Help making a broken character


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Mercurial wrote:

Fighter build:

Human Fighter (Weapon Master)

STR - 16 (+2 racial bonus, +1 at 4th, 8th, 12th and 16th)
DEX - 13
CON - 16
INT - 13
WIS - 13 (+1 at 20th)
CHA - 7

Defender of the Society
Freed Slave

Human - Power Attack
1st - Cleave
1st - Dodge
2nd - Mobility
3rd - Combat Expertise
4th - Spring Attack
[Retrain Cleave to Whirlwind Attack]
5th - Furious Focus
6th - Lunge
7th - Weapon Focus: Falchion
8th - Greater Weapon Focus: Falchion
9th - Improved Critical: Falchion
10th - Critical Focus
11th - Dazing Assault
12th - Sickening Critical
13th - Staggering Critical
14th - Critical Mastery
15th - Weapon Specialization: Falchion
16th - Greater Weapon Specialization: Falchion
17th - Stunning Critical
18th - Blind-Fight
19th - Toughness
20th - Improved Initiative

I've played around a lot with the final three feat selections and there are a lot of directions you could go - the Step-Up line for one.

This character gets Whirlwind Attack at 4th level, allowing him to attack every adjacent foe before anyone else gets a second attack. At 6th level he can Lunge, allowing him to attack every for within 10'... and at 11th level he can use Dazing Assault as well to lay down some nice crowd control. In the later levels he combines the benefits of Weaponmaster with to lay on multiple conditions through critical hits.

Of the three options I mentioned, this is the least complicated and blossoms the earliest, staying consistently strong and potent throughout the build.

Consider to swap dazzing assault for sickening critical, that way you could retrain dazzing assault for stuning assault at level 20.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

For the standard "most everything we fight is evil" campaign a straight 2hand paladin of vengeance is a pretty good option.. The half-orc with eldritch works well with this. Getting a 13 int is nice for unsanctioned knowledge is nice for some bard spell access, as well as divine power.. I personally like the angel blood aasimar build that follows..

Level 20

20 point Aasimar (Angel Blood) Gives up daylight for an extra +2 str/con/or cha.. I like str..

Str 16+4race+5levels+5book+6belt = 36
Dex 10+6belt = 16
Con 14+6belt+4book = 24
Int 10+6headband = 16
Wis 10+6headband = 16
Cha 14+6headband+4book = 24

1st - Power Attack
3rd - Blood of Angels
5th - Greater Mercy
7th - Unsanctioned Knowledge
9th - Critical Focus - Falchion or Nodachi
11th - Angel Wings
13th - Staggering Critical
15th - Platinum Wings
17th - Whatever U Like, Ultimate Mercy, Extra LOH, Stun Critical
19th - Same as 17th

+5 Amulet Mighty Fists or Permanent +5 Magic Fang for each wing
+6 Belt of Perfection
+6 Headband Mental Prowess
+5 Book Str
+4 Book Cha
Silver Smite Bracers
+5 Cloak Resistance
+5 Celestial Fullplate
Holy Avenger (Falchion/Nodachi)
Boots of Speed
+whatever u want, still alot of cash to spend for level 20.. maybe some custom items...

Attacks while fully buffed and smiting
+5luck(Divine Power via UK)
+1 Haste(Boots)
+2 Circ(Good Hope via UK)
-6power attack

+47/+47/+42/+37/+32 for 2d4/1d10 + 74/94 on first attack vs ud/dragon/evil outsiders +2d6 holy 15/20x2

Wings +42/+42 1d4+68/80 on first attack etc etc..

Super High Saves/Hp/Attcks/Damage, perma flight speed and a mountain size amount of flavor.. I mean u might as well be a Solar or somthing lol

The Exchange

To OP:

Trippers / Grapplers tend to do well in low to mid game, and not as well late into the campaign - 15-20. Can be done, wouldn't be my first choice.

You indicated Monk - in the level you indicated the sweet power spot for a Zen archer monk. Go look at the build I posted under ultimate archer.

WerePox47 wrote:

15th - Platinum Wings

What is Platinum Wings? Only Feat I know close to this is Metallic Wings:

But that feat also as Angelic Flesh as a prerequisite which your build doesn't have.

Gives up daylight for an extra +2 str/con/or cha.. I like str


I sugest juju oracle take only feats that increase cr. I made a character that could control 156HD of undead at 4th level. /you can be any alignment to.

