Aardvark DM |
Zea looks a mix of confused and concerned, "So, we got four of them, and the other half of them got away. Shouldn't we try to get them too? Aren't they still a threat to someone else?" Her voice grows shaky with worry, looking to each of the party in turn, but ending and staying on Bardigan.
Dawnilea Harpefax |
Dawnilea nods, "Exactly. Though I'm not sure I can track something that flies, and I'm not sure they'll fall for this again.... Can anyone maybe try to tend the wounds of one of the little beasts?"
Krizta |
We're not planning on leaving you to deal with this alone, Zea. We're just showing you what we know so far. They must be holed up somewhere in the middle of the area that we laid out as their hunting area. We just have to find them.
Bardigan Cain |
Bardigan struggles to talk around the fabric in his mouth, but after a few stumbles manages to enunciate everything clearly enough. "It's the middle of the night, we're not waking the tailor to show him these tiny little devils. Throw them in a sack and let's head off in the direction the others fled. Maybe one of them is bleeding." He turns, making ready to stalk off into the night after the toothy thieves. He then stops, "Does, ah, anyone have a torch by chance? I don't suppose these things bleed glitter?"
Krizta |
Don't have a torch, but I can cast Light on an item of your choice if you like.
Tasha Valenti |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Tasha's eyebrows furrow for a moment, before grinning. "Uh. I saw this in the theatre once...", she starts saying with a grin, suggesting she doesn't really believe it would work, "and it might be stupid - but if we let one of them go, it might just be stupid enough to lead us to the rest.", she suggests. "That being said, I'm not betting on that working, so don't start practicing your mastermind puppeteer laughs just yet."
She reaches into her bag, carefully dragging one of the wounded creatures out. "We make it glow, we heal it up, and then turn our back and let it escape? Worst case scenario, we need to fight one more when we find them."
Tasha Valenti |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Tasha nods, blushing slightly. "Uh, we better get started.", she says a moment later, picking up her longbow. "What are we looking for? Scratchmarks of tools on the walls? Droplets of blood?", she says as she starts walking in the direction of where the flying devils went. If I'm being honest, I've been out of my element since I got out of bed this morning., she thinks to herself with a self-ironising smile.
Survival to track?: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 1 = 16
Aardvark DM |
Tasha starts off in the right direction, but without any sort of experience as a tracker, realizes she has a hard time following four diminutive flying creatures down torchlit city streets. The best bet may be to look for signs of blood, as some of them were wounded when they left.
Untrained, tracking caps at 10 just like knowledge skills. Currently, only Dawnilea is trained in the skill, though everyone else can use perception to find tracks, just not follow them.
Krizta |
Krizta attempts to find traces of blood so they can follow the creepy evil tooth fairies.
Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (6) + 8 = 14
Aardvark DM |
Krizta gets a good look around the area, but doesn't seem to notice any markings that would help to follow the little things.
In an effort to try and maintain better habits of momentum on my behalf, I will roll for Dawnilea in 24 hours, allowing weekend leeway.
Bardigan Cain |
Can we treat Tasha's roll as a successful aid another action given the untrained cap?
Bardigan scours the stones and walls of the various alleys for any signs of blood, hoping that if they can find some sign of their passing that Dawnilea can then follow the trail. "Everyone look around. If you see blood or the like, point it out."
Perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 1 = 15
Aardvark DM |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Normally, I would allow treating it as such, but the rules for aid another on skills say "you can't aid another to grant a bonus to a task that your character couldn't achieve alone."
The conditions of following their quarry are less than favorable, and it's all Dawnilea can do to find any markings left behind, but she finds something that can only belong to the little fey creatures. There is a little periodic droplet of sparkling white dust that just manages to catch the torchlight. The smell of it is sickly and pungent, but has a splatter pattern of a bleeding prey.
Dawnilea's Tracking 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20
So, the base DC was 26 (flying diminutives of more than 3), but because 2 of the 4 were injured, and their blood is glittery and white, I reduced it by 10.
Dawnilea is able to follow the trail for a good distance, but not too far given you guys began your ambush near the middle of the strikes. The path leads you just up a darker thin street.
