Valdr Ozzune |
I fixed the skills, not sure what happened there.
I thought the Magus Arcana was rounded to the nearest, thus the extra point. Fixed that.
I added Silent Image to 1st level spells.
I removed Blur from the second level spells and only got 1 second level scroll for the cost you listed. However, by my calculations I should still be below the cost margin.
Tenro |
You've underspent on ability scores.
Str, Dex, Con 10 0pts
Int 14 5 pts
Wis 17 (15 +2 racial) 7 pts
Cha 16 (15 +1 level 4 bonus) 7 pts
19 pts spentYou've spent 33 skill points but only have 30 (2 + int mod) * level + 5 favored class + 5 human, although Bluff and Diplomacy are the same skill in this campaign (maybe you already handled that and that explains the extra 3).
Gear lists a +1 light xbow, but you paid for a heavy one. Save 15g if you really did want light. 25g (or 40g with light xbow) left over.
ah i forgot they were the same skill so i did the math wrong.
also on the abilities i did the math differently but i see how doing it your way saves me a point, which i will move to STR for a bit of extra encumbrance
and yeah i was torn on the xbow, i must have put the price down and later changed it to light from heavy.
with the skeleton i just put the top line to list differences, otherwise copied the page on my phone since my account looks like it will be jacked up forever.
ill change this stuff in the morning, i am wiped from my snowboarding trip today
Brother Tomlin |
Looks like you are overspent on abiltity scores
Str 10 (12 –2 racial) 2 pts
Dex 16 (12 +2 racial +2 belt) 2 pts
Con 12 (10 +2 racial) 0 pts
Int 12 2 pts
Wis 12 2 pts
Cha 18 (17 +level 4 bonus) 13 pts
Total 21 ptsInit +5 (+3 dex +2 trait)
Saves are off
Fort +3 (+1 ninja +1 con +1 cloak)
Ref +8 (+4 ninja +3 dex +1 cloak)
Will +4 (+1 ninja +1 wis +1 cloak +1 trait)Can you list out your ranks in each skill? e.g. Acrobatics (5) +14
Caltrops 1g
Slipsink poison (5) 375
Mithral Shirt 1100
Belt of Dex +2 4000g
Cloak of Resistance +1 1000g
Disguise Kit 50g
Wakizashi +1 2335g
Mwk Shuriken 310g
Mwk Wakizashi 335g
Handy Haversack 2000g
Alchemist Lab 200g
Everburning Torch 110g
Mwk Manacles 50g
Poison Pill Ring 20g
Portable alchemist's lab 75g
Mwk Thieve's Tools 100g
Total cost 12061
Hmmm....OK, looks like Herolab failed me here. Pretty major re-org needed. To compound the problem, my computer completely crashed last night and I'll be without it for at least a week so I can't just go into Herolab and figure out what's what.
Ability Scores: Drop Wisdom to 11, this will drop Will down by 1 too.
Saves: You're forgetting Halfling Luck (+1 to all saves), and Indominable Will trait (+1 to Will saves).
Equip: Drop +1 off Wakizashi (still Mwork though), and drop the Poison Pill Ring and Mwork Manacles.
Skills: I'm kind of guessing here since I don't have Herolab available. It looks like I was overspent by 2 points (had 47 points assigned, should only have 45). Here's how I *think* I spent the points: Acrobatics-5, Bluff-5, Climb-1, Craft Alchemy-5, Disable Device-3 (was 5, drop by two), Disguise-3, Knowledge Local-2, Perception-5, Sense Motive-5, Slight of Hand-2, Stealth-5, Swim-1, UMD-3. Keep in mind that Halflings get a fair number of racial bonuses to skills as well.
If it's OK with you, I'd like to have a chance to review this when (if) I get my Herolab file back. It is usually good abot not screwing up things like this and the info I added was strictly a Herolab output.
Brother Tomlin |
Actually, there's another problem with Tomlin's ability score calculation, in the as you listed above you didn't count the +2 racial bonus to Charisma (instead put it to Con), but DID add the the +2 Dex belt which isn't in the listed stats. So here's what I think (again, no Herolab) I think it was:
Str 10 (12-2 Racial)=2
Dex 18 (14+2 Racial +2 Belt)=5
Con 12 (12)=2
Int 12 (12)=2
Wis 12 (12)=2
Cha 18 (15+2 Racial +1 4th Lv)=7
That could explain why the Herolab output had the saves the way they were
Fort +4 (+1 Ninja, +1 Halfling, +1 Cloak, +1 Con)
Ref +10 (+4 Ninja, +1 Halfling, +1 Cloak, +4 Dex)
Will +5 (+1 Ninja, +1 Halfling, +1 Cloak, +1 Wis, +1 Trait)
Make sense? I'm still not entirely sure about the skill points but going with what I have above should be close enough for now.
GM Ascension |
I'd probably trust herolab results over my own. Since it doesn't overlook things like the hafling luck bonus.
For some reason looks like I added +2 to con for racial instead of +2 cha. So stats should be good then.
So I think you are good on your toon now.