Id like to see mercurials arcane archer build on a 25 point build human or half elf. Please and thank you.

*insert-name-here* wrote:
I'm kind of bad at making characters, and I have the worst character in the party. I need help making a broken character to get on the same level as the broken summoner in my party. I want to know good builds (preferably not spellcasters), but also advice on making characters in the future.

You really should be a caster if you want to be broken. You can create a strong martial character, but you will probably not keep up with the summoner unless you are a caster.

I highly recommend 5 levels in wizard followed by 10 in Bloatmage. Once you hit around level 10, you can prepare one of each spell and use them multiple times a day with bloat points.

Mercurial wrote:
KaptainKrunch wrote:

Heh, I was being sarcastic.

Crane feats being broken... Heh. I love that mentality. That's like saying the only attacks in the game are... well, attacks. Crane style sucks if there's an archer or a Baleful Polymorph Wizard on the opposing team.

Anyway, that Summoner in your party may SEEM broken, but watch what happens when the DM focus fires the Summoner instead of trying to attack the Eidolon. Instant squish, and the Eidolon is sent back to the plane he came from.

It's all about the DM knowing how to deal with various threats. There was a recent thread on here about some guy who specialized in insane AC. So what? AC is super easy to deal with.

I'd say its all about the FOES knowing how to deal with various threats. If an Eidolon attacks a BBEG while his Summoner sits the battle out, invisible and stationary, the DM shouldn't go out of his way to meta-game against him. Create challenging encounscters sure, unique problems that can't be solved by ATTACK!, but targeting players without reason is the wrong way to DM imho.

I see this repeated often and its wrong if the summoner is smart.

summoners arent reliant on save DCs, Thy can afford to have a high con and dex plus d8s and light armor. The summoner can be very effective without ever leaving invisibility. He can buff the party and summon monsters. In fact, he should spend at last the first 2 rounds doing this(haste+summon monster). And of course, he gets abilities that boost his survivability(supernatural dimension door, boosts to AC and saves).

If you are at the point, where a summoner is dead because the monsters focused if, your wizard or rogue would have died long ago. Granted, monsters should still focus a summoner, but not because they are squishy. The summoner is just much stronger than anyone else.

Try hexcrafter magus. It adds witch's hexes onto magus, as well as curse spells that can be used for spell strike, even if they are not touch. With spell combat, you could get an extra attack at full bab-2 that could, for example, give the enemy -6 to a stat. You can also use light armor without without spell failure, and you can use medium and heavy in the same way at higher levels. You only give up spell recall, and have the choice to take a hex instead of a magus arcana. Or you could take extras of either through feats.

The third post on this thread has a guide to a hexcrafter build called "The Defiler." Basically, it takes a dip into white haired witch, which has a natural attack that uses Intellect for damage and can start grappling (again with Int instead of STR) as a free action without you getting grappled. You can do constrict as a swift action with a second dip level. The guide does even more debuffs to enemies with a single full attack (using spell combat) such as cornugon smash to demoralize or use of traits to get a free metamagic on two low level ice spells (that each have their own status effect) to make enemies entangled. Your witch spells and familiar would get ignored most of the time, sadly. You mostly just keep them around in case you need to take 15 minutes to prepare some low level spell (*looks at Decompose Corpse Spell*).

Overall, the defiler is made to cripple your opponents so that your teammates can take them out at their leisure. It would synergize well with just about any team. You only have to worry about possible cheese from relying upon your hair as your main weapon. Even if you got rid of that aspect, the guide is still solid advise for any hexcrafter magus.

There's options in the book Blood of Angels that allows you to give up ur ability to cast Daylight and in turn get other things.. Theres a d100 list but some gms might let this be picked.. i would.. AS far as the wings go i dunno why i was thinking platinum wings.. But yes angelic flesh is prereq as well.. Could fit it in at 15 and metallic at 17th.. Kinda late but 2 wing attacks with full power attack and smite bonuses is worth it imo..

my gm thinks this is broken so i will share it.

6th level druid with ape animal companion
ape's feats light armor proficency, power attack and toughness
24 strength 16dexterity 14 constitution
+1 amulet of mighty fists and +1 chain shirt

with his natural leveling up he has alot of natural armor so at level 6 hes got 24 ac / 25 with haste

and his 3 attacks does 1d6+14 damage / 4 attacks with haste

he's making me take off my armor that i gave to pet cause its +4 higher than the highest ac person in the gorup.

