Arena of the Gods (Inactive)

Game Master Reckless

Mythic monsters vs crazy powerful PCs.

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Liberty's Edge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Recruitment thread for Arena of the Gods pbp

The gods of old have brought forth their champions to compete in the Arena of the Gods in immortal combat. Which of the Champions are great enough to defeat the most dangerous creatures ever brought into existence? Will the champions work together and share the glory and the prizes or will they seek the singular honor of the Immortal's Belt?

This campaign will feature combat against some of the most dangerous creatures from the Mythic Monster Manual by Legendary Games, in environments designed to be challenging. Think of it as X-Crawl on deific steroids for the entertainment of the gods.

PCs will be level 20 Characters who have passed beyond the mortal realm to become champions in the Arena of the Gods. Play for your god, or play for your own glory. The stakes are high, but the rewards also immense. Artifacts, Mythic Tiers, and other sources of power significant even to superheroes of 20th level await the victorious. Champions may choose to enter the Arena as teams or solo.

The Immortal's Belt is a Mythic Artifact which is awarded to the Arena of the Gods' ultimate champion. Defeat the current holder of the Immortal's Belt and the title and belt are yours for as long as you can hold them.

pbp expectations:
Minimum expectation is posting once per weekday. People participating in team crawls are expected to keep up with the majority of the team. The GM will post more frequently on Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays, so keeping the action going on those days will be your best bet. I will let you know of expected changes to this schedule and expect the players to do the same.

Due to the group/solo dynamics, spoiler tags will probably be abundant. There will be a "Champion's Pub" where champions can socialize, brag, make connections, plan runs, challenge each other to Arena duels, etc. Yes, PVP will be allowed in the Arena, as long as it is agreed upon beforehand and will be for whatever stakes the characters set from their own capabilities/belongings. Anyone holding the Immortal's Belt and Ultimate Champion title must defend the honor before being allowed back into the Arena for any other purpose (but they get to set certain terms, this will be outlined later.)

character creation:
Characters are lvl 20 with 880,00gp wbl. 25 point buy with no Attribute under 10 before racial adjustments (Champions, not chumps.) . Average HP after 1st. Any race, any class.* Race Builder yes. Any race, whether built by Race Builder or not with 18 rp or less gets a template based on alignment (see below). Races of up to 28 rp allowed. Two traits. Two bonus performance combat feats (performance combat rules will be used.) Leadership is allowed but your companions are not granted champion status and bringing them into the Arena is at their/you own risk. They do NOT gain shares of any rewards offered, you must supply them from your own share (they are considered part of you.) Crafting, you bet, as long as you meet the requirements. Characters with no levels in any class that has access to spells gain Master Craftsman as a bonus feat, as long as they have at least 5 Ranks in an appropriate Craft skill. Not interested in crafting debates.

*Characters must be able to be plugged into Hero Lab; I have pretty much everything they put out for Pathfinder. If it's not available in Hero Lab, it's not legal for this game. If you have HL and can send me the .por at strattonel at yahoo dot com that's even better. People without HL can still apply, it will just take me some extra time to plug your character in myself.

Alignment Templates to Choose
LG.............. Celestial or Resolute
NG.............. Celestial
CG.............. Celestial or Entropic
LN.............. Counterpoised or Resolute
N................ Counterpoised
CN............. Counterpoised or Entropic
LE.............. Infernal or Resolute
NE.............. Infernal
CE.............. Entropic or Infernal

Backstory: Need to give me something of a backstory, including which god sponsors you for the Arena and why.

My initial expectation is to run at least two "Crawls" for each player, but I am hoping it remains interesting enough for everyone to go much farther/longer.

Dotting for interest and thinking about an Inquisitor!

Dot for interest. Thinking wizard XD. Will get something together sometime this weekend hopefully

Silver Crusade

dotting- unsure. thinking slayer, barbarian or investigator!

So, does Herolab have any 3rd party stuff at all or not? Also, do we start with no Mythic Tiers and slowly gain them?

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Fury of the Tempest wrote:
So, does Herolab have any 3rd party stuff at all or not? Also, do we start with no Mythic Tiers and slowly gain them?

