mdt |
No further posts, so moving on
As the day wears on, everyone starts to get tired. But the big gnoll doesn't stop. Instead, he begins tossing small vials to people as they falter from exhaustion. The small vials relieve the exhaustion upon drinking them.
He keeps up the flight for 24 hours. I think that completely drains Connor's ability to make constructs? And that someone else will have to use the network to steal his powers and craft some more to replace them?
The next morning, they spy a sprawling adobe city in the middle of the dry desert, built in deep ravines which take advantage of a mix of shadows and protection from wind storms (while channeling weaker winds to cool things off).
"Ok, follow my lead. Everyone with wings keep your mouths shut, don't say anything more than yessir or nossir, unless you need to get something important across, and then say as little as possible, you're exotic bodyguards. As long as it looks like Sam'Mark is a hoity toity rich idiot, we'll take advantage of it. I'm the head of the security team, and he's the rich fop who don't speak Orc. I'll do all the translating. Sam'Mark, keep the comments to a minimum, bland stuff like 'as I expected, tell them what I told you before' and stuff like that."
Connor of McIntyre |
16-4-4-6=2 power points left when we reach Org’trassah, Connor will NOT have enough power points to use Natural Linquist to help translate Orc. But Reaghar can use it from Connor through Selvan's telepathic Network. (Three Psicraft DC 20, DC 17, DC 17 saves in a row needed, Reaghar.)
Connor will make 2 Medium-sized constructs to walk around Org’trassah with, rather than 4 Small-sized constructs. As long as we get to where we are going in the city in 4 hours, we'll be fine.
Connor wondered what was going on when Gashan handed out the vials of magic liquid. His trepidation of using a magic potion turned to apprehension and then horror when Connor realized they weren't stopping. He started to do the calculations in his head, asking Hero to double-check them. ::Change of plans.:: Connor told everyone through Selvan's Net. ::I'm going to have to use smaller fliers to haul Sammark, if we want to get to this Orc city. Or else two of us will have to do the heavy lifting. I think I can make it, no, I know I can make it, but here I presumed we would have a week to get there, like before.::
Connor realized the magical potions worked the same way his newer mindpowers would have worked, removing the fatigue and exhaustion. If he had been told ahead of time, he might have been able to make power stones of the same reaction. If they had been told this was a non-stop flight. If they didn't have to make the palanquin at the same time. If, if, if. Hero muttered to Connor. Connor added power stones of Cleanse Body to his list.
It was all Connor could do to watch the territory they were flying over, memorizing with autohypnosis as much as possible. The savannah turned to sandy forests, then into scrub-filled desert. They were too high to make out caravan paths, and Connor doubted their employer would fly low enough for them to make such details out.
As the sun rose in front of them, Connor started to manifest a new construct to replace one that was out of time. Staggering the constructs had helped, as well as Hero's watchfulness. If they were going to be landing in a city, they would need larger constructs to hold the palanquin high above the ground. Connor resisted the idea to make long poles with his ectoplasmic power: he couldn't spare the energy. He had planned on a week of making power stones each night, helping Reaghar make psionic tattoos, and studying the local plants to see if any had medicinal qualities that could be transplanted back to Atalantia. Not being a member of the Homing Pigeon Express. No, that was the fatigue talking. Connor helped the larger astral construct fit its' harness onto itself.
Connor nodded back to Gashan. "We can keep quiet." he told the fiendish gnoll. ::Which means, think before anybody speaks.:: Connor put out over Selvan's Net. The telepathic net was extremely useful in times like this. ::Reaghar, I'm low on mind-energy - actually, I'm almost out. Can you "read" my translation power for us?:: he asked while he checked on Sammark in his rope hammock. His shoulders felt like he been beating them with rocks. Big rocks. Connor hoped they could find an inn and sleep soon.
Connor of McIntyre |
(Three Psicraft DC 20, DC 17, DC 17 saves in a row needed, Reaghar.)
