of them became friends, Tisiphone told her about her life in the faith of Calistria, and Morena shared her exile and her unhappiness with the current situation at the Acadamae. She was not enjoying herself, she explained to her friend, but if she left, then Lucian would win, and she couldn’t allow that; Tisiphone suggested that they should hurt him, publicly, in such a way that no one could doubt who had done it, and everyone would know that she was not running. By the end of the week, Lucien was frozen, naked, to the main gates, and the two women were on a ship bound for Absolom. The weeks on the ship were some of the best in Morena’s Life; the crew was clearly terrified of Tisiphone, and once they caught Morena Magically cooling he water rations, they were wary of her as well. She and Tisiphone Would stride the decks, hand in hand, talking about the sights that they passed, or planning their futures together in Absalom. When they weren’t sightseeing, or planning for the future, the two women would spend their days locked in one of the cabins, debating the value of satisfaction over codes, and predictability over spontaneity; one eavening, after another seriese of arguments that had begun to feel like flirting, Tisiphone decided to illustrate her point by kissing her; and for the rest of the evening and on into the night, Morena was forced to concede, that in this at least, spontaneity and satisfaction were the more valuable. In the days that followed, Morena took to spending her nights in Tisiphone’s cabin, and if the crew had any comments, they wisely kept them to themselves, and Morena was happy. Unfortunately, it was not to last. A great storm blew them off course and wreaked the ship on the Taldan coast; The few survivors made their way inland to the village of Heldren where they discovered that there would be no caravans traveling through the town for another year; Unhappy, but having no other options, Morena settled down in the village, using the skills she had learned at the Acadamae to make potions which she sold to the townsfolk with ill grace to pay for a room at the Silver Stoat.
I hope you enjoy my expanded backstory, let me know if you have any suggestions or concerns.

DM Twilight |

Just a heads up that I plan to close the recruitment tomorrow around 5 pm CST.
Let me reassure everyone that I am keeping up on all of your posts, and reading all of the changes that you are making to your characters at my behest. I apologize that I'm not responding in depth to each change, but do know that my silence is a sign of approval! If there were something that I didn't like, or were concerned about I would say something.
Aðvinr, it's always nice to see familiar faces. I played with you briefly in a RoW campaign that didn't get very far. I look forward to seeing your background expanded.