Krizta |
Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18
Krizta motions to the group without speaking, and points to a dark hollow under the side of a building, signaling that they are in there.
Then she walks closer to look in, hoping to catch them all with a burning hands spell.
Stealth: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22
Tasha Valenti |
Tasha, lost in thought, almost dives into the alleyway before Bardigan warns her. "Right!", she replies, drawing her longbow. Noticing the clerk walking into the street, she follows almost silently, nodding and raising her crossbow at the first foe she sees. We should probably offer them to surrender first... Which will prooobably have them run away on us again. If we're lucky. If they even understand us., the archer pouts as she stares down the arrow's shaft.
Perception: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12
Stealth: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23
Aardvark DM |
3 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27
4 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18
8 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16
The group closes on the space where the things can just be heard chittering ahead. As Krizta skulks forward to try and blast them, a loud high-pitched bark can be heard from the hovel, and the others go silent, as one of them flits quickly out of the small opening.
Dawnilea 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9
Ganner 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (13) + 3 = 16
Krizta 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11
Tasha 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17
Zea 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14
Fey 1 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5
Fey 3 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20
Fey 4 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7
Fey 8 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14
This is the surprise round, only 3 was not surprised.
-----------To go this round-----------
Surprise Round: TR = Top right, TL = Top left, BR = Bottom right, BL = Bottom left
Tasha - 1 Dex damage
Ganner -
Zea -
Enemy 8/D5(TR) - 4 damage, Surprised
Krizta -
Bardigan - 1 damage, 1 Chr damage
Dawnilea -
Enemy 4/D5(TL) - 5 damage, Surprised
Enemy 1/D5(BR) - Surprised
-----------Went this round-----------
Enemy 3/F4(TL) -
Dawnilea Harpefax |
Is there anyway to block their escape?
Krizta |
Krista slips around in front of the wagon in the middle of the street, crowding back into it in order to keep her distance from the tiny creatures, and blasts three of them with fire.
Burning Hands Damage: 2d4 ⇒ (2, 4) = 6
DC 14 Reflex Save for half damage
Aardvark DM |
Only by plugging up the hole they are in. They are diminutive and fly. Once outside, they can get just about anywhere in the alleyway and up.
Tasha Valenti |
Seeing the monsters jump out, Tasha's arrows fly at the escapee. A hasty initial shot flies over the houses in the distance, and the second grazes the small creature. "Get 'em!", she shouts, her hand reaching into her bag for another arrow.
Attack 1, Rapid Shot, DA, PBS: 1d20 + 7 - 2 - 1 ⇒ (1) + 7 - 2 - 1 = 5
Attack 2, Rapid Shot: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24
Damage: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6
Aardvark DM |
Tasha, it's a surprise round, and rapid shot is a Full-attack action.
As one of the little creatures rushes angrily out of the hole, Tasha is somewhat startled, and despite her readiness her shot looses early and off high over the rooftops.
Ganner, in turn, rushes forward and delivers a hard-knuckled punch square to the middle of the small flying thing. With a curving swing to bring his knuckles down atop the thing's tiny skull, he tries to knock it senseless. The nature of the hit drops it to the cobblestones, where it barely wavers on its feet.
Enemy 3, Fort save 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (12) - 1 = 11
As the little thing drops, Zea loads her crossbow to prepare for any others to come flying out. The option may not be necessary, as Krizta steps up into the opening and blasts a cone of fire within.
Enemy 1, Ref save 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22
Enemy 4, Ref save 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19
Enemy 8, Ref save 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16
-----------To go this round-----------
Surprise Round: TR = Top right, TL = Top left, BR = Bottom right, BL = Bottom left
Bardigan - 1 damage, 1 Chr damage
Dawnilea -
Enemy 4/D5(TL) - 8 damage, Dying
Enemy 1/D5(BR) - 3 damage, Surprised
-----------Went this round-----------
Enemy 3/F4(TL) - 4 NL, Stunned
Tasha - 1 Dex damage, Miss Enemy 3, 5’ to J3
Ganner - Charge to G3, hit and stunned Enemy 3
Zea - Loads crossbow
Enemy 8/D5(TR) - 7 damage, Dying
Krizta - 5’ to E5, cast Burning Hands
Bardigan Cain |
Bardigan darts up beside Kritza and jabs his rapier forward, "What'd you do with my teeth, you little devil!"
