Agents of the Darklands, Part 2: In Company of Forgotten Evils

Game Master thunderbeard

Party info
City and NPCs
Loot list
World Map

Current Characters

Drazmorg the Damned
Doomed Hero

Male Changeling Fighter 1, Monk 1, Rogue 1, Ranger 1, Actor 5
(4,248 posts)

Male Weremonkey Rogue/Ranger/Trickster
(7,181 posts)

M Humanborn
(4,554 posts)

35/35 HP, Temp HP 0, 20 AC, Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +7, Reservoir 8/10, Channel 8/8, Active Effects: Mage Armor

played by Doomed Hero (729 posts)
Crystal Cat
Anaxian the Cat

played by Doomed Hero (39 posts)
Khorramzadeh Reborn
Anaxian's Horrors

Gugs: 1) 105/105, 2) 105/105, 3) 105/105. Belier 122/122. Chuul 1) 75/75, 2) 75/75

played by Doomed Hero (12 posts)
Anaxian, the Fractured Wyrm

HP 145/145, Temp HP: 15, Stoneskin: 90/90, DR 15/Bludgeon and Magic, AC 24, CMD 13, SR 23, Fort +10, Dex +7, Will +12, Per +26, Stealth +38, Active Effects: Prestidigitation, Read Magic, Dimensional Anchor, Deathwatch, Unseen Servant, Nondetection, Fleshy Facade, Comprehend Languages, Invisibility Alarm, Aura Sight, Arcane Sight, Tongues, Greater Magic Fang, Symbol of Revelation

played by Doomed Hero (251 posts)
Copper Dragon
Anaxian, the Knot of Souls

125 HP, Temp HP:, DR 10/Magic, Immune to Cold, Electricity and Fire, SR 21, Fort +14, Ref +8, Will +12, Active Effects: Aura of Evil, Desecrate Aura, Magic Fang, Longstrider, Prestidigitation, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Deathwatch, Unseen Servant, Nondetection, Fleshy Facade, Comprehend Languages

played by Doomed Hero (116 posts)
Black Dragon
Anaxian, the Seething Aegis

played by Doomed Hero (2 posts)
Activation Cube
Anaxian, the Shard of Many

played by Doomed Hero (4 posts)
Magma Dragon
Anaxian, the Smoking Vessel

167/167 HP, Temp HP:, DR 10/Magic, Immune to Cold, Electricity and Fire, SR 21, Fort +20, Ref +14, Will +20, Smite 2/2, Blast 3/3, Recon 10/10, 1st level spells 4/4, Active Effects: Smoking Bottle, Evil Aura, Cowardice Aura, Desecrate Aura, Greater Magic Fang, Longstrider, Linebreaker, Ant Haul

played by Doomed Hero (92 posts)
Cinder Wolf
Anaxian, the Twisted Core

played by Doomed Hero (17 posts)
Counterpoint Gopher

played by hallowsinder (16 posts)
Red Mantis Assassin
The Crimson Stranger

Lady Adrexa, the Red Queen of Escarra

played by thunderbeard (26 posts)
The Dapper GM

Rocks fall, everyone dies

played by thunderbeard (1,597 posts)
Cale the Calistrian

Male Alacritous Bralani Stalker 5/Umbral Blade 4

played by Monkeygod (636 posts)

Female Human(Fallen) Witch/10

played by Monkeygod (31 posts)

Warlord 9 HP 251/251 | AC 46 | T 29 | FF 38 | F +33 | R +34 | W +32 | Init +11 | Per +32 | SR 28

played by hallowsinder (1,460 posts)

active: see post HP 151/151; AC 28 (26 currently); DR 15/-; FH 14 Psion 5 / Metamorph 7 / Worm that Walks CR+2

played by Tenro (170 posts)
Murthok Huul
Jiator the Architect

Thassilonian Halfing Lich Soundstriker Dirge Bard

played by thunderbeard (32 posts)
Xaivanshee Rasivrein
Meredian Adriatnaic

Drow Noble
Base Atk +*; CMB +*; CMD *

played by wesF (1,595 posts)
Raxus Half-blood

V: 56/56, W: 74/74, Temp HP 18, AC 17*, Fort +11*, Ref +9, Will +10*, Rage 23/23 , Power 9/9, Psi 7/7, Active Effects: Bull Strength

played by Doomed Hero (855 posts)
Sir John the Black

M Human Lich Cleric 3+2 / Warder (ZS) 4+2 / Battle Templar 3 / Lich +2

played by Tenro (143 posts)
Kaerishiel Neirenar
Sir Pala Din


played by Tenro (23 posts)
Crystal Figurine
Tiny Coffee Golem

What it says on the tin; Caffiene addict 20

played by wesF (9,867 posts)

Previous NPCs

Elmar Thonsson

Male Dwarf Ranger 19, Lore Warden 2 (HP 279/279 | AC 32 T 22 FF 23 | Fort 27 Ref 28 (Evasion) Will 17 | Init 26 | Percp 42 (46 vs traps in stone) [darkvision, tremorsense 10])
(694 posts)