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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

How about a more generic "rob the vault" module to which I can add my own take on mercantile aliens?
We published a vault-robbing adventure back in Dungeon #147 called "The Aundairian Job." The author initially wanted to call it "Potion's Eleven," but that didn't get by my "Cute but NO WAY" button.
The adventure itself is about a heist against what's essentially a large bank.
The tricky part is that the adventure's for 5th level characters, is for 3.5 D&D, and is set in Eberron... but at the very least the map of the complex should give you a good starting point.

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James Jacobs wrote:Well...
Our iconic barbarian, Amiri, does precisely this. She wields a Large bastard sword in one hand, and she does so by taking the Exotic Weapon Proficiency feat to use the weapon in one hand. Essentially, that lets her wield the weapon in one hand in the exact same way that a Medium character would wield ANY Large Medium weapon, like a Large longsword or a Large scimitar.
So... the fact that one of our iconic characters does this, and has done so for 5 years, means that it needs to be something that our game lets you do. Whether or not folks out there think you can or can't...
... you can.
Because one of our Iconics does it. And I'm not interested in interpreting the rules in any way that makes one of our iconic characters a rulesbreaker.
You did mean two right? Because the sizing rules for inappropriately sized weapons states that an appropriately sized one handed weapon when increased a size category requires two-hands to wield.
The debate I was referring to is the one where people assert that because of the descriptive text of the bastard sword you are able to wield a large bastard sword with two hands without Exotic Weapon Proficiency and also without taking the -4 non-proficiency penalty.
Oh. Yeah, I did mean two. Duh.
The ONLY way you can wield a Large bastard sword if you're a Medium creature is to take Exotic Weapon Proficiency and wield it in both hands. Because you can't wield a 2-handed Large Weapon at all, normally, if you're Medium.

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I accidentally "hid" this thread. This is my favorite thread and that makes me sad. I now have to search to find the thread every time just to see your inestimable saurian wisdom. My question is, how do I unhide the thread?
Dunno... customer service should be able to help though if no one pops in here with an answer.

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My DM seems to be having an issue with how a Synthesist is built. He sees the post as unclear in regards to armor and attack bonuses. Is there a published character post anywhere or a posting to clarify the build. He refuses to let anyone play it until we provide the evidence. Please help
As far as I know, we've never published a synthesist summoner. We actually publish summoner NPCs pretty much the LEAST often, since eidolons don't fit well into Golarion.
So... sorry, can't really help. This is a good question to post over to one of the rules advice threads though.

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MeanDM wrote:I accidentally "hid" this thread. This is my favorite thread and that makes me sad. I now have to search to find the thread every time just to see your inestimable saurian wisdom. My question is, how do I unhide the thread?IANJJ, but this is general boardhelp, so:
1) Go here
2) Find the link group (on the same line as the heading "Off-Topic Discussions") that says "Add New Thread | Focus | Show ∅"
3) Click on "Show ∅"
4) Go down to the >>Ask *James Jacobs* ALL your Questions Here!<< thread.
5) You know the ∅ at the far right under the "Last Post" column you used to hide the thread? Hit it now to unhide.
Yeah. Like that!

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How would a character with the Inevitable Subdomain feel about a fellow party member being raised from the dead? If such a character died, would they allow themselves to be raised in order to complete an adventure, or would they outright refuse to have anything to do with resurection?
That would be an opinion the character with the subdomain would have to decide on for himself. Just having that subdomain doesn't make you into an Inevitable; you can still have philosophical differences with the subject of your domain. Now... if the PC actually WORSHIPED a powerful inevitable, that would probably be a different story.

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This is a question I have asked in the rule forum, but I would like your opinion too. (I stress that I am asking an opinion and will not use it as ammunition in a forum discussion)
Shatter say that you can use it to sunder any nonmagical object (dispelled magical objects included).
The interpretation people give is that it will destroy any object up to the spell weight limit regardless of its composition, be it adamantium or pottery.
My idea is that it should do x hp of damage for each caster level (probably 1d6) and follow all the other rules about damaging objects.
Maybe I am too restrictive, but the idea of a 2nd level spell destroying the adamantine full plate of the captain of the guard with the saem ease with which it shatter a porcelain cup seem a bti excessive.
What do you think?