Herolab does have some third party stuff; Ultimate Psionics, Path of War, Tome of Secrets, a bunch of Rogue Genius Games feats, Deep Magic, 1001 Spells

and yes to the second question

.... Does the Hero Lab demo have the full Pathfinder stuff? Because I'm rather curious about what the 3rd Party offers beyond Dreamscarred Pass.

Will combined Items be ok. Exampler Cloak of Resistance +5, that are also wings of flying. Would be 25000+81000=106000, Wings are normally 54000

Interested. I'm kicking around running a Fighter/Wizard/Eldritch Knight/Arcane Archer, since starting at 20 means being able to pull the build off without slugging behind twiddling my thumbs. Something else might take me though; I'll see what comes up as I think on it

Silver Crusade

Here is a rough draft of my investigator. Just the feats, talents, stats, and magical gear for now.

rough draft Investigator:

Investigator 20
Dex: 32
Con: 20
Int: 30
1-weapon finesse
3-weapon focus (sword cane)
5- Piranha strike
7- Combat reflexes
9- Lunge
11- Extra investigator Talent
13- Extra investigator talent
15- Extra investigator talent
17- Extra investigator talents
19- Extra investigator talent

Investigator talents-
3-mutagen (dex)
5-Inspired Alertness
7-quick study
9- Inspired combat, Inspired Defense
11-Amazing Inspiration Sickening offensive
13- Extend potion, Tenacious Inspiration
15- Combine extracts, eternal potion
17-Blinding strike, Domino effect
19- Confusing strike, Greater Inspired combat

Arms and Armor: +5 Agile, speed, keen Adamantium sword cane,

Gear: Manual of quickness +5 (read),Tome of clear thought +4 (read), belt of Physical might(dex/con+6), Headband of Mental superiority +6 (Int/WIS) Bracers of Armor +8, cloak of resistance +5, Hand of Glory (ring of Regeneration), ring of Freedom of Movement, Bag of Holding II, Ring of Sustenance, wand of CMW (50)

Would the performance feats be granted without their pre-reqs?


Race: Custom Elf 28RP:

Type: Humanoid (Elf)
Size: Medium,
Speed: Normal, Abilities;
Advanced: +2physicals,-2Int,+4cha (4RP)
Language: Standard
Advanced Strength (4RP)
See in Darkness (4RP)
Elven Immunities (2RP)
Spell Resistance Greater (3RP)
Moon Touched Damage Reduction (3RP)
Lucky Greater (4RP)
Negative Energy Affinity (-1RP)
Resist Level Drain (1RP)
Static Bonus Feat(Skill Focus) (2RP)

Gender M
Size M: Height: 6'5" 225lbs
Traits: Fates Favored, Optimistic Gambler

Special Abilities:

AC 45(41), touch 25(21) , flat-footed 45(41)
HP: 344 (10+114+220)
Base Saves Fort +35, Ref +24, Will +21

Slayer of Kings +41/+36/+31/+26 1d10+26 15-20 x2

Slayer of Kings: Rage: Divine Power: Touch of Rage: Arcane Strike: Power Attack: Raging Brutality: Power of Giants
+66/+66/+61/+56/+51 2d8+104 15-20x2 2d8+80 is whats multiplied on a Crith
Charge: +68 2d8+117

Str:38, Dex:18, Con:28, Int:14, Wis:16, Cha:22
Rage: Str: 55, Con: 39

Bonus: Skill Focus Survival
1st: Arcane Strike(Retrained at level 4)
3rd: Eldritch Heritage Orc Bloodline
5th: Blooded Arcane Strike
7th: Craft Arms and Armor
9th: Craft Wondrous Item
11th Improved Critical
13th Raging Brutality
15th Improved Eldritch Heritage
17th: Greater Eldritch Heritage
19th Quicken Spell like ability

Bloodline Feats: Weapon Focus, Power Attack, Improved Initiative, Toughness, Leadership

