GSL posted

4th Edition

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MerricB wrote:
Jeremy Mac Donald wrote:
MerricB wrote:
Ken Marable wrote:
MerricB wrote:
Unbelievably stupid.

I just gotta say, if Merric is calling WotC out, then they have seriously failed.

(And this is absolutely not a dig at you, I love your optimism. This just goes to show how much WotC has been bungling things lately that even their most optimistic fans are calling their actions "unbelievably stupid".)

You should see my reaction to the Gleemax blogs that was on EN World recently...


OK - I'd love to bite but I'm not going to wade through those forums searching. Mind providing a link.

I already did. :)


Yeah - I noticed. The problem is in a thread like this you pretty much have to reply when you see an interesting post because, by the time you've read to the end you'll have either forgotten what you were going to post about or lost the post you wanted to reply to.

vance wrote:
And all of this for what? The ability to have a small logo on the BACK of a product, as well as the legal page?

The new logo isn’t small. It’s a big, honking silver and red thing that makes a product look like it was published by WoTC. On the one hand, all of their products look uniform and they get all the credit for the third party products, but on the other, consumers won’t be blaming the lowest common denominator publishers if the products aren’t up to snuff, either.

I think the real nastiness of the GSL is the manner in which it was delivered. I kind of suspect that Wizards established some time ago that they did not particularly want to work with third parties on 4E. That's fine, they have every right to make that decision. However, announcing that would have cut the third parties loose to work on products that may compete with 4E. So they instead announce that they are working on the GSL but do not make any specifics available. The GSL is then not delivered until after 4E is on the market. Additionally, the terms of the GSL almost seem to say "You're not actually going to submit to these terms, are you?", keeping in mind that those terms specify that the terms can change at any time without notice. It all looks somewhat like an elaborate move to stall potential competitors from entering the market against 4E.

Maybe I'm just being overly cynical about this (my coffee didn't taste quite right this morning and that always makes me a little snarky). I guess I'll give them some measure of the benefit of the doubt until things have had a chance to settle down. One thing is for sure, it's going to be an interesting month watching what develops as a result of this.

From ENWorld

EN World member Amy Kou'al has translated the legalese of the GSL into something closer to the English language.

Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition Game System License

This is the GSL.

1. You have to send us a letter saying you accepted this license. After you send us your acceptance letter, if we don't get back to you within 14 days, you're good to go. Tell us if any information changes or you might have to send us another one. You can't sell anything before October 1, though.

2. We can update the license whenever we want. It's up to you to make sure you're in compliance.

3. You can only use this license to make hardback or softback books, or electronic books. You can also make anything else to support those books unless we say you can't in Section 5.5.

4. You can use our stuff for free, but you have to follow our rules.

4.1. You can refer to everything we list in the SRD, but you can't redefine any terms in said SRD. You can add more stuff relating to those terms, though. We can update the SRD whenever we want. It's up to you to make sure you're in compliance.

4.2. You have to use our logo on your books. You can use it for other stuff too.

5. Requirements and limitations.

5.1. You can't use our trademarked stuff except in referring to the game and the core books.

5.2. Cut and paste this text block in your book's front somewhere. It has to be readable.

5.3. Cut and paste this text block in your ads. It's okay if some people can't read it unless they wear glasses.

5.4. You can't sell any books until October 1. If you do, you don't get to play. You can tell people you have books coming though.

5.5. You can't sell any web sites, computer-y things, miniatures or character creators that use our stuff. You also can't talk about character creation or leveling, claim to be part of the core books, point to our art, or reprint our core rules text. You also can't use our stuff in something that doesn't play by these rules.

5.6. You can't sell the contents of the SRD or definitions of what's in it.

5.7. You can't use our art.

6. OGL stuff.

6.1. You can convert your stuff to GSL, but you can't sell your old OGL stuff, except for your back stock. You can't convert back ever.

