[ACG] Season of the Runelords - EmpTyger (Inactive)

Game Master EmpTyger

Adventure Path Completed!

  • Salim/Nathan Davis
  • Urgraz/Yewstance
  • Ezren/Hawkmoon269
  • Yoon/dinketry

Sihedron Medallion
Loot Item 1
Traits: Accessory Magic Sihedron

Discard this card to reduce damage dealt to you by 4.
Succeed at an Arcane or Divine 9 check to recharge this card instead of discarding it.

Holy Candle
Item B


To Acquire:
Wisdom/Divine 10

Bury this card to shuffle 1d6 random cards from the blessings discard pile into the blessings deck.

Impaler of Thorns
Loot Weapon 2

For your combat check, reveal this card to roll your Strength or Melee die +1d8+2; you may additionally discard this card to also reduce the difficulty to defeat the bane by 2 until the end of the turn.
If you aren't proficient with weapons, the difficulty of this check is increased by 4.
If you fail a combat check with this weapon, you may discard this card to ignore the result and reroll the dice. You must take the second result.

Medusa Mask
Loot Item 2

When you encounter a monster, you may display this card and put the monster atop it; the monster is neither defeated nor undefeated. At the end of your turn, put the monster on top of its original location deck and bury this card.

Snakeskin Tunic
Loot Armor 2
Light Armor

Reveal this card to add 1 to your Dexterity check.
Recharge this card to reduce Combat or Poison damage dealt to you by 1.
Banish this card to reduce all damage dealt to you to 0; if you are proficient with light armors, bury this card instead.

Ward of Enervation
Loot Item 3

Bury this card to decrease the difficulty of a combat check by 2d4, or 1d4+4 if you have the Arcane skill. Succeed at an Arcane 8 check to recharge this card instead of burying it.

Mokmurian's Club
Loot Weapon 4

For your combat check, reveal this card to roll your Strength or Melee die +1d10+2; you may additionally discard one other card from your hand to add another 1d10. If you aren't proficient with weapons, the difficulty of this check is increased by 4.
If you defeat a monster while playing this weapon, recharge a random card from your discard pile.

Robe of Runes
Loot Item 4

Reveal this card to add 2 to your Intelligence check. You may play another item on this check.
Recharge this card to add a spell of your choice from your discard pile to your hand.

Fanged Falchion
Loot Weapon 5

For your combat check, reveal this card to roll your Strength or Melee die + 2d4+2; you may additionally discard this card to add another 2d4. If you aren't proficient with weapons, the difficulty of this check is increased by 4. If any d4 rolled using this weapon is a 4, count it as 6.

Emerald Codex
Loot Item 4

Banish this card to add 3 random Divine spells from the box to your hand. You may instead bury this card to place the spells faceup next to your character card, you may banish any of these cards for its effect as though you had played it as a spell. Banish any that remain at the end of the scenarion.

Staff of Hungry Shadows
Loot Item 5

When you play a spell with the Attack trait, you may reveal this card and discard a spell to add 1d8+2 to your check. If you succeed at the check, recharge a random card from your discard pile. Reveal this card and discard a spell to roll your Arcane die and decrease the difficulty of another character's combat check at your location by that amount.

Ally 6

To Acquire:
Charisma/Diplomacy 13

Discard this card to examine the bottom 3 cards of a location deck. You may put them back in any order.
Discard this card to explore your location.

Robes of Xin-Shalast
Loot Item 6

Reveal this card to add 2 to an Arcane or Divine check. You may use another item on this check.
When you take Combat damage, reveal this card to shuffle up to 2 cards into your deck instead of discarding them.
Reveal this card and discard an item to search your deck and choose an item to add to your hand.

Runewell's Echo
Loot Blessing P

Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Discard this card to add 1d12 to any non-combat check.
After playing this card, you may play another blessing on this check.

Summoned Henchmen:
Ancient Skeleton
Monster Henchman B

To Defeat:
Combat 8

The Skeleton is immune to the Mental and Poison traits.
If your check to defeat the Skeleton has the Slashing or Piercing trait, the difficulty to defeat the Skeleton is increased by 3.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close this location.

