The Dapper GM |
Questions to be addressed in month 4 (with more questions to possibly be raised later in the month):
-The nearby forest's vegepygmy tribe has begun leaving notes, in vegepygmy, asking to meet with the attackers (Illia's harpies) that have been decimating their numbers.
-There's the option of a Council of Colors initiation ceremony for new members, who would each be getting a color and a title.
-Diamanda could begin fleshwarping town residents (into Driders, etc), if there's interest and an Alchemy Lab available (currently there is not). Should party members want to be horribly modified, for some reason, fleshcrafts and necrografts are now options.
thunderbeard |
And finally, after the conclusion of month 6, the party will be done crafting up to their new WBL and ready to go looking for the rest of the lost liches. Three remain (unless you have another mission in mind by that point):
-Lord Zeshar, the Golden Smith, a craftsman skilled enough to create magic items of mythic power. Last seen on a diplomatic mission to the Duergar capital of Hagegraf, around 2,500 years ago. Crimson's scrying suggests that Zeshar is likely dead, but—like Sir John—his resurrection would probably require the return of whatever remains of his phylactery or final body. She has also suggested that this could be used as a pretext for war with the entire Duergar nation, a situation that the party may wish to either seek out or avoid.
-Brother Kharnas, the Gray Bishop, known for his skill at binding outsiders to permanent contracts—his return might make it possible for the city to "recruit" contracted celestials from other planes to handle menial work and city defense. Kharnas is known to have led a "Radiant Siege" on the city of Absalom approximately 3,000 years ago; after which the name disappears, though Crimson's scrying suspects that he is still alive somewhere and simply heavily shielded against detection.
-Great Hiesnar, Green Dracolich and once-familiar of your employer back when she was Queen Adrexa the powerful necromancer. Hiesnar is likely to be the "great dragon" who's been sending assassins after your party since its first mission, and at some point you'll probably need to track him down and end him. Known for selling out Escarra and compromising its defensive wards to a coalition of drow and demonic attackers when the city fell 2,000 years ago.
Meredian Adriatnaic |
Re: Meredians immortality:
Basically Crimson doesn't trust anyone who isn't undead, right?
Meredians main reservation is trust issues. However, also her loss of ability to use Blood Money. Can you think of any undead that can work around this?
Edit: Not that she'll accept. Just curious. I'd be more interested in the immortality discovery than lichdom at this point.
The Dapper GM |
Meredian: you can also become immortal with contingent raise dead, which you might be able to cast. Bigger problem is aging; the most non-invasive way to do that is by becoming an aberration, fey, or other immortal race, the first being possible through flesh crafting potons and the second being listed somewhere as an appropriate use of a wish spell.
Meredian Adriatnaic |
Meredian: you can also become immortal with contingent raise dead, which you might be able to cast. Bigger problem is aging; the most non-invasive way to do that is by becoming an aberration, fey, or other immortal race, the first being possible through flesh crafting potons and the second being listed somewhere as an appropriate use of a wish spell.
As I never actually leave my timeless demiplane I don't age now.
Lichdom isn't a bad option. I'd just add greater possession to my orb and ride around in clones if my own body.
Actually, yea. I'd like to talk to Crimson about becoming a Lich if you're good with it. Generally speaking Meredian will be alive for all intents and purposes since she'll be basically possessing her own body, but will have a secondary plan to prevent true death.
Meredian Adriatnaic |
That may not have made sense.
I mean:
Add possession/greater possession and maybe clone to the orb that allows me to astral project and make a demiplane.
Become a Lich.
Possess my cloned body.
Astral project back to the prime.
Nothing mechanically changes on a daily basis. I'm "alive," but if that body gets destroyed I shunt back to my living body that was astral projecting. Which is highly unlikely
If someone manages to find my plane and kill me then I'd reconstitute from my phalaxtey.
Rinse repeat.
Meredian Adriatnaic |
Oh! I thought your demiplane is slowed-time (and you've given no details on it to anyone that I recall in game). If it's timeless, that should count!
My bad if I overlooked it. I thought I mentioned it early on.
Regardless though, it's not a perfect system. She's only "immortal" as long as she never leaves. If she does she's screwed as time will retroactively effect her. Related: the demiplane was made on the astral (also timeless) so that if she gets ejected for any reason she's not immediately dead.