You a) dont need the prficiency feat, b) there are way stronger companins, c) companions will get worse and worse the higher level you get and d) this is far from broken anyway.

i have the proficency feat, b) i agree it can get more broken like the 4th level spell that gives it advanced template which stacks with bulls strength and stuff.

first round i gave it bulls strength and 2nd round i gave it bark skin it has 28 ac with haste the gm didnt like that at all.

d.) i know its not broken and will not be as good at higher levels but he thinks its wayy to powerpowered and is trying to nerf me by making it give up its armor, also since i have 22 ac he wants me to go into melee more since i have the highest ac other than my pet, even though i built him to be a ranged caster.

Liberty's Edge

Morris Chan wrote:
also since i have 22 ac he wants me to go into melee more since i have the highest ac other than my pet, even though i built him to be a ranged caster.

Is it your fault that the other PCs are not built with Armor Class in mind ?

If not, why would YOU be punished by the GM because of THEIR failure ?

he says my ape is a clutch, supporting everyone since he can do so much dmg and have the highest ac without being an player character.

Then better do not play a pouncing cat.

You can wear light armor without wasting a feat.

But actually its not that hard for a melee to dish out more damage than that ape:P

And honestly, buffing its AC and strength is more like a waste of actions. You'd always end up with higher DPR if you spent these first to rounds more efficient.

Morris Chan wrote:
also since i have 22 ac he wants me to go into melee more

Your GM needs to stop railroading your character. Actually, from the sound of it, your GM needs to stop a lot of things.

Run, Just Run wrote:
I sugest juju oracle take only feats that increase cr. I made a character that could control 156HD of undead at 4th level. /you can be any alignment to.

CL not cr.

Silver Crusade

Lastoth wrote:
Mercurial wrote:

I'd say its all about the FOES knowing how to deal with various threats. If an Eidolon attacks a BBEG while his Summoner sits the battle out, invisible and stationary, the DM shouldn't go out of his way to meta-game against him. Create challenging encounters sure, unique problems that can't be solved by ATTACK!, but targeting players without reason is the wrong way to DM imho.
I disagree. If the BBEG is any sort of intelligent thing it's going to realize that killing the eidolon is as easy as one shotting the summoner. Going after the summoner is what your players would do every time if they figured it out, heck it's what the summoner himself would do. Against intelligent opponents the summoner should be in play. He's not a familiar, he shouldn't ever get a sympathy pass like a familiar does. The class already is the most powerful in the game, I feel no need to pull punches with it.

But what if that Tiefling Summoner has a 20 Con, Mage Armor, Shield and goes full defensive at level 1? 23 AC 16 HPs, while the Eidolon chews on the BBEG might not be a one shot at all, and that's if you even see him after he drops Darkness all around... a 2PP Wand of Infernal healing and we may just stick around awhile. Why did I build my summoner that way? Because intelligent BBEGs (i.e. the GM) is coming after me:)

Mercurial wrote:

Smash build:

(Can't really call this a 'Rogue' build after all...)

Half-Orc Barbarian 2 (Invulnerable Rager) / Rogue (Thug & Scout) 18
The Barbarian levels are taken first

STR - 16 (+2 racial bonus, +2 at 11th, 15th and 17th, +1 at 16th and 20th)
DEX - 14
CON - 14
INT - 10
WIS - 10
CHA - 14 (+1 at 4t, 8th and 12th)

Berserker of the Society
Opportunistic Gambler
Toothy (racial alternative trait)

Feats and Class abilities:
1st - Power Attack
2nd - Intimidating Glare (Rage Power)
3rd - Bludgeoner
4th - Furious Focus
5th - Sap Adept
6th - Offensive Defense
7th - Sap Master
8th - Strong Impression
9th - Skill Focus: Survival
10th - Eldritch Heritage: Orc Bloodline (Touch of Rage)
11th - Improved Eldritch Heritage: Orc Bloodline (Strength of the Beast)
12th - Unwitting Ally
13th - Combat Reflexes
14th - Opportunist
15th - Dreadful Carnage
16th - Bleeding Strike
17th - Greater Eldritch Heritage: Orc Bloodline (Power of Giants)
18th - Vital Strike
19th - Improved Vital Strike
20th - Greater Vital Strike

Even how do you get a feat st level 10.
Also- I find spring att as the best route for scout - allowing moving alot ...

