Dawnilea Harpefax |
Dawnilea follows, "Let's do this quickly," she says grimly.
She nods at the warning, then says, "Of course, the curfew may also mean that the folk at the warehouse will be less vigilant. But, as I said, I didn't get hit it use any magic -- and more, I'm fairly good at not being seen. Which means my opinion on this may not be the best one."
Dawnilea rather likes the sneaking around at night after curfew stuff, but she's a Milani-worshipper... and kind of likes direct action approaches.
Krizta |
Krizta would be happy to burn them, but she isn't going to snap necks, so she steps back a little.
Krizta will go along with the after hours thing, but she might not be good at sneakiness. +6 to stealth... could go either way.
Tasha Valenti |
Tasha nods grimly as the others set to kill the creatures. You know there's bound to be worse stuff you'd have to do, right?, she asks herself as she stares into a nearby wall. I could tell myself I could've done it if I had to... I mean, I was fighting them when they were fighting, but..., she appears deep in thought as she steps from foot to foot.
Nodding as the task is done, Tasha lets out a slight smile. "I imagine that the Dottari would be just as much against us breaking into a warehouse before curfew. So I'm all for it. I'd suggest trying for some subtlety and letting breaking down the door as a last resort, though.", she grins. Even if I'm pretty sure it'll come to that soon enough.
One more vote for warehouse. Though I understand that most of the casters might be a bit short on spells.
Aardvark DM |
As the majority of the group huddles over the inert forms, Bardigan readily grabs the one nearest him, and simply presses his kukri against the neck for a quick clean kill. As soon as he does, it explodes into a cloud of sparkling white fairy dust that clings to everyone nearby enough to do the deed. This glittery substance has a stench so foul that it nearly sickens all of them, but they are able to fight the revulsion. Bardigan, though, who took the blast right up close, can't fight back the nausea.
Fort Saves DC 10:
Bardigan 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7, sickened for 1d4 ⇒ 2 rounds
Dawnilea 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21
Ganner 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15
Zea 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16
Zea stands quickly and tries to wipe all of the stinky, sticky, goop off of her, her nose scrunched in utter disgust, "Ugh, I knew we should tossed the whole bag into the Yolubilis."
Bardigan Cain |
"Blasted devils! Even in death they torture me!" Bardigan coughs and hacks as he doubles over until the brief spell passes. Frowning as he comes back up, and slightly red with embarrassment at the display, he complains, "I don't know that any worse creature has ever set foot on Golarion than these wretched things."
Krizta |
Krizta helps clean people up with Prestidigitation, if they want help.
Tasha Valenti |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Tasha bites her teeth as she sits behing the corner, trying her best to ignore the deed behind her. "Stop it.", she outright grumbles to herself, only to hear a loud noise, followed by a chorus of retching and dry-heaving. Turning the corner with a hand on her bow, she turns red as she makes her way towards the rest.
"Uh... Sorry.", she winces at Bardigan as he raises up, before a guilty smile appears on her face. "Damn. The Lord-Mayor's got some serious competition now, it se...", before her eyes shoot wide open and a grin appears on her face. "Uh... This is going to sound pretty crazy... And silly. But...", she bites her lip. "If those things make it into the Opera, or the Dottari HQ and start doing general mischievery and shenanigan...ery, there's bound to be someone telling all the Kintargans about it soon enough.", she grins. "And after these couple of weeks, people need to laugh more than ever."
It is a bit out of the blue, and is a rather derail-y idea, but if someone sneaks around the palace and throws the bag of semi-conscious flying mischief fairies, the result is going to be a lot of people laughing at the Dottari, or the mainland Chelaxians. Though, I am want to derail this, so that's why I'm leaving it as an idea only.
Bardigan Cain |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
After what just happened to Bardigan, I'm considering using their stable-but-not-quite-dead bodies as grenades against the dottari =P
Bardigan blinks a few times at Tasha, then down at the puddle of sick at his feet. "As much as I would love for the dottari to go through what I just did, these things had a tiefling kid's body chained up. If one of these things got away from the dottari, even one, and went after another Kintargan, I'd never forgive myself."
He then looks down at the remaining devils and frowns, this time deeply. "And beyond that, I don't want us to become like Barzillai or his dottari. Sending evil murderers into the base of one's enemies sounds like something straight out of Barzillai's Big Book of Evil Ideas."
Something in Bardigan's words gives him pause then. His face scrunches up as he looks at everyone, one eyebrow arched. "Wait. Is that what happened in the coffeehouse? Could that be what brought that wall down on Maggie back in the Nest?"
