A: Table 1 Honor's Echo - PFS RPG - GM PDK (Inactive)

Game Master Purple Dragon Knight

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Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
female Sylph
hp 24/24 AC 16|T 13 |FF 13 (+2 vs nonm. ranged attacks), F +4|R +5|W +0, Init +3, Per +6
Alchemist (Tinkerer) 3

Frostwind dresses up her finest with the cloths provided.
KnowNob untrained: 1d20 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 4 + 2 = 26

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
M Human Warpriest 6 | HP 39/39 | AC 20/12/18 | F+8 R+ W+9 | Perc +5 | Init +2 | Feather Fall 1/1 |Conditions Active: none

Umberto doesn't shine up so pretty but he'll shave and be presentable. He'll hold on to his tankard, though.

Knowledge Checks
Kimjonghealz wrote:
"Looking my best? That I will have the most trouble with. Soldiers Glory, any words of advice from someone as wise and aged as yourself?"

"Yes: make sure you polish me for at least 2 hours, including my pommel, quillion and my scabbard."

Grand Lodge

M Human Warpriest 6 | HP 39/39 | AC 20/12/18 | F+8 R+ W+9 | Perc +5 | Init +2 | Feather Fall 1/1 |Conditions Active: none

Umberto snickers. You should probably do that for 3 hours at least. That is a sword of exceeding repute!

Grand Lodge

F Human Warpriest of Iomedae 1 | HP 10/10 | AC 18 T 11 FF 17 | CMB +3, CMD 14 | F: +3, R: +1, W: +5 | Init: +5 | Perc: +8, SM: +3 | Speed 20ft | Active conditions: None.

"Well, there is polish, and there's polish"

Knowledge Checks

On the day of the event Remaio meets you outside the palace where Eutropia is holding court. He appears outwardly confident and cheerful!

Sense Motive DC 15:
You can tell that Remaio is nervous.

When you are all ready Remaio accompanies you inside.

This ancient and grand palace is decorated with ornate arches of patterned stone. Robed greeters bow as the building’s massive iron doors swing open. Light illuminates the hall through dozens of windows in the ceiling. Shining panels of gold decorate the marble walls.

Since you arrive before official proceedings begin, you have time to converse with other guests before you are called upon to speak. Remaio does not talk to you during the event, nor does he speak with any of the important figures at the event at the same time you do. All court NPCs appear to be initially indifferent towards the PCs. You can improve an NPC’s attitude to Friendly with a successful DC 16 Diplomacy check, or Helpful if they succeed at this check by 5 or more. You can take 10 on all checks except if you're aiding another: for those you must roll against DC 10. GM Suggestion: since you already know the DC, do the math and see if best one at diplomacy could get close by taking 10, then have others attempt to aid. GM Hint: Failure makes the NPCs attitudes worse.
You can only improve a given NPC’s attitude with Diplomacy once, although you may use aid another to work together to make a favorable impression.
There will be variations for each NPC depending on what you did in certain previous missions.
So pick an NPC, pick a party face, have the party face write what he/she will say, have the 'aiders' write a short sentence to show how they 'aid another', and roll your aid checks. I will add specific details for each NPC as you go along.
MOTE: Aid is not automatic unless the one assisting has Diplomacy +9 or greater. 1st step: pick an NPC and do the rolls, and put a diplomatic intro as your character would; 2nd step: the GM will add some info as required and request additional rolls. If you need to figure out who's assisting, you can use the discussion thread to iron things out, then come back here and choose an NPC. The module does not put a limit on how many NPCs you can mingle with.



Knowledge Checks

By taking 10, Ren has the capacity to make all NPCs helpful. The only thing that remains to be seen is what Ren actually tells them (it DOES make a difference, and some thought should be given to this).

Last thing before we start: if anyone has Knowledge Nobility they may make a check for each of the following NPCs.


Grand Lodge

M Human Warpriest 6 | HP 39/39 | AC 20/12/18 | F+8 R+ W+9 | Perc +5 | Init +2 | Feather Fall 1/1 |Conditions Active: none

Umberto finds himself mostly useless in the realm of diplomacy but offers to fill glasses and tankards with wine in order to grease the wheels.

