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Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Create Pit counts as "extra dimensional space" so would that mean an enemy couldn't teleport there way out of one since the spell doesn't allow interplanar travel?




Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Can a Cleric use a Wand for a spell that's on their Domain list but not their normal spell list (say Fly for the Travel Domain cleric). How about a Scroll?

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
zean wrote:
Create Pit counts as "extra dimensional space" so would that mean an enemy couldn't teleport there way out of one since the spell doesn't allow interplanar travel?

Ooh! On that note... What happens if a bag of holding falls into a extra-dimensional pit (like if the character carrying said bag falls into said pit)?


I don't believe any Pathfinder product has delved into it, but I was wondering if you could give some ideas on what Westcrown might be like on the Plane of Shadow? I'm going to be running Council of Thieves in the near future, and would like to incorporate it into the adventure path when I extend it past 13th-level, and am curious what you might think is there.

A friend posted this on Facebook. Looks like a real-life Darklands/Underdark.

Might be a good idea for someone at Paizo to pick up the book mentioned in the news article and give it a read. Could get some good creative juices flowing or help make a more 'accurate' portrayal of the Darklands.

Shadow Lodge

can a cleric with the family subdomain use the binding ties ability to absorb the lycanthropic state from a character?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Lord Fyre wrote:
Has Lisa recovered from the shock of the Lucas Arts sale?

I'm not sure she's that shocked... she's pretty delighted about it though!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Odraude wrote:

Fair enough. I've always wanted the shadow demon's magic jar to work like Malevolence. Would the Shadow Demon need a receptacle to posses someone?

Also, unrelated question. When readying an action (specifically to distract a spellcaster), can you still take attacks of opportunity before your readied action activates? Like, if someone moved passed you, or when an adjacent, prone enemy stands up.

Since the shadow demon's magic jar spell is a spell-like ability, it doesn't need any components or foci; it just jumps in a body and starts going to work.

As for the unrelated question: Yes.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

xevious573 wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

What happens when a changeling puts that on?

It switches gender.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Cheapy wrote:

Last night, you were bemoaning the lack of class features available to swap out for alternative classes for each deity's cleric. Do you think reducing the castings per day for all levels and monkeying around with the BAB and proficiencies could be enough? This could run into issues with how the deity-specific variant clerics get less spells than non-variant ones.

I suppose the underlying question is about how much "leeway" you believe a designer gets by reducing spellcasting, BAB, etc.

Meddling with things like BAB and the like is not a good way to do an archetype. If you have to mess with that, you should consider making a new class entirely. Archetypes generally only mess around with granted powers—messing with spells available is an option, but a really weird one, and in some cases nonsensical—why would the god of magic, for example, have clerics who can't cast as many spells as a generic one?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

AlgaeNymph wrote:

1. Is there a way to create non-rotting or -withered zombies?

2. You forgot this question last time. Given that doppelgangers can become whatever you want, and they are mind-readers, why wouldn't someone with the means have a harem made up of them? Why would the rich and lecherous bother with anything else (for reasons besides expendability)?

3. Do all runelords have runewell amulets? If so, are these unique as well?

4. Do spells with a target of "creature touched" work on recently dead monsters?

5. Would you count sending the Tarrasque to some middle-of-nowhere that limits its mobility (e.g., Plane of Water) via plane shift as defeating it?

6. Casting mage's disjunction doesn't just short out buffs and potentially magic items, it leaves a lingering field I can't cast into, correct?

1) Cast animate dead on a brand new body that has gentle repose cast on it.

2) A doppelganger harem would certainly have advantages other harems don't... but not everyone would be comfortable with that idea, nor would everyone value the ability to swap out their men and women when they're happy with the ones they have, and some might regard it as cheating. As with pretty much everything else, there's no one right answer to how to staff a harem.

3) Nope; not all of them do.

4) Nope; once a person is dead, it's an object, not a creature.

5) Sending the tarrasque to any other plane would count as defeating it.

6) Nope. I'm not seeing anything in the spell's description about "lingering fields." It's basically just a supercharged dispel magic.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

2 people marked this as a favorite.
zean wrote:

Create Pit counts as "extra dimensional space" so would that mean an enemy couldn't teleport there way out of one since the spell doesn't allow interplanar travel?




