Baldwin the Merciful's Razor Coast: Black Spot (Inactive)

Game Master baldwin the merciful

"The Black Spot" An adventure of extradimensional depravity for four to six 5th level PCs Explore the wreck of The Flying Fortune, a ship impaled on the exposed tip of an underwater mountain with a waterfall of gold coins spilling from her shattered hull. Unravel the mystery of her vanished crew—the bloodstains, the shredded decking. Discover a dank and gaping hole in the stone peak that pierces the Fortune. Is it a natural opening? Or a tunnel crafted by arcane engines? It leads down, that much is clear. Down inside a hollow, underwater mountain—all the way to the ocean floor.

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"The Black Spot" An adventure of extradimensional depravity for four to six 5th level PCs to Explore the wreck of The Flying Fortune, a ship impaled on the exposed tip of an underwater mountain with a waterfall of gold coins spilling from her shattered hull. Unravel the mystery of her vanished crew—the bloodstains, the shredded decking. Discover a dank and gaping hole in the stone peak that pierces the Fortune. Is it a natural opening? Or a tunnel crafted by arcane engines? It leads down, that much is clear. Down inside a hollow, underwater mountain—all the way to the ocean floor.

Build rules:

Point Buy 20 No score below a 9, before racial adjustment. You will be expected to play any score less than 10 in character.

Races: Core Only

Traits: 1 APG traits.

Feats: Let’s not have crafting feats unless it is scrolls. If you are a spellcaster you can have up to 1500 of your starting gold in self-made scrolls.

Skills: Bonus class skill: Profession Sailor and Swim. Everyone gets 1 rank plus the class skill bonus of 3.

Second Wind ability: twice per day you gain the innate ability to heal 1d4+1 Hp, as a standard action.

Everyone’s base begins: 5 Class levels. (No summoner, alchemist, gunslingers, or arcanist) I will permit the unchained barbarian, monk, rogue.

Starting wealth: 10,500 gp, plus msw primary weapon, 2 CLW potions, 1 CMW potion.

Alignment: Any, but you need to be able to work with the party.

Hit Points:Max HPs level 1 and 2, roll for levels 3, 4, and 5 on the recruitment board. Reroll 1's.

NOTE:The party really could use either a rogue or a bard archeologist with this adventure.

Adventure set up
You find yourself recruited to come aboard The Sealord’s Blessing, this is a business relationship. Captain Riggs hired you on as experienced adventurers there for gain and the ship’s security contingent, providing protection against buccaneers and sea beasts and his unscrupulous backstabbing trade partners. He is concerned that his ship is in danger as he conducts business throughout the Razor Coast. He offers you each 1000 gold at journey’s end.

About me
A little bit about me, Baldwin the Merciful, the DM. I'm quite experienced at running PbP games, in fact, 3 of the top 19 most posted in games are mine: COT #3 (26,000+ post), Razor Coast #11 (12,000+ posts, and Rappan Athuk #19 (9,800+ posts), and I've completed several other single shot games. This game is intended as a single shot game, but could be extended into the Razor Coast campaign setting. At this point in time, I do not expect you to get beyond 5th level unless I extend the the game.

I'm looking for at least 2-3 posts a day, this will be my moderately paced game, that means it will be active daily until it is completed (anticipated 2 to 4 months). I read applicants posting history of games, if you tend to drop or go MIA please don't bother applying, I won't select you. If you are new to the game boards don't let my last statement ward you off, I like to keep one or two new players, playing it forward.

Tell me if you are familiar with the Razor Coast Setting and/or this module: Black Spot. I just need to know how much I have to modify.

Anticipated Game Close
I'll keep this open until 8:00 pm, Thursday, August 13th. If this is modified I will post (3-6 hour) notice.


1. I do not retcon actions. I keep a brisk game pace. It becomes problematic for me to redo actions and consequences. Sorry.

2. A natural "1" on an attack roll is a possible fumble. The player makes a DC10 DEX check, including any ability modifier in the roll. A number below a 10 means you have either dropped your melee weapon or snapped your bow/crossbow string or your thrown weapon was dropped.