Knowledge Checks

Most nobles don't take a second look at Umberto, some even handing him their dirty, empty champagne flutes without even looking at him (Umberto even has to catch one or two before they hit the floor!). Umberto has the distinct feeling that the majority of men and women here think he is part of the serving staff! One or two nobles notice the humble tankard at Umberto's belt, however, and nod at Umberto subtly, after they make sure the other rich patrons don't notice their open devotion.

Dark Archive

female Sylph
hp 24/24 AC 16|T 13 |FF 13 (+2 vs nonm. ranged attacks), F +4|R +5|W +0, Init +3, Per +6
Alchemist (Tinkerer) 3

Frostwind also is not really well with words and nobles but is willing to provide aid.

Grand Lodge

F Human Warpriest of Iomedae 1 | HP 10/10 | AC 18 T 11 FF 17 | CMB +3, CMD 14 | F: +3, R: +1, W: +5 | Init: +5 | Perc: +8, SM: +3 | Speed 20ft | Active conditions: None.

Dressed in fine wears, Kim is completely uncomfortable with the entire situation. Not one for diplomacy (much less small talk) she stands around stiffly. She did take the time to polish up Soldier's Glory and its scabbard to a bright sheen, so she does at least have a familiar weapon at her side.

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Knowledge Checks

I understand Ren will have a busy week - with Ren's appoval, I will allow other characters to do the talking on her behalf, while using the full DC 21 Diplomacy roll. Who likes to RP? :) NOTE: to be clear, you will RP your own character - we're just going to assume that Ren does the necessary introductions and guides everyone into not saying really stupid things! :) (yes, I reserve the right to have an NPC ticked off at the PCs despite the DC 21 diplomacy, based on what they actually say!) LOL I will wait to see if Ren is ok with this before we begin posting here again - in the meantime, please use the Discussion thread for everything. Thanks! GAME PAUSED

Dark Archive

Human Psychic 5
HP 27 AC 16:Touch12:FF14/ Int +3 Percp +6 Fort 3:Ref 4: Will 5 (+7 during Dark Half, Immune to Fear)/ CMB -1:CMD 11

Yuukyou looks over the assembled guests and sighs.

Where the cards take me, I go.

Straightening his scarves, he steps forward to the one he recognizes as holding a "Captain" title.

Captain, so military... perhaps he'd be impressed by the military maneuvers?

Yuukyou comes up to the captain and gives a smile and a bow.

Hello Sir. My name is Yuukyou, one of the... artifact hunters that was retained for this collection. Such interesting history! Especially the military stratagem that was used. Honaria's tactic to destroy the band that was disbanded for treason by cutting off the snake's head as it where was a solid tactical decision, don't you think?

Knowledge Nobility Untrained: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13

The Concordance

Aasimar Crossblooded Sorcerer 4| AC15 T11 F14 | HP 21/22 | CMD:12 | F:+3 R:+3 W:+3 | Init:+2 | Perception: +4 | Spells: 2nd-5/5, 1st-7/8, Sacrificial Boon: 8/8 | Active Effects: mage armor

sense motive: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (17) + 0 = 17
diplomacy; take ten: 10 + 11 = 21

Without too much to go on, the conversation will be that same for everyone.

"How do you know of Remaio, what brings you here? Isn't it exciting to have such a strong family back in the nobility?"

Knowledge Checks

Captain Seferi is drinking some rum, staring intently at Princess Eutropia. Appearing surprised that anyone is talking to her, Captain Seferi nods at Ren and Yuukyou, and says, "Huh, well, if ye say so. Shiver me timbers! ye're da Qadiran-lovin' scorpion slayers in da flesh! So ye're da ones who recovered all da ancient loot piles that dis Alcasti guy wishes to use to prop himself up to da upper class heyyyy? Well done I guess... He certainly seems ta know more than'I about how ta fit in with dis lot. I... am obviously under-dressed for dis party. I'm now reconsiderin' even tryin' ta talk to da Princess. Any advice? 'took me months ta... ta find a way ta get into dis party..."

