Sandpoint Cleric

Tavrus's page

319 posts. Alias of Tenro.




Undead Lord 6


HP 37/48

Special Abilities

Death Kiss 6/6; Channel Energy 8/8

About Tavrus

Tavrus - (Undead Lord) Cleric 6
Neutral Medium Humanoid (Human Male)
Init +0; Senses Perception +3
Spells memorized: 3rd (3+1)- Cure Serious Wounds x3; --Animate Dead--
2nd (4+1)- Resist Energy, Gentle Repose, Cure Moderate Wounds x2; --Ghoul Touch--
1st (4+1)- Cure Light Wounds x3; Murderous Command; --Cause Fear--
0 (4)- Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Enhanced Diplomacy, Light


AC 15, touch 10, flat-footed 15 (+5 armor)
HP 48 (6d8 + 0 con)
Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +8

Speed 30 ft.
Ranged +1 Light Crossbow, +5 ranged, 1d8, 19-20/x2, 80ft
Cleric Domain Spells (CL 6th)
1st- Cause Fear; 2nd- Ghoul Touch; 3rd- Animate Dead

XP 6th level base
Str 11, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 17, Cha 16
Base Attack +4; CMB +4; CMD 14
Feats Command Undead, Selective Channeling, Extra Channel, Improved Channel
Traits Fast Talker, Power of Suggestion
Armor Check Penalty 0
Favored Class Cleric (+5 skill ranks)
Appraise (2)
Bluff +13 (3)
Craft (2)
Diplomacy +12 (3)
Heal +11 (3)
Know: Arcana +6 (2)
Know: History +6 (2)
Know: Nobility +6 (2)
Know: Planes +6 (2)
Know: Religion +11 (2)
Linguistics (2)
Profession (3)
Sense Motive +8 (3)
Spellcraft +11 (2)
Languages Common, Celestial, Infernal
Cash 713gp 61sp 6cp
Encumbrance Light (40 lbs)

Channel Energy: 8/day, negative 3d6 / 30ft, can exclude CHA targets, DC 19 Will
Power of Suggestion: You may make a Bluff check to make observers believe that an object in your possession is actually a different object entirely. The DC for the check is 20 for items of a similar size, shape, and color (such as a glaive and a quarterstaff). Items of a different shape, size, or color raise the DC by 5 for each dissimilar aspect, or more if the dissimilarity is extreme. This deception lasts 1 minute; if the item is still in view, the observers may recognize their error unless you make another bluff check.
Death’s Kiss (Su): You can cause a creature to take on some of the traits of the undead with a melee touch attack. Touched creatures are treated as undead for the purposes of effects that heal or cause damage based on positive and negative energy. This effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to 1/2 your cleric level (minimum 1). It does not apply to the Turn Undead or Command Undead feats. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.
Corpse Companion: With a ritual requiring 8 hours, an undead lord can animate a single skeleton or zombie whose Hit Dice do not exceed her cleric level. This corpse companion automatically follows her commands and does not need to be controlled by her. She cannot have more than one corpse companion at a time. It does not count against the number of Hit Dice of undead controlled by other methods. She can use this ability to create a variant skeleton such as a bloody or burning skeleton, but its Hit Dice cannot exceed half her cleric level. She can dismiss her companion as a standard action, which destroys it.

+1 light crossbow
hat of disguise
+1 chain shirt
full plate armor (for skeleton)
masterwork scimitar (for skeleton)
bag of holding type I
98 bolts
26 onyx gems
Wand of Cure Light Wounds [CL 1][50]
Scroll: Desecrate [CL 3]
Scroll: Create Food and Water [CL 5]
Scroll: Protection from Energy [CL 5]