Ranks 120

Gear: 18100gp
Slayer of Kings Adamantine Impervious Nodachi
+5 Furious, Courageous, Phase Locking, Heartseeker (Inteligent)
Speech, Telepathy, 120 Senses, Darkvision, Blindsense, Read Language, Read Magic
Int 20, Wis 20, Cha 20
Special Purpose: Defeat Slay All
Harm At Will, Divine Power At Will
(Base Sword Crafted 102500gp +223500gp Intelligent Abilities)
Mithral Breast Plate +5 Impervious(All Crafted15500gp)(Inteligent)
Belt of Physical Superiority +6 (Str,Dex,Con) 72,000gp
Headband of Mental Superiority +6 (Int,Wis,Cha) 72000gp
+5 Cloak of Resistance and wings of flying 53000gp
Robe of Arcane Heritage 8000gp
True Sight Goggles 92400gp
Implanted Lavender and Green Ellipsoid 20000gp
Implanted Gamboge Nodule 27000gp
Implanted Pale Green Prism 15000gp
Handy Haversack 1000gp
Ring of Protection +5 25000gp
Amulet of Natural Armor +5 25000gp
Book of Bodily Health (+4) 110,000gp

Archaon The Everchosen. Some would say he is myth. Those who worship Gorum know him as legend. Archaon is Gorum instrument. Some say a piece of the god himself is put into his champion. Only the most devout soul is chosen. As when one dies another is chosen in his place. It has been too long now. Archaon no longer remembers his mortal name. He has campaigned since his ascension. He moves from land to land always seeking war and strife so that he may honor Gorum.

Still need to finish, Needs skills performance feats, and casting. Backstory is just the start as well, will work more over the weekend. Valentines party at work so off for the day.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Ashe wrote:
Will combined Items be ok. Exampler Cloak of Resistance +5, that are also wings of flying. Would be 25000+81000=106000, Wings are normally 54000

Yes. What we'll have to do is put both items in and then put in a custom item, named "Combining Cloak of R + with Wings of Flying" with the extra cost accounted for. Clicking on both as active will put up a HL flag, and I'll look for the custom item.

Sovereign Court

so dotting....

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
JoshB wrote:

Would the performance feats be granted without their pre-reqs?

yes, although some require you to be doing something such as raging and will not work without the specified action/circumstances

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Fury of the Tempest wrote:
.... Does the Hero Lab demo have the full Pathfinder stuff? Because I'm rather curious about what the 3rd Party offers beyond Dreamscarred Pass.

I don't think it does.

The major community 3PP items are:

C7E-Tome of Secrets
RGG-Adventurer's Handbook vol1
RGG-Advanced Options Witches
RGG-Death Mage
RGG-Feats of...

Principally, the support is there for Dreamscarred and Rogue Genius with Bestiary support for the major Bestiaries (Such as Tome of Horrors, Midgard, etc.)

Frankly, the variety of options opened is very wide.


Well, just checked the Tome of Secrets, those classes are just laaaaaaame. The Drawbacks for extra skill points and the races are pretty neat though. The Rogue Genius classes don't really interest me either. Well, Time Thief looks cool, but I honestly prefer Paizo and Dreamscarred stuff above all else.

Also, am I to understand that stuff like the Akashic Magic and Path of War Expanded are not allowed, due to them not being up on Herolab? Or I'm assuming they aren't as their both being playtested still.


When will the cut off be?

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Fury of the Tempest wrote:

Well, just checked the Tome of Secrets, those classes are just laaaaaaame. The Drawbacks for extra skill points and the races are pretty neat though. The Rogue Genius classes don't really interest me either. Well, Time Thief looks cool, but I honestly prefer Paizo and Dreamscarred stuff above all else.

Also, am I to understand that stuff like the Akashic Magic and Path of War Expanded are not allowed, due to them not being up on Herolab? Or I'm assuming they aren't as their both being playtested still.

Correct. The Dreamscarred stuff in HL has been developed by the HL community (most notably ShadowChemosh) and I don't think they're likely to do the stuff that's still being playtested anytime soon. It took until just about a month ago to get Path of War completed, for example.