Knowledge Checks

Ren notices the Captain's entire focus is the Princess, and the reasons for this party does not matter to her. Ren also understands enough here to figure out that she's a Zimar Corsair, a pirate in service to Taldor’s Imperial Navy. Her reason for coming is deceptively innocent: Seferi admires the Princess and seeks her approval. You think you could coach her on how to approach the Princess. Do you do so?

Dark Archive

Human Psychic 5
HP 27 AC 16:Touch12:FF14/ Int +3 Percp +6 Fort 3:Ref 4: Will 5 (+7 during Dark Half, Immune to Fear)/ CMB -1:CMD 11

Yuukyou smiles sweetly and pats the corsair on the back.

Well, your lucky at least that the princess admires a woman of strength.... but when your talking to these nobles, you've got to...

Yuukyou quietly hush hush gives a few pointers and tips on how she approaches the princess. As he does so, he pulls a card from the harrow deck, and shows it to her.

suit: 1d6 ⇒ 3
alignment: 1d9 ⇒ 4

The Brass Dwarf, a good omen! It denotes invulnerability to current threats. You can do this, just have faith in your self. Sure, you may not be as fancy as these other folks, but you have ambition, skill, and wiles, all things the princess, especially a princess like this one, would appreciate. You can do this.

Silver Crusade

Male Oread M Oread Spiritualist [HP 38/38, AC 16 /ff 14 /t 12, Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +9, Init +2, Per +5, Spd 20'

Since we're on a time crunch and Ren shouldn't have to do it all...Bielsi will take on Theon Cenabri.

Bielsi is dressed as well as he can in the finery that was provided. He's no expert on fashion, though so it doesn't look as nice as it probably should. He feels as out of place as the pirate captain, to tell the truth.

But he feels more comfortable dealing with people who have lost their ancestors, given his mental guest and his history.

He approaches Theon respectfully and gives a little bow.

"Greetings. I hope Amantius made it back to your family in good order. I am sure that you were pleased to get back such an honored and wise advisor. His dedication to your family is admirable. Decades, centuries of service are to be praised. I know I am pleased that, thanks to Remaio's request, I was able to help find him and help in returning him. Your ancestor's dedication to the Alcasti was just as impressive. To stand by your friend and liege in such circumstances is amazing," Bielsi says.

Grand Lodge

M Human Warpriest 6 | HP 39/39 | AC 20/12/18 | F+8 R+ W+9 | Perc +5 | Init +2 | Feather Fall 1/1 |Conditions Active: none

Umberto eases in to with a familiar face. Greetings Father Basri, it is good to see you again. I trust your travel here was uneventful. Umberto makes a sweeping arm motion of the room, This is quite the assembly of characters. Do you know much about them?

Knowledge Checks

The Captain smiles to Yuukyou, finishes her glass of rum, and heads towards the Princess, smiling. Moved her to Helpful


Theon gives Bielsi 20 platinum pieces as a reward of bringing his ancestor's remains back to his estate. After hearing your mention of the Alcastis, he ponders the situation for a few moments, then asks you, "If you promise to include Italice’s story at the court proceedings, to commemorate the reunification of our two Houses, I will verbally support the Alcasti's claim during the proceedings. It may add complexity to the claim, but it will be the best, in my opinion for both Houses in the long run. What say you, Sir Bielsi?" Currently Friendly, waiting to hear back from Bielsi.


Father Basri remembers you well, and says, "Ah yes, I know all of them! I am quite old you know... I remember drawing magic from the font of Aroden himself! I've been to more than a thousand of these events. What I don't see often, however, is genuine good young men and women. You lot are a refreshing breeze into this gathering. In the name of Aroden, may all of your efforts bear fruit. May the blessings of Aroden be upon you!" Currently Helpful

Dark Archive

Human Psychic 5
HP 27 AC 16:Touch12:FF14/ Int +3 Percp +6 Fort 3:Ref 4: Will 5 (+7 during Dark Half, Immune to Fear)/ CMB -1:CMD 11

The captain tended to, Yuukyou moves on to Inka.