3. Roll HPs after level 2, reroll 1’s.

4. Just because something appears in a book does not make it automatically available for game play.

5. I will occasionally make an error in a rule interpretation. If that happens, cite the rule link for reconsideration. I will often, but not always, adjust the results. Just because something is arguably RAW does not make it automatically acceptable in this game. Please do not be a rules lawyer and argue every point that gets tedious.

There may be others, GM reserves right to amend.

hello baldwin. sorry that I don't have the freedom to post at your requested rate. (actually got worse sine my work blocked Paizo now.

but if you ever think you could consider it Reggie might still be available for ya. of course she is still a female character.

Hi there! I'm a bit new to PbP stuff, but every eager and knowledgeable about Pathfinder otherwise. Never played or read through any of this setting or module, so nothing to fear there. Though I was initially going to offer him up a a Swashbuckler (because I love the Swashbuckler class an unhealthy amount), I have yet to actually play a rogue! So, here is Seville for your consideration. I do still have to fix his traits and the skills they're tied to, but I can do so tomorrow as it's getting fairly late at the moment. Let me know what you think!

This is highly interesting indeed, I should be able to make the posting amounts fairly simply, though 3 posts a day from 7 people would grow hectic in my mind, I'm still willing to try it out. Never played or even heard of Black Spot though, so I have no knowledge of what to expect going in (The best type of players, Mwahahahaaa). You allowing the Harrow Archtypes? I was considering Playing the Cartomancer Witch, though if somebody else really wants the arcane caster I'm good with making a different character.

Kalim here ...I'll Stat something up in the next day or so. Got a few ideas already ...

The premise sounds pretty cool, but I'm honestly not at all familiar with the Razor Coast setting, or this adventure. How much in the way of backstory do you need, and is it inserted in Golarion?

Mahorfeus wrote:
The premise sounds pretty cool, but I'm honestly not at all familiar with the Razor Coast setting, or this adventure. How much in the way of backstory do you need, and is it inserted in Golarion?

You don't need to be familiar with the RC at all. This is an adventure specific game, so no need to go nuts with a detailed backstory. Yes, it is inserted into Golarian.

Link to Post and Map

*I've used the linked post for my other RC game to orient the location to Golarian.

Kelanna Levin wrote:
This is highly interesting indeed, I should be able to make the posting amounts fairly simply, though 3 posts a day from 7 people would grow hectic in my mind, I'm still willing to try it out. Never played or even heard of Black Spot though, so I have no knowledge of what to expect going in (The best type of players, Mwahahahaaa). You allowing the Harrow Archtypes? I was considering Playing the Cartomancer Witch, though if somebody else really wants the arcane caster I'm good with making a different character.

I'll probably take 4 or 5 players.

I don't have the Harrow Handbook, so no.

Please Read

Ability Scores and Skill Totals: Explain how you arrive at your ability scores and skill totals. This makes it easy for me, so I do not have to deconstructive builds.

Mapping: I use Maptools, and frequently, update the maps.

Initiative and Skill Rolls: I roll initiative so there is no waiting around for the post. I, normally, have players roll their own skill checks, but I will DMPC if the pace gets slow or if need be.

I noticed you have an undine race. I'm sticking to the core races.

Dot. The posting requirements are way too much for me, but I want to watch this game for sure.

Silver Crusade

Hi Baldwin, are you going to want 2-3 a day on weekends as well?

Tin Foil Yamakah wrote:
Hi Baldwin, are you going to want 2-3 a day on weekends as well?

I do post on the weekends, but it may not be as frequent that really depends on the players and how busy life gets.

Baldwin, I'm playing in a Razor Coast game with this character under a different GM and am enjoying it immensely, but I enjoyed watching your other Razor Coast game. I don't have time to commit to yet another game, but I wanted to tell you how much I admire your work.

Dotting for interest. Seems like a good game for a Unchained Rogue. Probably human, although I might go with something else.

Nefertiti Abdul wrote:
Baldwin, I'm playing in a Razor Coast game with this character under a different GM and am enjoying it immensely, but I enjoyed watching your other Razor Coast game. I don't have time to commit to yet another game, but I wanted to tell you how much I admire your work.


baldwin the merciful wrote:
I noticed you have an undine race. I'm sticking to the core races.

Whoops! Right you are, looks like I missed that bit. I'll adjust the character here shortly and have that all fixed up.