Monster Henchman B

To Defeat:
Combat 8

Before the encounter, recharge a card of your choice from your hand.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close this location.

Charmed Faceless Stalker
Monster Henchman 2

To Defeat:
Combat 11

Before the encounter, succeed at a Wisdom 7 check or the difficulty to defeat the Faceless Stalker is increased by 2.
If undefeated, the Faceless Stalker deals no damage; bury the top card of your deck.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close this location.

Goblin Raider
Monster Henchman 1

To Defeat:
Combat 8

If undefeated, bury 1 item or weapon of your choice from your discard pile.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close your location.

Graul Ogrekin
Monster Henchman 3

To Defeat:
Combat 13

When you encounter the Ogrekin, roll 1d4:
1. The difficulty to defeat the Ogrekin is increased by 2; damage dealt by the Ogrekin is reduced by 2.
2. Damage dealt by the Ogrekin is increased by 2.
3. The Ogrekin may not be evaded.
4. After the encounter, put the Ogrekin on the bottom of the location deck.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close this location.

Poison Trap
Barrier Henchman B

To Defeat:
Dexterity/Disable 5

If undefeated, discard the top card of your deck. Then, each character at this location must succeed at a Constitution or Fortitude 7 check or be dealt 1d4-1 Poison damage.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close your location.

Sandpoint Devil
Monster Villain 1

To Defeat:
Combat 20
Combat 20

After the encounter, banish The Sandpoint Devil.

"After what we heard up on the roof--the clomping and snorting and that terrible, terrible tearing--I ain't ashamed to say I kept right here between the sheets and didn't even thing about coming out till morning. We lost three cows and my favorite porker

Skinsaw Cultist
Monster Henchman 2

To Defeat:
Combat 11

If undefeated, shuffle to top card of the blessings deck into this location deck.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close this location.

Wrathful Sinspawn
Monster Henchman 1

To Defeat:
Combat 9

Before the encounter, Succeed at a Wisdom 6 check or the difficulty of your checks is increased by 1 for the rest of the turn.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close this location.

Zombie Minion
Monster Henchman 2

To Defeat:
Combat 9

The Zombie Minion is immune to the Mental and Poison traits.
Damage dealt by the Zombie Minion is reduced by half (round up).
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close this location.

Party Tracker

251 to 300 of 393 << first < prev | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | next > last >>

Yoon Deck Handler

What did we get? What did we get?

Yoon is aiming for an Ally 4, a Spell 4, or a Weapon 3/4 (in that order).

Boon for Yoon?: 1d20 ⇒ 2 DAMN!

Ezren's Hand || Ezren's Deck

Hawkmoon269: 1d20 ⇒ 8
Looks like I have maxed out my spell feats, so I'll be taking an ally feat this time.

Deck Handler Item 4 > Ally 4 > Spell 4 > Item 3 > Spell 3

1d20 ⇒ 16

Card feat for me
Adding Misthorn to my deck.

I think the reward is essentially:
"Randomly choose an Ally 3 or 4 remaining in your class box+addon box. You may use this ally as a bonus deck upgrade."
Can someone confirm?

2-4D reward: 1d20 ⇒ 9

Deck Handler Item 4 > Ally 4 > Spell 4 > Item 3 > Spell 3

Random Ally (Cat, Bound Shadow Demon, Monkey, Ice Chemist): 1d4 ⇒ 2
Drawing Bound Shadow Demon. Replacing Bound Lantern Archon.

Spell 3: 1d1000 ⇒ 173

I've posted the next scenario's intro.
Because the henchmen are blessings, the "Bl" counts will all be 0, while the "?" counts will comprise both Blessings and the Villain.

Do your upgrades, rewards, feats, d20 rolls.
When ready, make any loot or turn order substitutions, decide on starting locations, and draw opening hands!

Balazar / khazkhaz wrote:

[dice=Random Ally (Cat, Bound Shadow Demon, Monkey)]1d3

Drawing Bound Shadow Demon. Replacing Bound Lantern Archon.

If the reward works the way I think it does (big "If"), you have to randomly roll from among the Ally 3s and 4s in *both* your class deck and your addon deck. So you have to roll 1d5, to see if you get Vampire Bat or Ice Chemist.