Hello Ma'am... so good to see someone who might appreciate what we're doing here.

He waves at the others.

Not the flippantly or the politics mind you. What at least we're here about. Seeing that a dead soldier get's their due. To many get forgotten on the fields you know?

Knowledge Checks

When Yuukyou approaches Inka with his honeyed words, she rolls her eyes at him, turn away, and roughly grabs a bartender to get her ale tankard refilled.


Sense Motive as she nearly finishes that tankard in a matter of seconds...

Grand Lodge

M Human Warpriest 6 | HP 39/39 | AC 20/12/18 | F+8 R+ W+9 | Perc +5 | Init +2 | Feather Fall 1/1 |Conditions Active: none
Father Basri remembers you well, and says, "Ah yes, I know all of them! I am quite old you know... I remember drawing magic from the font of Aroden himself! I've been to more than a thousand of these events. What I don't see often, however, is genuine good young men and women. You lot are a refreshing breeze into this gathering. In the name of Aroden, may all of your efforts bear fruit. May the blessings of Aroden be upon you!" Currently Helpful

You honor us with your blessings, Father. Cayden Cailean and Aroden shared a healthy respect for each other. I believe in Alcasti's claim and defend it voraciously as Cayden Cailean or Aroden would. I hope you stand with me.

Knowledge Checks

"Of course, of course, my son... I'll put in a good word for you! if Aroden ever comes back, I think you should come see me at the Basilica... you're a fine example for humanity, and He would like you I'm sure!"

Dark Archive

female Sylph
hp 24/24 AC 16|T 13 |FF 13 (+2 vs nonm. ranged attacks), F +4|R +5|W +0, Init +3, Per +6
Alchemist (Tinkerer) 3

SM: 1d20 ⇒ 15

Knowledge Checks

Frostwind nudges Yuukyou and subtly point towards Inka and the Princess... you notice Inka is looking at the Princess with a not-so-well-hidden angry frown on her face...

Silver Crusade

Male Oread M Oread Spiritualist [HP 38/38, AC 16 /ff 14 /t 12, Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +9, Init +2, Per +5, Spd 20'

"I thank you for your reward, Sir. I will see that it is put to good use," he says.

He strokes his bare chin thoughtfully and looks toward Remaio. He is not at all sure their patron will appreciate the addition but...

"I will certainly do so, Master Cenabri. As I said, it is important that all the dead get their due. Your ancestor's story deserves to be told and linked to the Alcasti's. May it bring honor to both families."

Knowledge Checks

Theon clinks his glass with Bielsi's, "Well done lad. You'll go far. You not only accomplished your task successfully for Remaio, but you also remembered the meaning of honor when you found my ancestor's remains! The Crown is always on the lookout for problem-solvers, if you ever get tired to work for free doing errands for those mysterious Grand Lodge secret masters of yours!" Moved to Helpful.

Knowledge Checks

Handout Updated with NPCs

Dark Archive

Human Psychic 5
HP 27 AC 16:Touch12:FF14/ Int +3 Percp +6 Fort 3:Ref 4: Will 5 (+7 during Dark Half, Immune to Fear)/ CMB -1:CMD 11

Yuukyou raises an eyebrow and looks at the princess then to the woman, clearly not understanding.

Has... has the princess done something to upset you? You look... rather perturbed.

Knowledge Checks

Inka takes a long drink and walks away.

Knowledge Checks

Anyone else? clock is ticking... 8 hours left real time!

Grand Lodge

M Human Warpriest 6 | HP 39/39 | AC 20/12/18 | F+8 R+ W+9 | Perc +5 | Init +2 | Feather Fall 1/1 |Conditions Active: none

That's Theon, Seferi and Basri moved to Helpful, the rest are friendly or indifferent, and we're in a hole with Inka?

sense motive: 1d20 ⇒ 6

Silver Crusade

Male Oread M Oread Spiritualist [HP 38/38, AC 16 /ff 14 /t 12, Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +9, Init +2, Per +5, Spd 20'

Bielsi decides to go after the low hanging fruit. He approaches Gloriana Morilla, someone that he recognizes.

