
Bielsi's page

264 posts. Organized Play character for EbonFist.

Full Name





M Oread Spiritualist [HP 38/38, AC 16 /ff 14 /t 12, Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +9, Init +2, Per +5, Spd 20'







Special Abilities

Spells, Stone in the Blood, Magic Stone 1/day DC10, Acid Resistance – 5, Etheric Tether, Shared Consciousness, Bonded Senses, Usurp Manifestation, Spiritual Interference






Common, Terran

Strength 14
Dexterity 14
Constitution 14
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 18
Charisma 8

About Bielsi

Sex: Male Race: Oread(Pahmet) Class: Spiritualist 5 Age: 96
LN Medium outsider (native)
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60’; Perception +5
16; touch 12; flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +2 dex)
hp 38
Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +9
20 ft.
Melee scythe +5 (2d4+3/x4)
Ranged heavy crossbow +5 (1d10/19-20)
Space 5 ft., Reach 5 ft.
14, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 18, Cha 8
Base Atk +3; CMB +5; CMD 17

Tomb Raider – +1 to Perception and Knowledge (dungeoneering) skills.
Child of the Temple – +1 to Knowledge (nobility) and Knowledge (religion) skills.


1st: Dwarf Blooded (Stonecunning, Slow and Steady)

SKILLS (25 ranks) Asterix denotes class skill
*Diplomacy -2 (0 ranks, -1 Cha, -1 Tattered Cloak of Resistance)
*Intimidate +7(10)(5 ranks, +3 Class Skill, -1 Cha, (+3 Shared Consciousness))
*Knowledge (Arcana) +4 (1 rank, +3 Class Skill)
*Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +5 (1 rank, +3 Class Skill, +1 Tomb Raider Trait)
*Knowledge (History) +5 (2 ranks, +3 Class Skill)
*Knowledge (Local) +5 (2 ranks, +3 Class Skill)
*Knowledge (Nature) +4 (1 rank, +3 Class Skill)
*Knowledge (Nobility) +6 (2 ranks, +3 Class Skill + 1 Trait)
*Knowledge (Planes) +4 (1 rank, +3 Class Skill)
*Knowledge (Religion) +9(12) (5 ranks, +3 Class Skill, +1 Trait, (+3 Shared Consciousness))
Perception +5 (+4 Wis, +1 Tomb Raider)
*Profession (Scribe) +8 (1 rank, +3 Class Skill, +4 Wis)
*Sense Motive +9 (2 ranks, +3 Class Skill, +4 Wis)
*Spellcraft +5 (2ranks, +3 Class Skill)


0 – DC 14 (Unlimited)
Detect Magic
Mage Hand
Telekinetic Projectile

1st – DC 15(16*) (3/4/day)
*Chill Touch
Mage Armor
Magic Fang

2nd - DC 16 (17*) (3/day0
*Ghoul Touch
Spiritual Weapon

Common, Terran


Stone in the Blood
Magic Stone 1/day DC10
Acid Resistance – 5
Etheric Tether
Shared Consciousness
Slow & Steady
Bonded Senses
Usurp Manifestation
Spiritual Interference
Detect Undead: At-Will


Scythe (10lbs)
Heavy Crossow (8lbs)
Case with 10 Bolts (1lbs)
Chain Shirt (25lbs)
Backpack (2lbs)
Bedroll (5lbs)
Belt Pouch (.5lbs)
Censer (.5lbs)
Flask of Ectoplasmic Residue (2lbs)
Flint and Steel
Incense (10 sticks)
Iron Pot (4lbs)
Magnetized Paper (1lbs)
10 Torches (10lbs)
Waterskin (4lbs)
Wand of Cure Light Wounds(25 charges)
2 Potions of Cure Light Wounds
Courtier's Outfit
Acid Flask x2
Alchemist Fire x2
Cure Moderate Wounds Scroll
Cure Serious Wounds Scroll
Dawnflower Sash
Ring of Protection +1
Wand of Lesser Restoration (7 charges)
Wand of Vampire Touch (5 charges)
Amulet of Natural Armor +1
Bracers of Armor +2
Tattered Cloak of Resistance
Scavenger's Stone
Flameleaf Extract
Wand of Inflict Light Wounds (16 charges)
Wand of Endure Elements (20 charges)
Wand of Summon Monster II (20 charges)
Wand of Resist Energy (6 charges)

Carrying Capacity Light: 58 lbs. Medium: 59-116 lbs. Heavy: 117-175 lbs.
Total Weight: 78 lbs.


In many ways, Bielsi looks like his dwarven ancestors. Squat, sturdy, with craggy features and an almost perpetual scowl, he looks almost prototypical except for a couple important distinctions. First, his skin has a distinctly grayish cast, making him look more than a little like his flesh is made of animated stone. Second, he is completely bald. Not only does he not have a beard but no hair grows on the top of his head, either and even his eyebrows are just craggy ridges of flesh.

These traits, as much as anything, give away his elemental blood.


Bielsi grew up in Erekrus and was raised to be a servant to the royal dead who are interred there. His elemental nature was always obvious and he always felt like an outsider. This only became worse when a pile of rocks claiming to be his distant cousin on the elemental side began following him around.

Eventually, he found his status as an outsider in such an enclosed community as the Pahmet dwarves to be too much to bear and left, making his way down the river to Sothis. While there, he worked as a guide and joined the Pathfinder society.

His first mission with them was unexceptional, in fact, it was almost like he wasn’t even there. His second mission, however involved a Roidirian cult in Qadira and changed his life, forever. In fact, he was almost a different person afterwards.

For on that mission he met a phantom who had died of despair upon learning the truth about her religion. His heart went out to the phantom, especially because of the training that he had as a youth.

He felt a link to this phantom, a link that precluded the one that he already had with his elemental “cousin.” That spirit left his company, going back to its own elemental plane, leaving room in Bielsi’s psyche for this phantom.

Now, he has dedicated his life to helping her pass on to her true eternal reward. Bielsi hopes that by giving a purpose in her afterlife, he can convince her that life truly does have meaning and working for the Pathfinder Society is the best way he can think of to give her, and himself, a purpose.


As might be expected by his race, upbringing and chosen mission, Bielsi is generally stoic and taciturn. In fact, the only time he really becomes animated is when he is discussing matters of philosophy.

Otherwise, he is short and to the point and seeks out the most efficient way to resolve any problem.