Sammark Bellefont |
Sam scowls, his anarchic tendencies chafing under the direct limits placed on him by Gashan, but nods in affirmation. Thankfully, he seemed to have decided whatever infernal binding was on their little crew outweighed the satisfaction he would derive from picking at the devilish gnoll's patience.
Selvan's net was still filled with half intelligible grumbling from him, though.
Connor of McIntyre |
(Just keep trying, Reaghar. It's not like we're in melee and it takes 3 rounds to roll 3 times for 3 skill checks. But I do know what to add to your Power Stone now. :) )
Reaghar of Donough |
psicraft: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15 vs DC 20
psicraft: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19 vs DC 17
psicraft: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11 vs DC 17
going to be leveling him up finally today, so actually those should be one higher but oh well. my fault for not leveling faster
mdt |
We'll assume Reaghar kept at it until he crafted the constructs, eventually he'd succeed. He had 2 on a take 10, only the DC 20 was tricky
As the group comes in for a landing, they see archers below tracking them, but nobody fires. Gashan heads for an open square in front of a large stone building built into the side of a cliff face. Heavily muscled green humanoids move out of his way as the group comes in for a landing.
Once the group is landed, they are surrounded by what are obviously guards wearing metal armor with weapons ranging from pikes to bastard swords. Gashan steps forward and begins speaking in a gutteral harsh language. Nobody speaks Orc, and nobody had tongues abilities up right? If I'm wrong, I'll post the conversation later
After a few exchanges, a large green woman wearing an outfit made of red silk and gold and silver moves forward. She carries a spear in one hand, and a glowing orb in the other. Brown hair adorns her head and she speaks with the Gnoll in a voice nearly as powerful as his own.
The group notices that the orcs seem to go with a minimalist dress code, even armor is minimized. Given the heat of the desert (it's over 105 Farenheit in the square, and that's relatively cool), it's easy to understand why.
Everyone needs to give me a Fort Save, DC 20, to avoid becoming fatigued. When you were flying, you were higher up, in cooler air. Now you're right off the ground, and the heat is stultifying
Finally the woman waves her spear, and the guards put down their weapons, many reluctantly, they seem to be itching for a fight.
Gashan turns to Sammark. "Sir, I've informed the priestess that we are here for trade talks, as you ordered. We have been accepted under the rules of the Festival of Blood, and may pass unhindered."
Oh deary, the orcs are civilizing themselves? Well, I guess with no humans to fight for a thousand years, they had to do something with their free time other than making babies.
Connor of McIntyre |
(Sorry for not being able to communicate clearly enough, mdt, but I was asking Reaghar to manifest Natural Linguist from Connor using Selvan's telepathy, not Astral Construct. Natural Linguist is on his psionic power list. Reaghar can relay the Orc conversation for us through Selvan's Network. If Reaghar can post that he's translating for us, then we can listen in on what's happening.)
Fort save DC 20: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24 (Whattdya know?)
Like a mockingbird, Connor half-flexed his wings every few minutes, trying to keep the heat from collecting under his clothing as he broke out into a sweat. He couldn't help any of his friends with the heat, he was depleted of mind-energy. Connor needed rest, as well as time to craft those power stones for situations like this.
mdt |
Not going to do a lot of formatting, you're getting Reaghar's translation anyway.
Guard : Halt Outsider or be dead!
Gashan : And your soul will be eaten by Fobala, you worthless cur! It is the Festival of Blood!
Guard : You invade, you not peaceful!
Gashan : IDIOT! If we invade, we be killing you from afar! You be worthless scum!
Guard 2 : Him am worthless scum, not worth killing, not prove you not be invaders!
Guards : <laughter>
Gashan : Hah, be true words.
Priestess : Hold! This Festival! Who kill in Festival?
Guard 1 : Foreigner spit on Festival!
Gashan : We no spit on festival, him be stupid. Fobala get sick eating his soul from stupidity. We come under Festival Rules to city, be no kill us. Come make trade treaty. I be Gallus, be work for merchant. Be translator. This be great traveler from afar, Sam'Mark, and his slave guards! Me speak for him, we come in peace.
