Swift Actions:
Metamorphosis - (Power) can also be move or standard
Alter Metamorphosis - (Class) as needed
Psionic Focus: move action to gain focus, can hold double focus
While Focused:
Detect Psionics - (Class) at will
Talents - (Power)
Expend Focus:
Extended Shift - (Class) double duration of Metamorphosis
BAB: +7
CMB: +7 (changes with STR and size)
CMD: 21 (changes with STR DEX and size)
+4 to start and maintain grapple
+4 racial bonus to CMB for grapple
+4 racial bonus to CMD
A creature can also add any circumstance, deflection, dodge, insight, luck, morale, profane, and sacred bonuses to AC to its CMD. Any penalties to a creature's AC also apply to its CMD. A flat-footed creature does not add its Dexterity bonus to its CMD.
Ability Score Racial Traits: Androids have swift reflexes and are very intelligent, but have difficulty relating to others. As a result, androids gain a +2 bonus to Dexterity and Intelligence, but suffer a –2 penalty to Charisma.
Size: Androids are Medium creatures, and they have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Base Speed: Androids have a base speed of 30 feet.
Languages: Androids begin play speaking Common. Androids with high Intelligence can choose any languages they want (except secret languages, such as Druidic). See the Linguistics skill page for more information about these languages.
Alert: Androids gain a +2 racial bonus on Perception checks.
Emotionless: Androids have problems processing emotions properly, and thus take a –4 penalty on Sense Motive checks (-1 RP)
Exceptional Senses: Androids have darkvision and so can see perfectly in the dark to a range of 60 feet and in addition, they possess low-light vision.
Constructed: For the purposes of effects targeting creatures by type (such as a ranger's favored enemy and bane weapons), androids count as both humanoids and constructs. Androids gain a +4 racial bonus on all saving throws against mind-affecting effects, paralysis, poison, and stun effects, are not subject to fatigue or exhaustion, and are immune to disease and sleep effects. Androids can never gain morale bonuses, and are immune to fear effects and all emotion-based effects (2 RP.)
Emotionless: Androids have problems processing emotions properly, and thus take a –4 penalty on Sense Motive checks (-1 RP) (Note: this trait is called Logical in the Book of Heroic Races: Advanced Androids.)
Nanite Surge: An android's body is infused with nanites. Once per day as an immediate action, an android can cause her nanites to surge, granting a bonus equal to 3 + the android's character level on any one d20 roll; this ability must be activated before the roll is made. When an android uses this power, her circuitry-tattoos glow with light equivalent to that of a torch in illumination for 1 round (3 RP.)
Favored Class: +5 Hit Points
Senses: As the base creature, plus darkvision 60 feet and blindsight 30 feet.
AC: The worm that walks loses any natural armor bonus the base creature may have had, but gains an insight bonus to its AC equal to its Wisdom bonus (minimum of +2).
Worm that Walks Traits: A worm that walks has no discernible anatomy, and is not subject to critical hits or flanking. Reducing a worm that walks to 0 hit points causes it to discorporate (see below)—a worm that walks at 0 hit points is staggered, and one at negative hit points is dying. Worms that walk are immune to any physical spell or effect that targets a specific number of creatures (including single-target spells such as disintegrate), with the exception of such spells and effects generated by the worm that walks itself, which treat the worm that walks as one single creature if it so chooses. Mind-affecting effects that target single creatures function normally against a worm that walks, since the creature’s individual components share a hive mind. A worm that walks takes half again as much damage (+50%) from damaging area effects, such as fireball and splash weapons. Worms that walk are susceptible to high winds—treat a worm that walks as a Fine creature for the purposes of determining wind effects.
Damage Reduction: A worm that walks loses any damage reduction possessed by the base creature and gains damage reduction 15/—.
Fast Healing: A worm that walks gains fast healing equal to its CR.
Immunities: Worms that walk are immune to disease, paralysis, poison, and sleep effects.
Melee Attacks: A worm that walks loses any natural attacks the base creature had, but gains a slam attack that deals damage based on its size. This slam has the grab ability and affects creatures up to one size larger than the worm that walks. A worm that walks retains any weapon proficiencies the base creature had.
Discorporate (Su): A worm that walks can collapse into a shapeless swarm of worms as a free action. All held, worn, and carried items fall and its Strength score drops to 1. The worm that walks functions as a true swarm while discorporated, with a reach of 0 feet (its space remains unchanged). While discorporated, the worm that walks loses all of its defensive abilities and gains all of the standard swarm traits. It loses its slam attacks and all special abilities and special attacks, but can make a swarm attack that deals damage equal to its engulf attack. A worm that walks can reform into its true form (including equipping all gear in reach) as a full-round action as long as it has at least 1 hit point.