However, Lone Wolf does support Paizo playtest material, so, for example, the Occult Adventures playtest is in HeroLab.

Silver Crusade

Bah scew it I'm going barbarian

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Game Master Scotty wrote:


When will the cut off be?

Given that this is a level 20 game, I'm looking at Feb 20th (Next Friday) as a cut off for completed submissions.

I'm interested in putting someone forward, but still trying to think of what to do. XD

Reckless wrote:
Game Master Scotty wrote:


When will the cut off be?

Given that this is a level 20 game, I'm looking at Feb 20th (Next Friday) as a cut off for completed submissions.


Now I have a chance to make a 20th level character on Hero Lab.


Right, so Occult Adventures playtest... gonna have to give that a look. Apart from that, I'll ponder what I want to play as currently...

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Ashe wrote:

AC 45(41), touch 25(21) , flat-footed 45(41)

Base Saves Fort +35, Ref +24, Will +21

Str:38, Dex:18, Con:28, Int:14, Wis:16, Cha:22
Rage: Str: 55, Con: 39

Not sure where the luck bonus to AC is coming from, and I have the Armor Bonus at +11 not +15.

I only got 17 on the Reflex and Will Saves before adjusting for Rage, Touch of Rage, etc. (Fort 31)

I track your Strength at a 52 when raging, not a 55.

Without Forge Ring, the ring of Prot costs twice that amount

what are you planning on using quicken sla on? keeping in mind:

Quicken Spell-Like Ability wrote:

The creature can only select a spell-like ability duplicating a spell with a level less than or equal to 1/2 its caster level (round down) – 4. For a summary, see the table below.

Please clarify so I can make necessary adjustments

((Also, linked image not working))

Sorry was rushing at work and some numbers were a copy paste over but I will break down a few things. First Bloodrager Crossblooded Destined, Abyssal. Brain Farted on the ring and the armor, originally I was going to do plate mail so AC will be lower. Luck is from the destined bloodline.

Str: 17 start, 21race, 26level, 32item, 38inherent, Rage is 8 class, +6bloodline, +3 from courages weapon for +17 so 55

Saves are 12,6,6 base.

Fort: 9con,6luck,2 racial,1 competence, 5 cloak
So +14 plus the stat so reflex 24, will 23, but cross blooded is -2 to will, Touch of rage is not in there it will be a 35 with that.

Quickened Spell Like is for Touch of Rage: its a 1st level Spell like ability and my caster level is 20 so I'm good on for 6th level or lower spells, but thats the one its used for.

Forgot to send word file to myself so probably wont finish character up till Monday.

Sorry link was broke, try this one Archaon

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Ashe wrote:

Sorry was rushing at work and some numbers were a copy paste over but I will break down a few things. First Bloodrager Crossblooded Destined, Abyssal. Brain Farted on the ring and the armor, originally I was going to do plate mail so AC will be lower. Luck is from the destined bloodline.

Str: 17 start, 21race, 26level, 32item, 38inherent, Rage is 8 class, +6bloodline, +3 from courages weapon for +17 so 55

Saves are 12,6,6 base.

Fort: 9con,6luck,2 racial,1 competence, 5 cloak
So +14 plus the stat so reflex 24, will 23, but cross blooded is -2 to will, Touch of rage is not in there it will be a 35 with that.

Quickened Spell Like is for Touch of Rage: its a 1st level Spell like ability and my caster level is 20 so I'm good on for 6th level or lower spells, but thats the one its used for.

Forgot to send word file to myself so probably wont finish character up till Monday.

Sorry link was broke, try this one Archaon

Thanks for the clarifications. Courageous was what I was missing. (However, half of +5 is +2 not +3, but it's effectively the same at 54 as it is 55. Just make sure to adjust anywhere else you added +3)

The bloodlines should fix the missing luck bonuses, I hope.

Quickened Spell Like Ability must be used with a SLA that duplicates a spell, Touch of Rage does not.

I do not own Hero Lab, is Dreamscarred Press and Kobold supported?

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Also, Ashe, please list which bloodrager powers you chose at which level for your crossblooded bloodlines.