Priestess : Very strange slaves, they be for sale?
Gashan : No, Sam'Mark family spend many generations breeding halflings on other continent with odd creatures to grow halflings with wings. These be prized family slaves, would be lose pride to sell.
Priestess : Yes, that understandable. Too bad, that one has pretty wings. Is a glory to Fobala what Sam'Mark family do, breed debased life with creatures to make new race. Much honor to Fobala they show. I, Nephira, Priestess of Fobala, give you right of passage for Blood Festival.
Deary me, you're all halflings? Sneaky halflings not telling me you're halflings! I should make you all have pink hair for that.
mdt |
Gashan leads the group through the city, on foot, after thanking the Priestess. He heads for an inn he's apparently heard of, or been to before. You're not certain which.
He procures rooms for everyone, paying enough platinum that the inn throws out some people so that he can have one entire wing of rooms.
The Inn is built into the side of a ravine, and is dug into the sand stone. Gashan get's a section that has a common area and 8 rooms off of that, taking over the entire set of rooms.
"Good, it will be hard for them to scry through the stone, or to sneak in listeners." He pulls out a stone, and smashes it on the floor. An earth elemental pulls itself out of the fragments, and Gashan orders it to look for any passages around the rooms, and to fill them in with stone, other than the one entrance. The elemental moves off and comes back a minute later and tells Gashan there's no other entrances.
"Even better. I was told this is a good place to stay if you want privacy and have money. Everyone tired. Sam'Mark is playing the part of merchant, that lets me go out and set up meetings in his name. Sam'Mark, you and your people are already bad at tradespeak, have horrible accent. Try to make that worse, and struggle hard with words when talking to Orcs. They already think they are better than you, it will not even occur to them you are faking talking poorly. We will rest today, and I will spend tomorrow setting up interviews for Sam'Mark to start meeting about trade. I will be playing the part of the translator. I will translate what they say. If asked why Sam'Mark doesn't do the negotiation, I need it established you don't speak tradespeak well. I will tell them it would be loss of pride for him to speak when he can't communicate well, they will believe that. For you Sam'Mark, if I start a sentence with 'My Lord', you will agree to their offer. If I start a sentence with 'Your Grace' you will disagree. If I start a sentence with 'Your excellency', you will request to think on it. We will change these code words each day. Can you keep that straight?"
Alys |
So the Orc language's own grammar is wrong by default, or do both the orcs and gashan not speak it properly?
::Once we get back to Atalantia, I may take you up on that offer, Tenfa. But here people might get nervous if i suddenly started walking around with pink hair.::
Connor of McIntyre |
"Hearing" Reaghar's relayed translation let Connor avoid showing the surprise on his face simultaneously with the discussion. Fobala, female Orc godling. he thought, cataloging the information away. But Gashan's comment about halflings was startling in and of itself: the halflings were not a forgotten race. Enough existed on Pallandrus to be recognized by the other races as more than mere legend. Connor resisted the urge to ask Gashan or the Orcs if halflings had been sighted recently. Or asking Tenfa. The team already had too many obligations upon it.
Gashan's familiarity with Org’trassah, and their customs, either meant this was his second trip or he was extremely well informed. ::So we're slave guards.:: Connor commented through Selvan's Net. ::If anyone asks, show them one of your tattoos as proof.:: He didn't show his apprehension at the "pretty wings" comment. At least the Wingless-barbarians weren't plucking them for luck. The otherworldly appearance of the ectoplasmic constructs was being assumed as magic by both the guards and the priestess Nephira. Which meant similar magic was available.
Connor saw that kind of magic when Gashan smashed the expensive-looking jewel and a creature made of rock came out. ::This was why my constructs were ignored.:: he told the others. He had dismissed the haulers after everyone else was up the stairs, leaving the Humavian to gather the palanquin and cargo. Connor stacked the folded rope and cloth in a corner of his room, putting the equipment and his backpack near it.