Squirming Embrace (Ex): If a worm that walks grapples a foe, as a swift action, it can cause a swarm of worms to squirm over the grappled creature. These worms deal automatic swarm damage with no attack roll needed (see the table below). If a creature takes damage from the swarm, it is also subject to the swarm’s distraction ability, and must make a Fortitude save or be nauseated for 1 round. The save DC equals 10 + 1/2 the worm that walks’s HD + its Con modifier).
A worm that walks can only have one embraced target at a time, but it does not have to continue grappling in order to maintain the embrace. If the worm that walks moves more than 5 feet from the swarm or dismisses the swarm (a free action), the swarm dies. Any area attack that damages the swarm or any severe or stronger wind effect that affects the swarm’s target kills it.
HD - - - - - Engulf Damage
1-5- - - - - 1d6 + 1.5 Str bonus
6-10 - - - - 2d6 + 1.5 Str bonus
11-15- - - - 3d6 + 1.5 Str bonus
16-20- - - - 4d6 + 1.5 Str bonus
21or more- - 5d6 + 1.5 Str bonus
Tenacious (Ex): A worm that walks gains a +4 racial bonus on CMB checks made to grapple and a +4 racial bonus to its CMD.
Abilities: Dex +4, Con +4.
Skills: Worms that walk gain a +8 racial bonus on Perception, Sense Motive, and Stealth checks.
Feats: Worms that walk gain Diehard as a bonus feat.
Class Abilities:
Weapon/Armor Combined Proficiencies: Psions are proficient with the club, dagger, heavy crossbow, light crossbow, quarterstaff, and shortspear.
Power Points/Day: A psion's ability to manifest powers is limited by the power points he has available. His base daily allotment of power points is given on Table: The Psion. In addition, he receives bonus power points per day if he has a high Intelligence score (see Table: Ability Modifiers and Bonus Power Points). His race may also provide bonus power points per day, as may certain feats and items.
Discipline: Every psion must decide at 1st level which psionic discipline he will specialize in. Choosing a discipline provides a psion with access to the class skills associated with that discipline (see above), as well as the powers restricted to that discipline, and the special abilities associated with that discipline (detailed below). However, choosing a discipline also means that the psion cannot learn powers that are restricted to the other disciplines (generalist psions cannot learn powers on any of the discipline power lists). He can't even use such powers by employing psionic items.
Powers Known:A psion begins play knowing three psion powers of your choice. Each time he achieves a new level, he unlocks the knowledge of new powers.
Choose the powers known from the psion power list, or from the list of powers of your chosen discipline (if any). You cannot choose powers from disciplines other than your chosen discipline. (Exception: The feat Expanded Knowledge does allow a psion to learn powers from the lists of other disciplines or even other classes.) A psion can manifest any power that has a power point cost equal to or lower than his manifester level.
The number of times a psion can manifest powers in a day is limited only by his daily power points. A psion simply knows his powers; they are ingrained in his mind. He does not need to prepare them (in the way that some spellcasters prepare their spells), though he must get a good night's sleep each day to regain all his spent power points.
The Difficulty Class for saving throws against psion powers is 10 + the power's level + the psion's Intelligence modifier.
Maximum Power Level Known: A psion begins play with the ability to learn 1st-level powers. As he attains higher levels, a psion may gain the ability to master more complex powers.
To learn or manifest a power, a psion must have an Intelligence score of at least 10 + the power's level.
Bonus Feats: A psion gains a bonus feat at 1st level, 5th level, 10th level, 15th level, and 20th level. This feat must be a psionic feat, a metapsionic feat, or a psionic item creation feat.
These bonus feats are in addition to the feats that a character of any class gains every other level. A psion is not limited to psionic feats, metapsionic feats, and psionic item creation feats when choosing these other feats.
Detect Psionics (Ps): All psions, regardless of their chosen discipline, gain the ability to use detect psionics at will, as long as they maintain psionic focus. This does not require any power point expenditure, and the power cannot be augmented.
Discipline Talents (Ps): Each discipline gains access to two psi-like abilities that can be used as long as the psion maintains psionic focus. Discipline talents are treated as 0-level powers for all purposes (such as save DC). The manifesting time for a discipline talent is the same as if it was manifested normally, or a standard action if the discipline talent does not mimic a psionic power. These powers do not count as powers known for the psion; to manifest them normally, he must select them as his powers known normally.
