[ACG] Season of the Runelords - EmpTyger (Inactive)

Game Master EmpTyger

Adventure Path Completed!

  • Salim/Nathan Davis
  • Urgraz/Yewstance
  • Ezren/Hawkmoon269
  • Yoon/dinketry

Sihedron Medallion
Loot Item 1
Traits: Accessory Magic Sihedron

Discard this card to reduce damage dealt to you by 4.
Succeed at an Arcane or Divine 9 check to recharge this card instead of discarding it.

Holy Candle
Item B


To Acquire:
Wisdom/Divine 10

Bury this card to shuffle 1d6 random cards from the blessings discard pile into the blessings deck.

Impaler of Thorns
Loot Weapon 2

For your combat check, reveal this card to roll your Strength or Melee die +1d8+2; you may additionally discard this card to also reduce the difficulty to defeat the bane by 2 until the end of the turn.
If you aren't proficient with weapons, the difficulty of this check is increased by 4.
If you fail a combat check with this weapon, you may discard this card to ignore the result and reroll the dice. You must take the second result.

Medusa Mask
Loot Item 2

When you encounter a monster, you may display this card and put the monster atop it; the monster is neither defeated nor undefeated. At the end of your turn, put the monster on top of its original location deck and bury this card.

Snakeskin Tunic
Loot Armor 2
Light Armor

Reveal this card to add 1 to your Dexterity check.
Recharge this card to reduce Combat or Poison damage dealt to you by 1.
Banish this card to reduce all damage dealt to you to 0; if you are proficient with light armors, bury this card instead.

Ward of Enervation
Loot Item 3

Bury this card to decrease the difficulty of a combat check by 2d4, or 1d4+4 if you have the Arcane skill. Succeed at an Arcane 8 check to recharge this card instead of burying it.

Mokmurian's Club
Loot Weapon 4

For your combat check, reveal this card to roll your Strength or Melee die +1d10+2; you may additionally discard one other card from your hand to add another 1d10. If you aren't proficient with weapons, the difficulty of this check is increased by 4.
If you defeat a monster while playing this weapon, recharge a random card from your discard pile.

Robe of Runes
Loot Item 4

Reveal this card to add 2 to your Intelligence check. You may play another item on this check.
Recharge this card to add a spell of your choice from your discard pile to your hand.

Fanged Falchion
Loot Weapon 5

For your combat check, reveal this card to roll your Strength or Melee die + 2d4+2; you may additionally discard this card to add another 2d4. If you aren't proficient with weapons, the difficulty of this check is increased by 4. If any d4 rolled using this weapon is a 4, count it as 6.

Emerald Codex
Loot Item 4

Banish this card to add 3 random Divine spells from the box to your hand. You may instead bury this card to place the spells faceup next to your character card, you may banish any of these cards for its effect as though you had played it as a spell. Banish any that remain at the end of the scenarion.

Staff of Hungry Shadows
Loot Item 5

When you play a spell with the Attack trait, you may reveal this card and discard a spell to add 1d8+2 to your check. If you succeed at the check, recharge a random card from your discard pile. Reveal this card and discard a spell to roll your Arcane die and decrease the difficulty of another character's combat check at your location by that amount.

Ally 6

To Acquire:
Charisma/Diplomacy 13

Discard this card to examine the bottom 3 cards of a location deck. You may put them back in any order.
Discard this card to explore your location.

Robes of Xin-Shalast
Loot Item 6

Reveal this card to add 2 to an Arcane or Divine check. You may use another item on this check.
When you take Combat damage, reveal this card to shuffle up to 2 cards into your deck instead of discarding them.
Reveal this card and discard an item to search your deck and choose an item to add to your hand.

Runewell's Echo
Loot Blessing P

Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.
Discard this card to add 1d12 to any non-combat check.
After playing this card, you may play another blessing on this check.