The extradimensional space created by the create pit spells is not a demiplane. It's an extension of whatever plane you're on, and it's physically connected to it. The pit only exists when it's connected in this way, and as such movement in and out of the pit does not bar teleportation and you can still fall into it if you're under a dimensional anchor.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

zean wrote:
Can a Cleric use a Wand for a spell that's on their Domain list but not their normal spell list (say Fly for the Travel Domain cleric). How about a Scroll?

Yes to the wand.

Yes to the scroll if you (like me) don't care about the difference between arcane scrolls and divine scrolls, but in the rules as written (unfortunately), the scroll needs to be divine for a cleric to use it. I think that keeping track and noting if a scroll is divine or arcane is unnecessary clutter that doesn't improve game play, though.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Memento Mortis wrote:
zean wrote:
Create Pit counts as "extra dimensional space" so would that mean an enemy couldn't teleport there way out of one since the spell doesn't allow interplanar travel?

Ooh! On that note... What happens if a bag of holding falls into a extra-dimensional pit (like if the character carrying said bag falls into said pit)?

Nothing, since the pit cannot exist without being connected to the plane it was created on. The bag just sits there on the pit floor until the spell ends.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Lucent wrote:


I don't believe any Pathfinder product has delved into it, but I was wondering if you could give some ideas on what Westcrown might be like on the Plane of Shadow? I'm going to be running Council of Thieves in the near future, and would like to incorporate it into the adventure path when I extend it past 13th-level, and am curious what you might think is there.

Not every location in the Material Plane has a manifestation on the Plane of Shadow.

We haven't revealed in print what's on the Plane of Shadow behind Westcrown, but the way things work, what's on the other side is generally a smaller version of important things on the Material Plane side.

Westcrown certainly has a lot of shadow-theemed elements to it, so there should be SOMETHING on the Plane of Shadow side. One option would be to move the Mother of Flies and her tree into the location on the Plane of Shadow.

But the MOST IMPORTANT thing that's happened in Westcrown is that this is where Aroden was supposed to return, but didn't. I'd say what's on the other side is the statue of Aroden, but it's all creepy and rotten and infested with powerful undead like nightwalkers, surrounded by a large but empty necropolis. Empty, save for undead shadows and the like, that is.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Tels wrote:

A friend posted this on Facebook. Looks like a real-life Darklands/Underdark.

Might be a good idea for someone at Paizo to pick up the book mentioned in the news article and give it a read. Could get some good creative juices flowing or help make a more 'accurate' portrayal of the Darklands.


That said... not going to make the Darklands "more accurate." They're great and perfect as they are.

James, we're on the same page there. I love that visual of a rusted and crumbling shadow of Aroden's statue, festooned with shadows and nightwalkers. I also like moving the Mother of Flies encounter to the Shadow Plane, and I might see what sorts of adjustments to the AP would need to be made to accommodate for this.

Thanks so much for the ideas!

The Exchange

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Hey a question about Mythic. Me and a friend of mine feel that to a small extent Karzoug kinda got screwed statblock wise due to him not being stated up after Mythic even though by all accounts, he did some pretty Mythical things.

I was wondering if you might have an in universe explanation for why Karzoug doesn't have any Mythic tiers though most of the rest of the Runelords do and even his archnemesis does.

Hi JJ, got a couple questions regarding the Grab(ex) ability.

Grab(ex), caps/bolded portions relevant portions:
If a creature with this special attack hits with the indicated attack (usually a claw or bite attack), it deals normal damage and attempts to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. Unless otherwise noted, grab can only be used against targets of a size equal to or smaller than the creature with this ability. If the creature can use grab on creatures of other sizes, it is noted in the creature's Special Attacks line.

The creature has the option to conduct the grapple normally, or simply to use the part of its body it used in the grab to HOLD the opponent. If it chooses to do the latter, it takes a –20 penalty on its CMB check to make and maintain the grapple, but does not gain the grappled condition itself.

A successful HOLD does not deal any extra damage unless the creature also has the constrict special attack. If the creature does not constrict, each successful grapple check it makes during successive rounds automatically deals the damage indicated for the attack that established the hold. Otherwise, it deals constriction damage as well (the amount is given in the creature’s descriptive text).