Dark Archive

Mercurial wrote:

Smash build:

(Can't really call this a 'Rogue' build after all...)

Half-Orc Barbarian 2 (Invulnerable Rager) / Rogue (Thug & Scout) 18
The Barbarian levels are taken first

STR - 16 (+2 racial bonus, +2 at 11th, 15th and 17th, +1 at 16th and 20th)
DEX - 14
CON - 14
INT - 10
WIS - 10
CHA - 14 (+1 at 4t, 8th and 12th)

Berserker of the Society
Opportunistic Gambler
Toothy (racial alternative trait)

Feats and Class abilities:
1st - Power Attack
2nd - Intimidating Glare (Rage Power)
3rd - Bludgeoner
4th - Furious Focus
5th - Sap Adept
6th - Offensive Defense
7th - Sap Master
8th - Strong Impression
9th - Skill Focus: Survival
10th - Eldritch Heritage: Orc Bloodline (Touch of Rage)
11th - Improved Eldritch Heritage: Orc Bloodline (Strength of the Beast)
12th - Unwitting Ally
13th - Combat Reflexes
14th - Opportunist
15th - Dreadful Carnage
16th - Bleeding Strike
17th - Greater Eldritch Heritage: Orc Bloodline (Power of Giants)
18th - Vital Strike
19th - Improved Vital Strike
20th - Greater Vital Strike

Even level abilities are Rogue talents or feats granted by them unless otherwise noted. At 2nd level and thereafter you'll have 9 rounds of rage available to you.

This build takes advantage of Sap Mastery and the Scout's ability to deal more frequent sneak attack damage. The character is also very good at stacking the Shaken and Sickened conditions upon foes which amounts to a -4 attack penalty and -4 saves.

Case in point:
At 7th level if you charge or move than 10' between attacks, you'll deal 2d6 (Earthbreaker damage) +6 (Strength) +6 (Power Attack) +6d6 (sneak attack) + 6d6 (Sap Master) +12 (Sap Adept) in non-lethal damage - assuming a non-magical weapon and no critical hits. That's 14d6+24 damage and, depending on your DM's interpretation, get you +3 or +6 AC or your troubles. That also doesn't count Rage or the eventual Touch of Rage ability you'll get through Eldritch Heritage feats and...

How does this character get to use its sneak attack twice. Sap master doubles sneak attack damage for nonlethal. So at 6th level rogue you would have 6d6 sneak attack damage. You do not then add sneak attack damage on top of this.

Dark Archive

Mercurial wrote:

Smash build:

(Can't really call this a 'Rogue' build after all...)

Half-Orc Barbarian 2 (Invulnerable Rager) / Rogue (Thug & Scout) 18
The Barbarian levels are taken first

STR - 16 (+2 racial bonus, +2 at 11th, 15th and 17th, +1 at 16th and 20th)
DEX - 14
CON - 14
INT - 10
WIS - 10
CHA - 14 (+1 at 4t, 8th and 12th)

Berserker of the Society
Opportunistic Gambler
Toothy (racial alternative trait)

Feats and Class abilities:
1st - Power Attack
2nd - Intimidating Glare (Rage Power)
3rd - Bludgeoner
4th - Furious Focus
5th - Sap Adept
6th - Offensive Defense
7th - Sap Master
8th - Strong Impression
9th - Skill Focus: Survival
10th - Eldritch Heritage: Orc Bloodline (Touch of Rage)
11th - Improved Eldritch Heritage: Orc Bloodline (Strength of the Beast)
12th - Unwitting Ally
13th - Combat Reflexes
14th - Opportunist
15th - Dreadful Carnage
16th - Bleeding Strike
17th - Greater Eldritch Heritage: Orc Bloodline (Power of Giants)
18th - Vital Strike
19th - Improved Vital Strike
20th - Greater Vital Strike

Even level abilities are Rogue talents or feats granted by them unless otherwise noted. At 2nd level and thereafter you'll have 9 rounds of rage available to you.

This build takes advantage of Sap Mastery and the Scout's ability to deal more frequent sneak attack damage. The character is also very good at stacking the Shaken and Sickened conditions upon foes which amounts to a -4 attack penalty and -4 saves.