He gives a nod of his head to her, but waits for a moment to speak to her when she is not busy.

"Greetings, Captain. Do you believe that our efforts here will aid the Society? Will Remaio prove to be a valuable ally to us?" the Oread asks the woman.

Dark Archive

Human Psychic 5
HP 27 AC 16:Touch12:FF14/ Int +3 Percp +6 Fort 3:Ref 4: Will 5 (+7 during Dark Half, Immune to Fear)/ CMB -1:CMD 11

Clearly lost, Yuukyou moves on to Morilla.

Hello Ma'am. I'm sorry I haven't had the chance to introduce myself. My name is Yuukyou, a fellow pathfinder. Would it be to untoward to assume that you will be siding with your fellow pathfinders in the testimony? Considering your aware of our deeds and what we're actually capable of.

Knowledge Checks

Umberto: status unknown for those you haven't talked to. Inka doesn't seem to care about pleasantries. She is a member of the Emperor's Ulfen Guard... she is therefore Ulfen... :)


Bielsi and Yuukyou:

"Oh my! Mister Bielsi! in the flesh! I mean... in the rock... hard... flesh... oh my... darn... sorry... I did not mean to say this. Let's say very hard body... Oh, drats.... I'm digging further am I? Hmmm... Let's start again, shall we! Oh! Mister Yuukyou! you are here as well.. and have witnessed this... oh my..." says Lady Morilla, flushing a deep red by now. As she turns to introduce herself to Bielsi and Yuukyou, you realize she had previously been talking to young Aayef!

The young man is dressed up in his House's ceremonial garb and appears very much like a young man with a lot of potential, but this seems lost on the nearby high society Taldane nobles, who are visibly suspicious at the young man's Qadiran heritage.

"I believe you've already met Aayef, yes?" says Lady Gloriana, trying to recover from her initial blunder. "This young man here has been quite insistent in joining the Sovereign Court! you heroes must have made quite an impression. After the sixth letter I could no longer bear to make him wait and invited him here for the event. He's been speaking very highly of you all."

Aayef nods, and bows to the lady, not willing to interrupt her.

Lady Gloriana continues, her voice lowered this time, "Anyhow... I'm here to aid Princess Eutropia tonight. I have... concerns... that several other nobles are on the cusp of finding out information about some of the Princess’s clandestine political maneuvering. For instance, take Solmon Menander over there. A bitter and overworked bureaucrat, Solmon is jaded with his fellow nobles and wants to watch them suffer. You can easily win his approval if you aggravate another member of the court, or if you impress him with a speech to complain about Taldor’s bureaucracy... most idealists have a penchant towards speeches... Anyhow, apparently the man has some suggestive letters... while not incriminating, they could be enough to create suspicion if the wrong person got hold of them... Would you, fine gentlemen, try to take a look at the letters? if you get a chance I mean... That would be... lovely."

Dark Archive

Human Psychic 5
HP 27 AC 16:Touch12:FF14/ Int +3 Percp +6 Fort 3:Ref 4: Will 5 (+7 during Dark Half, Immune to Fear)/ CMB -1:CMD 11

In other words Umbereto, she's all yours. I'll try my best to get through as many as I can.:P

Dark Archive

Human Psychic 5
HP 27 AC 16:Touch12:FF14/ Int +3 Percp +6 Fort 3:Ref 4: Will 5 (+7 during Dark Half, Immune to Fear)/ CMB -1:CMD 11

Yuukyou nods and winks to Morilla.

You got it. We'll handle this.

Knowing that time is short, Yuukyou hurries over to Solomon, affecting a grumpy, aggravated face. He stops by Solomon, and looks at the arranged room, speaking with his voice dripping with frustration.

What nonsense this all is. We'd have none of these tired meetings and balls and paperwork and trials in the caravan. Wouldn't you agree?

Barely waiting for him to do so, Yuukyou continues on.

I mean, all this time, and the red tape! Oh the red tape! Surely there could be better way to go about it all?

