Ascension - Mageocracy

Game Master bbangerter


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Discussion thread is now open for the selected players.
Please post in here to indicate you are working on your character stat blocks (or to indicate you have completed your stat block).

Female (Kyton-Spawn) Tiefling (Synthesist) Summoner 5


I've got my crunch all thrown together, just need to figure out how she knows everyone.


I actually realized I have one question for you, bbangerter. Was I correct in assuming my Eidolon only gets 1/2 of its HD (5 HP+Con) per level?

AC 19, Hp:44/60, Ki Points Left: 1/7, Poison Doses Left: 3 Initiative+6, Fort+5, Ref+11, Will+6 (add +2 vs. Fear), CMD 17 Att: +9/+9 with swords (1d4/18-20x2) or +11 Sword, Shuriken +11 (1/x2)

We're in! Very cool.

@bbangerter: You have my stat block already, except I going to add a few doses of poison. Later he'll craft more.

Tomlin leads something of a double life, but those in this group will know he is a member of a group could the Friends of the Tower, which is a unit of ninjas fanatically loyal to the Mageocracy. Very few know of this group. Most likely Tomlin did not know any of others until he was assigned to the party by the superiors in the Friends.

M Humanborn

i am here and i will put something together after work today/tomorrow morning before work

Brother Tomlin wrote:

We're in! Very cool.

@bbangerter: You have my stat block already, except I going to add a few doses of poison. Later he'll craft more.

Tomlin leads something of a double life, but those in this group will know he is a member of a group could the Friends of the Tower, which is a unit of ninjas fanatically loyal to the Mageocracy. Very few know of this group. Most likely Tomlin did not know any of others until he was assigned to the party by the superiors in the Friends.

I do. Could I have you paste it into your profile above your back story? Thanks. It is easier to reference that way without needing to dig through my PM's.

Akane Mori wrote:


I've got my crunch all thrown together, just need to figure out how she knows everyone.


I actually realized I have one question for you, bbangerter. Was I correct in assuming my Eidolon only gets 1/2 of its HD (5 HP+Con) per level?

Give it max HP per level as well. This might overpower the summoner players a bit, and I may tone that down for future levels.

Female (Kyton-Spawn) Tiefling (Synthesist) Summoner 5

Gotcha, boss.

Anyway, Akane will be working as a guard or something similar for the Tower, so if anyone else is doing something similar or related, we can try and work our stories together.

AC 19, Hp:44/60, Ki Points Left: 1/7, Poison Doses Left: 3 Initiative+6, Fort+5, Ref+11, Will+6 (add +2 vs. Fear), CMD 17 Att: +9/+9 with swords (1d4/18-20x2) or +11 Sword, Shuriken +11 (1/x2)
bbangerter wrote:
Brother Tomlin wrote:

We're in! Very cool.

@bbangerter: You have my stat block already, except I going to add a few doses of poison. Later he'll craft more.

I do. Could I have you paste it into your profile above your back story? Thanks. It is easier to reference that way without needing to dig through my PM's.

Done! Poison is added as well and in the statblock, so he should be good to go.

For the group: Tomlin is in some respects your classic skill-based rogue. He has good face skills, stealth, trap detection/removal, etc.

I will be working on my crunch.

In the recruitment thread you indicated we were chosen for the rebellion group, I must assume that was a mistake and you meant Mageocracy group.

LurkingTyranny wrote:

I will be working on my crunch.

In the recruitment thread you indicated we were chosen for the rebellion group, I must assume that was a mistake and you meant Mageocracy group.

Yep, forgot to change that part after the copy and paste of the generic part of the post.

Male Dwarf Magus (Bladebound)

My character is also a member of a recently created special order/taskforce for the Tower of the Heavens. He is a Bladebound Magus. I still need to work out the full stats however.

Female (Kyton-Spawn) Tiefling (Synthesist) Summoner 5

For the sake of being able to check up on this thread more easily, would it be okay to dot the gameplay thread?