Creatures with grab receive a +4 bonus on combat maneuver checks made to start and maintain a grapple.

Unless otherwise noted, grab can only be used against targets of a size equal to or smaller than the creature with this ability. If the creature can use grab on creatures of other sizes, it is noted in the creature’s Special Attacks line.

1.) When opting to use the -20 option, you must decide when you hit with the initial Grab(ex) attack and remain with that option throughout the grapple, correct? ie. You can't switch to and from a regular grapple to the -20 on later rounds.

2.) When you select the -20 option, you do not gain the grappled condition, but your target does. Does this mean you do not have to 'maintain' the grapple on your next turn, and the creature will continue to be grappled? Or does this simply mean avoid the penalties of the grappled condition (You can take OAs, no -2 to attacks, no -4 Dex... etc) and nothing else?

3.) Grab (ex) damage paragraph. Does this damage take place regardless of whether you choose the regular Grab(ex) grapple or -20 option? The use of the word 'hold' in the -20 option and damage paragraph immediately after is throwing me for a loop here, I can't tell if these are referring to each other or not.


Paizo Employee Creative Director

doc the grey wrote:
can a cleric with the family subdomain use the binding ties ability to absorb the lycanthropic state from a character?

Nope. Lycanthropy is a template in this case, not a condition.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
xevious573 wrote:

Hey a question about Mythic. Me and a friend of mine feel that to a small extent Karzoug kinda got screwed statblock wise due to him not being stated up after Mythic even though by all accounts, he did some pretty Mythical things.

I was wondering if you might have an in universe explanation for why Karzoug doesn't have any Mythic tiers though most of the rest of the Runelords do and even his archnemesis does.

The whole POINT of Karzoug is that he's supposed to represent how bad-ass someone can get just with what's essentially the core rules. Had he lived a little longer back in Thassilon's time, he would have probably become mythic, but he didn't.

The three runelords who ARE mythic are either that way because they were runelords for a LOT LONGER than Karzoug (Xanderghul and Sorshen were runelords for all of Thassilon, while Karzoug was just the 5th or so runelord of Greed), or because they made some sketchy deals with powerful outsiders and other things (Alaznist) that Karzoug wasn't willing to do.

The fact that mythic stuff is beyond even the reach of 4/7ths of the Runelords is part of what makes mythic Mythic.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Rathyr wrote:

Hi JJ, got a couple questions regarding the Grab(ex) ability.

** spoiler omitted **

1.) When opting to use the -20 option, you must decide when you hit with the initial Grab(ex) attack and remain with that option throughout the grapple, correct? ie. You can't switch to and from a regular grapple to the -20 on later rounds.

2.) When you select the -20 option, you do not gain the grappled condition, but your target does. Does this mean you do not have to 'maintain' the grapple on your next turn, and the creature will continue to be grappled? Or does this simply mean avoid the penalties of the grappled condition (You can take OAs, no -2 to attacks, no -4 Dex... etc) and nothing else?

3.) Grab (ex) damage paragraph. Does this damage take place regardless of whether you choose the regular Grab(ex) grapple or -20 option? The use of the word 'hold' in the -20 option and damage paragraph immediately after is throwing me for a loop here, I can't tell if these are referring to each other or not.

1) You can switch to the -20 option whenever you want.

2) You still have to maintain the grapple.

3) The only thing the –20 option does is free up the rest of you to do other things. Grapple rules work the same regardless.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
Memento Mortis wrote:
zean wrote:
Create Pit counts as "extra dimensional space" so would that mean an enemy couldn't teleport there way out of one since the spell doesn't allow interplanar travel?

Ooh! On that note... What happens if a bag of holding falls into a extra-dimensional pit (like if the character carrying said bag falls into said pit)?

Nothing, since the pit cannot exist without being connected to the plane it was created on. The bag just sits there on the pit floor until the spell ends.

But you wouldn't be able to access the contents of the bag, since the Bag of Holding is inside another Extra Dimensional Space, correct?

Liberty's Edge

James Jacobs wrote:
AlgaeNymph wrote:

6. Casting mage's disjunction doesn't just short out buffs and potentially magic items, it leaves a lingering field I can't cast into, correct?
6) Nope. I'm not seeing anything in the spell's description about "lingering fields." It's basically just a supercharged dispel magic.