Summoned Henchmen:
Ancient Skeleton
Monster Henchman B

To Defeat:
Combat 8

The Skeleton is immune to the Mental and Poison traits.
If your check to defeat the Skeleton has the Slashing or Piercing trait, the difficulty to defeat the Skeleton is increased by 3.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close this location.

Monster Henchman B

To Defeat:
Combat 8

Before the encounter, recharge a card of your choice from your hand.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close this location.

Charmed Faceless Stalker
Monster Henchman 2

To Defeat:
Combat 11

Before the encounter, succeed at a Wisdom 7 check or the difficulty to defeat the Faceless Stalker is increased by 2.
If undefeated, the Faceless Stalker deals no damage; bury the top card of your deck.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close this location.

Goblin Raider
Monster Henchman 1

To Defeat:
Combat 8

If undefeated, bury 1 item or weapon of your choice from your discard pile.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close your location.

Graul Ogrekin
Monster Henchman 3

To Defeat:
Combat 13

When you encounter the Ogrekin, roll 1d4:
1. The difficulty to defeat the Ogrekin is increased by 2; damage dealt by the Ogrekin is reduced by 2.
2. Damage dealt by the Ogrekin is increased by 2.
3. The Ogrekin may not be evaded.
4. After the encounter, put the Ogrekin on the bottom of the location deck.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close this location.

Poison Trap
Barrier Henchman B

To Defeat:
Dexterity/Disable 5

If undefeated, discard the top card of your deck. Then, each character at this location must succeed at a Constitution or Fortitude 7 check or be dealt 1d4-1 Poison damage.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close your location.

Sandpoint Devil
Monster Villain 1

To Defeat:
Combat 20
Combat 20

After the encounter, banish The Sandpoint Devil.

"After what we heard up on the roof--the clomping and snorting and that terrible, terrible tearing--I ain't ashamed to say I kept right here between the sheets and didn't even thing about coming out till morning. We lost three cows and my favorite porker

Skinsaw Cultist
Monster Henchman 2

To Defeat:
Combat 11

If undefeated, shuffle to top card of the blessings deck into this location deck.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close this location.

Wrathful Sinspawn
Monster Henchman 1

To Defeat:
Combat 9

Before the encounter, Succeed at a Wisdom 6 check or the difficulty of your checks is increased by 1 for the rest of the turn.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close this location.

Zombie Minion
Monster Henchman 2

To Defeat:
Combat 9

The Zombie Minion is immune to the Mental and Poison traits.
Damage dealt by the Zombie Minion is reduced by half (round up).
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close this location.

Party Tracker

101 to 150 of 393 << first < prev | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | next > last >>

Yoon Deck Handler

Can I add the upgrade that I got from the Ultimate Wilderness deck for the last scenario?

If so, I've handled resetting the deck. I don't know why I would 't be able to add an Ultimate Wilderness deck at this point.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Urgraz - The Patient wrote:

Which actually reminds me of another point, because I'm not entirely sure. When I use a card to "add or ignore the Corrupted trait on a card", does that card have to be in my hand or not? I've debated on one side of the argument before, but other statements (such as those made in this very early thread on the matter) seem to give differing opinions, and I cannot find clarification in my time digging through the forums.

Some have said, implicitly, that it can be any card; for example, the top card of the blessings discard pile. I can't find a direct post by anyone challenging this, but generally cards that you're doing something to have to come from your hand unless stated otherwise. If there isn't an official say on the matter, may I have your opinion, GM?

The idea was in this thread. And that post by Vic specifically gives an example of ignoring the trait on the top card of the blessings discard pile.

Deck Handler // Searching For: Item 6 > Blessing 6 > Item 5

Aha! Right, I knew there was one specific card that only really made sense if you could ignore traits on cards outside of what you were encountering and what was in your hand; Blessing of Pulura and the Abyssal trait!

