Recruiting for New Weeknight Pathfinder Online Group


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Grand Lodge

I'd like to start a new weeknight Pathfinder group online.

I'd be available to GM weekly sessions on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday evenings from around 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM US Central Standard Time (CST).

I'm open to using Skype, Ventrilo, or other voice chat programs and OpenRPG, Roll20, MapTools, or d20Pro virtual tabletop software (for which I have guest licenses for up to 6 players).

Since session day/time availability is one of the most important factors affecting a group, I'd like to see if there are sufficient players looking to join a Pathfinder game who would be able to attend a game session held on one of the weeknights listed above.

I'm open to running a variety of 3.5/Pathfinder Adventure Paths, but I'd like to defer discussion of that until (or if?) I'm able to find enough players who can all play at the same time.

Please post to this thread or IM me if you are interested, and indicate your preferred evening if applicable.


Yorgi (Andy)

Hello, I'd like to join if I can. Evening/time don't matter, I'm always free. I'll send you my email in a PM.

I'd definitely be interested in a Tuesday or Wednesday game, if possible.

I'm interested in doing this. Tuesday or Thursday would be my preferred days.

Shadow Lodge

I'd be interested, Tuesday would be my best day for those times, but I am also available Wednesday and Thursday an hour later then the start time you listed.

Yorgi wrote:

I'd like to start a new weeknight Pathfinder group online.

I'd be available to GM weekly sessions on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday evenings from around 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM US Central Standard Time (CST).

I'm open to using Skype, Ventrilo, or other voice chat programs and OpenRPG, Roll20, MapTools, or d20Pro virtual tabletop software (for which I have guest licenses for up to 6 players).

Since session day/time availability is one of the most important factors affecting a group, I'd like to see if there are sufficient players looking to join a Pathfinder game who would be able to attend a game session held on one of the weeknights listed above.

I'm open to running a variety of 3.5/Pathfinder Adventure Paths, but I'd like to defer discussion of that until (or if?) I'm able to find enough players who can all play at the same time.

Please post to this thread or IM me if you are interested, and indicate your preferred evening if applicable.


Yorgi (Andy)

My girlfriend and I would both be interested for Wednesday or Thursday.

I am interested. Wednesday would be best for me.

I'm interested, and would prefer Tuesday or Wednesday.

if i wouldnt be asleep i would love that :-)
so sad :-)
anyone know where i can find european live games?

Grand Lodge

Hi, all. Thanks for responding.

Let's set the session day/time to Wednesdays, 6:00-9:00 PM US CST.

Those of you who can play on Wednesdays, please PM me with your email address (if you haven't already) and I will send an email to the group giving you my Skype ID.

Then we can start discussing what we want to play!


Grand Lodge

Below is my history with regard to the Pathfinder APs.

Rise of the Runelords - I played in early parts of this AP several years ago (the 3.5 version). I am currently playing in the PFRPG version with my local gaming group.

My local group has four members and three of us are running three APs one chapter at a time (we rotate as GM after we finish an AP chapter). As mentioned above, one member ran Chapter 1 of RotRL, then I just recently finished running Chapter 1 of Carrion Crown, and the third member just started running Chapter 1 of Shattered Star this past weekend.

So, RotRL and Shattered Star are not currently available as potential choices for me to GM for this online group since I am currently playing in both of these APs.

Curse of the Crimson Throne - I played in early parts of this AP several years ago. I have never GMed it.

Second Darkness - I played in early parts of this AP several years ago. I have never GMed it.

Legacy of Fire - I played in early parts of this AP several years ago. I have never GMed it.

Council of Thieves - I GMed this for two local players (each playing two PCs) a couple of years ago. We made it to the start of Chapter 6, which is the farthest I've ever made it into an AP.

Kingmaker - I GMed this for a previous iteration of our local group a couple of years ago and we made it to the end of Chapter 2. I also ran it for an online group awhile back and almost made it to the end of Chapter 2 before I was forced to end the game due to flaky player attendance.

Serpent's Skull - I started to GM this for an online group awhile back but the game died before we made it to the end of Chapter 1.

Carrion Crown - I played in this AP with an online group through Chapter 3. Now I am GMing it for our local group, and we just recently finished Chapter 1.

Jade Regent - I have neither played nor GMed this AP.

Skull & Shackles - I have neither played nor GMed this AP.

Shattered Star - I just started playing in Chapter 1 this past weekend as the GM/AP rotation for our local group switched from me to another member.

What APs have you all previously played or GMed?


I'm pretty new at GMing, I've only done a few modules and Book 1 of Jade Regent. I've played through Book 1 of Serpent's Skull and 4 books of the 3.5 RotRL. I've also played bits of Carrion Crown but not sure which; the GM took the Carrion Hill module and fleshed it out into homebrew by taking chunks out of Carrion Crown.