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This is a question I have asked in the rule forum, but I would like your opinion too. (I stress that I am asking an opinion and will not use it as ammunition in a forum discussion)
Shatter say that you can use it to sunder any nonmagical object (dispelled magical objects included).
The interpretation people give is that it will destroy any object up to the spell weight limit regardless of its composition, be it adamantium or pottery.
My idea is that it should do x hp of damage for each caster level (probably 1d6) and follow all the other rules about damaging objects.
Maybe I am too restrictive, but the idea of a 2nd level spell destroying the adamantine full plate of the captain of the guard with the saem ease with which it shatter a porcelain cup seem a bti excessive.
What do you think?
If an object is attended, a save is allowed. So no matter what else, if you try to shatter a suit of full plate made of anything while it's being worn, the person wearing it should get a save. That's what the Will (negates) part of the spell is talking about.
And in any case, remember that things that are destroyed are easier to fix in Pathfinder. Shatter may only be 2nd level, but so is make whole. You can use make whole to pretty much fix anything shatter can break.

Sincubus |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Are you aware of the Daily Bestiary? A Blog from a guy calling himself Patch.
He goes through the alphabet of Pathfinder Monsters adding 3 ideas of how to run them in your adventures + giving us his personal opinion about the monsters.
I love to read it from him, maybe you haven't discovered it yet so here's a link to his blog.
If you already knew, what is your opinion about his blog?

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Rysky wrote:hmm where in Tian-Xia would one find gnolls?
Pretty much nohwere. Unless they were in a big cosmopolitan city like Goka, either as adventurers or as novelty displays in a freak show or blood sport type thing, billed as "exotic monstrosities from the west" or some such.
Aww oh well, thankies anyway for the answers

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I think my question fell off the last page.
What are your favorite horror books, and who are your favorite authors?
My top ten favorite horror authors are (in no particular order after Lovecraft):
1) H. P. Lovecraft
2) Ramsey Campbell
3) Clark Ashton Smith
4) T.E.D. Klein
5) Stephen King
6) Robert E. Howard
7) Algernon Blackwood
8) Clive Barker
9) F. Paul Wilson
10) Robert Bloch
Top horror books generally are books written by those authors, for the most part.

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3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Are you aware of the Daily Bestiary? A Blog from a guy calling himself Patch.
He goes through the alphabet of Pathfinder Monsters adding 3 ideas of how to run them in your adventures + giving us his personal opinion about the monsters.
I love to read it from him, maybe you haven't discovered it yet so here's a link to his blog.
If you already knew, what is your opinion about his blog?
I didn't know about the blog, but it's an EXCELLENT idea for a blog!

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Any plans for new base classes in future? Or do you think between the existing classes and archetypes you have reached saturation point?
No plans that I can talk about in public yet. And I don't think that we've reached a total saturation point for base classes yet... but new ones should not just be added because we want to do more base classes. The need for more base classes should arise from a story need.
In any event, no new base classes planned for this year for sure.

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2 people marked this as a favorite. |

What are some themes or locales that you are interested in exploring in the future either as a module or an adventure path? This isn't a confirmation of any future adventures, but just a James Jacobs interest check.
Red Mantis
Political Intrigue
Dark Tapestry
Sun Orchid Elixir
Dominion of the Black
Mana Wastes
Stonespine Island
Southern Garund
Spider Island
Crimson Citadel
Wormwood Hall
Okay, gonna stop there. That should keep folks guessing for a while.

Lucent |

Political Intrigue
Dark Tapestry
Sun Orchid Elixir
Dominion of the Black
Mana Wastes
Southern Garund
Distilled for items I am unbelievably excited about!

Lucent |

Lucent wrote:Do Golarion and Earth exist in the same galaxy (the Milky Way) or are they an intergalactic distance apart?My preference is a far distant galaxy from the Milky Way, but I doubt we'll ever nail that down in print if we don't in the 5th Reign of Winter adventure.
Mine as well, if only for the somewhat selfish reason that I always envisioned the galaxy that Golarion is in resembling Pharasma's spiral, rather than the multi-armed spiral of the Milky Way.

