Aubrey the Demented/Malformed |

Getting his bearings, Janosz finds further evidence that they have moved. The position of the main landmarks, the cathedral and the castle, have shifted in perspective.

Aubrey the Demented/Malformed |

Group 2:
"I can't see anything lurking in the Aether," says the priest.
"Nor I," adds Bor. "And I do not believe we are where we were before - we seem to have been moved again against our wills." He points towards the skyline. "The position of our main landmarks, the cathedral and the castle, have shifted relative to us. I think we are now slightly closer to the centre of the city, and moving away from the city exits," he murmurs ominously.

Ezreal Farlowe |

Group 2:

Lightbringer |

Group 1:

Runzyl Steelsong |

"If whatever is causing this wants to draw us into the town's center, then I say we give them what they want. It's almost certainly a trap, but I'd rather die fighting than spend an eternity in this lhaew reichar. The others might be drawn there as well."

Aubrey the Demented/Malformed |

Group 1:
The empty thoroughfares mock them. Sometimes they see the tracks of their lost companions, or they come across their own tracks, heading in the opposite direction. They hear the murmur of their friends' voices but cannot reach them before they are snatched or hidden away. Sometimes they are in the southern quadrant of the city, then the east, then the west; wandering fruitlessly as the landmarks in the centre treacherously shift between glances to impossibly reposition themselves. Always they are kept in the periphery of the city, unable to either reach its edge or its centre.
And the wan sun tracks ominously across the sky, beginning to dip towards sunset.

Aubrey the Demented/Malformed |

Group 2:
The empty thoroughfares mock them. Sometimes they see the tracks of their lost companions, or they come across their own tracks, heading in the opposite direction. They hear the murmur of their friends' voices but cannot reach them before they are snatched or hidden away. Sometimes they are in the southern quadrant of the city, then the east, then the west; wandering fruitlessly as the landmarks in the centre treacherously shift between glances to impossibly reposition themselves. Always they are kept in the periphery of the city, unable to either reach its edge or its centre.
And the wan sun tracks ominously across the sky, beginning to dip towards sunset.

Janosz Frogshanks |

Group 1:
Perception check to find a house that might be able to withstand a ghould assault. 13+16=29.

Aubrey the Demented/Malformed |

Group 1:
Then, the oppressive silence in the city is abruptly shattered. The hollow tolling of the cathedral bell rings out across the city. It is startlingly close - the temple's remaining tower can be seen looming over the roofs, a brief walk from where the companions now stand.

Lightbringer |

Group 1:
“We have proved today that walking will not bring us to our destination. It may be that we will need to defeat whatever force is keeping us here before we leave. It appears that we are being drawn towards this cathedral.” Lightbringer hefts his sword and looks to his companions. “Shall we go and confront our tormentors, should they be within?”
Does the cathedral in any way seem to be the ‘epicentre’ of our circuitous journey? Also, what religious iconography does it bear? Soverign Host presumably? 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10
I think we should head to the cathedral. Maybe our companions have been drawn here too – maybe they’re even ringing the bell? Yeah, sure, its nothing ominous ... either way we might find some answers there.
Assuming we don’t, but assuming we DO survive the night, in the morning Gil should perhaps cast fly on as many of us she can, the stronger flying people carry the weaker non-flying people, and we try to fly out of here.

Gil |

Runzyl Steelsong |

Aubrey the Demented/Malformed |

Group 2:
Then, the oppressive silence in the city is abruptly shattered. The hollow tolling of the cathedral bell rings out across the city. It is startlingly close - the temple's remaining tower can be seen looming over the roofs, a brief walk from where the companions now stand.

Janosz Frogshanks |

Group 1:

Lightbringer |

Group 1:
Having said his piece, the paladin turns and begins walking in the direction of the cathedral, pausing after a few paces to ensure that his companions are following.

Sir Rolund ir'Kraal |

Group 1:
“Looks are deceiving in this accursed place, Master Frogshanks,” Rolund warns with his ever present frown as he gazes upon the temple. “We must be wary that the church has not been corrupted to a more sinister congregation.”
Knowledge (religion): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17 to identify any inconsistencies/deceptions with the façade of the Sovereign Host church.
“Tell me, warforged. Can you sense any evil in this place?”

Lightbringer |

Group 1:
When we’re within about 60 feet of the cathedral, assuming nothing that needs to be dealt with more immediately presents itself, Lightbringer will begin detecting evil.

Aubrey the Demented/Malformed |

Group 1:
There is a stir of movement at the far side of the square, across the crevasse. Rodergo, Ezreal and Bor stagger out from a side street. As they do so, the tolling of the bell stops, and silence falls again.
To give you an idea of scale, you are about 200 feet apart.