6.2. You can't weasel out of 6.1 either.

6.3. If you try, you don't get to play anymore.

7. Your stuff has to be relatively tame. That means no gore, no sex, and no social injustice, unless we're talking elves hating dwarves. Don't harass anyone or explain how to do something illegal.

8. Don't do anything illegal, either.

9. We get free copies of your stuff if we ask!

10. Ownership stuff.

10.1. We still own all the stuff we own. You can't use any of the stuff we own unless we let you. FYI: This includes the core rules and the SRD.

10.2. If you use someone else's stuff, we're not responsible.

10.3. You have to help us protect all the stuff we own, but we'll pay you. You can't legally argue that we don't own what we own. Don't break what we own either.

10.4. If you break the rules, you have to pay us.

11. Breaking things off.

11.1 We'll send you a note if we're breaking up. If we change our minds about everything we'll tell everyone.

11.2. Everything that seems like it can be permanencied, is.

11.3. If we say you can't play anymore, you have to get rid of everything yourself. You can't pretend like we didn't break up with you, either. If you ask us, we might let you keep some of the stuff you made, though.

11.4. If you break the rules, we might have to go to court. You have to pay us for that too.

12.a. You have to tell people that you own all your own stuff, unless it's somebody else's.

12.b. You can't agree to all this stuff for someone else who's not you.

12.c. You can't agree to this if it means you'd have to break some other agreement.

12.d. You can't violate anyone else's copyright.

12.e. You can't violate anyone's privacy or say anything bad about them.

12.f. You have to do what the government says if they're helping us.

13. We don't guarantee anything.

14. If someone else blames us for your stuff, you have to say it's your fault.

15. You can play, but that doesn't necessarily mean we're friends unless we talk first.

16. You can't tell someone else that they're allowed to use this license.

17. If you break the rules and we ignore you, that doesn't necessarily mean we're going to ignore you next time.

18. You can make your stuff and we can make our stuff, but you can't blame us if our stuff competes with your stuff. We can also ask other people to use their stuff that you might already be using, and you can't complain.

19. If we have to go to court, we're gonna do it in our backyard. No jury, though.

20. If the judge says part of this license is illegal, you still have to play by the rest of it.

21. That's it. We'll call you if anything changes.

Michael Donovan wrote:

...I find it highly unlikely that anyone at WotC will grow a pair and own up to how badly the GSL debacle has been handled.

I find this a little over the line. Yes, it's been handled poorly. To say the least. That doesn't mean the people at Wizards need to be insulted for it. The got tasked with changing D&D, and they did. For the better, in their eyes. The legal department takes longer than expected on their end. Much longer. And everyone gets blamed. Now it's finally released. And they get blamed.

I dislike fourth edition. I have yet to play it, but it does not look like a game I enjoy. I dislike the GSL. I have yet to publish under it(and I probably never will), but it does not look like something that's fair to both sides. I will never agree to anything where part of the agreement is "I can change the rules at any time, without telling you, and you're expected to follow them." It doesn't fit my view of what the game license should be.

That said, I do not doubt the testicular fortitude(and whatever the saying is for women) of anyone at Wizards. They made their game. They're taking steps to defend their game. Too far? Perhaps. But only time will tell.

JasonKain wrote:
Michael Donovan wrote:

...I find it highly unlikely that anyone at WotC will grow a pair and own up to how badly the GSL debacle has been handled.

I find this a little over the line. Yes, it's been handled poorly. To say the least. ...

That said, I do not doubt the testicular fortitude(and whatever the saying is for women) of anyone at Wizards. They made their game. They're taking steps to defend their game. Too far? Perhaps. But only time will tell.

I'm a little bitter :) Ok, a lot bitter. :) But, my point is that they will not admit they've goofed the job (as is common with most corporate types). They will instead steadfastly defend their position, however unpleasant such may be. Such is more delusional compulsion than righteous fortitude.