(Unless they are already in your deck?)

Deck Handler Item 4 > Ally 4 > Spell 4 > Item 3 > Spell 3
EmpTyger wrote:
Balazar / khazkhaz wrote:

[dice=Random Ally (Cat, Bound Shadow Demon, Monkey)]1d3

Drawing Bound Shadow Demon. Replacing Bound Lantern Archon.

If the reward works the way I think it does (big "If"), you have to randomly roll from among the Ally 3s and 4s in *both* your class deck and your addon deck. So you have to roll 1d5, to see if you get Vampire Bat or Ice Chemist.

(Unless they are already in your deck?)

Ohh plus the addon deck. Let me reroll it then.

Ezren's Hand || Ezren's Deck

1. Acadamae Scholar
2. Jelani
3. Vreva Jhafae
4. Elyana
5. Keren Rhinn
6. Blighted Myrmidon
7. Dreamstalker
8. Evangelist
9. Psychometrist
10. Vizier
11. Zealot

Random ally: 1d11 ⇒ 10

Ally 3: 1d1000 ⇒ 673

Deck Handler // Searching for: Armor 6

Card Feat: Ally 4 [X]5 [X]6

Harbinger Disciple, Blighted Myrmidon, Psychometrist, Zealot, Fortune-Teller
random Ally 3 or 4: 1d5 ⇒ 3


Display this card and put a boon in your hand faceup on it. While displayed, you gain all skills listed in that boon's check to acquire equal to your Charisma. At the end of your turn, discard this card and draw that boon.

Taking Psychometrist for the extra card feat.

Ally 3: 1d1000 ⇒ 540

boon: 1d20 ⇒ 1

Woah! Taking whichever one I don’t already have.

Deck Handler Item 4 > Ally 4 > Spell 4 > Item 3 > Spell 3

Rerolled my ally draw. Got a 2 again. So same banana.

Deck Handler Item 4 > Ally 4 > Spell 4 > Item 3 > Spell 3

Looks like Balazar gets the Spell 3.

Eloquence > Fire Shield

"Display this card. While displayed, you may add 1d8 and the Cold or Fire trait to a combat check attempted by a character at your location.
At the end of your turn, if you do not have the Arcane skill, banish this card; otherwise, discard it, or you may attempt an Arcane 12 check to recharge it instead."

Yoon Deck Handler

Yoon will take an Ally Card Feat.

She has 8 Tier 3/4 allies that she doesn’t already have between the two decks. 1-3 are her OA allies and 4-8 are her UW allies.

Which Ally?: 1d8 ⇒ 8 Vampire Squid! Fun!

Yoon will take a Spell 3 Card (Elemental Mastery) as her deck upgrade (and replace Aspect of the Bat) - there looks like there are plenty of them available.

Deck Handler // Searching For: Item 6 > Blessing 6 > Item 5

Just remember that Elemental Mastery only works if the bane (or ally) invokes a trait - not if you or your check does. It makes it very narrow in Rise of the Runelords as a result, since this is before they started giving elemental traits to monsters, for the most part.

For Scenario 2-4D: The Runelord's Handmaiden...

Urgraz 2-4D Boon Roll: 1d20 ⇒ 18

Urgraz passes on the 'draw an ally from the box' reward, as there's no allies I'd replace Imp with for my single ally slot.

Urgraz banished the Charm Person spell during the scenario, and it will need to be replaced. Additionally, Urgraz shuffled Mokmurian's Club into his location during his last turn, which means the card he traded for it (Sinderbos (Redeemed)) disappears from his deck as if it were banished

For his Card Feat, Urgraz checks off Blessing [X] 6, maxing his blessing count.

Urgraz will take the highest AD# deck upgrade that's left over, but has no other interests.

Additionally, I will refill my empty card slots as follows:

  • Replace Empty Spell Slot with Charm Person (Hell's Vengeance 1).
  • Replace Empty Blessing Slot with Blessing of Maat (Ultimate Intrigue).
  • Replace Empty Weapon Slot with Sinderbos (Redeemed) (Hell's Vengeance 1).