HP rolls Level 3: 1d10 ⇒ 3
Level 4: 1d10 ⇒ 3
Level 5: 1d10 ⇒ 6

I will throw my bard into the mix. Crunch probably requires an overhaul seeing as we use the 1-1 system when I made him, but otherwise the background/fluff is certainly done.

hp: 3d8 ⇒ (1, 4, 6) = 11
hp: 1d8 ⇒ 7

total of 17. heh, not shabby.

Silver Crusade

baldwin the merciful wrote:
Tin Foil Yamakah wrote:
Hi Baldwin, are you going to want 2-3 a day on weekends as well?
I do post on the weekends, but it may not be as frequent that really depends on the players and how busy life gets.

Ok then, I am pretty full on games but with a history like yours I'm willing to add one more. I am thinking Human unchained monk or Oradin that is if unchained is acceptable.

EDIT: Also I have not played or read Razor Coast nor The Black Spot

He's a work in progress (no equipment, etc) but here's my submission otherwise.

Jean Phillipe Poulain, Warden Ranger 4, Fighter 1. Expert guide to aquatic and underground areas.:
Jean-Phillipe Poulain
Male Human Ranger (Warden) 4/Fighter 1
N Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init +3 (+7 undergrund, +5 water) ; Perception: +10 (+14/+12)
hp 42
Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +4
Speed 30 ft.
Str 10, Dex 17 (10 pts, Level Four +1), Con 12 (Human +2), Int 10, Wis 16 (10 pts), Cha 10
Base Atk +5; CMB
Feats :
1. Precise Shot
2. Point Blank Shot
3. Aquatic Combatant
4. Weapon Finesse
5. Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Dueling Sword
6. Endurance
Traits: Seeker
Climb 4 (0+1+3)
Craft Arrows 6 (0+3+3)
Knowledge (nature) 7 (0+4+3)
Perception 10 (3+5+1+1) (14 underground, 12 water)
Profession (Sailor) 11 (3+5+3)
Stealth 9 (3+5+1) (13 underground, 11 water)
Survival 11/13 to track (3+5+3) (15/17 underground, 13/15 water)
Swim 10 (0+5+3+2)

Languages: Common, Galt
Spells and Special Abilities

Master of Terrain (Ex): At 1st level, a warden selects his first favored terrain. He gains another one at 3rd level, and then every five levels thereafter (for a maximum of five favored terrains at 18th level). This ability replaces the ranger's first favored enemy ability. The ranger gains a +2 bonus on initiative checks and Knowledge (geography), Perception, Stealth, and Survival skill checks when he is in this terrain. A ranger traveling through his favored terrain normally leaves no trail and cannot be tracked (though he may leave a trail if he so chooses).TERRAINS: Underground +4, Water +2

Live in Comfort (Ex): At 2nd level, a warden is truly at home within his favored terrains. He knows all the signs of the wilderness. He rarely gets lost. He can easily live off the land in comfort, and can provide for companions. The warden can take 10 on any Survival check involving any of his favored terrains, even when in immediate danger and distracted. If the warden is not in immediate danger and distracted, he can take 20 even if the check has a penalty for failure. This ability replaces all combat style feats.

Track (Ex): A ranger adds half his level (minimum 1) to Survival skill checks made to follow tracks.
Wild Empathy (Ex): A ranger can improve the initial attitude of an animal. This ability functions just like a Diplomacy check to improve the attitude of a person (see Using Skills). The ranger rolls 1d20 and adds his ranger level and his Charisma bonus to determine the wild empathy check result. The typical domestic animal has a starting attitude of indifferent, while wild animals are usually unfriendly. To use wild empathy, the ranger and the animal must be within 30 feet of one another under normal visibility conditions. Generally, influencing an animal in this way takes 1 minute, but, as with influencing people, it might take more or less time. The ranger can also use this ability to influence a magical beast with an Intelligence score of 1 or 2, but he takes a –4 penalty on the check.
Endurance: A ranger gains Endurance as a bonus feat at 3rd level.

Terrain Bond (Ex): At 4th level, a warden forms a bond with the land itself, enabling him to direct others in such terrain. When in his favored terrain, the warden grants all allies within line of sight and that can hear him a +2 bonus on initiative checks and Perception, Stealth, and Survival skill checks. Also, as long as they travel with him, the warden’s allies leave no trail and can’t be tracked. The warden can choose for the group to leave a trail, or even for specific members of the group to leave a trail if he so desires. This ability replaces hunter’s bond.