Mage's Disjunction

Duration 1 minute/level

We (forum people) had a discussion about what that duration mean some time ago. From what I recall we were incapable to reach a meaningful conclusion.

Found it, it was about time stop and Mage's disjunction.

The duration for Mage's Disjunction is for how long it suppresses magic items, when it's used in an area. It only disables items permanently if used to target a single magic item. Its duration should be "varies", or something like that.
Edit, to add: if you cast it on an area, and some magic items made their saves, and others don't, the ones that failed remain inactive for 1 minute/level, and any new magic items brought into the area during that time don't need to save. So not a "lingering aura", but rather a "lingering effect" on things that were in the area the instant it was cast.

Shadow Lodge

James Jacobs wrote:
doc the grey wrote:
can a cleric with the family subdomain use the binding ties ability to absorb the lycanthropic state from a character?
Nope. Lycanthropy is a template in this case, not a condition.

Really, it doesn't count as a condition as well since it's a disease as well? Like a cleric couldn't touch a volunteer before the full moon and then see if he goes through the shift? This of course would be something only for afflicted lycan's mind you and would come with all the associated penalties (i.e. your cleric is now a crazed killing machine outside of player control).

Second thing, when a cleric with the aforementioned subdomain takes on a disease could he cast remove disease on himself, cure it, and then leave the former victim cured as well?

Ex. cleric finds commoner with devil chills, uses touch ability, takes the disease, then casts remove disease on himself. When that timer expires does the commoner resume having devil chills or is he cured?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

2 people marked this as a favorite.
zean wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Memento Mortis wrote:
zean wrote:
Create Pit counts as "extra dimensional space" so would that mean an enemy couldn't teleport there way out of one since the spell doesn't allow interplanar travel?

Ooh! On that note... What happens if a bag of holding falls into a extra-dimensional pit (like if the character carrying said bag falls into said pit)?

Nothing, since the pit cannot exist without being connected to the plane it was created on. The bag just sits there on the pit floor until the spell ends.
But you wouldn't be able to access the contents of the bag, since the Bag of Holding is inside another Extra Dimensional Space, correct?

You would absolutely be able to access the bag's contents. Its extradimensional space is entirely portable and contained inside the bag, so as long as you have the bag, you can access its contents. There are certain effects that would prevent this, but create pit is not one of them—if it were, it would specifically mention that in the spell text.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
doc the grey wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
doc the grey wrote:
can a cleric with the family subdomain use the binding ties ability to absorb the lycanthropic state from a character?
Nope. Lycanthropy is a template in this case, not a condition.

Really, it doesn't count as a condition as well since it's a disease as well? Like a cleric couldn't touch a volunteer before the full moon and then see if he goes through the shift? This of course would be something only for afflicted lycan's mind you and would come with all the associated penalties (i.e. your cleric is now a crazed killing machine outside of player control).

Second thing, when a cleric with the aforementioned subdomain takes on a disease could he cast remove disease on himself, cure it, and then leave the former victim cured as well?

Ex. cleric finds commoner with devil chills, uses touch ability, takes the disease, then casts remove disease on himself. When that timer expires does the commoner resume having devil chills or is he cured?

I wouldn't allow the domain power to work on lycanthorpy any more than I would allow it to "turn off" a vampire's template. It's a disease and a curse that has significant rebuild effects on the target, and one that takes a pretty long time to manifest. There are other conditions as well that I wouldn't let the domain power work on—dead being one such example.

If a cleric takes a disease onto himself and then removes it, it ends. There's a line in the subdomain that says this: "At the end of the effect, the condition reverts to the original creature, unless it has ended or is removed by another effect."

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
zean wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Memento Mortis wrote:
zean wrote:
Create Pit counts as "extra dimensional space" so would that mean an enemy couldn't teleport there way out of one since the spell doesn't allow interplanar travel?

Ooh! On that note... What happens if a bag of holding falls into a extra-dimensional pit (like if the character carrying said bag falls into said pit)?

