Claxon |
Sipping Jacket is the only way. Of course, it has limitations.
Sipping Jacket
Price 5,000 gp; Aura moderate transmutation; CL 7th; Weight 5 lbs.
Absorbent fibers line this heavy canvas coat. Once per day as a standard action, the wearer can pour a potion onto this lining, suffusing it into the coat. If the potion has an instantaneous duration, the wearer can activate the coat as a swift action to consume the potion. If the potion's duration is measured in rounds, the wearer can activate the coat as a swift action to gain the potion's benefits for 1 round, repeating as desired each round until the potion's entire duration has been used. These rounds do not need to be consecutive. The coat absorbs only potions with instantaneous or round-based durations, and only those which affect creatures (for example, it does not work on oils). Once the coat absorbs a potion, the potion cannot be retrieved from it, only used as described above. The absorbed potion loses its powers after 24 hours, even if unused.
pluvia33 |
If you're going mythic, there is a 1st-Tier Trickster ability that might work for you:
Assured Drinker (Ex): No one can stop you from imbibing, even in combat. You don't provoke attacks of opportunity when drinking an elixir, extract, or potion. As a swift action, you can expend one use of mythic power to retrieve and drink an elixir, extract, or potion.
Claxon |
Ask your GM if you can have a ring of enlarge person?
Or, consequently use Permanency (and by this I mean your party Wizard) with Enlarge person to make you permanently (until a dispel magic hits you) large.
The ring is better because you can choose not to use the ring all the time so you aren't always large sized, but if your GM doesn't want to go that route using Permanency is a legitimate use listed in the rule books. So he can't really rule that out.
Wrong John Silver |
Because otherwise, just having your friendly neighborhood spellcaster casting Enlarge Person on you will keep you from having to spend actions doing it yourself. And any smart spellcaster will recognize that casting Enlarge Person on the party barbarian is under most circumstances superior to casting it on themselves.
Drejk |
If your GM lets you find item crafter that makes custom items you could get yourself an intelligent item that can cast 1st level spell three times per day (+500 gp for intelligent item, +1,200 gp for 1st level spell 3 times a day). Intelligent item can activate spell using its own actions to cast it. It might even not be jerk and cast it on the wielder/wearer instead of someone else...
Kudaku |
2 people marked this as FAQ candidate. |
The Inner Sea Gods has a feat that gives swift potion drinking.
Yup, that's the Potion Glutton feat Pupsocket mentioned. I have to say I expect that feat to be FAQ'ed or errataed.
Benefit: You can drink potions, elixirs, or other potables as a swift action without provoking attacks of opportunity.
Normal: Drinking potions is a move action that provokes attacks of opportunity.
Zedorland |
One option that might work for you is the Living Monolith prestige class. olith
Requirements – Iron Will (strong choice regardless), Endurance (ouch)
Bab- +5 (not a problem for a barbarian)
Skills – some, I forget (check the link)
Level 1- 3xday, enlarge person as the spell as a swift action. Also, free toughness feat (makes up for endurance)
Obviously this may not work for you, I don’t know enough about your character or campaign, but if you can swing it I think this is a very strong 1 level dip for full martial classes.
kyrt-ryder |
LoneKnave wrote:The Inner Sea Gods has a feat that gives swift potion drinking.Yup, that's the Potion Glutton feat Pupsocket mentioned. I have to say I expect that feat to be FAQ'ed or errataed.
Inner Sea Gods wrote:Benefit: You can drink potions, elixirs, or other potables as a swift action without provoking attacks of opportunity.
Normal: Drinking potions is a move action that provokes attacks of opportunity.
The FAQ/Errata should just be clarification of what the 'normal' line should say. Paizo is already on record stating that a feat should be worth twice as much as a trait is, and Swift Drinker allows Move Action potion downing (and without the religious requirement to boot)
Kudaku |
The FAQ/Errata should just be clarification of what the 'normal' line should say. Paizo is already on record stating that a feat should be worth twice as much as a trait is, and Swift Drinker allows Move Action potion downing (and without the religious requirement to boot)
Accelerated Drinker doesn't have the religious requirement, but it does have a rather severe mechanical one - you can only drink the potion as a move action if you start your round holding it. It doesn't play nice with THF, TWF, or sword and board combat styles. It's a nice option for casters and dervish dance users though.