Akane Mori wrote:
For the sake of being able to check up on this thread more easily, would it be okay to dot the gameplay thread?


M Humanborn

working on character now

@Akane Mori, you could easily be a part time student of the tower, better learning to control your new found abilities as a summoner. Up to you on that though.

In either case when you first came to the tower you would have been introduced to several members of the council, but Master Elia Akeli would have taken particular interest in you. The title Master is used for both the male and female council members as it refers more to a position of great teacher than other possible connotations. Elia Akeli is also a summoner, though not a sythensist. She found your story of divinely bestowed powers of the arcane fascinating.

Elia is half-elven, perhaps 40 years in age, 5'2" in height, silvery blonde hair and slim of build. She is known in the tower for being stern and demanding of her students. She often wears silks and other fine clothing along with a few modest pieces of clothing.

Female (Kyton-Spawn) Tiefling (Synthesist) Summoner 5

Oh yes, I can absolutely work with this. Part-time student, part-time guard sounds perfect. Maybe spending some of her free time visiting Koan down in the city, even.

@Brother Tomlin, your family may live in Tiny Town (or not, up to you).

I'd like to suggest a couple places where your mother and sisters might work.

A tavern called Dwarven Spirits. A rough place, caters to all but elves and half-elves, but given its namesake and usual wares dwarves are the most common customers.

The Crow, also a tavern but kind of classy. Tends to cater to a younger crowd.

The Barrels Bottom, a tavern often frequented by the city and tower guard after their watches. Unlike many taverns the place is open 24 hours a day.

You are particularly familiar with Adian Veray, who holds the first seat on the council of seven. He is surprisingly young for holding the first seat. Finely trimmed black beard and mustache, blue eyes, and often seen with a friendly smile. He is slightly overweight and of average height. His clothes while fine, are not extravagant. It was he who listened to the pleas of your family in their times of trial and aided them till they could make ends meet.

Jori Banest is the man you trained under though, leader of the Friends of the Tower. Jori is a no nonsense leader. Usually dressed in practical clothing of darker colors, short cropped brown hair and hard gray eyes. He form is finely toned, a spring waiting to unleash. He stands at 6'1" in height.

@Valdr, you are the only one of the group who has seen more than just the main floor of the tower.

The main entrance to the tower opens into a 10' wide hallway which circles around the tower, several doors lead to inner rooms where the mages entertain special guests and dignitaries on the main floor. Going counter clockwise around the tower you were led to a set of stairs leading into a basement level. Here a door led into a very large chamber, half the size of a single level in the tower, the chamber was filled with a multitude of vials, beakers, wires, and other apparatus of all kinds. It was here that the experiment took place and left you a bit scarred, but with the black axe you now wield.

AC 19, Hp:44/60, Ki Points Left: 1/7, Poison Doses Left: 3 Initiative+6, Fort+5, Ref+11, Will+6 (add +2 vs. Fear), CMD 17 Att: +9/+9 with swords (1d4/18-20x2) or +11 Sword, Shuriken +11 (1/x2)
GM Ascension wrote:

@Brother Tomlin, your family may live in Tiny Town (or not, up to you).

I'd like to suggest a couple places where your mother and sisters might work.

The Barrels Bottom, a tavern often frequented by the city and tower guard after their watches. Unlike many taverns the place is open 24 hours a day.

You are particularly familiar with Adian Veray,

Jori Banest is the man you trained under

OK then, let's say it is officially Tiny Town where Tomlin and his family live. Also, I think the Barrel's Bottom makes sense for where his sisters and mother work. Tomlin also spends some time here when he has free time. I'll change the text in Tomlin's background to reflect the names you mentioned here.

M Humanborn

Tavrus would likely work in the basement of the tower or some other similarly secluded space, as they want as little to do with him as possible. They typically only contact him when they need mindless labor for projects removed from the public eye.