Nothing, since the pit cannot exist without being connected to the plane it was created on. The bag just sits there on the pit floor until the spell ends.
But you wouldn't be able to access the contents of the bag, since the Bag of Holding is inside another Extra Dimensional Space, correct?
You would absolutely be able to access the bag's contents. Its extradimensional space is entirely portable and contained inside the bag, so as long as you have the bag, you can access its contents. There are certain effects that would prevent this, but create pit is not one of them—if it were, it would specifically mention that in the spell text.

What about this rule?


Sovereign Court

I should preface this question with the fact that Legacy of Fire is the only Pathfinder AP I've ever successfully run in its entirety (with Kingmakar to hopefully follow in the next few months). I quite enjoyed it, and I was curious about one aspect of it that hasn't been re-tried since.

Namely, Achievement Feats. My players liked them quite a bit, and I did too. I thought they were very useful to get the players ready for certain aspects of the campaign without necessarily telling them what to expect. For example, I never had to have a conversation with my Ranger player as to what favored enemy he should pick; he saw the Achievement Feats and made a gnoll-killing Batman-inspired Ranger that turned out quite awesome.

So, any chance we'll ever see them pop up in a Pathfinder AP again, whether in their previous form or with some slight modifications (like an evolving campaign trait, or something like that)?

Are there profiles of the various iconic characters somewhere? The other day I was thinking it might be fun to play an AP in which each player played one of the iconics, so some official starting point for what they're each like would be useful. For this purpose, I'm much more interested in their personality and backstory than any info that might exist about their feat and spell selection, or whatever.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

4 people marked this as a favorite.
zean wrote:

What about this rule?


Heavy sigh.

Fine. If you want things to work that way, go for it.

I don't like that rule. It's basically a fragment left over from early days where the game designers were overly worried about people nesting too many bags of holding inside one another.

Frankly, the create pit spells are ALREADY TOO GOOD in my opinion for their current level. Allowing them to shut down extradimensional spaces or teleport effects goes too far.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Nameless wrote:

I should preface this question with the fact that Legacy of Fire is the only Pathfinder AP I've ever successfully run in its entirety (with Kingmakar to hopefully follow in the next few months). I quite enjoyed it, and I was curious about one aspect of it that hasn't been re-tried since.

Namely, Achievement Feats. My players liked them quite a bit, and I did too. I thought they were very useful to get the players ready for certain aspects of the campaign without necessarily telling them what to expect. For example, I never had to have a conversation with my Ranger player as to what favored enemy he should pick; he saw the Achievement Feats and made a gnoll-killing Batman-inspired Ranger that turned out quite awesome.

So, any chance we'll ever see them pop up in a Pathfinder AP again, whether in their previous form or with some slight modifications (like an evolving campaign trait, or something like that)?

The customer response to Achievement Feats is the reason we never did anything with them again. People were NOT, overall, fans of these feats. Some folks thought they were way too "video gamey" and thus had no real purpose in a pen-and-paper game, or even that they cheapened the pen-and-paper game. Others didn't like how much paperwork that they made the players track. Still others thought that they were too easy to abuse by spiteful GMs. There was a fair amount of this commentary, and not a lot of "woah, that's cool!" like we got for traits or haunts or several other things we tried out in the Adventure Path.

SINCE then, I've heard from some folks out there who did like them... but at the time, none of those folks really spoke up.

As a result, there's no plans to have Achievement Feats show up in Pathifnder.

We ARE going to be presenting a new history/story-based feat in Ultimate Campaign though.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Danny Kessler wrote:
Are there profiles of the various iconic characters somewhere? The other day I was thinking it might be fun to play an AP in which each player played one of the iconics, so some official starting point for what they're each like would be useful. For this purpose, I'm much more interested in their personality and backstory than any info that might exist about their feat and spell selection, or whatever.


We'll be printing similar backstories in NPC Codex. Including a bit more info on some of the earlier iconics (like Merisiel) who didn't get a big personalized backstory.


Why do you feel the Create Pit spells are too good?

My opinion on it is that most people who find the create pit spells are too good are doing so because they forget that the climb DCs are 5 or 15 less than listed.

Note: I am not saying you fall into that category. :)

- Gauss

Of the monsters you've made, what was your favorite to design?

James Jacobs wrote:

I don't like that rule. It's basically a fragment left over from early days where the game designers were overly worried about people nesting too many bags of holding inside one another.