"Only Reaghar and myself have the translation power. he told their fiendish gnoll employer (in the common area or the hallway?). "And I used up my day's elan on the constructs. We won't be pretending with the tradespeak. But if you post Reaghar and myself strategically, we might be able to overhear Orc conversations outside of the negotiations." Connor informed Gashan, nodding over at Selvan and Sammark. "We're good at silent messaging with each other." ::Even beyond direct eyesight.:: he reminded the others, and a certain psicrystal. Isn't that right, Hero?
Rest sounded good. It sounded great. If he could squeeze in a single power stone scribing before collapsing, Connor would have more than one power stone to fall back on for emergencies.
(Hero stays with Sammark for now. Better to have the psicrystal available in case our "noble" gets separated and/or kidnapped.)
mdt |
The orc language is syntactically correct. For it's own structure. Gashan is speaking it properly. It just sounds incorrect to foreign ears. Basically, orcs are fairly direct and straight forward, and the language reflects that. Why say in 10 words what you can say in 5? Russian has a bit of that, with no definite articles. If you hear someone native to Russia speak English and they are in a hurry or stressed (or just new to it) you'll hear the same sort of stilted verbiage, due to the loss of those DAs.
"Good, good. For today, everyone keep close. Tomorrow, you can have two at a time exploring the city, as long as it's not Sam'Mark. Con'Nore, you and Ree'Ghar will be in separate groups at all times. That way there is always someone who can understand the local speech." The gnoll reaches into one of those big bags and pulls out a necklace with 8 crystals on it. He puts the necklace around his neck, and then pulls off a crstal while saying a word in a harsh foul sounding language. The crystal glows purple for a second, then an earring hoop grows out of the end of it. He hands the purple earing to Alys. "If you need to talk to me, or anyone else, touch this crystal and say 'Sill'Sha' and until you take your finger off it, anything you say will be heard by all who wear the crystals."
He repeats the process with one crystal for each person. Those who have earrings, he makes earrings. Those who don't get broaches.
Connor of McIntyre |
Magic again. Connor thought to himself, nodding in assent. Hey Hero, I told you I needed five more like you. Here's the Surface equivalent. he sent to his psicrystal. ::Think this goes further than your 'Net, Selvan?:: he asked.
(Telling the two crafters to walk around. I was planning on crafting until I ran out of material components. Curse you, regimented crafting system that says I can only do 8 hours a day!)
Selvan Kilvani 'tel Mintakia |
Selvan, playing the part of the good guard simply keeps his mouth shut unless spoken to nearly the entire trip.
"Maybe. My range is limited to 140ft. Though in time I believe it's possible to exand that range night infinitely."
Connor of McIntyre |
Only 46 yards. Down in Tenfa's city, it had seemed infinite. ::Hero and I can communicate clear across a mile. That's why I want Sammark to keep him, and why I wish I could make more psicrystals. But that's neither here nor there. Now for our cover, and our plans.:: Connor responded.
"When we go to the negotiations, I'll stay with the constructs I manifest to carry Sammark's litter." Connor offered. "It will make it seem that I have to be in close proximity to them, like other magical summoned creatures." (No Knowledge: Arcana check but simulating summon monster or even unseen servant.)
"You mentioned something about a 'Festival of Blood'. Is it really safe to walk around this city?" Connor asked.
mdt |
"Hah! Best time to walk around city. It's forbidden to kill for the next 10 days, unless someone attacks you first. Don't let anyone insult you into attacking, or doing anything that looks like an attack. Pulling a weapon isn't attacking. Swinging it at someone is. Throwing something at someone is. Even the Assassins won't kill during this week unless they are paid triple, which means we'll have less attacks from the Merchant's Guild."
Connor of McIntyre |
"The way we're set up it's Sammark that would be targeted first by any rival guilds, not the lowly guards." Connor argued. "Maybe the translator, if someone thought they could offer Sammark a new translator in his stead. So our most dangerous time is just before a daily negotiation, when we're on the move through the city. They see us as slaves, so anyone attacking might try a quick kill on the way to Sammark. Keep your armors up, if you've got them." (More points per day to spend.) He looked over at their employer. "It's up to you, sir, if the guilds you're talking to change their time to talk each day. We know nothing about Orcs. One or two seemed...smarter than the others. So I have no idea if things will get more dangerous as your negotiations progress, or fail."
