Pathfinder Module: Ire of the Storm (PFRPG)

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Pathfinder Module: Ire of the Storm (PFRPG)
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Tempest of Doom!

Pridon's Hearth is Sargava's newest colony, pushing the country's borders further south than ever before and attracting treasure-hunters, fortune-seekers, and troubled souls hoping for a fresh start. But unnaturally powerful storms rock the tiny settlement just as the local lizardfolk tribe declares war on the colonists within. Are these threats somehow related? What became of the heretical cult of Gozreh that journeyed to the region a century ago, and do its corrupt teachings hold the key to calming the growing hurricane? Can the heroes protect the growing community from raging tempests and hostile monsters alike? And what role does the shadowy Aspis Consortium play in these recent dangers? These challenges and more await heroes willing to face down the Ire of the Storm!

Designed for use with Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, this adventure is packed with excitement and unique personalities! Written by rising star Thurston Hillman, Ire of the Storm is a deluxe adventure for 1st-level characters, and includes 64 action-packed pages of tropical dangers, jungle ruins, and two new monstrous foes, plus a gorgeous double-sided poster map featuring the Sargavan colony of Pridon's Hearth and an exploration map providing an overview of the entire surrounding region.

Players can expect to reach 6th level upon completion of this adventure—or wind up food for all manner of scaly menaces!

ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-830-4

Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Sanctioned Content
Ire of the Storm is sanctioned for use in Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild.

Download the rules and Chronicle sheets — (365 kb zip/PDF)

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Note: This product is part of the Pathfinder Adventure Subscription.

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5.00/5 (based on 8 ratings)

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Superb varied module


This 'mini campaign' is the 1st adventure my group has played after graduating from the beginner's box to the full rules.
Party consists of :Half-Elf Druid, Aasimar Paladin, Grippli Inquisitor.
I started them at Lvl2, as they are 1 PC down (Questionable, given the Druid, but that's by-the-rules adjustment).

What a brilliant module ! This has a unique vibe & theme; primitive, swampy, malaria-riddled colonial outpost.
It's got a perfect blend of Role-playing social encounters, Dungeon-Crawling & Hexploration. So many of the NPCs & even nominal 'monsters' are interesting & offer multiple ways to engage/ negotiate/ overcome/ destroy.
There are loads of plot & personality hooks that you can run with & the organisation is generally very good.
My players really engaged with the settings, plot & NPCs & are now entering the final map of the adventure at level 5, pushing level 6.
I'd honestly be hard-pushed to recommend a better 2nd adventure for players who have perhaps a short introductory adventure under their belt.

I should add that this is a home game, not organised play & it's taken us ages to get through, but this is not a bad thing & more a reflection of the fact that this is quite a casual group, rather than anything to do with the module per-se. In some ways, it's a complement, because the adventure has so many hooks & interesting characters that the players naturally engage with them & that ends up taking a bit longer.

Ire of the Storm - Fantastic!


This is one of the best modules / adventures I've played.
Intriguing plot with mystery
Variety of play in each chapter, including combination of quests, sandbox & crawl
Fantastic NPCs & town

Highly recommended

The long haul!


I got the chance to play this module as part of a 24 hour fundraiser, so we played the entire thing straight through. As such, details are hard to come by.

We had a full party most of the night (6 people) and still faced challenges and had fun the entire time.

The NPCs made an impression throughout the entire adventure, spinning off multiple recurring jokes and helping to develop our own (brand new) characters.

The setting was also great to play in - an area that hasn't been explored nearly as much as it could be.

Great flavor, some questionable filler


Update: I was able to play the module recently, albeit modified to fit into a more reasonable day. I think we completed it in about 11 hours, but we also had cut a number of the encounters. Exploration remains very long. I was glad that we cut out several sections for time.

Original review:
I had a much more in-depth post, but the website ate it. I ran this module as part of a 24 hour fundraiser event.

Fort Breakthrough: Solid first level adventure, very engaging to the party. Est run time: 4.5 hours.

Storm: Perfection. Very quick, but the players really engaged with the town in a way no other adventure ever has. The players absolutely loved Oyin and I loved how much a mundane cat added to the personality of the adventure. The subsystem was basically run over by the party of 6, who would have had enough successes for the best result even if they skipped everything after the skill check section. Est run time: 1.5 hours.

Out of town: LONG! Probably two sessions of content. Some excessive filler, IMO, that didn't particularly advance the story (esp. the coral capuchin thing). Travel to set pieces means you have to spend a lot of time re-establishing what the players are doing. Weather was interesting for a while, but really frustrated the archer in the group. Est run time: 9 hours.

Sky Tempest Temple: We were exhausted by this point, so I'm unable to be completely fair to the content here. The only thing that truly mattered to me was the MIREBORN LIZARDFOLK CHAMPIONSHIP! It was a hit with the PCs and it woke me up quite a bit after being about 18 hours into the module at this point, including our breaks.

Daruthek's lair: I really can't be fair to this - we rolled up on this at about 19 hours in and the players could have bodied every encounter in here without much issue. Daruthek is really cool as a villain, but I felt like the encounter lacked a bit of oomph. That may have just been the tired talking at that point, though.