The Potion Glutton makes for an interesting caster or alchemist "boss". Give him a handy haversack with a sixpack or three of potions, have him cast spells or throw bombs with his standard action, draw potions with his move action and gobble them down with a swift action.
Rodinia |
Swift action enlarge is a terrific tactical combat ability.
Rodinia accomplishes swift action Enlarge Person (self only) with the Cleric Plant(Growth) domain. It's a much better ability than swift-action potion drinking. The Growth Domain grow-shrink routine gives you a free virtual 5' step. This has excellent tactical utility. It works especially well combined with Combat Reflexes and a reach weapon.
With swift-action enlarge and a reach weapon you can full attack a foe who starts the round 30' away from you. AoOs will probably contribute as much damage as your full attacks. You can generally position yourself to both attack and lock down multiple foes. You should hardly ever have to eat a full attack.
Rodinia uses swift-action growth frequently. Her most common 1st round action is 'Move like so, swift action Enlarge to fill these four squares and threaten these 44 squares (shows everyone threatened zone on the map), then ready an action to attack the first foe to come within reach'.
MrSin |
Undone wrote:Is there any way to drink a potion as a swift action? Specifically potions of enlarge person.You can DRINK as a swift action, but it will still take a full round to kick in the effects.
Why is that? Potions say they activate immediately, and enlarge person doesn't say anything about taking a full round to take effect. The act of casting is a full round, but the act of using a potion is a standard unless specified otherwise, like through a trait or feat.
Drinking a potion or using an oil is a standard action. The potion or oil takes effect immediately. Using a potion or oil provokes attacks of opportunity. An enemy may direct an attack of opportunity against the potion or oil container rather than against the character. A successful attack of this sort can destroy the container, preventing the character from drinking the potion or applying the oil.
Pupsocket |
Rodinia accomplishes swift action Enlarge Person (self only) with the Cleric Plant(Growth) domain. It's a much better ability than swift-action potion drinking....Her most common 1st round action is 'Move like so, swift action Enlarge to fill these four squares and threaten these 44 squares (shows everyone threatened zone on the map), then ready an action to attack the first foe to come within reach'.
I was going to snark about how this ability only lasted until the end of your turn, but I can't actually find that rule, not on the SRD, not in my printing APG, not in the update to second I just hallucinating?
You can DRINK as a swift action, but it will still take a full round to kick in the effects.
But LazarX is just making s$*& up and posting it as truth in Rules Questions.
And yeah, Inner Sea Gods has a few weird errors in it.
Winfred |
You might also try Greater Eldritch Heritage orc...both of these are decent but it isn't potion drinking.I am mostly putting it out there if you don't want to worship Urgathoa.
Strength of the Beast (Ex): At 9th level, you gain a +2 inherent bonus to your Strength. This bonus increases to +4 at 13th level, and to +6 at 17th level.
Power of Giants (Sp): At 15th level, you may grow to Large size as a standard action. At this size you gain a +6 size bonus to Strength, a –2 penalty to Dexterity, a +4 size bonus to Constitution, and a +4 natural armor bonus. You may return to your normal size as a standard action. You may remain in this size for up to 1 minute per character level per day; this duration does not need to be consecutive, but it must be used in 1 minute increments.
Matthew Downie |
Rodinia wrote:I was going to snark about how this ability only lasted until the end of your turn, but I can't actually find that rule, not on the SRD, not in my printing APG, not in the update to second I just hallucinating?
Rodinia accomplishes swift action Enlarge Person (self only) with the Cleric Plant(Growth) domain. It's a much better ability than swift-action potion drinking....Her most common 1st round action is 'Move like so, swift action Enlarge to fill these four squares and threaten these 44 squares (shows everyone threatened zone on the map), then ready an action to attack the first foe to come within reach'.
Matthew Downie |
Accelerated Drinker doesn't have the religious requirement, but it does have a rather severe mechanical one - you can only drink the potion as a move action if you start your round holding it. It doesn't play nice with THF, TWF, or sword and board combat styles.
Walk around with greatsword in one hand and potion in other. At the start of a combat, drink potion and switch to two-handed grip as a free action. If you don't want to be enlarged for the combat, drop the potion as a free action and hope it doesn't break.
Pupsocket |
Pupsocket wrote:My copy says one round.Rodinia wrote:I was going to snark about how this ability only lasted until the end of your turn, but I can't actually find that rule, not on the SRD, not in my printing APG, not in the update to second I just hallucinating?