Connor stifled another yawn of exhaustion. ::Reaghar and I need time to craft.:: he added to the others. ::I'm going to be making constructs all day for Sam's palanquin, plus inertial armor and cleanse body at this rate. This could be boring guard duty, or near-continuous 'show of force' against rivals. We can use Selvan's Net to warn each other of ambushes, then follow up with Gashan's message-crystal. But we know nothing about Orc behavior.::
(About the only "invisible" power Connor has is Far Hand. He might distract an Orc by dropping a roof tile on their head, but that's about it.)
Sammark Bellefont |
"I'd like to stretch my legs but I'm sure we have to keep this charade up for now," Sam grumbled. After being carted around and talked at all day he was getting antsy. "If someone does take a swing at us, hang back unless I can't decisively pummel them. Direct shows of force are good, keeping everyone else's abilities quiet is better. We want them watching me specifically and worrying less about taking you all out. Granted, you might be on your own in that respect, boss."
Connor of McIntyre |
(Thanks, Reaghar, I meant Far Hand is the only one that doesn't have a beam shooting out of my fingertip or something that gives away my position. Maybe Sammark's Entangling Debris if Connor tapped through Selvan's Net. But a Concentration check would help suppress any display.)
mdt |
The group has a restful 16 hours, and has some spicy lizard meat meals. Desert is prickly pear desert cactus.
The next day, Gashan heads out, letting the group know he'll be gone all day making the rounds setting up appointments. He comments that he likes this setup, lets him do the work instead of having to rely on other people. He tells them to be careful, and see what they can find out by pretending to speak only tradespeak. At least 3 in the inn at any one time.
Ok, what do you do then?
Connor of McIntyre |
Connor put two more astral construct powers into his new power stone in his room, falling asleep afterwards.
Eight hours and some odd minutes later, his clamor box called Hero woke him up. After meditating and manifesting Sustenance, Connor began working on his power stone again, squeezing in three more astral constructs. While he was working, he chatted with Hero over his link, as well as "seeing" if any of his compatriots had new mindpowers. When he was finished, Connor put the fully-loaded power stone onto a tiny silver chain, one of many he had bought before, making a bracelet with the psionic item.
(Psicraft check DC 11: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (18) + 12 = 30, Psicraft check DC 11: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (18) + 12 = 30 and Craft:Jewelry check DC 15: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (8) + 9 = 17, using Magic Item Creation rules, with Accelerated Crafting, and estimating gemstone DC from Ultimate Equipment (quartz).)
More meals heavy on the meat. Connor thought went he took a stroll downstairs to stretch his legs. ::So do you want to flip a coin, Reaghar, to see who goes out first?:: he asked, over Selvan's Net. Connor took in the temperature of the desert day through the inn's doorway.
Reaghar of Donough |
Reaghar crafts according to what Connor asked for, seeing as Connor was really into his role as somewhat of a Quartermaster for the group.
just let me know how much of a value of tattoo inks to subtract.
Sammark Bellefont |
"I could stand to move around, I'll buy some fancy nic-nacs, hassle a few locals, and see what slips," Sam was very good at introducing an element of chaos to daily proceedings.
Connor of McIntyre |
"I don't think it can be Sammark." Connor reminded them. "If you don't want to go, Selvan, then I'll explore with Alys. If the broaches don't work, then if Hero grows legs and starts to do a tap dance, Sam, you'll know we're in trouble."
Connor looked at Sammark, Reaghar, and Selvan. "Do you guys have a shopping list?" he asked them. "I'm mostly going for maps - you know how I love maps - as well as any evidence of mundane crystal or deep crystal here on the Surface. So far we've been in savannah, little hills, and now desert. There hasn't been much for me to look for with my profession."