Great module. Don't do it in one sitting like me.

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Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
Nick O'Connell wrote:
What are the new monsters?

Eaisge (a medium aquatic undead)


Mamiwa (a tiny air/water elemental creature usable as an improved familiar)

David knott 242 wrote:
Nick O'Connell wrote:
What are the new monsters?

Eaisge (a medium aquatic undead)


Mamiwa (a tiny air/water elemental creature usable as an improved familiar)


Dark Archive

Some details on the settlement "Pridon's Heath" would be much appreciated.

If it is sanctioned, will the pdf come with chronicle sheets? Will the hard copy?

Paizo Employee Pathfinder Society Lead Developer

TriShadow wrote:
If it is sanctioned, will the pdf come with chronicle sheets? Will the hard copy?

When it is sanctioned, the Chronicle sheet download will be separate. Typically we provide a link to that file from the product page and the Additional Resources page.

Thank you sir!

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

my copy came through with chapter 3 printed twice :( not had a chance to check it against the pdf yet, to see if i am missing anything as a result.

anyone else had this?

How long does it usually take to sanction a new module? I love running them and have a PFS group that like to play them!

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
Apoca6 wrote:

my copy came through with chapter 3 printed twice :( not had a chance to check it against the pdf yet, to see if i am missing anything as a result.

anyone else had this?

Did you check the page numbers? If anything is missing from your book, there will be missing page numbers. The last page number before the OGL should be page 63.

Sovereign Court

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

Seems like a good mod. We've seen the plot before - locals are trying to drive off colonists, PCs can fight the locals or try to make peace.

But it has a hexploration map!!!! Great coastal/jungle/river area, nothing like the Kingmaker maps. I would LOVE it if Paizo would put out a hexploration map pack some day - desert, mountain, forest, coastal w/ islands. But until then, I think this map is going to get reused several times.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

So people who have gotten this, what it is like?

I really want to get it for lizardfolks and hexploration map it apparently has, but I don't really get chances to run stuff outside PFS much and I don't have that much money to get stuff I might not use for months :'D

Liberty's Edge

Vahanian 89 wrote:
How long does it usually take to sanction a new module? I love running them and have a PFS group that like to play them!

They're behind on the sanctioning for modules and adventure paths. There's three modules in front of this one waiting to be sanctioning.

Sovereign Court

The backstory to this one is full of complexity and potential red herrings. I like it but think I may have to re-read a lot before running this.

I really, really like the set-up for this one, but the resolution leaves me a little flat for some reason. Haven't figured out why yet; I just know I love it all up until the final location, and then I'm meh.


So there appears to be something missing from the module.

Event 3:
Development: The PCs earn the XP for saving Maso Pareto (as listed in Event 3) by saving Delour.

But there is no XP listed in Event 3 that I can see.

If Delour has a CR, that would be an estimate for reward typicaly

Joana wrote:
I really, really like the set-up for this one, but the resolution leaves me a little flat for some reason. Haven't figured out why yet; I just know I love it all up until the final location, and then I'm meh.

I agree with this statement. I would rate the whole thing as excellent until the party gets to the lower level of the Temple and it just seemed pretty blah. I think running into weak cultists over and over had a big part too do with it. If I ran this in a home game (not PFS), I would add something that could dish out more damage in the final encounter. Maybe a couple of strengthened cultists.

Paizo Employee Contributor—Canadian Maplecakes

roysier wrote:
Joana wrote:
I really, really like the set-up for this one, but the resolution leaves me a little flat for some reason. Haven't figured out why yet; I just know I love it all up until the final location, and then I'm meh.
I agree with this statement. I would rate the whole thing as excellent until the party gets to the lower level of the Temple and it just seemed pretty blah. I think running into weak cultists over and over had a big part too do with it. If I ran this in a home game (not PFS), I would add something that could dish out more damage in the final encounter. Maybe a couple of strengthened cultists.

Some thoughts...

I admit, when writing the final encounter, I figured that the high AC of the BBEG would be WAY more of a nuisance than it likely is. By this point in the PCs career, they should have a hard time hitting a flying target with such a high AC. Of course, there's tons of ways of getting around mobility / AC in this respect, so increased damage might have been the way to go.

The same goes for the rest of the temple's interior. I included a lot of variety creatures (slush cube, wraith, inquisitor) that I thought would throw PCs for a loop; especially if resting wasn't readily available. One of those 'needs to be reasonable for non-optimized groups' problems that makes designing encounters using the CR system a lot more difficult than it might appear.

Regardless, thanks for the feedback on this. I'll endeavor to make future climactic encounters include a bit more 'oomph' to the damage potential of foes! :)


The Slush cube encounter was great. But after that it seemed it seemed to drag down. The party did get a chuckle out of the Ice creature in the area of the dungeon it was placed.

I'm still not sure how the cultists got past the ghouls on the lower level or how they got downstairs at all when one of the keys to get downstairs was in a unused area upstairs.