Definitely hit it again though once you have your comp up and running.
Tenro |
GM Ascension wrote:@Tavrus
You've underspent on ability scores.
Str, Dex, Con 10 0pts
Int 14 5 pts
Wis 17 (15 +2 racial) 7 pts
Cha 16 (15 +1 level 4 bonus) 7 pts
19 pts spentYou've spent 33 skill points but only have 30 (2 + int mod) * level + 5 favored class + 5 human, although Bluff and Diplomacy are the same skill in this campaign (maybe you already handled that and that explains the extra 3).
Gear lists a +1 light xbow, but you paid for a heavy one. Save 15g if you really did want light. 25g (or 40g with light xbow) left over.
ah i forgot they were the same skill so i did the math wrong.
also on the abilities i did the math differently but i see how doing it your way saves me a point, which i will move to STR for a bit of extra encumbrance
and yeah i was torn on the xbow, i must have put the price down and later changed it to light from heavy.
with the skeleton i just put the top line to list differences, otherwise copied the page on my phone since my account looks like it will be jacked up forever.
ill change this stuff in the morning, i am wiped from my snowboarding trip today
working on my character now, and i realized that you added up the numbers in the parentheses on my character sheet, i didnt know those were skill points spend on the format. i thought the parenthetical numbers were for the ability modifiers, thats what i put in them.
Brother Tomlin |
@GM Ascension: just a reminder that Tomlin stays in Stealth mode pretty much all the time while adventuring. He has Fast Stealth (ninja trick), so he can do this at full move rate. On the map I'm fine with the square he starts in assuming that's OK for stealth. I only bring it up because I've seen DM's differ on this and the rules aren't super clear.
Tunny Murdoch |
@Tunny - I know your stats aren't up yet, but...
You've underspent on ability scores.
Str 14 5 pts
Dex 20 (17 +1 level 4 bonus +2 racial bonus) 13 pts
Con 14 5 pts
Int 9 -1 pt
Wis 10 0 pts
Cha 7 -4pts
Total spent 18 pts
I realize now where our math differed. I had created a lvl 1 character and then advanced them to lvl 5, rather than creating a lvl 5 character. Which meant I had put more points into Dex to start with. Your point progression is better for the long run, obviously, and of course much better for starting at level 5. =) I have updated my stats as follows:
Str 14Dex 20
Con 14
Int 9
Wis 12
Cha 7
Thanks for pointing that out for me! Will be adding feats and traits to my profile today as well.
GM Ascension |
@GM Ascension: just a reminder that Tomlin stays in Stealth mode pretty much all the time while adventuring. He has Fast Stealth (ninja trick), so he can do this at full move rate. On the map I'm fine with the square he starts in assuming that's OK for stealth. I only bring it up because I've seen DM's differ on this and the rules aren't super clear.
You may need to remind me of this a few times initially so it sinks in.
In your current location on the map moving silently would still be in effect but doing so unseen simply isn't possible as there is no cover in the immediate area to stay hidden behind. Closest trees are about 100' back (to the north), so if you want to have your character stay back in the tree line for the moment that is fine.
Akane Mori |
I think, just for the record, that Akane would have let them know about her Eidolon, Yoroi, pretty much as soon as they had gone past the edge of clustered civilization, and would be traveling in her fused form.
It wouldn't do to have to spend a full minute in the middle of combat trying to summon him, after all.
Anyway, is there anything else we should try and get ironed out before we start in earnest?
GM Ascension |
I show you 5g over expenses.
Darkleaf studded leather 775g
Mithral Short Sword +1 (2) 6620g (break down per sword is +2000 magical +10 base sword +300 masterwork +1000 mithral). Though I'm questioning whether the cost for mithral should be 500gp per lbs of weight BEFORE or AFTER it is mithral since being mithral halves the weight.
Darts (20) 10g
Mwk Thieve's Tools 100g
Ring of Sustenance 2500g
Total 10005g
GM Ascension |
Ah, you are right Tenro. Mithral has that oddity in it that other special materials don't. Not that I can ever imagine someone making a non-mwk item out of a special material except maybe alchemical silver. So You actually have 595g left over Tunny.
You will probably want to at least add some basic mundane item though, backpack, rope, rations, waterskin, etc. Don't worry about costs for those.
Tunny Murdoch |
Yes, I will add those items early tomorrow. And I was wondering the same thing about the weight, but didn't want to take the benefit of the doubt. I also forgot to consider the masterwork price as being included. Nice! More money to spend...or save? I also just noticed that I think I put too many points into my skills, so I'll be looking at that again...
Brother Tomlin |
Brother Tomlin wrote:@GM Ascension: just a reminder that Tomlin stays in Stealth mode pretty much all the time while adventuring. He has Fast Stealth (ninja trick), so he can do this at full move rate. On the map I'm fine with the square he starts in assuming that's OK for stealth. I only bring it up because I've seen DM's differ on this and the rules aren't super clear.You may need to remind me of this a few times initially so it sinks in.
