Aardvark's "A Conspiracy of Silver Ravens" Hell's Rebels Campaign (Inactive)

Game Master Troy Malovich

The sleepy little Chelish town of Kintargo is in for one hell of an uprising.

Loot List

Rebellion Sheet

Skills Affected While Within Kintargo:
Craft: -1 to generate income
Diplomacy: +4 against government officials, and to call the city guard.
Diplomacy: -2 to alter the attitude of a non-government official
Disguise: -2 to all disguise checks
Intimidate: +4 to force someone to act friendly
Perform: -1 to generate income
Profession: -1 to generate income
Sense Motive: -2 to avoid being bluffed
Sleight of Hand: -2 to Pick Pockets

Evgeni Genadiev

Tasha Valenti

Female Human Fighter 8 | HP 43/76 | AC 24, T 10 FF 24 | Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +5 (+2 add vs m.e., +8 add. vs Fear) | CMD 22 | Init +0 | Perception +10
(349 posts)

James Martin

Aldern Foxglove
Ganner Viir

HP 19/19; AC 16, T 16, FF 13, F+4, R+6, W+3; CMD 19, Perc +8, Init +3
(235 posts)


Dawnilea Harpefax

(Acro +5; Bluff: +2; Climb +3; Diplo +6; Disguise +2; EscArt +1; Intim +2; Kn(Nob) +6; Ride +1; SenMot +3; Stealth +1; Swim: -2)
Female Human Paladin (Virtuous Bravo) 1
(HP: 12/12 AC: 17/13/14; Percep: +4; Init: +3; Fort +4, Ref: +3, Will: +1; CMD: 14; CMB +1)

(289 posts)

Troy Malovich

Aardvark DM

Maps: HR Moonday, 07 Rova 4715 | MM Wealday, 19 Pharast 4714 | CotCT Starday, 19 Gozran 4708
Actions not taken, are actions not performed:
You didn't say it, you didn't do it.

(3,607 posts)



Female Human Ranger Bounty Hunter (Thief-taker) | Wounds 18/18 | Fate 2/2 | Fortune 2/2 | Resilience 4/4 | Resolve 3/4 | Status: Brass 0 | WS 41 / BS 29 / Str 35 / T 45 / Ini 33 / Ag 28 / Dex 27 / Int 33 / Will 30 / Fel 26 | Movement 4 | Corruption = 1
(298 posts)

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