    Card texts are below. Note that Blessing of Maat is a significant bonus to the party, and it should be carefully noted when it's in Urgraz' hand.

    Blessing of Maat:

    After a character rolls the dice on any check, discard this card to add or subtract up to 3 from the result.

    Recharge this card to reduce damage dealt to you by 2.

    On any non-combat check, when a character assembles the dice, discard this card to replace each die with a d8.

    After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, you may discard any number of cards to allow a character at your location to recharge that same number of cards from his discard pile.

  • Ezren's Hand || Ezren's Deck

    For my ally 3 I'll take Vreva Jhafae, dropping Grogul.

    Yoon Deck Handler

    I'm holding to see what's going to happen with my turn. Sorry for the delay. I want to get this right.

    Again, thank you Dinketry for bringing up your concerns.

    dinketry wrote:
    Do I take the second turn? Do I not?

    This question I leave up to Dinketry and Nathan. Please let me know which you would prefer:

    A) Retcon that Salim takes the 2nd check.
    Yoon and Salim both have to make a DEX/Acrobatics 8 check for the Courtyard or else take 1d4 Combat damage. (Salim would need to redo his Courtyard check, so as to not let the fact that he succeeded influence the choice.) Only Salim can play cards or use powers on either Courtyard checks or on the combat, because of the villain's power.
    If Salim succeeds, Yoon discards 1 card for Combat damage before resetting hand, per the scenario rule. Balazar's turn stands.
    If Salim fails, the villain escapes. Balazar redoes his turn with a corrected board state.

    B) Yoon still takes the 2nd check, but retcon so Yoon does the missed 2nd Courtyard check.
    Yoon must make a DEX/Acrobatics 8 check for the Courtyard or else take 1d4 Combat damage. Only Yoon can play cards or use powers on this check.
    If Yoon succeeds, Yoon discards 1 card for Combat damage before resetting hand, per the scenario rule. Balazar's turn stands.
    If Yoon fails, then depending on the Combat damage, there may need to be further corrections to Yoon's and/or Balazar's turns.

    C) No retcon for the villain combat.
    Yoon discards 1 card for Combat damage before resetting hand, per the scenario rule. Balazar's turn stands.

    dinketry wrote:
    Do I take damage from Salim who was at the location but wasn’t but was but wasn’t? Why did Salim not use a blessing to try to prevent damage to someone who was taking sequential checks to defeat a villain?

    Yoon will take 1 Combat damage after the villain is defeated, per the scenario rule. (Unless there is a retcon situation in which the villain is undefeated.)

    I don't want to speak for Nathan, but there had been a rules question about whether the villain's power prevented other players from playing blessings on the WIS check. Regardless, in similar situations on previous turns, (for example), no blessing was played.
    (And I think only Urgraz even had blessings in hand at the time?)
    However, note that Yoon doesn't take this 1 damage until *after* both sequential checks have already been made.

    (As for the Courtyard checks: this damage does happen before the sequential check. But note that only the player who fails the Courtyard check has to take the damage. So even if Salim had failed, it wouldn't affect Yoon.)

    dinketry wrote:
    Why did two separate people move ahead with their turns and will likely have to retcon them if I fail to defeat the villain and all of the locations get shuffled?

    I think only Balazar took their turn? (Unless a post was deleted?)

    I won't speak for Khazkhaz. But when I made the update, I was thinking that the 2nd check would stand. I'm assuming that Khazkhaz thought that he was good to go following the BR post.

    dinketry wrote:
    This is frustrating; I probably wouldn’t have moved to the Courtyard if someone was there with 3 other open locations; I knew I’d be setting myself up to damage from any foe fight but I did so and now we are stuck in debate hell while other people are moving forward with the game as if nothing that could happen from encountering the villain and failing or succeeding would affect their turns.

    As pointed out, the Courtyard was the only legal location to move to.

    dinketry wrote:
    And the special is still going. This game is supposed to be on a more relaxed pace right now. It sure doesn’t feel like it.

    This is a concern. If players aren't having fun, that's a problem.