It would make sense for her to become a Lich also and possess a living body. She is Uber paranoid about survival. We seem to be a little Lich heavy though. I'll do whatever, but Meredian would at least have the conversation with Crimson.
Tenro |
Meredian: you can also become immortal with contingent raise dead, which you might be able to cast. Bigger problem is aging; the most non-invasive way to do that is by becoming an aberration, fey, or other immortal race, the first being possible through flesh crafting potons and the second being listed somewhere as an appropriate use of a wish spell.
the portion i bolded is what spurred my question.
Meredian Adriatnaic |
The Dapper GM wrote:Meredian: you can also become immortal with contingent raise dead, which you might be able to cast. Bigger problem is aging; the most non-invasive way to do that is by becoming an aberration, fey, or other immortal race, the first being possible through flesh crafting potons and the second being listed somewhere as an appropriate use of a wish spell.the portion i bolded is what spurred my question.
I missed that. I sssume he meant outsider.
Evil fey of some kind could be cool though.
Drisquar |
I thought being an outsider wasn't enough, that's what spurred Illia and I into looking into our mortal lives. At least, that's partially why, I think.
Dapper, can you weigh in here? Do outsiders count as immortal for the Council?
If not, Dris isn't interested in the undead route, so gonna need to pursue a different method of living forever.
Drisquar |
Hey Dapper, it says on the spreadsheet that the city's consumption is 4, but I can't see anything that adds to consumption. Is it based solely on the size/citizens?
Also, is there any chance you can add the base city info(Unrest, Fame, bonus to income, etc) along with the total bonuses to each roll(Stability, Economy, etc) to the top of the page, so its easier for me to see all at once?
Specific questions:
1) Does Anaxian's lair generate magic items(like a caster's tower or temple)?
2) Does Diamanda allow the building of farms in forests(considering she's a druid/naturalist type)
3) Can you re-list(and maybe add to the spreadsheet) the 'free/reduce cost buildings' we get, in addition to houses, mansions, villas, etc?
The Dapper GM |
I missed that. I sssume he meant outsider.
Evil fey of some kind could be cool though.
Nope! It's sillier than that. PF never actually rules on this, so I'm sticking with 3.5 lore, which is that only "natural" creatures (humanoids, monstrous humanoids, animals, magic beasts, plants, giants, dragons, native outsiders, and some oozes/vermin) are capable of aging unless their entry says otherwise. Aberrations, fey, undead, and outsiders are the main "human-ish" races that don't live—while not necessarily unkillable, most can life forever if left alone.
[Aside: Outsiders are a bit tricky since they're hard to resurrect when they die (requires limited wish to restore their soul in combination with a spell to raise the dead), meaning they can't set up easy contingency-immortality plans or phylacteries. This is why Crimson didn't really feel like being an outsider "counted" as immortal, but at this point everyone else on the council feels like "eh, they saved our eternal existence, let's cut them some slack."]
Now, the lore is a bit varying on this. For instance, 5e D&D lists Drow lifespans as the same as that of a Drow. However, Forgotten Realms explicitly describes Driders as creatures that age until they reach adulthood, then Iive forever (or until they're assassinated or killed in war, usually within a century of reaching adulthood). Becoming a Drider isn't actually hard; it just requires like 14,000 gp and a week of agonizing surgery, and replaces Drow racial traits. This is *strongly* frowned upon in Drow society, but it might be possibly (via slight GM fiat) to apply a reduced-CR version of the Fleshwarped template that changes a creature's type to aberration at the cost of a big pile of GP, a newfound penchant for torturing things, and nothing else.
The Dapper GM |
@Drisquar: If you look on the spreadsheet, it's all formulas.
Consumption 4 comes from:
Kingdom size (5) + Improvement modifiers (1x Fishery = -1) + Consumption modifiers of all city buildings (0)
Also, hmm, not sure how to reorganize the spreadsheet (I just ctl+F to find things)—any ideas?
* * *
1) Only magic shops constructed for NPCs generate items; Anaxian's is just sort of a personal house where *he* makes items. Its only effect is adding +1 to the defense of a city, which is the standard bonus for building your city over a network of tunnels known only to the defenders. If he puts a lot of downtime into it, I guess bonuses could increase.
2) I guess it would be possible to build a farm on a forest, since "forest" is a pretty lose term underground. Get more bang for your buck from a sawmill, though.