Anyway, I missed that particular forum thread; didn't intersect with the search results I was trying, or I didn't look hard enough. Thanks for the clarity there, Hawkmoon! Frustratingly, that forum thread got close to clarifying whether or not I could use Corruptive Half-Plate to add the corrupted trait to a blessing which I could then reveal to change how Blessing of the Archdevils worked... but as stated before, I don't really think I can do that, because adding the Corrupted trait is not immediately relevant in the middle of a check.

But that's the answer I was looking for, if not particularly expecting. I guess I need to keep in mind that they explicitly mean "change zone" when they say you can't manipulate a card that isn't in your hand without specifically stating. I wonder if that violates any other given rule if you extrapolate out that exception...

Deck Handler // Searching for: Armor 6

2-2E: 1d20 ⇒ 13

No Upgrades from Scenario.

Adventure Reward: Blessing 2: Blessing of Zon-Kuthon to replace BotG 2.

Order for 2-3A: Sal->Yn->Urg->Baz->Ez

Ezren's Hand || Ezren's Deck

Hawkmoon269: 1d20 ⇒ 17

Yoon Deck Handler

Boon for Yoon?: 1d20 ⇒ 10

Yoon will take the Blessing of Angradd from her Occult Deck as her blessings upgrade.

No desire for the Snakeskin Tunic or the Impaler of Thorns from me.

Yoon Deck Handler

Of note, we can do the scenarios for this next adventure in any order. The Wand of Enervation is the loot reward for the 4th scenario, if we'd like to grab that first. Just an idea.

I don't have the next adventure just yet. I'll try to get the next scenario set up either tonight or tomorrow morning.
In the meantime, choose your upgrades and roll your d20!

2-2E reward: 1d20 ⇒ 18

Yoon Deck Handler

Roll-Off for the Spell 2: 1d1000 ⇒ 784
Roll-Off for the Spell 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 401

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Yoon - Dinketry wrote:
Of note, we can do the scenarios for this next adventure in any order. The Wand of Enervation is the loot reward for the 4th scenario, if we'd like to grab that first. Just an idea.

I think that's just how all Organized Play adventures are set up, in order to accommodate players who might miss a session? I'm planning on just running the scenarios in order.

Deck Handler Item 4 > Ally 4 > Spell 4 > Item 3 > Spell 3

1d20 ⇒ 10

Taking a Blessing 2 upgrade. Replacing Blessing of the Gods with Blessing of Abadar.

Deck Handler // Searching For: Item 6 > Blessing 6 > Item 5

As mentioned; all OP adventures have no set order RAW, but they're intended to be sequential and the stories are written in that way, generally. I prefer playing them in sequence.

For Scenario 2-2E: A Bad Day To Be Good...

Urgraz 2-2E Boon Roll: 1d20 ⇒ 9

Urgraz is interested in the Spell 2, but probably objectively less than a Yoon or Ezren, and so will pass on it.

For Urgraz's Card Upgrade, he's (sort of) interested in:

  • Spell 1: (Not certain of my trade yet) Minimum Priority: 1d1 ⇒ 1
  • Ally B: (Not certain of my trade yet) Minimum Priority: 1d1 ⇒ 1

Urgraz will take a Blessing 2 as the Adventure Reward. I'll confirm the specific blessing I'm adding in after I'm next able to check my physical deck again.

Urgraz is interested in the Impaler of Thorns for future scenarios, and will switch out his Warhammer +1 for it.

Urgraz Tiers-Up to Tier 3, and now has 2 unspent Die Bumps. He'll update his card upgrade preferences when he's able.

Ezren's Hand || Ezren's Deck

Record a blessing 2 and an ally B for Ezren, but I'm not actually making any changes.

khazkhaz: Are you taking a normal upgrade? Or just the bonus Blessing upgrade?

dinketry: What's the deck number for the Blessing of Angradd? (Turns out that there are some limits to what I can look up.)

Let me know starting locations for the next scenario, finalize any loot selection, and draw your opening hand!