Aubrey the Demented/Malformed |

Group 2:
There is a stir of movement at the far side of the square, across the crevasse. Janosz, Gil, Lightbringer and Basher stagger out from a side street. As they do so, the tolling of the bell stops, and silence falls again.
To give you an idea of scale, you are about 200 feet apart.

Lightbringer |

Are we (group 1) on the same side of the crevasse as the temple (or an entrance to the temple) and/or the still standing tower? How wide does the crevasse appear to be?
Seeing what looks like most of their missing comrades across the square, Lightbringer raises a hand and begins walking towards them (stopping short of the crevasse obviously). Where is Runzyl? he thinks.

Janosz Frogshanks |

"Hi guys... if it really is you." Janosz pulls his bow as he walks towards the other party members, aiming at the nearest new arrival. "How do we know they aren't shapechangers f&&$ing with our minds? So, Ezreal - to prove you're the real thing, why don't you tell me the address of our apartment back home?"
Damn changelings have me spooked... Ezreal and Janosz share an apartment in Cassan's Bridge back in Sharn - an unlikely couple, but I've seen stranger ones...

Aubrey the Demented/Malformed |

The adventurers walk cautiously towards each other, calling across the chasm dividing the square. The setting sun dwindles as it descends behind the rooftops and long fingers of shadow extend across the plaza, finally extinguishing the light in their chill grip. A cold breeze begins to play, bringing both the metallic dead smell of the deserted city the sweet scent of rot from the rent in the earth.
With a leathery rustle, something begins to haul itself from the stub of the broken tower, thirty feet above the heads of the travellers. A long, slim, midnight-black claw scrabbles at the broken masonry, followed by another. Umbral wings unfurl as the creature levers itself into the night air. It is a form of pure darkness, almost invisible against the emerging stars. Only a few of the clouds high in the air, retaining the residual glow of the sunset, provide a backdrop to gauge its size and shape. An immense, inchoate form of shadow, vaguely bat-winged, its head and body are indistinct silhouettes. Seemingly faceless, its gaze is nevertheless intense and oppressive at it regards the intruders in its realm.
A voice whispers in the minds of the adventurers, more sensation than language. "I/we greet you/welcome/join with us/feed us/become us."
Knowledge (Religion), DC 24:

Ezreal Farlowe |

"Damn it Frogshanks! 38 Oakbridge Way! Now defensive positions! Something has figured out how to harness the unstable ripples of arcane energy permeating this place to pull us here. I don't think it was for a chat!"
When the shadow beast breaks free of the tower, Ezreal drops one hand to his component bag musing aloud, "That thing is manipulating the ambient translocation field? How in the hells...?! What is it? The shadows pooled together as one form?"
Kn Religion 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (4) + 11 = 15
Init: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8

Lightbringer |

Know, religion: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (3) + 9 = 12 Aid another with Rod. “The scriptures speak of winged beasts of shadow, unholy creatures of night and entropy,” states Lightbringer, looking across the ravine to Xativa.
The paladin holds his sword before him and bows his head, mouthing holy words as his eyes glow silver. casting Bull’s Strength on self. If I need to wait for init: 1d20 ⇒ 20

Sir Rolund ir'Kraal |

Rolund's eyes narrow in concentration as he attempts to determine what manner of beast they now face.
Knowledge (religion): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20 plus AP (better of two): 2d6 ⇒ (5, 5) = 10.
"Ware!" Rolund shouts. "We face the souls of this city given form. A nightwing!"
Init: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4.

Lightbringer |

"Ware!" Rolund shouts. "We face the souls of this city given form. A nightwing!"
Thought so. Dayum. Aren’t those things super bad ass?

Lightbringer |

Gil, you may need to throw down a few fly spells here if we are fighting this thing. Can you do LB and Rolund (assuming he wants it) so they can get up close and personal with it? What with the crevasse you probably can;t get Runzyl atm.

Gil |

"Souls? We face souls? How do we fight souls - and aren't they the good part of you?" She takes a deep breath, "Sorry. But that sounds - bad. What do you want of me? Farlowe, what do you suggest?"
All too happy to share some fly goodness and haste is always an option. Might have a couple of other useful options, as well.
Initiative 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21

Sir Rolund ir'Kraal |

Perhaps the cathedral may be a better choice or what’s left of it. I can’t really tell from the description if the temple has been broken in half by the crevasse or just one its towers. If the latter only, we can take shelter in it and force the nightwing to come after us in its confines. Bonus if its still hallowed or consecrated.