Been-jammin |

Spencer, Are we doing 2 traits? If so, would you mind if I took a drawback and an extra trait (specifically the Meticulous drawback)?

Yellen Faben |

Okay, here's the beginning of my character, Yellen Faben. I put in the traits and drawback, but can easily take them out if disallowed. I put my spell points under my 0-level spells per day, figured that would be easiest place to keep track of them. I also put in the crafted Shadowcloy. If that is disallowed, I can easily just take it down to 1 Shadowcloy flask. It'll cost the same.

Herkymr the Silly |

That's what I figured for mine. What race are you taking?
I thought i included the chart in the campaign info. Take a look if not it is in the unearthed arcana book of 3.5 i know it is available on line
still haven't looked up shadow-cloy....can you link it it would make it faster for me?
Ill have to to think about draw backs had never considered that before.

Herkymr the Silly |

Okay, here's the beginning of my character, Yellen Faben. I put in the traits and drawback, but can easily take them out if disallowed. I put my spell points under my 0-level spells per day, figured that would be easiest place to keep track of them. I also put in the crafted Shadowcloy. If that is disallowed, I can easily just take it down to 1 Shadowcloy flask. It'll cost the same.
please describe in detail the signet ring or do you want to leave it to me? { buwahahahaha}

Yellen Faben |

Oh, I plan on it. Like I said, just the beginning of the character. The description of the signet ring (once I get there) will be part of the character description at the bottom.
Because it's racial equipment I don't have a direct link to shadowcloy, but it is at the bottom of this page.

Yellen Faben |

But for ease I will just do this:

Herkymr the Silly |

What sort of terrain are we going to be encountering in this campaign primarily? Is it going to be like the Cairdens where it is entirely underground or would it be the complete opposite? Or a mix? What sort of terrain will we see on the surface?
every imaginable terrain and then some. cover was takenn incaves bunkers what ever would shhield one from the damage.

![]() |

Character idea: Inyl: male kayal (fetchling) rogue. Switch for high Dex. NN. Forced into the Shadow Plane at the time of the war, Inyl's ancestors quickly became servants to a great umbral dragon in order to survive. Now (for reasons TBD) he's forsaken that life to be his own kayal on the Material Plane.
Let me know if you need more information before you can choose.

Theorythmus |

Character Idea : Malgrim Ironhide, Hobgoblin Fighter. Bounty hunter. He hunts whatever gets him his pay. He trusts on his armor and skill in combat to take down his opponents. Tanky fighter who rather takes down his opponent and captures them alive. Preferably fights with a whip, but will have other weapons for when the need arrises.
Post with rolls
changing WIS with DEX would give the following stats after racial modifiers :
Str : 16
Dex : 17
Con : 20
Int : 14
Wis : 11
Cha : 10
rolling for hp 2d10 ⇒ (4, 9) = 13

Herkymr the Silly |

Not to pry, how did you get a 19 on one of your starting stats? 18is max you can get with 4d6 drop lowest. ---- Racial modifiers
@gm, what is the status of firearms in this setting? Just thinking of maybe having a gun as a sidearm, but don't know what the price would be.
Modern firearms are some what common to see but have now become extremely difficult to fix and get ammo for shooting. Ammo will cost more and only modern guns are available.

Herkymr the Silly |

Character idea: Inyl: male kayal (fetchling) rogue. Switch for high Dex. NN. Forced into the Shadow Plane at the time of the war, Inyl's ancestors quickly became servants to a great umbral dragon in order to survive. Now (for reasons TBD) he's forsaken that life to be his own kayal on the Material Plane.
Let me know if you need more information before you can choose.
Build him. I like the overall concept so welcome to our group

Herkymr the Silly |

Theorythmus wrote:Modern firearms are some what common to see but have now become extremely difficult to fix and get ammo for shooting. Ammo will cost more and only modern guns are available.Not to pry, how did you get a 19 on one of your starting stats? 18is max you can get with 4d6 drop lowest. ---- Racial modifiers
@gm, what is the status of firearms in this setting? Just thinking of maybe having a gun as a sidearm, but don't know what the price would be.
welcome to the group :) build and let me see the character.

Herkymr the Silly |

The Little King wrote:Build him. I like the overall concept so welcome to our groupCharacter idea: Inyl: male kayal (fetchling) rogue. Switch for high Dex. NN. Forced into the Shadow Plane at the time of the war, Inyl's ancestors quickly became servants to a great umbral dragon in order to survive. Now (for reasons TBD) he's forsaken that life to be his own kayal on the Material Plane.
Let me know if you need more information before you can choose.
NOt sure how to add you to the group. Hmm any ideas? I am fairly new at the pbp setting.