3) You've built a few of the reduced-cost buildings already. Remaining unclaimed discounts:
-1x Library
-1x Cistern
-1x Jail
-1x Dump
-1x Watchtower
Monkeygod |
Way back during recruitment, we were given a free +2 for races/templates.
Does this apply to cohorts as well(or perhaps just a free +1?)
Also, my brother, who has been long since considering playing, but has been wavering on concept, is strongly thinking about playing a High Girallon. Last night he was leaning towards Magus as his class, though he's had several different ideas in mind.
First, thoughts on this? Second, would the free +2 lower the CR from 9 to 7?
Tenro |
Oh! Right. We went back and forth on this, but the end result was:
-Everyone gets a free Cohort, item cohort, or something similar.
-You can additionally take Leadership to gain A) followers and B) a second, sillier cohort with no significant practical benefits
in regard to significant practical benefits, what is meant by that? a second cohort that can be used in combat but doesnt do crazy, PC-level stuff?
EDIT: and can i get a recap on new character creation standards? i still have to craft my cohort (actually it will be a new character with Inubrix as the cohort)
Anaxian, the Fractured Wyrm |
Sorry for the absence folks. Holiday madness has me and isn't letting me go.
1) Does Anaxian's lair generate magic items(like a caster's tower or temple)?
Anaxian cranks out magic items at about 6x the usual rate if that's all he's focused on. Or, he could personally ignore making magic items altogether and still make them at 3x the usual rate.
GM, tell me more about the Alchemy lab.
Drisquar |
Heads up, the reactor, a noble villa(possibly for one of the original councilors), and an alchemist(Alchemy Lab? Maybe? lol) were all built this month.
Meredian Adriatnaic |
I think I found the perfect solution for Meredians immortality issue plus it fits with her theme. She needs to figure out how to transform herself into a shadow lord. That way she's an outsider and I believe that makes her immortal, correct?
Plus it's a template I can add in herobuilder very easily.
Edit: I was also considering fusing her consciousness into a magic item that can then possess and/or create and possess a body for her to use.
Inubrix |
Heads up, the reactor, a noble villa(possibly for one of the original councilors), and an alchemist(Alchemy Lab? Maybe? lol) were all built this month.
Excellent, now i just need some workshops hooked up to the reactor and then we are in business. Probably need to buy more starmetal.
Drisquar |
I think I found the perfect solution for Meredians immortality issue plus it fits with her theme. She needs to figure out how to transform herself into a shadow lord. That way she's an outsider and I believe that makes her immortal, correct?
Heh, I was thinking of trying to acquire the Shadow Lord template for Dris, based on some side stuff I talked to Dapper about awhile ago.
Figured its something nobody else would want, and is different enough from what the rest of the party is/might become.
Drisquar |
Drisquar wrote:Heads up, the reactor, a noble villa(possibly for one of the original councilors), and an alchemist(Alchemy Lab? Maybe? lol) were all built this month.Excellent, now i just need some workshops hooked up to the reactor and then we are in business. Probably need to buy more starmetal.
I'm not sure if the skymetal was used in the creation of the reactor or not. I think that's where the 'discount' came from, but not positive.
Either way, I don't know if more skymetal would be needed for your workshops or not. Will they possess special equipment that can only(easily) be made via skymetal?
Tenro |
I'm not sure if the skymetal was used in the creation of the reactor or not. I think that's where the 'discount' came from, but not positive.
Either way, I don't know if more skymetal would be needed for your workshops or not. Will they possess special equipment that can only(easily) be made via skymetal?
i assume so, since if you think about it, our smartphones technically have skymetal in them.
the actual requirements for their crafting is left to GM territory.
The Dapper GM |
Okay, more questions to answer!
@Cohort stuff:
I'm basing most effects off of your CR (which includes the two template levels). This means, yeah, cohorts can also get two free template levels.
However, the original ruling was "if you're playing as a powerful monster, you lose those free template levels." Drisquar got them back because we realized through gameplay that Bralani aren't naturally in the same tier as Erinyes or Succubi. High Girallons might qualify as a "powerful monster" (four arms is nice, and so is large size, but they also have excellent NA and BAB significantly higher than CR, as well as outsider-tier magic defenses), so your cohort wouldn't get the bonus stuff.
So: Cohort would start at level 13. (High Girallon +4 class levels). If your brother wants to play/level him like a main character, that would change it to +6 class levels. Wealth as a character two levels higher. As per character creation: you can raise/lower any monster ability score by up to ±2 points, as long as they total the same.