In your current location on the map moving silently would still be in effect but doing so unseen simply isn't possible as there is no cover in the immediate area to stay hidden behind. Closest trees are about 100' back (to the north), so if you want to have your character stay back in the tree line for the moment that is fine.
NP on the reminders that Tomlin will be in stealth mode. I've had DM's say that you can stealth pretty much anywhere, but by RAW it seems rather clear that you need cover or concealment to do it. Tomlin (and I!) abhor being a sitting duck for ambushes and he'll work hard to ensure he isn't out in the open as much as possible. If the tree line were closer to 40' away he'd probably stay there, but 100' is a little bit too far. He'd come forward with the party (I'm assuming we came in from the north) but be at about C10 on the map, again assuming that the wreckage of that building could provide cover from potential adversaries to the south. As the group moved south into the farmstead he would skirt along the building sides in order to give himself a chance to get to cover/concealment as easily as possible if enemies were to emerge.
These tactics may or may not matter much for this particular scenario, but this will give you an idea of how Tomlin would approach future ones. Again, I'll work to provide reminders as we go along as I know you've got LOTS of PC's to manage across the groups.
GM Ascension |
You know, that difference in the weight thing for the swords is now bugging me, because that's an additional 1000g. Would you be willing to make an executive decision on that issue so it'll stop bugging me? =) Thanks!
Going to price it based on the original weight. Since mithral includes masterwork pricing, basing it on the new weight can result in some odd things like a masterwork iron dagger costs more than a mithral one.
Brother Tomlin |
I'd probably trust herolab results over my own. Since it doesn't overlook things like the hafling luck bonus.
For some reason looks like I added +2 to con for racial instead of +2 cha. So stats should be good then.
So I think you are good on your toon now.
Definitely hit it again though once you have your comp up and running.
@DM Ascension: I now have my computer up and running, and doubled checked the skills for Tomlin. Here's how the skill points were assigned: Acrobatics-5, Bluff-5, Climb-1, Alchemy-5, Disable Device-5, Disguise-2, Know (Local)-2, Perception-5, Sense Motive-5, Sleight of Hand-1, Stealth-5, Swim-1, UMD-3 (Total=45). Everything else seems to line up, amd the stats on Tomlin's profile looks to be fine now. Let me know if you see any other problems.
Brother Tomlin |
Here too. Looks like we are waiting on the fighter to post.
@DM Ascension: what's your policy on posting frequency and when we'd need to just move on if someone doesn't post?
Tunny Murdoch |
Hey everyone, I wanted to make sure and point out that we don't have any healers in our group. Because of this fact, and the fact that we will be facing off against other human players that possibly will have healers backing them up, we are going to need to be more tactical in our approach to combat. We should avoid rushing in to unknown circumstances.
Not to be mean, Tomlin, but I'm going to use your rush at the worg for an example. There could have been two more Worgs in that cave beyond our site, or possibly something worse. Who knows! The point being, not that you did something wrong(maybe that's just how your character is, and you were role-playing, that's fine), but that we should be more careful, and act as a group, rather than as individuals. Pay attention to what the other players are doing. Use this discussion board as a way to see what the intentions of other players are if they aren't clear to you.
Also, as a note for possible future circumstances, we should keep on eye on our health, and run away if we need to. Better to run and live to fight another day, right? Again, none of this is meant as offense to anyone, just as a suggestion for future reference. =)
Brother Tomlin |
Yeah, I agree actually RE: Tomlin's actions. With a little luck it could have turned out much, much better, but still. And I can really blame it on RP'ing either, Tomlin's pretty disciplined. Frankly I wanted a chance to "test-drive" a combat a little more and was thrown off by the web-and-worg-back-in-cave series of events. bad on that.
As a more general discussion of tactics, a lack of healing would be concerning. Is Tavrus not going to take healing? If not then, yep, that's a problem.
Brother Tomlin |
Unrelated question @Akane: How do you get that stat line to appear below your name where I just have "Male Halfling Ninja 5"?
Akane Mori and Yoroi |
In the class box, you just put all the extra information. I like it because Akane, especially, has a ton of info I have to track about her, and I want to make sure I don't forget anything.
And yeah, I definitely agree with the tactical stuff. I had actually expected us to leave the Worg in the cave while we handled the rest of the wolves, and then decide what to do after the fact.
With Akane's UMD score, she can very easily use things like Wands of Cure Light Wounds or other things, meaning that we don't necessarily need a dedicated healer. It certainly wouldn't hurt to have someone try and take up being group medic as a sort of subrole, in addition to whatever their primary job is, though.
Brother Tomlin |
@Tunny: Now that we have more folks on the worg, you may want to try to acrobatics over to where Tomlin is. I'm not sure how the worg will react to others joining the fight, but if he keeps after Tomlin I'll likely have him bail out of the fight. Just want to make sure you don't lose you flank.
Brother Tomlin |
Really it's your call, it can be helpful and us rogue types always love the flanking help!. Having played a necromantic undead-creating type before though, I know the onyx use can get expensive. Keep in mind that once we head back to town you might not be able to take any undead back with you.