Nohwear, it does cover Ult Psionics and Path of War, as discussed above. It has some Midgard and new paths stuff from Kobold (But I haven't added it to my account and it cost $ to do so. If there's something there you're dying for, let me know and I'll look it over on the srd site to see if it's worth adding to my account.)

Silver Crusade

rough draft for my barb. :

now for the feats/powers-
Barbarian 20 Invulnerable rager/urban barbarian
Half elf,
Str: 32
Dex: 20
Con: 28
Int: 10
Wis: 18
Cha: 10
1-Power attack, exotic weapon prof. Falchion (18-20x3)
3- Intimidating Prowess
5- Raging Vitality
7- combat reflexes
9- Extra rage power
11- Extra rage power
13- Extra rage power
15- Extra Rage
17- Dazing Assault
19- Cornugon smash
Rage powers-
2- Lesser beast totem
4- Superstitious
6- Beast totem
8- unexpected strike (renewed vigor?)
9- Reckless Abandon
10- Greater beast totem
11- Eater of Magic
12- Come and get me
13- Knockback (renewed Vitality?_
14- Witch hunter
16- Spell Sunder
18- Surge of strength
20- Ghost Rager
+5 Curious, furious, keen Falchion (16-20x3 2d4)
+5 Manual of gainful exercise
+4 Manual of Bodily Health
+6 Belt of Physical Perfection
+6 Headband of Wisdom
+5 cloak of Resistance
Ring of Regeneration
Ring of Freedom of Movement
Boots of Flying
Hand of Glory
Ring of Evasion
Assuming raging-
To hit:+43 20+16+7 (power attack an reckless abandon are a wash)
Damage: 2d4+55? 16-20x3 25(str)+7(weapon)+18(pa) +5(with hunter, at 20, what DOESN'T have some type of magic?)
30ft movement
HP:345 (465 while raging) (PFS)(d12+10)
AC: who cares I will assuredly get hit. (taking something like, -8 ac from rage and rage powers alone here)
Other Defense-
Fast healing:4
Saves while raging-
Fort:+32 (12+5+15(con) Ref:+16 Will:+27

dotting. will post up a character on tues

Sovereign Court

Here is a rough draft of Rafael, for his boots, I just bought all three and clicked them on, then subtracted the 50% extra cost from my existing gold to simulate the combined item.