Yoon Deck Handler

Blessing of Angradd is Deck Number 2.

Deck Handler Item 4 > Ally 4 > Spell 4 > Item 3 > Spell 3
EmpTyger wrote:

khazkhaz: Are you taking a normal upgrade? Or just the bonus Blessing upgrade?

dinketry: What's the deck number for the Blessing of Angradd? (Turns out that there are some limits to what I can look up.)

Let me know starting locations for the next scenario, finalize any loot selection, and draw your opening hand!

Just the bonus blessing.

Deck Handler // Searching For: Item 6 > Blessing 6 > Item 5

Since the Spell 2 is entirely unclaimed, here's Urgraz's final card upgrades.

  • Spell 2: Sagacity for Charm Person (Ultimate Intrigue). (Note; Charm Person is a Spell 1, so if Yoon wants the Spell 2 more than the spell 1, we can switch card upgrades)
  • Blessing 2 (Bonus Card Upgrade): Blessing of Shax for Blessing of Mazmezz (Hell's Vengeance).

Card texts are below. Additionally, I'll be updating my card upgrade preferences very shortly.

Charm Person:

Bury this card to draw a random ally that has the Human trait from the box.

After playing this card, if you do not have the Arcane skill, banish it.

Blessing of Mazmezz:

Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.

Discard this card to add 2 dice to any check to defeat a monster, or 3 dice if each character at your location discards 1d4 cards.

Discard this card to explore your location.

After you play this card, if this card has the Corrupted trait, bury this card instead of discarding it.

Urgraz - The Patient wrote:
Just clarifying; the Garrison is closed.

Oops! Thanks for the catch Yewstance. Edited and fixed.

Deck Handler // Searching For: Item 6 > Blessing 6 > Item 5

I've made the 'shared Deck Handler', as it were, which imports everyone's notes, deck size, hand and display (and attempts to auto-highlight blessings) on one easy sheet so that you can tell who can offer what. Link Here.

Full Credit to Maelwys0 for the tool; I've just tweaked the import values and dug around the highlighting rules.

Neat! You should have edit access, if you would like to add that to a new tab on the Party Tracker linked in the header.

Yoon Deck Handler

Apologies, folks. That’s what I get for posting before coffee.

Ezren's Hand || Ezren's Deck

2-3A Reward Roll
Hawkmoon: 1d20 ⇒ 17

Deck Handler Item 4 > Ally 4 > Spell 4 > Item 3 > Spell 3

1d20 ⇒ 1

Deck Handler Item 4 > Ally 4 > Spell 4 > Item 3 > Spell 3

Thanks to Nathan for pointing out that rolling a 1 gets me the reward. I'll get reward #2. :D

Yoon Deck Handler

Boon for Yoon?: 1d20 ⇒ 19 No cigar.

Yoon would like an Item 3 and a Spell 3 as deck upgrades, but the latter is a lower priority. She'd be happy with an Item 3 or Item 2. Since we have items to spare, she will choose Spell as her reward draw from the box.

Yoon is going to use her Skill Feat to back up her Dexterity score.

I think I only have the reward choices for Balazar (Spell), Salim (Weapon), and Yoon (Spell) so far? Let's try to get the other choices in, so that everyone has a better idea of the pool for selecting their 2 upgrades.

(Rolled my d20 roll in the wrong thread, but it was also a 19.)

EmpTyger wrote:
2-3A reward?: 1d20 ⇒ 19

Ezren's Hand || Ezren's Deck

I'm taking Spell.

Random reward cards are up, and include a Spell 3!
Let me know your 2 upgrades, and make your d20 roll and skill feat selection if you haven't yet already.
I'll have the new scenario intro up later tonight.

Yoon Deck Handler

Yoon would like:

Item 3 #1: 1d1000 ⇒ 285
Item 3 #2: 1d1000 ⇒ 530
Spell 3 #1: 1d1000 ⇒ 971
Spell 3 #2: 1d1000 ⇒ 531

In that order of preference.

