
Illia-'s page

1,460 posts. Alias of hallowsinder.


Warlord 9 HP 251/251 | AC 46 | T 29 | FF 38 | F +33 | R +34 | W +32 | Init +11 | Per +32 | SR 28

About Illia-


Oh? My name is Illia-ack, wait, um.. Uh, I'll just stop there, the Awkward Erinyes:

Female Erinyes Warlord 6
LE Medium Outsider
Init +6; Senses Perception +26, See in Darkness, True Seeing
AC 40, touch 24, flat-footed 33. . (+10 Armor, +6 Shield, +6 Dex, +1 Dodge, +6 Natural, +1 Insight)
hp 168 (14d10+84)
Fort +22, Ref +25, Will +22
DR 5/good; Immune fire, poison;
Resist acid 10, cold 10; SR 25
Spd 30 ft., fly 50 ft. (good)
Melee Reapy +25/20/15 (1d10+14/15-20/S)
Ranged rope +10 touch (entangle)

Spell-Like Abilities (CL 12th)
Constant- True Seeing
At will- Fear (single target, DC 23), Greater Teleport (self plus 50 lbs. of objects only), minor image (DC 21), unholy blight (DC 23)

Maneuvers (IL 12th) (Still treating myself as IL 10 for known)
1st- Clockwatcher (R)
2nd- Intimidating Force (R), Raging Hunter Pounce (R), Devastating Rush
3rd- Taunting Laugh, Kill the Wounded
4th- Circle of Razor Feathers(DC 25)(R), Bilious Strike (DC25), Temporal Body Adjustment (R)
5th- Abyssal Lance (DC 26)(R), Time Theif's Talons
Stances-Primal Warrior's Stance, Golden Commander Stance, Chronal Fission

Str 24, Dex 22, Con 22, Int 12, Wis 18, Cha 28
Base Atk +14; CMB +22; CMD 41
Feats Dodge, Mobility, Shield Focus, Osyluth Guile, Improved Unarmed Strike, Crane Style, Quick Draw, Discipline Focus
Skills Acrobatics +23(14), Intimidate +27(14), Fly +20(8), Disguise +26(14), Knowledge (Religion) +13 (8), Perception +26(14), Stealth +23(14) Racial: +4 Fly
Languages Celestial, Common, Undercommon, Infernal; telepathy 100 ft
Combat Gear +5 Deathless Kikko Armor, +5 Cloak of Resistance, +4 Rallying Mithral Light Quickdraw Shield Dragonskin grip, Ring of Counterspells (Dimensional Anchor), Ring of Mind Shielding, Headband of Charisma +4, Belt of Strength +4
Other Gear Eyes of the Eagle, Hat of Disguise, Wayfinder, Dusty Rose Prism (With Resonance, +1 AC, +2 CMB/CMD), Masterwork Disguise Kit, 390 gold left
Racial Stuff:
Bunch of defensive stuff, included above.
Bunch of SLA, included above.
Flying, included above.
Does not need to eat, ext, but does need to breath.
Entangle(Su): 50 long rope, function as animate rope spell, CL 16, DC 20, up to 30 ft no penalty.
One less outsider level than normal Erinyes

Dodge (bonus): +1 Dodge AC
Mobility (bonus): +4 Dodge AC vs AoO
Shield Focus (Warlord Bonus): +1 Shield AC
Additional Traits: Trade Piercing Thunder for Riven Hourglass, +2 IL up to max of HD.
Osyluth Guile: Add Cha to dodge AC against one opponent when fighting defensively, or using total defense.
Improved Unarmed Strike: Punch people, yo.
Crane Style: -2 to penalty for fighting defensively, +1 dodge.
Quick Draw: Draw weapon as a free action. Draw and stow quickdraw shield as a free action.
Discipline Focus: Black Seraph, +2 DC to Black Seraph abilities, +2 to damage with Black Seraph weapons (Flails, axes, polearms).
Something: Don't remember what it's called, but learn two more maneuvers.
Defensive Expertise (level 6 warlord bonus): Shield bonus applies against touch attacks, and as a competence bonus to Ref saves

Fighting Defensively:
Grants +3 Dodge AC, subtract 2 from attacks.

