Baby, It's Cold Outside-A Reign of Winter PbP (Inactive)

Game Master alexgndl

Male Gnome/Devil Sorcerer 13

Alrighty, why doesn't everyone post here just so that we can make sure everyone's accounted for. Make sure you've got an alias set up for your character so you can go post in the gameplay thread.

Also, a note on dice-rolling-you do it on the forums, by simply typing [.dice=Whatever you're rolling]dice value (d20 + whatever)[./dice]. Just without the periods. So an actual dice roll looks like this:

Whatever: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21

When you guys talk in the gameplay thread, for speech you should have your stuff bolded and inner thoughts can be italicized. There's directions below the text box on how to do all that.

Also, out-of-character stuff can be done using the [.ooc] command. Easy enough.

C'mon step it up Rynjin already told me all of that.

Male Human HP: 114/119| AC: 26, FF: 17, Touch 19 20% MISS CHANCE|CMD: 40 (43 Grapple, 42 Trip, 41 Bull Rush)| Fort +15, Ref +16, Will +13| Perception +24, Sense Motive +26; Darkvision, Blindsense 30 ft.


Male Elf Psion 1 | HP DEAD/10 | AC 17 | Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +1 | Init +3 | CMD 14


Male Human Monk 5 (Qinggong Master of Many Styles from the Sacred Mountain)/Fighter (Brawler) 3

Jegus you startled me Cube, that's the picture one of my players in the game I run is using.

It seemed like the most fitting choice out of all the male elf pics. He's got that smug "I can melt your flesh with my brain, so try not to make me angry, yeah?" look.

Also cube pic, yusss

Cube, that's an Intellectus Cube. You can't use that for your avatar.

I found the most fitting avatar

[robot]Are you still there?[/robot]

Male Gnome/Devil Sorcerer 13

Sorry, I've been super busy with exams and packing and stuff-I'm coming home Saturday, and I've got a ton of stuff to do. I'll be updating as often as I can, but stuff's definitely gonna be slowing down for the next few days. Sorry guys.

Male Human Monk 5 (Qinggong Master of Many Styles from the Sacred Mountain)/Fighter (Brawler) 3

So Evil Brain's gonna be a Gunslinger and this character is supposedly less of an ass.

I figured this'd be a good opportunity for everyone to have some fun, so I'm contemplating a "Guns Everywhere" or a tweaked "Commonplace guns" type of setting since this is a good AP for it.

Essentially what this means is:

-Guns and ammo are cheap. If the tweaked Commonplace Guns options, ammo is cheap, and Early Firearms (muskets and such) are super cheap, but Advanced Firearms (Revolvers and Rifles) are not.

-Anybody can use them without having Exotic Proficiency in guns.

-Enemies will occasionally shoot muskets and rifles at you instead of crossbows and whatnot.

Why do this? Because I figured at least one of you would want a gun if Evil Brain had one, but since you're not a Gunslinger you'd need to spend a Feat to use them...and have them kinda suck anyway. SO this way y'all can have a little sidearm or something to have fun with if you'd like to.

Male Human Musket Master 1 HP: 7/17 |AC: 14| Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +2| Init +4| CMD 15|

I'm still being made. Just wait a bit more.

Male Human Musket Master 1 HP: 7/17 |AC: 14| Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +2| Init +4| CMD 15|


Only issue is, are we doing Commonplace Guns or Guns Everywhere?

Male Human Monk 5 (Qinggong Master of Many Styles from the Sacred Mountain)/Fighter (Brawler) 3

Let's go with the tweaked version of Commonplace I posted up there.

Advanced Firearms (Revolvers, Rifles, etc.) will be the same price as in the book, and you can buy them in larger cities, but you're not gonna find them in random loot and such.

Early Firearms you may, since some characters it would kinda make sense to have like a pistol sidearm or some such. May tweak some bosses/classed NPCs to be Gunslingers on occasion, and stuff like that.

This is a good AP for it is why I'm doing so, BTW, not just because Brain is making a Gunslinger.

Male Human Monk 5 (Qinggong Master of Many Styles from the Sacred Mountain)/Fighter (Brawler) 3

Okay so I put up a Recruitment thread last night, but to be honest, I've gotten a bit discouraged from this game. With Alex leaving (he got back to me today, by the by, he's been swamped with work and school and grad school application stuff, like I figured), and Alex's friend (I never did get his name) mysteriously disappearing as well, I'm really not feeling it for this game It's gotten really stressful trying to run it for some reason I can't pin down, which I don't feel like running either of the other two games.

So, sad to say, I'm going to have to stop running this one. Enthusiasm for this particular game seems to be low anywho, though I know Cube was excited for it.

However, I feel like a fresh start might wipe that clean if you were willing to try. I have a number of other APs (complete APs as well, so we're not stuck on Book 1, part of the other reason I'm discouraged from running this since Alex has as much as said he's not coming back to it).

I would actually like to give running Carrion Crown another shot, though I've also been enamored of running a Wuxia game with the Dragon Tiger Ox book I got a while back, but I'm open to suggestions. So if y'all are interested, I'd still like to run A game for you, but this game in particular is driving me up the wall and I just can't do it.

dibbing conjurer wizard so hard right now

But I wanna keep Jack :c

go ahead

let's just do a campaign where everyone is a full caster

Male Human Monk 5 (Qinggong Master of Many Styles from the Sacred Mountain)/Fighter (Brawler) 3

You can keep Jack if you want.

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