M Humanborn

crunch-wise, is there anything i am forgetting?

spoilered for length:

Tavrus - (Undead Lord) Cleric 5
Neutral Medium Humanoid (Human Male)
Init +0; Senses Perception +3
Spells memorized: 3rd (2+1)- Cure Serious Wounds x2; --Animate Dead--
2nd (3+1)- Resist Energy, Gentle Repose, Cure Moderate Wounds; --Ghoul Touch--
1st (4+1)- Cure Light Wounds x3; Murderous Command; --Cause Fear--
0 (4)- Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Enhanced Diplomacy, Light


AC 10, touch 10, flat-footed 10 (+0 armor)
HP 40 (5d8 + 0 con)
Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +7

Speed 30 ft.
Cleric Domain Spells (CL 5th)
1st- Cause Fear; 2nd- Ghoul Touch; 3rd- Animate Dead

XP 5th level base
Str 10, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 17, Cha 16
Base Attack +3; CMB +3; CMD 13
Feats Command Undead, Selective Channeling, Extra Channel, Improved Channel
Traits Fast Talker, Power of Suggestion
Armor Check Penalty 0
Favored Class Cleric (+5 skill ranks)
Appraise (2)
Bluff +12 (3)
Craft (2)
Diplomacy +11 (3)
Heal +11 (3)
Know: Arcana +6 (2)
Know: History +6 (2)
Know: Nobility +6 (2)
Know: Planes +6 (2)
Know: Religion +10 (2)
Linguistics (2)
Profession (3)
Sense Motive +7 (3)
Spellcraft +10 (2)
Languages Common, Celestial, Infernal
Cash 40pp 30gp 50sp
Encumbrance Light (40 lbs)

Channel Energy: 8/day, negative 3d6 / 30ft, can exclude CHA targets, DC 19 Will
Power of Suggestion: You may make a Bluff check to make observers believe that an object in your possession is actually a different object entirely. The DC for the check is 20 for items of a similar size, shape, and color (such as a glaive and a quarterstaff). Items of a different shape, size, or color raise the DC by 5 for each dissimilar aspect, or more if the dissimilarity is extreme. This deception lasts 1 minute; if the item is still in view, the observers may recognize their error unless you make another bluff check.
Death’s Kiss (Su): You can cause a creature to take on some of the traits of the undead with a melee touch attack. Touched creatures are treated as undead for the purposes of effects that heal or cause damage based on positive and negative energy. This effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to 1/2 your cleric level (minimum 1). It does not apply to the Turn Undead or Command Undead feats. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.
Corpse Companion: With a ritual requiring 8 hours, an undead lord can animate a single skeleton or zombie whose Hit Dice do not exceed her cleric level. This corpse companion automatically follows her commands and does not need to be controlled by her. She cannot have more than one corpse companion at a time. It does not count against the number of Hit Dice of undead controlled by other methods. She can use this ability to create a variant skeleton such as a bloody or burning skeleton, but its Hit Dice cannot exceed half her cleric level. She can dismiss her companion as a standard action, which destroys it.

===========Equipment math=================
2350 +1 light crossbow
1800 hat of disguise
1100 +1 chain shirt
1500 full plate armor (for skeleton)
315 masterwork scimitar (for skeleton)
2500 bag of holding type I

corpse companion will be a skeleton with some crappy cloth or padded armor wrapped around select areas to ensure the plate armor fits. the plate armor should cover him so that it isn't readily obvious that he is undead (unless he is searched or someone casts detect undead, etc)

@Tenro, one of the mages of the tower, Weldon Hast, has given you use of a small home near the tower grounds. Weldon is not a member of the council, yet he seems to command a great deal of respect from the the high ranking mages of the tower. Weldon is short, at 5'3", clean shaven and of average weight. He wears finely tailored clothes, usually some shade of blue, and always wears a medallion around his neck with a crescent moon on it.

As for your undead companion, I'm still trying to figure out how to make this work within your group without a complete hand-wave to ignore it.

