Arena of the Gods (Inactive)

Game Master Reckless

Mythic monsters vs crazy powerful PCs.

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damn, forgot to put cmd and stuff in there crap. so no rage or buffs or anything CMD is 69, rage takes it up 8, but drops it 4 so 73 power of giants takes it to 76. These are only for sunder, all numbers are 10 less for true CMD.

Hardness 40, HP: 113 HP

Performance Feats:
Dramatic Display
Savage Display

Gorum is the sponsor for Archaon, you can't have a games that test the prowess of battle hardened warriors and not have the Champion of Gorum, the Everchosen take part. For the victories would be hollow indeed.

I will throw everything on an alias if selected. Thanks for the consideration. Was fun throwing him together.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Apologies for this delay, however, I have been too sick to work on the campaign over the last week. I will be PMing those chosen once I am readied to insure people are still interested.

ok. thanks for the update.

still here :)

here still

Sovereign Court

me too

still waiting

yup. ditto.


So... haven't heard anything so I guess Maddie wasn't picked?

Dark Archive

this game's premise reminds me of the holy grail war from fate stay night.

Is this recruitment dead? I tried contacting the GM but got no answer.
It would be nice to know either way after all the effort to make the character.

Dark Archive

any of u guys familiar with fate stay night? it involved a lot of mythic heroes.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I am still intending to run this, but have been having some health issues. I apologize again for the delays. I will post here and PM people when I'm ready, but right now I've got to work on getting better health-wise as a priority.

Reckless wrote:
I am still intending to run this, but have been having some health issues. I apologize again for the delays. I will post here and PM people when I'm ready, but right now I've got to work on getting better health-wise as a priority.

Hope you get better. Health is priority no. 1 of course.

Sovereign Court

still here :) just getting the thread up higher on my posting list

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I have sent out pms inviting people to the game. I appreciate everyone who submitted and everyone who hung in there while I worked on recovering. I'm at a place where I can run the game, so we're going to get things started.

Thanks again to everyone who submitted. I will post the list of accepted PCs here once I know they're still interested.

Sovereign Court

Glad you are feeling better

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