Case in point:
At 7th level if you charge or move than 10' between attacks, you'll deal 2d6 (Earthbreaker damage) +6 (Strength) +6 (Power Attack) +6d6 (sneak attack) + 6d6 (Sap Master) +12 (Sap Adept) in non-lethal damage - assuming a non-magical weapon and no critical hits. That's 14d6+24 damage and, depending on your DM's interpretation, get you +3 or +6 AC or your troubles. That also doesn't count Rage or the eventual Touch of Rage ability you'll get through Eldritch Heritage feats and...

I made a version of this character for the Hell's Rebels campaign and he is an absolute monster. He is currently level 11 and he is one-shotting the big bads. He currently looks like this:

Human Barbarian 2 (Invulnerable Rager) / Rogue (Scout) 9

STR - 22
DEX - 14
CON - 16
INT - 10
WIS - 8
CHA - 14

Berserker of the Society
Veteran of Battle

Feats and Class abilities:
1st - Power Attack
H - Bludgeoner
2nd - Intimidating Glare (Rage Power) ((Never used, I suggest you pick something else))
3rd - Weapon Focus - Earthbreaker
4th - Combat Trick - Furious Focus (Retrained to Shatter Defenses around level 8 or 9)
5th - Sap Adept
6th - Extra Feat - Dazzling Display
7th - Sap Master
8th - Strong Impression
8th - 6/6 Extra Rogue Talent - Resiliency (I kept going unconscious right after the battle ended when I dropped rage. As soon as I took this talent, I haven't been under half hit points. Go figure.)
9th - Cornugon Smash
10th - Black Market Connections (really helps out with the campaign)
11th - Hurtful

Offensive Defense is the next rogue talent I am taking. For some reason it doesn't seem to work with Hero Lab, which is why I haven't taken it already.

My attacks look like this:
While raging

+17/+12 (+22/+22/+17 after my kickass teammates buff me) Lethal Sneak attack damage = 7D6+24 Non-lethal sneak attack damage = 12D6+34
AC = 23 unbuffed while raging
Intimidate +24

With the Flank → Full Attack → 1st Attack – Non-lethal Power Attack 12D6+34 → Debilitating Injury: Half movement, -2(-4) AC or -2(-4) Attack → Cornugon Smash → Free Action Intimidate D20+24 → Free Swift Attack from the Hurtful feat – Non-lethal 12D6+34 → Shatter Defenses → 2nd attack non-lethal 12D6+34 → Sickened from Cruel Weapon (flat footed to me until the end of my next round ((Very few live to see the next round though)) → +1 Round of Debilitating Injury, 3rd attack if available non-lethal 12D6+34 +1 Round of Debilitating Injury

Full Attack without flank - First Attack – lethal Power Attack 2D6+24 → Cornugon Smash - Free Action Intimidate → Swift Attack – lethal 2D6+24 → Shatter Defenses → 2nd Attack – Non-lethal 12D6+34 → Debilitating Injury: Half movement, -2(-4) AC or -2(-4) Attack → 3rd Attack Non-lethal 12D6+34 - Sickened → +1 Round Debilitating Injury and target is considered flat footed to you next turn.

Charge or move 10' → Attack – Non-lethal 12D6+34 → Debilitating Injury: Half movement, -2(-4) AC or -2(-4) Attack → Cornugon Smash → Free Action Intimidate D20+24 → Swift Action Attack - Lethal 2D6+24 → Shatter Defenses -Next Round enemies are considered flat footed have a -4 AC or attack to me and -2 to my teammates and after I make them sickened they have a -8 AC or attack to me and -4 to my teammates.

Sneak attacks do an average of 76 non-lethal (12D6+34) points of damage per hit and crits have an average of 138 non-lethal (6D6+24 weapon +10D6 Sneak Attack +10 Sap Adept) points of damage. Lethal sneak attack damage still has a respectable 48.5 points.

+1(+3 when raging) Cruel Furious Earthbreaker
Belt of Physical Might +2 Con and Strengh
Amulet of Natural armor +3
Ring of Protection +3
Cloak of Resistance +5
Eyes of the Eagle
Boots of Swift Fury
+3 Mithral Chain Shirt
Quick Runner's Shirt

This guy is an absolute monster. A few notes about him:
I don't remember exactly what levels I got the feats and rogue talents, I didn't keep track very well, so it is listed from my memory, which isn't very good. He started at level 4 as my previous character (Swashbuckler/Investigator) got his head removed from his body with one hit. The game master hates dealing with non-lethal damage. One round for this character can take up about 2 characters worth of turns, so bring extra beer for your comrades.

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