Torillan |
Now I just need to get my head round the cockney.
Apologies in advance, I will murder the accent and it will die messy.
If you get a chance, look up on Youtube "we're Cockneys" with "Fast Show" for a great look at some Cockney goofiness. Over the top, to be sure, but still somewhat useful.
Aubster |
Heh sounds about right Nikolai. I kinda forgot about this thread for a couple days. My bad. Was thinking a gung-ho combat medic (haven't actually read any of the pregens so not sure if that's stepping on anyone's toes). Sounds like you're full now anyway, so have fun :)
I will happily PM you if someone drops out.
Peanuts |
Here I am!
Man, two free edges and 7 attributes? We're practically starting at Seasoned :) Or is that with the 4 hindrance points spent to get the extra attributes and edges? It does seem to be... Most of your pregens seem to have more than half their die in defining interests too, or am I mistaken?
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, Strength d4, Vigor d6
Skills: Climbing d4, Fighting d4, Healing d8+2, Knowledge (Natural Sciences) d8, Notice d6, Persuasion d4, Shooting d6, Tracking d6
Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Charisma: +0; Toughness: 5; Sanity: 6 Corruption: 0
Hindrances: Curious, Loyal, Headstrong(Stubborn)
Edges: Brave, Doctor
Defining Interests: Culture (Chinese), Language (Mandarin), Folklore, Sport Hunting
Languages Known: English, Mandarin
Gear: ???
Not sure how much we’re meant to start with and which ones from Realms of Cthulu, since it doesn’t separate them out by time period. I’ve never been much good with guns, military ranks, history, stuff like that :p Feel free to point me in the right direction, or just assign me some gear. The only thing I’d like to request is some sort of medical supplies bag, and the biggest revolver he can get for this time period :D If you could assign me a reasonable army rank too that'd be handy.
If the above character is okay then point me in the right direction of where I should be starting :)
Aubster |
Here I am!
Man, two free edges and 7 attributes? We're practically starting at Seasoned :) Or is that with the 4 hindrance points spent to get the extra attributes and edges? It does seem to be... Most of your pregens seem to have more than half their die in defining interests too, or am I mistaken?
** spoiler omitted **
If the above character is okay then point me in the right direction of where I should be starting :)
Equipment: Knife (Str+d4), webley .455 mk vi Service revolver (12/24/48, 2d6+1, RoF 1 Shots 6), thompson m1928a1 Submachine gun (12/24/48, 2d6 +1 RoF 3, Shots 50, AP 2 Auto, Medic Kit
Go ahead and post in the gameplay thread. Bart was part of the group parachuting in but was slightly separated from everyone else. You've been wandering around in the woods for a while until the sound of the gunshot drew you to the farmhouse.