Ranger Spells a Day/DC

1: (1/day) DC 14


Tin Foil Yamakah wrote:
baldwin the merciful wrote:
Tin Foil Yamakah wrote:
Hi Baldwin, are you going to want 2-3 a day on weekends as well?
I do post on the weekends, but it may not be as frequent that really depends on the players and how busy life gets.

Ok then, I am pretty full on games but with a history like yours I'm willing to add one more. I am thinking Human unchained monk or Oradin that is if unchained is acceptable.

EDIT: Also I have not played or read Razor Coast nor The Black Spot

Unchained monk is fine.

Interest check

Tirion Jörðhár - unchained rogue?
Tin Foil Yamakah - Unchained Monk?
Kelanna Levin - witch?
Mahorfeus -?

Partial to complete Characters posted

Seville Demair - swashbuckler. (Unfinished)
Jean Phillipe Poulain - Warden Ranger 4, Fighter 1, Human (needs gear)
Alexander Valdell Caladir - Bard 4/inspired blade 1, elf (complete)

If I missed someone let me know, it was an unintentional oversight. There is still plenty of time to submit.


I am thinking Psychic Investigator. Still tinkering.

Silver Crusade

TFY here, I am going to go with the monk, might as well get some use out of this book

Hey there! I'd love to get in in this! I see that you're core races only, but I was wondering if you were limiting the classes as well. I have a concept for a mesmerist (Occult Adventures) character meant to tie in with an on the sea theme (or at least that starts on the sea).

If not, I can come up with something new and equally as awesome!

Mimesyne wrote:

Hey there! I'd love to get in in this! I see that you're core races only, but I was wondering if you were limiting the classes as well. I have a concept for a mesmerist (Occult Adventures) character meant to tie in with an on the sea theme (or at least that starts on the sea).

If not, I can come up with something new and equally as awesome!

Thanks for asking. I don't have the Occult Adventure book, so I'm not going to permit it.

Silver Crusade

HP: 3d10 + 3 ⇒ (4, 5, 5) + 3 = 17...Good thing I am taking Toughness

Silver Crusade

Hi Baldwin I believe I have the crunch done although I do need to go shopping still.

My starting stats were S: 14, D: 14, C: 12, I:12, W:15, CH: 9 I added the Human bonus(+2) to Str and my 4th level increase to Wisdom.

Let me know if you have questions or concerns.

Thanks for the quick reply! New and awesome it is then! I'll try to get a concept together today :3

Poulain should be ready now. Equipment, stats I think are done.:
Jean-Phillipe Poulain
Male Human Ranger (Warden) 4/Fighter 1
N Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init +3 (+7 undergrund, +5 water) ; Perception: +10 (+14/+12)
AC 20 (17 ff, 14 touch)
hp 42
Fort +8, Ref +8, Will +5
Speed 30 ft.
Melee: mwk Dueling Sword +9 (1d8)19/20
Melee: Quarterstaff +5 (1d8)
Ranged: "Mimi Kuishi" +1 Longbow +9 (+10 w'in 30ft) (1d8+1)x3
Str 10, Dex 17 (10 pts, Level Four +1), Con 12 (Human +2), Int 10, Wis 16 (10 pts), Cha 10
Base Atk +5; CMB
Feats :
1. Precise Shot (Human Bonus)
2. Point Blank Shot (Level 1)
3. Aquatic Combatant (Fighter Bonus)
4. Weapon Finesse (Level 3)
5. Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Dueling Sword (Level 5)
6. Endurance (Ranger Bonus)
Traits: Seeker
Climb 6 (0+1+3+2)
Craft Arrows 6 (0+3+3)
Knowledge (nature) 5 (0+2+3)
Linguistics 1 (0+1)
Perception 10 (3+5+1+1) (14 underground, 12 water)
Profession (Sailor) 11 (3+5+3)
Stealth 9 (3+5+1) (13 underground, 11 water)
Survival 11/13 to track (3+5+3) (15/17 underground, 13/15 water)
Swim 10 (0+5+3+2)