Aardvark DM |
Not pushing, as I enjoy the back and forth, but have you guys decided on heading back to the Longroad's Coffeehouse or onward to the Sallix Salt Works? Also, what is to be done with the last 6 things (one kept to study and one already killed)?
Krizta |
Off to the Salt Works then? Or are we waiting till morning?
Dawnilea Harpefax |
Dawnilea smiles, "Well, I know that I liked the thought of paying them a visit... Glad to see you're all onboard."
Aardvark DM |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Okay, who is carrying the captive unconscious pest that was going to be kept for study?
Zea scrunches her nose as Bardigan just rushes the process amid exploding bodies and foul stench. Even with Krizta's prestidigitation, the odor seems to have that hint of being stuck to the back of his nose so that he can almost taste it, forcing him to spit periodically to no avail. She bids them farewell, with another "Thank you." and "Be careful of the Dottari patrols." To Bardigan specifically she steps close as she departs to tell him, "If you ever need anything from the Nursery, come find me." With that the group departs for the Sallix Salt Works.
I'm going to be nice and just roll stealth for you all, as I've hinted it enough, and surely at least one of your group would know better than to walk so openly after curfew.
Bardigan 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 1 = 19
Dawnilea 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22
Ganner 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23
Krizta 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12
Tasha 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5
Though there are a few stumbles along the path, as Tasha is seemingly lost in thought to the point that she keeps misstepping, the group manages to avoid catching sign of any patrols to make it unmolested to the destination. Before too long the group arrives at the Salt Works previously scouted by half the group earlier. As described by the others, the Salt Works isn't much more than a squat rectangular structure built around a low stone dome. The front of the building is dominated by a set of double doors, and around back there is a small outbuilding connected to the whole by a covered patio. Two doors face each other from the outbuilding to the main structure. There remains no sign of guards posted outside.
Dawnilea Harpefax |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Apologies, GM, I assumed we were sneaking about since it's past curfew -- but your rules do say that nothing goes without saying -- so, party declaration: Unless otherwise stated, if it's past curfew, we're making with the stealth (which probably means any time we're not needing to rush.
Dawnilea suggests, "I'm thinking coming in the back is usually better for surprise -- but we should probably send a few to scout to make sure the path is clear -- and I should be one of those few, in case there's a lock or trap to deal with."
Krizta |
Sounds good.
Krizta goes around to the back and waits outside as the scout party enters to check things out.
Dawnilea Harpefax |
Dawnilea nods at Bardigan's direction, "Will do... and if you hear me scream, run in with weapons drawn."
Dawnilea starts sneaking toward the back door, carefully, keeping an eye out for tripwires or other alarms as she gets closer.
Stealth: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24
Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24
Aardvark DM |
Dawnilea sneaks up into the covered patio, as silent and dark as a shadow, to hug up against the center post. Leaning an ear toward each door, she listens. Hearing very little, nothing presents itself to her, but she catches a slight grating sound from the east door. It takes a little bit to realize that it is the muffled sound of snoring. Visually, it's hard to determine much, as the limited moonlight barely reaches the small space of the covered patio.
Dawnilea Harpefax |
Dawnilea smiles, then waves to her companions to approach.
Tasha Valenti |
Tasha follows behind. Well, that was embarrassing. And I thought I was quick on my feet. Nodding at Bardigan, she unsheathes her bow. Let's hope we don't run into many guards..., she sighs.
Stealth: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14
Aardvark DM |
The group easily convenes on the patio, but are left with the decision now of which door to go through.
Krizta |
Krizta agrees with the eastern door, waiting for the stealthier members of the group to deal with their sleeping foe.
Dawnilea Harpefax |
Dawnilea nods, "Though we shouldn't send Ganner's in alone in case the sleeper isn't alone either."
Bardigan Cain |
I believe so, but any non-lethal damage that exceeds the target's max hp carries over as lethal damage. For instance, 30 nonlethal damage dealt to someone at 20/20 hp would yield 20 non-lethal and 10 lethal damage. The same is true if that someone were at 1/20 hp, but if they had a 9 Con they'd also be dead =P
Dawnilea Harpefax |
Dawnilea follows Ganner, blade in hand, ready to provide support.
Stealth: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17
Aardvark DM |
Yes, you can CDG with NL, like Bardigan explained it, but it will not kill unless it goes over the HP enough to do lethal, and they fail the save. Instead, if it's still NL, the failed save will be a knockout instead.