Warlord Stuff:
Gambits: Swift Action + whatever they normally are to complete, gain charisma mod as a luck modifier, regain charisma mod maneuvers if successful. If failed, regain one maneuver, and -2 on all rolls for 1 round. All ally buffs are 60 ft range and require LoS.
Pinhole Gambit: Attack an enemy with a ranged attack when they are engaged in melee with an ally, reduce their armor class by your charisma modifier until Illia-'s next turn.
Brave Gambit: Charge an enemy, all allies gain morale bonus equal to charisma modifier for damage against that target on their next attack, or until Illia-'s next turn.
Unbreakable Gambit: (Immediate Action) Whenever successful on a will or Fortitude save against an enemy ability, regain 3x charisma mod in HP.

Tactical Presence:
Move action to adopt.
Indomitable Presence: all allies within 30-ft. of his position gain the benefits of the Die Hard feat, charisma mod morale boost to fort saves versus death effects, fatigue and exhaustion effects, or poison.

Force of Personality: Charisma mod to will saves.

Tactical Flanker: Allies flanking with Illia- gain Cha mod to hit rather than +2 (+2 minimum.)

Teamwork thingie.

Maneuvers Known: (need to pick leveled up ones)

Black Seraph (Sacrificed Scarlet Throne)
Intimidating Force (initial pick, lvl 2)
Swift Action, Personal, Counter
Block an attack by rolling a higher intimidate check than their attack roll.

Taunting Laugh (initial pick, lvl 3)
Swift Action, Boost
Make a demoralization check as normal, if successful, the target is also flatfooted until the end of the initiator's next turn

Circle of Razor Feathers (Level 3 pick, lvl 4)
Standard Action, Strike, 30 ft burst
8d6 profane damage, sickens for Cha rounds, Reflex save DC 14+Cha for half and one round sicken.

Bilious Strike (level 4 exchange, lvl 4)
Standard Action, Melee, Strike
+6d6 points of profane damage and nauseates for Cha rounds. Fort Save DC 14 + Cha reduces nauseates to one round.

Abyssal Lance (level 5 pick, lvl 5)
Standard Action, Close Ranged, Strike
8d6 profane damage and one round stun. Fort Save DC 15 + Cha removes stun.

Primal Fury
Raging Hunter Pounce (initial pick, lvl 2)
Full Round Action, Melee, Strike
Full attack at the end of a charge, all attacks must be on the same target, even if that target dies.

Devastating Rush (Level 2 pick, lvl 2)
Standard Action, Melee, Strike
Attack with +2d6 damage and ignoring hardness/DR.

Primal Warrior Stance (initial pick, lvl 3)
Ignore difficult terrain while charging, treat as one size category larger for CMB and CMD or monster abilities such as swallow hole or grab, if advantageous. Treat weapons as two size categories larger.

Golden Lion
Kill the Wounded (initial pick, lvl 3)
Standard Action, Strike
The target, if successfully attacked, takes an additional 2d6 damage from all subsequent allied attacks for one round.

Golden Commander Stance (Level 2 pick, lvl 3)
All allies within 30 ft who can hear, are treated as flanking targets, regardless of positioning, as long as there are at least two allies adjacent to the target.

Riven Hourglass

Clockwatcher (level 5 feat pick, lvl 1)
Become not flatfooted/surprised, usable when flatfooted/surprised, obviously. Allows you to act in a surprise round even if you can't see the enemy.

Temporal Body Adjustment (level 5 feat pick, lvl 4)
Ignore any negative condition inflicted on you, ending it, other than death/damage.

Time-Thief's Talon's (level 6 exchange, lvl 5)
Melee or ranged, one attack, weapon damage as normal + 2x initiation level, also regain 2x initiation level hp.

Chronal Fission (level 5 pick, lvl 5)
May initiate a counter each round without using an immediate action.

Fashionista: +1 Disguise, class skill.
Wallflower: +1 Stealth, class skill.