    I realize that a big part of the issue is that these Season of the Runelords scenarios have had some rather intricate rules involving players whose turn it isn't, and that is especially tricky with online play.
    My BRing mistakes haven't helped either: having to deprioritize the first half of this week, skipping Salim's turn, misunderstanding the encounter rules. Nor have the forum glitch that doesn't let me update the campaign header with correct turn order and rules.

    So before Urgraz goes, I'd like to check in with everyone. AoA is on its last scenario, so it should be wrapping up soon.
    Please PM me with whether, after we resolve Dinketry and Balazar's turns, you would rather continue play or pause until AoA concludes.
    And if you have any other concerns, please let me know them as well.

    The most important thing is that everyone confirmed that they are having fun. So we play on!

    I do want to thank everyone for their willingness to take a day to get this resolved. And I want to again thank Dinketry for speaking up in the first place. I know that that can be an uncomfortable thing to do, but I consider it very important that playing a game be fun. I encourage everyone to speak up (in discussion thread, in hangout, via PM) whenever something is concerning them with the potential to affect enjoyment of the game.

    Regarding the villain encounter, we'll do (B).
    No further action needed from Salim. Yoon still will take the 2nd villain Combat check.

    Yoon needs to retroactively attempt a DEX/Acrobatics 8 check for the Courtyard, or else take 1d4 Combat damage. Then:

  • If Yoon succeeds: Yoon takes 1 Combat damage for Salim's failed WIS check. Then we're all caught up, and Urgraz can take his turn.
  • If Yoon fails, and he rolls 1d4=1-3 damage: Yoon can keep Cauterize in head, and the villain is still defeated per Yoon's previous check. Yoon discards for whatever Combat damage was rolled +1 additional Combat damage for Salim's failed WIS check, adjusting his end-of-turn healing as necessary. Then we're all caught up, and Urgraz can take his turn.
  • If Yoon fails, and he rolls 1d4=4 damage: I believe that wipes Yoon's hand, so the villain becomes undefeated and escapes. Yoon adjusts his end-of-turn healing as necessary. Balazar will need to redo his turn with the revised board state.

  • Yoon Deck Handler

    Thanks, BR. This sounds good to me. Here's hoping that the dice are nice to me.

    You just snuck the win in before the end of Gameday VII, so roll those d20s! And the usual upgrades and loot substitution.
    The 2-4C condition is now in permanent effect. How comfortable is everyone with using that rule online?

    2-4E reward: 1d20 ⇒ 12

    2-4E: 1d20 ⇒ 2

    Deck Handler // Searching For: Item 6 > Blessing 6 > Item 5

    If we all make the switch to the shared Deck Handler (which I'm sure can be modified to suit everyone's individual tastes, and cut out some extra sheets) then I'm very happy with using this new rule online.

    (Speaking of, as a way to improve the shared Deck Handler, it may be worth removing the "Card Texts" sheets to make it more readable, and instead replace it by simply adding links to the PACG wiki to each card's text in a character's "DON'T LOOK" tab, since that wiki has come a very, very long way.)

    I also would like to explicitly say that I trust everyone's judgement for what to do with Urgraz's cards that they examine - note that Urgraz sometimes discards the top card of his (or someone else's) deck for his powers, so its arguably more valuable for him than most characters (though both Ezren and Yoon also have meaningful advantages with it).

    Furthermore, in AD5 I'll be picking up an increasing list of extremely powerful cards that demand being buried or banished - these are amazing to have other players at my location draw, because they can be used immediately and Urgraz can just use his tyrannical powers to bring them right back. This adventure reward actually really excels with my character, and I'm kind of excited at the prospect of it making this campaign much more interactive and cool, once we get over the weirdness of it.

    That said, if the party isn't happy working with a shared deck handler, or a fully-editable suite of deck handlers, then it'll slow the game down too much to wait for input between our varied timezones and availabilities. Hawkmoon's solution of listing his deck in order is adequate.

    2-4E Boon roll: 1d20 ⇒ 11

    My upgrade preferences are coming soon... though the ongoing lack of high-tier Armor (or weapons, really) means that there's nothing I want for deck upgrades but the Blessing 4 (which I'd be using as a Blessing 3).

    Deck Handler // Searching For: Item 6 > Blessing 6 > Item 5

    For Scenario 2-4E: A Shadow of Wrath...