Deck Handler // Searching For: Item 6 > Blessing 6 > Item 5

For Scenario 2-3A: Scouring Strifehold...

Urgraz 2-3A Boon Roll: 1d20 ⇒ 11

For Urgraz's Skill Feat from Tier progression, Urgraz will take Strength [X] +3.

My card preferences are as follows in order of preference, but I will step aside to players with greater needs. In particular; I will step aside for my Spell interests with Ezren, and potentially will step aside for other players as well. But, for the sake of completeness...

  • Spell 3: Replace Charm Person with Divine Fortune (Hell's Vengeance 1). Spell 3: 1d1000 ⇒ 268
  • Item 2: Replace Harrow Deck with The Asmodean Disciplines (Hell's Vengeance 1). Item 2: 1d1000 ⇒ 103
  • Ally 2: Replace Masque with Imp (Hell's Vengeance 1). Ally 2: 1d1000 ⇒ 192
  • Weapon 2: Replace Warhammer +1 with Sinderbos (Hell's Vengeance 1). Low Priority: 1d1 ⇒ 1
  • Spell 2: Replace Charm Person with Desecrate (Hell's Vengeance 1). Low Priority: 1d1 ⇒ 1

Card texts are below.

Divine Fortune:

Display this card. While displayed, add 1d6 to checks by characters at your location. At the start of your turn, if you do not have the Divine skill, banish this card; otherwise, discard it, or you may attempt a Divine 13 check to recharge it instead.

The Asmodean Disciplines:

Recharge this card and banish a blessing to add the top card of the blessings discard pile to your discard pile; if this card has the Corrupted trait, bury this card instead. If the blessing you added has the Asmodeus or Corrupted trait, you may put it on top of your deck instead. After playing this card, you may succeed at a Wisdom or Knowledge 11 check to reveal this card instead of recharging it.

Banish this card to redeem a card.


You may not play this card during an encounter.

Display this card to draw 1 or 2 cards. At the end of the turn, if you drew 1 card, recharge this card; if you drew 2 cards, discard this card.

Discard this card to explore your location.


For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Strength or Melee skill + 1d8+1; if you previously played this weapon during this encounter, add an additional 1d10+1. If not proficient with weapons, the difficulty of this check is increased by 4. If you would fail the check, you may discard this card to reroll the dice; take the new result. If this card has the Corrupted trait when you reroll the dice, bury it instead.

Recharge this card to add 1d6+1 to your Craft or Disable check.


Banish this card and a number of blessings from the blessings deck equal to 1 plust the scenario's adventure deck number, then attempt to close your location.

Ezren's Hand || Ezren's Deck

Spell 3: 1d1000 ⇒ 580
Spell 3: 1d1000 ⇒ 328
Item 3: 1d1000 ⇒ 362

But that is definitely negotiable. Let's make sure everyone gets something good.

Deck Handler // Searching for: Armor 6

Since this doesn't seem contested, Salim will take:
Weapon 3: Replace Menacing Backsword +1 with Striking Wing Scimitar.
Armor 2: Replace Gambeson with Lockpick Shield (which is generally just a placeholder for Snakeskin Tunic)

Skill Feat: Charisma +1

This distribution would give everyone 2 upgrades that they said they were okay with:

  • Balazar: Spell 2, Armor 2
  • Ezren: Spell 3, Spell 3
  • Salim: Weapon 3, Item 3
  • Urgraz: Item 2, Ally 2
  • Yoon: Item 3, Spell 3

If anyone has any objection, let me know by Private Message and I'll recalculate using preference rolls.

EDIT: Nevermind, overlooked the want list on Balazar's sheet. Better list forthcoming.