Synesthete, Thicken Skin - last for rounds equal to Psion level
Discipline Abilities: At 2nd, 8th, 14th, and 20th level, the psion gains special abilities related to his choice of discipline, as detailed below.
Metabolic Healing (Su): At 2nd level, as long as you maintain psionic focus, you gain fast healing 1 when you manifest any psychometabolism power on yourself. This fast healing lasts for a number of rounds equal to the level of the power manifested. The fast healing increases by 1 for every four psion levels thereafter.
Natural Shifter: Although metamorphs sacrifice their manifesting progression to gain increased capability of changing their form, their manifesting ability when manifesting the metamorphosis powers is unaffected. When manifesting the metamorphosis powers, the metamorph's manifester level is increased by 1. Once a metamorph reaches level 6, his manifester level is instead increased by 2. This manifester level bonus stacks with effects like wild surge or Overchannel.
Supernatural Shift (Su): One thing that sets metamorphs apart from their traditional manifester brethren is their ability to assume supernatural abilities of creatures when they utilize one of the metamorphosis powers. The metamorph gains the following menu options when manifesting the metamorphosis powers.
Abilities Menu A
You gain darkvision out to 60 ft.
You gain the ability to breathe underwater.
Abilities Menu B
Your natural attacks cause 2 points of ability damage to either Strength or Dexterity (chosen at time of manifesting). A successful Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 class level + primary ability modifier) negates this damage.
You gain a fear aura. All creatures within a 30-foot radius that see you must make a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 class level + primary ability modifier) or be paralyzed by fear for 1d4 rounds. Whether or not the save is successful, that creature cannot be affected again by your aura again for 24 hours. This is a paralysis and a mind-affecting fear affect.
Abilities Menu C
You gain a breath attack of your active energy type. This attack is a 30 ft. cone that deals 6d8 points of damage of your active damage type. A successful Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 class level + primary ability modifier) halves the damage.
You gain immunity against your active energy type.
Your natural attacks cause paralysis unless the target creature makes a successful Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 class level + primary ability modifier). A target need only make one save per round, even if you hit with multiple natural attacks. The paralysis lasts 1d4 rounds.
Free Shift: Beginning at 2nd level, once per day, a metamorph can manifest metamorphosis, augmented up to his manifester level, without having to pay the power point cost. Every two levels thereafter, a metamorph can use this ability one additional time per day. The metamorph may not augment this power in any other way.
Alter Metamorphosis: Once a metamorph has reached 3rd level, he may spend a move action to modify one of his menu choices for any active metamorphosis power affecting him.
At 6th level, the metamorph can alter one of his menu choices as a swift action instead of as a move action.
At 9th level, the metamorph can alter all menu choices as a move action.
Quick Shift: A 5th level metamorph gains the Swift Shapeshifter feat as a bonus feat. If he already has the Swift Shapeshifter feat, he instead gains Master of All Forms as a bonus feat. If he already has both feats, he gains no benefit.
Major Metamorphosis: At 6th level, metamorphs add major metamorphosis to their list of powers known as a 6th level power. This power does not count against their limit of powers known, but may not be changed by effects such as psychic reformation. If a metamorph already knows major metamorphosis, she may instead choose any psychometabolism power of up to 5th level.
Extended Shift: Any time a metamorph of 7th level or higher manifests a metamorphosis power, he may expend his psionic focus to double the duration.
Psion PP: 168 = 126 Class + 42 INT
Psion ML: Base: 12
Psychometabolism: 14
Psion Powers Known:
0th: Synesthete - last for rounds equal to Psion level
Thicken Skin ^ - last for rounds equal to Psion level if not augmented
1000 Telepathy
1000 Senses 120ft
500 Darkvision
10000 Alternate Form: Quarterstaff
18000 Cast Recharge 3/day (10 charges to battery, 6 to item)
2000 +1 on weapon
35000 Psychic on weapon
3000 Impervious on weapon
12688 out of regular wealth
Player Notes:
good idea:
Combat Manifestation Psionic Meditation Deep Focus: You can psionically focus your subconscious in the same manner in which you gain psionic focus normally. At any time when you need to expend your psionic focus, you can expend your subconscious’s psionic focus instead. At any time when you need to maintain psionic focus for an effect, you can use your subconscious’s psionic focus instead. Psionically focusing your subconscious works just like focusing your conscious mind.
-50' fly speed (average)
-Must still run above (always around 4 inches above) a roughly horizontal surface. This means that the horse can cross non-solid or unstable surfaces such as water and that it can move without leaving tracks on any sort of ground.
-Uses 1 charge/hour
-Costs an additional 10k beyond the Transformative cost