As far as insulting goes, yeah, ok - that was rude of me. I'm sure WotC has some well-meaning people. Unfortunately, I think they are overshadowed by the evil ones responsible for the GSL... Gah! Can't shake the bitterness... :/

Pop'N'Fresh wrote:

I'd say the GSL rules are good and bad. Good in that they force 3rd party publishers to actually produce high quality, playtested material. Bad in that there ultimately will be less material out there as some publishers will not purchase the GSL and thus, not make anything.

I'm going to look at this as an aggressive move by WotC, but not necessarily a bad move. 3.5 was a decent game system, but when you compared a lot of the WotC books with some 3rd party publishers books, you could definately see the differences in quality. Eventually, the market got so flooded and so many books were produced, that it became standard practice to spend 20 mins or more each game session waiting for player's to find a rule or item or spell they had on their character sheet.

One quibble with your point about quality. There are plenty of 3rd-party products (say like Pathfinder) that are superior to the splats and adventures WotC was putting out. One of the common criticisms of 3.x is that power creep in later supplements diminished the importance of core classes, races, etc. If everything WotC did was playtested and subjected to the core-rulebook quality measure, that shouldn't have been the case.

And market glut or lack thereof has no bearing on game time. If the GM isn't disciplined enough to say what will or won't be allowed in the game, that's the fault of the GM - not the publishers (WotC or 3rd-party).

bugleyman wrote:
Watcher wrote:
bugleyman wrote:

Enworld seems to be pushing a "no big deal" slant, which I find surprising. For all the talk of ENWorld bias, I had usually found them to be quite fair.


I've been reading the industry forums section of EnWorld (because I assume the zealous moderators would be booting discussion of the GSL there, and is there's been plenty to be found).

Most of what I read is negative.

Not frothing at the mouth negative, and everybody is being mature and adult, but the "stiff upper lip" pragmatic posts seem to be in the minority to the "gosh this sucks buttock" consensus.

Yup, but most of what I read was in the "How will a lack of third party support affect your 4E plans?" thread and not the main GSL or the "reap what you sow" ones.

I'd read the rest, but I've got a a bunch of work to knock out today. Freakin real life. ;-)

You know, Bugley just reminded me of something. (Thanks, Bugley)

In the early part of the year, back whe the GSL was "just around the corner" and guesses on how restrictive the GSL (then still called OGL) would/would not be there were a few interesting opinions being floated around:

1. A WotC staffer (can't recall who), frustrated with the negative accusations being labeled at WotC for the rebranding of the OGL to GSL and the poorly-explained delay said (I'm paraphrasing from memory) something along the lines of "WotC didn't even have to have a gaming license. You people should be happy there's going to be one."

2. The GSL-will-be-restrictive speculators theorized that WotC was trying to clamp down on "competitor" products like OGL games such as Mutants & Masterminds, Conan, Arcana Evolved, etc.

3. The GSL-will-be-fine-WotC-has-no-malicious-motives camp opined that 3rd-party books sold so much less than WotC D&D books that they weren't worth WotC's notice.

Since the GSL is now out, I have two questions:

#1 - If 3rd-party sales are so significant by comparison to D&D, why on Earth did Hasbro/WotC make such a bonehead move in making the GSL so damn restrictive? They certainly aren't hurting competiting game companies like White Wolf, SJ Games, etc. with the GSL.

#2 - (Assuming I'm recalling the gist of the WotC staffer's post correctly from months ago) Does anyone really feel satisfied with the GSL as written, let alone "grateful"?

Full Disclosure: I'm much more of a pro-3rd-party guy than a WotC fan. I am apparently the poster-child for Ryan Dancey's theory that non-WotC D&D products will still drive WotC sales. I would never have purchased my 3.0 and 3.5 rulebooks and supplements were it not for Freeport, Grim Tales, Conan, etc.

Kruelaid wrote:
Jeremy Mac Donald wrote:
I also hate the provision in the GSL that pretty much says no sexual situations. WTF is up with that.
Ahhh, yes, the Nick Logue clause.

