MaybeNever's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 9 posts (515 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 7 aliases.


Silver Crusade

Dotting. I have an idea, I just need to sort it out.

Silver Crusade

I quite agree with the consensus on the little RP. Even though it was only a post or two on my side, I've a better idea of just how the mystery and curse have affected Torvald. It was fun, too.

Silver Crusade

It looks like all the slots are filled, but if anybody drops out I'd like to be considered as an alternate. Tuesdays are ideal for me, but Wednesday works as well.

Silver Crusade

That's a bummer! Mondays aren't an option for me, sadly, so I'll have to drop out.

Silver Crusade

I'm not thoroughly familiar with Skull & Shackles, but I'm interested! I'll post a character this evening, probably a fighter given the party's need.

Silver Crusade

I've got a neat concept for an Oracle, I think. I'd never looked at the class before. I went with the 20 point buy for stats. I'll post soon!

Silver Crusade

Page 399 in the core rule book has a table listing expected wealth of a PC at a given level. For level 4, it's 6000, so you have 6000 + max starting class gold to spend. Naturally, any limitations are up to the DM.

Silver Crusade

I've been weighing a cleric or a wizard. Since Zerceses is planning on a wizard, I'll probably go with a cleric (or possibly a fighter if it looks like we need more muscle).

Silver Crusade

I'm interested in this. I don't have time to flesh out a full character right this minute, but Tuesdays are the ideal game day for my schedule and that's really rare to find.

You list two stat creation rules. How do those mesh? Is it 20 point buy on top of the 4d6? Either/or?