Part of that I think is that you would not have your companion with you at all times, at least not when you are merely out and about the city. When it comes time for a mission you would bring him along (or raise a new one). But I'm certainly open to other or additional options if you have some ideas on this.

HP 37/48 KILLED IN ACTION Human Undead Lord 6

sounds good to me. sorry for any formatting problems, i had to edit the profile from my phone (which SUCKS SO BAD)

"nnnnggghhhhhhh" KILLED IN ACTION hp 40/40 - ac 21 - melee mwk scimitar+4, 1d6+3

Edric is fine not dallying about in town. When he is with us he is in full plate. a silent guardian.

Tavrus wrote:

sounds good to me. sorry for any formatting problems, i had to edit the profile from my phone (which SUCKS SO BAD)

Heh, its mangled. I'll wait till you get a chance to post from a normal computer to clean it up before going through it. No rush yet, so just when you get time.

And I know the phone gig, I've tried making posts to a PbP from my phone. It can be done, but it is so horribly painful.

Female (Kyton-Spawn) Tiefling (Synthesist) Summoner 5

Alright, started on the bit of information you've given me, so far. I'd like to add the rest of the party (or at least one or two of you folks) to it, just to give us all a solid background.

Additionally, about how long, would you say, has Akane been in Coran? A month? Two?

After offering her services to the Council of Seven, Akane has been given the chance to both work for, and study under the people of the Tower of the Heavens. She has even been allowed to study directly under one of the leaders of the Council, Master Elia Akeli. The half-elven woman possesses similar powers to Akane, but derives them from a very different source. These powers manifest very differently than Akane's do, as well, and the two women spend much of their time together investigating these differences.

As a result of this, Master Akeli has taken the horned woman under her wing, teaching her everything she knows and understands about the magic wielded by a summoner. Despite the Master's harsh and stern teaching method, Akane adores her tutelage, finding the intricacies and sources of her power to be thoroughly interesting.

In order to give recompense for these lessons, Akane spends most of her days working as a guard for the tower. She finds the guard's uniform to be stiffling, but she admits that it is a small price to pay for the knowledge she is receiving.

In her free time, Akane spends time down in the city, either attempting to spread the word of Qi Zhong with Koan, or simplying offering her services to help the citizenry with anything she can do.

A couple months probably.

Female (Kyton-Spawn) Tiefling (Synthesist) Summoner 5

Fair enough. If anybody else is working for the tower, or maybe bumps into Akane when she's down among the townsfolk, let me know. We can totally work something out. :)

AC 19, Hp:44/60, Ki Points Left: 1/7, Poison Doses Left: 3 Initiative+6, Fort+5, Ref+11, Will+6 (add +2 vs. Fear), CMD 17 Att: +9/+9 with swords (1d4/18-20x2) or +11 Sword, Shuriken +11 (1/x2)

Those characters who are around the tower alot would have seen Tomlin on occassion. Dressed in his regular cloths, he never seemd to be doing anything in particular around the tower grounds, just coming and going. He appeared friendly enough though, if a bit distracted, and could become acquainted with other characters then. It's likely that prior to the beginning of our actual adventures though that none of the current party members knew of his class-related talents or the nature of his work for the tower.

HP 37/48 KILLED IN ACTION Human Undead Lord 6

Tavrus, and by extension Edric, may have worked with anyone who would be on an "enforcer" team.

M Humanborn
GM Ascension wrote:
Tavrus wrote:

sounds good to me. sorry for any formatting problems, i had to edit the profile from my phone (which SUCKS SO BAD)

Heh, its mangled. I'll wait till you get a chance to post from a normal computer to clean it up before going through it. No rush yet, so just when you get time.