I like to think of it as the No Greek Gods and Goddesses Clause.

The Nick Logue clause wouls speak, specifically, to nipple clamps.

There. I said it.

Paizo Employee Director of Game Development

Lou wrote:
There. I said it.

...from experience.

Michael Donovan wrote:
JasonKain wrote:
Michael Donovan wrote:

...I find it highly unlikely that anyone at WotC will grow a pair and own up to how badly the GSL debacle has been handled.

I find this a little over the line. Yes, it's been handled poorly. To say the least. ...

That said, I do not doubt the testicular fortitude(and whatever the saying is for women) of anyone at Wizards. They made their game. They're taking steps to defend their game. Too far? Perhaps. But only time will tell.

I'm a little bitter :) Ok, a lot bitter. :) But, my point is that they will not admit they've goofed the job (as is common with most corporate types). They will instead steadfastly defend their position, however unpleasant such may be. Such is more delusional compulsion than righteous fortitude.

As far as insulting goes, yeah, ok - that was rude of me. I'm sure WotC has some well-meaning people. Unfortunately, I think they are overshadowed by the evil ones responsible for the GSL... Gah! Can't shake the bitterness... :/

Sometimes, it takes a while for the silver lining to become obvious to me... The good part of the 4e GSL is that it will undoubtedly drive more people to the fine work of Paizo and other good OGL publishers who actually get it.

Bitterness fading now... :)

12.c. You can't agree to this if it means you'd have to break some other agreement.

If interpreted by this fellow correctly, won't 12c stop people with agreements with Paizo, that the GSL would force them to break, from taking the GSL?

Gah. What a poopy sentence. I've been reading too much GSL.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Tatterdemalion wrote:
Lisa Stevens wrote:
We actually broke out the champagne last Friday when my awesome staff got all those amazing books off to the printer so they will be there in time for GenCon. Oh, and cake too. Champagne and cake. Yummy.


You do have the best staff in the business -- professional, incredibly talented, they love RPGs, and (for lack of a better phrase) they love their customers.

Not every company in the industry can lay claim to all those qualities.

Oh, don't I know that! I have an axiom of business that states, you will be successful in business no matter what industry you are in IF you surround yourself with great people. Happily, I think we are hitting critical mass at Paizo! :)

Just to tease you guys a little more, we have a new employee coming onboard in a few weeks. A press release should be out in a week or so, but I am going to give you a hint. This employee worked with me at WotC. It kind of feels like I'm putting the band back together...the band.

::exit to the Peter Gunn theme song::


Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

tadkil wrote:
tadkil wrote:
My issue is that the entire business plan seems soaked in the blood of innocents.
And Lisa, I apologize if this line breaks the boundaries of civility here. However, I am experiencing a condition diagnosed as GSL Tourette's.

Take two Pathfinder products and call me in the morning! :)


Liberty's Edge

Lisa ... you, um ... you look like Vic ...

The Exchange Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 6


(At least I can dream, since he's between jobs right now - and worked with you at WotC)

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Vic Wertz wrote:
Tatterdemalion wrote:
Lisa Stevens wrote:
We actually broke out the champagne last Friday when my awesome staff got all those amazing books off to the printer so they will be there in time for GenCon. Oh, and cake too. Champagne and cake. Yummy.


You do have the best staff in the business -- professional, incredibly talented, they love RPGs, and (for lack of a better phrase) they love their customers.

Not every company in the industry can lay claim to all those qualities.

Oh, don't I know that! I have an axiom of business that states, you will be successful in business no matter what industry you are in IF you surround yourself with great people. Happily, I think we are hitting critical mass at Paizo! :)

Just to tease you guys a little more, we have a new employee coming onboard in a few weeks. A press release should be out in a week or so, but I am going to give you a hint. This employee worked with me at WotC. It kind of feels like I'm putting the band back together...the band.

