Beware The Snow (aka Do You Wanna Build A Snowman?) (Inactive)

Game Master Twilightrose

Reign of Winter
Current Area

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Hailing from the Realm of the Mammoth Lords in the heart of the Ice Stair Settlement In the far north, Aðvinr was born to his druid mother as a result of a tryst with a wandering half ice-giant ranger, considered supernatural from the moment of his conception.

Aðvinr's connection to the spirits grew as he did, his experiences in the harsh North forming him into a strong, resilient man with a unique connection to the natural and supernatural worlds. In a land where the true coming of winter meant extended periods of icy darkness where the predators reigned, Aðvinr found himself tasked by the ancient mammoth spirits with the role of protector and guardian, a Shaman who kept the balance, stewarding those lost in the cold, keeping the worst of the hunting beasts at bay, advised by his companion, a diminutive mammoth touched by the great spirits.

Recently he has felt a unusual pull to the south. Guided by the spirits and led by Ratatoskr, he set out on a trek that would eventually lead him to Haldren, a land while far warmer than his homeland, was in the grip of a cold foreign to the region. It was for this reason that he’d felt the pull. Something was wrong.

I am working in a fey blooded human fighter with strong ties to travel north and defend others. But as I fear I will have no time to submit him before time expires I present here a character I would like to play in a Reign of Winter campaign.

He is not a tank or an arcane caster, but I think you might want to consider a 5th or even 6th character in the party, as PbP drops are very usual, specially during the first month of game, so starting with a larger group usually helps maintaining the wheels moving.

I might submit the fighter anyway if I find a free time spot to finish the background and stats before you close the recruitment.

Good luck everybody!

OK, recruitment is officially closed. No new submissions from this point forward. I will make my final decisions tonight!

Let me start by thanking everyone who took the time to submit a character. Your time and efforts are greatly appreciated. I had a little bit of a difficult time deciding on who to take. Having considered the wishes of the other two players, and weighing out who stood out to me the most against what roles we needed to fill it was decided that I will actually be taking three people. My final selections are the following:

Mervyn Tumblelock – Halfling Rogue
Machaera Selanna – Elf Magus
Advinr – Human Shaman

I will be sending you each a personal message after this to make sure you know you've been chosen as well as directions for what I would like you to do next.

To everyone else, thank you again for your submissions and good luck with your future applications!

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Congratulations everyone!!

Mervyn hops down from his seat at the table. He lets out a sigh of relief and a big smile. He again draws his tobacco pipe from his smoking pouch and loads it up. Lighting it, he puffs quickly and rapidly. "Told yer that bruiser magic fin' were way over rated. Would 'ave said I told yer so, right, but I guess I already did." and with that the little halfling slides his tools off the table and stuffs them back in his bandoleer. I'll be needing those..

He walks out of the room following the human woman with the other selectees. Not being able to help himself he eyes the biggest brute that was left out and gives him a quick wink and another big puff from his pipe. I hope I don't be regretting this.

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Congratulations to everyone who got in, have a great game!

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Gratz to all, have a good game!

Enjoy! Just asking but am I the only one who felt Mervyn's last post felt like a bit of a shot?

I think Mervyn was taking a shot at the others in-character, yes.

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Ok this is out of character but lets make one thing real clear for everyone reading this thread.

I as a player did not mean to offend anyone with Mervyn's comments or actions, if you read his backstory and then the fact that I have had him in character the entire recruiting process you will see it is just his personalty. His entire argument was that brutes and magicians were over rated from the start, he had already said that repeatedly and his last comment just reinforced that from him as a character.

The wink, well that was Mervyn's way of being a dick with a heart of gold as per his backstory. If I was not playing him in character the entire thread then I would have congratulated everyone on their character submissions some were absolutely outstanding.

Also for the final few days of recruitment I posted nothing from Mervyn and let all of you present your cases and characters that was valid. I actually thought he wasn't gonna get picked at all since it wasn't what the campaign addressed as needed. I was quiet and let the process run its course. But Mervyn had to say something when he was picked, and I am sorry that came off wrong or that any of you took it personally.

No offense was intended and if some was taken then I as a player again apologize for his actions.

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Well in that last post, he didn't come off as a dick with a heart of gold, he came off as a dick, and being this is recruitment and not an actual game, means you came off as a dick. Something you may wish to remember for future recruitments, once you've been accepted, just say thanks or congratulate those that did get in. Whichever is more appropriate.

OK, he did a dick thing. He apologized and tried to explain himself. Let's move past it now and not turn it into a huge thing. M'kay?

I'm not making it a thing. Though I can definitely see how it looks like that because I really was offended. My last bit of advice is sincere. Most of the time I walk away from a recruitment feeling good whether I got in or not because it's all "congratulations" or "I hope you guys that didn't get in find a good game soon." Instead this time a player, looked like he was rubbing it in our faces that we didn't get in and he did. He's made it clear he didn't mean it first to me in a PM, then to the thread as a whole when it became clear that I wasn't the only one who felt like that.

But to prevent that in the future he may simply wish to go the simple route in the future at the END of recruitment. Before that his in character application posts were rather brilliant and I do agree with him, in general I think every group should have a rouge or skill monkey type

Did someone else feel offended?

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Community / Forums / Online Campaigns / Recruitment / New Reign of Winter Campaign. Seeking Two Players - DM Twilight All Messageboards

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