Silver Crusade

Male Oread M Oread Spiritualist [HP 38/38, AC 16 /ff 14 /t 12, Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +9, Init +2, Per +5, Spd 20'

Bielsi is quite amused by Lady Morilla's discomfort, all the moreso since she is his superior in many ways. It is pleasant to find someone down to earth and humble enough not to stand on position.

He is pleasantly surprised to find Aayef there. "Well, we could use him in the Scarab Sages but I suppose if he's going to pick a different group, the Sovereign Court is a good choice," he teases them both.

He listens closely to the request then nods and follows Yuukyou.

"Indeed, and you just know that all these people have something to hide. While people work everyday to get something ANYthing accomplished, they gad about with their fripperies," he adds to Yuukyou's speech.

Knowledge Checks

Yuukyou and Bielsi: Perform Oratory please.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Oread M Oread Spiritualist [HP 38/38, AC 16 /ff 14 /t 12, Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +9, Init +2, Per +5, Spd 20'

Oh boy...here we go.

Perform (Oratory): 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (16) - 1 = 15

Grand Lodge

M Human Warpriest 6 | HP 39/39 | AC 20/12/18 | F+8 R+ W+9 | Perc +5 | Init +2 | Feather Fall 1/1 |Conditions Active: none

Umberto motions for Kimjonhhealz to join him. He walks up to Inka as she finishes her drink. These parties always make me uncomfortable. No place for a warrior. Umberto polishes off his tankard and points at Inka's mug.Ale?

Dark Archive

Human Psychic 5
HP 27 AC 16:Touch12:FF14/ Int +3 Percp +6 Fort 3:Ref 4: Will 5 (+7 during Dark Half, Immune to Fear)/ CMB -1:CMD 11

preform oratory: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10

Knowledge Checks

Yuukyou and Bielsi: "I hear you, gentlemen," responds Solmon. "Take this parasite who's wasting the Senate's time tonight, trying to ennoble himself, using the Pathfinder Society to substantiate his dubious claim... I'm sure he didn't mention his illicit financial behavior as part of his pitch to Venture-Captain Muesello, he he he... once thief always a thief... all these nobles are the same, fallen or not."

Solmon Friendly


Umberto and Kim: "First smart thing I've heard all day... but where's your ale, man? is this a trick?!" says Inka to Umberto, looking to Kim to see what the deal is.

Grand Lodge

M Human Warpriest 6 | HP 39/39 | AC 20/12/18 | F+8 R+ W+9 | Perc +5 | Init +2 | Feather Fall 1/1 |Conditions Active: none

Umberto passes his hand over her mug and fills it with ale. I am a priest of Cayden Cailean, welcome to services. He tips back his own tankard and refills.

Are you here to support the claim?

Knowledge Checks

"Pffft! I don't care about these silly weak men playing their silly weak word games! I'm part of the Ulfen Guard! the Emperor's personal guards! and the Princess is the Emperor's daughter! I drew the short straw with my fellow Ulfen Guards and got stuck babysitting the Princess! Glurg glurg glurg... burp!... do you have more?! the brew is... pretty good, small man..." says Inka, punching Umberto in the arm... ooohhh that's painful...

Knowledge Checks

4 hours left

Grand Lodge

M Human Warpriest 6 | HP 39/39 | AC 20/12/18 | F+8 R+ W+9 | Perc +5 | Init +2 | Feather Fall 1/1 |Conditions Active: none

Ale all night for you if you can tell me more about the princess and her allegiances here. Kim here brought a friend that will regale you with tales of battle with the Alcasti Umberto produces more ale.

diplomacy: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 1 = 16

Knowledge Checks

She drinks the ale. The punches Umberto. Again. On the same spot. It hurts like hell.

"What? you gonna stay there and bore me some more with 'alliances' and other nonsense? Sit your shanks down Caydenite! let's arm wrestle and see what you've got in those flabby arm-wings!"

Knowledge Checks

Solmon looks to Yuukyou and leans over, "For a donation to the palace's employee fund, say 20 crowns, I got more for you on that subject..."

He shakes his head in disgust or disappointment as he looks at Remaio, swirls his wine a little, and downs it.

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