My girlfriend is pretty new to PF, having only played a few modules and Book 1 of Jade Regent.

Grand Lodge

To get the ball rolling logistically, let's start with the following tools, both of which are available for free.

For voice chat, let's try Skype ( I will email you my Skype ID soon. If you do not already have Skype you will need to download and install it and create an account.

For our virtual table top, let's try d20Pro ( You'll need to download and run the v3.2.0 full installer for your platform (Windows, Mac, or Linux). As I mentioned in my initial post, I have 6 player licenses that we can use. You will not need to purchase a player license to connect to my game. Before each planned session, I will email you my external IP address to use to connect.

I have not used d20Pro to run a game yet, so this will be a learning experience for me as well. I will probably ask one of you to be my "Guinea Pig" (any volunteers?) to make sure that you can connect to d20Pro running on my PC on my local home network. I've got DMZ port forwarding turned on between my DSL modem and router, and I can enable a similar DMZ mode between my router and my PC on game nights, so you should be able to initiate a connection from the Internet.

Note that I am only planning to use d20Pro to host the map and PC/creature tokens initially. We may or may not use the d20Pro dice rolling and other play features, so don't be surprised if I just ask you on chat to roll your own dice and let us know the results. I don't want to spend a lot of prep time entering data into d20Pro, but as we go along and I learn more about using it we may be able to automate things here and there.

I think Skype and d20Pro will allow us to play online with the fewest issues, but if anyone has a problem with using these tools please let us know.


If you ever do a day other than Wed I'd love to play if you have a spot. I currently do RoTRL every other Wed, so Wed is out for me.

Good luck with your online campaign.

If you need a guinea pig, I'd be more than happy to volunteer. Lord knows I'm doing nothing of value tonight.

As far as APs go:

Crimson Throne- played this one the whole way through. Finished it just under a year ago. Much as I adored the AP, I'm not too terribly enthused to run through it again so soon.

Rune Lords- Played through the first book. Did a small portion of the third book, but can't remember a thing about it. Since this is not on the table, it's not an issue.

Kingmaker- Got most of the way before the second book before the group fell apart. Won't say no to another shot.

Jade Regent- Currently playing in now. Somewhere in book one. Would like to avoid this one for overlap worries.

Legacy of Fire- In the wings for my usual group. Again, would prefer to avoid for overlap worries.

Anything else is totally open to me, as I've not played it and my friends' chatter hasn't given me any major spoilers.

Grand Lodge

Langsford, I just send you an email.

We can try Skype and d20Pro right now if you have them installed.


I've never used d20pro either, will we be loading up characters into it or do we keep track of our own sheets? I'm open to any of them really, wouldn't object to another go at Serpent's Skull if that's what we end up with.

Grand Lodge


to start off with I think each player will just use a character sheet.

I'm playing with d20Pro now and it's not that hard to use.

If you have Hero Lab you can export a character for import into d20Pro and it populates a creature record for it. I've downloaded the Pathfinder OGL ruleset for d20Pro and am working in a test campaign. I have Hero Lab but haven't tried the export/import yet.

I think you have to have a judge license in order to create/edit creature/PC records in d20Pro. If you can do that, then you could export the PC record ("character sheet") to a file that the GM could then import into his campaign for you to use in his game.


If you still need help testing things send me an email.

Concerning APs:

Jade Regent: Book 1
Carrion Crown: Book 1 & 2

But I'm open to running anything.

Concerning character sheets, I messed around a bit exporting from Hero Lab to d20Pro and it seemed to work just fine. I didn't double check everything but from a glance it looks good. Although I think we may have to send the file to the DM so he can import them.

As far as AP's go, I've played through RotRL, Curse of the Crimson Throne, Second Darkness, and Council of Thieves.

I've not played any of the others.

Grand Lodge

sunderedhero wrote:

If you still need help testing things send me an email.

Concerning APs:

Jade Regent: Book 1
Carrion Crown: Book 1 & 2

But I'm open to running anything.

Concerning character sheets, I messed around a bit exporting from Hero Lab to d20Pro and it seemed to work just fine. I didn't double check everything but from a glance it looks good. Although I think we may have to send the file to the DM so he can import them.

I was just looking at the d20Pro help on that. There's a button on the Player Game Tools window that allows the player to upload a creature file to the judge while connected to the game. The character has to either be created locally by the player in their d20Pro running as judge and exported to a creature file, or the player should be able to directly export their Hero Lab character to a d20Pro file to upload to the judge.

Grand Lodge

So far I've received email addresses for Ataraxias, Lunneil (his GF), King of the Crossroads, Langsford, and Sundered Hero.

I hope to hear from Gorbag tonight.

I called Langsford on Skype tonight and she was able to connect to my d20Pro game.