Rodinia accomplishes swift action Enlarge Person (self only) with the Cleric Plant(Growth) domain. It's a much better ability than swift-action potion drinking....Her most common 1st round action is 'Move like so, swift action Enlarge to fill these four squares and threaten these 44 squares (shows everyone threatened zone on the map), then ready an action to attack the first foe to come within reach'.
Yeah, but my memory said "until the end of your turn".
LuniasM |
[/Shameless Plug]
Anyway, you can take Potion Glutton to serve your Swift-Enlarge needs. Your character will need to worship Urgathoa, of course, which might be a bit unsavory for you and your teammates.
MrSin |
** spoiler omitted **
[/Shameless Plug]
Anyway, you can take Potion Glutton to serve your Swift-Enlarge needs. Your character will need to worship Urgathoa, of course, which might be a bit unsavory for you and your teammates.
Imo, its usually best to chat with your GM about the urgothoa worshipping thing. Its not like its a supernatural ability, and some games won't even have an urgothoa.
MrSin |
The Volatile Vaporizer would work.
But tell me more about Potion Glutton! Where is it? The Inner Sea Gods Guide? What is the Benefit? What are the prerequisites? Can you use it with Alchemal Extracts? Gimme gimme gimme! I wanna see! I wanna see!
Potion Glutton
Source Inner Sea Gods pg. 215
You gulp down potions with unsettling speed.Prerequisites: Worshiper of Urgathoa.
Benefit: You can drink potions, elixirs, or other potables as a swift action without provoking attacks of opportunity.
Normal: Drinking potions is a move action that provokes attacks of opportunity.
Pretty crazy. Its going to have errata, at least for the wording of its normal. Drinking a potion isn't normally a move. As written, other potables may include extracts.
LuniasM |
Scott Wilhelm wrote:The Volatile Vaporizer would work.
But tell me more about Potion Glutton! Where is it? The Inner Sea Gods Guide? What is the Benefit? What are the prerequisites? Can you use it with Alchemal Extracts? Gimme gimme gimme! I wanna see! I wanna see!
Nethys wrote:Pretty crazy. Its going to have errata, at least for the wording of its normal. Drinking a potion isn't normally a move. As written, other potables may include extracts.Potion Glutton
Source Inner Sea Gods pg. 215
You gulp down potions with unsettling speed.Prerequisites: Worshiper of Urgathoa.
Benefit: You can drink potions, elixirs, or other potables as a swift action without provoking attacks of opportunity.
Normal: Drinking potions is a move action that provokes attacks of opportunity.
I'd like to think I'm a pretty laid-back GM, but interpreting this feat as granting you the effects of Quicken Spell for free on every extract you prepare is a bit too much IMO. Anyone who does allow such an interaction is going to see some drastic consequences, as it would break the Alchemist class.
Undone |
You still need to pull the extracts out, right? Considering the limited application of extracts otherwise, move+swift for an effect is only on par with standard action for spell effect imo.
It's a massive boost though, make no mistake!
I think bandoleers replace the move action retrieve an item but I might be thinking 3.5.
LuniasM |
You still need to pull the extracts out, right? Considering the limited application of extracts otherwise, move+swift for an effect is only on par with standard action for spell effect imo.
It's a massive boost though, make no mistake!
Regardless, the "other potables" is likely in reference to things like alchemical remedies and not extracts. It's a huge boost in power already just for the sake of drinking potions quickly - a level 8 alchemist with this and Accelerated Drinker who carries a couple potions in hand while travelling can self-buff with 4 spells (potion, potion, Combined Extract). Allowing the swift action to apply to drinking extracts would be a huge power boost that could easily unbalance the class.
Matthew Downie |
You still need to pull the extracts out, right? Considering the limited application of extracts otherwise, move+swift for an effect is only on par with standard action for spell effect imo.
There's no move action for alchemists using extracts.
Alchemist: What kind of action is it to use an extract, mutagen, or throw a bomb?
It is a standard action to use an extract, mutagen, or throw a bomb. This action includes retrieving the necessary materials from the alchemist's supplies, in the same manner as retrieving a material component is included in the act of spellcasting.
LoneKnave |
Thank you for clearing that up.
What if he has the infusions discovery and hands it off to someone? Can they use it as a standard action too? I assume they can.