Male augmented human fighter (aldori swordlord) 9/monk (master of many styles) 1/aldori swordlord 10 (Pathfinder Player Companion: Inner Sea Primer, Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Combat 59)
CG Medium humanoid (human)
Hero Points 1
Init +17; Senses Perception +28
AC 43, touch 27, flat-footed 32 (+9 armor, +5 deflection, +8 Dex, +3 dodge, +1 insight, +5 natural, +2 shield)
hp 203 (20 HD; 1d8+19d10+80)
Fort +23, Ref +29, Will +21 (+2 vs. fear); +4 vs. effects that cause you to lose your grip on weapons, +5 morale vs. fear (+2 stacks with similar)
Defensive Abilities defensive parry
Speed 30 ft.
Melee +5 adamantine courageous dueling dueling ghost touch heartseeker impervious keen sword, aldori dueling +41/+36/+31/+26 (1d8+19/17-20) or
. . gauntlet (from armor) +30/+25/+20/+15 (1d3+5) or
. . unarmed strike +30/+25/+20/+15 (1d6+5)
Special Attacks disarming strike, stunning fist (5/day, DC 24), weapon training (heavy blades +3)
Str 20, Dex 32, Con 18, Int 24, Wis 18, Cha 10
Base Atk +19; CMB +26 (+36 dirty trick, +54 disarm, +36 reposition, +36 trip); CMD 55 (59 vs. bull rush, 65 vs. dirty trick, 73 vs. disarm, 65 vs. reposition, 59 vs. sunder, 69 vs. trip)
Feats Aldori Dueling Disciple, Aldori Dueling Mastery[ISWG], Combat Expertise, Cornugon Smash, Crane Riposte[UC], Crane Style[UC], Crane Wing[UC], Dazzling Display, Deadly Stroke, Dodge, Greater Weapon Focus (sword, aldori dueling), Hero's Display[UC], Hurtful, Improved Disarm, Improved Unarmed Strike, Intimidating Prowess, Master Craftsman, Masterful Flourish, Performance Weapon Mastery[UC], Power Attack, Shatter Defenses, Stunning Assault[APG], Stunning Fist, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (sword, aldori dueling)
Traits bruising intellect, sword scion, threatening defender
Skills Acrobatics +33, Appraise +8, Bluff +1 (+3 to Feint), Climb +27, Craft (armor) +29, Craft (weapons) +29, Diplomacy +1 (-1 vs. Creatures that threaten, accuse, or challenge you and haven't apologized), Disguise +1, Escape Artist +33, Fly +10, Heal +5, Intimidate +41 (+50 to demoralize with Aldori dueling sword, +52 in a duel), Knowledge (dungeoneering) +31, Knowledge (nobility) +14, Perception +28, Ride +10, Sense Motive +28 (+26 vs. Creatures that threaten, accuse, or challenge you and haven't apologized), Spellcraft +28, Stealth +10, Survival +5 (+7 to avoid becoming lost), Swim +4
Languages Azlanti, Common, Common, Dwarven, Elven, Polyglot, Sylvan, Thassilonian, Varisian
SQ adaptive tactics, deft strike, dextrous duelist, display weapon prowess, fuse style, hero points, pride, saving slash, shatter confidence, steel net
Combat Gear quick runner's shirt, truesight goggles; Other Gear celestial armor, +5 adamantine courageous dueling dueling ghost touch heartseeker impervious keen sword, aldori dueling, dusty rose prism ioun stone, amulet of natural armor +5, belt of physical perfection +6, boots of speed, boots of the battle herald, cape of free will +5/+6, gloves of dueling, head piercings (minor), headband of mental prowess +6 (Int, Wis), ring of antimagic field, ring of protection +5, stagger-proof boots, swallowtail bracers, wayfinder, masterwork artisan's tools, masterwork artisan's tools, 54,733 gp, 3 sp, 3 cp
Special Abilities
Adaptive Tactics (Ex) Use Sense Motive to gain +2 attack or AC vs. creature struck last round. (DC 10+BAB)
Aldori Dueling Disciple +2 mor bon on Intim chks to demoralize and +2 DC. +4 in a duel.
Aldori Dueling Mastery Gain combat benefits when using Aldori dueling swords
Boots of speed (10 rounds/day) Affected by haste
Cape of free will +5/+6 Spend 1 power as immediate action to reroll failed Will save.
Combat Expertise -2/+5 Bonus to AC in exchange for an equal penalty to attack.
Confounding Duelist (Ex) Suppress target's comp, insight, morale bonuses after crit, disarm, repos, sunder, shaken.
Cornugon Smash When you damage an opponent with a Power Attack, you may make an immediate Intimidate check as a free action to attempt to demoralize your opponent.
Crane Riposte When you deflect an attack, you may make an attack of opportunity
Crane Style Penalty when fighting defensively reduced to -2 and dodge bonus increases by 1.