@Reactor: Originally the reactor was going to cost 50 BP (and Inubrix's expertise, and a month of construction), representing the fact that the materials needed couldn't be simply bought but would also involve mining, drilling, construction teams, etc. Someone asked if finding a source of skymetals would reduce the cost, I said "yes," and then remembered a bit later that the Siabrae have a huge network of mines close enough to Numeria to have the occasional stray meteor.
@New character for Tenro: Yeah, we talked about this, and it's cool. His character (an Androffan robot) is going to attempt to summon/resurrect his creator (a dead Androffan wizard) using Escarran necromancy, then become the cohort of whatever comes back to life.
Relevant stats for character creation:
-Androffans are mostly human (and we talked about adapting an "ego ghost" template that I think worked within power limits)
-25 point buy
-2 traits + 1 per flaw (3 flaws max, flaws cannot have a negated effect)
@Illia: You're already a murderbucket! Feel free to keep your cohort out of mechanical combat and in charge of things like recon and generally menacing things. Or maybe have her found a temple worshipping you as a new goddess of harpies or something.
@Shadow Lord: Eh, if you want. It's supposed to require Shadow Creature, but you already have all the properties of a Shadow Creature from your race and template, so should be fine.
@Alchemy Lab: It's just a standard sort of building, in the kingdom building rules, representing the proper chambers, circles, beakers etc. to do large-scale alchemy. But fleshwarping specifically requires access to an alchemy lab.
Inubrix |
RE: workshops (the things we built the reactor to power):
Do those require starmetal as well? If so, what percentage of their BP? How many total BP would they each cost?
RE: Leadership:
Inubrix will have the free cohort as usual for the game. If he were to take leadership, you said the second cohort could not be as statistically significant. Are there any hard rules in place? Specifically my idea floats around having an assistant that provides minor buffs. Another idea is having a technological starmetal mining fleet.
Drisquar |
My bro wants to join as an actual new member of the party, not a cohort, if that's OK.
If this is acceptable, we're effective level 17, are we not? So he could be the High Girallon +8 levels?
The Dapper GM |
Nah, reactors should be built as actual buildings. I never remembered to pick which one though.
Let's say:
Production Lab would function and cost as a Smithy
Cybernetics/Military Lab as a Foundry
Medical Lab as an Herbalist
Nanotech/Graviton as Caster's Tower
@Illia: How does that work—what class abilities are you waiting on?
@Leadership: Second cohort would be restricted to non-mechanical functions (no casting buffs, fighting, etc; just another powerful creature willing to help the party in vague matters of state)
@Drisquar: Not quite. We're 15 class levels, with some people getting +1-2 CR of templates; the ruling on some monsters losing those bonus levels was that certain monsters see their CR kicked up when they get good equipment. Which is to say: give him 6 class levels.
(Also: is he coming from Mwangi?)
Illia- |
Hey, I seem to remember one of us having this post written up on homebrew for making martials better, but I can't find it. Wanted to show it to one of my friends who was considering making some changes.
DM Doomed Hero |
It was me. I have posted a few versions of that list around the boards.
You can find the current list I work with in the "General House Rules" area of this Alias. It isn't as big an overhaul as I think Martials need, but it is an easily work-able list of changes that are easy to convince a group to try.
The Dapper GM |
Also, I've thought a bit about playing a girallon magus. Some thoughts for your brother:
-One big advantage of a girallon is its many arms. However, at this level, actually reaching enemies can be difficult. The Dimensional Dervish feat chain could be real useful here, as it stacks great with high girallon's at-will dimension door.
-Broad Study should work with at-will SLAs, and the same restrictions (works with that at-will dispel).
-Magus Spell Combat *should* work with multiweapon fighting (it's unclear, but the majority of forum posts seem to think it's okay). However, this doesn't give a ton of attacks; you'd get two-weapon attacks, and a single attack with an off-hand. Another option is to either TWF or use a two-handed weapon, plus a shield and bare hand, for extremely high AC.
Illia- |
I prefer a simpler fix for martials:
1. Play a fighter
2. Play a fighter
3. Play a creative fighter
I feel like that finally opened up beyond "use a reach weapon and be a lore warden" with the addition of Weapon Master/Armor Master Handbooks. Even if armor master handbook boils down to only one actual worthwhile option.