Herkymr the Silly |

Herkymr the Silly wrote:Theorythmus wrote:Modern firearms are some what common to see but have now become extremely difficult to fix and get ammo for shooting. Ammo will cost more and only modern guns are available.Not to pry, how did you get a 19 on one of your starting stats? 18is max you can get with 4d6 drop lowest. ---- Racial modifiers
@gm, what is the status of firearms in this setting? Just thinking of maybe having a gun as a sidearm, but don't know what the price would be.
welcome to the group :) build and let me see the character.
NOt sure how to add you to the group. Hmm any ideas? I am fairly new at the pbp setting.

Theorythmus |

Theorythmus wrote:Modern firearms are some what common to see but have now become extremely difficult to fix and get ammo for shooting. Ammo will cost more and only modern guns are available.Not to pry, how did you get a 19 on one of your starting stats? 18is max you can get with 4d6 drop lowest. ---- Racial modifiers
@gm, what is the status of firearms in this setting? Just thinking of maybe having a gun as a sidearm, but don't know what the price would be.
I ment 19 before racial modifiers, as the character was currently at 22. So that would be 19 from start + 2 from racial + 1 from stat increase at Lvl 4.
Will stat up my character, should be done somewhere this evening.

Inyl |

I misunderstood the whole dice roll thing and I rolled them on my own. I already statted to those rolls, and I have them here. I'll roll through the algorithm next time, but I really don't want to re-stat my character if that's okay.
Name: Inyl
Alignment: NN
Class: Rogue
Race: Kayal (Fletchling)
Gender: Male
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 105 lbs
Eyes: Pale Green (glowing)
Hair: Electric Blue (dyed)
Language: Common
Age: 26
Born in the death of his mother, his father Jemar raised him in the only life they could afford to live: servants to the great umbral dragon known as Deftclaw. They were thieves under his command, they were trained to flit back and forth between the Shadow and Material planes stealing from the outworlders to profit their master.
Over time, Jemar had accrued a great deal of treasure for himself and his son which he held back from their master. When a fellow servant discovered this and went to Deftclaw, Inyl had no choice but to break into his father's quarters, steal the goods, and go before the dragon himself, claiming it was he who held back.
As death is an honor in the shadow plane, Inyl's punishment was instead branding. The mark of treason made certain that Inyl's life in the shadow plane would be one of trial and turmoil, so he decided to leave it all behind, and live in the world he'd so often looted.
While in the Material Plane, Inyl met a witch named Izabelle, an outcast from society. Her unexpected hospitality, and the persecution of her by the locals, affirmed Inyl's suppositions about the nature of most outworlders, leaving him suspicious of them in general.
Now Inyl lives as best he can doing what he must to survive, the constant reminder of a life and father to whom he can never return burnt onto his face.
Ability Rolls
STR: 4d20 = 5 + 5 + 3 + 2 = 15 - 2 = 13 (1)
DEX: 4d20 = 5 + 5 + 2 + 1 = 13 - 1 = 12 + 1(lvl) + 2(racial) = 15 (2)
CON: -switched with CHA- 4d20= 5+5+3+2 = 15-2= 13 (1)
INT: 4d20 = 5+5+1+1 = 12 - 1 = 11 (0)
WIS: 4d20=1+1+2+3=7-1=6 - 2 (racial) = 4 (-3)
CHA: -switched with CON- 4d20=5+2+2+1=10-1= 9 + 2(racial)= 11 (0)
Combat Stats
HP = 16 + 2d8 = 16 + 8 + 6 = 30
Initiative = 2
AC: 17; t: 14; FF: 15
BAB: 6
CMB: 7
CMD: 19
REF: 14
WILL: -1
Ranked Skills
Acro 9; Climb 8; DD 10; EA 9; Kn(Local) 7; SoH 9; Stealth 11; Swim 8
Inventory: 1625gp; Cloak of Resistance; Ring of Protection; Rogue's kit; handy haversack; pickpocket's outfit
Armor: studded leather
Weapons: shortbow; 2x Shortswords
Combat Trick--> Dodge
Finesse Rogue--> Weapon Finesse
Scholar of the Great Beyond
Two-Weapon Fighting
Weapon Focus (Shortsword)

Malgrim Ironhide |

Here is my character.
Still need to fill in some details, but only have access to an iPad currently which isn't handy for typing out backgrounds.
Could you check if the crunch is ok?
And what languages are available in this world. Haven't selected my bonus languages from having 14 INT because I didn't know which to pick.