Crane Wing+2 dodge bonus to AC vs one opponent while fighting defensively or may deflect one attack per round using total defense
Dazzling Display (Sword, Aldori dueling) Intimidate check to demoralize can affect those within 30' who see you.
Deadly Stroke (Sword, Aldori dueling) Standard action: deal double damage + 1 CON bleed to a stunned or flat-footed target.
Defensive Parry +5 (Ex) +1 bonus to AC against melee attacks after making a full attack.
Dextrous Duelist (Ex) Retain Dex while Acrobat, Climb if one hand free. No AoO standing up from creature struck.
Disarming Strike (Ex) At 5th level, when an Aldori swordlord successfully disarms an opponent using an Aldori dueling sword, the swordlord also deals normal damage to the target, but without the normal Strength bonus to damage. This ability replaces weapon training 1.
Display Weapon Prowess +7 (Ex) Bonus to Dazzling Display, perf combat, & dueling parry and resolve.
Fuse Style (2 styles) (Ex) At 1st level, a master of many styles can fuse two of the styles he knows into a more perfect style. The master of many styles can have two style feat stances active at once. Starting a stance provided by a style feat is still a swift action, but whe
Gloves of dueling These supple gloves grant the wearer a +4 bonus to her CMD against disarm attacks, attempts to sunder her wielded weapons, and effects that cause her to lose her grip on her weapons (such as grease). The wearer doesn't drop held weapons when panicked or stunned. If the wearer has the weapon training class feature and is using an appropriate weapon, her weapon training bonus increases by +2.
Greater Saving Slash (Ex) 50% chance to reduce melee crit damage to normal w/dueling sword. (25% ranged)
Hero Points Hero Points can be spent at any time to grant a variety of bonuses.
Hero's Display Gain +2 on performance combat checks; may demoralize opponents
Hurtful Make melee attack against creature you have just demoralized as free action.
Improved Disarm You don't provoke attacks of opportunity when disarming.
Improved Unarmed Strike Unarmed strikes don't cause attacks of opportunity, and can be lethal.
Master Craftsman (Craft [weapons & armor]) +2 to chosen craft skill, its ranks count as CL for Craft Magic Arms and Armor and Craft Wondrous Item.
Masterful Flourish Add weapon training bonus to perforamce combat checks with appropriate weapons.
Performance Weapon Mastery All weapons you are proficient with act as if they had the performance quality
Power Attack -5/+10 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Pride -2 to diplomacy and sense motive vs. those who threaten, accuse, or challenge you, until they apologize
Quick runner's shirt (1/day) As swift action, take an extra move action to move on your turn.
Ring of Antimagic Field (2charges/day) twice per day cast antimagic field
Stagger-proof boots (1/day) Stand up from prone w/o AoO. Move up to 30 ft. as immediate action 1/day.
Steel Net (Ex) When fighting defensively as a full-round action with an Aldori dueling sword, the swordlord's penalties on all attacks in a round are reduced by 2, and the dodge bonus to AC is increased by 2 for the same round.
Stunning Assault (DC 29) Take -5 to all attacks and maneuvers until your next turn to stun opponents hit in melee for 1 rd.
Stunning Fist (5/day, DC 24) You can stun an opponent with an unarmed attack.
Sword Scion +1 to hit and CMB with longswords and Aldori Dueling Swords.
Wayfinder (1 @ 0 lbs) A small magical device patterned off ancient relics of the Azlanti, a wayfinder is typically made from silver and bears gold accents. With a command word, you can use a wayfinder to shine (as the light spell). The wayfinder also acts as a nonmagical (magnetic) compass, granting you a +2 circumstance bonus on Survival checks to avoid becoming lost. All wayfinders include a small indentation designed to hold a single ioun stone. An ioun stone slotted in this manner grants you its normal benefits (as if it were orbiting your head), but frequently reveals entirely new powers due to the magic of the wayfinder itself (see Seeker of Secrets page 51).
Weapon Training (Blades, Heavy) +3 (Ex) +3 Attack, Damage, CMB, CMD with Heavy Blades