Sammark Bellefont |
"Damn, I was hoping you'd forget that," Sam grumbled and sat back down. "Guess I'll sit here and twiddle my thumbs."
After a moment's consideration, "If you find a local spellcaster capable of sending a message for me or some kind of power stone equivalent, I'd appreciate it and can pay you back."
Reaghar of Donough |
"I'd really like a way to store a ton of stuff when we are on the move, in such a way that it is as lightweight as possible. In case we need to move a statue and you're out of helpers."
Connor of McIntyre |
"So this will be a scouting trip first then. Those sound like high-gold-piece items." Connor responded. (Scroll of Sending, 1,125 gp; Bag of Holding Type IV, 10,000 gp.)
"My translation mindpower lasts between half a glass and a full glass (40 minutes), so we'll be back before the heat of the day." he estimated. (Manifest it only 2 or 3 times in a 3-hour period.)
"C'mon, Alys," Connor asked, "let's go check out the marketplace."
mdt |
The group heads out of the inn, and begin exploring. Using their tradespeak, they are able to find the merchant square.
The city is a stone monument to stubborness, built up out of stone and sand by sheer willpower. There's little in the way of wood used, it being rare enough in the desert that it's reserved for things where it's needed. Even furniture is more often made of stone than it is of wood.
As the two explore, they find stone workers are a common sight, large burly orcs pounding hammers into chisels to carve on solid stone. The stone work is surprisingly well done in most cases. Unlike some, they don't go in for ornamentation, instead they go for perfect lines when they can. So extremely smooth surfaces, stones that fit together with as little gap as possible.
Give me a OOC list of what you're looking for, and some perception rolls
Connor of McIntyre |
(Looking for...maps of this area of the continent (general trade routes, hazards, ancient cities, ruins, gemstone locations), mundane crystal or deep crystal, message sending available back to Kalliert (for Sammark), magic stuff in general (for Reaghar's request), rumors of halflings. Keeping an eye out for non-orcs specifically. Connor only has 140 gp to spend, 30 gp in Kalliert coin, 10 gp in Atalantia coin, and 100 gp in various gemstones. He's not hungry, so he's not likely to sample local foods. The only thing that would get him interested enough to haggle would be unusual gemstones at a merchant's booth.)
The orcs build in stone. Connor relayed to Hero, Not pretty, but fairly sophisticated. Wood in bulk might fetch a good price here. He had already manifested his invisible armor (Force Screen, 1 pp, +4 to AC, 4 hours) and translation mindpowers (Natural Linguist, 3 pp, 40 min, Orc) as they left. Connor had also left his backpack and crossbow behind - no use in provoking any potential thieves or belligerence with a display. The sun was surprisingly hot already, and quickly climbing the sky. What were the main trade materials here? he wondered. "Alys, did you really want to check out the exotic stables?" he asked the elfavian.
Perception: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19
Perception: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14
Perception: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9
Perception: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12
Perception: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14
Alys |
Alys mostly just tags along to see the city and if push comes to shove provide some extra defense for Connor. Although if we can find flying mountable animals that would be useful.
"I don't know if these orcs have the patience, or even the physical ability to catch and train a creature that can fly to become a useful mount, but if we could find such a thing I think it would make travelling a lot easier. Think of all the stuff it could carry, not to mention we would have a pair of wings for Sam. We wouldn't need to exert your mind power for long travels every day."
Perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (8) + 10 = 18
Perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (5) + 10 = 15
Perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (3) + 10 = 13
Perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (14) + 10 = 24
Perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (1) + 10 = 11
Connor of McIntyre |
"That was an unpleasant surprise. I'm glad I could make enough constructs to last a full day and a full night non-stop. It depleted me." Connor admitted.
mdt |
Connor and Alys find several open air bazaars spread throughout the city. The festival seems to have brought out every hawker and grifter, in addition to every legit merchant (very hard to tell the difference) for hundreds of miles.