Special Gear:
+5 Deathless enhancement- 32,000 gp
(10 Neg/Pos energy resist, 25% to ignore negative levels)
CL 18
Intelligent- 500 gp
Cure Serious Wounds At-Will- 30,000 gp
Remove Fear 3/day- 1,200 gp
Remove Sickness 3/day- 1,200 gp
Shield of Faith 3/day- 1,200 gp
Remove Paralysis 1/day- 2,400 gp
Resist Energy 3/day- 1,200 gp (Thanks rangers)
Lesser Restoration 3/day- 1,200 gp (Thanks paladins)
Restoration 1/day- 11,200 gp
Divine Favor 3/day- 1,200 gp
Mammoth Hide Special- 2,400 gp
Barkskin 1/day- 2,400
Greater Magic Weapon 1/day- 6,000

The Armor is NE, and it's goal is "Defend the servants of Escarra", as it was originally a gift from Crimson. If it count's as crafted by her, I'd be happy to pay extra for her caster level. :P

"Reapy" - This weapon appears to be a chainsaw polearm with a curved blade. Technological components and magical runes weave together.
+1 Keen Growing Fauchard- 16,314 gp, 1d10 Slashing damage, 15-20 crit range, 10 lbs, reach, trip.
Fanged Falchion Special- 6,000 gp
Lizardmarked Blade Special- 7,500 gp
Dragonskin Grip- 250 gp

That puts me at 161,361 + Intelligent Item Budget


~~~77 years ago...
Vruskriel, of metal wing, whose blade sunders all weakness and whose armor hides a vision of the divine, a Duke Infernal, was enjoying a slow day at the office. He had those heavy metal wings nicely suspended by counterweights of a hundred souls, making them as light as the feathers they once were. His armor was upon the mantle and his blade was carefully stored away from any weakness. Blades that cut through everything are very hard to store, you know! A relaxing day. As nice as it was to get bucket loads of souls deposited on your doorstep, sometimes a slow day was the best. The city of Dis was very particular about making sure you cleared your inbox promptly. One never wanted Dispater getting all up in your business over mailbox issues of all things.

"There's a convert to see you, sir." His secretary's voice buzzed from a tiny orb on his desk.

He reached down to tap it and murmured, "Oh? Show her in."

No response. Vruskriel's face darkened as he glanced down at his desk, the tiny orb crushed beneath his titanic strength. Sigh, he'd order another one tomorrow.

"COME IN!" He bellowed, the force of his voice blasting open the door, sending the angel waiting on the other side crashing into the wall in the foyer with enough force to leave a snow angel shaped imprint in the stone.

The handmaiden devil on the other side, his secretary, merely glanced through the doors with a raised eyebrow, one door still creaking back and forth while the other gave a final groan as it fell off its hinges. Vruskiel hated that look. "I'll order another comm-orb, then shall I?" She voiced, before walking over to the angel.

Rather than asking the angel if she was ok or anything, the secretary merely grabbed a wing and started dragging her into the room, leaving a bloody trail.

"Uh.. Yes. Thank you. That will be all." Vruskiel intoned to his secretary, who rolled her eyes before leaving the angel still as a stone upon his floor, just in front of the desk. Vruskiel leaned forward a bit, the chains suspending his wings clattering, and the souls of the damned attached howling in agony.

"So.." Vruskiel whispered, trying to set the mood once more. "I *screaming-clattering-of-chains*" Vruskiel was interepted by the still screaming souls attached to his wings. "Would you be quiet!" He yelled angrily at the souls to his right, who promptly disintegrated from the force of his voice, causing a weight imbalanced as his wing fell down and whipped 50 chains through a pulley, lashing them against his face.

~Ah, I remember why I don't come into the office now...~ Vruskiel thought to himself, wiping the chains away.

"Ah, where was I?" Vruskiel turned back to the puddle of angel and blood in front of his desk.

"Right then. You wanted to convert?"

"Oh, yeah! That's what I'm here for, Lord Sir Vruskiel, Sir." The angel jumped up with that kind of nervous cheer, saluting, blood dripping from face and hand.

"..." Vruskiel was kind of surprised by the sudden revival and awkwardness of the title she gave him, "Ah, right, so. What caused your fall?"

"Oh, right. Uhm... So, I woke up this morning, and I just wasn't feeling it, you know?" The Angel looked down and started fiddling with her fingers.

"Wasn't... Feeling it?" Vruskiel's eye twitched.

"Yeah, and Angels that just don't feel up to the whole paragon of goodness thing go become devils, right? That's just the.. the thing? Right?" The Angel seemed fairly unsure.

Vruskiel breathed in deeply and slowly. And then out. Calm breaths. It wasn't the stupidest reason he'd ever had for a celestial falling. Ok, it was. But it didn't mean she wasn't useless. Erinyes didn't need to be smart, just good with bows.

"So, how would you like to be an Erinyes?" Vruskiel asked once he had calmed himself.

"An.. Erinyes?" The angel asked with a look of complete and utter lack of comprehension.

Vruskiel's hand and forehead felt that indescribable, inescapable attraction, as the facepalm was forced to completion. Which was a really bad idea when you were wearing a spiky metal crown.

"Oooh... Are you ok, Lord Sir Vruskiel, Sir?" The angel clasped her hands together in concern.

"... It's.. Nothing." He commented, as he shook his hand off to the side to shake off the blood.

"Oh, wait, are Erinyes the nice helpful gals with wings who helped me get here?" The angel raised her finger as she got an idea.

Vruskiel was staggered once again. "Yes... The Erinyes are the nice helpful gals with wings."

"With the hair?"

"Yes.. With the hair."

As the angel babbled on and on about how nice it would be to get wings and fly for "realzies" rather than magical "floatiness" Vruskiel wondered which Duke he was going to "gift" his new Erinyes to.