Herkymr the Silly |

Here is my character.
Still need to fill in some details, but only have access to an iPad currently which isn't handy for typing out backgrounds.
Could you check if the crunch is ok?
And what languages are available in this world. Haven't selected my bonus languages from having 14 INT because I didn't know which to pick.
consider all nature and elemental languages ok as well as undercommon anything drow and all standard/allowed races racial languages

Gobo Horde |

Hey, i dont know if this is still open to recrutment since it is a bit scattered (i read every tab i could :p) but on the off chance it still is, heres my rolls :)
Str: 4d6 - 2 ⇒ (4, 2, 4, 5) - 2 = 13
Dex: 5d6 - 4 ⇒ (5, 1, 4, 3, 6) - 4 = 15 (rerolled the 1)
Con: 4d6 - 2 ⇒ (2, 2, 4, 3) - 2 = 9
Int: 4d6 - 2 ⇒ (6, 3, 2, 2) - 2 = 11
Wis: 4d6 - 2 ⇒ (6, 6, 3, 2) - 2 = 15
Cha: 4d6 - 3 ⇒ (6, 4, 3, 3) - 3 = 13
Ugg. So many 2s. So many odd #s. A 20pb and in the most uneffecient way possible XS.
Im unsure what i can do with this yet... Ill have to think.

Malgrim Ironhide |

Filled in the background and finished some details. Hope you like it :)
Feedback is appreciated.

Herkymr the Silly |

How do we decide what to do/how to start? Is there a bulletin in the town square or something with that stuff on it? Or are we not supposed to get started yet?
You are all aware of the quests/ opportunities presented in the game play section. They are common knowledge all over town. If as a group you decide on looking for something else you may but you have already discovered that these will be the most challenging and lucrative in means of wealth and/or prestige.
Start when you want I will move as the group does

Herkymr the Silly |

Filled in the background and finished some details. Hope you like it :)
Feedback is appreciated.
Very well built and fits into the concept of the world through the use of the background. If you would like you may tie in an item of "value" into your background (my approval or adjustments maybe needed) that you received as a gift or etc.
Maybe give a couple of names in the background which i can use to link you tighter to the world. Maybe name of trainer in healing or arms or maybe a sibling or rival or something?

Herkymr the Silly |

How do we decide what to do/how to start? Is there a bulletin in the town square or something with that stuff on it? Or are we not supposed to get started yet?
Character looks great. The background leaves me plenty with which to "play". The name use is always a benefit to me as a GM so thank you.
How liberal am I to play with your background?

Herkymr the Silly |

Characters and possibilities so far
Malgrim - hobgoblin fighter
Inyl- Fetchling rogue
Bartlebi Featheringwalthamstone - gnome oracle of juju
Yellen Faben - fetchling oracle dark tapestry
Billybrainpan--Human barbarian
magnumCPA -- alchemist or ranger or bard
Ziggs -- "gunslinger" - (needs race adjustment to correct race options)
Kios--Duergar ranger
This would complete a group all though a bit light on arcane power we can work with that easily.
Did I miss any in the recruitment threads?

Theorythmus |

Malgrim Ironhide wrote:Filled in the background and finished some details. Hope you like it :)
Feedback is appreciated.
Very well built and fits into the concept of the world through the use of the background. If you would like you may tie in an item of "value" into your background (my approval or adjustments maybe needed) that you received as a gift or etc.
Maybe give a couple of names in the background which i can use to link you tighter to the world. Maybe name of trainer in healing or arms or maybe a sibling or rival or something?
Have some ideas for some background characters, but on iPad again so won't be able to type it out right now. Will do so tomorrow :-)
About the item, got an example of what you mean with it?
Herkymr the Silly |

What kind of terrain is the majority of this homebrew world here?
Everything and anything plus due to the changes from the massive catastrophe
jungle & forest is a large part of the world as it has taken over when "humans" went "away". Around the town you all are starting in is dense jungle with several areas of rocky outcroppings and many open glens and clearings

Herkymr the Silly |

Gobo Horde is just my default alias :)
I havent actually figured out what to play yet as i am trying to wrap my head around those less than stellar stats :)
No goblin gunslinger for me XD
kk no issues wasnt sure. party is lacking in arcane if you feel inclined but no pressure i am {pat on the back :) } good enough and experienced enough of a GM to work with it