    No prizes for guessing who the loot goes to. If, however, for some reason Ezren doesn't take it, Urgraz will take it just as a "recharge to draw a spell from your discard pile" power, which serves me quite well alongside aggressively discarding cards from the top of my deck or just simply re-using a Cure or Divine Fortune.

    Urgraz banished the Charm Person spell during the scenario, and it will need to be replaced.

    Urgraz Tiers up to Tier 5, and earns a Die Bump, bringing him back to 3 die bumps.

    Urgraz's Deck Upgrade preferences are as follows...

  • Blessing 4: Replace Blessing of the Archdevils 2 with Blessing of Rovagug (Ultimate Intrigue).
  • Item 2: Ring of the Hellion (Redeemed) with The Asmodean Disciplines (Hell's Vengeance 1).

    And Urgraz will simply add Charm Person back in for his empty spell slot afterwards.

    Card texts are below.

    Blessing of Rovagug:

    Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.

    Discard this card to add 3 dice to any 1 check, then search the blessings deck until you find 1d6+1 blessings and discard them.

    Discard this card to explore your location. During this exploration, if you encounter an ally or a blessing, banish it; it is evaded.

    When you play this card, you may bury it instead of discarding it; if you do, draw a card from your discard pile.

    The Asmodean Disciplines:

    Recharge this card and banish a blessing to add the top card of the blessings discard pile to your discard pile; if this card has the Corrupted trait, bury this card instead. If the blessing you added has the Asmodeus or Corrupted trait, you may put it on top of your deck instead. After playing this card, you may succeed at a Wisdom or Knowledge 11 check to reveal this card instead of recharging it.

    Banish this card to redeem a card.

  • Urgraz - The Patient wrote:
    (Speaking of, as a way to improve the shared Deck Handler, it may be worth removing the "Card Texts" sheets to make it more readable, and instead replace it by simply adding links to the PACG wiki to each card's text in a character's "DON'T LOOK" tab, since that wiki has come a very, very long way.)

    As a favor to your BR, could you please also consider mobile readability? :) In particular, I've experienced a lot of mobile browser redirect ads when trying to use that wiki, maybe 25% of the time, often enough that I'd appreciate card texts being left in.

    Deck Handler // Searching For: Item 6 > Blessing 6 > Item 5

    I had no idea! Nevermind with that plan, then. :)

    (It's true that the wikia network, whilst wide-reaching, powerful and effective, is often very user-hostile, resource intensive and covered with highly intrusive ads that are persistent in attempting to navigate around adblocking wherever possible)

    Scenario intro is up. When ready, let me know starting locations and any changes to turn order.

    Deck Handler // Searching For: Item 6 > Blessing 6 > Item 5

    My AD5 deck upgrade preferences are now noted by my profile. I didn't need much from AD4 (In fact, I only took 1 AD4 card, which was Aegis of Recovery, an Armor), but Urgraz wants a reasonably wide variety of AD5 (and AD6) cards.

    I'd like to make a really strong appeal for the first Ally 5 and/or Item 5 we gain, honestly.

    Ally 5, in my only Ally slot, gives me Suurlahetas. It's an ally I can hand off to someone for them to banish (which I can then draw back into my hand) to search an entire location deck, seeing every card in it, and then draw a boon of their choice from. It should be invaluable in gathering new deck upgrades for everyone, since every time Urgraz gets a turn we get the choice pick of a boon from any location deck, plus a lot of valuable information.

    Item 5 gives me the Book of the Damned, which is pretty much objectively even better, but it's much less fun and more time consuming (as in, in real-time) for the party, so it's my second preference. I will be Redeeming it basically as soon as I get it (note that Redemption applies no matter who is using the card, as per the wording on Redemption rules), which means... I can pass it to someone, then they can banish it to shuffle 5d4 (an average of 12.5) blessings back into the blessings deck, then I can, again, bury a card to draw it back into my hand.

    Being able to bury a boon, once per round, to gain ~12 blessings back into the deck means that... to be blunt, there's no timer left, whatsoever, for the entirety of AD5 and AD6. Iiiiiif you guys want me to avoid picking Book of the Damned for that reason, then I'll leave it off my Deck Upgrade choices.