~~~ Much more recently.

"Man.. I wonder why the other Erinyes don't like me." The now 77 year veteran Erinyes sighed.

"What makes you think that, Illia?" Her compatriot asked with a smirk.

"For starters, you've chained my wings together, suspended me by one of my ankles, and are about to dunk me headfirst into the boiling refuse produced by Ghaunapthal's foundries. Earlier, you and all your friends decided to shoot me instead of the targets at archery practice because you said I was useless at it, and before that you dropped a lemure on me because you said you couldn't tell the difference between me and another lemure. And that was all in the last two hours!"

"I can't help it if you're fun to torment, let everyone know your true name, and are useless at everything an Erinyes should be good at." The Erinyes smiled cruelly as she let go of her end of the chain, dunking Illia headfirst into the river of nearly on fire oil.

Illia crossed her arms, which was hard while upside down suspended in oily liquid that was hot enough to tickle even an Erinyes. ~Man, I'd do anything to get out of here.~

With a poof, Illia was gone.

"Huh.. She must have actually been summoned." The other Erinyes scratched her head. "Meh.. Wonder who I'll torment till she gets back."

Where she is and where she's going:

Illia is a bundle of insecurities and easily pushed around. She's just not the kind of strong independent person an angel or a devil needs to be. However, the Crimson Stranger knew the perfect use for her, highly resilient eye candy. Granting her easily manipulated Erinyes armor and a shield, Illia's natural defensiveness comes in great handy as a tank. This sudden usefulness has given Illia enough confidence that she can actually use her charisma to become an inspiring presence on the battlefield as a warlord, thanks also to the Crimson Stranger's training... Or if you're unimpressed with her timid pseudo-inspiration, as eye candy. Illia still hasn't realized that the fabric on the back of her new armor is sheer.

Hopefully, Illia will grow into her role as a tanky support, becoming the warlord she was born to be! Or she might keep getting bossed around.