And I know the phone gig, I've tried making posts to a PbP from my phone. It can be done, but it is so horribly painful.

the thing is that i cant edit profiles from my computer. ive been back and forth with the webmaster and custserv about it, and it boiled down to them telling me to virus scan my computer because they cant figure out what's wrong, but we basically narrowed down the issue to my computer (to the point where i cant even argue, it must just be this particular computer)

ill clean up the profile when i can get access to someone ELSES computer

Female (Kyton-Spawn) Tiefling (Synthesist) Summoner 5

Does copy paste work okay? Because I could probably unfutz it for you, and then PM it to you, which you could then copy paste into your profile?

M Humanborn

Fixed it from my phone.

Copy paste works fine but the format we use in this came is different from what I usually use. I copy/pasted 4 characters via emailing the txt files to my phone and only this character had problems.

But from my computer I cannot edit profiles or posts or read PMs. I can only post and send PMs.

That is pretty bizarre. Its formatted cleanly now though, thanks.

Male Dwarf Magus (Bladebound)

I believe I have finished my character's crunch. It's in the profile if you want to look over it GM Ascention.

I did have a question regarding languages, which for the most part I have left unfilled. Given that this is your own campaign setting, what are the languages available for selection? What ancient languages, racial languages, regional, etc etc... Can you provide a list?

I gave my blackblade Common and Truespeak (the languages of Inevitables and other Lawful beings of the planes.) but will change it if that doesn't fit and there is something that makes more sense.

Hey guys, I'm working on my character now. I should be done in the next couple of days.

Male Dwarf Magus (Bladebound)

Another question in addition to my previously one about languages:

How do you want to handle memorized spells? Do you want us to note OOC which ones we have memorized in the game thread at the start of each day? Mark it some where in our stats? or message it to you?


Any of those listed are fine (excepting the secret languages). Truespeak is also fine.

For memorized spells include them in your profile/stats block. At the start of each new day you are of course free to change them.

Male Human Rogue Lvl 5

Hey, everyone, sorry for the late response. Very, very busy at work last couple days. Anyway, I'm pretty much all done with my stat block. Still finalizing my feats, but otherwise I'm finished.

I'm starting to go through character stats for those who have finished.

Female (Kyton-Spawn) Tiefling (Synthesist) Summoner 5

If I messed anything up, please tell me. Summoners are complicated.

I'm about to post my initial pass at the character reviews. After doing a number of these though I've decided to alter a couple of things.

For very mundane items like a basic backpack, rope, rations, waterskins, chalk, paper, whistles, lamp oil, thread, etc, I'm not adding those into the cost of your 10k starting gold. It was just getting way to tedious to track a lot of these items that are usually coming out to a combined total of less than 100g. This also includes a basic 20 arrows or bolts or sling stones. Still make a note of these on your character sheet though - within reasonable amounts for these items, no 5000' of rope :)

For encumbrance if your item weight is within a couple pounds of a carrying capacity level I'm ignoring it, but otherwise remember that this is in effect.

For these reviews its a real possibility I've made mistakes, so don't hesitate to correct me if I tell you something doesn't add up. I realize some of you are not quite yet done either, but no worries on that.

@Akane - now you get to tell me what I did wrong in return as well :).
After factoring out costs for the common mundane items I'm showing you having spent 7724g
Cestus (2) 10g
Dagger (2) 4g
Masterwork Lamellar Leather 210g
Handy Haversack 2000g
Amulet of Mighty Fists +1 2500g
Cloak of Resistance +1 1000g
Ring of Prot +1 2000g

Fused form looks like some saves are wrong
Fort +8 (+2 shielded meld, +1 summoner, +2 con, +1 cloak, +2 greater fortitude)
Will +8 (+2 shielded meld, +4 summoner, +1 wis, +1 cloak)

I'm not sure why you have two sets of attacks listed, one at +8 to hit, and one at +6 to hit.

Looks like you've only spent 6 evolution points?
Bite 0 pts
Limbs (legs) 0 pts
Claws 1 pt
Pounce 1 pt
Trip 2 pts
Energy Attacks 2 pts

Can you list out the evolutions you selected?