::exit to the Peter Gunn theme song::


hmmm... Wondering if Vic and Lisa have been the same person this whole time?.... Has anyone seen them in the same place at the same time?...;-)

Paizo Employee CEO

That's what I get for posting on Vic's computer! Stupid automatic login!!! :)


Dark Archive

Fake Healer wrote:
Robert N. Emerson wrote:

Now the scary part is that I hope you are talking Shamanistic traditions or Shadowrun and not latext, swing sets, and goodness knows what else my twist mind can remember or think of in the next few moments.

You got a problem with Latex, sex swings and nipple clamps? Oh, you didn't.....bring up.....nipple clamps..........


Here. Seoni in black leathers and whips. ;)


I saw you at GenCon 06. Watched you present at the Ennies Awards, listened to you talk to others, and many times it struck me that you sounded like you would be a good person to work for. I suddenly feel convinced that is true.


Now that I think of it, the great quality of Paizo and just the over all attitude of everyone I listened to at GenCon 06 and have read the comments of on these boards proves that they have had a great leader and a solid crew.

So now I find myself wishing that I had the job skills and the situation needed to allow me to come work there too.

Another "silver lining" for the GSL ticking me off so badly? I won't have the 4E system competing for my all to small gaming dollars. So I will be able to subscribe to Pathfinder again, and catch up on all the other modules and cool Game MAstery products, all the sooner because of it.

So I guess I should thank WOTC for ticking me off as badly as they have.


Just to tease you guys a little more, we have a new employee coming onboard in a few weeks. A press release should be out in a week or so, but I am going to give you a hint. This employee worked with me at WotC. It kind of feels like I'm putting the band back together...the band.

::exit to the Peter Gunn theme song::

My guess is: Sean K Reynolds!

Sean is also waiting for a public announcement before he can talk about his new job...


But I assume that no one can confirm or deny that at the moment. :D

The Exchange

BabbageUK wrote:
Robert N. Emerson wrote:
Chris Self wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:

The cake is a lie.

Your vile slandering of the cake is the lie!'s the grief counseling that's the real lie.

At least the offer wasn't, Cake or Death...;)
Cake or Death: Eddie Izzard! What do I win? Huh? HUH? :)

This brings tears to my eyes.....100% true.

The Exchange

Robert N. Emerson wrote:
Alex Draconis wrote:
Knowing is half the battle? }: P

Oh, here we are, how sad a bunch of elderly nerds we are; ain't we?

Bustin' out Izzardisms, G.I. Joe stuff, I wonder which is next, some ol' school BSG stuff, Thundarr, or some Space: 1999?


We're the princes of the universe...

Hey Man! Space 1999 Rocks! Miya can turn into a bird!

panos71 wrote:

Just to tease you guys a little more, we have a new employee coming onboard in a few weeks. A press release should be out in a week or so, but I am going to give you a hint. This employee worked with me at WotC. It kind of feels like I'm putting the band back together...the band.

::exit to the Peter Gunn theme song::

My guess is: Sean K Reynolds!

Sean is also waiting for a public announcement before he can talk about his new job...


But I assume that no one can confirm or deny that at the moment. :D

I hope this is true. That would be AWESOME!!

tadkil wrote:


Back before 3.0, there was this industry of other games. We all played Shadowrun, Rolemaster, Champions, Mechwarrior, Runequest, Pendragon, MERP, Traveller etc. Y'all can probabaly list a dozen more. Many companies developed their own game systems because they had to. Most tanked. Some held onto a marginal market share. Some prospered.

What the GSL does is force companies like Paizo to go out on their own and build there own gamesystems, either through adaptation of the OGL or through development of another rules set. Paradigm is doing that right now with Witch Hunter and Arcanis.

Well if the results of a GSL is that we have a much diverse RPG market in which many new systems can be created and flourish, I right damn say its a good thing. Not every game we play should be a d20 derivative.