Also, the FAQ says you can't use accelerated drinker to turn drinking an extract into a move action, so I assume Potion glutton also wouldn't work.
MrSin |
Also, the FAQ says you can't use accelerated drinker to turn drinking an extract into a move action, so I assume Potion glutton also wouldn't work.
Accelerated drinker specifically calls out potions.
Probably shouldn't work, but potables isn't a defined term. By definition potable is pretty much anything safe to drink. So... I suppose you could just get hydrated every round. Gotta' stay healthy while fighting evil after all. Think Golarion has an energy drink equivalent?
Scott Wilhelm |
But this means I can do something I've been trying to put together for more than a year.
I like making my characters good at grappling. The way I like to do that is by combining Great Grapple and Expert Captor, then I like to take 4 levels in Alchemist and get the Tentacle and King Crab Familiar. So, I can initiate a grapple as a standard action and tie up my new best friend as a move action. Expert Captor eliminates the -10 you normally get for tying someone up without Pinning them first.
I have a level 9 grappler with like a +20 for her GMB, so she has a decent chance of gift wrapping an allosaurus in 1 round. Pretty cool. But if she can somehow manage to get a double pop of True Strike in 1 round, Froghemoths won't stand a chance, and she'll be the goto person when a Balor Demon comes around.
True Strike modifies all attack rolls, including grapple checks. I've been struggling to find a way to get True Strike for both of those Grapple Checks. Potion of True Strike? They're illegal to make. Elixer of True Strike? Legal to make, legal to find, but not on the equipment lists, so not PFS legal. Sipping Jacket? Doesn't work on Alchemal Extracts or Infusions. Quinngong Monk True Strike Ki Power? Other Ki Powers activate as a Swift Action, but True Strike is still a spell-like ability and requires a Standard Action. The Volatile Vaporizor? That works, but it costs 2200gp per application.
Potion Glutton is the answer. "potions, elixirs, or other potables" clearly includes alchemal extracts.
Rodinia |
My copy says one round.
That's actually the best part. Use it on your turn to Enlarge then you have a huge threat zone for AoOs. Enemies often take your hits then close to base-to-base contact for a Standard Action attack. Your Enlarge Person ends at the start of your next turn, which means you must choose which of 4 squares to be in. Choose a square not adjacent to the enemy. During your turn you can 5' step away (leaving you 10' from the foe), get Large again, and full attack. If the enemy wants to get close enough to attack it must eat another AoO from you, and still can't full attack. The big limit is that you can only do it a few times per day.
Holy Trickster |
LoneKnave wrote:Also, the FAQ says you can't use accelerated drinker to turn drinking an extract into a move action, so I assume Potion glutton also wouldn't work.Accelerated drinker specifically calls out potions.
Probably shouldn't work, but potables isn't a defined term. By definition potable is pretty much anything safe to drink. So... I suppose you could just get hydrated every round. Gotta' stay healthy while fighting evil after all. Think Golarion has an energy drink equivalent?
Ale! Just ask Cayden Cailean.
Basil Burr'Bin |
MrSin wrote:I'd like to think I'm a pretty laid-back GM, but interpreting this feat as granting you the effects of Quicken Spell for free on every extract you prepare is a bit too much IMO. Anyone who does allow such an interaction is going to see some drastic consequences, as it would break the Alchemist class.Scott Wilhelm wrote:The Volatile Vaporizer would work.
But tell me more about Potion Glutton! Where is it? The Inner Sea Gods Guide? What is the Benefit? What are the prerequisites? Can you use it with Alchemal Extracts? Gimme gimme gimme! I wanna see! I wanna see!
Nethys wrote:Pretty crazy. Its going to have errata, at least for the wording of its normal. Drinking a potion isn't normally a move. As written, other potables may include extracts.Potion Glutton
Source Inner Sea Gods pg. 215
You gulp down potions with unsettling speed.Prerequisites: Worshiper of Urgathoa.
Benefit: You can drink potions, elixirs, or other potables as a swift action without provoking attacks of opportunity.
Normal: Drinking potions is a move action that provokes attacks of opportunity.
They ruled in invalid with extracts and in the same FAQ stated it should say Move action, I believe, because the broken text "Normal: Drinking Potions is a move action" which it is normally a standard action but Accelerrated Drinker + Potion Glutton should make ita swift action SANS extracts...still a useful feat...Alchemical Allocation and all