MeanDM |

MeanDM wrote:I accidentally "hid" this thread. This is my favorite thread and that makes me sad. I now have to search to find the thread every time just to see your inestimable saurian wisdom. My question is, how do I unhide the thread?IANJJ, but this is general boardhelp, so:
1) Go here
2) Find the link group (on the same line as the heading "Off-Topic Discussions") that says "Add New Thread | Focus | Show ∅"
3) Click on "Show ∅"
4) Go down to the >>Ask *James Jacobs* ALL your Questions Here!<< thread.
5) You know the ∅ at the far right under the "Last Post" column you used to hide the thread? Hit it now to unhide.
Thank you!!

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Political Intrigue
Hi James. These three stand out to me somewhat. Could you clarify what you mean by them?
When I hear political intrigue I start to think of backstabbing Roman politics and Machiavelli's The Prince. But I'm hoping for a sequel to the brilliant Dungeon Magazine adventure "Diplomacy". Am I in the ballpark?
By sequels I assume you mean potential sequels to previous Adventure Paths? "Rise of the Runelords II: Son of Karzoug", "Kingmaker II: Queenmaker", "Jade Regent II: Big Trouble in Little Minkai"
I have no idea where you are going with this last one. When you say hermaphrodites I think of modern day transsexuals, but I figure you are going somewhere else. Aboleths are hermaphroditic aren't they? Or perhaps you were thinking of something more along the lines of the Roman Galli (cross-dressing eunuch priests of the goddess Cybele)?

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Iblydos, Casmaron, and Vudra.
I like.
Also, hermaphrodites go well with Vudra, as does Leng, the Dreamlands, and the Darklands...
at least in my games and research. The notion of the Darklands, inhabited by nagas, asuras, and rakshasas, and filled with weird cities and wildernesses lit by glowing gems) is part of South Asian myth and has been for hundreds of years... (Patala - the worlds under the surface of the earth).

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3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Mr. Jacobs has it been mentioned anywhere about what Calistria and her elven cleric's feel about the drow? I am thinking of making a cleric for the Second Darkness AP and would like more info on this. If not, what would you recommend on this? Many thanks!
Calistria considers the drow to be weak. They're not able to resist the corrupting influence of demonic energies and are an example of what can happen if you don't have a strong enough sense of self to remain true to yourself. She's not likely to be a big fan of any drow who decide to worship her, and her church is pretty much the same way.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

James Jacobs wrote:
Political Intrigue
Hi James. These three stand out to me somewhat. Could you clarify what you mean by them?
When I hear political intrigue I start to think of backstabbing Roman politics and Machiavelli's The Prince. But I'm hoping for a sequel to the brilliant Dungeon Magazine adventure "Diplomacy". Am I in the ballpark?
By sequels I assume you mean potential sequels to previous Adventure Paths? "Rise of the Runelords II: Son of Karzoug", "Kingmaker II: Queenmaker", "Jade Regent II: Big Trouble in Little Minkai"
I have no idea where you are going with this last one. When you say hermaphrodites I think of modern day transsexuals, but I figure you are going somewhere else. Aboleths are hermaphroditic aren't they? Or perhaps you were thinking of something more along the lines of the Roman Galli (cross-dressing eunuch priests of the goddess Cybele)?
Political Intrigue: Game of Thrones is one of my favorites, be it film or book, and I'd love to do an AP that is based upon that kind of storyline.
Sequels: Shattered Star is a sequel to Rise of the Runelords and Curse of the Crimson Throne and Second Darkness. I'd like to do more APs that function as sequels. And in particular I'm planning on some day doing a sequel to Shattered Star... one that shows everyone WHY it was a good thing to recover the Sihedron.
Hermaphrodites: There's a character in Magnimar who I've spent several years building up pretty subtly, and whom has at his/her core a plotline that could make for a really interesting Adventure Path.