Languages: Common, Galt, Polyglot
Spells and Special Abilities

Master of Terrain (Ex): At 1st level, a warden selects his first favored terrain. He gains another one at 3rd level, and then every five levels thereafter (for a maximum of five favored terrains at 18th level). This ability replaces the ranger's first favored enemy ability. The ranger gains a +2 bonus on initiative checks and Knowledge (geography), Perception, Stealth, and Survival skill checks when he is in this terrain. A ranger traveling through his favored terrain normally leaves no trail and cannot be tracked (though he may leave a trail if he so chooses).TERRAINS: Underground +4, Water +2

Live in Comfort (Ex): At 2nd level, a warden is truly at home within his favored terrains. He knows all the signs of the wilderness. He rarely gets lost. He can easily live off the land in comfort, and can provide for companions. The warden can take 10 on any Survival check involving any of his favored terrains, even when in immediate danger and distracted. If the warden is not in immediate danger and distracted, he can take 20 even if the check has a penalty for failure. This ability replaces all combat style feats.

Track (Ex): A ranger adds half his level (minimum 1) to Survival skill checks made to follow tracks.
Wild Empathy (Ex): A ranger can improve the initial attitude of an animal. This ability functions just like a Diplomacy check to improve the attitude of a person (see Using Skills). The ranger rolls 1d20 and adds his ranger level and his Charisma bonus to determine the wild empathy check result. The typical domestic animal has a starting attitude of indifferent, while wild animals are usually unfriendly. To use wild empathy, the ranger and the animal must be within 30 feet of one another under normal visibility conditions. Generally, influencing an animal in this way takes 1 minute, but, as with influencing people, it might take more or less time. The ranger can also use this ability to influence a magical beast with an Intelligence score of 1 or 2, but he takes a –4 penalty on the check.
Endurance: A ranger gains Endurance as a bonus feat at 3rd level.

Terrain Bond (Ex): At 4th level, a warden forms a bond with the land itself, enabling him to direct others in such terrain. When in his favored terrain, the warden grants all allies within line of sight and that can hear him a +2 bonus on initiative checks and Perception, Stealth, and Survival skill checks. Also, as long as they travel with him, the warden’s allies leave no trail and can’t be tracked. The warden can choose for the group to leave a trail, or even for specific members of the group to leave a trail if he so desires. This ability replaces hunter’s bond.

Ranger Spells a Day/DC

1: (1/day) DC 14

+1 Longbow "Mimi Kuishi"
Amulet of natural armor +1
Ring of deflection +1
Armored Coat +1
mwk dueling sword
wand of cure light wounds
cloak of resistance plus 1
mwk backpack
spelunker's kit
diver's kit
gear maintainance kit
survival kit
wand of air bubble
340 gp

Interest Check Update

Tirion Jörðhár - unchained rogue?
Kelanna Levin - witch?
Mahorfeus -?
Mimesyne - ?
Wondering Monster - ?

Partial to Complete Characters Posted

Seville Demair - swashbuckler. (Unfinished)
Jean Phillipe Poulain - Warden Ranger 4, Fighter 1, Human (complete)
Alexander Valdell Caladir - Bard 4/inspired blade 1, elf (complete)
Markus Nightsky (Tin Foil Yamakah) - Unchained Monk 5, Human (needs gear)

If I missed someone let me know, it was an unintentional oversight.

There is still plenty of time to submit.


Can our money be spent on upgrading the free masterwork weapon?

Wondering_Monster wrote:
Can our money be spent on upgrading the free masterwork weapon?

Sure can.

LAB rat here again. Decided to just make a separate alias for the character, given that he ended up being completely different in every way! Should be finished, though I think I need to fix how much gold he has left over after buying all his stuff. Meet Otto the human rogue!

Now, let's see about that HP.

Level 3: 1d8 ⇒ 2
Level 4: 1d8 ⇒ 3
Level 5: 1d8 ⇒ 6

Silver Crusade

Baldwin: I have about 2100 left, would it be ok to wait and see if there are any party needs i.e. I suck at buying stuff

Marcus Nightsky wrote:
Baldwin: I have about 2100 left, would it be ok to wait and see if there are any party needs i.e. I suck at buying stuff

No problem.

Interest Check Update

Tirion Jörðhár - unchained rogue?
Kelanna Levin - witch?
Mahorfeus -?
Mimesyne - ?
Wondering Monster - ?