Deck Handler // Searching for: Armor 6

Once the next scenario gets posted, proposed order:

When we choose starting locations, we should be separated. And we should choose locations that are next to other locations we want to visit (we can only move down the list). For the many location, closing checks won't matter. Exceptions being Ezren's trips through Thass Dungeon and Academy, since he'll likely burn through those.

Hawkmoon suggest we start one spot removed from our desired starting location and player one will be the clock keeper (forcing us all to move one location down at the start of their turn).

I will also be taking a Holy Candle.

Yoon Deck Handler

I liked the first better, but I’m ok with the second.

Okay, how about this instead:

  • Balazar: Spell 2, Ally 2
  • Ezren: Spell 3, Spell 3*
  • Salim: Weapon 3, Armor 2
  • Urgraz: Item 2, Spell 3
  • Yoon: Item 3, Item 3*

*Or alternatively, if Hawkmoon and dinketry would rather:

  • Ezren: Spell 3, Item 3
  • Yoon: Item 3, Spell 3

Ezren's Hand || Ezren's Deck

Either way is fine with me. If Balazar wants a deck 3 card, I'm happy to let him have one of the ones I'd be getting.

Scenario intro is up! Pay extra close attention to the unique movement rules for this scenario. (I've reoriented it to accommodate the forum format.)
When you're done with upgrades and feats, also let me know who the timekeeper will be, in addition to the usual choose starting locations, make any loot substitutions, and draw opening hands.

Deck Handler Item 4 > Ally 4 > Spell 4 > Item 3 > Spell 3
EmpTyger wrote:

Okay, how about this instead:

  • Balazar: Spell 2, Ally 2
  • Ezren: Spell 3, Spell 3*
  • Salim: Weapon 3, Armor 2
  • Urgraz: Item 2, Spell 3
  • Yoon: Item 3, Item 3*

*Or alternatively, if Hawkmoon and dinketry would rather:

  • Ezren: Spell 3, Item 3
  • Yoon: Item 3, Spell 3

Works for me.

Taking a Charisma +1 feat.
Taking an Ally 2 upgrade. Replacing Apprentice with Cleric of Nethys.
Taking a Spell 2 upgrade. Replacing Create Pit with Fly.

Ezren's Hand || Ezren's Deck

Dropping Acid Jet for Swipe
Fiery Glare for Volcanic Storm

Grand Lodge

The Mountain's Maw |

Swap Gom-Gom for Wayfinder.
Swap Clinging Venom for Aspect of the Bat.

Cheers. Spell 3 opened up.

I think I just need Yoon's starting location?

Also, I think we still have too many spells claimed for upgrades. By my count, 5 spells have been claimed, but the party only earned 3 Spell 3s + 1 Spell 2.

    Balazar: Ally 2 Cleric of Nethys / Spell 2 Fly (or Spell 3 ???)
    Ezren: Spell 3 Swipe / Spell 3 Volcanic Storm
    Salim: Weapon 3 Striking Wing Scimitar / Armor 2 Lockpick Shield
    Urgraz: Spell 3 Divine Fortune / Item 2 The Asmodean Disciplines
    Yoon: Item 3 Wayfinder / Spell 2 Aspect of the Bat

Assuming I didn't miss anything, would someone volunteer to forgo their spell upgrade, in favor of either the unclaimed Item 3 or Weapon 2?

Also, I've got chronicle sheets for Adventure 2 (and belatedly for Adventure 1) that I'll be sharing via google drive.

Yoon Deck Handler

I'll take the 2 Items 3s.

The second item 3 will be the Belt of Teeth in place of the Shrunken Head.

Deck Handler Item 4 > Ally 4 > Spell 4 > Item 3 > Spell 3
EmpTyger wrote:

I think I just need Yoon's starting location?

Also, I think we still have too many spells claimed for upgrades. By my count, 5 spells have been claimed, but the party only earned 3 Spell 3s + 1 Spell 2.