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All jabs aside, why do T- Rex's have such tiny arms in comparison to the rest of their body? Over reliance on their maw led to them atrophying ?
We don't need arms to do what we need to do.
From a scientific viewpoint though... if you think of dinosaurs as creatures that eventually evolved into birds, then think of the biggest flightless birds like ostriches and moas and even further back things like terror birds and diatrymas... that's basically just evolution's way of handling those front arms. If your mouth has six inch long teeth and you're capable of putting more pressure into your bite than pretty much any other animal than has ever existed... arms become pretty useless if you don't have thumbs anyway.

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Rysky wrote:All jabs aside, why do T- Rex's have such tiny arms in comparison to the rest of their body? Over reliance on their maw led to them atrophying ?We don't need arms to do what we need to do.
From a scientific viewpoint though... if you think of dinosaurs as creatures that eventually evolved into birds, then think of the biggest flightless birds like ostriches and moas and even further back things like terror birds and diatrymas... that's basically just evolution's way of handling those front arms. If your mouth has six inch long teeth and you're capable of putting more pressure into your bite than pretty much any other animal than has ever existed... arms become pretty useless if you don't have thumbs anyway.
Damn you opposable thumbs! Why must you be so useful!

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Hermaphrodites: There's a character in Magnimar who I've spent several years building up pretty subtly, and whom has at his/her core a plotline that could make for a really interesting Adventure Path.
It's Ayavah (Magnimar, City of Monuments; page 40) isn't it? She has an interesting backstory with her demonic heritage, sculpting talent and odd beliefs in in Nocticula, she could certainly make for an interesting campaign based on that. A long lost "daughter" of Nocticula maybe? I take it the focal point of the campaign won't be her gender specifically then...

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James Jacobs wrote:It's Ayavah (Magnimar, City of Monuments; page 40) isn't it? She has an interesting backstory with her demonic heritage, sculpting talent and odd beliefs in in Nocticula, she could certainly make for an interesting campaign based on that. A long lost "daughter" of Nocticula maybe? I take it the focal point of the campaign won't be her gender specifically then...
Hermaphrodites: There's a character in Magnimar who I've spent several years building up pretty subtly, and whom has at his/her core a plotline that could make for a really interesting Adventure Path.
It is. And the interesting part isn't really about her.
The interesting part is... what if her ideas about Nocticula are right?
And no, her gender is in large part irrelevant. I was using that to see if anyone was paying attention, and you were!

Ral' Yareth |

I have a few questions if you don't mind.
1)On Earth, ravens appear in the mythology of many ancient people. Sometimes as tricksters, others as battle-heralds, knowledge seekers and even as a creator figure.
How would the people of Varísia (Maginimar more specifically) see them?
Are there any deities/demigods associated with them?
2)would it be possible for a witch to have two entities acting as a patron (e.g. rival entities competing for influence over her)?

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The Friendly Lich wrote:What is the closest real earth (or earth mythology) equivalent to Iobaria?Probably Russia.
I see Brevoy as western Russia, something like the principality of Kiev before the Mongols, or maybe after, seeing how they were ruled by an eastern (Iobarian) dynasty for 200 years.
Iobaria is more complicated. It has some of the feeling of the area around the Caspian Sea, but its main problem seem to be the recurrent pestilences, more than a problem with nomad invaders.
The once great cities reduced to shadows of their former self remember the Muslim cities in the wake of the Golden Horde.
It is a acceptable vision of the region, James?
You are still playing the campaign there? How it is going?
something I still pilfer to enrich the eastern territory in a Kingmaker campaign?

Alleran |
The Block Knight wrote:Yes.James Jacobs wrote:That's an oddly specific answer compared to your usual ballpark figure for most Mythic CR-related questions. Any reason for that?AlgaeNymph wrote:5) 29.
5. What's Hastur's CR?
Would it be that he might have been statted already for an upcoming publication?
As some follow-on Mythic/Thassilon questions:
1) Were Xanderghul and Sorshen already into Mythic levels by the time Xin made them Runelords?
2) While we know of the Runelords who were ruling at the time of Earthfall and general power brackets for them, were there any other particularly famous ones who reached Mythic levels and may have been a challenge to Sorshen/Xanderghul?
2a) As in, it's usually given that Xanderghul and Sorshen were the first and second most powerful, respectively, but were there times over Thassilon's history when that wasn't true?
3) Would Karzoug have been terrified or at least very, very cautious if at the end of Rise of the Runelords, the PCs came at him with a reconstructed Sihedron on their side? How would it alter his tactics/strategies?
4) Could Xanderghul or Sorshen take Hastur (at CR 29) in a fight? What odds for success would you give them?