Partial to Complete Characters Posted

Jean Phillipe Poulain - Warden Ranger 4, Fighter 1, Human (complete)
Alexander Valdell Caladir - Bard 4/inspired blade 1, elf (complete)
Markus Nightsky (Tin Foil Yamakah) - Unchained Monk 5, Human (complete)
Vincent Octavius Madrigal (aka Seville/Lab rat) rogue 5, human (complete)

If I missed someone let me know, it was an unintentional oversight.

There is still plenty of time to submit.

Baldwin, I am keen to get in on this if allowed.

Here I thought I could Finally play a SLAYER, if you would allow it?

Otherwise, I'm not seeing a full caster put up yet. Maybe a water themed Sorcerer?

STR Ranger wrote:

Baldwin, I am keen to get in on this if allowed.

Here I thought I could Finally play a SLAYER, if you would allow it?

Otherwise, I'm not seeing a full caster put up yet. Maybe a water themed Sorcerer?

The submissions are light on the full casters.

Hmm, I was looking at a ranger or a specific druid archetype that gives favored terrains. Is there any recommendations for favored terrains or favored enemies for this game?

Mimesyne wrote:
Hmm, I was looking at a ranger or a specific druid archetype that gives favored terrains. Is there any recommendations for favored terrains or favored enemies for this game?

Well it's water themed and there's going to be a stone peak involved.

I went with water and underground for Jean Phillipe. Bourgeoisie from Galt, family trip into the Mwangi jungle via river went very, very wrong. Had to raise himself in the jungle and on the rivers, exploring caverns underground. He doesn't think northerners belong in such areas. He's basically me dealing with my feelings on gentrification writ unto a fantasy setting. I can write a more detailed fluff if you'd like, but you said this could be a one-off. I played a variation of this character in a game that stalled, but I'm excited to play this cantankerous, self-loathing a-hole again.

"Gather 'ere you foolish scallywags and list'n up. There be wretched creatures as big'n as this tavern, twice as wide too, that'll swallow ya whole out there under the sea, but that's a better fate than those sailors cursed wit' the black spot. Some say it's a curse from th' Demon Below other's say it a mark of a traitor, but mark me words, those bearing the judgment of the ace of spades... doom all t'death."

- Drunken sailor the night before setting sail

Don't role play this out. I just wanted to add a bit of flavor.

joerice wrote:
I went with water and underground for Jean Phillipe. Bourgeoisie from Galt, family trip into the Mwangi jungle via river went very, very wrong. Had to raise himself in the jungle and on the rivers, exploring caverns underground. He doesn't think northerners belong in such areas. He's basically me dealing with my feelings on gentrification writ unto a fantasy setting. I can write a more detailed fluff if you'd like, but you said this could be a one-off. I played a variation of this character in a game that stalled, but I'm excited to play this cantankerous, self-loathing a-hole again.

That's more than enough fluff.

Hi Guys. Str Ranger here.

I'm just putting this alias here.
I am building a Marid Sorcerer for this game. Hope he gets in. Very Water and Cold Themed.

Alright, another question as I create my character: how do you feel about young stowaways? And if that's alright, how do you handle young characters statistically in your games?

HP Rolls:

HP L3: 1d10 ⇒ 8
HP L4: 1d10 ⇒ 4
HP L5: 1d10 ⇒ 5

Silver Crusade

Mimesyne wrote:
Alright, another question as I create my character: how do you feel about young stowaways? And if that's alright, how do you handle young characters statistically in your games?

How young is young? I mean, half the classes average starting age for humans are 14-16

rorek55 wrote:
Mimesyne wrote:
Alright, another question as I create my character: how do you feel about young stowaways? And if that's alright, how do you handle young characters statistically in your games?
How young is young? I mean, half the classes average starting age for humans are 14-16

Those are teens! I'm looking for actual child ages. Maybe around 10-12. Just old enough to think they're smarter than grown ups. Definitely some sort of stowaway on the ship.

I know for the new Kineticist iconic, all they did was make the size adjustments to make him small from what I can tell. But I don't really know the rules for underage PCs given that there seems to be other rules that make them severely underpowered on the d20pfsrd. I'm hoping the way they handled the new iconic is the correct method xD

Silver Crusade

there is this template.

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