Female (Kyton-Spawn) Tiefling (Synthesist) Summoner 5

Amulet of Mighty Fists +1 is 4000g. It WAS 5000, but then they lowered the price. :)

You are absolutely right on the saves, I'll fix that.

The attacks are one set with Power Attack, one without. I just like to keep them listed for quick reference.

Evolutions are: Limbs (Arms) 2pts, Claws 1pt (3 total), Pounce 1pt (4 total), Trip 2pts (6 total), Energy Attacks 2pts (8 total).

Looks like you are overspent on abiltity scores
Str 10 (12 –2 racial) 2 pts
Dex 16 (12 +2 racial +2 belt) 2 pts
Con 12 (10 +2 racial) 0 pts
Int 12 2 pts
Wis 12 2 pts
Cha 17 (17 +level 4 bonus) 13 pts
Total 21 pts

Init +5 (+3 dex +2 trait)

Saves are off
Fort +3 (+1 ninja +1 con +1 cloak)
Ref +8 (+4 ninja +3 dex +1 cloak)
Will +4 (+1 ninja +1 wis +1 cloak +1 trait)

Can you list out your ranks in each skill? e.g. Acrobatics (5) +14

Caltrops 1g
Slipsink poison (5) 375
Mithral Shirt 1100
Belt of Dex +2 4000g
Cloak of Resistance +1 1000g
Disguise Kit 50g
Wakizashi +1 2335g
Mwk Shuriken 310g
Mwk Wakizashi 335g
Handy Haversack 2000g
Alchemist Lab 200g
Everburning Torch 110g
Mwk Manacles 50g
Poison Pill Ring 20g
Portable alchemist's lab 75g
Mwk Thieve's Tools 100g
Total cost 12061

Akane Mori wrote:

Amulet of Mighty Fists +1 is 4000g. It WAS 5000, but then they lowered the price. :)

I was thinking they halved it, but I'm probably wrong on that.

Blackblade Dwarven Waraxe: +6, 1d10+4, x3 should be
Blackblade Dwarven Waraxe: +8, 1d10+4, x3 (+3 BAB +2 Str +2 Weapon enchantment +1 Weapon Focus)

You have 25 ((2 + int mod w/o headband) * level) skill points but spent 37.
Arcane pools should be 5 (1/3 level, min 1, + int mod)

You've selected 9 1st level spells. You should have 10. (3 + int mod w/o headband, +2 at level 2, +3 at level 3)
You've selected 6 2nd level spells, but should have 4. (+2 at level 4, +2 at level 5) You can pay 300g per scroll for additional spells of course.

Spell memorized you have Detect Magic (2). With cantrips you can cast a given cantrip as many times per day as you want. So you can select a different cantrip for your 4th cantrip slot for the day.

Adding in the cost of purchasing 2 2nd level scrolls you are over the price limit at 10330gp.

Female (Kyton-Spawn) Tiefling (Synthesist) Summoner 5
GM Ascension wrote:
Akane Mori wrote:

Amulet of Mighty Fists +1 is 4000g. It WAS 5000, but then they lowered the price. :)

I was thinking they halved it, but I'm probably wrong on that.

Found the link, just for reference. :)

You've underspent on ability scores.
Str, Dex, Con 10 0pts
Int 14 5 pts
Wis 17 (15 +2 racial) 7 pts
Cha 16 (15 +1 level 4 bonus) 7 pts
19 pts spent

You've spent 33 skill points but only have 30 (2 + int mod) * level + 5 favored class + 5 human, although Bluff and Diplomacy are the same skill in this campaign (maybe you already handled that and that explains the extra 3).

Gear lists a +1 light xbow, but you paid for a heavy one. Save 15g if you really did want light. 25g (or 40g with light xbow) left over.

@Edric – skeleton companion
Saves should be Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +4 based on 5HD skeleton.
BAB +3, adjusting CMB/CMD accordingly.
AC 22 (10 +9 full plate +2 natural armor +1 dex (its capped at 1 by the full plate))

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