    Balazar: Ally 2 Cleric of Nethys / Spell 2 Fly (or Spell 3 ???)
    Ezren: Spell 3 Swipe / Spell 3 Volcanic Storm
    Salim: Weapon 3 Striking Wing Scimitar / Armor 2 Lockpick Shield
    Urgraz: Spell 3 Divine Fortune / Item 2 The Asmodean Disciplines
    Yoon: Item 3 Wayfinder / Spell 2 Aspect of the Bat

Assuming I didn't miss anything, would someone volunteer to forgo their spell upgrade, in favor of either the unclaimed Item 3 or Weapon 2?

Also, I've got chronicle sheets for Adventure 2 (and belatedly for Adventure 1) that I'll be sharing via google drive.

I think the remaining spell upgrades come from the reward choices. Yoon and Balazar both chose spells to add to the upgrade pool.

As discussed in Hangouts, I will take a Spell 3 instead of a Spell 2. I will replace Create Pit with Create Spiked Pit instead.

If that's incorrect then I can retract my Spell choice and replace with the Item 3.

Balazar / khazkhaz wrote:

I think the remaining spell upgrades come from the reward choices. Yoon and Balazar both chose spells to add to the upgrade pool.

As discussed in Hangouts, I will take a Spell 3 instead of a Spell 2. I will replace Create Pit with Create Spiked Pit instead.

If that's incorrect then I can retract my Spell choice and replace with the Item 3.

The reward choices determined the cards randomly chosen for this post. The Major Cure was thus the third Spell 3 that the party obtained:
    Scrying (Spell 3)
    Incendiary Cloud (Spell 3)
    Major Cure (Spell 3)
    Web (Spell 2)

But, dinketry seems to be willing to take the Item 3 upgrade. So if you're still okay with a Spell 2 upgrade?

Deck Handler Item 4 > Ally 4 > Spell 4 > Item 3 > Spell 3
EmpTyger wrote:
Balazar / khazkhaz wrote:

I think the remaining spell upgrades come from the reward choices. Yoon and Balazar both chose spells to add to the upgrade pool.

As discussed in Hangouts, I will take a Spell 3 instead of a Spell 2. I will replace Create Pit with Create Spiked Pit instead.

If that's incorrect then I can retract my Spell choice and replace with the Item 3.

The reward choices determined the cards randomly chosen for this post. The Major Cure was thus the third Spell 3 that the party obtained:
    Scrying (Spell 3)
    Incendiary Cloud (Spell 3)
    Major Cure (Spell 3)
    Web (Spell 2)

But, dinketry seems to be willing to take the Item 3 upgrade. So if you're still okay with a Spell 2 upgrade?

Alright. I'll take the Spell 2 then. Reverting to my earlier upgrade, Fly.

Deck Handler // Searching For: Item 6 > Blessing 6 > Item 5

Nobody freak out! This is just my normal face!!

(The avatar selection page has been fixed... well, it hasn't, actually, but it works well enough for me to dig out an ACTUAL profile picture of Urgraz. So here's the true face of evil your friendly blessing-giver.)

The next scenario is going to be a bit tricky in turns of box-running. (Basically, the contents of players' decks are randomized into location decks for the duration of the scenario.) Just to warn that there might be a slight delay while I get it set up, especially while I am travelling.

But first, let me know your choices for the extra armor/ally/blessing, and roll your d20s!

2-3B reward: 1d20 ⇒ 6

Deck Handler Item 4 > Ally 4 > Spell 4 > Item 3 > Spell 3

1d20 ⇒ 20

I'd like an extra Blessing please.

Rolling for Spell 3: 1d1000 ⇒ 219

For my Power Feat, I'm taking the one that lets me recharge a discarded spell by banishing a Monster.

Deck Handler // Searching For: Item 6 > Blessing 6 > Item 5

For Scenario 2-3B: Tick-Tock on the Clock...