1 1d20 - 10 ⇒ (10) - 10 = 0
2 1d20 - 10 ⇒ (2) - 10 = -8
3 1d20 - 10 ⇒ (7) - 10 = -3
4 1d20 - 10 ⇒ (16) - 10 = 6
Ganner leans into the door, pulling it against his shoulder for control as he turns the knob to enter. Dawnilea is right over his shoulder, ready to strike at the sleeper within if things go sour. The room within is dark, too dark for either of the two to see within. The moonlight shining down is blocked by the patio roof, and not at a good enough angle to shine through the cracked door. As far as they can tell, it's a single big room, with some indeterminable furniture.
Despite the darkness, the two are able to determine that, although she heard only one snore, there are more than a couple sounds of deep breathing. At least one of the people within lets out a brief snort while rolling over, but sounds to return to sleep undisturbed. There are probably about three to four people sleeping within.
Aardvark DM |
Ganner creeps into the darkness, unable to see anything without having to feel his way up to the first bed and body. Once he feels the form, he gently feels his way along the prostrate from of the sleeping man. With a heavy thump, and a brief huff of pain, the room falls silent, Dawnilea only able to guess that Ganner was successful, as she too can't see a thing in the darkness.
To be clear, both Ganner and Dawnilea are in total darkness and completely blind in this room.
Dawnilea Harpefax |
Dawnilea creeps back to the outline of the door and whispers, "Anyone have a candle or spell with very dim light? It's dark in there, enough that we might trip over something... but we don't want to wake them with a bright light.. unless one of you secretly isn't what they seem and has darkvision?"
Krizta |
Krizta whispers back
There isn't a normal spell like that, although there are palelight torches... not something we can provide right now. What if I cast light on a pebble for you, and you can use your hand to hide the light except for a little bit that you allow to shine out? Would that work?
Krizta casts light on a pebble and passes it to Dawnilea.
Dawnilea Harpefax |
Dawnilea closes her hand around the stone, allowing it to cause her hand to glow softly, with only the dimmest of light escaping, then steps back into the room, waiting a moment for her eyes to adjust before stepping forward to smash w sleeper with the basket-hilt of her sabre.
Aardvark DM |
As Dawnilea brings in the muted light, the two of them are able to make out some more details of the room, though still cloaked in a deep shadow. They can see the room is crammed with three pairs of bunks. The first two have a sleeping man on both the top and bottom, though the closest one on the bottom is now in a much deeper Ganner-implemented sleep. The last bunk is bearing the weight of a sleeping dwarf.
Aardvark DM |
Ganner, are you moving on to the next guy, or doing something different now that you can see the room's contents?
Dawnilea Harpefax |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Was waiting on Ganner, but if he's delaying, Dawni will sneak up on the lone dwarf and introduce him to Mr. Basket Hilt
Aardvark DM |
The rolls will have to be done for each, because if you don't do enough to knock any of them out, they wake up.
Dawnilea Harpefax |
Versus Dwarf: 2d8 + 8 ⇒ (4, 5) + 8 = 17
Aardvark DM |
Ganner Stands on the nearby chair to get a good shot at the man on the top bunk, as Dawnilea moves up to deal with the dwarf personally. They both swing out, Ganner with a training-hardened fist, and Dawnilea with her sword's solid hilt. Her hit is particularly brutal as she sees the symbol of Asmodeus that the dwarf wears.
The sad news is, that neither of them is able to deliver a powerful enough hit to keep either of their targets from waking. The sleeping guard just yells "Owwww!" as he bolts up in bed. The dwarf snorts loudly and hollers "What in the name of the Nine Hells?!"
Dawnilea 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22
Ganner 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4
Krizta 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15
Tasha 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24
Thug 2 1d20 ⇒ 4
Thug 3 1d20 ⇒ 4
Thug 4 1d20 ⇒ 12
Kossrani 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 1 = 12
The men are all caught off guard by the bellows, but they rouse as quickly as they can. Regardless, it is not enough to keep most of the group from getting the jump on them. Tasha pulls her bow and steps closer to the building. She turns and faces the opposite door, prepared to shoot anyone that comes out to assist.
-----------To go this round-----------
Round 1:
Dawnilea -
Bardigan - 1 damage, 1 Chr damage
Krizta -
Dwarf - 19 NL damage, Prone
Thug 4 - Prone
Ganner -
Thug 2 - 8 NL damage, Prone
Thug 3 - Prone
-----------Went this round-----------
(R) Tasha - 1 Dex damage, Readied 5’ to J20, draw bow, ready attack.