    But for the record, Urgraz+Book of the Damned is a combo that exists within a single Class Deck, without any reliance on any other Ultimate Deck, or other character, or Loot, or scenario rule, or anything. So I guess it's intentional?

    Deck Handler // Searching for: Armor 6

    boon: 1d20 ⇒ 19

    Ally 4: 1d1000 ⇒ 166
    Weapon 3: 1d1 ⇒ 1

    Ezren's Hand || Ezren's Deck

    Spell 4: 1d1000 ⇒ 751

    Deck Handler Item 4 > Ally 4 > Spell 4 > Item 3 > Spell 3

    Item 4: 1d1000 ⇒ 423
    Ally 4: 1d1000 ⇒ 817
    Spell 4: 1d1000 ⇒ 399

    1d20 ⇒ 15

    Hi everyone. The coming months will be crazy. I have to leave the table for the meantime.

    It has been fun. Thanks for letting me play with you guys. I hope to rejoin you guys when I'm not too busy tearing my hair out.

    Yoon Deck Handler

    You’ll be missed, Balazar!

    Boon for Yoon?: 1d20 ⇒ 19

    Deck Handler // Searching for: Armor 6

    Assuming Yoon is abdicating any upgrades...

    Urgraz: Blessing 4
    Salim: Ally 4
    Balazar: Item 4
    Ezren: Spell 4
    Yoon: None

    Salim will be replacing Ally 1 - Court Knight with Ally 4 - Fortune Teller


    At the end of your move step, reveal this card and choose a catagory: bane or boon. Then examine the top card of your location deck. If that card matches your choice, encounter it.

    Discard this card to explore your location.

    Yoon Deck Handler

    I am not abdicating any boons. I just haven't had time to post.

    Deck Handler // Searching for: Armor 6

    Yes! Apologies. I'll redistro the Upgrades once you post. If it changes my opening hand I will make the appropriate adjustments.

    Yoon Deck Handler

    Spell 4: 1d1000 ⇒ 720 I would take Eruption in place of Primal Attunement.
    Ally 4: 1d1000 ⇒ 53 I would take Blood Kineticist in place of Cleric of Nethys.

    Yoon Deck Handler

    Oh well - it looks like no upgrades for Yoon. No worries!

    Ezren's Hand || Ezren's Deck

    Ezren will drop Life Drain for Scrying.

    Deck Handler // Searching for: Armor 6

    A LOT of good Upgrade Opportunities!

    Ally 5: 1d1000 ⇒ 397
    Weapon 5: 1d1000 ⇒ 386
    Item 5: 1d1000 ⇒ 461
    Armor 5: 1d1000 ⇒ 695

    After you finalize your upgrades/loot/feats, choose locations and decide if any changes to turn order for the next scenario.

    Deck Handler // Searching For: Item 6 > Blessing 6 > Item 5

    For Scenario 2-5A: A Runelord's Respite...

    Not the most impressive Weapon 5 - especially for a Loot card - but I'll be taking the Fanged Falchion some of the time.

    Urgraz banished the Charm Person spell during the scenario, and it will need to be replaced.

    For his Skill Feat, Urgraz checks off...
    Wisdom d8 [X] +1

    I am making a strong appeal for the Ally 5, as previously indicated. Among other things, it will significantly speed up the entire parties' ability to acquire new AD5 boons.
    Also, as a reminder, I only got 1 AD4 boon during the last adventure, and that was an Armor that was uncontested. I'm actually lagging behind a bit in average deck upgrades. ^^'

    Urgraz's Deck Upgrade preferences are as follows...

  • Ally 5: Replace Imp with Suurlahetas (Hell's Vengeance 1). Ally 5: 1d1000 ⇒ 224
  • Item 5: Ring of the Hellion (Redeemed) with Book of the Damned (Hell's Vengeance 1). Item 5: 1d1000 ⇒ 334
  • Weapon 5: Sinderbos (Redeemed) with Vampiric Backsword +3 (Ultimate Intrigue). Weapon 5: 1d1000 ⇒ 18

    And Urgraz will simply add Charm Person back in for his empty spell slot afterwards.