Illia is *notes to self, appearance defined black/white color scheme with copper highlights. Black wings/hair, pale skin/silvery armor with black sheer cloth and copper highlights in armor and copper eye color.*

More detailed WIP Sheet:


Female Erinyes Warlord 9
LE Medium Outsider
Size: M Reach: 5'
Initiative: +11 (+6 Dex, +5 Forewarned, always act in surprise round)
Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., see in darkness, true seeing; Perception +32

Ability Scores:
(First two increases by level assumed to be part of Erinyes Base)
Str 26 (+8) (20 base +6 Enhancement)
Dex 22 (+6) (22 base)
Con 28 (+9) (22 base +6 Enhancement)
Int 14 (+2) (14 base)
Wis 18 (+4) (18 base)
Cha 30 (+10) (21 base +2 Level +6 Enhancement +1 Inherent)

AC 46 (10 +10 Armor +6 Dex +1 Dodge +7 Shield +6 Natural +1 Insight +4 Defending), Touch 29, FF 38 [+10 during surprise round]
CMD 44 (10 +17 BaB +8 Str +6 Dex +1 Dodge +2 Insight
Fort +33 (6 Erinyes +6 Warlord +9 Con +5 Resistance +4 Guardian +3 Morale)
Ref +34 (6 Erinyes +3 Warlord +6 Dex +7 Competence +5 Resistance +4 Guardian +3 Morale)
Will +32 (3 Erinyes +3 Warlord +4 Wis +10 Cha +5 Resistance +4 Guardian +3 Morale)
Max HP 251 (17d10 = 98, +153 Con)
DR 5/good; Immune fire, poison;
Resist acid 10, cold 10; SR 28 (19 Base +9 levels)

BaB +17, CMB +26 (17 BaB +8 Str +2 Insight)
Move Speed 30 ft., fly (good) 50 ft.
Reapy +33 (17 BaB +8 Str +5 Enhancement +3 Morale) 1d10+17 (+12 Str, +5 Enhancement) 15-20 (18-20, Keen) Slashing, Reach, Two Handed
+Deadly Thunder Lancer's Stance (+10 Cha Hit/Damage)
+Divine Favor (+3 Luck Hit/Damage)
-Fighting Defensively (-2 Hit, +4 Dodge, +Cha as Dodge vs one target)
-GMW dispelled (-4 Hit, Damage)


Dodge (Erinyes Bonus): +1 Dodge AC
Mobility (Erinyes Bonus): +4 Dodge AC vs AoO
Shield Focus (Warlord Bonus 1): +1 Shield AC
Additional Traits (Level 1): Trade Primal Fury for Riven Hourglass, +2 IL up to max of HD.
Quick Draw (Level 3): Draw weapon as a free action. Draw and stow quickdraw shield as a free action.
Improved Unarmed Strike (Level 5): Punch people, yo.
Crane Style (Level 7): -2 to penalty for fighting defensively, +1 dodge.
Osyluth Guile (Level 9): Add Cha to dodge AC against one opponent when fighting defensively, or using total defense.
Discipline Focus (Level 11): Black Seraph, +2 DC to Black Seraph abilities, +2 to damage with Black Seraph weapons (Flails, axes, polearms).
Something (Level 13): Don't remember what it's called, but learn two more maneuvers.
Defensive Expertise (level 6 warlord bonus): Shield bonus applies against touch attacks, and as a competence bonus to Ref saves
Black Seraph Style (Level 15): +4 Profane Bonus to AC and Saves versus shaken/frightened/panicked/cowering targets. Increases to +5 at character level 20.
Something (Level 17): Mooore maneuvers. Stance this time.

Simple/Martial Weapons
Light/Medium ARmor
Shields, (tower left vague, thanks 3pp)


118 Points (48 Erinyes, 36 Warlord, 34 Int)
*Denotes class skill
Trained Skills
*Acrobatics +29 (17 points +6 Dex +3 class +3 morale)
*Climb +15 (1 point +8 Str +3 class +3 morale)
*Bluff +17 (1 points +10 Cha +3 class +3 morale)
*Diplomacy +17 (1 points +10 Cha +3 class +3 morale)
*Disguise +34 (17 points +10 Cha +3 class +1 trait +3 morale)
*Escape Artist +13 (1 point +6 Dex +3 class +3 morale)
*Fly +24 (8 points +6 Dex +4 Racial +3 class +3 morale)
*Handle Animal +17 (1 points +10 Cha +3 class +3 morale)
*Intimidate +33 (17 points +10 Cha +3 class +3 morale)
*Knowledge Religion +16 (8 points +2 Int +3 class +3 morale)
*Perception +32 (17 points +4 Wis +3 class +5 Competence +3 morale)
*Ride +13 (1 points, +6 Dex +3 class +3 morale)
*Sense Motive +7 (1 point +4 Wis +3 class +3 morale)
*Stealth +29 (17 points +6 Dex, +3 class +3 morale)
*Survival +11 (1 point +4 Wis, +3 class +3 morale)
*Swim +15 (1 point +8 Str +3 class +3 morale)
110 spent