My players asked me how did the storm callers get downstairs without unlocking the door and I just said they got down another way. (even though I did not know what the other way was.)

The high AC and healing abilities in the final encounter made it drag on too long for our group. But it could be that we just played the entire module over 3 consecutive days and we were just tired with little patience at the end.

The rest of the module was great, I really enjoyed all the personalities in Pridon's hearth. And there were lots of unique encounters and areas throughout

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

So uh, I like this module and am currently running it(having second session today), buuuut I feel like some stuff are just missing and I only now realized I could ask about it here ._.

Like, Oyin's quest doesn't have any exp listed for it, so I assume you aren't supposed to be given exp for it since Handy Haversack is a reward itself for pretty much doing nothing(you don't really need effort for that one.

But thing I'm more bothered about is the Reszavass encounter... I mean, its told she is on top of flood barricade, but there isn't any info on how tall those are or map for encounter. So basically I have to make up how high they are since I have no clue how high makeshift barricades for floods are :p

Dark Archive

FYI played this at a con PFS sanctioned. We played six five hour slots and still only got as far as the first combat on the lower level (the ice room). The adventure quickly got difficult as some of us started at 1st level and the level bumps did not go fast enough for us, the further we got the harder it got. We started with 7 players, and one player (bard) had to leave after part 1. Then lost a PC permanently though death midway through part 2 and he decided not to continue with a new guy. We had an unbalanced party, three fighters, cleric, oracle/sorc(enchanter), swashbuckler/paladin/oracle. We were hurt having no rogue, wizard or druid with us. The number of skill points we had between us was likely pathetic. We had a number of quests we skipped as well, I could have seen this go another four slots (if we survived that long). My experience with multi-slot mods at cons has been finishing early in the past, but there is a lot more content in this one. If you are playing it PFS style I would recommend using a lvl 2 player to start so he is at least 4th going into the final part. Also make sure not to dally or you will not get to the end.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Huh, well, tomorrow we're going to start this with only 3 PCs. It's my son and his friend playing while our other Giantslayer player is out for a month.

They get 25 points, 3 traits, max gold, and an extra skill point per level. I'm also giving them a wand of CLW. I'm recommending no core classes, and all should have some magic ability. I'm playing the third, likely the "fill the gap" character. My guess is warpriest, magus, and maybe an investigator that I'll play.

I've written up my notes for the first chapter (mostly) and only one event stands out as problematic, IMO. I guess we'll see.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

We ended up with a magus (bladebound, hexcrafter), hunter, and an investigator (empiricist, played by me). I managed to get my investigator killed in Fort Breakthrough by the

spider swarm joy - we spent our ability to damage it and the investigator got munched
. I replaced him with a bard (detective) and we added a new player, a witch.

Even with the overpowered team we now have with 4 players (25 pt. builds, 3 traits, +2 skill points per level), it's still not a cakewalk. Based on comments above, I'm screwing with the final BBEGs (advancing, extra class levels, etc.) which should make it interesting.

So far, we've been enjoying this a lot, though due to spring break, we aren't playing this week or next (the players are my son and a couple of his friends).

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

How about a map suggestion for the Reszavass fight please. Or a better description of the area and I'll try to brew one up. What does the barricade look like? What are they barricading from? Wood won't stop water but the elementals are angry about blocking up the river flow? Dikes aren't made of wood. A wind break? Still doesn't effect the river flow to anger elementals. Thurston?

Paizo Employee Canadian Maplecakes

1 person marked this as a favorite.
jonesy076 wrote:
How about a map suggestion for the Reszavass fight please. Or a better description of the area and I'll try to brew one up. What does the barricade look like? What are they barricading from? Wood won't stop water but the elementals are angry about blocking up the river flow? Dikes aren't made of wood. A wind break? Still doesn't effect the river flow to anger elementals. Thurston?

My original turnover included a small map intended to be a tactical flip-map for this very encounter. It ended up getting cut (rightfully so) because we were able to fit in the exploration map and a shot of Pridon's Hearth, that turned out to be pretty amazing. Honestly, I'm always a fan of getting more regional/macro level maps in my poster maps, but I can understand the confusion around running these encounters sans-map.

For what it's worth, the encounter map I'd done up took place between the back of two buildings, with a hodgepodge heap of carriages/barrels/carts being used as temporary break against the water from the rising storm. The citizens never encountered a storm of this intensity, so this was their best solution. There were some also stone formations alongside these.

Hopefully that historical tidbit helps! Honestly, I'd just run this on a map that makes sense and is appropriate to your PCs strengths. :)

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

thank you!

Grand Lodge

Part 1 Question:
In Fort Breaththrough, there's a haunt the PCs have to deal with, but there's no mention of the DC. It says the spell's murderous command, so I'm guessing it's Will DC 11, and it's just not mentioned. I wouldn't think it's automatically effective and you take the damage.

Liberty's Edge

Got the same question. Haunts have a DC equal to the Spell, with the lowest Caster Level able to cast it, unless the description says otherwise. so yes, DC 11.

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