    Card texts are below. Remember that both Suurlahetas and Book of the Damned play very heavily into my ability to ignore Banishment costs. Book of the Damned (once I redeem it) is infinitely more powerful, but also kind of breaks the game in a way that I'm only semi-comfortable with (and I'm only even that comfortable because I can only assume it's intentional design to be used to buy infinite turns, as it's trivially exploitable in a single Class Deck without additional boons or powers).


    To acquire this card, shuffle a random monster from the box into each open location deck without looking at the monsters.

    Discard this card to add 2d6 and the Fire trait to your combat check.

    Banish this card to search a location deck for a boon and draw it.

    Book of the Damned:

    Banish this card to allow each character to shuffle 1d4 random blessings from the box into the blessings deck. If this card has the Corrupted trait, discard any that do not have the Corrupted trait.

    After playing this card, you may banish a loot to discard this card instead of banishing it.

    Vampiric Backsword +3:

    For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Strength or Melee skill + 1d6+3. If proficient with weapons, add another 1d6. If the check is to defeat a monster, if the monster is defeated, you may put this card on top of your deck to recharge a random card from your discard pile.

  • Ezren's Hand || Ezren's Deck

    Item 5: 1d1000 ⇒ 573
    Ally 5: 1d1000 ⇒ 193

    I could go either way, but with Ally 5 being the top choice for Salim and Urgraz, I'll go with Item first.

    Yoon Deck Handler

    Boon Town?: 1d20 ⇒ 8

    I think I'll keep things simple and take the Armor 5. Replacing the Jawbreaker Shield with the Aegis of Recovery.

    Aegis of Recovery:
    At the end of your turn. reveal this card to recharge a random card from your discard pile. Recharge this card to add 1 die to your Constitution or Fortitude non-combat check. Recharge this card to reduce Acid, Cold, or Poison damage dealt to you to 0. If proficient with light armors, bury this card to shuffle 1d4+1 cards from your discard pile into your deck.

    I'll also take a +1 to my CHA score, thank you!

    Unfortunately, no d20s since Gameday is over.

    Looks like upgrades are:
    Yoon: Armor 5
    Salim: Ally 5
    Ezren: Item 5
    Urgraz: Weapon 5

    Think I still need feats and starting locations for Ezren and Salim (and possibly starting location for Urgraz)?

    Deck Handler // Searching for: Armor 6

    Dexterity d8 [X] +1 [X] +2 [X] 3 [ ] +4

    Salim trades in the Disrupting Rapier +1 up to Vampiric Backsword +3.

    Vampiric Backsword +3:

    For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Strength or Melee skill + 1d6+3. If proficient with weapons, add another 1d6. If the check is to defeat a monster, if the monster is defeated, you may put this card on top of your deck to recharge a random card from your discard pile.

    Deck Handler // Searching For: Item 6 > Blessing 6 > Item 5

    I assume Urgraz gets his Ally 5, since Salim took the Weapon 5 instead? If so, thank you very much; may Suurlahetas serve us well!

    Ezren's Hand || Ezren's Deck

    Wayfinder out, Ring of Regeneration in. Skill feat is Wisdom (since I've maxed out intelligence)

    Deck Handler // Searching for: Armor 6

    For 2-5B Reward: Draw Ally

    Power Feat:
    ☑At the start of your turn, if you do not have a blessing (☑ and a spell) in your hand, you may draw a card.

    Turn order for next game. Same!

    Deck Handler // Searching for: Armor 6

    From the chat, sounds like drawing all allies unless we get 3 5s right away

    Deck Handler // Searching for: Armor 6

    Armor 5: 1d1000 ⇒ 23
    Weapon 5: 1d1000 ⇒ 567
    Weapon 4: 1d1000 ⇒ 530
    Ally 4: 1d1000 ⇒ 398

    Ezren's Hand || Ezren's Deck

    I'd like spell 5s if possible, but don't want my greed to keep someone else from getting a good upgrade. So don't let me wanting 2 keep anyone from wanting them as well.

    Spell 5: 1d1000 ⇒ 280
    Spell 5: 1d1000 ⇒ 284
    Ally 4 I guess: 1d1000 ⇒ 762

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