Rapier: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11for: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6
HP: 19/20
AC: 16 (12 T / 14 FF)
CMD: 16
F/R/W: +6/+3/+5
Hellfire strikes used: 0/3
Eldritch Pool used: 1/5
Lvl 1 Spell Slots used: 0/3
Ongoing Effects
2 Cha damage
Aardvark DM |
Bardigan, it's still the surprise round, so only one action.
Bardigan moves up beside Krizta, his rapier at the ready to deliver punishment to the creatures that yanked teeth right from his mouth.
-----------To go this round-----------
Surprise Round: TR = Top right, TL = Top left, BR = Bottom right, BL = Bottom left
Dawnilea -
Enemy 4/D5(TL) - 8 damage, Dying
Enemy 1/D5(BR) - 3 damage, Surprised
-----------Went this round-----------
Enemy 3/F4(TL) - 4 NL, Stunned
Tasha - 1 Dex damage, Miss Enemy 3, 5’ to J3
Ganner - Charge to G3, hit and stunned Enemy 3
Zea - Loads crossbow
Enemy 8/D5(TR) - 7 damage, Dying
Krizta - 5’ to E5, cast Burning Hands
Bardigan - 1 damage, 1 Chr damage, Move to E4
Dawnilea Harpefax |
Swords in hand, Dawni follows Ganner's lead, charging the fairy.
Sabre: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14 for 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
Aardvark DM |
Dawnilea rushes forward to strike the thing knocked almost senseless by Ganner. Her sabre cuts in sharply and drops the thing lifelessly to the ground.
One of the burnt ones in the hole looks to be stable, but the one still up flits slightly back into the depths of the hole, and vanishes from sight. Simultaneously, the one just cut down by Dawnilea continues to ooze it's glittery white blood from the jagged cut of her blade.
Enemy 4, 1d20 - 1 - 3 ⇒ (20) - 1 - 3 = 16
Enemy 3 1d20 - 1 - 2 ⇒ (10) - 1 - 2 = 7
-----------To go this round-----------
Round 1: TR = Top right, TL = Top left, BR = Bottom right, BL = Bottom left
Tasha - 1 Dex damage, Miss Enemy 3, 5’ to J3
Ganner - Charge to G3, hit and stunned Enemy 3
Zea - Loads crossbow
Enemy 8/D5(TR) - 7 damage, Dying
Krizta - 5’ to E5, cast Burning Hands
Bardigan - 1 damage, 1 Chr damage, Move to E4
Dawnilea - Charge to F4, hit enemy 3
Enemy 4/D5(TL) - 8 damage, Stabilized
Enemy 1/?C5(BR)? - 3 damage, 5’ N, not visible
-----------Went this round-----------
Enemy 3/F4(TL) - 8 damage, 4 NL, Dying, Stunned
Tasha Valenti |
Rushing to the hole, Tasha glances down into the murky darkness. "Damnit.", she blurts out as she points her longbow down the hole. Letting an arrow down for good measure, she sighs as the sound of the arrow hitting the stones and breaking reaches her ears. "Well...", she says after a moment. "There's three of them left. Are we going down the hole to chase it?", she asks, the tone of her voice suggesting she'd rather not. Not sure how much harm one of those might cause by itself. But then again...
Attack, targeting TR: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9 Not even sure I can target them, but if I could target their square, I will. Not that it matters with that roll, though.
Concealment: 1d100 ⇒ 64 Not sure if higher or lower is how we roll here, so I'll let the GM decide.
Damage: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11
Krizta |
Ugh. I think we probably have to. We don't know if there are more of them in there, or if one of them can go on a killing spree by itself.
Krizta cast light on a pebble (or a copper piece if there are no pebbles), and tosses it back into the hole to see if the creature is still visible somewhere.
Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15
Aardvark DM |
Tasha hurries up to the small hole, to fire into it by nothing more than the light of Bardigan's rapier. She doesn't see a target, and only hears her fired arrow clatter off the rough dirt floor of the rough hovel.
Ganner switches his stance, solid and ready to strike at any sign of another of the creatures. He places his back to the wall, fists raised, daring the thing to appear before him.
Zea inches her way forward, crossbow raised and ready. She too waits for signs of another to appear, aimed in the air above, prepared to fire with a hair trigger.
Enemy 8, 1d20 - 1 - 2 ⇒ (11) - 1 - 2 = 8
Krizta picks up a rough stone off the ground nearby, and casts her light spell onto it. The light on Bardigan's rapier blinks out as it is now replanted onto the stone. She drops the stone into the hole. It clatters down a slight incline, and shows that the hole itself is just slightly deeper than can be seen from the edge. Light dances off the walls, showing that it is very close quarters indeed. Any one of you would have to squeeze to even get in there, but there is no sign of the light dancing off of something within. Though she can clearly see one of the ones she burned, as it continues to smolder slightly.
-----------To go this round-----------
Round 1: TR = Top right, TL = Top left, BR = Bottom right, BL = Bottom left
Bardigan - 1 damage, 1 Chr damage, Move to E4
Dawnilea - Charge to F4, hit enemy 3
Enemy 4/D5(TL) - 8 damage, Stabilized
Enemy 1/?C5(BR)? - 3 damage, 5’ N, not visible
-----------Went this round-----------
Enemy 3/F4(TL) - 8 damage, 4 NL, Dying, Stunned
Tasha - 1 Dex damage, Move to E6, miss enemy 1
(R) Ganner - Readied Readies to hit enemy 1
(R) Zea - Readied Move to H6, readies to hit enemy 1
Enemy 8/D5(TR) - 8 damage, Dying
Krizta - Cast Light, drops it in the hole.
Tasha Valenti |
Sheathing her bow, Tasha sighs. And the day just keeps getting better., she thinks to herself as she stares down the hole, before taking a step in. "If it's just the one injured one, it's not going to ambush us! And if there's more, they're bound to need time to organise?", she shouts up the hole at the others.
Using my standard action to sheathe my weapon, and my move to descend down the hole.
Bardigan Cain |
"We've chased them this far, after all. Let's see it done." Bardigan waits for Tasha to call out the all clear before he begins worming his way down behind her.
I'll keep my rapier drawn and start squeezing providing Tasha indicates there's room for the two of them.
HP: 19/20
AC: 16 (12 T / 14 FF)
CMD: 16
F/R/W: +6/+3/+5
Hellfire strikes used: 0/3
Eldritch Pool used: 1/5
Lvl 1 Spell Slots used: 0/3
Ongoing Effects
2 Cha damage
Dawnilea Harpefax |
Dawnilea says, "They might, but then, they don't seem too bright either. " She sheathes her blades and readies to follow the others once the course is clear.
Aardvark DM |
Okay, Bardigan and Dawnilea, you both go before Tasha's action (as does the enemy), so you could potentially be in the hole before her. The space is very tight, and requires a DC 20 Escape Artist check for a medium creature to enter.
Dawnilea Harpefax |
Dawnilea starts toward the hole, then stops, "I don't think I can squeeze in there with this armour."
Bardigan Cain |
Oh! So this is more difficult than squeezing? In that case, yeah, I think we're hosed unless one of us has a bunch of ranks =P
Bardigan shakes his head a the opening, then nods at Dawnilea's observation. "Yeah, I don't know that I could get down there without armor. Anyone have any soap? Or oil?"
Tasha Valenti |
Bardigan shakes his head a the opening, then nods at Dawnilea's observation. "Yeah, I don't know that I could get down there without armor. Anyone have any soap? Or oil?"