Untrained Skills:

Appraise +5 (+2 Int +3 morale)
*Craft +5 (+2 Int +3 morale)
Disable Device (unusable)
Heal +7 (+4 Wis +3 morale)
Knowledge (arcana) (unusable)
Knowledge (dungeoneering) (unusable)
*Knowledge (engineering) (unusable)
Knowledge (geography) (unusable)
*Knowledge (history) (unusable)
Knowledge (local) (unusable)
Knowledge (nobility) (unusable
Knowledge (nature) (unusable)
*Knowledge (planes) (unusable)
*Knowledge (martial) (unusable)
Linguistics (unusable)
Perform +13 (+10 Cha +3 morale)
*Profession (unusable)
Sleight of Hand (unusable)
Spellcraft (unusable)
Use Magic Device (unusable)


Gambits: Swift Action to declare, gain charisma mod as a luck modifier, regain charisma mod maneuvers if successful. If failed, regain one maneuver, and -2 on all rolls for 1 round. All ally buffs are 60 ft range and require LoS.

Pinhole Gambit (1st level pick):
Attack an enemy with a ranged attack when they are engaged in melee with an ally, reduce their armor class by your charisma modifier until Illia-'s next turn.

Brave Gambit (1st level pick):
Charge an enemy, all allies gain morale bonus equal to charisma modifier for damage against that target on their next attack, or until Illia-'s next turn.

Unbreakable Gambit (4th level pick):
(Immediate Action) Whenever successful on a will or Fortitude save against an enemy ability, regain 3x charisma mod in HP.

Gatecrasher Gambit (8th level pick):
Bull Rush an enemy, that enemy suffers a penalty on all d20 rolls equal to Illia's charisma modifer.

Tactical Presence:

Extraordinary, maintain one presence at a time, can change as a free action. By default, start in Warning Presence, shift to Gladiator's on first turn.

Warning Presence (2nd Level Pick):
Allies within 30 ft gain Cha as a bonus on reflex vs traps, and to AC in the surprise round, and one ally can act in the surprise round even if they normally would.

Taskmaster's Presence (5th Level Pick):
Allies within 30 ft gain Endurance feat, and a morale bonus on saving throws against fatigue, disease, compulsion, and sleep effects equal to Cha. If participating in a craft/profession check, add Cha as morale bonus to that check.

Gladiator's Presence (9th Level Pick):
Allies within 30 ft gain morale bonus on CMB/CMD equal to Warlord Initiation Modifier, and all combat maneuver attempts from them do not provoke AoO.


Belt of Physical Might:
Strong Transmutation, CL 12, 90,000 gp, 1 lb., Belt.
+6 Enhancement Str/Con.

+4 Spiked Guantlet of Guardian Cheese
CL 12, moderate abjuration(+default for enhancement), 32,305 gp.
x2 crit, Piercing, 1d4 base damage.
Transfer +4 enhancement bonus over to saves every turn while conscious.

+4 Spiked Guantlet of Defending Cheese
CL 12, moderate abjuration(+default for enhancement), 32,305 gp.
x2 crit, Piercing, 1d4 base damage.
Transfer +4 enhancement bonus over to AC every turn while conscious.

+1 Inherent Cha
Flavorful. 27,500 gp.

Flawed Pale Green Prism
CL 12, strong varied, 30,000 gp.
+1(3 with Courageous Weapon) Morale bonus on attack rolls, saves, skill checks, and ability checks. Is an Ioun Stone.

Eyes of the Eagle

Headband of +6 Cha

+5 Rallying Mithral Light Quickdraw Shield Dragonskin grip