I'd like to plan an "ice breaker" session for tomorrow night if everyone is available on such short notice, or for next Wednesday (1/30) if some need more time to get Skype and d20Pro set up.

For our ice breaker we will be playing "We Be Goblins" using pregen goblin PCs! I have a total of 6 pregens and we'll roll to see who gets first pick, second pick, etc.

Sound like fun?

I'll email everyone my Skype ID and IP address tomorrow.


Yorgi wrote:
For our ice breaker we will be playing "We Be Goblins" using pregen goblin PCs! I have a total of 6 pregens and we'll roll to see who gets first pick, second pick, etc.

I'll be there, I've been wanting to play that for a while now. Also I threw the information in this thread into a spreadsheet so it's easier to figure out what AP we're going to play.

I'm down for some goblins.

We'll be there.

Grand Lodge

sunderedhero wrote:
I'll be there, I've been wanting to play that for a while now. Also I threw the information in this thread into a spreadsheet so it's easier to figure out what AP we're going to play.

Thanks for creating this handy spreadsheet, s.h., very helpful!


Grand Lodge

Here are some more AP options that we could consider if we wish to widen our scope a little.

I have the Shackled City AP book from Paizo (3.5). I've never played or GMed it. Unfortunately I don't also have a PDF of it from which to extract maps.

I have the 12-part War of the Burning Sky AP from EN World (3.5). I've never played or GMed it.

I have the Slumbering Tsar AP from Frog God Games for PF. I've never played or GMed it. (I also have the new Rappan Athuk for PF but it probably has too much dungeon crawling for us).

I will be receiving the first chapter of the new Reign of Winter AP from Paizo next month. If we wanted to, we could hold off for this and play something else short-term.

I have most of the 3.5 Dungeon Crawl Classics modules from Goodman Games as well as several Pathfinder modules, including the new Mask of Death (the adventure being played in the movie The Gamers: Dorkness Rising) and the Paizo Thornkeep dungeon (from the Pathfinder Online Tech Demo kickstarter).


I've heard great things about Shackled City and War of the Burning Sky, and would be down to play either of those.

On another note, I'm afraid real life stuff has come up and I won't be able to make We Be Goblins :(
I'm bummed because I *never* get to play it, and I've wanted to ever since it was first announced. Oh well, have fun, you guys and girls.

Are you guys still accepting new members?

If so, I'll be happy to join. I think I need to download skype and d20pro, but more importantly any one of those nights would work for me.

Grand Lodge

zerceses wrote:

Are you guys still accepting new members?

If so, I'll be happy to join. I think I need to download skype and d20pro, but more importantly any one of those nights would work for me.

Yes, we still have a 6th player slot open. I've sent you a private message asking for your email address.

What Pathfinder APs have you previously played in or GMed?


PBPs mostly.

I tried doing a Carrion Crown once and was a part of Jade Regent and am currently part of a Kingmaker. None have lasted past the first book. I'm hoping to break "that" tradition.

Grand Lodge

King_Of_The_Crossroads wrote:

As far as AP's go, I've played through RotRL, Curse of the Crimson Throne, Second Darkness, and Council of Thieves.

I've not played any of the others.


how long has it been since you finished playing in Second Darkness and Council of Thieves? Are you open to possibly playing in either of these again, or are they totally out of the question?

I ask because most of the other players have experience with the newer APs but not these two older ones.

If I were to run Council of Thieves again what I'd like to do is an abridged version only going from Chapter 2 through Chapter 4.

When you played CoT, did your group go through and read the actual play The Six Trials of Larazod? I think this group would have fun with that.

I'd also consider running a (planned) abridged version of Second Darkness going from Chapter 1 through only Chapter 3 or 4.


Grand Lodge

Gorbag wrote:
I am interested. Wednesday would be best for me.

Hi, Gorbag. I received your PM and sent you an email with details about tonight's ice breaker "We Be Goblins" session.

Could you post about what Pathfinder APs you have previously played in or GMed?



Yorgi wrote:


how long has it been since you finished playing in Second Darkness and Council of Thieves? Are you open to possibly playing in either of these again, or are they totally out of the question?

I ask because most of the other players have experience with the newer APs but not these two older ones.

If I were to run Council of Thieves again what I'd like to do is an abridged version only going from Chapter 2 through Chapter 4.

When you played CoT, did your group go through and read the actual play The Six Trials of Larazod? I think this group would have fun with that.

I'd also consider running a (planned) abridged version of Second Darkness going from Chapter 1 through only Chapter 3 or 4.


*Wince* My group has played through those two within the last 9 months; two games a week allows us to breeze through an AP. Most of the content is pretty fresh up to this point. We actually did read through the Six Trials.

I mean, if it came down to it, I can try and not use my knowledge of the AP in character; I just don't want to let something slip by accident.