FormerFiend |

Is there a possibility of seeing another NPC Codex in the future, that presents examples of the classes introduced in the Advanced Player's Guide, Ultimate Combat, and Ultimate Magic? If so, might it also include examples beyond the core seven races, as well?
Will the five PC-suitable monsters from the Inner Sea Bestiary recieve any additional support or exploration?

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It is. And the interesting part isn't really about her.The interesting part is... what if her ideas about Nocticula are right?
And no, her gender is in large part irrelevant. I was using that to see if anyone was paying attention, and you were!
Yes! I figured it out. Requesting permission to pat self on back...
Though you say her gender is "largely" irrelevant, does that mean it does have some relevance? I figure you wouldn't make that kind of gender distinction without it being for some special reason, intersex conditions like this are extremely rare after all.
On another note. How would you rate the power level of Tar-Baphon, the Whispering Tyrant, to that of the runelords? Particularly in regards to Sorshen and Xanderghul. I imagine he is extremely powerful since he managed to kill a god.
Any chance of seeing Tar-Baphon statted up when the mythic rules arrive? Any chance that we will see an AP where he actually breaks free from the Gallowspire?
Finally, are there any plans of doing a book about the most powerful characters of the Pathfinder CS based off of the mythic rules? I seem to recall you saying you were interested in doing one. I would love to see details for Nex, Geb and the other high level VIP's of the setting.

Bwang |

A) The Pathfinder Open Game Content site has a 'new and improved' Racial layout that appeals to my players. They particularly like the 'grouping' of racial traits into Offensive, Senses, etc.
1) does PF plan to incorporate that system into PF?
2) do you know anything about the layout beyond what can be gleaned by a simple glance over the entries?
B) As a special subscriber bonus/download, could a simple 'combat options' cheat card be generated? I have several players that just go numb when it comes their turn: "Uh, what things can I do?" I would leave out any complicated things, but note that there are more options out there. This is mainly a problem with new players and those who last played in the previous millennium.

Joana |

When using the PM system I accidentally blocked a fellow named DM Heterocephales. I cannot for the life of me figure out how to unblock him. Adding him to the address book gives nothing and I still cannot PM him.
Go to Address Book. At the bottom of the list click Show Blocked Senders. Click Unblock next to his name.
You're going to get a lot faster help asking this in Website Feedback rather than Asking James. :)
EDIT: Oh, actually, re-reading your post, your problem is that he has blocked you. You blocking him would keep him from sending you PMs but leave you free to PM him. Tell him to follow the steps above. They really shouldn't put Block This Sender right next to Reply. :)

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The Block Knight wrote:Yes.James Jacobs wrote:That's an oddly specific answer compared to your usual ballpark figure for most Mythic CR-related questions. Any reason for that?AlgaeNymph wrote:5) 29.
5. What's Hastur's CR?
Is Hastur more reptilian*, cephalapodic**, tattered, masked, and hobo like***, or an invisible psychic force****, to your imagination?
*Deities and Demigods

Shalafi2412 |

Shalafi2412 wrote:Mr. Jacobs has it been mentioned anywhere about what Calistria and her elven cleric's feel about the drow? I am thinking of making a cleric for the Second Darkness AP and would like more info on this. If not, what would you recommend on this? Many thanks!Calistria considers the drow to be weak. They're not able to resist the corrupting influence of demonic energies and are an example of what can happen if you don't have a strong enough sense of self to remain true to yourself. She's not likely to be a big fan of any drow who decide to worship her, and her church is pretty much the same way.
Thank you for taking your time to answer this! So would a cleric of Calistria fit well in the Second Darkness AP?