Urgraz 2-3B Boon Roll: 1d20 ⇒ 2

For Urgraz's Power Feat from Tier progression, Urgraz will take:
"You may discard the top card of a character at your location's deck into her discard pile to add 1d6 ([X]+1) to your check."

Urgraz banished 3 cards during this scenario; Masque, Blessing of Belial and The Asmodean Disciples. Their replacement cards will be listed after my Card Upgrade preferences. Additionally, Urgraz has used his Holy Candle reward.

I'd like an Ally 3, so I'll have Urgraz draw an Ally from the Scenario Reward. (If an Ally 3 is drawn, that becomes my first preference.)

My card preferences are as follows, in order of preference...

  • Blessing 3: Replace an empty blessing slot with Blessing of Mammon (Hell's Vengeance 1). Blessing 3: 1d1000 ⇒ 158
  • Item 3 (2): Replace an empty item slot with The Asmodean Disciplines (Hell's Vengeance 1). Low Priority: 1d1 ⇒ 1
  • Weapon 3 (2): Replace Warhammer +1 with Sinderbos (Hell's Vengeance 1). Low Priority: 1d1 ⇒ 1
  • Ally 2: Replace an empty ally slot with Imp (Hell's Vengeance 1). Low Priority: 1d1 ⇒ 1

    If a card from above does not fill the empty spaces...

  • Fill the empty ally slot with Social Climber (Ultimate Intrigue).
  • Fill the empty item slot with Harrow Deck (Ultimate Intrigue), as in earlier scenarios.
  • Fill the empty blessing slot with Blessing of Belial (Hell's Vengeance 1), as before.

    Card texts are below.

    Blessing of Mammon:

    Discard this card to add 2 dice to any check; after the check, if this card has the Corrupted trait, a random character at your location is dealt Fire damage equal to the lower die of the size you added.

    Discard this card to explore your location.

    After you play this card, if the top card of the blessings discard pile has the Corrupted trait, recharge this card instead of discarding it.

    The Asmodean Disciplines:

    Recharge this card and banish a blessing to add the top card of the blessings discard pile to your discard pile; if this card has the Corrupted trait, bury this card instead. If the blessing you added has the Asmodeus or Corrupted trait, you may put it on top of your deck instead. After playing this card, you may succeed at a Wisdom or Knowledge 11 check to reveal this card instead of recharging it.

    Banish this card to redeem a card.


    For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Strength or Melee skill + 1d8+1; if you previously played this weapon during this encounter, add an additional 1d10+1. If not proficient with weapons, the difficulty of this check is increased by 4. If you would fail the check, you may discard this card to reroll the dice; take the new result. If this card has the Corrupted trait when you reroll the dice, bury it instead.

    Recharge this card to add 1d6+1 to your Craft or Disable check.


    You may not play this card during an encounter.

    Display this card to draw 1 or 2 cards. At the end of the turn, if you drew 1 card, recharge this card; if you drew 2 cards, discard this card.

    Discard this card to explore your location.

    Social Climber:

    When you encounter an ally that does not have the Animal trait, recharge this card to automatically acquire it. Then roll 1d6. On a 1, banish this card.

    Discard this card to explore your location.

    Harrow Deck:

    (Owner: Erasmus)

    Discard this card to examine the top 3 cards of any character deck, then put them back in any order.

    Bury this card to examine the top 3 cards of any location deck, then put them back in any order.

    After playing this card, you may succeed at a Perception 12 check to recharge this card instead of discarding or burying it.

    Blessing of Belial:

    Discard this card to add 1 die to any check.

    Discard this card to add 2 dice to any check to acquire a boon; if this card has the Corrupted trait and you acquire the boon, discard the boon.

    Discard this card to explore your location.

    After you play this card, if the top card of the blessings discard pile has the Corrupted trait, recharge this card instead of discarding it.

    (Note that, since I can easily ignore Corrupted penalties, Blessing of Mammon is just "add 2 dice to any check", really.)

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