I'm also intrigued, although I'm not sure what I'd make. I'll think about it.

The weapon is furious so its +7 when raging hence the +3. All bloodrager stuff will be listed, as said character has a lot left to add to the sheet.

I thought quickened worked with that seems it does not.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Galahad0430 wrote:

Here is a rough draft of Rafael, for his boots, I just bought all three and clicked them on, then subtracted the 50% extra cost from my existing gold to simulate the combined item.

** spoiler omitted **...

would you mind emailing me the .por file at strattonel at yahoo dot com please, it would make it easier than retyping everything in to HL (I recognize that format :) )

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
rorek55 wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

I'm getting 2 off on the point buy, could you break down the stats for me?

I think you mean courageous not curious on the falchion. You also don't need EWP for a falchion (not sure where you would have gotten a second feat at lvl one anyway, maybe racial heritage?) Given the x3 maybe you mean Falcata. If so, where did the bonus feat come from?

I think I figured out most everything else you listed.

upon looking back over the FAQ on SLA's and rechecking the boards. Touch of Rage works fine with quicken spell like ability just as any other blooding Spell like ability would. The duplicate a spell part you talked about is flavor text. Looks like the consensus on here is it works fine.

Sovereign Court

augmented human race:

type-humanoid (human)
size- medium
speed- standard
ability scores- advanced (4) physical +2, INT +4, CHA -2
Advanced DEX (4)
Defensive Training, Greater (4)
Flexible Bonus Feat (4)
Lucky, Greater (4)
Nimble attacks (2)
Static Bonus Feat (Combat Expertise) (2)
Swordtrained (4)

Total- 28

Sovereign Court

Reckless wrote:
Galahad0430 wrote:

Here is a rough draft of Rafael, for his boots, I just bought all three and clicked them on, then subtracted the 50% extra cost from my existing gold to simulate the combined item.

** spoiler omitted **...

would you mind emailing me the .por file at strattonel at yahoo dot com please, it would make it easier than retyping everything in to HL (I recognize that format :) )

Sure, also remember that HL has issues correctly calculating CMB and CMD for certain maneuvers.

Does Hero Labs have the Dragon Fury prestige class?

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Fury of the Tempest wrote:
Does Hero Labs have the Dragon Fury prestige class?


Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Firearms status? Also, Tech guide, yay/nay?

(Surprisingly, these inquiries are unrelated.)

Reckless wrote:
Fury of the Tempest wrote:
Does Hero Labs have the Dragon Fury prestige class?

Great! Dervish Defender Titan Mauler here I come! Just a shame it doesn't have Prodigious Two-Weapon Fighting, that way I would of been able to focus purely on strength and not need dexterity at all... oh well.

want to add a ratfolk alchemist
will build him tomorrow, not at my pc till then

Also. Here is my 'Dragonborn' race.

Humaniod (Human, Reptile), Medium, Normal Speed. Standard Language

Advanced (Physical), 4 RP
Spell Resistance, Greater (3 RP)
Lucky, Greater (4 RP)
Flexible Bonus Feat (4 RP)
Advanced Strength, 4P
Flight (50ft, Average, 8 RP)
Dual Minded

Total: 28 RP

So looking more into the SLA's and Qucken it will be your call, The FAQ states that all SP abilities from bloodlines, domains, Mysteries have a spell level. So this lets it work by raw becase these abilities have a spell level and as long as it is a 6th level or less it will work with Quicken at level 20, the debate is over the fluff text because it has that "duplicates a spell" in it. So your call. I have seen both sides, the RAW camp saying it works with any of these b/c of the FAQ and the I guess RAI camp saying it only works with things that mimic a spell so up to you :) I won't be heartbroken if you say no. I will probably still use it with timestop so either way.

I have a bit more cash to spend (I'm probably going to be focusing a lot on increasing my attack as I currently have a -8 penalty to my large greatsword dual-wielding. Any suggestions?), and I need to sort out the fluff, but apart from that...

Kenpachi is complete

@Fury The Irongrip gauntlets (from monster codex) reduce large weapon penalties.
I assume you have levels in Titan mauler to access that combo, if you do you might consider asking whether the Jotungrip's ability letting you treat two haned weapons as one handed for the sake of power attack, wielding and other crap would permit them to be used with the Effortless Lace(giantslayers handbook) magic item which would reduce their penalty by tying a pretty ribbon to them. They are two handed weapons for everyone else but not for you.

Think I'll see if I can make Schrodinger's caster with an Arcanist. though pending time I'll scrap it and go with a Core/Arcane sorcerer for ultimate cosmic power.
Will have to give it some thought, I don't have hero lab so I'd need to make the whole damned thing from scratch.

Jaime Sommers wrote:
Dotting for interest and thinking about an Inquisitor!

Meet Madeleine "Maddie" Greyheart, Inquisitor of Sivanah.

@GM: please review the character and let me know if there's anything to change. Also your feedback will be appreciated.
Edit: sorry but I don't have Hero Lab.

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