I for one look forward to a much diverse and rich RPG market , so much for the d20 bloat.

panos71 wrote:

My guess is: Sean K Reynolds!

Sean is also waiting for a public announcement before he can talk about his new job...


But I assume that no one can confirm or deny that at the moment. :D

lojakz wrote:
I hope this is true. That would be AWESOME!!

QFT! Paizo = RPG Dream Team :) And they just keep getting dreamier.

The Exchange

lojakz wrote:
panos71 wrote:

Just to tease you guys a little more, we have a new employee coming onboard in a few weeks. A press release should be out in a week or so, but I am going to give you a hint. This employee worked with me at WotC. It kind of feels like I'm putting the band back together...the band.

::exit to the Peter Gunn theme song::

My guess is: Sean K Reynolds!

Sean is also waiting for a public announcement before he can talk about his new job...


But I assume that no one can confirm or deny that at the moment. :D

I hope this is true. That would be AWESOME!!

That sounds like a pretty good guess.....pretty darn good.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2009 Top 8

lojakz wrote:
panos71 wrote:

Just to tease you guys a little more, we have a new employee coming onboard in a few weeks. A press release should be out in a week or so, but I am going to give you a hint. This employee worked with me at WotC. It kind of feels like I'm putting the band back together...the band.

::exit to the Peter Gunn theme song::

My guess is: Sean K Reynolds!

Sean is also waiting for a public announcement before he can talk about his new job...


But I assume that no one can confirm or deny that at the moment. :D

I hope this is true. That would be AWESOME!!

That would be awesome. I love Sean's stuff.

Liberty's Edge

If it's Reynolds, that'll be pretty kick-ass!

Sovereign Court


09.30 GMT Wellard reads GSL carefully wading through legalese

11.00 Wellard finishes reading GSL

11.05 Wellard downloads Pathfinder Alpha...says it all really

Virgin, or not, you are welcome here.

We will not hold your inexperience against you.

Welcome to the Paizo forums. Cookies will inevitably follow.

Scarab Sages

Fake Healer wrote:

It's gonna be real hard for them to put a cap on 'Drow'. 'Oh not the D&D Drow, the Everquest drow is our influence' or any of the other myriad of usages recently. Not to mention that Drow is quite an ancient term in legend and myth. I misremember what type of creature it was in reference to exactly but.....

Check out The Drow on Wikipedia.

The Exchange

As a side note, I think everything that was done by WotC is in stark opposition to the way Paizo is handling the same problem. WotC shut all doors and made sure no one had an opinion to how they went forth with...err...fourth. Paizo on the otherhand opened the doors to everyone (with an opinion) to solve the 3rd Edition ills (using dialogue too!). The GSL is running the exact tempo that this whole thing started with, cold and encircled in NDA corporate manipulations. It does seem strange that a game company thinks they know what their customers want by simply "not listening to them." They didn't even give "us", the gamers, a choice! They did it in secret and at last minute sprang a marketing extravaganza to get us excited about ditching something that already worked (mostly).

Paizo. They listened to us instead. They made a decision based on what we told them we wanted. They then went ahead for better or worse in that direction. They continue to talk straight to us, and we to them. I feel weird in saying this, but this company, Paizo, feels like a gang of buddies I have known all my life, whom decided to build a company (for laughs), and just plain were down to earth and respectful enough to pass themselves off as "public servants for the greater good." I don't feel like Paizo is a company, but more a friend. I guess I am being silly, but I can't think of any better compliment that a business can receive.

I am not sure how it can happen that player and game designer can stand side by side in harmony, but here it is.

The GSL has shown everyone that WotC is no longer friendly to the hobby. It has also shown that whoever controls the soul of the game is no longer considered friendly to WotC. My only wish for the future is to see this GSL destroyed and all who defend it (with a straight face).