Tasha, seeing the hole being a lot narrower than it looks, holds on, before letting out a very unladylike snicker. "Are we hunting succubi now?", she retorts to Bardigan with a wide grin. "I think that even if we get in, we might not be able to squeeze out.", she reasons. Patting her bag, she shrugs. "Well... the people know what those look like now, and as far as we know, there's only one left." Pointing to the hole, she continues. "And as far as devil-spilling portals go, I'm sure that's one of the smaller ones. We can pay someone from the neighbourhood to board it and fill it up and we can find out where it leads to after we give the ones we captured to the tailor."
She sheathes her weapons. "I think I remember a few people around here...", she says, nodding at the street behind them.
Knowledge(Local): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24 Looking for a local who can cover up the hole. I think a gold piece should be enough to cover the working costs?
Knowledge(Local): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25 This one is for finding someone who knows anything about the tunnels below.
Dawnilea Harpefax |
Dawnilea chuckles at Bardigan, "Well, now, someone's just showing off."
She calls down, "Everything ok, Ganner? Do we need to burn the place around your ears yet?"
Krizta |
Krista had thought of just trying to send some fire through the small hole, but is astounded when Ganner seems able to fit. She’d never seen anyone more limber, even in a carnival.
Aardvark DM |
Okay, vice backtracking (as Ganner goes after Tasha, who goes after the enemy), I'll just move forward as if the thing readied/delayed its action.
As the others crowd around the very tight confines of the entrance to the creatures' burrow, Ganner limbers up briefly before shimmying his way inside the small space, barely a five foot wide, ten foot long hole. The light of Krizta's dropped stone just filtering around Ganner reveals a chamber slowly being decorated with teeth of all sorts, a few disturbing patterns decorate the walls. In the center of one of these is a gold tooth.
A more interesting find than the gold tooth lies in the far side of the area, where the broken, toothless body of a young tiefling child has been set in a place of reverence in a niche in the wall. The child’s body has been tightly wrapped with thick preserved sinews, its wrists and ankles shattered and bound with iron chains. All but one of its teeth have been knocked from its jaws.
He doesn't have long to take in the scene, as the last of the creatures appears right before him. Before Ganner can react, a wave of exhaustion washes over the area. Suddenly, Ganner feels so very tired, as does Bardigan. The two men have to fight to keep their eyes open. With Ganner clogging up the hole, no one can really see or tell what's happening.
Ganner and Bardigan have to make a DC 13 Will save or fall asleep.
Enemy 3 1d20 - 1 - 3 ⇒ (16) - 1 - 3 = 12
Enemy 8 1d20 - 1 - 3 ⇒ (8) - 1 - 3 = 4
-----------To go this round-----------
Round 2: TR = Top right, TL = Top left, BR = Bottom right, BL = Bottom left
Krizta - Cast Light, drops it in the hole.
(D) Bardigan - 1 damage, 1 Chr damage, Delaying
(D) Dawnilea - Delaying
Enemy 4/D5(TL) - 8 damage, Stabilized
-----------Went this round-----------
Enemy 3/F4(TL) - 8 damage, 4 NL, Stabilized
(D) Tasha - 1 Dex damage, Delaying
Ganner - Readied Readies to hit enemy 1
Enemy 1/C5(BR) - 3 damage, not visible
(D) Zea - Delaying
Enemy 8/D5(TR) - 9 damage, Dying
Okay, for all the actions that couldn't take place due to what options were actually available, I just had you each Delay. As in Dawnilea, Bardigan, and Tasha all delayed for Ganner to climb in the hole. We are back to Krizta's turn, and on a new round, as everything happened only after he climbed in.
Krizta |
Krizta says
Um... if you want, you could come back out and I could try burning them again?
She can't see the child's body and doesn't know what is happening, so I think her only move here is to delay.
Tasha Valenti |
"Shout when you need us to help you get out!", Tasha's voice carries from outside. What's going on? I hate not knowing things..., she thinks, leaning over the hole with an extended hand to help the two crawlers when they start leaving.
Readied Aid Another on Climb/Escape Artist: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7+2 if the latter.
Dawnilea Harpefax |
Dawnilea offers, "Maybe we set up a sack to catch them if they try to flee again?"