They do spot non-orcs. Catfolk slaves, gnoll slaves, even a pair of female elf slaves, both with heavy tattoos and needle like teeth (both hiss at Connor and lick their lips at sight of him, but get jerked on their leashes). The two do notice there are more female slaves than male slaves. All the slaves wear collars, about half are on leashes (the more dangerous ones seem to have leashes). They do spot a few rarities, like a pair of giants with collars guarding what looks like a temple of some sort. The two giants hold polearms.
The general gist of the talk is mostly about gossip, trade, who killed whose cousin, that sort of thing. Talk about the duo tends to involve either speculation on Alys's looks or usefulness in bed, or Connor's use for making pillows and mattresses or his usefulness in bed (by both male and female orcs). Most of the comments are at the crudeness level of 'that one has a purty mouth'.
When shopping, they can tell they are going to be ripped off by listening to the talk of the merchants. If you want to buy anything, it'll be at 50% above book rates
Connor does find both regular and deep crystal for sale. Given they don't do psionics though, it's for costume jewelry, and is therefore cheaper than book price even with the foreigner markup (75% book price).
You can find any magic item less than 5K gold in town. Although it's going to cost more.
Alys |
So no flying mounts?
"Such a pleasant community, makes you want to live here, doesn't it?" Alys muses with a mix of amusement and sarcasm in her voice, and then adds in a lowered tone and in Strix "Seems a good place to stock up on crystals as much as we can, even if they're trying to smeckledorf us."
mdt |
Oops, sorry. Let's say 10% chance, they're pretty rare. 1-10 available.
Dire Bat: 1d100 ⇒ 66
Griffon: 1d100 ⇒ 23
Hipogriff: 1d100 ⇒ 90
Pegasus: 1d100 ⇒ 25
Nope, sorry, none available.
Connor of McIntyre |
Connor's heart skipped a beat when he positively identified the deep crystal fragments. "Yes, you're right." he replied to Alys as he did some math in his head. Continuing in Strix, and keeping his voice low, Connor added "But they have it here, Alys. We need to find the source. Even in small quantities, deep crystal is priceless to weapon-makers. And I have a special project in mind for mundane crystal, if I can get enough. (Psicrystal staff.) Think how much the Captain would bargain for if we discovered a mining site."
mdt: how much mundane crystal and deep crystal is available for purchase as costume jewelry? Connor's looking for enough mundane crystal to make a quarterstaff (4 lbs., +600 gp's worth according to the crafting guides), and enough deep crystal to make a dagger (1 lb., +1,000 gp's worth), and that's just to start with. (Obviously he can't afford it yet, but it's a start.) He's willing to spend 50 gp's worth picking the merchant clean, with another 15-25 gp's worth as to the location where the gemstones were found, either by well-known location or by bought map.)
Connor decided to ask questions of the merchant with the special crystal jewelry. Using his gemologist profession, he inquired in halting tradespeak as to the location where the "costume jewelry" was found, as well as the highest quality if different areas were indicated. At the same time, he purchased the highest-quality, largest single specimens he could afford (25 gp's worth on mundane crystal, 25 gp's worth on deep crystal), "grade 2 gemstone" according to the Ulti. Equip. appendix.) Connor needed a mining guild, or a single miner's name, and also where they could be found, as well as how popular the two "costume" gemstones were to the citizens of Org’trassah. For good measure, he used his autohypnosis to remember the merchant's name and inventory.
Profession: Gemologist: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18
(If reverse-interrogated, Connor will use tradespeak to make himself look like he is asking for his boss, Gashan of Kalliert.)
mdt |
Mundane crystal you can find in pretty much abundance. Up to the purchase limit of a large city.
Deep crystal, you can probably find about Deep Crystal: 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5 lbs, if you search for a couple of days.
As near as Connor can tell from the way the merchant's talk, the regular crystals are found in the desert. They grow near certain oasis where the water is nasty tasting.
The deep crystal, as near as he can tell, are traded with the Black Ice Elves, whatever those are. They get them on trade ships that come around every year or so during the calm season.