Zee End

P.S. I am buying the core boxed set off of Amazon, I will keep it as momento as to what killed my 3rd Edition addiction. Unfortunately, I already had a Paizo addiction. Was sorta hoping Paizo would go 4th Edition (in a desire to be human again kinda thing) so I would stop syphoning my cash to RPGs. I should have known better. In their usual Paizo way, their great products are evenly matched by their marketing surprises.

Dark Archive


I know it for sure, it is Sean K. Reynolds!

Just use your Google Fu for Sean K. Reynolds and Paizo and you will see!


Dark Archive

crosswiredmind wrote:

The GSL wont do anything but drive the demand for closed licensing. That was my point.

Its not even going to do that. More than a few publishers arent going to risk their crown jewels of their IP to this license. Why would you when you cant go back and teh rug can be ripped out from under you at any time for any reason?

carmachu wrote:
crosswiredmind wrote:

The GSL wont do anything but drive the demand for closed licensing. That was my point.

Its not even going to do that. More than a few publishers arent going to risk their crown jewels of their IP to this license. Why would you when you cant go back and teh rug can be ripped out from under you at any time for any reason?

I think what CWM is saying is that any publisher who does wish to publish 4e stuff and protect their interests will negotiate a separate closed individual license with WotC. These licenses wont look anything like the GSL. The GSL, as far as my non-lawyerly monkey brain can tell, is basically a ragged bone thrown to the 3rd party publishing community so that WotC can say, "Hey there's a license to publish out there, if you want to use it fine, if not, oh well."

I have a feeling any smart, well respected 3pps wouldn't publish anything under 4e without seeking a closed license. The interesting part is how that very community will deal with this shift in paradigm.

Dark Archive

Patrick Curtin wrote:

I think what CWM is saying is that any publisher who does wish to publish 4e stuff and protect their interests will negotiate a separate closed individual license with WotC. These licenses wont look anything like the GSL. The GSL, as far as my non-lawyerly monkey brain can tell, is basically a ragged bone thrown to the 3rd party publishing community so that WotC can say, "Hey there's a license to publish out there, if you want to use it fine, if not, oh well."

What makes you and him think the 800 pound gorilla is going to WANT to negociate a seperate Liscense with the good 3rd party companies? Thats wishful thinking as far as I can tell.

I think your last line is the most accurate. I think thats as far as WOTC is goingto go....use it or dont.

Sovereign Court

Xesius wrote:
I am not sure how it can happen that player and game designer can stand side by side in harmony, but here it is.

What a marvelous way to describe PAIZO's relationship with the dungeons and dragons fanbase! Well done.

This relationship is what I hope will be soon known by the millions of other gamers that may still be unaware that they do not need to follow wotc, and their nasty practices, anymore.

Again, well said.

The Exchange

Pax Veritas wrote:
Xesius wrote:
I am not sure how it can happen that player and game designer can stand side by side in harmony, but here it is.

What a marvelous way to describe PAIZO's relationship with the dungeons and dragons fanbase! Well done.

This relationship is what I hope will be soon known by the millions of other gamers that may still be unaware that they do not need to follow wotc, and their nasty practices, anymore.

Again, well said.

Thank You Pax, I am sure they will. That is why this Sean K. Reynold's thing is such a treat. We can ask him what his handle is on WoW. Hahah.


Fake Healer wrote:
Lords of light! :)

Ariel! Ookla! RIIIDE!

Pax Veritas wrote:
This relationship is what I hope will be soon known by the millions of other gamers that may still be unaware that they do not need to follow wotc, and their nasty practices, anymore.

But how would they find out, considering that there's no (print) Dragon or Dungeon magazines anymore? Ie. how would Paizo advertise/communicate to them?

carmachu wrote:

What makes you and him think the 800 pound gorilla is going to WANT to negociate a seperate Liscense with the good 3rd party companies? Thats wishful thinking as far as I can tell.

I think your last line is the most accurate. I think thats as far as WOTC is goingto go....use it or dont.