Also, out of curiosity, why do you want to use abridged versions? Are there certain aspects of the AP's you aren't fond of?

Silver Crusade

It looks like all the slots are filled, but if anybody drops out I'd like to be considered as an alternate. Tuesdays are ideal for me, but Wednesday works as well.

Grand Lodge

King_Of_The_Crossroads wrote:

Also, out of curiosity, why do you want to use abridged versions? Are there certain aspects of the AP's you aren't fond of?

No, not really. There's just some of the parts of CoT that I like better and would rather focus on them and make the whole thing shorter (less work for me overall and more likely that we'd finish what we start).

For Second Darkness I've read that the last two chapters are very disconnected, so it would be easy to not go past chapter 4 unless everyone really wanted to continue. I've not played past chapter 2, though. How did you find the later chapters?

I've only played around with the idea of running shortened versions for these two APs. Anything else I'd plan to start at chapter 1 and go as far as possible. Based on the experiences listed above, however, it's rare to get all the way through an AP, whether you're playing by post, online, or in a face to face group. Your group is one of the exceptions and I'm glad you have been able to make it all the way through as many APs as you have.


Lol, getting through the AP's was hard, I'm not going to lie; mostly, real life conspired to ruin game. Which is why we made a push to game twice a week, even if it was just two hours each time; we found it was easier to focus on the game if there was a time crunch.

I did like the last couple of chapters of Second Darkness, but that was due to some extra work that our DM had put in; my understanding was that there was some disconnect. My DM *really* wanted to finish it, so he modified it in someway. Being a player, I wasn't privy to what changes were made.

Grand Lodge

Well, six players joined me last night for the first ice-breaker session of "We Be Goblins."

A humorous result of the pregen draft was that the two female players chose two of the male goblins as their PCs, while two of the male players chose the only two female goblins as their PCs.

Two of the players, Zerceses and sunderedhero, left the session early (are you guys planning to continue with the group or are you out?).

We're planning to finish "We Be Goblins" next week. We stopped just before the final remaining BBEG encounter.


Yeah, I am. I was pumped for last night's game, then everything came crashing down on me. So sorry I left again so early. At least Treazer will get a dramatic comeback.

After we finish "We Be Goblins," do you want to start working on the characters we'll use for the sessions after?

Grand Lodge

zerceses wrote:
After we finish "We Be Goblins," do you want to start working on the characters we'll use for the sessions after?

We still have to determine what AP we're going to play before we can work on characters. I will provide character creation instructions in the near future once the AP decision has been made.

If we can decide on an AP by next week then we may be able to start discussing characters next Wednesday after we're done with WBG.


Hmmm... War of the burning sky sounds pretty good to me, but also I would love to get in Second darkness as I've never played it before.

Damn I wish I could have played We Be Goblins.

Grand Lodge

King_Of_The_Crossroads wrote:
Damn I wish I could have played We Be Goblins.


If you can round up three gaming buddies then we could plan a special session or two outside of this group's normal time for me to run it for the four of you.


Yorgi wrote:
King_Of_The_Crossroads wrote:
Damn I wish I could have played We Be Goblins.


If you can round up three gaming buddies then we could plan a special session or two outside of this group's normal time for me to run it for the four of you.


Alas, gaming buddies have recently become scarce; in the past few months I've moved to a new city, and don't really know anyone yet. Thanks for the offer, though. :)

Yorgi wrote:

We still have to determine what AP we're going to play before we can work on characters.

My vote goes for War of the Burning Sky or Shackled City.

Grand Lodge

I would be very very interested in a Shackled City Game.

You know, Shackled City sounds like fun too. I've never played it either.

Grand Lodge

I'm removing Shackled City as an option for this group because I don't have a PDF version of it (does one even exist?) from which to extract maps and token images.

I have a color flatbed scanner, but it's too much work to have to both scan in and then manipulate the images in Paint to create maps for use when playing online.


Just checked paizo and they do have the dungeon issues available in pdf, oddly not the compiled adventure book though. What about Savage Tide or Age of Worms? Otherwise I'd say pick the one you most want to run. It may hurt a little for some of us, but, honestly, you're the GM and have the right.

Grand Lodge

Yeah, I meant a PDF of the book version.

Awhile back I purchased the Dungeon issue PDFs that contain the first chapter of Age of Worms and Savage Tide, but that's all I have of those APs.

My plan is to present a short list of choices to the players (via email) for APs that they have not already played and let them rank the top three that they are most interested in playing in order 1,2,3 with me then awarding points to each AP based on each player's rankings. Then the AP with the most total points would be the winner.

I'm waiting to see if sunderedhero is still interested in playing with the group. If he doesn't respond to my email pretty soon I'm going to consider him out. We would still have six players without him.

I saved a copy of sunderedhero's spreadsheet to my Google Drive so I can maintain it. It is located here.


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