A: Table 1 Honor's Echo - PFS RPG - GM PDK (Inactive)

Game Master Purple Dragon Knight

Handouts / Maps

Init Rolls:


Start: Monday AM (Dec 18th)

Please note that this is for level 1 PFS RPG PCs only (aka this is for Classic PFS, and NOT for Core PFS).

The pregen requirement has been lifted as of GenCon: do NOT bring a pregen. You must bring an actual 1st level PC. All stats must be listed clearly under the character's online alias.

Please note that we will run all 6 quests in a row, therefore once you commit your character, you cannot take him out of the quests and come back to complete them later. (total 1 xp, 2 pp if all 6 quests are successful)

POSTING REQUIREMENTS: minimum twice daily*. Please do not apply if you do not intend to post often or plan to travel a lot during the holidays.

If unable to post please provide botting guidelines but please don't expect the GM or party to carry you through extended parts of this scenario without making a post. There are 6 short quests in this scenario, some of which may only last a day or two (real time) and require 2 or 3 posts: therefore, if your character does not contribute to the quest, the GM reserves the right to not check that particular quest as 'completed' on your chronicle.

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding!

Those selected will be asked to post their reporting info in the DISCUSSION thread when it opens, as follows:

Player Name:
Character Name:
PFS ID and character number:
Day Job Roll (or Say "None"):

Silver Crusade

I'd like to participate.

Player Name: Helikon
Character Name: Frostwind (Sylph Alchemist (Tinkerer)
PFS ID and character number: 50731 - 14
Faction: Dark Archive
Day Job Roll (or Say "None"): Craft Alchemy +11

Sovereign Court

I'm in.

Dark Archive

I'm in

Well I am in.

Grand Lodge

in...will get toon together today...can bring in whatever is needed

Grand Lodge

Player Name: GM Emmjay
Character Name: KimJongHealz
PFS ID and character number: 224344-16
Faction: Grand Lodge
Day Job Roll (or Say "None"): Profession(Gardner): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26

Dark Archive

Um game if you will have me.

First 6 who signed up (Bielsi, Helikon, OG3, Yuukyou, Grimdog73, kimjonghealz) please post reporting info in the DISCUSSION thread. Thank you for all applicants. Those who didn't make it will be contacted in order of application if a player has to step down.


Keandre: I will open a second table of Honor's Echo shortly. I will save a spot for you if your character is still available. If not available let me know.

Dark Archive

He will be.


...and we're full again! DM Livgin: please enter your character info in the DISCUSSION thread. Thank you!


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