Oh I agree. I don't think they will be all that willing, I just think that's the route any self-respecting 3pp company would go if they want to participate in 4e. Personally, I think it is going to backfire on them, but only time will tell.

Dark Archive

There is one good thing about this GSL release.
It has ended with the edition war here in this boards. I see less angry posting and less people arguing since then.

The Exchange

elnopintan wrote:

There is one good thing about this GSL release.

It has ended with the edition war here in this boards. I see less angry posting and less people arguing since then.

Now that is a very good point, glad all those 3rd edition people finally got what was coming....uuh, uhu, ok, yay 3rd Edition. I always did love 3rd Edition.

Robert N. Emerson wrote:

Oh, here we are, how sad a bunch of elderly nerds we are; ain't we?

Bustin' out Izzardisms, G.I. Joe stuff, I wonder which is next, some ol' school BSG stuff, Thundarr, or some Space: 1999?


We're the princes of the universe...

Here we belong - fighting to survive in a world with the darkest powers!

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Callum wrote:
Robert N. Emerson wrote:

Oh, here we are, how sad a bunch of elderly nerds we are; ain't we?

Bustin' out Izzardisms, G.I. Joe stuff, I wonder which is next, some ol' school BSG stuff, Thundarr, or some Space: 1999?


We're the princes of the universe...

Here we belong - fighting to survive in a world with the darkest powers!

And here we are, We're the princes of the universe

*Gotta love Queen

Liberty's Edge

Zuxius wrote:
The GSL has shown everyone that WotC is no longer friendly to the hobby. It has also shown that whoever controls the soul of the game is no longer considered friendly to WotC. My only wish for the future is to see this GSL destroyed and all who defend it (with a straight face).

No need to wish for the metaphorical destruction. There is a much worse fate for a licensing scheme: irrelevance.

Have we been spoiled by the freedom that many publishers took advantage of to release 3.0/3.5 compatible products? Yup.
Are we ready to return to a closed system, where the reduced output will mean that there will be fewer gems and fewer duds? I'm not and the next 2 years will show how many gamers are.

As noted above in the thread, the provisions of the GSL make perfect sense in preparation for a sale of the D&D brand. I can easily imagine an investor looking at the OGL and going "wait a minute, do you mean that the core mechanics WotC developed can be used by anyone for free and for ever? Sorry, I think I left the oven on. Don't call me, I'll call you."

Chris Self wrote:

Vance and MarkusTay touched on some points of this, but I wanted to make some more clarification. From what I've been able to gather from my reading of the GSL, the problem is this: the GSL allows WotC to redefine the SRD at will. The SRD tells you what is protected content (content that you cannot use except by referencing it in the SRD). The protection is also retroactive to already existing products.

So...Let's play the possible future scenario game. Let's say that Game Company signs the GSL agreement, waits their two weeks after sending in their agreement, and assumes that WotC has received it.

They publish a book that creates two new classes, the Monster Slayer and the Magic User, as well as three new monsters, the Uber Rat, Pointy Thing, and Monstrous Humanoid.

The Uber Rat and the Magic User are big hits! The fans love them. Game Company puts out a couple more books...

Hey Chris, and anyone else capable of getting to the WotC forums right now, has there been any offical responce to this concern?

I'm not worried about the more paranoid position that this somehow allows Wizards to steal IP, because the liscense simply doesn't allow that. But there are logical ways this situation could come about without any malice intended on either party.

Say, if somebody printed a Samurai class now and in two years an Oriental based Player's Handbook comes out with an offical version, and I would really like to hear an offical opinion from someone at WotC on this situation.

Scarab Sages

carmachu wrote:
What makes you and him think the 800 pound gorilla is going to WANT to negotiate a separate Licence with the good 3rd party companies? Thats wishful thinking as far as I can tell.

When no-one signs up to the GSL?

When the DDI is still 'pending'?

When the customers start asking where the adventures are?

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