I hope that you (and other people at Paizo) are making a list of 'left overs' from previous editions to cut out... you know, just in case Pathfinder 2.0 becomes a real thing ;)

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Gauss wrote:


Why do you feel the Create Pit spells are too good?

My opinion on it is that most people who find the create pit spells are too good are doing so because they forget that the climb DCs are 5 or 15 less than listed.

Note: I am not saying you fall into that category. :)

- Gauss

They're too good because they combine damage with lingering battlefield control. Even if you don't fall into a pit, the fact that it and the squares around it are hard to move through make it a worthwhile spell all on its own, and that's not counting the falling damage or the fact that even if the Climb DCs are easy, it still takes a few rounds for most creatures to get out.

And by "too good" I think that they're only about a level lower than they should be. Create Pit should probably be 3rd level, and the rest should bump up down the line.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Cheapy wrote:
Of the monsters you've made, what was your favorite to design?

The Demon Lords for the Demonomicon of Iggwilv, with a close second to the Lovecraftian monsters from Pathfinder #46.

Mr. James Jacobs,

Out of Curiosity. What is your marital status?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

The NPC wrote:

Mr. James Jacobs,

Out of Curiosity. What is your marital status?


1.) What's your favorite horror movie?
2.) What's your favorite candy?
3.) Do you dress up for Halloween? (If so, what's your costume this year?)

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Detect Magic wrote:

1.) What's your favorite horror movie?

2.) What's your favorite candy?
3.) Do you dress up for Halloween? (If so, what's your costume this year?)

1) Alien.

2) Reeses Peanut Butter Cups.

3) I don't dress up for Halloween.

1)I was reading AP#63(page 42) and found that there is a settlement of creatures called Khaei(from Innersea Bestiary), what are they?

2)Since the Innersea Bestiary isn't out yet what could I use as a replacement for these Khaei?

3)Will we get a preview for the Innersea Bestiary before subscribers(like myself) get there pdfs?

4)Will we ever see options for classes that allows us to pic and choose abilities we can replace for new abilities of about equal value? I mean any one or more, not like archtypes were several things are changed.

5)Will the animal archive book have any rules for any/many/most classes getting familiars and/or animal companions?

6)Why does the blood of the night have rules to play as true vampires?

7)Will the fey revisited book have any new info about the first world?

8)Will the races book for kobolds reveal there origin?

9)Will we ever see what Gnomes were like in the First World? or why they left?

Just wanted to say that I'm halfway through GMing your adventure "Souls for Smuggler's Shiv" and my three younger cousins (their first tabletop RPG game) and myself are really enjoying it!

Souls for Smugglers Shiv:
They love the "sandbox" type of style play that the adventure grants, but also the amount of realism thrown into it! They weren't expecting the diseases, having to find shelter, and dealing with having enough food for everyone! Also, all the surviving castaways have great personalities and are fun to roleplay! I compiled a bunch of Pathfinder/fantasy style jokes from the internet, and I use them for "Gelik's Joke of the Day" which they always look forward too!

My question to you is, are there any other adventures that you recommend that have this same style of gameplay? (Feel free to plug yourself! This adventure has been great so far!)

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

So, question. Why Alien Deinonychus Skeletons? Was it just because you wanted the Art of Merisiel fighting them? Why not regular Dinosaurs? Or Non-skeletal alien dinosaurs?

The spell "Suffocation" (APG) has a material component of "a vial containing a bit of the caster's breath", but doesn't list a cost with it.

Are these vials the 1 SP (low enough to eschew materials, high enough to need to keep track of) "vial" in the core rule book, or special fun sized vials that have negligible costs and are found in unlimited supply in any material component pouch?

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

James Jacobs wrote:
xevious573 wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

What happens when a changeling puts that on?

It switches gender.

Okay. But, given that Changelings are "female only" what race does it become?

You become the mythical male changeling, just like mythical male harpies. Changeling females will chase you for the rest of your days trying to breed with you .

- Gauss

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Gauss wrote:

You become the mythical male changeling, just like mythical male harpies. Changeling females will chase you for the rest of your days trying to breed with you.

- Gauss

Which leads to ...

"What is the male equivalent of a "Hag"?

A Hag coven can perform a ritual that transforms the Changeling into a Hag. Would that ritual still work on a "male" changeling?

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